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Youth and Housing in Germany and the European Union: Data and Trands on Housing: Biographical, Social and Political Aspect

by Rene Bendit Deutsches Jugendinstitut E. V. Jan H. Marbach

Dieser Forschungsbericht, der aufgrund seiner internationalen Ausrichtung in englischer Sprache vorliegt, skizziert Bedingungen und Bewertungen des Wohnens junger Menschen in der Europäischen Union und in Deutschland. Biographische, räumliche, ökonomische und politische Aspekte spielen dabei eine Rolle. Es geht um Gründe für das unterschiedliche Auszugsalter und um gesellschaftliche Faktoren, die gegen eine psychologisch verkürzende Interpretation des "Nesthockerphänomens" sprechen, um Besonderheiten des Wohnens junger Männer und Frauen sowie um Unterschiede hinsichtlich Familienstand, Bildung, Einkommen und Wohnregion. Strukturelle Hemmnisse und Barrieren junger Menschen auf dem Wohnungsmarkt werden dargestellt.

A Companion to Folklore (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Anthropology #37)

by Regina F. Bendix

A Companion to Folklore presents an original and comprehensive collection of essays from international experts in the field of folklore studies. Unprecedented in depth and scope, this state-of-the-art collection uniquely displays the vitality of folklore research across the globe. An unprecedented collection of original, state of the art essays on folklore authored by international experts Examines the practices and theoretical approaches developed to understand the phenomena of folklore Considers folklore in the context of multi-disciplinary topics that include poetics, performance, religious practice, myth, ritual and symbol, oral textuality, history, law, politics and power as well as the social base of folklore Selected by Choice as a 2013 Outstanding Academic Title

A Companion to Folklore (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Anthropology #36)

by Regina F. Bendix Galit Hasan-Rokem

A Companion to Folklore presents an original and comprehensive collection of essays from international experts in the field of folklore studies. Unprecedented in depth and scope, this state-of-the-art collection uniquely displays the vitality of folklore research across the globe. An unprecedented collection of original, state of the art essays on folklore authored by international experts Examines the practices and theoretical approaches developed to understand the phenomena of folklore Considers folklore in the context of multi-disciplinary topics that include poetics, performance, religious practice, myth, ritual and symbol, oral textuality, history, law, politics and power as well as the social base of folklore Selected by Choice as a 2013 Outstanding Academic Title

Nation-Building and Citizenship: Studies of Our Changing Social Order

by Reinhard Bendix

Nation-Building and Citizenship examines how states and civil societies interact in their formation of a new political community. Reinhard Bendix directs our attention to relations established between individual and state during nation-building. While the development of citizenship and the interplay between tradition and modernity are important in this process of social and political change, his key theme is the examination of authority patterns.Bendix explores in depth the possibilities of an alternative approach to the neo-evolutionary orientation many social scientists take in their analyses of the underdeveloped areas of the world. The subjects he discusses include transformations of Western European societies since medieval times, extension of citizenship to the lower classes, bureaucratization in the nation-state, private and public authority in Western Europe and Russia, aristocracies and development in Germany and Japan, and the development of public authority in India's political community. The book concludes with a reconsideration of ideas widely held about tradition, modernity, and modernization.In a new introduction, John Bendix writes that what continues to make this book relevant is not only what it can tell us about past and present nation-building, including the transformations of the 1980s and 1990s, but its more general messages about the nature of social and political transformations. Nation-Building and Citizenship is a necessary addition to the libraries of political scientists, sociologists, historians, and scholars of comparative studies.

Nation-Building and Citizenship: Studies of Our Changing Social Order

by Reinhard Bendix

Nation-Building and Citizenship examines how states and civil societies interact in their formation of a new political community. Reinhard Bendix directs our attention to relations established between individual and state during nation-building. While the development of citizenship and the interplay between tradition and modernity are important in this process of social and political change, his key theme is the examination of authority patterns.Bendix explores in depth the possibilities of an alternative approach to the neo-evolutionary orientation many social scientists take in their analyses of the underdeveloped areas of the world. The subjects he discusses include transformations of Western European societies since medieval times, extension of citizenship to the lower classes, bureaucratization in the nation-state, private and public authority in Western Europe and Russia, aristocracies and development in Germany and Japan, and the development of public authority in India's political community. The book concludes with a reconsideration of ideas widely held about tradition, modernity, and modernization.In a new introduction, John Bendix writes that what continues to make this book relevant is not only what it can tell us about past and present nation-building, including the transformations of the 1980s and 1990s, but its more general messages about the nature of social and political transformations. Nation-Building and Citizenship is a necessary addition to the libraries of political scientists, sociologists, historians, and scholars of comparative studies.

Work and Authority in Industry: Managerial Ideologies in the Course of Industrialization

by Richard Bendix

Work and Authority in Industry analyzes how the entrepreneurial class responded to the challenge of creating, and later managing, an industrial work force in widely differing types of industrial societies: the United States, England, and Russia. Bendix's penetrating re-examination of an aspect of economic history largely taken for granted was first published in 1965. It has become a classic. His central notion, that the behavior of the capitalist class may be more important than the behavior of the working class in determining the course of events, is now widely accepted. The book explores industrialization, management, and ideological appeals; entrepreneurial ideologies in England's early phase of industrialization; entrepreneurial ideologies in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Russia; the bureaucratization of economic enterprises; and the American experience with -industrialization. This essential text will interest those in the fields of political science, industrial relations, management studies, as well as comparative sociologists and historians.

Work and Authority in Industry: Managerial Ideologies in the Course of Industrialization

by Richard Bendix

Work and Authority in Industry analyzes how the entrepreneurial class responded to the challenge of creating, and later managing, an industrial work force in widely differing types of industrial societies: the United States, England, and Russia. Bendix's penetrating re-examination of an aspect of economic history largely taken for granted was first published in 1965. It has become a classic. His central notion, that the behavior of the capitalist class may be more important than the behavior of the working class in determining the course of events, is now widely accepted. The book explores industrialization, management, and ideological appeals; entrepreneurial ideologies in England's early phase of industrialization; entrepreneurial ideologies in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Russia; the bureaucratization of economic enterprises; and the American experience with -industrialization. This essential text will interest those in the fields of political science, industrial relations, management studies, as well as comparative sociologists and historians.

Die mediale Natur der Produkte

by Peter Bendixen

Produkte sind Kopfgeburten. Die Vorstellung, dass sie aus einer Fabrik kommen, sei diese ein Hinterhof oder das mächtige Werksgelände eines Industriegiganten, ist naiv. Naivität ist die der schöpferischen Kreativität vorgelagerte Wahrnehmungsstufe der unvoreingenommenen Anschaulichkeit. Anschaulichkeit ist eine Sinnesleistung des Gehirns, das die mentale Konstruktion inhaltlich belebt und antreibt. Die schöpferische Leistung aber ereignet sich im Gestaltkreis des tätigen Menschen, dessen mentales Potenzial die physische Konstruktion leitet. Der kulturfähige Kopf des Menschen ist ein Erzeugnis der sozialen Kommunikation, die heute in der Öffentlichkeit von weit reichenden Medien getragen und beherrscht wird. Der soziale Ort der Erzeugung von Produkten ist der Markt, nicht die industrielle Werkstatt. Ein betriebswirtschaftliches Gesetz ist der mediale Charakter der Produkte jedoch nur dann, wenn sich die Marketingtheorie von veralteten Vorstellungen über das Produzieren und Verkaufen von Produkten löst.

Einführung in das Kultur- und Kunstmanagement

by Peter Bendixen

Das Buch führt in das Arbeitsgebiet des Kulturmanagers ein und vermittelt neben allgemeinen ökonomischen Grundlagen Basiswissen zu den zentralen Aspekten dieses Arbeitsgebietes: Markt- und Öffentlichkeitskontakte, finanzielle Sicherung, Organisation und strukturelle Anpassung von Kulturprojekten. Ein Praxiskapitel und Hinweise zu Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und -erfordernissen ergänzen den Band. Geeignet als Einführung für alle, die im Spannungsfeld von Kunst und Kommerz tätig werden wollen.

Einführung in das Kultur- und Kunstmanagement

by Peter Bendixen

Das Buch führt in das Arbeitsgebiet des Kulturmanagers ein und vermittelt neben allgemeinen ökonomischen Grundlagen Basiswissen zu den zentralen Aspekten dieses Arbeitsgebietes: Markt- und Öffentlichkeitskontakte, finanzielle Sicherung, Organisation und strukturelle Anpassung von Kulturprojekten. Ein Praxiskapitel und Hinweise zu Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und -erfordernissen ergänzen den Band. Geeignet als Einführung für alle, die im Spannungsfeld von Kunst und Kommerz tätig werden wollen.

Einführung in das Kultur- und Kunstmanagement

by Peter Bendixen

Das Buch führt in das Arbeitsgebiet des Kulturmanagers ein und vermittelt neben allgemeinen ökonomischen Grundlagen Basiswissen zu den zentralen Aspekten dieses Arbeitsgebietes: Markt- und Öffentlichkeitskontakte, finanzielle Sicherung, Organisation und strukturelle Anpassung von Kulturprojekten. Ein Praxiskapitel und Hinweise zu Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und -erfordernissen ergänzen den Band. Geeignet als Einführung für alle, die im Spannungsfeld von Kunst und Kommerz tätig werden wollen.

Einführung in das Kultur- und Kunstmanagement

by Peter Bendixen

Das Buch führt in das Arbeitsgebiet des Kulturmanagers ein und vermittelt neben allgemeinen ökonomischen Grundlagen Basiswissen zu den zentralen Aspekten dieses Arbeitsgebietes: Markt- und Öffentlichkeitskontakte, finanzielle Sicherung, Organisation und strukturelle Anpassung von Kulturprojekten. Ein Praxiskapitel und Hinweise zu Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und -erfordernissen ergänzen den Band. Geeignet als Einführung für alle, die im Spannungsfeld von Kunst und Kommerz tätig werden wollen.

Einführung in die Kultur- und Kunstökonomie

by Peter Bendixen

Die wirtschaftliche Basis kultureller Einrichtungen ist mehr denn je zu einem öffentlichen Problem geworden: dramatische Kürzungen der staatlichen und kommunalen Kulturhaushalte, mächtiger Druck der elektronischen Medien auf den gesamten Kulturbetrieb, Nutzung des Kulturerbes als Steinbruch für kommerzielle Zwecke und nicht zuletzt die noch weitgehend ungeahnten Folgen der Globalisierung. Verstärkte Anstrengungen sind notwendig, um kulturellen Verlust und die Gefahr kultureller Barbarei zu vermeiden, wenn Kunst, Künstler und kulturelle Einrichtungen in wachsendem Maße direkt oder indirekt unter das Diktat des Marktes fallen. Sinnvolle Gestaltung von Marktbeziehungen, die vom Respekt gegenüber der Eigenbedeutung der Kultur bestimmt wird, kann andererseits denkbare Wege eröffnen, staatlicher Bevormundung zu entkommen und dennoch nicht vor dem Kommerz einzuknicken. Lösungen dieser Probleme liegen weder allein im engen Bereich der anderweitigen Beschaffung von Finanzmitteln noch in der fortschreitenden und letztlich die Kultur erodierenden inneren Rationalisierung. Es geht um das Entdecken von Chancen, einerseits kulturpolitisch gegenzusteuern und andererseits die Signale des heraufkommenden Wandels kulturell mitzugestalten. Voraussetzung dafür ist ein vertieftes Verständnis der Wirkungsbeziehungen zwischen Kultur und Wirtschaft. Dazu will dieses Buch aus kulturökonomischer Sicht Ansätze und Anregungen bieten, die die orthodoxe Wirtschaftslehre der Neo-Klassik und des Neo-Liberalismus hinter sich lassen.

Einführung in die Kultur- und Kunstökonomie

by Peter Bendixen

Verstärkte Anstrengungen sind notwendig, um kulturellen Verlust und die Gefahr kultureller Barbarei zu vermeiden, wenn Kunst, Künstler und kulturelle Einrichtungen in wachsendem Maße direkt oder indirekt unter das Diktat des Marktes fallen. Sinnvolle Gestaltung von Marktbeziehungen, die vom Respekt gegenüber der Eigenbedeutung der Kultur bestimmt wird, kann andererseits denkbare Wege eröffnen, staatlicher Bevormundung zu entkommen und dennoch nicht vor dem Kommerz einzuknicken. Dazu will dieses Buch aus kulturökonomischer Sicht Ansätze und Anregungen bieten, die die orthodoxe Wirtschaftslehre der Neo-Klassik und des Neo-Liberalismus hinter sich lassen.

Zivilisationswende: Technischer Fortschritt und Wohlstand unter Stress

by Peter Bendixen

Die Biosphäre der Erde ist gefährdet. Märkte neigen verstärkt zu chaotischen Zuständen, die ungleiche Verteilung von Wohlstand verschärft sich. Dies und vieles andere macht deutlich, dass wir vor einer Zeitenwende stehen. Das Bewusstsein dafür wächst, aber noch ist nicht klar auszumachen, wie und wo wir zu tiefgründigen Korrekturen ansetzen können. Dieses Buch greift kritisch zwei zentrale Themenkreise auf: Was leisten noch die vertrauten Muster der Problembehandlung, insbesondere die überholten Modelle der marktwirtschaftlichen Selbstregulierung? Wie können die individuelle Einsichtsfähigkeit gestärkt und das natürliche Streben des Menschen nach Lebensfreude als Hebel zu Veränderungen ins Spiel gebracht werden? Eine Perspektive bietet ein kultivierter Hedonismus, der sich überall auf dem Globus verwirklichen lässt und sich dennoch der Verantwortung für das Ganze stellt.

Geld und Kunst — Wer braucht wen? (Schriftenreihe der HWP #4)

by Peter Bendixen Ullrich H. Laaser

Geld und Kunst sind so eng miteinander verbunden, dass sie nicht selten in Konflikt geraten. Wer begriffen hat, dass beide nicht ohne einander auskommen, wird aus dem kontroversen Verhältnis Nutzen ziehen. Mit Originalität und Phantasie zeigen die einzelnen Beiträge die große Spannweite des Themas zwischen Philosophie, Hintergrundreflexion, Berichten aus der Praxis und Kunst.

Einführung in die Kultur- und Kunstökonomie

by Peter Bendixen Bernd Weikl

Die wirtschaftliche Basis kultureller Einrichtungen ist mehr denn je zu einem öffentlichen Problem geworden: Verstärkte Anstrengungen sind notwendig, um kulturellen Verlust zu vermeiden, wenn Kunst, Künstler und kulturelle Einrichtungen in wachsendem Maße direkt oder indirekt unter das Diktat des Marktes fallen. Sinnvolle Gestaltung von Marktbeziehungen, die vom Respekt gegenüber der Eigenbedeutung der Kultur bestimmt wird, kann andererseits denkbare Wege eröffnen, staatlicher Bevormundung zu entkommen und dennoch nicht vor dem Kommerz einzuknicken. Es geht darum kulturpolitisch gegenzusteuern und die Signale des heraufkommenden Wandels kulturell mitzugestalten. Voraussetzung dafür ist ein vertieftes Verständnis der Wirkungsbeziehungen zwischen Kultur und Wirtschaft. Das Buch bietet Ansätze und Anregungen aus kulturökonomischer Sicht, die die orthodoxe Wirtschaftslehre der Neo-Klassik und des Neo-Liberalismus hinter sich lassen.

Contested Hospitalities in a Time of Migration: Religious and Secular Counterspaces in the Nordic Region (Religion, Resistance, Hospitalities)

by Synnøve Bendixsen Trygve Wyller

This book explores the duality of openness and restriction in approaches to migrants in the Nordic countries. As borders have become less permeable to non-Europeans, it presents research on civil society practices that oppose the existing border regimes and examine the values that they express. The volume offers case studies from across the region that demonstrate opposition to increasingly restricted borders and which seek to offer hospitality to migrant. One topic is whether these practices impact and transform the Nordic Protestant trajectory. The book considers whether such actions are indicative of new sensibilities and values in which traditional categories and binaries are becoming less relevant. It also discusses what these practices of hospitality indicate about the changing relationship between voluntary organizations and the Nordic welfare states in the time of migration. As such, it will appeal to scholars of sociology, anthropology, and religious studies with interests in migration, civil society resistance and social values.

Interactive Media for Sustainability (Palgrave Studies in Media and Environmental Communication)

by Roy Bendor

Interactive Media for Sustainability presents a conceptually rich, critical account of the design and use of interactive technologies to engage the public with sustainability. Treating interactive technologies as forms of mediation, the book argues that these technologies advance multiple understandings of sustainability. At stake are the ways sustainability encodes the complexity of interrelated social and natural systems, and how it conveys the malleability of the future. The book’s argument is anchored in a diverse set of theoretical resources that include contemporary work in human-computer interaction (HCI), social theory, media studies, and the philosophy of technology, and is animated by a variety of examples, including interactive simulations, persuasive apps, digital games, art installations, and decision-support tools.

Interactive Media for Sustainability (Palgrave Studies in Media and Environmental Communication)

by Roy Bendor

Interactive Media for Sustainability presents a conceptually rich, critical account of the design and use of interactive technologies to engage the public with sustainability. Treating interactive technologies as forms of mediation, the book argues that these technologies advance multiple understandings of sustainability. At stake are the ways sustainability encodes the complexity of interrelated social and natural systems, and how it conveys the malleability of the future. The book’s argument is anchored in a diverse set of theoretical resources that include contemporary work in human-computer interaction (HCI), social theory, media studies, and the philosophy of technology, and is animated by a variety of examples, including interactive simulations, persuasive apps, digital games, art installations, and decision-support tools.

Ralph Bunche and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Mediation and the UN, 1947-1949 (Israeli History, Politics and Society)

by Elad Ben-Dror

"I swear by all that’s Holy, I will never come anywhere near the Palestine problem once I liberate myself from this trap." Ralph Bunche wrote these lines to his wife in 1949, during the armistice talks on Rhodes. A year later, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his success in ending the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Ralph Bunche and the Arab-Israeli Conflict provides a comprehensive study of Ralph Bunche’s diplomatic activities on the Palestine question. Bunche was at the centre of the story from the referral of the issue to the United Nations in 1947 until the signing of the armistice agreements that ended the war. He began as advisor to UNSCOP and then headed the secretariat of the commission tasked with implementing partition. Later, after serving as the senior aide to UN mediator Folke Bernadotte, he was appointed to replace the Count after the latter’s assassination. Using extensive archival materials (some of it revealed here for the first time), this book addresses central questions, such as the relationship between Bunche’s African American identity and his diplomatic endeavours, and the complexities of his outlook on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Through research and careful analysis, it uncovers how Ralph Bunche managed to bridge the gaps between Israel and Arab states. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Middle Eastern History, particularly Israeli History, as well as Political Science and Diplomacy.

Ralph Bunche and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Mediation and the UN, 1947-1949 (Israeli History, Politics and Society)

by Elad Ben-Dror

"I swear by all that’s Holy, I will never come anywhere near the Palestine problem once I liberate myself from this trap." Ralph Bunche wrote these lines to his wife in 1949, during the armistice talks on Rhodes. A year later, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his success in ending the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Ralph Bunche and the Arab-Israeli Conflict provides a comprehensive study of Ralph Bunche’s diplomatic activities on the Palestine question. Bunche was at the centre of the story from the referral of the issue to the United Nations in 1947 until the signing of the armistice agreements that ended the war. He began as advisor to UNSCOP and then headed the secretariat of the commission tasked with implementing partition. Later, after serving as the senior aide to UN mediator Folke Bernadotte, he was appointed to replace the Count after the latter’s assassination. Using extensive archival materials (some of it revealed here for the first time), this book addresses central questions, such as the relationship between Bunche’s African American identity and his diplomatic endeavours, and the complexities of his outlook on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Through research and careful analysis, it uncovers how Ralph Bunche managed to bridge the gaps between Israel and Arab states. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Middle Eastern History, particularly Israeli History, as well as Political Science and Diplomacy.

Singing and Survival: The Music of Easter Island

by Dan Bendrups

An exemplary investigation into music and sustainability, Singing and Survival tells the story of how music helped the Rapanui people of Easter Island to preserve their unique cultural heritage. Easter Island (or Rapanui), known for the iconic headstones (moai) that dot the island landscape, has a remarkable and enduring presence in global popular culture where it has been portrayed as a place of mystery and fascination, and as a case study in societal collapse. These portrayals often overlook the remarkable survival of the Rapanui people who rebounded from a critically diminished population of just 110 people in the late nineteenth century to what is now a vibrant community where indigenous language and cultural practices have been preserved for future generations. This cultural revival has drawn on a diversity of historical and contemporary influences: indigenous heritage, colonial and missionary influences from South America, and cultural imports from other Polynesian islands, as well as from tourism and global popular culture. The impact of these influences can be perceived in the island's contemporary music culture. This book provides a comprehensive overview of Easter Island music, with individual chapters devoted to the various streams of cultural influence from which the Rapanui people have drawn to rebuild and reinforce their music, their performances, their language and their presence in the world. In doing so, it provides a counterpoint to deficit discourses of collapse, destruction and disappearance to which the Rapanui people have historically been subjected.

SINGING & SURVIVAL C: The Music of Easter Island

by Dan Bendrups

An exemplary investigation into music and sustainability, Singing and Survival tells the story of how music helped the Rapanui people of Easter Island to preserve their unique cultural heritage. Easter Island (or Rapanui), known for the iconic headstones (moai) that dot the island landscape, has a remarkable and enduring presence in global popular culture where it has been portrayed as a place of mystery and fascination, and as a case study in societal collapse. These portrayals often overlook the remarkable survival of the Rapanui people who rebounded from a critically diminished population of just 110 people in the late nineteenth century to what is now a vibrant community where indigenous language and cultural practices have been preserved for future generations. This cultural revival has drawn on a diversity of historical and contemporary influences: indigenous heritage, colonial and missionary influences from South America, and cultural imports from other Polynesian islands, as well as from tourism and global popular culture. The impact of these influences can be perceived in the island's contemporary music culture. This book provides a comprehensive overview of Easter Island music, with individual chapters devoted to the various streams of cultural influence from which the Rapanui people have drawn to rebuild and reinforce their music, their performances, their language and their presence in the world. In doing so, it provides a counterpoint to deficit discourses of collapse, destruction and disappearance to which the Rapanui people have historically been subjected.

Beyond WikiLeaks: Implications for the Future of Communications, Journalism and Society

by Benedetta Brevini, Arne Hintz and Patrick McCurdy

The 2010 release of US embassy diplomatic cables put WikiLeaks into the international spotlight. Revelations by the leaks sparked intense debate within international diplomacy, journalism and society. This book reflects on the implications of WikiLeaks across politics and media, and on the results of leak journalism and transparency activism.

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