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Pathways to Social Class: A Qualitative Approach to Social Mobility

by Daniel Bertaux Paul Thompson

Calling for a broader, new approach to social mobility research, Pathways to Social Class: A Qualitative Approach to Social Mobility moves beyond pure statistics to use qualitative techniques-such as life stories and family case studies-to examine more closely the dynamics of mobility and address more fundamental sociological questions.

Die dreiteilige Großstadt als Heimat: Ein Szenarium

by Lothar Bertels

Gemeinschaftsformen in der modernen Stadt

by Lothar Bertels

Gotha im Wandel 1990-2012: Transformation einer ostdeutschen Mittelstadt

by Lothar Bertels

Auf der Grundlage der bereits kurz nach der Wende erschienenen Untersuchung über die Stadt im Umbruch am Beispiel der Stadt Gotha sowie einer Folgeuntersuchung zur Stadtentwicklung wird hier erstmalig eine Langzeitstudie vorgelegt. Mit dieser Gemeindestudie wird die Art und Weise abgebildet, wie die Menschen den fundamentalen gesellschaftlichen Umbruch der ehemaligen DDR im Alltagsleben seit 1990 wahrgenommen und verarbeitet haben. Am Beispiel der typischen Mittelstadt in den neuen Bundesländern wird dies in Text- und Filmform dargestellt. Die Langzeituntersuchung enthält repräsentative Befragungen als Querschnittstudien aus den Jahren 1991, 1993 und 2012, zahlreiche Filmaufnahmen seit 1990 sowie umfangreiche qualitative Forschungen und die Auswertung von Sekundärdaten. Parallel dazu wird eine Filmversion vorgelegt, die die Zeit von 1990 bis heute umfassend abbildet.

Violent Becomings: State Formation, Sociality, and Power in Mozambique (Ethnography, Theory, Experiment #4)

by Bjørn Enge Bertelsen

Violent Becomings conceptualizes the Mozambican state not as the bureaucratically ordered polity of the nation-state, but as a continuously emergent and violently challenged mode of ordering. In doing so, this book addresses the question of why colonial and postcolonial state formation has involved violent articulations with so-called ‘traditional’ forms of sociality. The scope and dynamic nature of such violent becomings is explored through an array of contexts that include colonial regimes of forced labor and pacification, liberation war struggles and civil war, the social engineering of the post-independence state, and the popular appropriation of sovereign violence in riots and lynchings.

Critical Anthropological Engagements in Human Alterity and Difference (Approaches to Social Inequality and Difference)

by Bjørn Enge Bertelsen Synnøve Bendixsen

This book explores how one measures and analyzes human alterity and difference in an interconnected and ever-globalizing world. This book critically assesses the impact of what has often been dubbed ‘the ontological turn’ within anthropology in order to provide some answers to these questions. In doing so, the book explores the turn’s empirical and theoretical limits, accomplishments, and potential. The book distinguishes between three central strands of the ontological turn, namely worldviews, materialities, and politics. It presents empirically rich case studies, which help to elaborate on the potentiality and challenges which the ontological turn’s perspectives and approaches may have to offer.

Contemporary American Crime Fiction (Crime Files)

by Hans Bertens T. D'haen

This highly accessible, lively and informative study gives a clear and comprehensive overview of recent trends in American crime fiction. Building on a discussion of the immediate predecessors, Bertens and D'haen focus on the work of popular and award-winning authors of the last fifteen years. Particular attention is given to writers who have reworked established conventions and explored new directions, especially women and those from ethnic minorities.

Jews and Their Roman Rivals: Pagan Rome's Challenge to Israel

by Katell Berthelot

How encounters with the Roman Empire compelled the Jews of antiquity to rethink their conceptions of Israel and the TorahThroughout their history, Jews have lived under a succession of imperial powers, from Assyria and Babylonia to Persia and the Hellenistic kingdoms. Jews and Their Roman Rivals shows how the Roman Empire posed a unique challenge to Jewish thinkers such as Philo, Josephus, and the Palestinian rabbis, who both resisted and internalized Roman standards and imperial ideology.Katell Berthelot traces how, long before the empire became Christian, Jews came to perceive Israel and Rome as rivals competing for supremacy. Both considered their laws to be the most perfect ever written, and both believed they were a most pious people who had been entrusted with a divine mission to bring order and peace to the world. Berthelot argues that the rabbinic identification of Rome with Esau, Israel's twin brother, reflected this sense of rivalry. She discusses how this challenge transformed ancient Jewish ideas about military power and the use of force, law and jurisdiction, and membership in the people of Israel. Berthelot argues that Jewish thinkers imitated the Romans in some cases and proposed competing models in others.Shedding new light on Jewish thought in antiquity, Jews and Their Roman Rivals reveals how Jewish encounters with pagan Rome gave rise to crucial evolutions in the ways Jews conceptualized the Torah and conversion to Judaism.

Gothic Hauntings: Melancholy Crypts and Textual Ghosts

by Christine Berthin

What is buried in the crypts of the Gothic? Building on psychoanalytic research on haunting, cryptonymy and melancholy, as well as on French philosophies of language, this book explores how haunting is not just a Gothic narrative device but the symptom of an impossibility of representation and of an irreparable loss at the heart of language.

Human Rights-Based Approaches to Clinical Social Work (SpringerBriefs in Rights-Based Approaches to Social Work)

by S. Megan Berthold

This groundbreaking Brief brings a rights-based perspective to social work as opposed to the charity- and needs-based formats traditional to the field. Core principles for effective practice are discussed in the context of global human rights advocacy, from addressing individuals' immediate issues to challenging the structures that allow continued injustices to marginalized populations. Focusing specifically on interventions with survivors (and some perpetrators) of torture, human trafficking, and domestic violence, coverage explores and explodes myths about these issues--some of which survivors themselves may believe--and illustrates the immediate application and long-term benefits of rights-based therapy. Case examples, discussion questions, resource links, and a clinician self-care section reinforce the salience of this approach, modeling practice that is ethical in its outlook and empowering in its healing. Clinician skills emphasized in Human Rights-Based Approaches to Clinical Social Work: Reframing client needs as human rights.Cultural humility versus cultural competence.Building the therapeutic relationship and reconstructing safety.Developing trauma-informed practice and avoiding re-traumatization.Forensic and activist roles for social workers.Burnout prevention for practitioners.

Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives

by S. Megan Berthold Kathryn R. Libal

This volume engages human rights, domestic immigration law, refugee policy in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and scholarship to examine forced migration, refugee resettlement, asylum seeker experiences, policies and programs for refugee well-being in North America and Europe.Given the recent "re-politicization" of forced migration and refugees in Europe and the U.S., this edited collection presents an in-depth, multi-dimensional analysis of the history of policies and laws related to the status of refugees and asylum seekers in the U.S., Canada, and Europe and the challenges and prospects of refugee and asylum seeker assistance and integration in the 21st century.The book provides rich insights on institutional perspectives critical to understanding the politics and practices of refugee resettlement and the asylum process in the U.S., Canada, and Europe, including international human rights and humanitarian law as well as domestic laws and policies related to forced migrants. Issues addressed include social welfare supports for resettled refugees; culturally responsive health and mental health approaches to working with refugees and asylum seekers; systemic failures in the asylum processing systems; and rights-based approaches to working with forced migrant children. The book also examines policy developments and strategies to advance the well-being and social inclusion of refugees in the U.S. and Europe.

Cultural Entrenchment of Hindutva: Local Mediations and Forms of Convergence

by Daniela Berti

The book reflects on the discreet influence of Hindutva in situations/places outside or at the margins of its organisational and mobilisational arena, where people denying any commitment to the Sangh Parivar, incidentally, show affinities and parallelisms with its discourse and practice. This study looks at Hindutva’s entrenchment not so much as an orchestration from above but more as an outcome of a process that evolves in relation to specific social and cultural milieus.The contributors analyse Hindutva’s entrenchment, emphasising on the ethnography of the forms of mediation and/or convergence produced in certain contexts. The 11 case studies highlight three different dynamics of Hindutva’s cultural entrenchment. The first section gathers cases where RSS-affiliated organisations have set up specific cultural or artistic programmes at the regional level, involving the meditation of local people whose interest in these programmes does not necessarily mean that they endorse the Hindutva agenda completely. The next deals with convergence and refers to cases where the followers gather around a charismatic personality, whose precepts and practice may bring them towards a closer affinity with the Hindutva programme. The last section deals with the contexts of resistance, where social milieus engaged in opposing Hindutva may, in fact, paradoxically, and even inadvertently, imbibe some of its ideas and practices in order to contest its claims.

Animal Sacrifice, Religion and Law in South Asia (Routledge Religion in Contemporary Asia Series)

by Daniela Berti Anthony Good

This book presents original research on the controversies surrounding animal sacrifice in South Asia through the lens of court cases. It focuses on the parties involved in these cases: on their discourses, motivations, and contrasting points of view. Through an examination of judicial files, court decisions and newspaper articles, and interviews with protagonists, the book explores how the question of animal sacrifice is dealt with through administrative, legislative, and judicial practice. It outlines how, although animal sacrifice has over the ages been contested by various religious reform movements, the practice has remained widespread at all levels of society, especially in certain regions. It reveals that far from merely being a religious and ritual question, animal sacrifice has become a focus of broader public debate, and it discusses how the controversies highlight the contrast between ‘traditional’ and ‘reformist’ understandings of Hinduism; the conflict between the core legal and moral principles of religious freedom and social progress; and the growing concern with environmental issues and animal rights.

Cultural Entrenchment of Hindutva: Local Mediations and Forms of Convergence

by Daniela Berti Nicolas Jaoul Pralay Kanungo

The book reflects on the discreet influence of Hindutva in situations/places outside or at the margins of its organisational and mobilisational arena, where people denying any commitment to the Sangh Parivar, incidentally, show affinities and parallelisms with its discourse and practice. This study looks at Hindutva’s entrenchment not so much as an orchestration from above but more as an outcome of a process that evolves in relation to specific social and cultural milieus.The contributors analyse Hindutva’s entrenchment, emphasising on the ethnography of the forms of mediation and/or convergence produced in certain contexts. The 11 case studies highlight three different dynamics of Hindutva’s cultural entrenchment. The first section gathers cases where RSS-affiliated organisations have set up specific cultural or artistic programmes at the regional level, involving the meditation of local people whose interest in these programmes does not necessarily mean that they endorse the Hindutva agenda completely. The next deals with convergence and refers to cases where the followers gather around a charismatic personality, whose precepts and practice may bring them towards a closer affinity with the Hindutva programme. The last section deals with the contexts of resistance, where social milieus engaged in opposing Hindutva may, in fact, paradoxically, and even inadvertently, imbibe some of its ideas and practices in order to contest its claims.

Victim-Offender Reconciliation in the People's Republic of China and Taiwan (Palgrave Advances in Criminology and Criminal Justice in Asia)

by Riccardo Berti

This book examines the conciliatory institutions that operate within criminal law in the People's Republic of China and Taiwan. Despite having the same legal traditions, the two countries have taken very different political and social roads over the past century. Taking these important factors into account, the book compares the conciliatory mechanisms that have emerged in the two countries, particularly focusing on the influence of Confucian tradition in current criminal reconciliation practices. By drawing upon in-depth interviews with multiple experts in the area, the role of tradition in the discipline of modern Xingshi Hejie is explored, alongside an analysis of the reasons that lead victims and offenders to choose this conciliatory procedure. The book offers a fascinating account of this feature of criminal justice in China and Taiwan, and will be of particular interest to scholars interested in comparative approaches to criminology and criminal justice.

Trans Mission: My Quest to a Beard

by Alex Bertie

I guess we should start at the beginning. I was born on 2 November 1995. The doctors in the hospital took one look at my genitals and slapped an F on my birth certificate. 'F' for female, not fail - though that would actually have been kind of appropriate given present circumstances.When I was 15, I realised I was a transgender man. That makes it sound like I suddenly had some kind of lightbulb moment. In reality, coming to grips with my identity has taken a long time. Over the last six years, I've come out to my family and friends, changed my name, battled the healthcare system, started taking male hormones and have had surgery on my chest. My quest to a beard is almost complete. This is my story.

Machine Learning Techniques for Cybersecurity (Synthesis Lectures on Information Security, Privacy, and Trust)

by Elisa Bertino Sonam Bhardwaj Fabrizio Cicala Sishuai Gong Imtiaz Karim Charalampos Katsis Hyunwoo Lee Adrian Shuai Li Ashraf Y. Mahgoub

This book explores machine learning (ML) defenses against the many cyberattacks that make our workplaces, schools, private residences, and critical infrastructures vulnerable as a consequence of the dramatic increase in botnets, data ransom, system and network denials of service, sabotage, and data theft attacks. The use of ML techniques for security tasks has been steadily increasing in research and also in practice over the last 10 years. Covering efforts to devise more effective defenses, the book explores security solutions that leverage machine learning (ML) techniques that have recently grown in feasibility thanks to significant advances in ML combined with big data collection and analysis capabilities. Since the use of ML entails understanding which techniques can be best used for specific tasks to ensure comprehensive security, the book provides an overview of the current state of the art of ML techniques for security and a detailed taxonomy of security tasks and corresponding ML techniques that can be used for each task. It also covers challenges for the use of ML for security tasks and outlines research directions. While many recent papers have proposed approaches for specific tasks, such as software security analysis and anomaly detection, these approaches differ in many aspects, such as with respect to the types of features in the model and the dataset used for training the models. In a way that no other available work does, this book provides readers with a comprehensive view of the complex area of ML for security, explains its challenges, and highlights areas for future research. This book is relevant to graduate students in computer science and engineering as well as information systems studies, and will also be useful to researchers and practitioners who work in the area of ML techniques for security tasks.

Roles, Trust, and Reputation in Social Media Knowledge Markets: Theory and Methods (Computational Social Sciences)

by Elisa Bertino Sorin Adam Matei

Knowledge and expertise, especially of the kind that can shape public opinion, have been traditionally the domain of individuals holding degrees awarded by higher learning institutions or occupying formal positions in notable organizations. Expertise is validated by reputations established in an institutionalized marketplace of ideas with a limited number of “available seats” and a stringent process of selection and retention of names, ideas, topics and facts of interest. However, the social media revolution, which has enabled over two billion Internet users not only to consume, but also to produce information and knowledge, has created a secondary and very active informal marketplace of ideas and knowledge. Anchored by platforms like Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, this informal marketplace has low barriers to entry and has become a gigantic and potentially questionable, knowledge resource for the public at large. Roles, Trust and Reputation in Social Media Knowledge Markets will discuss some of the emerging trends in defining, measuring and operationalizing reputation as a new and essential component of the knowledge that is generated and consumed online. The book will propose a future research agenda related to these issues. The ultimate goal of research agenda being to shape the next generation of theoretical and analytic strategies needed for understanding how knowledge markets are influenced by social interactions and reputations built around functional roles. The authors, including leading scholars and young innovators, will share with the readers some of the main lessons they have learned from their own work in these areas and will discuss the issues, topics and sub-areas that they find under-studied or that promise the greatest intellectual payoff in the future. The discussion will be placed in the context of social network analysis and “big data” research. Roles, Trust and Reputation in Social Media Knowledge Markets exposes issues that have not been satisfactorily dealt with in the current literature, as the research agenda in reputation and authorship is still emerging. In a broader sense, the volume aims to change the way in which knowledge generation in social media spaces is understood and utilized. The tools, theories and methodologies proposed by the contributors offer concrete avenues for developing the next generation of research strategies and applications that will help: tomorrow’s information consumers make smarter choices, developers to create new tools and researchers to launch new research programs.

Engineering the Human: Human Enhancement Between Fiction and Fascination

by Bert-Jaap Koops, Christoph H. Lüthy, Annemiek Nelis, Carla Sieburgh, J. P. M. Jansen and Monika S. Schmid

The volume is collection of articles treating the topic of human improvement/enhancement from a variety of perspectives – philosophical, literary, medical, genetic, sociological, legal etc. The chapters in this volume treat not only those aspects that most immediately come to mind when one thinks of ‘human enhancement’, such as genetic engineering, cloning, artificial implants and artificial intelligence etc. Somewhat less obvious aspects include evolutionary perspectives in connection with the prolongation of the human lifespan, plastic surgery since its beginnings, and questions such as whether the distinction between ‘natural’ and ‘artificial’ can really be drawn at all and how it has been conceived across the ages, or what the legal implications are of recent developments and techniques. Many papers make links to the representation of these developments in popular culture, from Jules Verne through Aldous Huxley to the movie Gattaca, address the hopes and fears that come with them as well as the question how realistic these are. While all chapters are written by scientists at the international top of their respective fields, all are accessible to a non-specialist audience and eminently readable. We believe that they represent a state-of-the art overview of questions that are of interest to a large audience. The book thus targets a non-specialist audience with an interest in philosophical, sociological, scientific and legal issues involved in both traditional and recent matters concerning the desire of mankind to improve itself, the human body, the human mind and the human condition. It is unique in that it brings together all these aspects within a coherent and cohesive collection.

Sport und Medien (Medienwissen kompakt)

by Christoph Bertling Thomas Schierl

Sind Sportjournalisten unkritisch? Sind sie nur Fans, die es über die Absperrung geschafft haben? Warum gelingt es der Mehrzahl der Sportarten trotz aller Mühen nicht, in der Berichterstattung präsenter zu sein? Welche Macht kommt Amazon & Co. in Zukunft zu?Dies sind nur einige Fragen, die die Sportwelt beschäftigen. Der vorliegende Band widmet sich den Beziehungen von Sport und Medien, den Besonderheiten des Medieninhalts Sport und den Spannungsfeldern, die den Sportjournalismus von Anfang an begleiten und zukünftig zu großen Entscheidungen zwingen werden.

All-Age-Literatur: Die Entdeckung einer neuen Zielgruppe und ihrer Rezeptionsmodalitäten

by Maria Bertling

Maria Bertling untersucht die Zielgruppe der All-Age-Leser, also Erwachsene, die Kinder- und Jugendbücher lesen. Anhand einer empirischen Untersuchung, die auf dem Konstrukt der Rezeptionsmodalitäten von Monika Suckfüll aufbaut, zeigt die Autorin, dass es eine Lesegruppe erwachsener Leser gibt, die All-Age-Literatur liest und die sich von anderen Lesegruppen abgrenzt. Außerdem stellt die Arbeit heraus, dass es einen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen All-Age-Literatur und einem „emotionalen Zugang“ zu Literatur gibt. Daraufhin wird die All-Age-Literatur exemplarisch mit Hilfe eines Emotionswortschatzes auf ihren Emotionsgehalt hin untersucht. Das Ergebnis: All-Age-Literatur hat eine höhere Anzahl an negativen Emotionsworten und erfüllt so alle Voraussetzungen für eine unterhaltende Lektüre.

Handbook on the Clinical Treatment of Adopted Adolescents and Young Adults

by Doris Bertocci Christopher F. Deeg Linda Mayers

This collection bridges the voices of international scholars and adopted persons to share knowledge about clinical practice with adopted people in adolescence and early adulthood. Coming at a time when countries are beginning to focus on adoption reform, this handbook is the first to address not only the external, systemic contributions to their developmental complexities but also the underlying, internal meanings of being adopted as children become adolescents and mature into adulthood. It explains how adopted clients differ from those not adopted and emphasizes the need for clinical research on adopted people in this older age group. Exploring how clinicians can understand their client’s clinical needs, it offers specific protocols and frameworks for assessment and necessary modifications in language and treatment. With a foreword by Miriam Steele, chapters examine the legal and sociopolitical cultures, policies, and practices in which adoption is embedded, calling for broad systemic change. Embracing theoretical, conceptual, and global perspectives, this handbook is written for clinicians in all disciplines, at all tiers of practice, administration, and training, identifying the key roles they can potentially play in expanding and better focusing our understanding of the psychology of being adopted.

Zwischen Autonomie und Verbundenheit: Junge Erwachsene und ihre Eltern

by Ariane Bertogg

Dieses Buch befasst sich mit Generationenbeziehungen im jungen Erwachsenenalter. Im Zentrum des Buches steht die emotionale Verbundenheit zwischen jungen Erwachsenen und ihren Müttern und Vätern. Anhand von Erkenntnissen aus der TREE-Studie in der Schweiz zeigt Ariane Bertogg, dass nicht nur die aktuelle Lebenslaufsituation bei der Aushandlung der Kind-Eltern-Beziehungen eine Rolle spielt, sondern dass auch die familiäre Vorgeschichte und familiäre Netzwerkstrukturen sowie der gesellschaftliche Kontext, wie etwa soziale Schicht oder Region, in dieser dynamischen Lebensphase bedeutsam sind.

Drawings From A Dying Child: Insights Into Death From A Jungian Perspective (PDF)

by Judith Bertoia

Does a dying child understand death? How can we help children who are dying? Originally published in 1993, this book concerns a young girl, Rachel, terminally ill with leukaemia. The book describes a series of drawings she made and shows how they reveal her inner experience, how she became fully aware that she was dying and even came to accept death. The result is a moving and informative story that will be invaluable to caregivers and families with a dying child. It provides new understanding of the experience of a dying child and suggests practical strategies for coping.

Digital Humanism: A Human-Centric Approach to Digital Technologies

by Marta Bertolaso Luca Capone Carlos Rodríguez-Lluesma

This book provides an accessible and up to date overview of the foundational issues about both emerging constructive understandings of the digital era and still hidden and ignored aspects that could instead be dramatically relevant in the future, in the process of a technological humanism. The book offers relevant scientific and ethical questions bringing together professionals and researchers, from different professional and disciplinary fields, who have a shared interest in investigating operative aspects of technological, digital and cultural transitions of humans and their capacity of building human societies. The challenges are clear but there is a lack of an epistemological, anthropological, economic and social agenda that would enable a drive to such transitions towards a technological humanism. This book provides an ideal platform for professionals and scholars, not only providing tools for problem analysis, but also indicating shared directions, needs and objectives for a common goal; the creation of new scenarios instead of the creation of fears and manipulated social imaginaria.

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