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Structural Complexity Management: An Approach for the Field of Product Design

by Udo Lindemann Maik Maurer Thomas Braun

Product design is characterized by a steady increase in complexity. The main focus of this book is a structural approach on complexity management. This means, system structures are considered in order to address the challenge of complexity in all aspects of product design. Structures arise from the complex dependencies of system elements. Thus, the identification of system structures provides access to the understanding of system behavior in practical applications. The book presents a methodology that enables the analysis, control and optimization of complex structures, and the applicability of domain-spanning problems. The methodology allows significant improvements on handling system complexity by creating improved system understanding on the one hand and optimizing product design that is robust for system adaptations on the other hand. Developers can thereby enhance project coordination and improve communication between team members and as a result shorten development time. The practical application of the methodology is described by means of two detailed examples.

Sai cosa mangi?: La scienza del cibo (I blu)

by Richard W Hartel AnnaKate Hartel

Cosa mangia l’America nell’era moderna? Probabilmente molte delle cose che mangeremo anche noi nel prossimo futuro. Ormai la dinamica dei flussi è chiara: l’hamburger e la Coca Cola sono solo i simboli di un modello di consumo che, con diverse sfaccettature, ha definitivamente contaminato la nostra cultura del cibo. Se per noi gli spaghetti sono intoccabili e la pizza continua a essere il più gettonato tra i fast food, è comunque vero che le giovani generazioni sentono irresistibile il richiamo del cibo made in USA. All’insegna dell’intercultura e del mercato globale, ci troveremo sempre di più a fare i conti con prodotti per noi alieni come i Marshmallow (le famose caramelle spugnose a forma di cilindretto), magari in versioni addomesticate per sposarsi meglio con il gusto mediterraneo. Del resto il Parmigiano Reggiano e lo Speck dell’Alto Adige negli hamburger di McDonald’s sono già una realtà ed è un dato di fatto che i banchi del supermercato si arricchiscano ogni giorno di nuove proposte sempre più tecnologiche. Le "patatine" che hanno l’aspetto e il sapore del bacon (senza averlo mai visto nemmeno da lontano) sono dei must dell’happy hour, così come prosegue il successo degli energy drink dal gusto dubbio e delle gomme americane (per l’appunto…) che frizzano. Pagina dopo pagina, questo libro ci introduce in un mondo diverso ma certamente affascinante, dove si scopre che il cibo può avere dimensioni e significati differenti da quelli che gli attribuiamo abitualmente. Oltre il piacere, oltre il nutrimento, diventa gioco, ricerca tecnologica, sfida scientifica, desiderio di stupire e di distinguersi… Arricchito da informazioni inattese e uno humour sorprendente, Sai cosa mangi? approfondisce in maniera dettagliata e avvincente non solo come la scienza è presente nei nostri pasti quotidiani, ma anche quali sono i principi scientifici sottostanti ai diversi alimenti che ogni giorno mangiamo.

Humanökologie: Fakten - Argumente - Ausblicke (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Wolfgang Nentwig

Mit dem Buch liefert der Autor nicht nur eine Bestandsaufnahme des Gebietes, sondern setzt Themen wie das Bevölkerungswachstum und die Veränderung der Umwelt in ihren historischen Zusammenhang. Er beschreibt Trends und systematisiert komplexe Wechselwirkungen. Dabei entwickelt er eigene Ideen und bezieht deutlich Stellung. Die 2. Auflage wurde komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Illustriert mit vielen Beispielen, Hintergrunddaten und vielen Abbildungen bieten die Kapitel - auch einzeln - eine spannende Lektüre.

The Chemistry and Technology of Cellulosic Copolymers (Polymers - Properties and Applications #4)

by A. Hebeish T. J. Guthrie

Many excellent volumes have been written on the chemistry of cellulose and its derivatives. Judging by the number of conferences which have been assembled to deal with the topic, cellulose and its derivatives continue to arouse great scientific interest. Matching this interest has been the development in copolymer science and technology. In both instances the driving force has been the search for products having useful, new or interesting properties. It appeared inevitable that these two concepts would be brought together at some time in the research and development of cellulosic copolymers. That time has arrived. In assembling this text our aim was to present an informative account of the chemistry and technology of cellulosic copolymers. As such, we intended that the contents be of interest to all those concerned with the production and use of cellulosic products whether in academic or industrial circles. Sections of the text should be of value in undergraduate and post-graduate teaching, provided the student is given guidance in following the text. The volume is divided into eight chapters, each dealing with factors which are relevant to an under­ standing of cellulosic copolymers. Each chapter carries its own bibliography and is reasonably self-contained.

Progress in Pacific Polymer Science: Proceedings of the First Pacific Polymer Conference Maui, Hawaii, USA, 12–15 December 1989

by Burton C. Anderson Yukio Imanishi

This book is a collection of the addresses of the keynote speakers and invited lecturers as well as manuscripts of a few outstanding papers which were delivered at the First Pacific Polymer Conference organized by the Pacific Polymer Federation in Maui, Hawaii, 12-15 December, 1989. The First Pacific Polymer Conference covered a wide variety of topics in macromolecular science, demonstrating the emphasis given to polymer research in the Pacific Rim countries. The keynote speakers and invited lecturers are excellent scientists and leaders of effort who covered their fields expertly and in many cases gave their own perspective on the future of polymer science and engineering. A panel discussion on the role of polymers in the arts interested the attendees and emphasized the pervasiveness of polymers in all facets of life. The meeting was attended by over 500 scientists from all over the world. The participants left the meeting with renewed feeling for the importance of polymers in the material sciences and impressed by the progress in polymer research and development. This book, therefore, provides a wide -angle snapshot of the polymer research as we enter the 1990's. It is a useful book for all scientists interested in polymers and the progress of our science in the countries of the Pacific Rim. We hope that many attendees were stimulated by the meeting and that new ideas and new collaborations will result which will further enrich research, and lead to new useful polymers for all countries.

Enzymes and Proteins from Thermophilic Microorganisms Structure and Function: Proceedings of the International Symposium Zürich, July 28 to August 1, 1975 (Experientia Supplementum #26)

by Zuber

LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 11 THERMOPHILIC HYDROLYTIC ENZYMES (PROTEINASES, AMYLASES) 17 Thermal Stability of Homologous Neutral Metalloendopeptidases in Thermo­ philic and Mesophilic Bacteria: Structural Considerations M. K. PANGBURN, P. L. LEVY, K. A. WALSH and H. NEURATH 19 The Structure and Stability of Thermolysin L. H. WEAVER, W. R. KESTER, K. F. TEN EYCK and B. W. MATTHEWS 31 Studies of the Inhibition of Thermolysin J. FEDER, N. AUFDERHEIDE and B. S. WILDI 41 Effect of EDTA on the Conformational Stability of Thermolysin A. FONTANA, E. BOCCU and F. M. VERONESE 55 Role of a Sulfhydryl Group in the Structure and Function of Alkaline Proteases from a Thermophilic Actinomycete K. MIZUSAWA and F. YOSHIDA 61 Partial Characterization of a Thermophilic Actinomycete Rennin S. LAXER, A. PINSKY and B. BARTOOV 67 Amylase Activity and Stability at High and Low Temperature Depending on Calcium and other Divalent Cations W. HEINEN and A. M. LAUWERS 77 Role of Calcium Ion in the Thermostability of a-Amylase Produced from Bacillus stearothermophilus K. YUTAN I 91 THERMOPHILIC DEHYDROGENASES 105 Thermophilic Glyceraldehyde-3-P Dehydrogenase R. E. AMELUNXEN and R. SINGLETON JR. 107 Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase from an Extreme Thermophile, Thermus aquaticus 121 J. D. HOCKING and J. I. HARRIS Thermal Properties of Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli A. FONTANA, C. GRANDI, E. BOCCU and F. M. VERONESE 135 Comparative Conformational Properties of Thermophilic and Mesophilic 6-Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase F. M. VERONESE, C. GRANDI, E. BOCCU and A.

Vibronic Interactions: Jahn-Teller Effect in Crystals and Molecules (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry #39)

by Michael D. Kaplan George O. Zimmerman

This book is based mostly on the reports presented at the XVth International lahn-Teller Symposium on Vibronic Interactions in Crystals and Molecules and NATO Advanced Research Workshop Colossal Magnetoresistance and Vibronic Interactions that took place at Boston on August 16-22 of the year 2000. This is the first time the Symposium took place in the USA where recently the giant splash of the attention to the 1 ahn-Teller effect occurred. This tremendous interest to the field all over the world is reflected not only in the numerous publications in many American and European 10urnals, but of the leading scientists from additionally in the Symposium's participation the well known Universities, National Laboratories and industrial companies, which was the largest in the history of the Symposium. The renaissance of the 1ahn-Teller physics is closely related to the three fundamental discoveries in science. The most significant among them is the discovery of high-Tc superconductivity by K. -A. Muller and G. Bednorz, for whom the "1ahn-Teller idea" was the motivation in their search. The result of this search is well known - a wide spectrum of the 1ahn-Teller ion based materials with Tc between 24K and 135K were found. The second discovery is the existence of a new polymorph of carbon - the C60. The microscopic analysis of all physical, chemical and biological properties of the buckyballs is based on 1ahn-Teller type of interactions. The third is colossal magnetoresistance.

Die Erdbeschreibung des Eudoxos von Knidos

by Friedrich Gisinger

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Nanotechnology: Assessment and Perspectives (Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment #27)

by Harald Brune Holger Ernst Armin Grunwald Werner Grünwald Heinrich Hofmann Harald Krug Peter Janich Marcel Mayor Wolfgang Rathgeber Günter Schmid Ulrich Simon Viola Vogel Daniel Wyrwa

The study tackles the subject in a new and unique way: Due to the fact that the borders between classical academic disciplines disappear at the nanoscale, a truly interdisciplinary approach is chosen. A functional definition of nanotechnology is developed by the authors as basis for the further sections of the study. The most important results enable recommendations with respect to scientific progress, industrial relevance, economic potential, educational needs, potential adverse health effects and philosophical aspects of nanotechnology. The book addresses the relevant decision levels, media, and academia.

Living in a Seasonal World: Thermoregulatory and Metabolic Adaptations

by Thomas Ruf, Claudia Bieber, Walter Arnold and Eva Millesi

This book summarises the newest information on seasonal adaptation in animals. Topics include animal hibernation, daily torpor, thermoregulation, heat production, metabolic depression, biochemical adaptations, neurophysiology and energy balance. The contributors to this book present interdisciplinary research at multiple levels ranging from the molecular to the ecophysiological, as well as evolutionary approaches. The chapters of this book provide original data not published elsewhere, which makes it the most up-to-date, comprehensive source of information on these fields. The book’s subchapters correspond to presentations given at the 14th International Hibernation Symposium in August 2012 in Austria. This is a very successful series of symposia (held every four years since 1959) that attracts leading researchers in the field. Like the past symposia, this meeting – and consequently the book – is aimed not only at hibernation but at covering the full range of animal adaptations to seasonal environments. For the next four years, this book will serve as the cutting-edge reference work for graduate students and scientists active in this field of physiology and ecology..

Complexity and Artificial Markets (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #614)

by Klaus Schredelseker Florian Hauser

In recent years, agent-based simulation has become a widely accepted tool when dealing with complexity in economics and other social sciences. The contributions presented in this book apply agent-based methods to derive results from complex models related to market mechanisms, evolution, decision making, and information economics. In addition, the applicability of agent-based methods to complex problems in economics is discussed from a methodological perspective. The papers presented in this collection combine approaches from economics, finance, computer science, natural sciences, philosophy, and cognitive sciences.

Problems of Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue: A Solution Guide

by E. E. Gdoutos C. A. Rodopoulos J. R. Yates

On Fracture Mechanics A major objective of engineering design is the determination of the geometry and dimensions of machine or structural elements and the selection of material in such a way that the elements perform their operating function in an efficient, safe and economic manner. For this reason the results of stress analysis are coupled with an appropriate failure criterion. Traditional failure criteria based on maximum stress, strain or energy density cannot adequately explain many structural failures that occurred at stress levels considerably lower than the ultimate strength of the material. On the other hand, experiments performed by Griffith in 1921 on glass fibers led to the conclusion that the strength of real materials is much smaller, typically by two orders of magnitude, than the theoretical strength. The discipline of fracture mechanics has been created in an effort to explain these phenomena. It is based on the realistic assumption that all materials contain crack-like defects from which failure initiates. Defects can exist in a material due to its composition, as second-phase particles, debonds in composites, etc. , they can be introduced into a structure during fabrication, as welds, or can be created during the service life of a component like fatigue, environment-assisted or creep cracks. Fracture mechanics studies the loading-bearing capacity of structures in the presence of initial defects. A dominant crack is usually assumed to exist.

Micro/Nanotribology and Its Applications (NATO Science Series E: #330)

by Bharat Bhushan

Micro/nanotribology as a field is concerned with experimental and theoretical investigations of processes ranging from atomic and molecular scales to the microscale, occurring during adhesion, friction, wear, and thin-film lubrication at sliding surfaces. As a field it is truly interdisciplinary, but this confronts the would-be entrant with the difficulty of becoming familiar with the basic theories and applications: the area is not covered in any undergraduate or graduate scientific curriculum. The present work commences with a history of tribology and micro/nanotribology, followed by discussions of instrumentation, basic theories of friction, wear and lubrication on nano- to microscales, and their industrial applications. A variety of research instruments are covered, including a variety of scanning probe microscopes and surface force apparatus. Experimental research and modelling are expertly dealt with, the emphasis throughout being applied aspects.

Maschinenelemente: Leitfaden zur Berechnung und Konstruktion für technische Mittelschulen, Gewerbe- und Werkmeisterschulen sowie zum Gebrauche in der Praxis

by Hugo Krause

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Rechenzentrums-Sicherheit: Sicherheitstechnische Beurteilung, Maßnahmen gegen Gefährdungen

by Wolfgang J. Friedl

Wie sicher sind EDV-Anlagen, beispielsweise bei Sabotage oder Katastrophen? Das Buch liefert die technischen und organisatorischen Grundlagen für die Sicherheitsanalyse und die Konzeption von Schutzmaßnahmen. Der Autor, ein erfahrener Sicherheitsingenieur und -berater, stellt Beurteilungskriterien, wirtschaftliche und versicherungstechische Aspekte sowie Wege zur Problemlösung praxisbezogen dar.

Kabinett physikalischer Raritäten: Eine Anthologie zum Mit-, Nach- u. Weiterdenken (Facetten der Physik #1)

by Robert L. Weber Eric Mendoza

Bedauerlicherweise scheint es heutzutage notwendig, die Wissenschaftler vor ihren unattraktiven Klischees und Karikaturen zu retten, mit denen man sie identifiziert. Phy­ sik, die grundlegende Wissenschaft, scheint am meisten einer Humanisierung zu bedürfen. Altere physikalische Theorien erweckten den Anschein, daß die Physik von einer Ge­ wißheit zur nächsten fortschreitet, indem wesentliche, entscheidende Experimente durchgeführt und eindeutig interpretiert werden. Dies schuf den Eindruck, daß die Phy­ siker selbst dem Zweifel keinen Raum lassen, daß sie keine Emotionen und keine Zeit zum Lachen haben - kurz, daß sie unmenschlich sind. Viel zum Mißverständnis des Wissenschaftlers und seiner Arbeitsweise trägt das übliche Erscheinungsbild von Artikeln in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften bei. Mit ihren knappen Berichten von erfolgreichen Experimenten und wohlbegründeten Schlußfolge­ rungen zeigen sie wenig von der unsystematischen Weise der Forschung an den Grenzen des Wissens. Als eine Antwort darauf hat sich eine spöttische, gelegentlich zynische, selbstkritische Haltung bei Wissenschaftlern entwickelt, sozusagen eine Subkultur, die geographische und politische Schranken überschreitet. Experimentatoren spotten über die Nutzlosigkeit von Theoretikern, Glossare entlarven die wahre Bedeutung von oft ge­ droschenen Phrasen, der korrumpierende Effekt der Riesensummen an Geld wird deut­ lich, die sich auf die öffentlichen Forschungslabors ergießen, dies alles kann man in Arti­ keln aus Rußland oder Amerika, Großbritannien oder dem europäischen Kontinent finden.

Endocytosis: From Cell Biology to Health, Disease and Therapy (Nato ASI Subseries H: #62)

by A. Dautry-Varsat J. Gruenberg L. Mata M. Marsh A. Ryter B. Van Deurs

(Director: Pierre J. COURTOY) Two years after its first gathering in Oeiras, Portugal, the European Endocytosis Group convened for a second workshop at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, on October 1-5, 1990. The meeting is reported in detail in this volume; a preliminary coverage, based on the overviews of each session, has appeared in the New Biologist (1991, 3:243-252). The three main objectives, to broaden the audience, to present a more comprehensive view of the multiple aspects of endocytosis, from basic biology to health, disease and therapy, as well as to clarify controversial issues, have been largely fulfilled. The Second European Workshop on Endocytosis was attended by more than tOO participants, originating from 18 countries. 59 lectures and 35 posters were presented. In addition, vivi~ roundtables allowed to thoroughly discuss the dynamics and the regulation of the endocytic apparatus, as well as the role of endocytosis in antigen presentation. Endocytosis is a general and distinctive property of all eukaryotic cells, including protists, plants and fungi.

Mesoscopic Electron Transport (NATO Science Series E: #345)

by Lydia L. Sohn Leo P. Kouwenhoven Gerd Schön

Ongoing developments in nanofabrication technology and the availability of novel materials have led to the emergence and evolution of new topics for mesoscopic research, including scanning-tunnelling microscopic studies of few-atom metallic clusters, discrete energy level spectroscopy, the prediction of Kondo-type physics in the transport properties of quantum dots, time dependent effects, and the properties of interacting systems, e.g. of Luttinger liquids. The overall understanding of each of these areas is still incomplete; nevertheless, with the foundations laid by studies in the more traditional systems there is no doubt that these new areas will advance mesoscopic electron transport to a new phenomenological level, both experimentally and theoretically. Mesoscopic Electron Transport highlights selected areas in the field, provides a comprehensive review of such systems, and also serves as an introduction to the new and developing areas of mesoscopic electron transport.

Renal Cell Cancer: Diagnosis and Therapy

by Jean J. M. C. H. Rosette Cora N. Sternberg Hein P. Van Poppel

This book is a state-of-the-art reference work covering every aspect of the field of renal cell cancer, from diagnostics to clinical management. It provides an overview of new information concerning epidemiology, molecular and immunologic characteristics, as well as surgical therapy. Particular focus is given to the latest diagnostic tests and genetic counseling. Associated topics such as pain management and palliative care are also covered. It is a vital reference tool for urologists, oncologists and radiologists alike, being the most comprehensive volume available on the subject.

Hilfsbuch für Wärme- und Kälteschutz

by Andreas Andersen

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

The Practice of Peptide Synthesis (Springer Lab Manuals)

by Miklos Bodanszky Agnes Bodanszky

During the years 1980-81, as guests of the Deutsches Wollforschungsinstitut in Aachen, Germany, we were working on a small book entitled, "Principles of Peptide Synthesis". In the library of the Institute we noted that the volumes of Houben-Weyl's Handbuch der Organischen Chemie dealing with peptide synthesis were so much in use that they were ready to fall apart because the researchers of the Institute consulted them with amazing regularity. They were looking for references, but even more for experimental details which could be adapted to the particular problem they happened to face. In planning a new synthetic endeavor they tried to lean on the experience of others in analogous situations. This suggested to us that a smaller and hence more tractable book may be needed, a volume which can be kept on or near the bench to make examples of fundamental methods readily available in the laboratory. Such a collection could save numerous short trips to the library, a point particularly important where a library well equipped with the sources of the literature of peptide synthesis is not near at hand. Also, we thought that the envisaged book may be welcome by those who are more versed in English than in German. To the best of our knowledge no similar publication is available.

Gott ist mein Lied!: Rhythmische Choräle und geistliche Volkslieder für Kurrendechöre, Oberklassen von Volks- und Mittelschulen, für Lyzeen und Frauenchor-Vereine dreistimmig

by Gustav Hecht

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Rheology Essentials of Cosmetic and Food Emulsions (Springer Laboratory)

by Rüdiger Brummer

Cosmetic emulsions exist today in many forms for a wide variety of applications, including face and hand creams for normal, dry or oily skin, body milks and lotions, as well as sun-block products. Keeping track of them and their properties is not always easy despite informative product names or partial names (e.g. hand or face cream) that clearly indicate their use and properties. This practical manual provides a detailed overview that describes the key properties and explains how to measure them using modern techniques. Written by an expert in flows and flow properties, it focuses on the application of rheological (flow) measurements to cosmetic and food emulsions and the correlation of these results with findings from other tests. Beginning with a brief history of rheology and some fundamental principles, the manual describes in detail the use of modern viscometers and rheometers, including concise explanations of the different available instruments. But the focus remains on practical everyday lab procedures: how to characterize cosmetic and food emulsions with different rheological tests such as temperature, time, stress and strain, both static and dynamic. Also the critical topic of how the results correlate with other important product characteristics, for instance, skin sensation, pumping performance, stability etc. is carefully explored. Many pictures, illustrations, graphs and tables help readers new to the measurement of cosmetic emulsions in their daily work as well as to the more experienced who seek additional special tips and tricks.

Coherent Semiconductor Optics: From Basic Concepts to Nanostructure Applications

by Torsten Meier Peter Thomas Stephan W. Koch

This book introduces the basic theoretical concepts required for the analysis of the optical response of semiconductor systems in the coherent regime. It is the most instructive textbook on the theory and optical effects of semiconductors. The entire presentation is based on a one-dimensional tight-binding model. Starting with discrete-level systems, increasing complexity is added gradually to the model by including band-structure and many-particle interaction. Various linear and nonlinear optical spectra and temporal phenomena are studied. The analysis of many-body effects in nonlinear optical phenomena covers a major part of the book.

Fifteenth International Seaweed Symposium: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Seaweed Symposium held in Valdivia, Chile, in January 1995 (Developments in Hydrobiology #116)

by Sandra C. Lindstrom David J. Chapman

This volume provides a selection of the most significant papers presented at the 15th International Seaweed Symposium in Valdivia, Chile, in January 1995. Plenary lectures featured seaweed research and utilization in Chile by Bernabé Santelices, ethnobotany of seaweeds by Isabella Abbott, host-virus interactions in marine brown algae by Dieter Müller, DNA analysis methods for recognizing species invasion by Annette Coleman, and recent developments in manufacturing and marketing carrageenan by Harris Bixler. Other highlights include sections on integrated aquaculture using seaweeds and marine invertebrates or fishes and on diseases in seaweeds. The remaining papers cover recent advances in floristics and systematics, population studies, pollution, cultivation, economics, physiology, biochemistry, cell biology, and chemistry and chemical composition of seaweeds, particularly species of Gracilariales, Gigartinales, Gelidiales, Laminariales and Fucales.

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