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Physical Reality and Mathematical Description: Dedicated to Josef Maria Jauch on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday

by C. P. Enz J. Mehra

This collection of essays is intended as a tribute to Josef Maria Jauch on his sixtieth birthd~. Through his scientific work Jauch has justly earned an honored name in the community of theo­ retical physicists. Through his teaching and a long line of dis­ tinguished collaborators he has put an imprint on modern mathema­ tical physics. A number of Jauch's scientific collaborators, friends and admirers have contributed to this collection, and these essays reflect to some extent Jauch's own wide interests in the vast do­ main of theoretical physics. Josef Maria Jauch was born on 20 September 1914, the son of Josef Alois and Emma (nee Conti) Jauch, in Lucerne, Switzerland. Love of science was aroused in him early in his youth. At the age of twelve he came upon a popular book on astronomy, and an exam­ ple treated in this book mystified him. It was stated that if a planet travels around a centre of Newtonian attraction with a pe­ riod T, and if that planet were stopped and left to fall into the centre from any point of the circular orbit, it would arrive at the centre in the time T/I32. Young Josef puzzled about this for several months until he made his first scientific discovery : that this result could be derived from Kepler's third law in a quite elementary way.

Class 2 Transferases: EC (Springer Handbook of Enzymes #S3)

by Antje Chang

The Springer Handbook of Enzymes provides concise data on some 5,000 enzymes sufficiently well characterized – and here is the second, updated edition. Their application in analytical, synthetic and biotechnology processes as well as in food industry, and for medicinal treatments is added. Data sheets are arranged in their EC-Number sequence. The new edition reflects considerable progress in enzymology: the total material has more than doubled, and the complete 2nd edition consists of 39 volumes plus Synonym Index. Starting in 2009, all newly classified enzymes are treated in Supplement Volumes.

Inside the Sun: Proceedings of the 121st Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, Held at Versailles, France, May 22–26, 1989 (Astrophysics and Space Science Library #159)

by Gabrielle Berthomieu Michel Cribier

Proceedings of the 121st Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, held at Versailles, France, May 22-26, 1989

Klimafolgen für Mensch und Küste: am Beispiel der Nordseeinsel Sylt (Umweltnatur- & Umweltsozialwissenschaften)

by Achim Daschkeit Peter Schottes

Die Frage nach den Folgen möglicher Klimaänderungen im deutschen Küstenraum ist einer der Schwerpunkte der Klimafolgenforschung. Die Untersuchung besonders empfindlicher Räume steht dabei im Vordergrund, weil sich hier vielfältige Nutzungsansprüche begegnen, die einer vorausschauenden Analyse und Planung bedürfen. Am Beispiel der touristisch intensiv genutzten Nordseeinsel Sylt wurde diese Problematik in einem mehrjährigen Forschungsprojekt untersucht und aus natur- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Aspekten beleuchtet. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der interdisziplinären "Fallstudie Sylt" sind in diesem Buch zusammengestellt. Die vielfältigen Analysen stellen die Grundlage für die Ableitung von Forschungs- sowie Handlungsempfehlungen im Sinne eines integrierten Küstenmanagements dar. Die beigefügte CD enthält eine Reihe von Karten, auf denen u. a. die Entwicklung der Insel in den letzten 800 Jahren sowie die mögliche Entwicklung bis zum Jahr 2050 aufgezeigt wird.

Vorlesungen über Differentialgeometrie und geometrische Grundlagen von Einsteins Relativitätstheorie II: Affine Differentialgeometrie (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften #7)

by Wilhelm Blaschke Kurt Reidemeister, Kurt

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

An Epistemic Foundation for Scientific Realism: Defending Realism Without Inference To The Best Explanation (Synthese Library #402)

by John Wright

This monograph develops a new way of justifying the claims made by science about phenomenon not directly observable by humans, such as atoms and black holes. It details a way of making inferences to the existence and properties of unobservable entities and states of affairs that can be given a probabilistic justification. The inferences used to establish realist claims are not a form of, and neither do they rely on, inference to the best explanation. Scientific Realism maintains that scientific theories and hypotheses refer to real entities, forces, and relations, even if one cannot examine them. But, there are those who doubt these claims. The author develops a novel way of defending Scientific Realism against a range of influential attacks. He argues that in some cases, at least, we can make probabilistically justifiable inferences from observed data to claims about unobservable, theoretical entities. He shows how this enables us to place some scientific realist claims on a firmer epistemological footing than has previously been the case. This also makes it possible to give a unified set of replies to the most common objections to Scientific Realism. The final chapters apply the developed conceptual apparatus to key cases from the history of science and from recent science. One example concerns realism with respect to atoms. Another looks at inferences from recent astronomical data to conclusions about the size and shape of those parts of the universe lying beyond that which we can observe.

Neurogenesis and Neural Plasticity (Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences)

by Catherine Belzung and Peter Wigmore

This volume brings together authors working on a wide range of topics to provide an up to date account of the underlying mechanisms and functions of neurogenesis and synaptogenesis in the adult brain. With an increasing understanding of the role of neurogenesis and synaptogenesis it is possible to envisage improvements or novel treatments for a number of diseases and the possibility of harnessing these phenomena to reduce the impact of ageing and to provide mechanisms to repair the brain.

Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products (Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products #70)

by A. Cave D. Cortes B. Figadere A. Laurens G. R. Pettit

The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as "Zechmeister” after its founder, L. Zechmeister, have appeared under the Springer Imprint ever since the series’ inauguration in 1938. The volumes contain contributions on various topics related to the origin, distribution, chemistry, synthesis, biochemistry, function or use of various classes of naturally occurring substances ranging from small molecules to biopolymers. Each contribution is written by a recognized authority in his field and provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the topic in question. Addressed to biologists, technologists, and chemists alike, the series can be used by the expert as a source of information and literature citations and by the non-expert as a means of orientation in a rapidly developing discipline.

Nb3Sn Accelerator Magnets: Designs, Technologies and Performance (Particle Acceleration and Detection)

by Daniel Schoerling Alexander V. Zlobin

This open access book is written by world-recognized experts in the fields of applied superconductivity and superconducting accelerator magnet technologies. It provides a contemporary review and assessment of the experience in research and development of high-field accelerator dipole magnets based on Nb3Sn superconductor over the past five decades. The reader attains clear insight into the development and the main properties of Nb3Sn composite superconducting wires and Rutherford cables, and details of accelerator dipole designs, technologies and performance. Special attention is given to innovative features of the developed Nb3Sn magnets. The book concludes with a discussion of accelerator magnet needs for future circular colliders.

Technische Mechanik: Band 4: Hydromechanik, Elemente der Höheren Mechanik, Numerische Methoden (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Dietmar Gross Werner Hauger Peter Wriggers

Dieser Band ist der vierte Teil des Lehrbuches über Technische Mechanik für Ingenieurstudenten und Praktiker aller Fachrichtungen. Behandelt werden - Hydromechanik - Grundlagen der Elastizitätstheorie - Statik spezieller Tragwerke - Schwingungen kontinuierlicher Systeme - Einführung in die Stabilitätstheorie - Viskoelastizität und Plastizität - Numerische Methoden in der Mechanik. Das Werk enthält zahlreiche durchgerechnete Beispiele, die das Verständnis des Stoffes erleichtern. Band 1 behandelt die Statik, Band 2 die Elastostatik, Band 3 die Kinetik.

Laser Scanning: First Official Publication of the International Society of Laser Scanning: INSOLAS

by Juan R. Sampaolesi

Proceedings of the Seventh International Meeting on Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy, Tomography and Microscopy

Simulating Social Complexity: A Handbook (Understanding Complex Systems)

by Bruce Edmonds and Ruth Meyer

Social systems are among the most complex known. This poses particular problems for those who wish to understand them. The complexity often makes analytic approaches infeasible and natural language approaches inadequate for relating intricate cause and effect. However, individual- and agent-based computational approaches hold out the possibility of new and deeper understanding of such systems. Simulating Social Complexity examines all aspects of using agent- or individual-based simulation. This approach represents systems as individual elements having each their own set of differing states and internal processes. The interactions between elements in the simulation represent interactions in the target systems. What makes these elements "social" is that they are usefully interpretable as interacting elements of an observed society. In this, the focus is on human society, but can be extended to include social animals or artificial agents where such work enhances our understanding of human society. The phenomena of interest then result (emerge) from the dynamics of the interaction of social actors in an essential way and are usually not easily simplifiable by, for example, considering only representative actors. The introduction of accessible agent-based modelling allows the representation of social complexity in a more natural and direct manner than previous techniques. In particular, it is no longer necessary to distort a model with the introduction of overly strong assumptions simply in order to obtain analytic tractability. This makes agent-based modelling relatively accessible to a range of scientists. The outcomes of such models can be displayed and animated in ways that also make them more interpretable by experts and stakeholders. This handbook is intended to help in the process of maturation of this new field. It brings together, through the collaborative effort of many leading researchers, summaries of the best thinking and practice in this area and constitutes a reference point for standards against which future methodological advances are judged. This book will help those entering into the field to avoid "reinventing the wheel" each time, but it will also help those already in the field by providing accessible overviews of current thought. The material is divided into four sections: Introductory, Methodology, Mechanisms, and Applications. Each chapter starts with a very brief section called ‘Why read this chapter?’ followed by an abstract, which summarizes the content of the chapter. Each chapter also ends with a section of ‘Further Reading’ briefly describing three to eight items that a newcomer might read next.

Lebensnerven und Lebenstriebe

by L.R. Müller

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Bacterial Physiology: A Molecular Approach

by Walid El-Sharoud

The application of new molecular methodologies in the study of bacterial behavior and cell architecture has enabled new revolutionary insights and discoveries in these areas. This new text presents recent developments in bacterial physiology that are highly relevant to a wide range of readership including those interested in basic and applied knowledge. Its chapters are written by international scientific authorities at the forefront of the subject. The value of this recent knowledge in bacterial physiology is not only restricted to fundamental biology. It also extends to biotechnology and drug-discovery disciplines.

Management transdisziplinärer Forschungsprozesse (Schwerpunktprogramm Umwelt Programme Prioritaire Environnement Priority Programme Environment)

by Marc Mogalle

Die Forderung nach einer transdisziplinären Forschung klingt plausibel und wird schnell erhoben, aber bei der konkreten Umsetzung ergeben sich eine Reihe von Problemen. Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich ausführlich der Frage, wie transdisziplinär geforscht werden kann. Als Mitarbeiter der Projektleitung konnte Marc Mogalle aktiv am Forschungsprozess des Integrierten Projektes Gesellschaft I des Schwerpunktprogramms Umwelt teilnehmen und es intensiv untersuchen. Er identifiziert und analysiert acht Problembereiche: transdisziplinäre Problemdefinition und -bearbeitung, praktische Verwendung und Zusammenarbeit mit der Praxis, Evaluation der Forschung, Organisation, Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Forschenden, Führung und Anforderungen an die Mitarbeiter. In allen acht Bereichen kommt er zu dem Ergebnis: Die disziplinäre Forschung ist der transdisziplinären systematisch überlegen. Hauptanliegen der Arbeit ist es daher aufzuzeigen, wie diese Überlegenheit überwunden werden kann. Basierend auf Arbeiten aus...

Technological Change and Skill Development in Arab Gulf Countries (Contributions to Economics)

by Samia Mohamed Nour

This book discusses skill formation, upskilling of workers, and their interaction with technological change in Gulf countries. Heavy dependence on oil, the 'Dutch Disease', and the high incidence of unskilled foreign workers have caused serious structural imbalances in the labour market in the Gulf. The author shows that success of economic development strategies to address such imbalances are all contingent upon the development of adequate and appropriate skills in the region. This book confirms the role and impact of the deficiencies in the educational system alongside the well established effects of the excessive use of uneducated foreign workers and lack of incentives in the labour market. A comprehensive investigation of the skill problem and an elaborate in-depth analysis to assess the causes, consequences and relationships between poor skills and technological performance are highlights of this book. This is an ideal resource for policy makers in the Gulf region and researchers of the topic.

Atmospheric Thermodynamics

by J. V. Iribarne

The thermodynamics of the atmosphere is the subject of several chapters in most textbooks on dynamic meteorology, but there is no work in English to give the subject a specific and more extensive treatment. In writing the present textbook, we have tried to fill this rather remarkable gap in the literature related to atmospheric sciences. Our aim has been to provide students of meteorology with a book that can playa role similar to the textbooks on chemical thermodynamics for the chemists. This implies a previous knowledge of general thermodynamics, such as students acquire in general physics courses; therefore, although the basic principles are reviewed (in the first four chapters), they are only briefly discussed, and emphasis is laid on those topics that will be useful in later chapters, through their application to atmospheric problems. No attempt has been made to introduce the thermodynamics of irreversible processes; on the other hand, consideration of heterogeneous and open homogeneous systems permits a rigorous formulation of the thermodynamic functions of clouds (exclusive of any consideration of microphysical effets) and a better understanding of the approx­ imations usually implicit in practical applications.

Nutrition, Diet and Cancer

by Sharmila Shankar and Rakesh K. Srivastava

Chemoprevention of cancer has been the focus of intensive research for more than two decades. Epidemiological evidence has shown a small, but significant association between fruit and vegetable intake and a reduction in cancer risk. Diet may account for about thirty five percent of cancer. Large claims have been made for the effectiveness of particular diets in determining one's risk of developing cancer, ranging from protection against cancer initiation, progression and metastasis. A wide array of dietary components has been demonstrated to be as effective in fighting off cancer. Towards an increased understanding of the nutrition, excercise and diet in preventing cancer or inhibiting its progression has led to the discovery and development of novel and effective drugs that regulate intracellular signaling network in the body. This information will be very useful to explore novel and highly effective chemopreventive strategies for reducing the health burden of cancer. Hippocrates, who proclaimed 25 centuries ago, 'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food'. They estimated that one third of all cancer cases could be prevented by a healthier diet; statements which are widely accepted in the scientific literature. This book covers the current state-of-the art knowledge on the impact of nutrition and diet with nutrigenetics, nutritional epigenomics, nutritional transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics approach in cancer prevention and therapy.

Plant-Fungal Pathogen Interaction: A Classical and Molecular View

by Hermann H. Prell Peter Day

Research on the interactions of plants and phytopathogenic fungi has become one of the most interesting and rapidly moving fields in the plant sciences, the findings of which have contributed tremendously to the development of new strategies of plant protection. This book offers insight into the state of present knowledge. Special emphasis is placed on recognition phenomena between plants and fungi, parasitization strategies employed by the phytopathogenic fungi, the action of phytotoxins, the compatibility of pathogens with host plants and the basic resistance of non-host plants as well as cultivar-specific resistance of host plants. Special attention is paid to the gene-for-gene hypothesis for the determination of race-specific resistance, its molecular models and to the nature of race non-specific resistance as well as the population dynamics of plants and the evolution of their basic resistance.

Dynamics and Randomness (Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems #7)

by Alejandro Maass Servet Martínez Jaime San Martín

This book contains the lectures given at the Conference on Dynamics and Randomness held at the Centro de Modelamiento Matematico of the Universidad de Chile from December 11th to 15th, 2000. This meeting brought together mathematicians, theoretical physicists and theoretical computer scientists, and graduate students interested in fields re­ lated to probability theory, ergodic theory, symbolic and topological dynam­ ics. We would like to express our gratitude to all the participants of the con­ ference and to the people who contributed to its organization. In particular, to Pierre Collet, Bernard Host and Mike Keane for their scientific advise. VVe want to thank especially the authors of each chapter for their well­ prepared manuscripts and the stimulating conferences they gave at Santiago. We are also indebted to our sponsors and supporting institutions, whose interest and help was essential to organize this meeting: ECOS-CONICYT, FONDAP Program in Applied Mathematics, French Cooperation, Fundacion Andes, Presidential Fellowship and Universidad de Chile. We are grateful to Ms. Gladys Cavallone for their excellent work during the preparation of the meeting as well as for the considerable task of unifying the typography of the different chapters of this book.

Computational Atomic Physics: Electron and Positron Collisions with Atoms and Ions

by K. Bartschat I. E. McCarthy R. P. McEachran D. H Madison Z. Xixiang

Computational Atomic Physics deals with computational methods for calculating electron (and positron) scattering from atoms and ions, including elastic scattering, excitation, and ionization processes. Each chapter is divided into abstract, theory, computer program with sample input and output, summary, suggested problems, and references. An MS-DOS diskette is included, which holds 11 programs covering the features of each chapter and therefore contributing to a deeper understanding of the field. Thus the book provides a unique practical application of advanced quantum mechanics.

The Rudolf Mössbauer Story: His Scientific Work and Its Impact on Science and History

by Michael Kalvius Paul Kienle

The “Rudolf Mössbauer Story” recounts the history of the discovery of the “Mössbauer Effect” in 1958 by Rudolf Mössbauer as a graduate student of Heinz Maier-Leibnitz for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1961 when he was 32 years old. The development of numerous applications of the Mössbauer Effect in many fields of sciences , such as physics, chemistry, biology and medicine is reviewed by experts who contributed to this wide spread research. In 1978 Mössbauer focused his research interest on a new field “Neutrino Oscillations” and later on the study of the properties of the neutrinos emitted by the sun.

Relativität, Gruppen, Teilchen: Spezielle Relativitätstheorie als Grundlage der Feld- und Teilchenphysik

by Roman U. Sexl Helmuth K. Urbantke

Das Thema des Buches ist die spezielle Relativitätstheorie und die Beschreibung der relativistischen Symmetrie in der klassischen und Elementarteilchenphysik. Es werden weniger die Experimente zur Relativitätstheorie diskutiert, als vielmehr deren formale Struktur durchleuchtet, entwickelt und physikalisch gedeutet. Der besondere Reiz dieses Buches besteht in der Balance zwischen physikalischer Diskussion und formaler Struktur. Die Autoren gehen von einer elementaren Präsentation schrittweise zu einer abstrakteren moderneren Darstellung über. Kleinere und auch ausgedehntere historische Noten sowie weiterführende mathematische Bemerkungen sind im Text verstreut. Die vorliegende Neuauflage geht - bei leicht geänderter Stoffanordnung und Einschub zweier Zusatzabschnitte - stärker als bisher ein auf die Rolle der Thomas-Rotation in der Struktur der Lorentzgruppe, auf mehrwertige Darstellungen und Spiegelungen.

Scalar Wave Theory: Green’s Functions and Applications (Springer Series on Wave Phenomena #12)

by John DeSanto

This book comprises some of the lecture notes I developed for various one-or two-semester courses I taught at the Colorado School of Mines. The main objective of all the courses was to introduce students to the mathematical aspects of wave theory with a focus on the solution of some specific fundamental problems. These fundamental solutions would then serve as a basis for more complex wave propagation and scattering problems. Although the courses were taught in the mathematics department, the audience was mainly not mathematicians. It consisted of gradu­ ate science and engineering majors with a varied background in both mathematics and wave theory in general. I believed it was necessary to start from fundamental principles of both advanced applied math­ ematics as well as wave theory and to develop them both in some detail. The notes reflect this type of development, and I have kept this detail in the text. I believe it essential in technical careers to see this detailed development at least once. This volume consists of five chapters. The first two on Scalar Wave Theory (Chapter 1) and Green's Functions (Chapter 2) are mainly mathematical although in Chapter 1 the wave equation is derived from fundamental physical principles. More complicated problems involving spatially and even temporally varying media are briefly introduced.

Einstein's Relativity: The Ultimate Key to the Cosmos

by Fred I Cooperstock Steven Tieu

This richly illustrated book is unique in bringing Einstein's relativity to a higher level for the non-specialist than has ever been attempted before, using nothing more than grade-school algebra. Bondi's approach with spacetime diagrams is simplified and expanded, clarifying the famous asymmetric aging-of-twins paradox. Einstein's theory of gravity, general relativity, is simplified for the reader using spacetime diagrams. The theory is applied to important topics in physics such as gravitational waves, gravitational collapse and black holes, time machines, the relationship to the quantum world, galactic motions and cosmology.

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