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Showing 19,876 through 19,900 of 100,000 results

Emergency Action for Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents

by Terrence F. Kiely

Emergency Action for Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents, Second Edition is intended for the first responder to the scene of the release of a chemical or biological warfare agent. Formatted similarly to the Department of Transportation�s Emergency Response Guidebook and designed as a companion to the author�s Handbook of Chemical and Biological

The Private Sector's Role in Disasters: Leveraging the Private Sector in Emergency Management

by Alessandra Jerolleman John J. Kiefer

This book examines the role of the private sector in emergency management and how that role is changing through private sector intersections with government, government agencies, and the public sectors in all phases of emergency management. It particularly focuses on the areas in which government regulations and guidelines promote or encourage priv

Environmental Radioactivity and Emergency Preparedness (Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering)

by Mats Isaksson Christopher L. Raaf

Radioactive sources such as nuclear power installations can pose a great threat to both humans and our environment. How do we measure, model and regulate such threats? Environmental Radioactivity and Emergency Preparedness addresses these topical questions and aims to plug the gap in the lack of comprehensive literature in this field. The book explores how to deal with the threats posed by different radiological sources, including those that are lost or hidden, and the issues posed by the use of such sources. It presents measurement methods and approaches to model and quantify the extent of threat, and also presents strategies for emergency preparedness, such as strategies for first-responders and radiological triage in case an accident should happen. Containing the latest recommendations and procedures from bodies such as the IAEA, this book is an essential reference for both students and academicians studying radiation safety, as well as for radiation protection experts in public bodies or in the industry.

Managing Crises Overseas

by Scott Alan Ast

The book examines crisis management for operations located outside of a corporation’s normal confines, particularly in regions which might be overtly threatening or hostile to multinational corporations and their people and assets overseas. Outlining proper operating procedures, planning, implementation, and drills, it demonstrates how proper planning and effective management systems in place prior to a crisis can mean the difference between life and death. The book helps organizations establish best practices in crisis management to ensure safety and security of personnel, assets, and properties overseas, even in potentially volatile environments.

Cities and Disasters

by Davia Cox Downey

Cities and Disasters presents interdisciplinary and multinational perspectives on emergency management policy, economic development, and the various factors that affect the recovery process after natural disasters strike urban areas. The book has three central themes: policy, urbanity, and the interplay of events after disasters that affect the pro

Crushing the IT Gender Bias: Thriving as a Woman in Technology

by Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman

Conscious and unconscious bias, societal pressures, and discomfort with women’s ambition are issues that women are confronted with in any male-dominated setting, and tech is no exception. Statistically, women are a disproportionately small percentage of the technology industry. How did we get here, what is changing, and what can future generations of women in STEM expect?In Crushing the IT Gender Bias, author Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman applies her two decades of experience in tech to these meaningful questions, plus many more. As a mentor and sponsor of women in the database and development communities, Pot’Vin-Gorman uses experience, visualizations of hard data, and industry interviews to describe the many challenges that women face in STEM. She then shows you how to inoculate against them. Small, positive changes like these are similar to a vaccine: they build individual immunity and thus create herd immunity to protect the most vulnerable. This shift is accomplished through increased representation of—and direct exposure to—successful role models in the industry.You’ll get practical advice related to hiring practices, salary negotiations, and barriers to collaboration. After witnessing multiple female peers depart the tech world, Pot’Vin-Gorman has written Crushing the IT Gender Bias to make her voice heard and to start this necessary conversation productively so that women can thrive. Additionally, this book is for male professionals who desire to grow in their understanding and eliminate bias in their environments.Do not be content with mere survival. Read this book, practice the techniques, and, most importantly, learn how to pay it forward. By arming yourself with knowledge and facing bias head-on, you can be the meaningful change that you want to see in the tech industry.Who This Book Is ForWomen in any area of technology with a desire to make and lead positive change by eliminating conscious and unconscious bias along with strategically confronting the many issues facing women in a field dominated by cultural bias. The book appeals to those just starting a career through to seasoned professionals, and even to those entering the management tier. This book also welcomes men with a desire to grow in their understanding and eliminate bias in the world around them.

Cultural Sustainable Tourism: A Selection of Research Papers from IEREK Conference on Cultural Sustainable Tourism (CST), Greece 2017 (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)

by Uglješa Stankov Sofia-Natalia Boemi Sahar Attia Stella Kostopoulou Nabil Mohareb

This book includes research papers submitted to and presented during the first international conference on Cultural Sustainable Tourism (CST) that was held in Thessaloniki, Greece in November of 2017. Discussing complex relations between Culture, tourism, and the role of planners and architects in their maintenance, this conference was jointly organized by IEREK –International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange- and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The conference was an attempt to shed a light on the significance of Culture and Heritage as two important factors attracting tourists and promoting economic growth and convey civilizations through tourism. Themes covered in this book give an overview on current research and topics of discussion that focus on Cultural sustainable tourism through several sections. The first section, titled “Art, Architecture and Culture”, discusses urban regeneration as a road to the preservation of cultural and tourist destinations and the importance of understanding and benefitting from our heritage to allow for modern day improvements. “Heritage Tourism”, the section 2 of the book, is more focused on offering nontraditional solutions and management plans to sustain cultural tourism and improve quality of life around historically significant areas. The third section on the “City and Rural Tourism” follows by providing sustainable strategies to attract tourists and promoting the use of existing resources. The last and final section with the title of “Sustainable Tourism, Development and Environmental Management” maneuvers around the different yet common environmental issues existing today and proposes new and innovative solutions for their elimination. Presenting a wide range of topics in chapters, this book provides the scientific community with a collection of unique and enlightening literature.

Wind Energy Exploitation in Urban Environment: TUrbWind 2018 Colloquium (Green Energy and Technology #8)

by Lorenzo Battisti

This book presents numerical and experimental research in the field of wind energy exploitation in urban environments. It comprises a selection of the best papers from the international colloquium “Research and Innovation on Wind Energy Exploitation in Urban Environment” (TUrbWind), held in Riva del Garda, Italy in September 2018. The book includes contributions from different research fields in urban wind resources, wind energy conversion systems, and urban integration, mainly focusing on the following topics:· turbine concepts for urban and sub-urban environment; · measuring and modelling wind resource; · rotor aerodynamics, wakes and noise; · design, loads, and supporting structures; · novel shapes and materials; · building concepts for wind energy exploitation; · planning approaches for wind exploitation in urban areas. It is a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners interested in the integration of wind energy systems and turbines in urban areas.

Measuring Youth Quality of Life in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring the Role of Qualitative Methods (SpringerBriefs in Well-Being and Quality of Life Research)

by Dabesaki Mac-Ikemenjima

This book explores the conceptualisation and measurement of youth quality of life in sub-Saharan Africa. Further, it addresses methodological questions relevant to the development of measures and gaining an understanding of youth quality of life in this region. Drawing on the data collected, it subsequently explores students’ primary goals and their satisfaction with the extent of having achieved those goals. Accordingly, the book fills an important gap in the available literature on youth quality of life, and advances the role of qualitative methods in developing youth quality of life measures in sub-Saharan Africa.

Assessing Judicial Reforms in Developing Countries: Trust in Law and Criminal Procedure Reform in Chile

by Juan Carlos Oyanedel

This book examines how judicial reform can be effectively assessed through a procedural justice approach. It provides a practical framework for assessment of judicial reform, examining a successful reform in Chile through large scale surveys and longitudinal research.Judicial reform is a key element to democratization and modernization processes in the developing world. Practitioners have struggled with ways to analyze the effects of judicial reform, and to define success. Procedural justice theorists propose that people will obey the law if they consider it fair; this affects willingness to collaborate with the police and the courts, and the general approach that the public has towards social regulations. Judicial reforms such as criminal procedure reforms, which explicitly guarantee the development of a fairer judicial process, represent a scenario that puts these theoretical assumptions to the test. With policy recommendations and applications for international judicial reform, this book tests the real conditions of a procedural justice approach with empirical assessment and analysis. With implications for Latin America and countries undergoing judicial or political reforms worldwide, this book will be an important resource for researchers, policy makers and all those interested in the analysis of judicial reforms, democratization processes and the psychology of justice.

Large-Scale Evacuation: The Analysis, Modeling, and Management of Emergency Relocation from Hazardous Areas

by Pamela Murray-Tuite Michael K. Lindell Brian Wolshon Earl J. Baker

Large-Scale Evacuation introduces the reader to the steps involved in evacuation modelling for towns and cities, from understanding the hazards that can require large-scale evacuations, through understanding how local officials decide to issue evacuation advisories and households decide whether to comply, to transportation simulation and traffic management strategies. The author team has been recognized internationally for their research and consulting experience in the field of evacuations. Collectively, they have 125 years of experience in evacuation, including more than 140 projects for federal and state agencies. The text explains how to model evacuations that use the road transportation network by combining perspectives from social scientists and transportation engineers, fields that have commonly approached evacuation modelling from distinctly different perspectives. In doing so, it offers a step-by-step guide through the key questions needed to model an evacuation and its impacts to the evacuation route system as well as evacuation management strategies for influencing demand and expanding capacity. The authors also demonstrate how to simulate the resulting traffic and evacuation management strategies that can be used to facilitate evacuee movement and reduce unnecessary demand. Case studies, which identify key points to analyze in an evacuation plan, discuss evacuation termination and re-entry, and highlight challenges that someone developing an evacuation plan or model should expect, are also included. This textbook will be of interest to researchers, practitioners, and advanced students.

Zivilgesellschaft und Wohlfahrtsstaat im Wandel: Akteure, Strategien und Politikfelder (Bürgergesellschaft und Demokratie)

by Matthias Freise Annette Zimmer

Anliegen dieser Einführung ist es, Bedeutung und Funktion zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen im Wohlfahrtsstaat zu thematisieren und einen Eindruck von dem sich wandelnden Verhältnis von Wohlfahrtsstaat und Zivilgesellschaft in Deutschland zu vermitteln. Die Bundesrepublik ist ein Paradebeispiel für einen Wohlfahrtsstaat, in dem zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren traditionell ein zentraler Stellenwert zukommt. Dies gilt nicht nur für die sozialen Dienste, sondern für ein breites Spektrum von Politikbereichen. Doch das traditionelle wohlfahrtsstaatliche Arrangement, in dem zivilgesellschaftliche Akteuren z.T. sogar sogar privilegiert wurden, hat sich stark verändert. Was bedeutet dies für zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen? Werden sie vom Markt der wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Leistungserstellung verdrängt oder gelingt es ihnen, sich neu aufzustellen? Wie hat sich Wohlfahrtsstaatlichkeit entwickelt? Welche Rolle kommt der Zivilgesellschaft hierbei zu? Inwiefern haben sich Strategien und Instrumente des deutschen Wohlfahrtsstaats verändert? Gibt es Gewinner und Verlierer infolge des Wandels von Wohlfahrtstaatlichkeit? Der Inhalt· ​Einführung· Zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure· Politikfelder· Zivilgesellschaft und Wohlfahrtsstaat in Deutschland: Ein kurzer Ausblick Die Herausgeberin und der HerausgeberDr. Matthias Freise ist Privatdozent und Akademischer Oberrat am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Münster.Dr. Annette Zimmer ist Professorin für Deutsche und Europäische Sozialpolitik und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Münster.

Interkulturelle Qualitative Sozialforschung

by Michael Roslon Richard Bettmann

Angesichts der alltäglichen und allgegenwärtigen „Interkultur“ wird die qualitative Sozialforschung zunehmend mit Problemen konfrontiert, die mit ihren herkömmlichen Verfahren nicht mehr angemessen analysierbar sind – sei es, weil sie im eigenen Land auf das Miteinander unterschiedlicher Kulturen stößt und für deren Untersuchung über keine geeigneten Methoden verfügt, oder sei es, weil sie mit Daten arbeitet, die aus anderen Kulturkreisen stammen. Auch hier sind angemessene Methoden Mangelware. Eng damit verbunden ist ein weiteres, nicht zu unterschätzendes Problem Qualitativer Sozialforschung. Immer öfter sind die Interpretationsgruppen nicht mehr „monokulturell“ zusammengesetzt. Immer häufiger bestehen diese Gruppen aus Interpreten, die – kulturell betrachtet – divergente Interpretationshorizonte besitzen. Bei allen genannten Problemstellungen tauchen auf methodischer und methodologischer Ebene völlig neue Fragen für die Forschungspraxis auf.

Delphi-Verfahren in den Sozial- und Gesundheitswissenschaften: Konzept, Varianten und Anwendungsbeispiele

by Marlen Niederberger Ortwin Renn

Delphi-Verfahren ermöglichen die systematische Erfassung von Expert_innenurteilen. Sie haben sich vor allem dann bewährt, wenn für die Beantwortung einer Forschungsfrage eine gewisse Sachkenntnis und Urteilsfähigkeit benötigt wird. Es gibt verschiedene Varianten von Delphi-Verfahren, wie das Gruppendelphi oder das Real-Time-Delphi. In dem Buch werden die aktuellen methodischen Entwicklungen und Anwendungsbeispiele aus den Sozial- und Gesundheitswissenschaften vorgestellt.Der Inhalt● Delphi-Verfahren: Konzepte und Varianten – Erkenntnistheoretische Diskussion - Praktische Herausforderungen – Delphi in den Sozial- und Gesundheitswissenschaften – Real-Time Delphi – Delphi-Märkte● Anwendungsbeispiele für Delphi-Verfahren – Qualifikationsanforderungen, Handlungsempfehlungen zur Weiterentwicklung und Strategieentwicklung in der Gesundheitswirtschaft – Personalerhaltung und -gewinnung in der beruflichen Pflege – Gruppendelphi zur Adipositasprävention– Sicherheits- und Gesundheitskompetenz bei der Arbeit – Delphi-Verfahren in der GesundheitsförderungDie HerausgeberJProf. Dr. Marlen Niederberger ist Juniorprofessorin für Forschungsmethoden in der Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention an der PH Schwäbisch Gmünd.Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn ist Wissenschaftlicher Direktor am Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam (IASS).

350 Keywords Digitalisierung

by Oliver Bendel

Von „Big Data“ über die „Künstliche Intelligenz“ bis hin zur „Sozialen Robotik“: Im Kontext der Digitalisierung gibt es unzählige Fachtermini. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk ist für alle geeignet, die einen schnellen Einstieg in das Gebiet der Digitalisierung suchen und sich für Fragen der Ethik interessieren. In 350 übersichtlichen Beiträgen werden die Grundlagen und Entwicklungen leicht verständlich erläutert.

Gentleman Jack: The Real Anne Lister The Official Companion to the BBC Series

by Sally Wainwright Anne Choma

'There are more ways than one of being happy… I am living proof of this.'Anne Lister was remarkable. Fearless, charismatic and determined to explore her lesbian sexuality, she forged her own path in a society that had no language to define her. She was a landowner, an industrialist and a prolific diarist, whose output has secured her legacy as one of the most fascinating figures of the 19th century.Gentleman Jack: The Real Anne Lister follows Anne from her crumbling ancestral home in Yorkshire to the glittering courts of Denmark as she resolves to put past heartbreak behind her and find herself a wife. This book introduces the real Gentleman Jack, featuring unpublished journal extracts decrypted for the first time by series creator Sally Wainwright and writer Anne Choma.

Gigged: The Gig Economy, the End of the Job and the Future of Work

by Sarah Kessler

*Financial Times Business Book of the Month*The full-time job is disappearing. Today more workers than ever are going freelance – driving for Uber or cycling for Deliveroo, developing software or consulting for investment banks. Welcome to the gig economy.In Gigged, Sarah Kessler meets the people forging this new world of unorthodox employment: from the computer programmer who chooses exactly which hours he works each week, via the Uber driver who is trying to convince his peers to unionise, to the charity worker who thinks freelance gigs might just transform the fortunes of a declining rural town.Their stories raise crucial questions about the future of work. What happens when job security, holidays and benefits become a thing of the past? How can freelancers find meaningful, well-paid employment? And could the gig economy really change the world of work for ever?Praise for Gigged‘Essential reading for anyone who is interested in understanding the future of our economy and society.’ Ha-Joon Chang, author of 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism‘Sarah Kessler’s wonderful book offers unprecedented illumination of the promise, and the peril, of the gig economy.’ Martin Ford, author of The Rise of the Robots‘If you want to know how work is changing and how you too must change to keep up, you must read this book.’ Dan Lyons, author of Disrupted‘Kessler’s timely book explores the personal, corporate and societal stories behind a massive tech-driven shift away from permanent office-based employment.’ Books of the Month, Financial Times‘Deep reporting and graceful storytelling . . . Kessler’s analysis is both astute and nuanced.’ Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive

Singapore’s Park System Master Planning: A Nation Building Tool to Construct Narratives in Post-Colonial Countries (Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements)

by Raffaella Sini

This book traces the evolution of Singapore’s parks system, from colonial to present times. Further, it contextualizes the design and planning of parks in the general discourse on western and eastern traditions: early twentieth century western conceptions ‘imported’ during colonialism; modernism; postmodernism, and the contemporary ecological debate.Park system planning products respond to national policies and result in structural urban elements and a range of park types.Global (western ideology) and local issues have influenced park system planning and the physical design of individual parks over time. However, in Singapore the eastern literature has not addressed the development of parks and urban green spaces in terms of historical perspective.The publication reveals the interrelations between visual representations and changing political ideologies. Singapore’s system of public parks is shown to represent an iconography created by the state. Its set of constructed narratives elucidates on the potential social, cultural and environmental roles of public parks. However, Singapore’s park system presents a novel paradigm for expanding Asian cities, characterized by evolving urban imaging strategies.In framing Singapore’s case study within the broader perspective of eastern applications of western planning and design practices, and constructions of nation in post-colonial countries, the manuscript establishes the contribution of the Singaporean model of design and planning of parks to the international debate.

Real-World Crime Scene Investigation: A Step-by-Step Procedure Manual

by Gabriele Suboch

Real-World Crime Scene Investigation: A Step-by-Step Procedure Manual is designed as a field guide providing instruction on how to document a crime scene, including sketching, mapping, searching, collecting, and preserving physical evidence. It also addresses how to document a crime scene using photography and videography. It introduces modern fore

Hurricane Mitigation for the Built Environment

by Ricardo A. Alvarez

"Alvarez drives home the point that for buildings and communities located in hurricane-prone regions, it is not a question of whether the area will be impacted, but when it will be impacted. The book makes a strong case for taking responsibility to understand the vulnerabilities of buildings and structures to hurricane impacts."�Timothy Reinhold, P

Handbook of SCADA/Control Systems Security

by Burt G. Look

This comprehensive handbook covers fundamental security concepts, methodologies, and relevant information pertaining to supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and other industrial control systems used in utility and industrial facilities worldwide. Including six new chapters, six revised chapters, and numerous additional figures, photos, and illustrations, it addresses topics in social implications and impacts, governance and management, architecture and modeling, and commissioning and operations. It presents best practices as well as methods for securing a business environment at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels.

Expert Witnessing and Scientific Testimony: A Guidebook, Second Edition

by Kenneth S. Cohen

Based on the author‘s more than 35 years of experience as a successful expert witness, this revised and expanded edition of Expert Witnessing and Scientific Testimony: A Guidebook demonstrates how to properly present scientific, criminal, and forensic testimony and survive the onslaught of cross-examination in court. It presents material in a step-

Life Care Planning and Case Management Handbook

by Roger O. Weed Debra E. Berens

Life care planning is an advanced collaborative case management specialty practice focused on assessing, evaluating, coordinating, consulting, planning for, and monitoring necessary services for individuals with complex medical care needs over their lifetime. This handbook provides a comprehensive resource for all people involved with catastrophic impairments and chronic medical care case management. The Life Care Planning and Case Management Handbook, Fourth Edition, begins by defining the roles played by each of the key team members working with the life care planner. It provides planners with insights critical to successful interactions with medical and health care–related professionals as well as the team members they are most likely to encounter as they work to build an accurate and reliable life care plan. Next, the text offers up-to-date information on the medical conditions most frequently encountered by the life care planner. The contributors, who are recognized experts in their disciplines, also address issues in forensic settings, ethics, standards, research, and credentials. The fourth edition includes numerous chapters on general issues, as well as updated standards of practice from the International Academy of Life Care Planners (IALCP), Life Care Planning Consensus Statements, and valuable step-by-step charts and checklists. Completely updated and expanded, this revised handbook now includes new chapters on multicultural considerations in life care planning, admissibility of life care plans in U.S. courts, and Canadian life care planning practice. Additionally, infused in other chapters, is new information on medical coding and costing for life care planners, life care planning in non-litigated contexts, as well as research and education within life care planning.

Managing Critical Incidents and Large-Scale Event Security

by Eloy Nuñez Ernest G. Vendrell

2017 Award Winner of the ASIS Security Book of the Year Nuñez and Vendrell aim to provide the most current and effective resources for managing special events and critical incidents. Their book relies heavily on case studies and after action reports that examine the lessons learned from a multitude of previous events and incidents. In addition, the text identifies and examines best practices and recommended approaches, providing the reader with a variety of checklists and planning tools.

Virtue Ethics: Retrospect and Prospect

by Elisa Grimi

The rise of the phenomenon of virtue ethics in recent years has increased at a rapid pace. Such an explosion carries with it a number of great possibilities, as well as risks. This volume has been written to contribute a multi-faceted perspective to the current conversation about virtue. Among many other thought-provoking questions, the collection addresses the following: What are the virtues, and how are they enumerated? What are the internal problems among ethicists, and what are the objections and replies to contemporary virtue ethics? Additionally, the practical implications following from the answers to these questions are discussed in new and fascinating research. Fundamental concepts such as teleology and eudaimonism are addressed from both a historical and dialectical approach. This tome will contribute not only to providing further clarity to the current horizons in virtue ethics, but also to the practical conclusion following from the study: to challenge the reader toward a greater pursuit of the virtuous life.

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