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Humanoid Puppets

by Denis Hughes Ray Barry

Partly, it was Gina's curiosity that started the trouble. If she had never gone to Morgan Tors to search for the fabulous puppets she might not have broken the seal of Thaa-an. But the damage was done and the full force of elemental evil unleashed. Gina found herself plunged into an adventure such as no mortal being would choose of their own free will...

Inner Cosmos

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

Another story novelized from the pages of Astounding Stories, telling of the experiments of an alien race who have migrated to the solar system to domicile themselves on Mars. Their experiments result in the death of their leader and lead to the Martians being overwhelmed by an invasion of beings from the microcosm...and, ultimately, to the creation of life on Earth!

Jack of Eagles

by James Blish

Danny Caiden is on the run - from the FBI, the SEC, the Justice Department and the Mob. Only recently, Danny was an average New York copywriter, until he suddenly found he had ESP. His knowledge of the future is astonishing, and the rest of Danny's powers are just beginning. But someone has plans for Danny: a mysterious group of sinister men bent on world domination. They'll stop at nothing until they capture Danny . . . or destroy him. For only Danny Caiden has the power to sabotage their diabolical tyranny. Through no fault of his own, he has found himself at the centre of a shattering psychic struggle for the future of humanity. In the final battle, Danny must master all of his powers, or sacrifice himself - and all mankind - to satanic slavery forever.

The Last Martian

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

Originally published in 1952, John Russell Fearn writes another classic pulp SF novel as Vargo Statten.

Laughter in Space

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

Dr. Cranley is sentenced to exile in space for murdering a rival scientist, and swears revenge... Later, across the world people suddenly start behaving like lunatics, culminating in their being gripped by hysterical laughter until they collapse-dead. It becomes known as the Laughing Plague. Eventually it is learned that the Earth has crossed the path of a spatial cloud of gas that was the result of an ancient cataclysm that blew the one-time moon of Venus to pieces, leaving its poison atmosphere free in space. Then, radio messages are received from Dr. Cranley, now domiciled and living on Venus. He offers to send a Venusian antidote to save humanity. But can he be trusted?

Maid of Thuro

by John Lane Denis Hughes

The arrival of a party of aliens from a distant world would arouse mixed feelings in the mind of any human witness involved. But if the strangers prove to be the advance party of a gigantic global migration scheme most human beings would almost certainly be afraid. Hardly surprising, therefore, that Mike and Jay, caught up in the mesh of just such a situation, were two very frightened people. But they were also on the brink of the most fantastic adventure ever woven around the lives of ordinary mortal beings...

Mists of Dawn

by Chad Oliver

A 17-year-old makes an unplanned trip through space and time to Europe 50,000 years ago where Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man engage in conflict for survival.

Ominous Folly

by Ray Barry Denis Hughes

Diana and Jane had their glamorous European road trip all planned out: shopping in Paris, then down along the Spanish coast for sun and sea.A strange road takes them through twists and turns until they black out. When they wake, they're on a strange island, with no way off and no sign of how they got there. This strange bubble out of time has no seasons, no day or night, and is populated by a small collection of people. They are cared for - or ruled over - by the mysterious 'Master'. They're in paradise. But they're not allowed to leave...OMINOUS FOLLY is one of Denis Hughes' works under his many pseudonyms. It has been out of print in the UK for decades and is now available for the first time as an eBook!

Player Piano: The debut novel from the iconic author of Slaughterhouse-5

by Kurt Vonnegut

Player Piano is the debut novel from one of history's most innovative authors, published on Vonnegut's 100th birthday.In Player Piano, the first of Vonnegut's wildly funny and deadly serious novels, automata have dramatically reduced the need for America's work force. Ten years after the introduction of these robot labourers, the only people still working are the engineers and their managers, who live in Ilium; everyone else lives in Homestead, an impoverished part of town characterised by purposelessness and mass produced houses.Paul Proteus is the manager of Ilium Works. While grateful to be held in high regard, Paul begins to feel uneasy about his position - especially after a trip to Homestead. Eventually, Paul makes the decision to rebel against all he's been given, inciting seismic repercussions...'His black us something to laugh about and much to fear' New York Times Book ReviewWatch the documentary about his life - Kurt Vonnegut: Unstuck in Time - on Prime

The Queen People

by Denis Hughes Russell Rey

With the eyes of the world upon them, four men leave the surface of the earth to conquer space. Only one person among the crowds who watch is endowed with an inward prescience of what will happen. To watch disaster is no one's wish; to be helpless to avert it is worse. But to be caught up in its horrifying aftermath is something to be avoided at all cost...

Ring Around the Sun (Gateway Essentials #137)

by Clifford D. Simak

Jay Vickers was an ordinary man, or so he thought. All he wanted was to be left in peace to finish his next book. However, strange things started happenin - from his discovery of a mouse that was not a mouse, to the visit of an old neighbor that was not a man. Or at least he was not an ordinary man. For as it turned out, neither was Jay Vickers. This is the story of human mutation - the next step in the evolution of the species. What if mutants walked among us already? What if they were organized? What if they had unbelievable powers, such as the ability to cross between alternate worlds or dimensions at will, or to intuitively reach the absolutely correct answer by intuition or "hunch", or to telepathically reach out to the stars? Such supermen would automatically try to conquer lesser men, would they not? Or would they do everything in their power to free the rest of humanity from slavery and suffering? Just what would the political and corporate powers-that-be do to keep their power and their slaves? How would mutants undermine the power of these bosses to set mankind free? This is a story of unlimited freedom, of worlds without end, ready for the taking. It is also the story of powerful, benevolent beings that exist only to help those who need that help. This is a future of a lop-sided mechanical culture of technology that could provide creature comfort for a few, but not human justice or security for the many. It is a future of hate, and war, and worry. Nothing like the way the world really turned out - after all, there couldn't really be an underground of mutants working to free humanity . . . could there?

Satellite B.C.

by John Glasby Rand Le Page

The crew of the interstellar exploration ship Ultima Thule is menaced by a brain-eating alien.

Sphero Nova

by John Glasby Berl Cameron

They came out of the star-strewn wilderness around Sol, these alien creatures. And their object was the vicious, total destruction of the Federation of Worlds.Earth was one of the last pf the planets to be attacked and here they were opposed by the Earth Council: six men who held the destinies of a hundred billion people in their hands.But in the end, there remained only one man out of the six to fight. Velga Dorne, Earth Councillor and Member of the Triumvirate of Worlds. And he himself was a hunted man. Death and terrible destruction followed him across the wastes of space in the search for the crazy, nightmare planet that had spawned these creatures. Fear and terror were his only companions. Until he reached the nameless planet of a still more insignificant sun and learned that there were others to join him in the struggle against the black, inhuman monsters. These were the Hheroni, scientists whose achievements had progressed along a slightly different path of research to humanity. And Astraea, the girl who went with him on the suicidal mission to where the Aliens originated: on a world that no one in their wildest dreams had thought possible to exist, one which even science said was impossible.

Time and Space

by John Glasby Rand Le Page

There were many reasons why the Time Kings sent their warrior hordes back through the endless corridors of Time. The ancient spaceships had been destroyed by the wrath of a people smarting under the aftermath of the Galactic War. But though the lanes of space were deserted to them, the Time Kings possessed a weapon more deadly than any other - the Amphichron. Sweeping through the grey ages, the warriors destroyed and pillaged the peaceful eras of the past.

To The Ultimate

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

The universe a creation of thought, a series of mathematical equations being worked out against a background of figurative abstract ether! Three men set out on an incredible voyage to the beginning of Time in search of the Supreme Mathematician who had created the universe-only to discover that He is now striving to destroy it by the ultimate cancellation of all figures, in order to free Himself from an eternity of mental toil! The most audacious story of is author, novelized from the pages of the famous pre-war pulp, Astounding Stories!

Twenty-Four Hours

by Denis Hughes Neil Charles

Fate's selection of Nick and Pat for the task of preserving the world is one of those problems which will always remain unsolved. Outwardly, they were hardly a suitable pair. One was liable to be branded a traitor; the other was incurably ill. And yet to them fell the colossal responsibility of doing what they did - destroying the alien threat at terrible sacrifice to themselves...

Vault of the Ages

by Poul Anderson

Archaeologists, studying the past, are handicapped by the fact that relics are usually few and in poor condition. Often, one is not even sure where to look for them. Out of such finds, from tombs, ruined cities, swamps, deserts, and any other place where men of the past have left some trace of themselves, the archaeologist tries to build up a picture of these men's lives and civilizations. but there are great gaps in our knowledge and probably always will be. For Instance, we cannot yet read the inscriptions left by the ancient Cretans, and so are in the dark about many features of their high civilization...

Worlds To Conquer

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

Claire Escott had ignored her father's warning against involvement with her fiancé Mark Rowland. However, she little realised the extent of the scientist's corroding ambition when he invents a method of matter transmission. And it was not long after their marriage that Rowland's ruthless pursuit of a scientific empire encompassed a horri­fying murder. But that was only the start of things. Mark's scientific genius and obsessive ambition to go one step further eventually led to the conquest of space, culminating in the mass destruc­tion of an interstellar war!


by John Glasby Paul Lorraine

To the crew of the Exploratory Ship Canopus, outward bound on the first intergalactic voyage to the flaring suns of mighty Andromeda, the evil whisperings that spilled out from the nebula into deep space came as a warning. This was something far beyond their previous experience. Nor were they the only ones to come under the malignant influence of the alien intelligence. In the empty, murmuring void, virtually half-way between the two galaxies of stars, a solitary sun streaked away from Andromeda, dragging its lonely, ammonia-laden planet with it. And it was here that the explorers first gained their glimpse of the black horror that lay straddled across the intergalactic darkness. Something that had being. Something that existed where it seemed impossible that anything could.It fell on Klau-Telph, the only non-Terran on board the Canopus, to finally track down and destroy the inhuman monster that threatened to drive the inhabitants of a trillion planets over the red edge of madness. Not until it was done did he find that the hidden reason behind the insidious whisperings was not what it seemed. In fact, it was something that even he, with his strange double mind, had never thought possible...

Zero Point

by John Glasby Rand Le Page

Over the long years, ships of the Interplanetary Confederation had scoured the empty wastes surrounding Sol, searching desperately for a sister planet; a companion for the isolated worlds of the Solar System. Of the ships that were sent out, many returned. But always the answer was the same.There were no planets! The worlds of Sol were alone in the Great Dark that swirled across the boundless heavens. It was not until Steve Rane and Nick Brodine, in the Exploratory Ship Vega, reached across the yawning gulf of light years to Sirius, that they found the strange planet that rotated in its complicated orbit around the twin sun. It was an event transcending all others. A discovery that plunged the planets of Sol into the greatest race of all time. For whoever controlled the alien planet, controlled the Solar System. And away from the watchful eye of the IPC it would be possible to build the greatest space armada in history and attack the Interplanetary Confederation without warning.To Steve Rane, the order came from Earth Central. Zero Point has been set for three months hence. The ship of Jupiter must not reach the new planet first.

Asteroid Forma

by Denis Hughes Rand Le Page

The Galaxy is a big place, made up of thousands of millions of worlds, and the work of exploration will probably never be entirely completed. But various systems within the Galaxy, each with its own particular humanoid race if intelligent beings, have joined in galactic federation for the mutual good of all concerned. Once major snag remained: speedy communication. When space travel velocities were increased by the introduction of 5C drive on all but local planetary working vessels the way was opened to enormously expanded regions of movement. Piet Tek, captain of a space tramp, tells of what happened when the secret of instantaneous communication was prematurely exploited by unscrupulous people in search of power.

Beyond Zoaster

by Denis Hughes Neil Charles

When Zaan, the ruler of the dying world of Ginya, set his sights on Earth as a place where his race could prosper and be safe from extinction, conquest was assured. The people of Earth were decadent and sunk in idle complacency and peace and technological advancement came to the world when the Ginyan race became Earth's overlords. Only a small group of human beings saw far enough ahead to exile themselves on dark Zoaster with a view to freeing the world from alien rule in the future, hoping to build up an army of synthetic supermen who would one day sweep the Ginyan race from the face of the Earth. They did not count on the weird elementals that dwelt on Zoaster, spirits of evil and darkness . . .

The Black Avengers

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

Dayton Raslor, owner by inheritance of a successful spaceship corporation, is imprisoned in a penal colony on Jupiter for a crime he didn't commit. He had been framed by three ruthless industrialists on Earth who are plotting to take over his Spaceline. Raslor manages to escape from Jupiter with the aid of the son and daughter of his company's financial director, who had been driven to suicide after also being framed by the same industrialists. The trio plot their revenge by forming "The Black Avengers" and as interplanetary outlaws attack the spaceships of the stolen corporation...

Black Bargain

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

Earth is enveloped in what seems at first to be to be a harmless cloud of cosmic dust. But it leaves behind a deadly disease, dooming every human being on Earth unless an antidote can be found. Medical experts strive to find this antidote, but have to report failure. At this stage a mysterious woman arrives from Jupiter with the antidote mankind so desperately needs, but she demands in return the services of Doctor Meadows as her mate; he will have to return with her to Jupiter to help regenerate her race, where males are extinct. Meadows reluctantly agrees, and the antidote is given, saving humanity, so Meadows prepares to accept his fate...

Black-Wing of Mars

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

Max Harborn and his wife Eva, the first space explorers to visit Mars, discover an almost dead world of endless deserts. Lifeless, that is, except for a few curious Martian moths, paradoxically existing in the absence of vegetation and water. Two of the living moths are brought back to Earth, along with samples of rocks, sand, and atmosphere. But once back on Earth, the two moths, male and female, escape from captivity, and begin breeding at a prodigious rate. The alien grubs are capable of eating almost anything, and soon the world is imperilled by a horrifying destructive plague of the Martian moths...

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