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The Eye of Karnak

by Patricia Fanthorpe Lionel Fanthorpe John E. Muller

Modern man is not fascinated by ancient Egypt without good reason. The Nile Civilisation is not only interesting because of its age but because of its mystery. Who can completely answer the riddle of the Sphinx, even today? What strange mysteries are still buried among the measurements of the Great Pyramid? How many wonders are yet incarcerated in the Valley of the Kings?Johnny Cole and Chris Saunders set out for the Eye Temple at Luxor. The discovered evidence of a strange cult, hitherto quite unsuspected. The search took them to Thebes and beyond. From Necropolis to Necropolis they traced the terrifying ancient truth to learn at last that the Eye-god still lived, deadly, ruthless, malevolent.Would twentieth century weapons work on a being older than time itself?If not, how did a mortal fight against an evil deity?

The Fatal Fire

by Kenneth Bulmer

"Mytilene," he told them, "is a pleasure world. Or, rather, I should say worlds. You can fly from any planet to any other in the atmosphere."The whole ball, which is much larger than Jupiter, is held together by electromagnetic forces created and maintained by the machines and the robot brains on the centre planet - which spins of itself, but does not move within the gaseous envelope.

A for Andromeda

by Fred Hoyle John Elliott

A new radio telescope picks up from the constellation of Andromeda a complex series of signals which prove to be a programme for a giant computer. After the computer is built it begins to relay information from Andromeda. Scientists find themselves possessing knowledge previously unknown to mankind, knowledge that could threaten the security of human life itself.

The Immortals

by Leo Brett Lionel Fanthorpe Patricia Fanthorpe

Xalia was old when the Pyramids were built. Xalia was a woman when Gaza was an untouched coastal plain. Xalia was a woman when Abraham left Ur of the Chaldees. She was not alone. There were others like her. Human, yet more than human. Some were good. Others were evil. Others, like Xalia, still retained some human qualities. Even a goddess can fall in love and when she does Time and Space become meaningless. Xalia was prepared to go to any lengths to accomplish her strange purpose. What of those who got in her way? What of those who opposed her? Could Martin Slade resist the advances of a goddess? If not... what would happen to a man who was loved by an Immortal? What happened to those who tried to save him?

Infinity Machine

by Patricia Fanthorpe Lionel Fanthorpe John E. Muller

Science and technology seem to advance in wild leaps. Something tremendous is discovered, then there is a breathing space. War accelerates the process of discovery. Primitive man discovered the wheel, the lever, fire and language. After the Dark Ages there was a great upsurge of scientific discovery. Amazing new knowledge was added almost daily. Today progress is faster than ever. The Twentieth Century is the Age of the Machine. Men use machines. Tomorrow, machines may use men. Imagine a world where everything is dependent on automatic machinery. Imagine a world where men have forgotten how to service the machines that serve them. Imagine the chaos, the horror and the conflicts when the machines begin to fail. Are flesh and blood superior to metal and plastic?

The Jewels Of Aptor: A Science Fantasy Novel / Captives Of The Flame: A Science Fantasy Novel (wildside Double #30) (Gateway Essentials)

by Samuel R. Delany

When Argo, the White Goddess, orders it Geo, the itinerant poet, and his three disparate companions journey to the island of Aptor to seize a jewel from the dark god, Hama, and return it to Argo so that she may defeat the malign forces ranged against her and the land of Leptar. But, as the four push deep into the enigmatic heart of Aptor and the easy distinctions between good and evil start to blur, their mission no longer seems straightforward. For Argo already controls two of the precious stones and possession of the third would make her power absolute. And the four friends have learned that power tends to corrupt...

Legion of the Lost

by Patricia Fanthorpe Lionel Fanthorpe Pel Torro

Servius had always been a faithful servant of the goddess Diana. As a gladiator he had given her thanks for his victories, as a Centurion he had prayed to her on the eve of every battle. When at last the tide of war turned against him he fled to her sanctuary on the shore of Lake Nemi. Here he killed the Priest in order to become the Priest and ever after he lived in fear of being killed himself by the next aspirant for the office. When the fatal battle was fought the dying Servius had a vision of Diana, who made him a strange promise. He would die, yet he would not die. He would live, yet he would not live. When he found himself he would be lost, and when he was lost he would be found.Servius closed his eyes by the shorts of Lake Nemi and opened them in a strange, frightening world where chariots ran without horses and where men flew inside iron birds. His first problem was to survive. His second was to find his way home!

A Life For The Stars: Cities in Flight Book 2 (Gateway Essentials)

by James Blish

Science has come to humanity's rescue with two crucial discoveries - antigravity devices that enable whole cities to be lifted from the Earth to become giant spaceships, and longevity drugs that allow their inhabitants to live for thousands of years - lead to the establishment of a unique Galactic empire.Now, the earth's cities are able to abandon the worn-out homeworld for a new life, a new future. But what will they find as the hurtle off into the depths of space . . . ?

The Makeshift Rocket

by Poul Anderson

Knud Axel Syrup, chief engineer of the spaceship Mercury Girl, sat and drank his favourite beer and thought about the coming war he was so anxious to avoid. For Grendel - the planetoid on which he was stranded - had been occupied by a band of fiery Irish revolutionaries. And once the rival Anglians discovered this, there response would be speedy and violent.Then, as Herr Syrup shook up a bottle of brew and let the foam shoot out of its top, he realised suddenly what could be done to get him off Grendel.And so came about a marvellous spaceship - built of beer kegs, bound by gunk, upholstered with pretzel boxes, and powered by the mighty reaction forces of malted brew!

The Man Who Conquered Time

by Patricia Fanthorpe Lionel Fanthorpe John E. Muller

Darryl Whitesmith was engaged upon a new line of research at the Horological Central Institute. He was familiar with the famous saying of Minkowski: "From henceforth space in itself and time in itself sink to mere shadows and only a kind of union of the two preserves an independent existence."But he had no idea to what extent that saying would be borne upon him. It was difficult for Darryl's mind to make the transition from subjective to objective time, but once that transition had been made there was no turning back. It began as a simple experiment, an experiment which concerned space-time, relativity and the four dimensional continuum.Whitemith's first indication that something was wrong was when the clock on the wall raced backwards in a blur of speed to fast to follow. The laboratory faded, day and night blended into a welter of greyness.He was back in the Jurassic Age - but not for long. The machine was still dragging him back into the remote epochs of the Past...

Micro Infinity

by John E. Muller Lionel Fanthorpe Patricia Fanthorpe

BY JOHN E. MULLER The botanist claims that human life depends indirectly on the chlorophyll in the green leaf. The leaf depends on sunlight. But both depend upon the atom. No atoms, no physical matter, no physical universe! Microscope experts peer closely into the mysteries of the human body, into the mysteries of the green lead, into the mysteries of the chemical elements. It is hardly feasible to subject an atom to microscopic examination. But what if it was possible? What if a new technique of observation was discovered? A strange, revolutionary "seeing" without recourse to the photon. The microscope might reveal scientific impossibilities which would shake the universe to its foundations. Smallness hold more terrors than greatness.

Necromancer: The Childe Cycle Book 2 (CHILDE CYCLE #2)

by Gordon R Dickson

The machine that controlled all life wouldn't tolerate any interference. People who refused to be regulated had to be disposed of - isolated, driven insane, murdered. A small group of men had dedicated themselves to fighting this Frankenstein of man's technological achievement. Secretly they laid plans to destroy the machine and all its works including the millions of people who had accepted their robot-like existence. Either way, the human race was doomed!


by Leo Brett Lionel Fanthorpe Patricia Fanthorpe

The modern mind usually associates witchcraft with the middle ages. We think of witches as Shakespeare depicted them in Macbeth. We see them as secret, black and midnight hags, doing a deed without a name. We close our eyes and immediately the vision of a cauldron filled with foul ingredients appears before us; here are the fenny snake, adder's fork, wool of bat, scale of dragon and tooth of wolf.But this does not go far enough back. There was witchcraft in the world long before medieval times. The Witch of Endor who practiced her strange arts in the reign of King Saul is familiar to all students of the Old Testament. The writings of Homer abound with references to witchcraft and sorcery. The very earliest human societies had witch doctors, medicine men, shamans and priests of the black art.Perhaps so ancient and widespread a cult has some basis in fact. There are powers beyond science. Ancient occult laws will still hold good. It is not wise to cross the path of a being whose age is measured in centuries and whose dark powers can alter the stars in their courses.

Operation Terror

by Murray Leinster

The radar-complex had picked up the strange object in space just as it neared the earth's surface. It was described as "an object of considerable size." The impact of its landing at Boulder Lake Park, Colorado, was felt on every seismograph in the world. Then the first reports began to trickle in: there were "creatures" on board? Creatures who soon left their ship and began exploring the area ...Where was the ship from, and what was the quest of the strange visitors? These visitors who were armed with a terrifying paralysis ray that blinded its victims, filling their nostrils with a reptilian odor of the jungle?Only one man in the Boulder Lake Park area could hope to solve the mystery of the "Aliens" who had come to call on earth ...

Or All the Seas with Oysters

by Avram Davidson

Supposing you were Dr. Morris Goldpepper, D.D.S., kidnapped and brought to a strange new planet, condemned to fashion sets of false teeth for its toothless inhabitants?Supposing you owned a bicycle repair shop and the bicycles began to take on a strange new life of their own?Supposing you found an antique telephone in a curiosity shop, dialed a number and were connected with George Washington?Can you imagine the results? Only Avram Davidson can, and he convincingly transports you to a world where past and future intermingle, where weird creatures and events rub shoulders with everyday reality.

Orbit One

by Patricia Fanthorpe Lionel Fanthorpe John E. Muller

Space fiction is no longer fiction in the same way that it used to be. There was an element of distance and strangeness about it a few years back. Now, fact has caught up and threatens to overtake. Science fiction today has become science prediction.An atom is a miniature solar system in some respects. The clustering molecules resemble galaxies, colloids are, perhaps, tiny models of the whole creation. Man stands midway between the unbelievably small and the unbelievably huge. This is one of the allies of science fiction. We look down into the mysteries of the infinitesimal; we look up into the majesty of the macrocosm.In all this vastness of stars and planets there must be other life. One day we shall make contact with that life. What will the aliens be like? How will human culture compete with non-human culture? Which will survive?

Penguin Readers Level 3: A Wrinkle in Time (ELT Graded Reader)

by Madeleine L'Engle

Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series. Please note that the eBook edition does NOT include access to the audio edition and digital book. Written for learners of English as a foreign language, each title includes carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises.Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content.The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary.A Wrinkle in Time, a Level 3 Reader, is A2 in the CEFR framework. The text is made up of sentences with up to three clauses, introducing first conditional, past continuous and present perfect simple for general experience. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear on most pages.Meg's father has disappeared, and her family wants him back. One day, Meg and her little brother meet three strange women. The women know about Meg's father, and they want to help her.

Perilous Galaxy

by Patricia Fanthorpe Lionel Fanthorpe John E. Muller

The only lesson we learn from history is that we never learn from history. Primitive weakness destroys just as surely in the age of Rock and Roll as it did in the days of the harp or the spinet. Man has nothing to fear so much as human frailty. Material progress alone means nothing. Whether you kill your enemy with a club, a musket or an atomic bomb...he is equally dead! Civilisation will be mo better a thousand years from now unless man changes his nature. An ape in a space ship is just as much a jungle beast as an ape in a tree.Fear is the fetter that holds the cave man, the twentieth century man and the space man of tomorrow. Doubt is his chain.

The Return of Zeus

by John E. Muller Lionel Fanthorpe Patricia Fanthorpe

Man has often wondered about the birth of his world. Our remote ancestors told strange tales of parental deities who gave birth to planets, and people.Primitive religious thought regarded inanimate Nature as teeming with terrifying psychic life. It is a trend which persists in the dark recesses of the modern mind. There is reason for this persistence . . .Were the ancients entirely wrong?Science has unlocked many mysteries that terrified our forebears, but there are others which remain just as enigmatically sealed as before.What strange astrological influences do the dark stars exert as they speed through the heavens on their evil courses? Like a cosmic combination lock their tuning unleashes timeless forces of evil.The Pantheon of Old Gods rides again to bring hideous terror to the 20th century.

The Seed of Earth

by Robert Silverberg

The computer had chosen them - a small cross-section of humanity to serve Mankind's Destiny. Out of seven billion people on Earth mechanical chance had selected them as involuntary colonists on an unknown planet. In seven days they would be on their way, on a sink-or-swim mission to a lonely world beyond the limits of the Solar System.It was a summons each had privately dreaded, yet always been prepared for. But no one had prepared them for the vicious attacks of sinister aliens . . .


by Poul Anderson

Koskinen had returned to earth with a strange new "Shield" - a device which enclosed the wearer in a force shield which absorbed all energies below a certain level. Light could come through the Shield, but no weapon known to man could penetrate it.Koskinen had developed the Shield in collaboration with the Martians. From the moment of his return to earth he was in deadly danger. His own country sent men to kill him to prevent the Shield from falling into enemy hands.Soon the whole civilised world was searching for this one man - a man armed with the greatest potential military weapon mankind had ever seen the only question was which power would possess the Shield as its very own?

The Ships of Durostorum: Keys to the Dimensions Book 5 (Keys to the Dimensions #5)

by Kenneth Bulmer

WANTED: ONE ENGINEERFOR MANAGERIAL POSITION IN IRUNIUM.WAGES HIGH. DEATH BENEFITS SUDDEN."I am the Contessa Perdita di Montevarchi. Here in Irunium the only law is my will."I shall seek out another engineer. But this time he will be a real engineer from a dimension that understands these things, from Slikitter, probably from Earth. He will be treated with respect because his function is valuable to me. Almost inevitably he will terminate as this offal terminated, but that is to be expected of imperfect tools."He will not at first see the slaves in the mines and I do not with him treated as a slave. My mines must continue to produce gems for my trace across the Dimensions. An engineer is needed so I shall find one...."

The Super Barbarians

by John Brunner

The Acre was the only part of an entire world where Earthmen were allowed to live as they pleased and as they were accustomed. For elsewhere on Quallavarra, humanity was forced into servitude by the Vorra, THE SUPER BARBARIANS, who has somehow managed to conquer space.But within the Acre, the underling Terrestrials had cooked up a neat method of keeping teir conquerors from stamping them out altogether. They had uncovered a diabolical Earth secret the Vorra couldn't abide - and yet couldn't do without.

Supernatural Stories featuring The Frozen Tomb (Supernatural Stories)

by Patricia Fanthorpe Lionel Fanthorpe Leo Brett

Another spinetingling collection from the prolific pen of R L Fanthorpe!The Frozen Tomb: Unliving and undying she waited in a casket of ice.Sleeping Place: His thin lips curled back to display rows of sharp, white teeth.Strange Country: "What is he doing there? How could he escape?"Cry in the Night: The wolf cry sounded strangely human in the darkness...The Thing from Boulter's Cavern: Inhuman survivors of a weird, ancient race lived on in the labyrinth.The Coveters: "Greed is a psychic disease...maybe it has a psychic cure...?"

Supernatural Stories featuring Storm God's Fury (Supernatural Stories)

by Patricia Fanthorpe Lionel Fanthorpe Bron Fane

Storm God's Fury: The ancient gods used powerful weapons on those who defied them.Vampire Castle: Something with claws instead of hands was unpicking the lead.Moonlight Island: The prints on the beach changed from human feet to leopard tracks...The Mountain Thing: It staggered from the mountain cave ... savage ... hideous ... part man, part beast.Return of Lilith: Lilith ... ghastly night monster from mythology older than history.

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