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The Bacteriophages

by . Stephen Abedon

This authoritative, timely, and comprehensively referenced compendium on the bacteriophages explores current views of how viruses infect bacteria. In combination with classical phage molecular genetics, new structural, genomic, and single-molecule technologies have rendered an explosion in our knowledge of phages. Bacteriophages, the most abundant and genetically diverse type of organism in the biosphere, were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century and enjoyed decades of used as anti-bacterial agents before being eclipsed by the antibiotic era. Since 1988, phages have come back into the spotlight as major factors in pathogenesis, bacterial evolution, and ecology. This book reveals their compelling elegence of function and their almost inconceivable diversity. Much of the founding work in molecular biology and structural biology was done on bacteriophages. These are widely used in molecular biology research and in biotechnology, as probes and markers, and in the popular method of assesing gene expression.

Bacteriophages as Drivers of Evolution: An Evolutionary Ecological Perspective

by Stephen T. Abedon

This monograph emphasizes the many facets of bacterial evolution as impacted by bacterial interactions with phages, as well as, to a lesser degree, the evolutionary impact of phages on other organisms, including other phages. The book starts with a general overview of bacteriophages. Topics discussed in detail include but are not limited to mutagenesis, migration, natural selection and genetic drift as the drivers of evolution as well as an extensive discussion from the author’s unique perspective on phage ecology.

Printed Resonant Periodic Structures and Their Applications

by Mahesh Abegaonkar Lalithendra Kurra Shiban Kishen Koul

This book is a reference for researchers who want to learn about resonant periodic structures for applications in microstrip circuits. The readers can learn simple methods to analyze these structures using commercially available software and equivalent circuit modelling. The application examples demonstrated in the book will open up new research ideas in this field.

Sharkpedia: A Brief Compendium of Shark Lore (Pedia Bks. #13)

by Daniel Abel

A fun, pocket-size A–Z treasury about sharks, featuring fascinating, little-known facts and captivating illustrationsSharkpedia is an entertaining and enlightening celebration of sharks featuring close to 100 entries, based on the latest knowledge and enriched by original illustrations. Avoiding tired factoids, shark authority Daniel Abel gives new bite to essential information about sharks, including their adaptations as top predators, 450-million-year evolution, behavioral complexity, ecological importance, existential threats, and often sensationalized appearances in popular culture, from Jaws to Shark Week.The notion that sharks are insatiable killing machines is a toothless myth—yet the fear of shark attacks still holds on to many people like a set of locked jaws. Sharkpedia reveals that sharks are much less to be feared—and much more interesting, complicated, and important—than many realize. Filled with compelling stories, Sharkpedia debunks shark myths (for example, that sharks are large and coastal when in fact most are small and inhabit the deep sea), describes their lives (where and how long they live, how many offspring they have, what they eat, and how their bodies function), introduces a variety of iconic and obscure species (such as the Happy Eddie Shyshark), explores our love/hate relationship with sharks, and much more.With charming drawings by leading shark artist Marc Dando, Sharkpedia is a scientific and cultural treasure trove that will leave you with new insights about these remarkable animals. Dive in!Features a cloth cover with an elaborate foil-stamped design

Sharkpedia: A Brief Compendium of Shark Lore (Pedia Bks. #13)

by Daniel Abel

A fun, pocket-size A–Z treasury about sharks, featuring fascinating, little-known facts and captivating illustrationsSharkpedia is an entertaining and enlightening celebration of sharks featuring close to 100 entries, based on the latest knowledge and enriched by original illustrations. Avoiding tired factoids, shark authority Daniel Abel gives new bite to essential information about sharks, including their adaptations as top predators, 450-million-year evolution, behavioral complexity, ecological importance, existential threats, and often sensationalized appearances in popular culture, from Jaws to Shark Week.The notion that sharks are insatiable killing machines is a toothless myth—yet the fear of shark attacks still holds on to many people like a set of locked jaws. Sharkpedia reveals that sharks are much less to be feared—and much more interesting, complicated, and important—than many realize. Filled with compelling stories, Sharkpedia debunks shark myths (for example, that sharks are large and coastal when in fact most are small and inhabit the deep sea), describes their lives (where and how long they live, how many offspring they have, what they eat, and how their bodies function), introduces a variety of iconic and obscure species (such as the Happy Eddie Shyshark), explores our love/hate relationship with sharks, and much more.With charming drawings by leading shark artist Marc Dando, Sharkpedia is a scientific and cultural treasure trove that will leave you with new insights about these remarkable animals. Dive in!Features a cloth cover with an elaborate foil-stamped design

The Lives of Sharks: A Natural History of Shark Life (The Lives of the Natural World #7)

by Daniel C. Abel Dr. R. Dean Grubbs

A richly illustrated and comprehensive introduction to the world’s sharksSharks are the top predators in many marine ecosystems. But tales of the killer instincts and fearsomely sharp senses of these hunters can obscure their full life histories. In fact, sharks are characterful, exhibit surprisingly complex behaviors, and lead secretive lives full of interest in every type of marine habitat. The Lives of Sharks is a fascinating and beautifully illustrated guide to these iconic marine creatures from two world-renowned experts. This book explores shark physiology, anatomy, behavior, ecology, and evolution, as well as conservation and the impact of human activity on shark populations. With stunning photographs and illustrations, as well as profiles of selected species, this is a comprehensive, authoritative, and inviting introduction to global shark life today.

Shark Biology and Conservation: Essentials for Educators, Students, and Enthusiasts

by Daniel C. Abel R. Dean Grubbs

Studies of shark biology have flourished over the last several decades. An explosion of new research methods is leading to a fascinating era of oceanic discovery. Shark Biology and Conservation is an up-to-date, comprehensive overview of the diversity, evolution, ecology, behavior, physiology, anatomy, and conservation of sharks. Written in a style that is detailed but not intimidating by world-renowned shark specialists Dan Abel and Dean Grubbs, it relays numerous stories and insights from their exciting experiences in the field. While explaining scientific concepts in terms that non-specialists and students can understand, Abel and Grubbs reveal secrets that will illuminate even the experts. The text provides readers with a robust and wide range of essential knowledge as it• introduces emerging as well as traditional techniques for classifying sharks, understanding their behavior, and unraveling the mysteries of their evolution;• draws on both established shark science and the latest breakthroughs in the field, from molecular approaches to tracking technologies;• highlights the often-neglected yet fascinating subject of shark physiology, including heart function, sensory biology, digestion, metabolic performance, and reproduction;• addresses big picture ecological questions like "Which habitats do sharks prefer?" and "Where do sharks migrate and for what purpose?";• describes the astonishing diversity of sharks' adaptations to their environment;• discusses which shark conservation techniques do and don't work; and• comments on the use and misuse of science in the study of sharks.Enhanced by hundreds of original color photographs and beautifully detailed line drawings, Shark Biology and Conservation will appeal to anyone who is spellbound by this wondrous, ecologically important, and threatened group, including marine biologists, wildlife educators, students, and shark enthusiasts.

Petri-Netze für Ingenieure: Modellbildung und Analyse diskret gesteuerter Systeme

by Dirk Abel

Die Analyse diskret gesteuerter Systeme beschränkt sich bisher auf die Möglichkeiten der Simulation; für zeitlich parallele, nebenläufige Prozesse benötigt man als weiteres, leistungsfähiges Instrument die Petri-Netze. Das Buch führt in die Theorie ein, soweit dies für den Anwender erforderlich ist, beschreibt die Möglichkeiten und zeigt die Anwendung sowohl mit Hilfe graphentheoretischer als auch algebraischer Methoden.

Integration von Advanced Control in der Prozessindustrie: Rapid Control Prototyping

by Dirk Abel Ulrich Epple Gerd-Ulrich Spohr

Das erste Buch, das Rapid Control Prototyping zur zeitnahen und effizienten Umsetzung von Steuerungsverfahren fur verfahrenstechnische Anlagen beschreibt Aufgrund zunehmender Komplexitat verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse und steigender Qualitats-, Umwelt- und Rentabilitatsanforderungen kommt dem Einsatz intelligenter Verfahren der Automatisierungs- und Leittechnik eine standig wachsende Bedeutung zu. Unter den Verfahren des Advanced Control, d.h. den hoheren Regelungsmethoden, haben sich dabei insbesondere modellgestutzte pradiktive Regelungen in der Praxis bestens bewahrt. Die praktische Umsetzung, mit leittechnischen Methoden in die betrieblich Prozessebene vorzudringen, wird detailliert und anschaulich beschrieben. Durch den Einsatz des Rapid Control Prototyping wird es moglich, Verfahren des Advanced Control aus der Simulations- und Entwicklungsumgebung heraus schnell, kostengunstig und zuverlassig in den betrieblichen Einsatz zu bringen. Damit wird ein ein wesentlicher Beitrag zur Effizienz und Qualitatssicherung beim Systementwurf geleistet. Ein wesentlicher Aspekt ist die vollstandige und sichere Integration von Verfahren des Advanced Control in das Prozessleitsystem SIMATIC PCS7 auf der Feldebene Geeignete Einsatzgebiete sind nahezu alle Industriezweige - von der chemischen, pharmazeutischen, biotechnologischen Industrie bis zur Kunstoffindustrie.

The Inevitable Hour: A History of Caring for Dying Patients in America

by Emily K. Abel

At the turn of the twentieth century, medicine’s imperative to cure disease increasingly took priority over the demand to relieve pain and suffering at the end of life. Filled with heartbreaking stories, The Inevitable Hour demonstrates that professional attention and resources gradually were diverted from dying patients. Emily K. Abel challenges three myths about health care and dying in America. First, that medicine has always sought authority over death and dying; second, that medicine superseded the role of families and spirituality at the end of life; and finally, that only with the advent of the high-tech hospital did an institutional death become dehumanized. Abel shows that hospitals resisted accepting dying patients and often worked hard to move them elsewhere. Poor, terminally ill patients, for example, were shipped from Bellevue Hospital in open boats across the East River to Blackwell’s Island, where they died in hovels, mostly without medical care. Some terminal patients were not forced to leave, yet long before the advent of feeding tubes and respirators, dying in a hospital was a profoundly dehumanizing experience.With technological advances, passage of the Social Security Act, and enactment of Medicare and Medicaid, almshouses slowly disappeared and conditions for dying patients improved—though, as Abel argues, the prejudices and approaches of the past are still with us. The problems that plagued nineteenth-century almshouses can be found in many nursing homes today, where residents often receive substandard treatment. A frank portrayal of the medical care of dying people past and present, The Inevitable Hour helps to explain why a movement to restore dignity to the dying arose in the early 1970s and why its goals have been so difficult to achieve.

Diffusion, Atomic Ordering, and Mass Transport: Selected Topics in Geochemistry (Advances in Physical Geochemistry #8)

by F. Abel W. L. Brown S. Chakraborty J. W. Downs S. C. Elphick J. Ganguly J. Goldsmith C. M. Graham O. Jaoul R. Joesten M. Kramer J. D. Kubicki A. C. Lasaga C. E. Lesher P. Lichtner M. Morioka H. Nagasawa I. Parsons C.R. II Ross V. Sautter K. Seifert D. Walker

One of the fundamental objectives of physical geochemistry is to understand the evolution of geochemical systems from microscopic to regional and global scales. At present there seems to be a general recognition of the fact that internal properties of minerals record important aspects of the evolutionary history of their host rocks which may be unraveled by very fine scale observations. A major focus in the development of geochemical research in the last thirty years has been the application of classical thermodynamics to reconstruct the conditions at which the states of quenched mineralogical properties of rocks have equilibrated during the course of their evolution. While these works have funda­ mentally influenced our understanding ofthe physico-chemical history ofrocks, in recent years petrologists, mineralogists, and geochemists have been making greater efforts towards the application of kinetic theories in order to develop a better appreciation of the temporal details of geochemical processes. The present volume brings together a variety of current research on transport in systems of geochemical interest from atomic to outcrop scales. A major theme is atomic migration or diffusion, and its various manifestations on microscopic and macroscopic scales. Transport in the solid state is controlled by diffusion and is responsible for the states of atomic ordering and relaxation of composi­ tional zoning in minerals, development of compositional zoning during cooling, exsolution lamellae, and creep.

Visual Lunar and Planetary Astronomy (The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series)

by Paul G. Abel

With the advent of CCDs and webcams, the focus of amateur astronomy has to some extent shifted from science to art. Visual work in astronomy has a rich history. Today, imaging is now more prominent. However there is still much for the visual amateur astronomer to do, and visual work is still a valid component of amateur astronomy. Paul Abel has been addressing this issue by promoting visual astronomy wherever possible – at talks to astronomical societies, in articles for popular science magazines, and on BBC TV’s The Sky at Night.Visual Lunar and Planetary Astronomy is a comprehensive modern treatment of visual lunar and planetary astronomy, showing that even in the age of space telescopes and interplanetary probes it is still possible to contribute scientifically with no more than a moderately-priced commercially made astronomical telescope.It is believed that imaging and photography is somehow more objective and more accurate than the eye, and this has led to a peculiar “crisis of faith” in the human visual system and its amazing processing power. But by analyzing observations from the past, we can see how accurate visual astronomy really is! Measuring the rotational period of Mars and making accurate lunar charts for American astronauts were all done by eye. The book includes sections on how the human visual system works, how to view an object through an eyepiece, and how to record observations and keep a scientific notebook. The book also looks at how to make an astronomical, rather than an artistic, drawing. Finally, everything here will also be of interest to those imagers who wish to make their images more scientifically applicable by combining the methods and practices of visual astronomy with imaging.

Methodik; Genetik der Gesamtperson: Zweiter Band

by W. Abel W. Enke Th. Fürst E. Hanhart T. Kemp S. Koller E. Kretschmer O. Kroh L. Loeffler H. Luxenburger M. v. Pfaundler J. Weninger

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.


by Wilhelm Abel

Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen aus dem Siemens-Konzern (Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen aus dem Siemens-Konzern)

by Rolf Hellmut Abeldorff Fritz Ahrberg Heinrich von Buol August Ebeling Viktor Engelhardt Walter Estorff Fritz Evers Robert Fellinger Hellmut Fischer Ludwig Fischer Adolf Franke Wilhelm Gaarz Hans Gerdien Andreas Gyemant Carl Haase Friedrich Heintzenberg

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Oxidative Stress in Aquatic Ecosystems

by Doris Abele Jose Pablo Vazquez-Medina Tania Zenteno-Savin

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are increasingly appreciated as down-stream effectors of cellular damage and dysfunction under natural and anthropogenic stress scenarios in aquatic systems. This comprehensive volume describes oxidative stress phenomena in different climatic zones and groups of organisms, taking into account specific habitat conditions and how they affect susceptibility to ROS damage. A comprehensive and detailed methods section is included which supplies complete protocols for analyzing ROS production, oxidative damage, and antioxidant systems. Methods are also evaluated with respect to applicability and constraints for different types of research. The authors are all internationally recognized experts in particular fields of oxidative stress research. This comprehensive reference volume is essential for students, researchers, and technicians in the field of ROS research, and also contains information useful for veterinarians, environmental health professionals, and decision makers.

Oxidative Stress in Aquatic Ecosystems

by Doris Abele Pablo Vázquez-Medina Tania Zenteno-Savín

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are increasingly appreciated as down-stream effectors of cellular damage and dysfunction under natural and anthropogenic stress scenarios in aquatic systems. This comprehensive volume describes oxidative stress phenomena in different climatic zones and groups of organisms, taking into account specific habitat conditions and how they affect susceptibility to ROS damage. A comprehensive and detailed methods section is included which supplies complete protocols for analyzing ROS production, oxidative damage, and antioxidant systems. Methods are also evaluated with respect to applicability and constraints for different types of research. The authors are all internationally recognized experts in particular fields of oxidative stress research. This comprehensive reference volume is essential for students, researchers, and technicians in the field of ROS research, and also contains information useful for veterinarians, environmental health professionals, and decision makers.

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