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Angel-Seeker (Angel Ser. #5)

by Sharon Shinn

The women who craved the attention of of angels were known as angel-seekers, a term used with awe by some - and scorn by others...Elizabeth was born to wealth, but circumstances forced her to live as a servant in her cousin's household. Determined to change her life, she travels to the town of Cedar Hills, hoping that an angel will take notice of her and take her as his own. Rebekah is a daughter of the Jansai tripe, raised to hate angels. But when she finds an injured angel near her village, she defies her upbringing to care for him.In time, these two women, whose paths will cross, will both find what they long for, in surprising - and dangerous - ways...

Angelica (Angel Ser. #4)

by Sharon Shinn

Two hundred years ago, in order to keep the peace in Samaria, the god Jovah created a legion of land-dwelling angels, led by an appointed Archangel. Now, Jovah has a new appointee: Archangel Gaaron. And for his life-mate, his Angelica, Jovah has chosen a woman named Susannah. With trepidation, she bows to the will of Jovah and an unspoken affection develops between the two.But there is a terrible threat besetting the land - black-clad strangers who call fire down from the sky, leaving death and destruction in their wake, And the true hearts of Archangel and Angelica may never be known, as the future of the planet hangs in the balance...

Archangel (Angel Ser. #1)

by Sharon Shinn

And so it came to pass...Through science, faith and force of will, the Harmonics carved out for themselves a society they perceived as perfect. Diverse peoples held together by respect for each other and the prospect of swift punishment if their laws were disobeyed. Fertile land that embraced a variety of climates and seasons. Angels to guard the mortals and mystics to guard the forbidden knowledge. Jehovah to watch over them all...Generations later, the armed space cruiser Jehovah still looms over the planet Samaria, programmed to unleash its arsenal if peace is not sustained. Bu tan age of corruption has come to the land, threatening that peace and placing the Samarians in grave danger. Their only hope lies in the crowning of a new Archangel. The oracles have chosen for this honour the angel named Gabriel and further decreed that he must first wed a mortal woman named Rachel.It is his destiny and hers. And Gabriel is certain that she will greet the news of her betrothal with enthusiasm and a devotion to duty equal to his own.Rachel, however, has other ideas...

Dark Moon Defender (A\twelve Houses Novel Ser. #3)

by Sharon Shinn

The King's Rider Justin has been dispatched to watch any suspicious activity at the convent that houses the fanatical Daughters of the Pale Mother. Worshippers of the moon goddess, they believe that all magic-wielding mystics are evil. Yet, in their midst, a young novice named Ellynor possesses the gift of healing and the ability to move through the night unobserved. Assuming the guise of a stablehand, Justin befriends Ellynor - and love blossoms between them. And when he discovers her magical talents, Justin will risk everything - his own secret, the trust of his friends, even his very life - in order to save her...

Fortune and Fate (A\twelve Houses Novel Ser. #5)

by Sharon Shinn

For the Rider Wen, peace in Gillengaria has only brought despair. Plagued by guilt for failing to protect her king, Wen has fled the royal city and given herself the penance of a life of wandering, helping strangers in need, making sure they remain that: just strangers.Until the day she helps a terrified young woman abducted by an overeager suitor. The girl, she discovers, is the daughter of one of those who rose against the dead king, and is now heir to the great estate known as Fortune. Once she has delivered her safely home, Wen wants nothing further to do with the girl or her family. But fate has other plans. For behind the walls of Fortune, Wen will fine her future - and she will finally confront the ghosts of her past...

Heart of Gold: A Novel

by Sharon Shinn

A SCIENTIST BY NATURE - he used his rational powers of observation to examine more closely the privileges he was born to enjoy - and the people he was raised to despise.A REBEL AT HEART - she followed her fiercest passions in the struggle to overthrow a legacy of hate - one that had poisoned her family for generations.ON A PLANET DIVIDED - between rich and poor, strong and weak, intellect and feeling, only one thing could bring these two opposites together: a strictly forbidden desire.For justice. For equality.FOR EACH OTHER...

Jenna Starborn

by Sharon Shinn

There is only one Jenna Starborn . . .A baby harvested from the gen-tanks on the planet Baldus.A girl scorned by the only family she has ever known.A woman bold enough to seek her own way, strong enough to stay true to herself, and brave enough to follow her heart - wherever in the universe it may lead her . . .

Jeweled Fire (An\elemental Blessings Novel Ser. #3)

by Sharon Shinn

Princess Corene has run away from home to the royal court of Malinqua, where the empress's three nephews are vying to be named her heir. Two other foreign princesses have also come to the palace, hoping to marry the man chosen to be the next ruler of Malinqua. What the nephews don't know is the identity of the man who accompanies Corene: the empress's legitimate grandson, born long after everyone believed his mother was dead. What Corene doesn't know is the real reason the empress is gathering foreign princesses to her court-and how much that puts all of them in danger. Corene finds herself making friends in unexpected places and relying more and more on her faithful guard Foley. Because Foley is the only person who would die before allowing harm to come to Corene...

Jovah's Angel (Angel Ser. #2)

by Sharon Shinn

GOD IS ANGRYThe severest storms ever recorded are ripping Samaria apart. Desert has become swamp, hurricanes howl over ferocious seas. The peoples of a once simple world have turned against their centuries-old faith, embracing new technology, squabbling over land, hopelessly repeating history all over again. The leaders of Samaria - the archangels and Oracles - look on helplessly. Where once they could talk to the heavens, they are now greeted with a terrible silence.It is up to godless Caleb, who dreams of flying like the Angels, to discover the incredible cause of the chaos . . .

Mystic and Rider (A\twelve Houses Novel Ser. #1)

by Sharon Shinn

Gillengaria seethes with unrest. In the south, hostility toward magic and its users has risen to dangerous levels, though King Baryn has ordered that such mystics are to be tolerated. It is whispered that he issued the decree because his new wife used her magic powers to ensnare him . . .The King knows there are those in the noble Twelve Houses who could use the growing dissent to overthrow him. SO he dispatches the mystic Senneth to assess the threat throughout the realm. Accompanying her is a motley band of magic users and warriors including Tayse, first among the King's Riders - who holds a hard view of mystics in general, and Senneth in particular. But as the unlikely allies venture farther into the south, they will face death in a land under the sway of a fanatical cult that would purge Gillengaria of all magic users. And they will come to realise that their only hope of survival lies in standing together . . .


by Sharon Shinn

The four novellas in Quatrain are set in worlds of Archangel, Heart of Gold, Summers at Castle Auburn, and Mystic and Rider. "Flight" follows a former angel-seeker who used to be in love with the Archangel Raphael and now is determined to keep her beautiful niece from making her same mistakes. "Blood" is the story of a fierce young gulden man who comes to the city to seek his mother, whom he hasn't seen since he was a boy and she ran away from his abusive father. In "Gold," a crown princess escapes the hazards of war by hiding among the fairylike aliora, where she encounters an altogether different sort of danger. And in "Flame," the mystic Senneth uses her magic to save a little girl, an act that wins her new friends but puts her own life at risk.

Reader and Raelynx (A\twelve Houses Novel Ser. #4)

by Sharon Shinn

In this novel of secret sorceries and forbidden desires, the mystic Cammon must put aside his personal feelings for Princess Amalie while he reads the souls of her suitors for any potential threats. But Cammon is unable to read Amalie, and he begins to suspect that she herself possesses magic powers-a revelation which would put her life in danger, and throw the kingdom into chaos.

Royal Airs (An\elemental Blessings Novel Ser. #2)

by Sharon Shinn

Josetta is a princess of one of the Five Families. But she is far from the throne, so she is free to spend her days working in the poorest sections of the city.Rafe Adova lives the life of a career gambler in those slums. He has no real ambition - until the night he helps a girl names Corene, who looks like she's stumbled into the wrong bar.Josetta is fascinated by the man who has helped her sister. Rafe is unlike anyone she's ever encountered - someone seemingly devoid of elemental blessings.Rafe is also drawn to Josetta, but when he is assaulted by foreign mercenaries and the reason behind the attack is discovered, Rafe and Josetta realise that the truth could endanger not only their newfound love but also their very lives . . .

The Shape-Changer's Wife

by Sharon Shinn

Aubrey was a student, gifted in the fine art of wizardry. But the more knowledge he acquired, the more he wanted to learn. So he travelled to a faraway land in search of the greatest master of all, the powerful shape-changer Glyrenden. From him, Aubrey expected to discover the secret of long-lost spells and the mysteries of arcane magic.But there was one discovery he never expected, one mystery he risked everything to solve.Her name was Lilith.

The Shape of Desire (A\shifting Circle Novel Ser. #1)

by Sharon Shinn

For fifteen years, Maria Devane has been desperately, passionately in love with Dante Romano. But Maria knows that Dante can never give everything of himself back - at least not all the time. Every month, Dante shifts shape, becoming a wild animal. He can't choose when he shifts, the transition is often abrupt, and as he gets older the time he spends in human form is gradually decreasing.Maria has kept his secret since the beginning, knowing that their love is worth the danger. But when a string of brutal attacks occurs in local parks while Dante is in animal form, Maria is forced to consider whether the lies she's been telling about her life have turned into lies she's telling herself . . .

Still Life with Shape-Shifter (A\shifting Circle Novel Ser. #2)

by Sharon Shinn

For her entire life, Melanie Landon has hidden the fact that her half sister, Ann, is a shape-shifter, determined to protect her from a world that simply wouldn't understand. When a mans hows up asking about Ann - who has been missing for months - Melanie fears the worst, and with good reason. Freelance writer Brody Westerbrook knows about the existence of shape-shifters and intends to include Ann in the book he's writing.While Melanie is immediately drawn to the stranger she knows better than to trust him, and she denies his claim. But when Ann finally reappears, looking thin and sick, Melanie realises that exposure is the least of their worries. Protecting her sister has always been an enormous part of Melanie's life, but as Ann's health rapidly deteriorates, Melanie must come to grips with the fact that saving her may mean letting go . . .

Summers at Castle Auburn

by Sharon Shinn

She was a girl with a talent for witchcraft and a taste for adventure.The illegitimate child of a royal lord, she longed for a man who could never be hers. And she lived for her summers at Castle Auburn.She is a woman who has grown accustomed to standing alone.What she once loved, she has lost. Where she once saw joy, she now sees terrible injustice. And at the castle where she only lived in peace she now walks in fear for her life.

The Thirteenth House (A\twelve Houses Novel Ser. #2)

by Sharon Shinn

After joining an unlikely band of soldiers and sorcerers to rescue the kidnapped regent, Romar Brendyn, the shiftling Kirra returns home to learn that her half-sister, Casserah, has been proclaimed heir to the land. But when Casserah refuses to go on a social tour of the great houses, Kirra shifts into her sister's form and makes the rounds - during which she unexpectedly encounters her former compatriots. The motley group faces many dangers and Kirra places herself in peril when she falls in love with the married Lord Romar. Revealing her true identity to him, Kirra begins a tempestuous affair that places them in mortal danger, and leads them both into the stronghold of the devious lords of the Thirteenth House . . .

Troubled Waters (An\elemental Blessings Novel Ser. #1)

by Sharon Shinn

After the death of her father - a former royal adviser - Zoe Ardelay has little time to grieve before she receives astonishing news: she has been chosen to become the king's fifth wife.Zoe accompanies an ambassador to the royal city, but once there she slips away and hides among those who live along the shores of the mighty river. For Zoe is coru: ruled by the elemental sign of water.Gradually she discovers that she is, in fact, the coru prime. Which means she must return to the palace, not as an unwilling bride for the king but as a woman with power in her own right . . .

The Turning Season (A\shifting Circle Novel Ser. #3)

by Sharon Shinn

For Karadel, being a shape-shifter has always been a reality she couldn't escape. Even though she's built a safe life as a rural veterinarian, with a close-knit network of shifter and human friends who would do anything for her, she can't help but wish for a chance at being normal.When she's not dealing with her shifts or caring for her animal patients, she attempts to develop a drug that will help shifters control their changes - a drug that might even allow them to remain human forever. But her comfortable life is threatened by two events: she meets an ordinary man who touches her heart, and her best friend is forced to shift publicly with deadly consequences.Now Karadel must decide whom to trust: her old friends or her new love.

Unquiet Land: An Elemental Blessings Novel (An\elemental Blessings Novel Ser. #4)

by Sharon Shinn

Leah Frothen has returned home. But she can scarcely catch her breath before she is summoned by regent Darien Serlast, the man who made her a spy. Leah is reluctant to take on a new assignment, but Darien has dangled the perfect lure to draw her in...Leah finds she enjoys the challenges of opening a shop catering to foreign visitors, especially since it affords her the opportunity to get to know Mally, the child she abandoned five years ago.But when the regent asks her to spy on ambassadors from a visiting nation, Leah soon learns that everyone-her regent, her lover, and even her daughter-have secrets that could save the nation, but might very well break her heart.

Wrapt in Crystal

by Sharon Shinn

Sweetly are the secrets toldwrapt in crystal,limned in gold . . .On a planet of barren beauty near the edge of the civilized galaxy, two religions are practiced. Both sects worship the same goddess - the Triumphantes in joy and splendour, the Fideles in solemnity and selflessness. As different as day and night, sun and shadow, joy and grief, the two sects are now bound together in death . . .A serial killer is stalking the priestesses, killing first a Triumphante, then a Fidele, in turn. Six women are now dead, and the planetary authorities are at a loss. Enter Interfed Agent Cowen Drake. A cunning professional, he must immerse himself in an unfamiliar world of stark spirituality to catch the killer. A world that will trap him between opulence and sacrifice, between duty and desire and between two extraordinary women - one who could become the killer's ultimate victim . . .

The Robot: Band 01b/Pink B (PDF)

by Paul Shipton Cliff Moon Gary Dunn Collins Big Cat

A humorous story featuring two whacky scientists building a robot. They assemble the robot carefully with each body part, but where is the head? In this simple text, each body part is named as it is added, and as the different parts are used, a repeated reply of thank you reinforces the phrase.

Billy and the Beast

by Nadia Shireen

One of The Observer's Best Children's Books of 2018! 'It's a great story for everyone, especially those not used to seeing themselves centre-stage'- The Guardian From the author of Bumblebear, comes a new heroine for our times. Introducing: Billy! Whilst on a lovely walk in the woods, Billy and her trusty sidekick Fatcat hear a terrible rumble… a terrible rumble coming from a Terrible Beast… He’s making a Terrible Soup out of all of Billy and Fatcat’s friends! Luckily, our brave heroine Billy has a trick or two up her sleeve (or in her hair)…Join Billy on her mission to defeat the Terrible Beast (and save those adorable little bunny rabbits too).'A refreshing picture book star' - The Observer

Billy and the Dragon

by Nadia Shireen

'Shireen’s latest book confirms her as one of the brightest and best picture book creators working in Britain today... Sensational.' - The Observer Our fearless heroine Billy is back! Whilst at a fancy-dress party, something terrible happens: Billy's loyal sidekick Fatcat is kidnapped by a fire-breathing dragon. Uh-oh!But luckily for Fatcat, Billy won't stand for that: off she goes on a brave rescue mission...Join Billy for a fairytale adventure with a twist. 'It's a great story for everyone, especially those not used to seeing themselves centre-stage'- The Guardian on Billy and the Beast

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