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Showing 10,926 through 10,950 of 76,067 results

Medical Careers and Feminist Agendas: American, Scandinavian and Russian Women Physicians (Social Institutions And Social Change Ser.)

by Elianne Riska

The increasing proportion of women in the medical profession has been followed keenly both by conservative and feminist observers during the past three decades. Statistics both in Europe and in the United States tend to confirm that women work mainly in niches of the health care system or medical specialties characterized by relatively low earnings or prestige. The segregation of medical work has become increasingly recognized as a sign of inequality between female and male members of the medical profession.Medicine as a social organization is not a universal structure: Health care systems vary in the extent to which physicians work in the private or public sector and in the extent to which they have as a corporate body been able to influence their numbers and the character of their work. The aim of this book is not only to review and to provide an account of women's position in medicine but also to provide an analytical framework. The text revolves around three key issues that illuminate this argument: numbers, medical practice, and feminist agendas of women physicians. The issues are addressed in all the chapters but highlighted as central analytical themes in a cross-cultural context.Challenging previous studies of the medical profession, which have assumed for the most part a gender-neutral stance, Riska's text provides a unique focus. Medical Careers and Feminist Agendas presents a comprehensive, cross-national analysis of the current status of women in three societies where the economics of medical practice vary considerably: a market society, a welfare state, and a formerly communist society in transition. Aimed at a wide audience, this book will be useful for years to come in medical sociology, the sociology of professions, and women's studies. Its historical breadth, current data, and trenchant probing will furnish practitioners and policy-makers alike with a needed analytical tool.

Medicare Politics: Exploring the Roles of Media Coverage, Political Information, and Political Participation

by Felicia E. Mebane

Medicare Politics examines how media coverage, political information, and political participation affect Medicare policy choices. This book is an excellent reference for political science literature concerning the impact of media, the roles of political information with respect to public opinion, and political participation. Each chapter provides analysis that expands political science and health services research by testing political science questions in a way that further our understanding of a significant health policy program affected by the political process: Medicare. The introduction ties the chapters together and discusses the importance of understanding Medicare politics as the impending retirement of the baby boom generation forces policymakers to grapple with how Medicare will support future generations. The first chapter shows how Medicare coverage varied throughout the 1995 debates concerning Medicare reform and links coverage with public opinion about policymakers. The second chapter demonstrates how knowledge of the Medicare program affected the public's support for Medicare reform options in 1995. The final chapter examines the impact of the political participation and mobilization of Medicare beneficiaries in recent presidential elections. Medicare Politics ends with a discussion of implications for future Medicare reform debates.

Medicare Politics: Exploring the Roles of Media Coverage, Political Information, and Political Participation (Health Care Policy In The United States Ser.)

by Felicia E. Mebane

Medicare Politics examines how media coverage, political information, and political participation affect Medicare policy choices. This book is an excellent reference for political science literature concerning the impact of media, the roles of political information with respect to public opinion, and political participation. Each chapter provides analysis that expands political science and health services research by testing political science questions in a way that further our understanding of a significant health policy program affected by the political process: Medicare. The introduction ties the chapters together and discusses the importance of understanding Medicare politics as the impending retirement of the baby boom generation forces policymakers to grapple with how Medicare will support future generations. The first chapter shows how Medicare coverage varied throughout the 1995 debates concerning Medicare reform and links coverage with public opinion about policymakers. The second chapter demonstrates how knowledge of the Medicare program affected the public's support for Medicare reform options in 1995. The final chapter examines the impact of the political participation and mobilization of Medicare beneficiaries in recent presidential elections. Medicare Politics ends with a discussion of implications for future Medicare reform debates.

Mediengewalt: Die gesellschaftliche Kontrolle von Gewaltdarstellungen im Fernsehen (Studien zur Kommunikationswissenschaft #44)

by Jessica Eisermann

In der Öffentlichkeit wird Horror und Gewalt in den Medien häufig als Hauptursache für das mörderische Tun von Kindern und Jugendlichen gesehen. Trotz eines Forschungsaufwands von "industriellem Ausmaß" kann die Medienwirkungsforschung aber keinen kausalen Zusammenhang zwischen dargestellter und realer Gewalt belegen. In dieser Untersuchung wird das Problem der Mediengewalt als sozial konstruiertes Problem begriffen, dessen Deutung und Wahrnehmung von einem "Masterframe der Kausalität" dominiert wird. Es wird gefragt, welche Folgen diese Konstruktion für die Rundfunkregulation und weitere gesellschaftliche Gegenmassnahmen hat.

„Meine Frau managt das ganze Leben zu Hause ...“: Partnerschaft und Familie aus der Sicht männlicher Führungskräfte

by Renate Liebold

Beruflich erfolgreiche Männer - Führungskräfte in Industriebetrieben - orientieren sich nach wie vor am traditionellen Modell geschlechtsspezifischer Arbeitsteilung und sind gleichzeitig auch notwendigerweise auf ein derartiges Familienarrangement verwiesen. Familie und Partnerschaft bedeuten von Anfang an emotionale Einbettung und soziale Rahmung des eigenen, auf Arbeit fokussierten Lebens. Im Hinblick auf den gesellschaftlichen Demokratisierungsprozess können Männer mit derartigen Berufskarrieren als 'geschlechterpolitische Anachronisten' beschrieben werden. Arbeit hat eine Attraktivität, wie es Familie so nicht hat. Nicht die Integration von Arbeit und (Familien-)Leben, sondern die Verteidigung der Arbeit gegenüber den Ansprüchen aus der familialen Sphäre ist das zentrale Anliegen der Männer in Führungspositionen. Das sogenannte Vereinbarkeitsproblem stellt sich als Verteidigungsproblem dar.

Metropolitan Income Growth and Convergence

by Roberto J. Cavazos

This title was first published in 2001. What determines urban growth? Much has been written on particular causes and incidents which can explain the rise of one metropolis and the fall of another, but these do not illustrate general tendencies. This volume asks whether theories used to explain economic growth of nations or regions can be employed to find characteristics which encourage the growth of cities. Cavazos tests two principal theoretical approaches in this way. The first, the endogenous growth theory, predicts that incomes will diverge and sees technological innovations as the engine of economic growth. The second, the neoclassical growth theory, predicts conditional convergence and rates capital accumulation as the key to economic growth. He uses the two models to study US metropolitan income growth between 1970 and 1990 and compares their performance to determine which provides more insightful explanations of metropolitan growth.

Metropolitan Income Growth and Convergence

by Roberto J. Cavazos

This title was first published in 2001. What determines urban growth? Much has been written on particular causes and incidents which can explain the rise of one metropolis and the fall of another, but these do not illustrate general tendencies. This volume asks whether theories used to explain economic growth of nations or regions can be employed to find characteristics which encourage the growth of cities. Cavazos tests two principal theoretical approaches in this way. The first, the endogenous growth theory, predicts that incomes will diverge and sees technological innovations as the engine of economic growth. The second, the neoclassical growth theory, predicts conditional convergence and rates capital accumulation as the key to economic growth. He uses the two models to study US metropolitan income growth between 1970 and 1990 and compares their performance to determine which provides more insightful explanations of metropolitan growth.

Michael Young: Social Entrepreneur

by A. Briggs

Michael Young is one of the key figures in British twentieth century history. Focusing on family, community and social change, he has cascaded ideas, in the process coining new words, like 'meritocracy'. He has also initiated or played a major role in creating new and well-known organisations. These include the Consumers' Association, the Open University, and the National and International Extension Colleges. In 1945 he drafted the Labour Party's successful election manifesto Let Us Face the Future : in 1965 he was the first Chairman of the new Social Science Research Council.

Michel de Certeau: Cultural Theorist (PDF)

by Prof Ian Buchanan

de Certeau is often considered to be the theorist of everyday life par excellence. This book provides an unrivalled critical introduction to de Certeau's work and influence and looks at his key ideas and asks how should we try to understand him in relation to theories of modern culture and society. Ian Buchanan demonstrates how de Certeau was influenced by Lacan, Merleau-Ponty and Greimas and the meaning of de Certeau's notions of `strategy', `tactics', `place' and `space' are clearly described. The book argues that de Certeau died before developing the full import of his work for the study of culture and convincingly, it tries to complete or imagine the directions that de Certeau's work would have taken, had he lived.

Michel de Certeau: Cultural Theorist

by Prof Ian Buchanan

de Certeau is often considered to be the theorist of everyday life par excellence. This book provides an unrivalled critical introduction to de Certeau's work and influence and looks at his key ideas and asks how should we try to understand him in relation to theories of modern culture and society. Ian Buchanan demonstrates how de Certeau was influenced by Lacan, Merleau-Ponty and Greimas and the meaning of de Certeau's notions of `strategy', `tactics', `place' and `space' are clearly described. The book argues that de Certeau died before developing the full import of his work for the study of culture and convincingly, it tries to complete or imagine the directions that de Certeau's work would have taken, had he lived.

Migrant Labour in Japan

by Y. Sellek

This book explores the impact of foreign migrant workers on elements of sovereign power in Japan and examines how the country's immigration control has been reshaped by the existence of these workers. It traces the changing situation of foreign migrant workers in Japan from the mid 1980s to the present day. A particular focus is the transition of these workers from 'temporary workers' to 'long-term stayers' or 'social beings'.

Migrant Women

by M. Zulauf

Policy-makers are concerned with facilitating labour mobility in the EU. In the 1990s, take-up of employment in other EU countries has remained small. This seminal work looks at the obstacles faced by women in the nursing and banking professions when they migrate between member states. Basing her analysis on the personal accounts of migrants, and discussions with colleagues and regulatory bodies in Britain, Germany and Spain, the author sheds light on one of the major challenges confronting the EU.

Migration als Herausforderung für pädagogische Institutionen (Interkulturelle Studien #7)

by Georg Auernheimer

Die Tagung, deren Beiträge in diesem Band vorgestellt werden, stand unter einer dreifachen Zielsetzung: Erstens sollte sie den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern die Gelegenheit bieten, sich der Herausforderungen der Einwan­ derungsgesellschaft, d.h. der migrationsbedingten Anforderungen an die päd­ agogischen und sozialen Institutionen zu vergewissern. Damit sollten zwei­ tens Kriterien für die Reform der Institutionen formuliert und nach deren Maßgabe Defizite diskutiert werden. Drittens sollten aber auch positive Bei­ spiele vorgestellt werden, um Impulse für eine innovative Praxis zu geben. Dem entsprechend findet die Leserin, der Leser zwei Kategorien von Beiträ­ gen: erstens Texte, in denen einerseits Qualitätskriterien für die Institutionen im Zeichen der Migration entwickelt und theoretisch begründet und anderer­ seits, gestützt auf empirische Untersuchungen oder eigenes Expertenwissen, Defizite aufgezeigt werden. Diesen Texten stehen jeweils für die verschiede­ nen Praxisfelder Beiträge gegenüber, in denen eine den Kriterien zumindest teilweise entsprechende, zur Nachahmung anregende Praxis vorgestellt wird. Als Praxisfelder wurden berücksichtigt: die Vorschulerziehung, die Schule, die außerschulische Jugendbildung und Jugendarbeit sowie die Sozialen Dienste.

Military Intervention and Peacekeeping: The Reality (Routledge Revivals)

by Richard Connaughton

This title was first published in 2001. This work represents the author's writing and thinking over the last decade on the subject of military intervention and peacekeeping. He deconstructs what has been developed under the auspices of UN "peacekeeping" with a view to producing a new paradigm more appropriate to the challenges of the 21st century. This is not an exercise in disparaging the UN, the organization's achievements are recognized, along with its prevalent habit of entering environments it has neither the resources or expertise to manage. The first four chapters establish a foundation built upon philosophy, doctrine, definitions, principles and decision-making processes. This thinking is then tested using scenarios drawn from Iraq, Somalia, Rwanda, Kosovo, East Timor and Sierra Leone. The book is founded on theory and practice and it is particularly intended to explain the conduct of the political and military processes involved in military intervention and peacekeeping.

Military Intervention and Peacekeeping: The Reality (Routledge Revivals)

by Richard Connaughton

This title was first published in 2001. This work represents the author's writing and thinking over the last decade on the subject of military intervention and peacekeeping. He deconstructs what has been developed under the auspices of UN "peacekeeping" with a view to producing a new paradigm more appropriate to the challenges of the 21st century. This is not an exercise in disparaging the UN, the organization's achievements are recognized, along with its prevalent habit of entering environments it has neither the resources or expertise to manage. The first four chapters establish a foundation built upon philosophy, doctrine, definitions, principles and decision-making processes. This thinking is then tested using scenarios drawn from Iraq, Somalia, Rwanda, Kosovo, East Timor and Sierra Leone. The book is founded on theory and practice and it is particularly intended to explain the conduct of the political and military processes involved in military intervention and peacekeeping.

Mobilität älterer Menschen

by Antje Flade Maria Limbourg Bernhard Schlag

Ältere Menschen haben - zumindest teilweise - andere Mobilitätsbedürfnisse und -probleme als jüngere. Will man Senioren und Seniorinnen vor verkehrsbedingten Gefahren schützen, ohne ihre Mobilität einzuschränken, muss man ihre Mobilitätsbedürfnisse und -probleme kennen lernen. Das Buch analysiert die Probleme älterer Menschen als Fahrgäste des öffentlichen und privaten Nah- und Fernverkehrs. Dabei geht es nicht nur um die Unfälle im Straßenverkehr, sondern auch um Art und Umfang der Verkehrsteilnahme, um ihre Bedürfnisse und Wünsche und um die alters- und gesundheitsbedingte Leistungsfähigkeit. Auf der Basis dieser Problemanalyse werden Lösungsansätze vorgestellt, die der zu erwartenden Zunahme der älteren Verkehrsteilnehmer in unserer Gesellschaft gerecht werden. Dabei handelt es sich um Ansätze aus Stadt- und Verkehrspolitik, aus der Verkehrsplanung und -regelung, aus der Verkehrssicherheitsarbeit, aus der Verkehrspsychologie, Soziologie und Erziehungswissenschaft.

Models of Employee Participation in a Changing Global Environment: Diversity and Interaction (Routledge Revivals)

by Ray Markey Paul Gollan Ann Hodkinson Alain Chouraqui Ulrike Veersma

This title was first published in 2001. Management of the employment relationship changed markedly in the last two decades of the 21st century, and a major part of this has been the extension of employee involvement and participation in the workplace. Modern management theorists and researchers have commonly emphasized the importance of two-way communication and co-operation between management and labour in determining the success of human resource management (HRM) strategy and in maximizing workplace efficiency. Some researchers argue employee participation and empowerment are progressive management practices which have universal benefits to performance enhancement, as opposed to most other HRM practices whose success is contingent upon the organizational context. This title explores these themes through an international collection of case studies, which are the outcome of a comparative project of the Workers' Participation Study Group of the International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA).

Models of Employee Participation in a Changing Global Environment: Diversity and Interaction (Routledge Revivals)

by Raymond Markey Paul Gollan Ann Hodgkinson Alain Chouraqui Ulke Veersma

This title was first published in 2001. Management of the employment relationship changed markedly in the last two decades of the 21st century, and a major part of this has been the extension of employee involvement and participation in the workplace. Modern management theorists and researchers have commonly emphasized the importance of two-way communication and co-operation between management and labour in determining the success of human resource management (HRM) strategy and in maximizing workplace efficiency. Some researchers argue employee participation and empowerment are progressive management practices which have universal benefits to performance enhancement, as opposed to most other HRM practices whose success is contingent upon the organizational context. This title explores these themes through an international collection of case studies, which are the outcome of a comparative project of the Workers' Participation Study Group of the International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA).

Modern Roots: Studies of National Identity (In association with ICCR Contemporary Trends in European Social Sciences)

by Alain Dieckhoff Natividad Gutiérrez

Interest in the study of national identity as a collective phenomenon is a growing concern among the social and political sciences. This book addresses the scholarly interest in examining the origins of ideologies and social practices that give historical meaning, cohesion and uniqueness to modern national communities. It focuses on the various routes taken towards the construction of cultural authenticity as an inspirational purpose of nation-building and reveals the diversity of the themes, practices and symbols used to encourage self-identification and communality. Among the techniques explored are the dramatization of suffering and tragedy, the exaltation of heroes and deeds, the evocation of landscape, nature and the arts and the delimitation of collective values to be pursued during reconstruction in post-war periods.

Modern Roots: Studies of National Identity (In association with ICCR Contemporary Trends in European Social Sciences)

by Alain Dieckhoff Natividad Gutiérrez

Interest in the study of national identity as a collective phenomenon is a growing concern among the social and political sciences. This book addresses the scholarly interest in examining the origins of ideologies and social practices that give historical meaning, cohesion and uniqueness to modern national communities. It focuses on the various routes taken towards the construction of cultural authenticity as an inspirational purpose of nation-building and reveals the diversity of the themes, practices and symbols used to encourage self-identification and communality. Among the techniques explored are the dramatization of suffering and tragedy, the exaltation of heroes and deeds, the evocation of landscape, nature and the arts and the delimitation of collective values to be pursued during reconstruction in post-war periods.

Modernity and Exclusion (PDF)

by Professor Joel S Kahn

This penetrating book re-examines `the project of modernity'. It seeks to oppose the abstract, idealized vision of modernity with an alternative `ethnographic' understanding. The book defends an approach to modernity that situates it as embedded in particular and historical contexts. It examines cases of `popular modernism' in the United States, Britain and colonial Malaysia, drawing out the specific cultural and religious assumptions underlying popular modernism and concludes that modernism is implicated in a diversity of forms of cultural and racial exclusion.

The Monochrome Society (New Forum Books #24)

by Amitai Etzioni

Amitai Etzioni is one of the most influential social and political thinkers of our day, a man synonymous with the ideas of communitarianism. In this book, Etzioni challenges those who argue that diversity or multiculturalism is about to become the governing American creed. On the surface, America may seem like a fractured mosaic, but the country is in reality far more socially monochromatic and united than most observers have claimed. In the first chapter, Etzioni presents a great deal of evidence that Americans, whites and African Americans, Hispanics and Asian Americans, new immigrants and decedents of the Pilgrims, continue to share the same core of basic American values and aspirations. He goes on to show that we need not merely a civil but also a good society, one that nurtures virtues. He assesses key social institutions that can serve such a society ranging from revived holidays to greater reliance on public shaming. The most effective sources of bonding and of shared ideas about virtue, he insists throughout, come from the community, not from the state. Etzioni also challenges moral relativists who argue that we have no right to "impose" our moral values on other societies. He responds to those who fear that a cohesive community must also be one that is oppressive, authoritarian, and exclusive. And he explores and assesses possible new sources and definitions of community, including computer-mediated communities and stakeholding in corporations. By turns provocative and reassuring, the chapters here cut to the heart of several of our most pressing social and political issues. The book is further evidence of Etzioni's enduring place in contemporary thought.

Mothers and Sons: Feminism, Masculinity, and the Struggle to Raise Our Sons

by Andrea O'Reilly

First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Mothers and Sons: Feminism, Masculinity, and the Struggle to Raise Our Sons

by Andrea O'Reilly

First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

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