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The sociology of housework (reissue)

by Ann Oakley

In this ground-breaking book, acclaimed sociologist Ann Oakley undertook one of the first serious sociological studies to examine women’s work in the home. She interviewed 40 urban housewives and analysed their perceptions of housework, their feelings of monotony and fragmentation, the length of their working week, the importance of standards and routines, and their attitudes to different household tasks. Most women, irrespective of social class, were dissatisfied with housework – an important finding which contrasted with prevailing views. Importantly, too, she showed how the neglect of research on domestic work was linked to the inbuilt sexism of sociology. This classic book challenged the hitherto neglect of housework as a topic worthy of study and paved the way for the sociological study of many more aspects of women’s lives.

Strategic Research on Construction and Promotion of China's Intelligent Cities: General Report (Strategic Research on Construction and Promotion of China's Intelligent Cities)

by Yunhe Pan

This book includes a general overview of the book series and summarizes the research results in its 13 subtopics. It systematically elaborates on how the construction and promotion of intelligent cities with Chinese characteristics could be implemented in the course of intelligent urbanization in China. Furthermore, it presents a variety of literature on urban management innovation and development, making it a valuable reference source on both the theoretic and empirical development of the new urbanization in China for intelligent-city decision-makers, c-level directors and officials in urban economy, social and environment departments and institutions all over the world.

The Book of Ceremonial Magic

by A. E. Waite

Noted occult historian A. E. Waite created this meticulously researched survey in order to unite and interpret the scattered and often-inaccessible details of magical traditions. Part I contains essential passages from prominent magical texts dating from the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries; Part II analyzes these texts from a modern perspective. A century after its debut, Waite's work remains among the best sources of information on occult subjects related to the study of the supernatural. Although the author does not condone the practice of black magic, he defends occult practitioners and praises the disciplines of astrology and alchemy. Modern readers will find this book an extraordinarily complete tour of the history of magic, replete with details of casting spells, conjuring spirits, and other occult practices.

The Book of the Law and The Book of Lies

by Aleister Crowley

This single-volume edition unites two centerpieces of twentieth-century occult thinking by "the wickedest man in the world." Notorious mystic and esoterist Aleister Crowley (1875–1947) remains a towering figure among occultists. His long and noteworthy career encompassed countless writings and the creation of his own religion, Thelema, the chief precept of which was "Do what thou wilt." Crowley asserted that the content of The Book of the Law was dictated to him from the spirit world, and the 1909 publication formed the basis for Thelema. The volume's 1912 successor, The Book of Lies, features aphorisms and paradoxes that invoke the symbolism of Freemasonry and other traditions. The Book of the Law and The Book of Lies continue to rank among Crowley's most widely read writings. Both books have exercised a vast influence on popular culture and the practice of magic, offering fascinating glimpses into the author's mystic pursuits.

The Development of Security and Whole Care System for the Aged in China

by Yanzhong Wang

This book examines the process of population aging in China and its unique features, considers the social progress implied in China becoming a society with an aging population, and assesses the tremendous risks and challenges involved. Based on the development of pension security systems around the world, the book studies the status quo and future requirements of the Chinese pension security system from the perspectives of capital, service and spirit, and puts forwards a three-pillar pension security system that is in conformity with China’s current situation – and reflects the developmental trend that, in future, social security will likely transform from material security into comprehensive security. In addition, the book analyzes the Chinese pension security system. While integrating international perspectives, its main focus is on statistical analysis, combining theory with practice, and qualitative with quantitative analysis. As such, the book not only offers a “window” for the world on the status and evolution of China’s pension security system, but also an opportunity for international academic dialogues.

China's New Strategic Layout (China Insights)

by Ming Xin

This book, based on the Chinese dream and its basic principles, global significance, path of implementation and practical requirements, systemically explains China’s Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy. The Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy is the strategic concept of the Communist Party of contemporary China. In the coming five and even the fifty years, the economic and social development of the Chinese society will be centering on it. Comprehensively constructing a moderately prosperous society is the strategic goal, comprehensively deepening reform and advancing the law-based governance of China are the engine and guarantee in realizing the strategic goal, while strengthening the Party Self-discipline represents the strategic measures to build up a firm core leadership. The Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy shows not only the CPC’s view of China but also the view of world.

Celtic Myth and Legend

by Charles Squire

The legends of ancient Britain retain a profound allure for readers around the world, assuring a warm reception for this introduction to the colorful pageant of Celtic myth. Its wondrous tales range from the oft-told deeds of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table to the less-familiar adventures of the mighty Finn and his Fenians, Ulster's Champions of the Red Branch, and other figures from the Gaelic pantheon. Tracing the exploits of kings and saints back to their earliest origins, the author reveals the pagan roots beneath the medieval Christianity and follows the stories' transformations into the fairy tales of the Victorian age. Minimal use of scholarly notes and a highly accessible style make this reader-friendly volume an ideal steppingstone in the path toward the magic cauldron of Celtic myth.

Celtic Mythology

by John Arnott MacCulloch

This classic study by a distinguished scholar recounts the ancient tales of Ireland and Wales. Written in a highly readable style, it will delight neophytes as well as those well versed in Celtic folklore with its lively tales of romance and love, of war and carnage, and of deeds both noble and villainous.Illustrations from rare sources enhance this treasury of lore and its stories of the strife and mythic powers of the gods, their loves and aid to mortals, and of famous heroes, pagans, and Christians of antiquity. John Arnott MacCulloch, a former canon of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit and author of several books relating to the Celtic culture, discusses the coexistence of paganism and Christianity and their influences on each other, particularly in regard to the heroic cycles of Cuchulainn, Fionn, and Arthur.

Celtic Myths and Legends

by T. W. Rolleston

This splendidly illustrated study by the distinguished Celticist T. W. Rolleston masterfully retells the great Celtic myths and illuminates the world that spawned them. Focusing principally on Irish myths, the book first takes up the history and religion of the Celts, the myths of the Irish invasion and the early Milesian kings.What follows is pure enchantment as you enter the timeless world of heroic tales centered around the Ulster king Conor mac Nessa and the Red Branch Order of chivalry (Ultonian cycle). These are followed by the tales of the Ossianic cycle, which center on the figure of Finn mac Cumhal, whose son Oisín (or Ossian) was a poet and warrior, and the traditional author of most of the tales. Next comes a summary of the Voyage of Maeldūn, a brilliant and curious piece of invention that exemplifies the genre of "wonder-voyages" — adventures purely in the region of romance, out of earthly space and time. Finally, the author recounts a selection of the myths and tales of the Cymry (Welsh).In these pages, readers will delight in the favorite and familiar tales of Cuchulain, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, the Grail, Deirdre, and many more figures that haunt the shadowy, twilight world of Celtic legend. The magic of that world is further brought to life in more than 50 imaginative full-page illustrations by Stephen Reid, Arthur G. Bell, and the famed illustrator J. C. Leyendecker. Reprinted here in its first paperback edition, Celtic Myths and Legends also includes several helpful genealogical tables: Gods of the House of Dōn, Gods of the House of Llyr, and Arthur and His Kin, as well as a useful glossary.

German-Australian Encounters and Cultural Transfers: Global Dynamics in Transnational Lands (Global Germany in Transnational Dialogues)

by Benjamin Nickl Irina Herrschner Elżbieta M. Goździak

This book approaches Australo-German relations from comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives. It maps new pathways into the rich landscape of the Australo-German transnational encounter, which is characterized by dense and interwoven cultural, historical and political terrains. Surveying an astonishingly wide range of sites from literary translations to film festivals, Aboriginal art to education systems, the contributions offer a uniquely expansive dossier on the migrations of people, ideas, technologies, money and culture between the two countries. The links between Australia and Germany are explored from a variety of new, interdisciplinary perspectives, and situated within key debates in literary and cultural studies, critical theory, politics, linguistics and transnational studies. The book gathers unique contributions that span the areas of migration, aboriginality, popular culture, music, media and institutional structures to create a dynamic portrait of the exchanges between these two nations over time. Australo-German relations have emerged from intersecting histories of colonialism, migration, communication, tourism and socio-cultural representation into the dramatically changed twenty-first century, where traditional channels of connection between nations in the Western hemisphere have come undone, but new channels ensure cross-fertilization between newly constituted borders.

Educational Achievement and Psychosocial Transition in Visually Impaired Adolescents: Studies from India (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Ranjita Dawn

This book provides a fresh approach to studies on adolescents with visual impairment. It threads through the three elements of disability (visual impairment), psychosocial development of adolescents, and their educational achievement. It highlights how these concepts traverse across and cast an irrefutable impact on each other. The author prepares the ground by highlighting the failure of existing theories of disability studies in addressing issues concerning adolescents. She further critiques the psycho-medical approach to disability which undermines or disregards its social construction. The book provides an analysis of numerous issues affecting the psychosocial development of adolescents with visual impairment, which is further validated through narratives in educational settings. It also strongly advocates the need to create awareness about the basic ethics of human relationships and rights, moral consciousness and social and civic responsibilities, which can play a vital role in ensuring healthy psychosocial development of adolescents with visual impairment, and in ensuring inclusion.

Assessing Global Water Megatrends (Water Resources Development and Management)

by Asit K. Biswas Cecilia Tortajada Philippe Rohner

This book highlights what are likely to be the future megatrends in the water sector and why and how they should be incorporated to improve water governance in the coming decades. In this first ever book on megatrends for the water sector, 22 leading world experts from different disciplines representing academia, business, government, national and international organisations discuss what the major megatrends of the future are and how they will radically change water governance in the coming decades.

Imaginations of Death and the Beyond in India and Europe

by Günter Blamberger Sudhir Kakar

This volume explores current images of afterlife/afterdeath and the presence of the dead in the imaginations of the living in Indian and European traditions. Specifically, it focuses on the deepest and most fundamental uncertainty of human existence---the awareness of human mortality, on which depends any assignment of meaning to earthly existence as also to notions of worldly and otherworldly salvation. This central idea is addressed in the literature, arts, audiovisual media and other cultural artefacts of the two traditions. The chapters are based on two main assumptions: First, that one cannot report on the direct experience of death; so it is only possible to speak allegorically of it. Second, in contemporary Western societies, marked by structural atheism, people look at literature, the arts and mass media to study their depiction and reading of traditionally religious questions of disease, death and the Beyond. This is in contrast to Asian civilizations whose preoccupation with death and Beyond is persistent and perhaps central to the civilizations’ highest thought. The chapters cover a wide spectrum of disciplinary approaches, from psychoanalysis to religious, anthropological, literary and film studies, from sociology and philosophy to art history, and address issues of unsettling power: comforting illusions of afterlife; the relations between afterlife and fertility; visions of technological immortalization of mankind; the problem of thinking about death after the “death of God”; socialist utopias of bodily immortality; fear of Hell and punishment; different concepts in relating the living and the dead; near-death experiences; and cultural practices of spiritualism, occultism and suicide.

New Media and Chinese Society (Communication, Culture and Change in Asia #5)

by Ke Xue Mingyang Yu

This book focuses on the influence of social media on Chinese society. The respective chapters present research by top-tier communication scholars from prominent Chinese universities and offer revealing findings on the interplay between media / social media, economics and politics. To that end, both qualitative and quantitative methods based on classical theories of communication and economics are drawn upon. The book explores four main areas: the challenges and opportunities for Chinese journalism and communications, changes in Chinese economic development, influences and forecasts for Chinese politics, and the impacts on Chinese culture. As the chapter contributors hail from diverse regions within China and represent three generations of communication scholars, the book offers a comprehensive guide, helping readers understand the impact of social media on China’s development from a broad range of perspectives, and sharing insights on its impacts around the world.

The Evolution and Preservation of the Old City of Lhasa

by Qing Li

This book is the first to provide an in-depth analysis about the history, urban development, planning, and preservation of the Lhasa city over the last thirteen centuries. It studis the old Lhasa city as part of Tibet's social and historical evolution process, therefore, the book presentes a relatively wide angle of vision and objective understanding. The research draws on an unparalleled amount of archival sources as well as up-to-date findings of original research projects. In the meanwhile, some experiences of other Chinese historical cities are also included for comparison with the preservation of the old Lhasa city. This book also contains many unique first-hand photos and high-quality illustrations. They can be used as a reference for scholars and students who are interested in the field of historical and cultural preservation in Chinese urban planning and construction. The book can also be useful to tourists or the people who are interested in the cultural and religious history of Tibet.

Reconciliation in Conflict-Affected Communities: Practices and Insights from the Asia-Pacific

by Bert Jenkins D. B. Subedi Kathy Jenkins

This book focuses on the formal and informal reconciliation processes during conflict and post-conflict periods in various locations in the Asia-Pacific, and includes cases studies based on primary research conducted in countries such as Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, South Thailand, Bougainville and the Solomon Islands. It offers insights to further our understanding of the social and political processes of reconciliation in a region that has witnessed numerous armed conflicts, many of them perpetuating over generations. The book also draws lessons from the richness arising from diversity in terms of religious and cultural practices, social life, and forms of government and governance, and through the exploration of theories and practices of reconciliation in conflict and post-conflict contexts in the region. It provides useful reference material for researchers, academics, policy makers and students working in the areas of peacebuilding, conflict transformation, reconciliation, social cohesion, development, transitional justice and human rights in the Asia and Pacific region.

The Middle and Upper Paleolithic Archeology of the Levant and Beyond (Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans Series)

by Yoshihiro Nishiaki Takeru Akazawa

This volume is a compilation of results from sessions of the Second International Conference on the Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans, which took place between November 30 and December 6, 2014, in Hokkaido, Japan. Similar to the first conference held in 2012 in Tokyo, the 2014 conference (RNMH2014) aimed to compile the results of the latest multidisciplinary approaches investigating the issues surrounding the replacement of Neanderthals by modern humans. The results of the sessions, supplemented by off-site contributions, center on the archeology of the Middle and Upper Paleolithic of the Levant and beyond. The first part of this volume presents recent findings from the Levant, while the second part focuses on the neighboring regions, namely, the Caucasus, the Zagros, and South Asia. The 13 chapters in this volume highlight the distinct nature of the cultural occurrences during the Middle and Upper Paleolithic periods of the Levant, displaying a continuous development as well as a combination of lithic traditions that may have originated in different regions. This syncretism, which is an unusual occurrence in the regions discussed in this volume, reinforces the importance of the Levant as a region for interpreting the RNMH phenomenon in West Asia.

A Transnational Feminist View of Surrogacy Biomarkets in India

by Sheela Saravanan

This book takes a reproductive justice approach to argue that surrogacy as practised in the contemporary neoliberal biomarkets crosses the humanitarian thresholds of feminism. Drawing on her ethnographic work with surrogate mothers, intended parents and medical practitioners in India, the author shows the dark connections between poverty, gender, human rights violations and indignity in the surrogacy market. In a developing country like India, bio-technologies therefore create reproductive objects of certain female bodies while promoting an image of reproductive liberation for others. India is a classic example for how far these biomarkets can exploit vulnerabilities for individual requirements in the garb of reproductive liberty. This critical book refers to a range of liberal, radical and postcolonial feminist frameworks on surrogacy, and questions the individual reproductive rights perspective as an approach to examine global surrogacy. It introduces ‘humanitarian feminism’ as an alternative concept to bridge feminist factions divided on contextual and ideological grounds. It hopes to build a global feminist solidarity drawing on a ‘reproductive justice’ approach by recognizing the histories of race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, age and immigration oppression in all communities. This work is of interest to researchers and students of medical sociology and anthropology, gender studies, bioethics, and development studies.

The Handbook of Contemporary Indigenous Architecture

by Elizabeth Grant Kelly Greenop Albert L. Refiti Daniel J. Glenn

​This Handbook provides the first comprehensive international overview of significant contemporary Indigenous architecture, practice, and discourse, showcasing established and emerging Indigenous authors and practitioners from Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, the Pacific Islands, Canada, USA and other countries. It captures the breadth and depth of contemporary work in the field, establishes the historical and present context of the work, and highlights important future directions for research and practice. The topics covered include Indigenous placemaking, identity, cultural regeneration and Indigenous knowledges. The book brings together eminent and emerging scholars and practitioners to discuss and compare major projects and design approaches, to reflect on the main issues and debates, while enhancing theoretical understandings of contemporary Indigenous architecture.The book is an indispensable resource for scholars, students, policy makers, and other professionals seeking to understand the ways in which Indigenous people have a built tradition or aspire to translate their cultures into the built environment. It is also an essential reference for academics and practitioners working in the field of the built environment, who need up-to-date knowledge of current practices and discourse on Indigenous peoples and their architecture.

Social Cultural Engineering and the Singaporean State

by Khun Eng Kuah

This book, a collection of previously published articles, focuses on the role of the Singaporean State in social cultural engineering. It deals with the relationship between the Singaporean state and local agencies and how the latter negotiated with the state to establish an acceptable framework for social cultural engineering to proceed. The book also highlights the tensions and conflicts that occurred during this process. The various chapters examine how the Singaporean state used polices and regulatory control to conserve and maintain ethno-cultural and ethno-religious landscapes, develop a moral education system and how the treatment of women and its morality came into alignment with the values that the state espoused upon from the 1980s through the 1990s.

Introduction to Social Systems Engineering

by Huijiong Wang Shantong Li

This book integrates the basic theories (GST and Parson’s AGIL framework), applying them to the components of social systems, state-run and business firms. China’s development experience offers a valuable case study that can provide readers deeper insights into this comparatively young discipline, and into China. Though the discipline of systems engineering and its application to hardware engineering system are well established, social systems engineering is an emerging discipline still being explored. This book may be the first English-language publication on this promising subject.

The Southeast Asian Woman Writes Back: Gender, Identity and Nation in the Literatures of Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines (Asia in Transition #6)

by Grace V. Chin Kathrina Mohd Daud

This collection of essays examines how Southeast Asian women writers engage with the grand narratives of nationalism and the modern nation-state by exploring the representations of gender, identity and nation in the postcolonial literatures of Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Bringing to light the selected works of overlooked local women writers and providing new analyses of those produced by internationally-known women authors and artists, the essays situate regional literary developments within historicized geopolitical landscapes to offer incisive analyses and readings on how women and the feminine are imagined, represented, and positioned in relation to the Southeast Asian nation.The book, which features both cross-country comparative analyses and country-specific investigations, also considers the ideas of the nation and the state by investigating related ideologies, rhetoric, apparatuses, and discourses, and the ways in which they affect women’s bodies, subjectivities, and lived realities in both historical and contemporary Southeast Asian contexts. By considering how these literary expressions critique, contest, or are complicit in nationalist projects and state-mandated agendas, the collection contributes to the overall regional and comparative discourses on gender, identity and nation in Southeast Asian studies.

Communication, Culture and Ecology: Rethinking Sustainable Development in Asia (Communication, Culture and Change in Asia #6)

by Kiran Prasad

This book offers comprehensive insights into the cultural and ecological values that influence sustainable development across Asia, addressing the cultural, religious and philosophical moorings of development through participatory and grassroots communication approaches. It presents a range of contributions and case studies from leading experts in Asia to highlight the debates on environmental communication and sustainable development that are relevant today, and to provide an overview of the positive traditions of ecological sensitivity and cultural communication that may find common ground between communities. This well-researched guide to the dynamic and complex terrain of communication for sustainable development offers uniquely practical perspectives on communication, environment and sustainable development that are of immense value for policy makers, media scholars, development practitioners, researchers and students of communication and media studies.

Becoming ‘Good Muslim’: The Tablighi Jamaat in the UK and Bangladesh

by Bulbul Siddiqi

The book uses an ethnographic approach to explore why the Tablighi Jamaat movement remains so successful in contemporary times. It shows that this success results from the positive image that it cultivates, and the systematic preaching activities of Tablighi Jamaat followers, and that the organisation’s apolitical image, the public profile of the ijtema, the humbleness of Tablighi followers, and the attraction of belonging to the global Tablighi community all help to create a positive image of the Tablighi Jamaat among ordinary Muslims. The book also argues that the Tablighi Jamaat remains successful because of its ability to hold its followers within a Tablighi-guided life, which is perceived as protection against the Western lifestyle. Many elements of contemporary Western lifestyle are considered non-Islamic, and so by clearly defining what is Islamic and non-Islamic in modern society, the Tablighi Jamaat provides a way in which Muslims can live in the contemporary world, but remain good Muslims.

Photography as a Social Research Method

by Sten Langmann David Pick

This book focuses on photography within the social research field, building a solid foundation for photography as a social research method and describing different techniques and applications of photo research. It provides a comprehensive approach to research photography, from preparation and the ethical considerations that need to be understood prior to going into the field, to collecting data, analysis and preparing research for publication. It also introduces artistic genres of photography to help readers with the choices they make when pursuing photographic research and as a reminder that when collecting photographs that they are in fact producing art. The ethical issues examined place a new focus on dignity and considerations of participant anonymity and recognition, informed consent, working with vulnerable groups, unequal power relationships and possible intervention. Combining preparation and ethics, it examines how best to collect and take good photographs, and explores the practical issues of stigma and introduces Verstaendnis (german: understanding) to aid researchers in the field. Subsequently, the book discusses the different photo-analytical approaches for researchers and provides examples of how to analyse photographs using the different techniques. Lastly, it offers guidelines, with examples, for researchers wanting to publish their work.

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