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Showing 99,876 through 99,900 of 100,000 results

Begriffswelt der Feldtheorie: Praxisnahe, anschauliche Einführung

by Adolf J. Schwab

dem gelegt. Ofter anzutreffende ahnlich lautende Formulierungen bezwek­ ken eine Betonung generischer Gemeinsamkeiten sowie einen tutorischen Wiederholungseffekt. Dieser innovative, padagogisch und didaktisch vorteil­ hafte Ansatz hat sich seit vie1en Jahren in der Lehre bewahrt und ist eine un­ verzichtbare Voraussetzung fiir eine leicht zu erfassende, systematisch struk­ turierte elektromagnetische Feldtheorie. ErfahrungsgemaB bereiten schon die in den Maxwellschen Gleichungen verlmlipften physikalischen GroBen Flull, Induktion, Verschiebungsdichte etc. dem Anfci.nger nachhaltiges Unbehagen, weswegen zunachst eine verglei­ chende Analogiebetrachtung der GroBen des elektrischen und magnetischen Felds sowie des Stromungsfelds vorangestellt wird. AnschlieBend folgt eine ausfiihrliche Interpretation der Maxwellschen Gleichungen in Integralform. Die Differentialform der Maxwellschen Gleichungen verlangt nach einer ein­ gangigen Erlauterung der Abklirzungen rot und diy, die sich unter konse­ quenter Verwendung des anschaulichen Zusammenhangs zwischen Wirbel­ starken und Wirbeldichten zwanglos aus der Integralform ergeben. Nach Einfiihrung der Begriffe Gradient, Potential und Potentialfunktion folgen die Potentialgleichungen fiir raumladungsfreie und raumladungsbe­ haftete Felder. Der Herleitung des skalaren magnetischen Potentials und des magnetischen Vektorpotentials schlieBen sich die skalare und vektorielle Potentialgleichung magnetischer Felder an. Ein eigenes Kapitel stellt neue 1 1 Integraloperatoren rot- , div- , grad -1 vor. Diese neuen Integraloperatoren stellen eine wertvolle Bereicherung des Nabla-Kalkills dar, leisten einen Beitrag zur Didaktik der Elektrodynamik und haben sich bei zahllosen Problemen, beispielsweise der Herleitung von Potential-und Wellenglei­ chungen fiir skalare und vektorielle Potentiale, der Wellengleichung elektro­ magnetischer Wellen usw., bewahrt.

Die flüssigen Brennstoffe: ihre Gewinnung, Eigenschaften und Untersuchung

by Leonhard Schmitz

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy: Volume 2 (NanoScience and Technology)

by Seizo Morita Franz J. Giessibl Roland Wiesendanger

Since the original publication of Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy in 2002, the noncontact atomic force microscope (NC-AFM) has achieved remarkable progress. This second treatment deals with the following outstanding recent results obtained with atomic resolution since then: force spectroscopy and mapping with atomic resolution; tuning fork; atomic manipulation; magnetic exchange force microscopy; atomic and molecular imaging in liquids; and other new technologies. These results and technologies are now helping evolve NC-AFM toward practical tools for characterization and manipulation of individual atoms/molecules and nanostructures with atomic/subatomic resolution. Therefore, the book exemplifies how NC-AFM has become a crucial tool for the expanding fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Biochemie — ein Einstieg (vieweg studium; Grundkurs Biologie #54)

by Helmut Kindl

Das vorliegende Buch könnte - der Auswahl der Abbildungen und dem roten Faden im Text nach - einem angehenden Naturwissenschaftler, einem modernen Biologen oder Chemiker gewidmet sein. Es vermittelt einen Eindruck eines Bereiches der Chemie biolo­ gischer Systeme und erlaubt in der Folge einen Einstieg in die nicht immer leicht verständ­ liche Materie. Dieser Einstieg verlangt eigene Aktivität des Lesers und gelingt nicht spielend - wie dies ja auch selten bei einem Einstieg zu sein scheint. Der Einstieg wird aber durch Markierungen, Hinweise und viele Hilfsmittel, vor allem übersichtliche Zeich­ nungen, für den Anfänger gut vorbereitet. Dem Interessierten - zum Einstieg Bereiten - habe ich versucht entgegenzukommen, durch eine vor allem auf die gute Übersicht zielende Einführung zu entsprechen. Warum sollten wir nicht zulassen, daß bei einer ersten Orientierung eine stark bildhafte Sprache und vereinfachende Panoramabilder als Lernmittel angeboten werden? Die Biochemie und ihre Randgebiete, die sich mit Chemie, Biologie und Physik über­ schneiden, haben viele Interessierte in ihren Bann gezogen. Es trifft auch häufig zu - und dies ist bei Wertung aller Zukunftsperspektiven ganz verständlich -, daß Studenten in diesem Fachgebiet einen Schwerpunkt innerhalb ihrer Ausbildung setzen wollen. Für all diese sei das vorliegende Büchlein die Ausstattung für den Einstieg in die Biochemie. Es ist nicht jedermanns Sache, mit einem 800 oder mehr Seiten langen und dicken Lehrbuch den Beginn zu wagen; diese Werke sollten einem späteren Stadium vorbehalten bleiben.

Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel 1784–1846 (Vita Mathematica #9)

by Kasimir Lawrinowicz

Der Astronom F.W. Bessel gilt zusammen mit dem Mathematiker C.G.J. Jacobi und dem Physiker Franz Neumann als Begründer der sogenannten 'Königsberger Schule', die auf die Universitäten in Deutsch- land, aber auch in Russland und im gesamten osteuropäischen Raum, einen grossen Einfluss hatte. Als Autodidakt erwarb sich Bessel schon in jungen Jahren mit seinen astronomischen Arbeiten die Anerkennung der führenden Gelehrten seiner Zeit. Nachdem er als Professor an die Albertina nach Königsberg berufen worden war, erhielt er bereits mit 27 Jahren auf Betreiben von Gauss die Ehren- doktorwürde der Universität Göttingen. Ihm wurde die Planung und der Bau der Königsberger Sternwarte übertragen, die sich unter seiner Leitung zu einem internationalen Zentrum der Astronomie entwickelte. Bessel leistete aber nicht nur in der Astronomie und der Geodäsie Bedeutendes, sondern auch in der Theoretischen Mathematik. Diese Biographie beschränkt sich nicht auf die Schilderung der wissenschaftlichen Leistungen Bessels, sondern stellt ihn auch als Mensch und Persönlichkeit vor. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit widmet das Buch den engen wissenschaftlichen und persönlichen Be- ziehungen, die Bessel, nachdem er schon in jungen Jahren in die Petersburger Akademie aufgenommen worden war, zur russischen Wissenschaft und zu den russischen Wissenschaftlern entwickelt hat. Engagiert und lebendig schildert der Autor Bessels Lebensgeschichte und versucht, Bessels zahlreiche, weitgespannte wissenschaftliche Arbeiten und Leistungen auch dem Nichtfachmann verständlich und spannend darzustellen.

Transposable Elements and Evolution (Contemporary Issues in Genetics and Evolution #1)

by J. F. McDonald

In the summer of 1992 a distinguished group of molecular, population and evolutionary geneticists assembled on the campus of the University of Georgia in Athens, USA to discuss the relevance of their research to the role played by transposable elements (TEs) in evolution. The meeting consisted of a series of informal discussions of issues brought up in papers written by the participants and distributed among them prior to the meeting. These papers and the transcripts of the ensuing discussions are presented in this volume.

Comparative Enzyme Histochemical Observations on Submammalian Brains (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology #40/6)

by K.F. Baker-Cohen

Comparative neurological studies of the evolutionary development of struc­ tures within the central nervous system of vertebrates have depended to a large extent upon morphological rather than functional criteria. Classical comparative anatomical studies, which have attempted to demonstrate homologies between parts of the brain in representatives of different vertebrate classes may be grouped under three general headings: 1. comparison of the embryological development of brain structures; 2. comparison in adult forms of the topographical relations of neuron groupings and fiber tracts, and of the morphology of cell types ( cyto­ architectonics); and 3. analysis and comparison of fiber connections between particular cell groupings or regions. Of these three, the third encompasses func­ tional relationships most directly, but even in well-defined fiber tracts the direction of conduction often remains indefinite, and the extent and activity of more diffuse systems is poorly known. In recent years a nurober of investigations applying electrophysiological and degeneration methods to submammalian forms have been reported. Those most pertinent to the present studies include the papers of . ARMSTRONG et al. (1953), KRUGERand associates (e. g. HERIC and KRUGER, 1966; KRUGERand BERKOWITZ, 1960; PowELL and KRUG ER, 1960}, GusEL'NIKov and SUPIN (1964) and KARA­ MYAN and BELEKJIOVA (1964) on various reptiles, and of PowELL and CowAN (1961), KARTEN and REVZIN (1966) and REVZIN and KARTEN (1967) on the pigeon.

Light Sensing in Plants

by M. Wada K. Shimazaki M. Iino

Plants utilize light not only for photosynthesis but also as environmental signals. They are capable of perceiving wavelength, intensity, direction, duration, and other attributes of light to perform appropriate physiological and developmental changes. This volume presents overviews of and the latest findings in many of the interconnected aspects of plant photomorphogenesis, including photoreceptors (phytochromes, cryptochromes, and phototropins), signal transduction, photoperiodism, and circadian rhythms, in 42 chapters. Also included, is a prologue by Prof. Masaki Furuya that gives an overview of the historical background. With contributions from preeminent researchers in specific subjects from around the world, this book will be a valuable source for a range of scientists from undergraduate to professional levels.

Oncogenes as Transcriptional Regulators: Retroviral Oncogenes (Progress in Gene Expression)

by Moshe Yaniv Jacques Ghysdael

The intensive study of molecular events leading to cellular transformation in tissue culture or in intact organisms culminated in the identification of 100 or more genes that can be defined as oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes. Functionally, these genes can be divided into several classes, each involved in a different step in transmission of signals from the exterior of the cell to the nucleus. The first oncogenes to be biochemically character­ ized included membrane receptors for growth factors, growth factors themselves, protein kinases or small GTP binding proteins involved in signal transduction. Later, the development of techniques to study pro­ teins-DNA interaction in eucaryotes and the isolation and characterization of many promoter and enhancer sequences revealed that a number of the classical retroviral oncogenes were indeed transcription factors. In paral­ lel, the rapid progress in the identification and cloning of chromosomal translocations in human and animal malignancies and the increased reper­ toire of known transcription factors families revealed that many other transcription factors can playa critical role in cancer. A more recent devel­ opment concerns tumor suppressor genes. The realization that human tumors are frequently associated with a loss of function of one or several genes is also one of the landmarks of cancer research in the last 15 years. Again, as we will see below, some of these genes encode transcription factors. It is becoming increasingly difficult to cover in a single monograph all oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.

Sea-Dumped Chemical Weapons: Aspects, Problems and Solutions (NATO Science Partnership Subseries: 1 #7)

by Alexander V. Kaffka

This volume summarises the materials presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Sea-Dumped Chemical Munitions, held in Kaliningrad (Moscow Region), Russia, in January 1995. The conference was sponsored by the NATO Division of Scientific and Environmental Affairs in the framework of its outreach programme to develop co-operation between NATO member countries and the Cooperation Partner countries in the area of disarmament technologies. The problem of the ecological threat posed by chemical weapons (CW) dumped in the seas after the Second World War deserves considerable international attention: the amount of these weapons, many of them having been captured from the German Army, is assessed at more than three times as much as the total chemical arsenals reported by the United States and Russia. They were disposed of in the shallow depths of North European seas - areas of active fishing - in close proximity to densely populated coastlines, with no consideration of the long-term consequences. The highly toxic material have time and again showed up, for instance when retrieved occasionally in the fishing nets, attracting local media coverage only. Nevertheless, this issue has not yet been given adequate and comprehensive scientific analysis, the sea-disposed munitions are not covered by either the Chemical Weapons Convention or other arms control treaties. In fact, the problem has been neglected for a long time on the international level. Only recently were official data made available by the countries which admitted conducting dumping operations.

Science Education during Early Childhood: A Cultural-Historical Perspective (Cultural Studies of Science Education #6)

by Wolff-Michael Roth Maria Ines Mafra Goulart Katerina Plakitsi

Children’s learning and understanding of science during their pre-school years has been a neglected topic in the education literature—something this volume aims to redress. Paradigmatic notions of science education, with their focus on biologically governed development and age-specific accession to scientific concepts, have perpetuated this state of affairs. This book offers a very different perspective, however. It has its roots in the work of cultural-historical activity theorists, who, since Vygotsky, have assumed that any higher cognitive function existed in and as a social relation first. Accepting this precept removes any lower limit we may deem appropriate on children’s cognitive engagement with science-related concepts. The authors describe and analyze the ways in which children aged from one to five grapple with scientific concepts, and also suggest ways in which pre-service and in-service teachers can be prepared to teach in ways that support children’s development in cultural and historical contexts. In doing so, the book affirms the value of cultural-historical activity theory as an appropriate framework for analyzing preschool children’s participation in science learning experiences, and shows that that the theory provides an appropriate framework for understanding learning, as well as for planning and conducting training for pre-school teachers.

Energy-Filtering Transmission Electron Microscopy (Springer Series in Optical Sciences #71)

by P. W. Hawkes C. Deininger R. F. Egerton F. Hofer B. Jouffrey D. Krahl R. D. Leapman J. Mayer Ludwig Reimer H. Rose P. Schattschneider J.C.H. Spence

Energy-Filtering Transmission Electron Microscopy (EFTEM) presents a summary of the electron optics, the electron-specimen interactions, and the operation and contrast modes of this new field of analytical electron microscopy. The electron optics of filter lenses and the progress in the correction of aberrations are discussed in detail. An evaluation of our present knowledge of plasmon losses and inner-shell ionisations is of increasing interest for a quantitative application of EFTEM in materials and life sciences. This can be realized not only by filtering the elastically scattered electrons but mainly by imgaging and analyzing with inelastically scattered electrons at different energy losses up to 2000 eV. The strength of EFTEM is the combination of the modes EELS, ESI, ESD and REM.

Passione per Trilli: Alcune idee dalla matematica (I blu)

by Roberto Lucchetti

È convinzione generale che la matematica sia una materia difficile da capire, che usa simboli esoterici e un linguaggio poco comprensibile, che sia soprattutto calcolo. Certamente, è una materia particolare, che ha bisogno di formule e che necessita di un linguaggio formale a volte molto sofisticato. Tuttavia, è anche una scienza piena di idee, che non hanno solo la funzione di progredire in una qualche teoria o di servire altre scienze per i loro modelli quantitativi. Come la filosofia, come la letteratura, la matematica è utile all’uomo per cercare di capire un po’ meglio il mondo che lo circonda, e soprattutto se stesso. Convinto profondamente di questo, l’autore propone alcuni argomenti, che sono particolarmente adatti a mettere in luce questo aspetto della matematica. L’autore utilizza, a volte, un linguaggio più matematico per completare il ragionamento, ma è del tutto convinto che il lettore interessato possa seguire tutti i suoi ragionamenti perché, parafrasando un grande matematico del secolo scorso, "chi non ha dimestichezza con le tecniche matematiche si renderà conto di potersela cavare senza problemi ignorandole del tutto" (J.F.Nash, jr).

Vortex Flows and Related Numerical Methods (Nato Science Series C: #395)

by J. T. Beale G. H. Cottet S. Huberson

Many important phenomena in fluid motion are evident in vortex flow, i.e., flows in which vortical structures are significant in determining the whole flow. This book, which consists of lectures given at a NATO ARW held in Grenoble (France) in June 1992, provides an up-to-date account of current research in the study of these phenomena by means of numerical methods and mathematical modelling. Such methods include Eulerian methods (finite difference, spectral and wavelet methods) as well as Lagrangian methods (contour dynamics, vortex methods) and are used to study such topics as 2- or 3-dimensional turbulence, vorticity generation by solid bodies, shear layers and vortex sheets, and vortex reconnection. For researchers and graduate students in computational fluid dynamics, numerical analysis, and applied mathematics.

Computational Methods in Transport: Verification and Validation (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering #62)

by Frank Graziani

The focus of this book deals with a cross cutting issue affecting all transport disciplines, whether it be photon, neutron, charged particle or neutrino transport. That is, verification and validation. In this book, we learn what the astrophysicist, atmospheric scientist, mathematician or nuclear engineer do to assess the accuracy of their code. What convergence studies, what error analysis, what problems do each field use to ascertain the accuracy of their transport simulations.

Olfaction and Odours: An osphrésiological essay

by W. McCartney

If we possessed a true, well established and undoubted theory concerning the function of the nerves in the human body, the principles of smell would be much easier to understand. So far, we do not know for certain whether the action of nerves takes place by means of a subtle fluid, which is instantaneously conveyed from the beginning of the nerves to their ends, or whether, as some think, some sort of vibratory movements is produced in them, or whether the stimulation should be considered as the only sufficient cause, to say nothing of the new opinion concerning the electrical force. Linnaeus Although much has been learned since the time of Linnaeus, it is still true that we do not yet possess "a true, well established and undoubted" theory of olfaction. The literature of the subject, however, has long been rather voluminous - the frequent assertions to the contrary are simply untrue - and is now growing rapidly. Moreover, quite a number of symposia on olfaction (or olfaction and taste) have been held during recent years. For example, in the U. S. A.

W Tungsten: Metal, Chemical Reactions with Metals Zinc to Lawrencium (Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th edition #W / A-B / A / 6 / b)

by Wolfgang Kurtz Hans Vanecek

The present volume continues the description of the chemical reactions of eiemental tungsten started with "Tungsten" Suppl. Vol. A 7. It covers the reactions with the metallic elements from zinc to actinoids. The treatment includes phase diagrams, bulk reactions, and surface processes which again are of outstanding importance in most systems. The raader is referred to the introductory remarks on pp. X/XI. Frankfurt am Main Ernst Koch November 1987 Introductory Remarks Abbreviations In order not to overload the text, the following abbreviations are sometimes used without definitions in the present volume, in addition to the abbreviations usual in the Gmelin Handbook. a. c. alternating current AE Auger electron Auger electron spectroscopy(ic) or spectrum AES bcc body-centered cubic CPD contact potential difference counts per second cps d. c. direct current DTA differential thermoanalysis Fermi Ievel EF EI electron impact ELS electron energy loss spectroscopy or spectrum EMF, emf electromotive force fcc face-centered cubic FE field emission field electron (emission) microscope(ic) FEM FES field emission spectroscopy FIM field ion microscope(ic) F-N Fowler-Nordheim hcp hexagonal close-packed 6 L Langmuir=1·10- Torr·s LEED low energy electron diffraction monolayer ML PES photoelectron spectroscopy PSD photon-stimulated desorption RHEED reflection high energy electron diffraction room temperature RT SI secondary ion SIMS secondary ion mass spectrometry TDS thermal desorption spectroscopy(ic) or spectrum TE thermionic emission total energy distribution TED UHV ultra-high vacuum UPS ultra-violet photoelectron spectroscopy(ic) or spectrum XPS X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(ic) or spectrum Gmelin Handbock WSuppl. Vol.

Women in Medicine in Nineteenth-Century American Literature: From Poisoners to Doctors, Harriet Beecher Stowe to Theda Bara (Palgrave Studies in Literature, Science and Medicine)

by Sara L. Crosby

This book investigates how popular American literature and film transformed the poisonous woman from a misogynist figure used to exclude women and minorities from political power into a feminist hero used to justify the expansion of their public roles. Sara Crosby locates the origins of this metamorphosis in Uncle Tom’s Cabin where Harriet Beecher Stowe applied an alternative medical discourse to revise the poisonous Cassy into a doctor. The newly “medicalized” poisoner then served as a focal point for two competing narratives that envisioned the American nation as a multi-racial, egalitarian democracy or as a white and male supremacist ethno-state. Crosby tracks this battle from the heroic healers created by Stowe, Mary Webb, Oscar Micheaux, and Louisia May Alcott to the even more monstrous poisoners or “vampires” imagined by E. D. E. N. Southworth, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Theda Bara, Thomas Dixon, Jr., and D. W. Griffith.

The FAST Mission

by Robert F. Pfaff Jr.

1.1. MISSION BACKGROUND The scientific objective of this magnetospheric physics mission was a detailed in­ vestigation of the Aurora Borealis, or 'Northern Lights'. The fields experiments (electric and magnetic) were constructed by the University of California at Berke­ ley (UCB), and Los Angeles (UCLA) respectively. The particles instruments were constructed by UCB and the University of New Hampshire in collaboration with Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory. The instrument data processing unit was provided by UCB. The spacecraft bus, telemetry, and launch services were provided by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center SMEX office. The science principal investigator is Dr C. W. Carlson of UCB, and the program is managed by the SMEX office. The UCB design philosophy emphasizes the demonstration of design margins set by peer review. As a result, each boom system was extensively tested at a prototype level before the flight units were manufactured. Additionally, the design, assembly and testing of each boom mechanism was conducted by a single engineer solely responsible for its success.

Semper Attentus: Beiträge für Heinz Götze zum 8.August 1977

by Konrad F. Springer

In Japan wurde es seit dem 8. Jahrhundert als Ehrung für bedeutende Männer angesehen, sich zu ihrem 65. Geburtstag zu versammeln und den Jubilar zu feiern. Ich freue mich, diese Tradition in der einem Verleger gemäßen schriftlichen Form fortsetzen zu dürfen. Daß dies möglich wurde, danke ich Autoren des Verlags und Freunden Heinz Götzes, die sich an dieser festlichen Versammlung so bereitwillig mit einem Bei­ trag beteiligt haben. In wenigen einleitenden Worten und nur an einigen Beispielen möchte ich aufzeigen, was die Zusammenarbeit mit Heinz Götze mir persönlich und dem Verlag bedeutet. Für alle, die ihn kennen, ist sein Lebensweg, so sehr er durch die Einflüsse der Zeit umgeleitet erscheinen mag, gar nicht so erstaunlich und ein Spiegelbild seiner vielfältig begabten, von einem unwiderstehlichen Wissensdrang geleiteten Persönlichkeit. Herr Dr. Götze wurde am 8. August 1912 in Dresden geboren. Im Jahre 1932 bestand er das Abitur als Klassenbester an der dortigen Dreikönigsschule. Er war vielseitig begabt und bei Lehrern und Mitschü­ lern gleichermaßen beliebt. Beim Orchesterkonzert anläßlich der Entlas­ sungsfeier wirkte er als Solist am Flügel mit. Der Brief eines damaligen Mitschülers zeichnet das Bild der vielseitigen, durchaus} weltlichen< Inter­ essen und Aktivitäten. Wir lesen, daß er ein guter Leichtathlet und bei den jungen Damen viel begehrter Tänzer war. Seine musisch-zeichnerisch­ mathematische Begabung, gepaart mit der humanistischen Ausbildung, haben ihn zum Studium der Archäologie bewogen, dem er in den Jahren 1932-1938 oblag.

Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics: Proceedings of the Third ESO-CERN Symposium, Held in Bologna, Palazzo Re Enzo, May 16–20, 1988 (Astrophysics and Space Science Library #155)

by Michele Caffo Roberto Fanti Giorgio Giacomelli Alvio Renzini

In the development of Fundamental Physics on one side, and of Astronomy/Cosmology on the other side, periods of parallell, relatively independent progress seem to alternate with others of intense interaction and mutual influence. To this latter case belong the very beginnings of Modern Physics, with Galileo and Newton. There is now a widespread feeling that another of such flourishing periods may have started some ten years ago, with the advent of Unified Theories and the introduction of Inflationary Cosmologies. The interaction between the two disciplines has become tighter ever since, spurring studies of e. g. astronomical and particle Dark Matter candidates, Superstrings and Cosmic Strings, phase transitions in the Early Universe, etc. etc. Then the recent birth of Neutrino Astronomy has added further flavor to this splendid conjunction. It was indeed with the clear perception of this trend that six years ago CERN and ESO decided to jointly organize a series of symposia focusing on the interactions between Astronomy, Cosmology, and Fundamental Physics, to be held about every two years. The aim of these meetings is to bring together astronomers, cosmologists, and particle physicists to exchange information, to discuss scientific issues of common interest, and to take note of the latest devolopments in each discipline that are relevant to the other. The First ESO-CERN Symposium was held at CERN (Geneva) on November 21-25, 1983. Then for its Second edition the ESO-CERN Symposium moved to Garching bei Miinchen, where ESO headquarters are located, and took place on March 17-21, 1986.

Passerine Migration: Stopovers and Flight

by Nikita Chernetsov

Most birds cannot cover the distance between their breeding and winter quarters in one hop. They have to make multiple flights alternated with stopovers. Which factors govern the birds’ decisions to stop, to stop for how long, when to resume flight? What is better – to accumulate much fuel and to make long flights for many hundreds of kilometres, or to travel in small steps? Is it necessary to find habitats similar to the breeding ones or other habitats would do? Are long migratory flights indeed so costly energetically as usually assumed? This monograph summarizes our current knowledge on the ecology of songbird migrants during migratory stopovers and on their behaviour.​

The Fortran 2003 Handbook: The Complete Syntax, Features and Procedures

by Jeanne C. Adams Walter S. Brainerd Richard A. Hendrickson Richard E. Maine Jeanne T. Martin Brian T. Smith

The Fortran 2003 Handbook is a definitive and comprehensive guide to Fortran 2003 and its use. Fortran 2003, the latest standard version of Fortran, has many excellent features that assist the programmer in writing efficient, portable and maintainable programs. This all-inclusive volume offers a reader-friendly, easy-to-follow and informal description of Fortran 2003, and has been developed to provide not only a readable explanation of features, but also some rationale for the inclusion of features and their use. This highly versatile handbook is intended for anyone who wants a comprehensive survey of Fortran 2003.

Symmetry Properties of Molecules (Lecture Notes in Chemistry #28)

by G. S. Ezra

The aIm of the present article is to give a critical exposition of the theory of the symmetry properties of rigid and nonrigid molecules. Despite the fact that several accounts of the subject, both technical and didactic, are now available, and despite the extensive discussion of nonrigid molecule symmetry that has been going on since the classic papers of Hougen and Longuet-Higgins, there remains a need for a unifying survey of the problem. Previous treatments have tended to emphasize one or the other particular viewpoint at the expense of a broader view. Renewed interest in the details of the symmetry classification of rotation­ vibration states of highly symmetric (octahedral) molecules has led to a reexam­ ination of the relation between conventional point group operations and permutations of identical nuclei in rigid molecules, together with a clarification of the fundamental role of the Eckart constraints and associated Eckart frame. As is shown below, analogous insights can also be obtained in the case of nonrigid molecule symmetry, where the Eckart-Sayvetz conditions provide a natural generalization of the Eckart constraints. The importance of particular definitions of the 'molecule-fixed' frame in the theory of molecular symmetry can be better appreciated by examining their dynamical origin. Chapter 1 is therefore devoted to a description of the derivation of the usual Wilson-Howard-Watson form of the molecular Hamiltonian, together with its generalization to nonrigid molecules. Particular attention is given to the intro­ duction of molecular models and use of the Eckart and Eckart-Sayvetz constraints.

Plasma Kinetics in Atmospheric Gases (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics #31)

by M. Capitelli C.M. Ferreira B.F. Gordiets A.I. Osipov

Emphasis is placed on the analysis of translational, rotational, vibrational and electronically excited state kinetics, coupled to the electron Boltzmann equation.

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