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Showing 6,326 through 6,350 of 10,351 results

Top Dog: The Science of Winning and Losing

by Ashley Merryman Po Bronson

Compete better...In a competitive situation our bodies can experience the same level of stress hormones as jumping out of a plane. Competition is often the key to outstanding achievement. But what is it that makes the difference between rising to the challenge and buckling under pressure? Using groundbreaking studies in diverse scientific fields, Bronson and Merryman demonstrate that understanding how to harness our competitive fire means we can perform our best – whether the contest is sporting, academic or in the workplace.Why are men typically prepared to gamble on long or even stupid odds and women aren’t?Why do some less talented students consistently outperform their smarter class mates in crucial exams?Why do higher levels of testosterone actually make you less selfish and more cooperative and cognitively astute?Why do so many market-leading companies cede their top position because they become risk averse at the wrong times?Why do sports teams where the pay differential between players is the greatest win more?The answer to all this and more is in New York Times no.1 bestselling authors Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman's Top Dog:The Science of Winning and Losing‘A great read for those paralyzed by the fear of failure as well as thosewho hunger for success’Huffington Post

Winning the Right Job - A Blueprint to Acing the Interview

by Pratibha Messner Wolfgang Messner

You know you have the right skills, a curious mind, the drive and discipline to make your career goals a reality. And yet, do you find yourself lost in a maze of job portals, social networking, online applications, call with agents and futile rounds of interviews? That 'dream job' does not come easily. At the beginning of your career and unguided by a mentor, the challenges are manifold: getting it right during the phases of application, the interview and the negotiation can be tricky. Relevant for both entry-level jobseekers and those planning a change, Winning the RIght Job - A Blueprint to Acing the Interview shows you how to approach a potential employer and answer questions on attitudes, life skills, ambitions and expectations. The book guides you through the interviewing and negotiating days, helps you decide whether the role on offer is right for you, and provides tips on making a gracious exit from your current and a powerful entry into the new organization.

Why Women Have Sex: Understanding Sexual Motivation from Adventure to Revenge (and Everything in Between)

by Cindy Meston David Buss

Why do women have sex? Is it purely for pleasure or the desire to reproduce? In their ground-breaking book, clinical psychologist Cindy Meston and evolutionary psychologist David Buss investigate the underlying sexual desires of women and identify 237 distinct motivations for sex. Drawing on more than a thousand intensive interviews conducted solely for the book, as well as their pioneering research on physiological response and evolutionary emotions, Meston and Buss give us a remarkably complex and nuanced portrait of female sexuality. They explore the use of sex as a defensive tactic against a man's infidelity (protection), as a ploy to boost self-confidence (status), as a barter for gifts (resource acquisition), or even as a cure for a headache (medication).Why Women Have Sex explores the deep-seated psychology and biology of female sexuality, and promises to inform every woman's - and her partner's - awareness of her relationship to sex and her own sexuality.

Anorexia: A Stranger in the Family

by Katie Metcalfe

Katie Metcalfe takes readers through the daily struggle with this potentially lethal obsession. It is a harrowing account of her triumphs and tragedies on the long road to recovery after being hospitalized at 15. We learn of Katie's constant battle with 'the voice' when her pride at improving her health is overshadowed by the fear of over eating.It is a story of a young girl at war with herself and anyone who fights to keep her alive. However, Katie Metcalfe's book is more than a personal journey - it is the story of the impact of her illness on her family.With remarkable candour Katie's parents and siblings tell of the shocking impact on close relatives - when anorexia creates a stranger in the family. Katie's honesty combined with her talent for writing, gives a real sense of the horror of anorexia and its power to dominate lives. It is a true account of a family's hard won victory over a disease that kills.

Spark: 24 Concepts to Ignite, Unstick or Supercharge Your Work Life

by Chris Mettler Jon Yarian

Spark provides an unhurried, thought-provoking experience about what drives individuals, teams and organizations to thrive, and how readers can use that knowledge to ignite and direct their own careers.Spark is an unconventional business book. It has been built on the idea that coming from a perspective of 'getting' something is a severely self-limiting position. Instead, a career should be seen as an opportunity to give - to your funders, your team, your customers and the world at large. Doing so, the authors argue, can lead to expansive possibilities. At the same time, however, people should be averse to bloat, bureaucracy, and everything that comes with achieving a certain level of inert mass. So, how can these two positions be reconciled? How can we complain about companies getting too big while presenting a book to help entrepreneurs and leaders think and act more effectively? This is why, unlike most business books, Spark doesn't use the authors' business backgrounds or personal stories as a launchpad for their views on best practices. It's not a step-by-step guide to building an empire, and it doesn't pretend to have all the answers to creating the world's best businesses. Instead, Spark aims to deliver an unhurried, thought-provoking experience about what drives individuals, teams and organizations to thrive. The 24 concepts in the book are commonplace inside venture capital firms and high-performing private equity firms, but they haven't yet made their way to the broader marketplace. The authors believe that these ideas should be more accessible to professionals in all industries, at all stages of their careers. And instead of giving overly-prescriptive advice, readers will be encouraged to think about broader concepts in the context of their own experiences, careers and goals.The book is organized into three sections, each containing eight chapters:- Tier One: Ideas you work on within yourself (individual) - Tier Two: Ideas you work on with someone else (interpersonal) - Tier Three: Ideas you work on within groups (organizational). Each chapter introduces a term; gives a specialized definition that challenges the reader to think differently about the term; and offers thoughts and guidance on how to put the idea into practice. Part manifesto, part self-help guide, Spark is for anyone who has to be resilient and tap into the fire (or inferno!) inside of them to overcome a challenge. It's for those who simply aren't finding purpose in bloated organizations, who don't like to hold meetings for meetings' sake, and who want to live each day as their last, instead of just getting through. The goal of this book is to help you overcome whatever obstacles stand between you and the life you want to live.

Spark: 24 Concepts to Ignite, Unstick or Supercharge Your Work Life

by Chris Mettler Jon Yarian

Spark provides an unhurried, thought-provoking experience about what drives individuals, teams and organizations to thrive, and how readers can use that knowledge to ignite and direct their own careers.Spark is an unconventional business book. It has been built on the idea that coming from a perspective of 'getting' something is a severely self-limiting position. Instead, a career should be seen as an opportunity to give - to your funders, your team, your customers and the world at large. Doing so, the authors argue, can lead to expansive possibilities. At the same time, however, people should be averse to bloat, bureaucracy, and everything that comes with achieving a certain level of inert mass. So, how can these two positions be reconciled? How can we complain about companies getting too big while presenting a book to help entrepreneurs and leaders think and act more effectively? This is why, unlike most business books, Spark doesn't use the authors' business backgrounds or personal stories as a launchpad for their views on best practices. It's not a step-by-step guide to building an empire, and it doesn't pretend to have all the answers to creating the world's best businesses. Instead, Spark aims to deliver an unhurried, thought-provoking experience about what drives individuals, teams and organizations to thrive. The 24 concepts in the book are commonplace inside venture capital firms and high-performing private equity firms, but they haven't yet made their way to the broader marketplace. The authors believe that these ideas should be more accessible to professionals in all industries, at all stages of their careers. And instead of giving overly-prescriptive advice, readers will be encouraged to think about broader concepts in the context of their own experiences, careers and goals.The book is organized into three sections, each containing eight chapters:- Tier One: Ideas you work on within yourself (individual) - Tier Two: Ideas you work on with someone else (interpersonal) - Tier Three: Ideas you work on within groups (organizational). Each chapter introduces a term; gives a specialized definition that challenges the reader to think differently about the term; and offers thoughts and guidance on how to put the idea into practice. Part manifesto, part self-help guide, Spark is for anyone who has to be resilient and tap into the fire (or inferno!) inside of them to overcome a challenge. It's for those who simply aren't finding purpose in bloated organizations, who don't like to hold meetings for meetings' sake, and who want to live each day as their last, instead of just getting through. The goal of this book is to help you overcome whatever obstacles stand between you and the life you want to live.

The Overcomers: Stories and Lessons from Entrepreneurs of a Resilient Nation

by Alef Meulenberg

What would you do if you suddenly lost everything? If the business you’ve put your heart and soul into is gone overnight? This question became a reality for many entrepreneurs whose businesses were destroyed during the looting of July 2021 in South Africa.Alef Meulenberg travelled into the heart of townships like Alexandra in Johannesburg and the deep rural settings of KwaZulu-Natal to follow ten entrepreneurs who built businesses from nothing, nurtured and grew them over the years, only to lose everything during this time.In The Overcomers Alef provides us with each of these entrepreneurs’ stories – where they come from, what they do, what happened during the looting and how they recovered from such a devastating event. And, importantly, Alef writes about the dreams of these remarkable entrepreneurs and their plans to grow their businesses going forward.These stories about hardship, resilience, determination and hope are the backdrop for valuable lessons for all of us, in both business and life.Let’s learn from those who have come out on the other side.Let us learn from the overcomers.

100 Inspirational Quotes: And the Life-Changing Scriptures Behind Them

by Joyce Meyer

100 Inspirational Quotes from Beloved Bible Teacher Joyce Meyer, and the Life-Changing Scriptures Behind ThemThose who know and love Joyce Meyer often say it's her straightforward, tell-it-like-it-is approach to teaching the Bible that resonates with them so strongly. For more than forty years now, God has given Joyce the ability to take Biblical principles and express them in ways that stick with you.In this book, you'll find many of her most familiar sayings--along with the scriptures that inspired them--that will help keep your mind focused on God's Word so you can live with more peace and joy in your day-to-day routine. The truth is, "where the mind goes, the man follows," and these godly, practical words of wisdom will make a positive impact that will turn your day around!

100 Inspirational Quotes: And the Life-Changing Scriptures Behind Them

by Joyce Meyer

100 Inspirational Quotes from Beloved Bible Teacher Joyce Meyer, and the Life-Changing Scriptures Behind ThemThose who know and love Joyce Meyer often say it's her straightforward, tell-it-like-it-is approach to teaching the Bible that resonates with them so strongly. For more than forty years now, God has given Joyce the ability to take Biblical principles and express them in ways that stick with you.In this book, you'll find many of her most familiar sayings -- along with the scriptures that inspired them -- that will help keep your mind focused on God's Word so you can live with more peace and joy in your day-to-day routine. The truth is, "where the mind goes, the man follows," and these godly, practical words of wisdom will make a positive impact that will turn your day around!

100 Ways to Simplify Your Life

by Joyce Meyer

Many want a simple life, but find it difficult to actually live that way. They fight a constant battle to balance work, family, friends, and other demands on schedules stretched too thin. Joyce Meyer breaks it down to the simple principle of exercising faith rather than doubt and confidence rather than people-pleasing. She writes from her experience of struggling to balance work, family, friends, and all the other demands on limited time to show readers the simple answer to a simpler life.Joyce gives these and other practical and easy to implement ideas for finding real joy:· Live to glorify God · Let go of what lies behind · Choose your battles · Don't be afraid of what people think · Trust God to change other people · Live with margin · Don't be so hard on yourself · Stop doing things you don't do well · Remember that God is for you.Joyce reminds readers that the Bible is full of examples of God's provision and His instruction to focus on one day at a time. She encourages readers to set themselves free by realizing they don't have to do, fix, or manage everything. By embracing the fact that God is on their side they will be encouraged that he will help find a way to live a simple life.

20 Ways to Make Every Day Better: Simple, Practical Changes with Real Results

by Joyce Meyer

The traffic is backed up, the kids are screaming, and the car is making a funny noise again. Any one of these challenges can test our temperament and rob us of joy. Our impulse is to write today off and hope for a better tomorrow. However, this creates a hard pattern to break. One terrible day easily turns into many-and soon we're living a life far from what God has in mind for us. A new, transforming sense of excitement, happiness, and contentment in our lives is possible when we pursue God's goodness each day. In 20 WAYS TO MAKE EVERY DAY BETTER, Joyce Meyer shares biblical illustrations, actionable advice, uplifting stories, and the encouragement we need to start enjoying the life God created for us.

Amar a la gente que es muy difícil de amar: Transforme su mundo cuando aprende a amar incondicionalmente

by Joyce Meyer

El secreto para amar a la gente que es difícil de amar es amarla de todos modos... Jesús aconseja que &“se amen los unos a los otros. Así como yo los he amado, también ustedes deben amarse los unos a los otros&” (Juan 13:34 NVI). Suena maravilloso, amar a todos como Jesús lo ama a usted. Pero, a menudo, la realidad de vivir de esta manera es más desafiante o puede parecer imposible, porque muchas personas son simplemente difíciles de amar. Probablemente usted sepa esto por experiencia personal. Tal vez sea un compañero de trabajo poco amigable, un vecino entremetido o alguien de su familia o su ex pareja. Y más en estos días, donde las redes sociales y otros medios de internet son fuentes comunes de comunicación hostil. No obstante, Dios quiere ayudarle a amar a los demás como Él lo ama a usted, incluso a quienes son más difíciles de amar. En este libro, Joyce Meyer comparte la sabiduría práctica de la Biblia y sus experiencias personales sobre cómo superar los obstáculos para amar a las personas difíciles. Descubrirá cómo ser un pacificador en circunstancias tensas o incluso volátiles, convertirse en una persona que no se ofende fácilmente, saber cuándo adaptarse a los demás y el secreto para amar como Jesús cuando parece imposible hacerlo. Con la ayuda de Dios, puede convertir las interacciones frustrantes en agradables y traer la paz que apaga el fuego de la contienda cuando estallan las discusiones. No tiene que vivir bajo una nube de intimidación o temor al tratar con personas difíciles, ya sean conocidos o personas cercanas a usted. Cuando aprenda a amar como Jesús, ¡será libre de amar a la gente que es difícil de amar!

The Answer to Anxiety: How to Break Free from the Tyranny of Anxious Thoughts and Worry

by Joyce Meyer

Renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers how to overcome anxiety by giving their worries to God. We all feel anxious, worried, or concerned at times; these feelings are common responses to stressful situations. But what if there was a way to put a stop to your worrying before it steals your peace of mind? In The Answer to Anxiety, renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer reveals truth from God&’s Word that shows us how to focus on God when we&’re feeling anxious or unsettled. She also teaches readers practical steps based on Scripture that we can take when we need to face our fears and resolve all of our anxieties. God doesn&’t want you to live with worry and anxiety. And when you understand that He has a good plan for you, you can experience the life-changing peace He offers. Join Joyce on this journey to overcome anxiety and discover how you can have a God-centered, peace-filled life you enjoy every day. A Spanish edition, La respuesta a la ansiedad, is also available for purchase.

The Approval Fix: How to Break Free From People-Pleasing

by Joyce Meyer

When we hear the word addiction, we tend to think of unbreakable habits involving drugs or alcohol. But many people struggle each day with a different kind of addiction: a deep need for the approval of others. Their unquenchable thirst for love and acceptance often causes people to suffer in relationships, give up on their dreams, and even forfeit their destinies. The key to breaking free from approval addiction, and the people-pleasing that goes along with it, is to understand and embrace the love of God and others and to be able to love yourself.In The Approval Fix, best-selling author Joyce Meyer offers the practical insights and lessons necessary to find freedom from the need for approval. Anyone who wants to enjoy life and build healthy relationships, but struggles to feel accepted, will benefit immensely from this book, which is full of proven principles from Meyer's years of experience helping people find freedom in many areas of their lives.

The Approval Fix: How to Break Free from People Pleasing

by Joyce Meyer

Everybody wants to be loved. We all need affirmation, acceptance, and approval. Let's face it: It feels good to be appreciated and admired. But when we depend on the approval of others to feel good about ourselves, it's impossible to have emotional stability or a healthy self-image. And when our value is based on how people see us rather than God's unconditional love for us, our desire for approval can become an addiction.In The Approval Fix, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer gives you practical insights that will help you learn how to accept who you are and become the unique individual God created you to be. You'll experience greater confidence, deeper emotional stability, and healthier relationships-the life you're really longing for. Today, discover the truth about God's love for you and approval of you. And enjoy the freedom to be the amazing person you can be in Him!Derived from material previously published in Approval Addiction.

Aproveche su día: Viva con propósito y haga que cada día cuente

by Joyce Meyer

#1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer shares a purposeful approach to everyday living, helping readers claim the good things God has in store for them each day. Today is no ordinary day. You may perform simple routines, feel uninspired, or lack the excitement of hope. But today could be the most important one of your life -- depending on how you choose to spend it.Joyce Meyer, #1 New York Times bestselling author, encourages you not to waste another minute. There is something special, valuable waiting for you to discover in each day. And when you spend time with God daily, asking Him to help you find it, you'll unlock the wonderful purpose He has in store for you. When you commit to letting God direct you, instead of resting passively in your own disappointments, you'll be open to receive greater happiness and blessings than you ever thought possible.All you need is the right encouragement. With over four decades of experience helping others find fulfillment, Joyce shares key biblical insights and personal stories that will help you make the most of this moment and SEIZE THE DAY!

Auténtica y única: Viva libre de las comparaciones y la necesidad de complacer

by Joyce Meyer

Descubre tus dones únicos y atrévete a ser diferente con la autora número uno en ventas del New York Times y reconocida maestra de la Biblia, Joyce Meyer. Dios te ha dado talentos y habilidades para que puedas cumplir su propósito en tu vida, pero si eres como muchas personas, es posible que aún no los hayas reconocido. A menudo, el mundo en el que vivimos nos presiona a vivir a la altura de una determinada imagen, en lugar de ser las personas únicas en las que Dios nos ha creado. Por lo tanto, permite que Dios te muestre qué tienes de especial en la forma que Él te hizo. Conviértete en una persona auténtica y única, ¡porque Dios nunca te ayudará a ser nadie más que tú misma! Él te ama tal como eres. Deja que Dios te use, con todas tus fortalezas y debilidades, y te transforme de adentro hacia afuera para hacer algo mucho más maravilloso que tus sueños más extravagantes.Discover your unique gifts and dare to be different with #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer.God has given you talents and abilities so you can fulfill His purpose for your life, but if you're like a lot of people, you may not have recognized them yet. The world we live in often pressures us to live up to a certain image, rather than be the unique individuals God has created us to be, so let God show you what&’s special about the way He made you.Become Authentically, Uniquely You because God is never going to help you be anyone but yourself! He loves you just as you are. Let God use you, with all your strengths and weaknesses, and transform you from the inside out to do something more wonderful than your wildest dreams.

Authentically, Uniquely You: Living Free from Comparison and the Need to Please

by Joyce Meyer

Discover your unique gifts and dare to be different with #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher, Joyce Meyer.God has given you gifts so you can fulfill His purpose for your life, but if you're like a lot of people, you may not have recognized your talents yet. Start asking God to show you something special about the way He's made you.To some people, He's given a very tender, compassionate heart, and some He has wired to lead others effectively. Others, He has given a gift of being able to communicate clearly, to teach, to make scientific discoveries, or to write beautiful music. Only you can discover all the dynamic gifts He's placed in you.Become Authentically, Uniquely You because God is never going to help you be anyone but yourself. He loves you just as you are. Let God use you, with all your strengths and weaknesses, and transform you from the inside out to do something powerful beyond your wildest dreams.

Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle of Your Mind

by Joyce Meyer

'Our actions are a direct result of our thoughts. If we have a negative mind, we will have a negative life. If, on the other hand, we renew our mind according to God's Word, we will prove out "the good and acceptable and perfect will of God" for our lives.'Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger and feelings of condemnation - all these are attacks on the mind. But take heart! Joyce Meyer has helped millions to change their lives by changing the way they think.Joyce Meyer's all-time bestselling book:· Shows you how to control the thousands of thoughts you have every day· Helps you to recognise damaging thoughts that can influence your life· Identifies the 'Wilderness Mentalities' that hold us back· Demonstrates how to focus your mind to think the way Jesus thoughtJoyce shares the trials, tragedies and ultimate victories from her own marriage, family and ministry that have led her to amazing, life-transforming truth, and reveals her thoughts and feelings every step of the way.

Be Joyful: 50 Days to Defeat the Things that Try to Defeat You

by Joyce Meyer

Conquer the most common obstacles to life with this 50-day guide as #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer draws upon the teachings of the apostle Paul to help you experience joy-filled living each day of your life.​ In this 50-day guide, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer draws upon the teachings of the apostle Paul to help you experience joy-filled living each day of your life. Joy is not just a "happy feeling" based on circumstances or on things you possess—it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that empowers you to remain stable and persevere through hard times so you rise above them, rather than becoming defeated by them. One of the hallmarks of Paul&’s epistles is the joy with which he writes and which he invites his readers to experience also. He chose joy in all circumstances, even during times of struggle. In this unique book, Joyce Meyer presents Paul&’s teachings on joy into concise lessons that equip you to triumph over the greatest challenges to a joy-filled life. Through these 50 daily entries, you&’ll be encouraged to embrace the truths God has given you, truths that will allow you to overcome the emotions, attitudes, and experiences that rob you of joy. Be Joyful in the journey and begin to experience the wonderful, abundant life that the Lord has in store for you!

Be Your Best: How You Can Live a Happy, Healthy, and Full Life

by Joyce Meyer

In her candid and straightforward style, Joyce Meyer offers feature articles on the issues most important to her readers including: - Personal Growth- Health- Priorities- Spiritual Maturity- Relationships- Marriage and Family- Finances and Success- Balanced LivingThe bookazine format offers the features of a magazine with the content of a book. Incorporating the feedback from a number of focus groups, this bookazine will include a photographic layout, side bars with FAQs, inspirational quotes, write in sections, and spiritual messages.

Bendición en el desorden: Cómo ver la bondad de Dios en medio del dolor de la vida

by Joyce Meyer

¿Podemos verdaderamente encontrar paz e incluso bendición en medio del caos, las decepciones y los otros desordenes que la vida nos presenta? La vida es a menudo caótica. Escuchamos a la gente decir: «Mi vida es un desastre» o «Esta situación es un caos». Lo que quieren decir es que la vida se ha vuelto difícil, dolorosa o confusa. Pero Dios nunca nos prometió una vida libre de problemas. De hecho, su Palabra nos dice que esperemos lo contrario. En Juan 16:33, Jesús dice: «En este mundo afrontarán aflicciones, pero ¡anímense! Yo he vencido al mundo» (NVI). En Bendición en el desorden, la renombrada maestra de la Biblia, Joyce Meyer, nos muestra cómo ser bendecidos en medio de las circunstancias más desafiantes de la vida. La Biblia está llena de instrucciones sobre cómo podemos tomar control cuando las dificultades se nos presenten, y Joyce nos comparte en este libro esa sabiduría a través de enseñanzas conmovedoras y prácticas que nos equipan para permanecer firmes y esperanzados en cada situación. No importa los problemas que enfrentemos, hay una manera de permanecer gozosos y pacientes mientras Dios obra en ellos. Si no has manejado bien los problemas complicados o los desafíos de tu vida en el pasado, entonces, con la ayuda de Dios, puedes comenzar a manejarlos mejor a partir de ahora. Nunca debemos desperdiciar nuestro dolor. A través de la sabiduría destilada en Bendición en el desorden, podemos aprender cómo sacar provecho de nuestros líos, usar esos conocimientos para evitar problemas en el futuro, y compartir nuestras experiencias para ayudar a otras personas a encontrar bendiciones en medio de sus desastres.

Blessed in the Mess: How to Experience God's Goodness in the Midst of Life's Pain

by Joyce Meyer

Renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer shows readers how to not just survive but thrive amidst both the everyday and the monumental messes we experience in life. Life is often messy. We hear people say, &“My life is a mess,&” or &“This situation is a mess.&” What they mean is that life has become difficult, painful or confusing. But God never promised us a trouble-free life. In fact, His Word tells us to expect the opposite. In John 16:33, Jesus says, &“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world&” (NIV). In Blessed in the Mess, beloved Bible teacher Joyce Meyer shows us how to be blessed in the midst of life&’s most challenging circumstances. The Bible is filled with instructions on how to handle ourselves when difficulty comes our way, and Blessed in the Mess shares that wisdom through poignant and practical teaching that equips us to remain stable and hopeful in every situation. No matter what problems we may face, there is a way to remain joyful and patient as God works on them. If you have not handled the messy issues or challenges in your life well in the past, then with God's help, you can begin to manage them better, starting now. We should never waste our pain. Through the wisdom distilled in this book, we can learn how to gain something from our messes, use those insights to avoid trouble in the future, and share our experiences to help other people find blessings in the midst of their messes. A study guide as well as a Spanish edition, Bendición en el desorden, are also available for purchase.

Buena Salud, Buena Vida: Doce Claves para Disfrutar de Bienestar Físico y Espiritual

by Joyce Meyer

El cuerpo que Dios creó es el instrumento para el hombre experimentar una vida plena en la tierra, hacer las buenas obras, y desarrollar su vida espiritual. Para hacer el trabajo que está destinado a hacer, nuestro cuerpo necesita mantenerse en forma. Debemos mantener una mente, cuerpo y alma sanos. Sin embargo, en el mundo moderno, es muy fácil dejar que una, dos, o los tres de estos se pasen por alto. En esta lectura compacta, Joyce presenta su plan de doce claves para hacer frente a la "sequía de autoestima" que perpetúa los hábitos que causan la mala salud. A medida que explora cada una de las doce claves para una buena salud, ella ofrece cinco métodos para la mejora de nuestro bienestar físico y espiritual. Además, Joyce ofrece recursos útiles, como la "Lista de Más Vale Prevenir" para el propio mantenimiento.

Cambia Tus Palabras, Cambia Tu Vida: Entender el Poder de Cada Palabra que Dices

by Joyce Meyer

#1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer discusses the importance of words in CHANGE YOUR WORDS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE: "Words are a big deal. They are containers for power, and we have to decide what kind of power we want our words to carry. ... I believe that our words can increase or decrease our level of joy. They can affect the answers to our prayers and have a positive or negative effect on our future. ... One might say that our words are a movie screen that reveals what we have been thinking and the attitudes we have." Building on the premises of her bestselling books, Power Thoughts and Living Beyond Your Feelings, Joyce examines how we use words-the vehicles that convey our thoughts and emotions-and provides a series of guidelines for cultivating talk that is constructive, healthy, healing, and used for good results. Topics include: The Impact of Words How to Tame Your Tongue How to be Happy When to talk and when not to talk Speaking Faith and Not Fear The Corrosion of Complaints Do you really have to give your opinion? The importance of keeping your word The power of speaking God's word How to have a smart mouthIn "A Dictionary of God's Word" at the end of the book, Joyce provides dozens of scripture verses, arranged by topic, and recommends that we read them aloud to strengthen our vocabulary of healing words.

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