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Fifteenth International Seaweed Symposium: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Seaweed Symposium held in Valdivia, Chile, in January 1995 (Developments in Hydrobiology #116)

by Sandra C. Lindstrom David J. Chapman

This volume provides a selection of the most significant papers presented at the 15th International Seaweed Symposium in Valdivia, Chile, in January 1995. Plenary lectures featured seaweed research and utilization in Chile by Bernabé Santelices, ethnobotany of seaweeds by Isabella Abbott, host-virus interactions in marine brown algae by Dieter Müller, DNA analysis methods for recognizing species invasion by Annette Coleman, and recent developments in manufacturing and marketing carrageenan by Harris Bixler. Other highlights include sections on integrated aquaculture using seaweeds and marine invertebrates or fishes and on diseases in seaweeds. The remaining papers cover recent advances in floristics and systematics, population studies, pollution, cultivation, economics, physiology, biochemistry, cell biology, and chemistry and chemical composition of seaweeds, particularly species of Gracilariales, Gigartinales, Gelidiales, Laminariales and Fucales.

Development of Plant-Based Medicines: Conservation, Efficacy and Safety

by Praveen K. Saxena

The `plant' is often the most neglected part of plant-based medicine. Throughout time, humans have searched, collected, and effectively used plants for healing. Currently, the medicinal plant-based business is flourishing at a dramatic pace and at the expense of an already declining population of plant species, many of which are on the verge of extinction. In spite of this history and popularity, the mystery of what transforms a plant into a medicinal plant persists, and there are chronic problems with ensuring the safety and efficacy of medicinal plant products. Therefore, there is a real need for a full characterization of medicinal plant species and for the development and application of novel technologies for the production of plant-based medicines. This book highlights some of the recent advances and new approaches to the development of technologies for plant-based medicines and is intended to stimulate new discussions among researchers, regulatory authorities, and pharmaceutical organizations, leading to significant advancements in the field.

Dynamics of Natural and Artificial Celestial Bodies: Proceedings of the US/European Celestial Mechanics Workshop, held in Poznań, Poland, 3–7 July 2000

by Halina Pretka-Ziomek Edwin Wnuk P. Kenneth Seidelmann David Richardson

This volume contains papers presented at the US/European Celestial Mecha­ nics Workshop organized by the Astronomical Observatory of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland and held in Poznan, from 3 to 7 July 2000. The purpose of the workshop was to identify future research in celestial mech­ anics and encourage collaboration among scientists from eastem and westem coun­ tries. There was a full program of invited and contributed presentations on selected subjects and each day ended with a discussion period on a general subject in celestial mechanics. The discussion topics and the leaders were: Resonances and Chaos-A. Morbidelli; Artificial Satellite Orbits-K. T. Alfriend; Near Earth Ob­ jects - K. Muinonen; Small Solar System Bodies - I. Williams; and Summary - P. K. Seidelmann. The goal of the discussions was to identify what we did not know and how we might further our knowledge. The size of the meeting and the language differences somewhat limited the real discussion, but, due to the excellence of the different discussion leaders, each of these sessions was very interesting and productive. Celestial Mechanics and Astrometry are both small fields within the general subject of Astronomy. There is also an overlap and relationship between these fields and Astrodynamics. The amount of interaction depends on the interest and efforts of individual scientists.

Die deutsche Volksernährung und der englische Aushungerungsplan: Eine Denkschrift

by Paul Eltzbacher Paul Eltzbacher

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

To Infinity and Beyond: A Cultural History of the Infinite - New Edition (Princeton Science Library #54)

by Eli Maor

To Infinity and Beyond explores the idea of infinity in mathematics and art. Eli Maor examines the role of infinity, as well as its cultural impact on the arts and sciences. He evokes the profound intellectual impact the infinite has exercised on the human mind--from the "horror infiniti" of the Greeks to the works of M. C. Escher; from the ornamental designs of the Moslems, to the sage Giordano Bruno, whose belief in an infinite universe led to his death at the hands of the Inquisition. But above all, the book describes the mathematician's fascination with infinity--a fascination mingled with puzzlement.

Einführung in die Technische Mechanik: Kinetik (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Herbert Balke

Das Buch behandelt die Kinematik des Punktes und des starren Körpers. Die Stoffauswahl ist an den zu lösenden Aufgaben für die Berechnung allgemeiner Bewegungen von Körpern unter der Wirkung von Kräften und Momenten ausgerichtet und wird anhand von Beispielen und vollständigen Lösungen vermittelt. In der Darstellung betont der Autor die gemeinsamen Grundlagen von Statik, Festigkeitslehre und Kinetik. Der Band erscheint in der 3., korrigierten Auflage und ist die Fortsetzung des Werks „Einführung in die Technische Mechanik/Statik“ desselben Autors.

Ab Initio Calculations of Conformational Effects on 13C NMR Spectra of Amorphous Polymers (NMR Basic Principles and Progress #35)

by R. Born H.W. Spiess

In NMR, it is well-known that the chemical shift conveys structural informa­ tion, e. g. a carbonyl carbon will have a resonance frequency appreciably dif­ ferent from a methyl carbon, etc. The relation between structure and chemical shift is mostly established by empirical rules on the basis of prior experience. It is only quite recently that the advent of both comparatively cheap comput­ ing power and novel quantum chemistry approaches have provided feasible routes to calculate the chemical shift at the ab initio level for molecules of reasonable size. This raises the question whether application of these novel theoretical concepts offers a means of obtaining new structural information for the complex chain molecules one deals with in polymer science. Solid state 13C-NMR spectra of glassy amorphous polymers display broad, partially structured resonance regions that reflect the underlying disorder of the polymer chains. The chemical shift responds to the variation of the ge­ ometry of the chain, and the broad resonance regions can be explained by an inhomogeneous superposition of various chain geometries (and thus chem­ ical shifts). In this review, we present a novel approach to combine polymer chain statistical models, quantum chemistry and solid state NMR to pro­ vide quantitative information about the local chain geometry in amorphous polymers. The statistical model yields the relative occurrence of the various geometries, and quantum chemistry (together with a force field geometry op­ timization) establishes the link between geometry and chemical shift.

Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Materials Science (NATO Science Partnership Subseries: 3 #66)

by Marcel Miglierini Dimitris Petridis

Material science is one of the most evolving fields of human activities. Invention and consequent introduction of new materials for practical and/or technological purposes requires as complete knowledge of the physical, chemical, and structural properties as possible to ensure proper and optimal usage of their new features. In order to understand the macroscopic behaviour, one has to search for their origin on a microscopic level. A good deal of microscopic information can be obtained through hyperfine interactions. Mossbauer spectroscopy offers a unique possibility for hyperfine interaction studies via probing the nearest order of resonant atoms. Materials which contain the respective isotope as one of the constituent elements (e.g., iron, tin, ... ) but also those which even do not contain them can be investigated. In the latter case, the probe atoms are incorporated into the material of interest in minor quantities (ca. 0.1 at. %) to act as probes on a nuclear level. This Workshop has covered the most evolving topics in the field of Mossbauer spectroscopy applied to materials science. During four working days, SO participants from 19 countries discussed the following areas: Chemisliy, Mineralogy and Metallurgy, Artificia/~y Structured Materials, Nanosized Materials and Quasicrvstals. and Experimental Techniques and Data Processing. A total of 42 contributions (30 keynote talks) reviewed the current state of art of the method, its applications for technical purposes, as well as trends and perspectives. A total of 39 papers are included in the present volume. Applications in Chemisfr\'.

Liquid Crystals (Topics in Physical Chemistry #3)

by Ludwig Pohl D. Demus G. Pelzl Heino Finkelmann Karl Hiltrop Martin Schadt

In 1959, about 1400 compounds forming liquid crystalline phases were known; by 1992, this number had increased to about 50 000. In portable devices like wristwatches, pocket caculators, measuring instruments, and laptop computers the liquid crystal display technology has gained total acceptance and is on the way to encompass the market of colour TV screens. This development makes a volume devoted to liquid crystals in the series Topics in Physical Chemistry desirable. Following the concept of this series, an easy introduction to liquid crystals is given, enabling the reader to understand the basic problems of liquid crystals research and application. Because of the widespread field of different research activities in liquid crystals and applications, various competent authors have been involved in writing chapters on: - Phase types, structures, and chemistry of liquid crystals; - Thermodynamical behavior and physical properties of thermotropic liquid crystals; - Liquid crystalline polymers; - Lyotropic liquid crystals; - Application of liquid crystals in spectroscopy; - Application of liquid crystals in display technology.

Tropical Rainforest Responses to Climatic Change (Springer Praxis Books)

by Mark Bush John Flenley William Gosling

This updated and expanded second edition of a much lauded work provides a current overview of the impacts of climate change on tropical forests. The authors also investigate past, present and future climatic influences on the ecosystems with the highest biodiversity on the planet. Tropical Rainforest Responses to Climatic Change, Second Edition, looks at how tropical rain forest ecology is altered by climate change, rather than simply seeing how plant communities were altered. Shifting the emphasis on to ecological processes, e.g. how diversity is structured by climate and the subsequent impact on tropical forest ecology, provides the reader with a more comprehensive coverage. A major theme of the book is the interaction between humans, climate and forest ecology. The authors, all foremost experts in their fields, explore the long term occupation of tropical systems, the influence of fire and the future climatic effects of deforestation, together with anthropogenic emissions. Incorporating modelling of past and future systems paves the way for a discussion of conservation from a climatic perspective, rather than the usual plea to stop logging. This second edition provides an updated text in this rapidly evolving field. The existing chapters are revised and updated and two entirely new chapters deal with Central America and the effect of fire on wet forest systems. In the first new chapter, the paleoclimate and ecological record from Central America (Lozano, Correa, Bush) is discussed, while the other deals with the impact of fire on tropical ecosystems. It is hoped that Jonathon Overpeck, who has been centrally involved in the 2007 and 2010 IPCC reports, will provide a Foreword to the book.

Metal-Ligand Interactions: From Atoms, to Clusters, to Surfaces (Nato Science Series C: #378)

by Dennis R. Salahub N. Russo

Metal-ligand interactions are currently being studied in different fields, from a variety of points of view, and recent progress has been substantial. Whole new classes of compounds and reactions have been found; an arsenal of physical methods has been developed; mechanistic detail can be ascertained to an increasingly minute degree; and the theory is being developed to handle systems of ever-growing complexity. As usual, such multidisciplinarity leads to great opportunities, coupled with great problems of communication between specialists. It is in its promotion of interactions across these fields that Metal-Ligand Interactions: From Atoms, to Clusters, to Surfaces makes its timely contribution: the tools, both theoretical and experimental, are highly developed, and fundamental questions remain unanswered. The most fundamental of these concerns the nature of the microscopic interactions between metal atoms (clusters, surfaces) and ligands (atoms, molecules, absorbates, reagents, products) and the changes in these interactions during physical and chemical transformation. In Metal-Ligand Interactions, leading experts discuss the following, vital aspects: ab initio theory, semi-empirical theory, density functional theory, complexes and clusters, surfaces, and catalysis.

Monogen bedingte Erbkrankheiten 1 (Handbuch der Molekularen Medizin #6)

by Detlev Ganten Klaus Ruckpaul

Vererbbare Krankheiten sind erst seit wenigen Jahren Forschungsgegenstand der molekularen Medizin. Das Handbuch faßt die aktuellen Erkenntnisse zusammen und behandelt praxisgerecht die modernen gentechnischen Möglichkeiten der Diagnostik und Therapie. Dabei reicht das Themenspektrum von neuromuskulären Erkrankungen bis hin zu Repeat-Sequenz-Expansions-Syndromen.An Ihren klinischen Belangen orientiert:- Gegenüberstellung konventioneller und molekularmedizinischer Therapiestrategien- Interpretation der Forschungsergebnisse- verständliche Einführung in moderne gentechnische Methoden Das Handbuch bietet Ihnen hochaktuelles Wissen, das Ihren medizinischen Alltag zunehmend bestimmen wird.

Adaptive Feed-Forward Control of Low Frequency Interior Noise (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering #56)

by Thomas Kletschkowski

This book presents a mechatronic approach to Active Noise Control (ANC). It describes the required elements of system theory, engineering acoustics, electroacoustics and adaptive signal processing in a comprehensive, consistent and systematic manner using a unified notation. Furthermore, it includes a design methodology for ANC-systems, explains its application and describes tools to be used for ANC-system design. From the research point of view, the book presents new approaches to sound source localization in weakly damped interiors. One is based on the inverse finite element method, the other is based on a sound intensity probe with an active free field. Furthermore, a prototype of an ANC-system able to reach the physical limits of local (feed-forward) ANC is described. This is one example for applied research in ANC-system design. Other examples are given for (i) local ANC in a semi-enclosed subspace of an aircraft cargo hold and (ii) for the combination of audio entertainment with ANC.

Theory of Legal Science: Proceedings of the Conference on Legal Theory and Philosopy of Science Lund, Sweden, December 11–14, 1983 (Synthese Library #176)

by Aleksander Peczenik Lars Lindahl Bert Van Roermund

Proceedings of the Conference on Legal Theory and Philosophy of Science, Lund, Sweden, December 11-14, 1983

Life in the Cold: Eleventh International Hibernation Symposium

by Gerhard Heldmaier Martin F. Bach Susanne Klaus

This book contains the proceedings of the 11 'h international symposium dedicated to the understanding of animal "Life in the Cold", held at Jungholz (Austria), August 13-18, 2000. In 55 chapters contributed by researchers from 16 countries the current state of knowledge is reviewed, and the most recent developments and discussions in this field are highlighted. The first symposium on hibernation and life in the cold was held in 1959, and from then on they continued to occur every 3-5 years. The regular occurrence of these meetings became almost a tradition. A tradition which is entirely based on the enthusiasm of participants, and was nourished by scientific progress in this area during the past decades. The first symposium in 1959 was organised by Charles P. Lyman and Albert R. Dawe and was almost entirely dedicated to hibernation and torpor. This has been a backbone topic of the following symposia, although other aspects of animal energetics, thermal physiology and biochemistry were included in later meetings.

Trauma - An Engineering Analysis: With Medical Case Studies Investigation

by Y.F. Al-Obaid F.N. Bangash T. Bangash

A number of books and research papers have been published on trauma and biomechanics.Theyhavesofarnotbeenrealisticallyintegrated.Thebasicaim ofthisbookistopresentauni?edapproachbetweentheengineeringandm- ical professions. The available engineering analyses and mathematical models can be interlinked and glued together with the medical ?ndings by means of surgeries and X-rays/scans. They can be translated into vastly developed computer programs predicting e?ects of plasticity, temperature, cracking, and crushing with and without muscles and other interlocking phenomenon. The available mathematical-cum-engineering model on trauma and bone mechanics are then linked to the ?nite element analysis and to a computer programinwhichprovisionsaremadetocaterforallpossibleeventualitiesand medicalparameters.Theproblemencounteredbysurgeriescanbeeasilybe- corporated into hybrid ?nite element computer programs such as PROGRAM ISOPARusedinthisbook.Inallcasestudiesthesurgicalin?uenceshavebeen considered together with the bone material data for both the operational, nonoperational and overloading behaviour of the human body structure. In all circumstances the human body structure and its important elements were treated as composite. The bone–blood interaction has been incorporated in ordertoobtainrealisticsolutions.Materialpropertiesinthree-dimensionhave always been considered in throughout in various investigations. Engineering analysis of trauma is being continuously developed taking into consideration the ever increasing changes in analytical, design, safety, and manufacturing techniques. The engineering advances in that direction are steadily gaining international acceptance in the wide sense of the medical profession.

Animal Cell Technology: From Vaccines to Genetic Medicine

by Manuel J. T. Carrondo Bryan Griffiths José L. P. Moreira

Animal cell technology has undergone a rapid transformation over the last decade from a research tool and highly specialised technology to a central resource for innovation in pharmaceutical research and development. These proceedings of the 14th Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (Vilamoura, Portugal, May 1996) bring up to date the historical perspective of animal cell technology for the benefit of society, `From Vaccines to Genetic Medicine', and will charter this vital technology for the years to come. Strong contributions are grouped in the traditional ESACT areas of 'Cell and Physiology Engineering' dealing with cell state, including genetics, and its environment, and 'Animal Cell Process Engineering' covering integration of bioreaction with bioseparation coupled with on-line monitoring to improve protein production and consistency. Extensive coverage of metabolic engineering on synthesis, folding, assembly, transiting and secretion is dealt with in the session on 'Recombinant Proteins: Biosynthesis and Bioprocessing'. Two traditional but expanding areas of animal cell technology relevance are highlighted in the broad sessions of 'Animal Cells as Tools for Discovery and Testing' and 'Animal Cell Vaccines: Present and Future'. Two sessions finally cover the more recent domains of animal cell technology work - 'Tissue Engineering and Biomedical Devices' and 'Cells and Vectors for Genetic Medicine' - where one can foresee a very bright future.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Environmental Goods by Applying Contingent Valuation Method: Some Japanese Case Studies

by Uddin Sarwar Ahmed Keinosuke Gotoh

Contingent valuation is one of the means of incorporating socio-environmental considerations in cost–benefit analysis. The authors of this book have examined environmental valuation methods through the lens of cost–benefit analysis focused on three case studies in Japan: public parks, a bay wetland, and a recreational theme park. With implications for the world at large, the findings presented here serve as a valuable source of information on Japanese behavior regarding the valuation of environmental goods. New, alternative approaches and guidelines for cost–benefit analysis in the public and private spheres also are discussed. This volume makes an important addition to the library of all researchers and other scientists in the fields of environmental science and environmental economics.

Experimentelle Entwicklungsforschung an Amphibien (Verständliche Wissenschaft #77)

by E. Hadorn

Mit unserer Darstellung möchten wir in die experimentelle Ent­ wicklungsforschung einführen. Dabei beschränken wir uns fast ausschließlich auf Untersuchungen, die an Eiern, Embryonen und Larven der Amphibien durchgeführt wurden. Gewiß haben auch andere Lebewesen, wie Seeigel, Weichtiere, Würmer, Insekten und Vögel wesentliche Einblicke in grundlegende Prinzipien und Gesetzmäßigkeiten des Entwicklungsgeschehens gewährt. Doch wäre es im Rahmen eines kleinen Buches unmöglich, mehrere und verschiedenartigste Entwicklungssysteme so weit zu erläu­ tern, daß die maßgebenden Experimente auch genügend verständ­ lich würden. Zudem ist die Beschränkung auf Amphibien beson­ ders deshalb gerechtfertigt, weil mit den Keimen der Lurche seit rund achtzig Jahren mit nie erlahmendem Einsatz in vielen Labo­ ratorien gearbeitet wird. Diese Bemühungen führten denn auch zu zahlreichen grundlegenden Entdeckungen, die weit über die Welt der Lurche hinaus Geltung haben, so auch für die Vorgänge unse­ rer eigenen menschlichen Entwicklung. Daher stand - und steht auch heute noch - das Experiment an Amphibien im Zentrum der allgemeinen Entwicklungsforschung. Aus dem fast unübersehbaren Erfahrungsgut, das wir den Ar­ beiten an Amphibien verdanken, treffen wir nur eine kleine und recht willkürlich erscheinende Auswahl. Wir stellen einige der berühmtesten klassischen Experimente vor. Daneben berichten wir aber auch von weniger bekannten Befunden. Schließlich soll der Leser auch etwas über neueste Experimente erfahren. Damit mächten wir ihn bis an die Front der heutigen Forschung heran­ führen. Hier mag er erleben, wie viele Geheimnisse des Lebens noch ungelöst sind und wie jedes weitere Vordringen neue span­ nende Probleme aufdeckt.

From Instrumentalism to Constructive Realism: On Some Relations between Confirmation, Empirical Progress, and Truth Approximation (Synthese Library #287)

by Theo A.F. Kuipers

Surprisingly, modified versions of the confirmation theory (Carnap and Hempel) and truth approximation theory (Popper) turn out to be smoothly sythesizable. The glue between the two appears to be the instrumentalist methodology, rather than that of the falsificationalist. The instrumentalist methodology, used in the separate, comparative evaluation of theories in terms of their successes and problems (hence, even if already falsified), provides in theory and practice the straight road to short-term empirical progress in science ( à la Laudan). It is also argued that such progress is also functional for all kinds of truth approximation: observational, referential, and theoretical. This sheds new light on the long-term dynamics of science and hence on the relation between the main epistemological positions, viz., instrumentalism (Toulmin, Laudan), constructive empiricism (Van Fraassen), referential realism (Hacking, Cartwright), and theory realism of a non-essentialist nature (constructive realism à la Popper). Readership: Open minded philosophers and scientists. The book explains and justifies the scientist's intuition that the debate among philosophers about instrumentalism and realism has almost no practical consequences.

Histologische Untersuchungen über die Entwicklung des Zeckenadultus in der Nymphe

by Suavi Yalvaç

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Der Weltraum seit 1945


Von einem Vorstoss des Menschen in den Weltraum konnte während Jahrhunderten nur mehr oder weniger phantasievoll geträumt werden. Im technologischen Aufbruch des 20. Jahrhunderts ist aus den früheren Träumen innerhalb weniger Jahrzehnte Wirklichkeit geworden. Moderne Raumfahrt-Ingenieure und Techniker haben die Träumer und Schriftsteller aus vergangenen Jahrhunderten und die idealistischen Pio­ niere aus der ersten Hälfte unseres eigenen Jahrhunderts abgelöst. Immer stärkere Raumtransportsysteme heben immer schwerere Nutzlasten in Umlaufbahnen, Satelli­ ten umkreisen die Erde in immer grösserer Zahl und in immer vielfältigeren Funktio­ nen. Astronauten sind auf dem Mond gelandet, und bereits wird ein bemannter Raum­ flug zum Mars geplant. Die Errichtung einer grossen, permanent besiedelten Raumsta­ tion ist beschlossene Sache. Eine internationale Universität für Weltraumforschung ist im April 1987 in Cambridge (USA) gegründet worden. Es kann heute kein Zweifel mehr daran bestehen, dass der Vorstoss in den Weltraum und die Nutzung des Weltraums so­ wohl im zivilen wie im militärischen Bereich immer grössere Bedeutung erhalten. Das vorliegende Buch versucht über diese Zusammenhänge in umfassender Art, in verständlicher Sprache und doch in jeder Hinsicht sachkompetent zu informieren. Es werden hier die ergänzten Vorträge wiedergegeben, die im Rahmen einer Vorlesungsrei­ he gehalten wurden, die im Sommersemester 1987 von der Forschungsstelle für Sicher­ heitspolitik und Konfliktanalyse an der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule in Zürich veranstaltet wurde.

Environment in Poland: Issues and Solutions

by Maciej Nowicki

than 6,000 hectares of arable land turn The second half of the twentieth century will pass into history as an epoch that saw great irreversibly into desert (Tolba, 1992). During the last 30 years, human activity acceleration in technological development, the birth of electronics, the first space flights, and has created new deserts in Africa and Asia covering areas as large as Saudi Arabia. evolutionary developments in information sci­ ence, transportation and materials technol­ Intensive exploitation of the land has led to accelerated erosion of the best soils, and the ogies. Rapid industrial development spurred a significant increase in gross product on process is intensifying in parts of India, China, Russia, Ukraine and the United States. Without a global scale. Between 1950 and 1990 the global population doubled, but gross product urgent remedial action these trends could lead to complete impoverishment of these areas in increased fivefold and its value sevenfold (Brown, 1991). the decades ahead (Brown, 1984).

Klinische Neuropsychologie: Grundlagen – Diagnostik – Rehabilitation

by Johann Lehrner Gisela Pusswald Elisabeth Fertl Wilhelm Strubreither Ilse Kryspin-Exner

Dieses umfassende, gut strukturierte und anschauliche Lehrbuch wurde aus einer interdisziplinären Initiative von Psychologen und Medizinern entwickelt. Das Buch beinhaltet alle wichtigen Themen der postgraduellen Ausbildung zum klinischen Neuropsychologen und stellt den derzeitigen "State of the Art" dar. Das Grundlagenwissen, wie etwa Neuroanatomie und Untersuchungsmethoden, sowie klinische Aspekte häufiger Gehirnerkrankungen, spezielle neuropsychologische Syndrome und auch therapeutische Zugänge werden von Spezialisten des jeweiligen Fachgebietes praxisnah dargestellt. Zahlreiche Abbildungen illustrieren dabei die oft komplexe Thematik. Ergänzt wird das Buch durch ein umfangreiches Glossar und zahlreiche Literaturangaben. Zielgruppe sind in erster Linie Absolventen der Studienrichtung Psychologie, die sich speziell für Neurowissenschaften interessieren. Es eignet es sich aber auch für Berufsgruppen wie Ärzte, Logopäden, Ergo- oder Physiotherapeuten und Studenten der Psychologie.

Th Thorium Supplement Volume C 8: Compounds with Si, P, As, Sb, Bi, and Ge (Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th edition #T-h / A-E / C / 8)

by Michael Bickel Horst Wedemeyer

This volume comprises the compounds of thorium with the 4th main group elements silicon and germanium and all 5th main group elements except nitrogen. On the subject of ternary and polynary compounds containing oxygen, only those compounds with phosphorus are included (e.g., phosphates, hypophosphates, or phosphinates). Similar compounds of the other ele­ ments like silicates, arsenates, etc. were already treated in "Thorium" Suppl. Vol. C 2, 1976. Most of the compounds in the different systems treated in this volume are of scientific interest because of their special physical and chemical properties. On the other hand, there are also many compounds wh ich are of specific technological interest, mainly in the nuclear field. Refractory compounds like ThSi or ThP have potential interest as nuclear fuel for special reactors due to their physical properties like good heat conductivity and their chemical stability, e.g., against the corrosion of cladding alloys for nuclear fuel elements. Due to the present situation in the further development of the thorium nuclear fuel cycle, their large potential has not yet been fully investigated. For most of the binary and ternary phases in these systems, we presently have good knowledge about the preparation of the compounds and their physical and chemical properties. But nevertheless, there are still a lot of open questions concerning phase equilibria, solid solutions, and homogeneity of some of the phases described in this volume.

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