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Odyssey of the Heart: Close Relationships in the 21st Century

by John H. Harvey Ann L. Weber

Written in a personal, story-telling style, Odyssey weaves excerpts of actual relationships with current and classic research to provide a better perspective on our own experiences in light of the principles of relationships. Highlights of its comprehensive coverage include the classic research on personal attraction, dating and meeting others for closeness, and the maintenance and dissolution of relationships. "Recommendations for Growth" provides an opportunity for readers to directly apply current research and theory to their own relationships. Features new to this edition include the latest research and therapeutic techniques on maintaining and enhancing relationships; a new chapter on the family with recent demographic changes and a look at the ongoing debates about the impact of cohabitation, divorce, and blended families; and new chapters on same sex relationships and the dark side of relationships, including why women stay in abusive relationships. Odyssey of the Heart serves as a text for courses on close and/or interpersonal relationships. Its accessibility and inclusion of many actual experiences will engage the general reader.

Odyssey of the Heart: Close Relationships in the 21st Century

by John H. Harvey Ann L. Weber

Written in a personal, story-telling style, Odyssey weaves excerpts of actual relationships with current and classic research to provide a better perspective on our own experiences in light of the principles of relationships. Highlights of its comprehensive coverage include the classic research on personal attraction, dating and meeting others for closeness, and the maintenance and dissolution of relationships. "Recommendations for Growth" provides an opportunity for readers to directly apply current research and theory to their own relationships. Features new to this edition include the latest research and therapeutic techniques on maintaining and enhancing relationships; a new chapter on the family with recent demographic changes and a look at the ongoing debates about the impact of cohabitation, divorce, and blended families; and new chapters on same sex relationships and the dark side of relationships, including why women stay in abusive relationships. Odyssey of the Heart serves as a text for courses on close and/or interpersonal relationships. Its accessibility and inclusion of many actual experiences will engage the general reader.

Of Vietnam: Identities in Dialogue

by J. Winston L. Chau-Pech

A rich space of criticism and document, Of Vietnam moves contemporary figurings of Vietnam out of the nostalgic enclaves of the past and the stagnant places of a mythological present into the rich potential of our historical epoch. This provocative book is the first to bring together works by photographers, established and unpublished writers, poets, and artists from Vietnam and its diasporas, and critical pieces by scholars of anthropology, art history, history, and literary and cultural studies. Focusing on issues of identity, displacement, language, sexuality, and class, their contributions challenge and encourage readers to experience the multiplicity of experiences that make up the fabric of identity.

'An offer you can't refuse': Workfare in international perspective

by Ivar Lødemel Heather Trickey

In the last decade, developed welfare states have witnessed a pendulum swing away from unconditional entitlement to social assistance, towards greater emphasis on obligations and conditions tied to the receipt of financial aid. Through administrative reforms, conditions of entitlement have been narrowed. With the introduction of compulsory work for recipients the contract between the state and uninsured unemployed people is changing. The product of research funded by the European Union, this book compares 'work-for-welfare' - or workfare - programmes objectively for the first time. It considers well publicised schemes from the United States alongside more overlooked examples of workfare programmes from six European countries: France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and Britain. It is the first time that details of workfare programmes have been collated in such an easily accessible format. 'An offer you can't refuse' provides an analysis of the ideological debates that surround compulsory work programmes and gives a detailed overview of the programmes implemented in each country, including their political and policy contexts and the forces that have combined to facilitate their implementation. Similarities and differences between programmes are explored. Explanations for differences and lessons for policy makers are discussed.

Offside: Soccer and American Exceptionalism

by Andrei S. Markovits Steven L. Hellerman

Soccer is the world's favorite pastime, a passion for billions around the globe. In the United States, however, the sport is a distant also-ran behind football, baseball, basketball, and hockey. Why is America an exception? And why, despite America's leading role in popular culture, does most of the world ignore American sports in return? Offside is the first book to explain these peculiarities, taking us on a thoughtful and engaging tour of America's sports culture and connecting it with other fundamental American exceptionalisms. In so doing, it offers a comparative analysis of sports cultures in the industrial societies of North America and Europe. The authors argue that when sports culture developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, nativism and nationalism were shaping a distinctly American self-image that clashed with the non-American sport of soccer. Baseball and football crowded out the game. Then poor leadership, among other factors, prevented soccer from competing with basketball and hockey as they grew. By the 1920s, the United States was contentedly isolated from what was fast becoming an international obsession. The book compares soccer's American history to that of the major sports that did catch on. It covers recent developments, including the hoopla surrounding the 1994 soccer World Cup in America, the creation of yet another professional soccer league, and American women's global preeminence in the sport. It concludes by considering the impact of soccer's growing popularity as a recreation, and what the future of sports culture in the country might say about U.S. exceptionalism in general.

Offside: Soccer and American Exceptionalism

by Andrei S. Markovits Steven L. Hellerman

Soccer is the world's favorite pastime, a passion for billions around the globe. In the United States, however, the sport is a distant also-ran behind football, baseball, basketball, and hockey. Why is America an exception? And why, despite America's leading role in popular culture, does most of the world ignore American sports in return? Offside is the first book to explain these peculiarities, taking us on a thoughtful and engaging tour of America's sports culture and connecting it with other fundamental American exceptionalisms. In so doing, it offers a comparative analysis of sports cultures in the industrial societies of North America and Europe. The authors argue that when sports culture developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, nativism and nationalism were shaping a distinctly American self-image that clashed with the non-American sport of soccer. Baseball and football crowded out the game. Then poor leadership, among other factors, prevented soccer from competing with basketball and hockey as they grew. By the 1920s, the United States was contentedly isolated from what was fast becoming an international obsession. The book compares soccer's American history to that of the major sports that did catch on. It covers recent developments, including the hoopla surrounding the 1994 soccer World Cup in America, the creation of yet another professional soccer league, and American women's global preeminence in the sport. It concludes by considering the impact of soccer's growing popularity as a recreation, and what the future of sports culture in the country might say about U.S. exceptionalism in general.

The Order of Things (Routledge Classics)

by Michel Foucault

When one defines "order" as a sorting of priorities, it becomes beautifully clear as to what Foucault is doing here. With virtuoso showmanship, he weaves an intensely complex history of thought. He dips into literature, art, economics and even biology in The Order of Things, possibly one of the most significant, yet most overlooked, works of the twentieth century. Eclipsed by his later work on power and discourse, nonetheless it was The Order of Things that established Foucault's reputation as an intellectual giant. Pirouetting around the outer edge of language, Foucault unsettles the surface of literary writing. In describing the limitations of our usual taxonomies, he opens the door onto a whole new system of thought, one ripe with what he calls "exotic charm". Intellectual pyrotechnics from the master of critical thinking, this book is crucial reading for those who wish to gain insight into that odd beast called Postmodernism, and a must for any fan of Foucault.

The Order of Things: An Archaeology Of The Human Sciences (Routledge Classics)

by Michel Foucault

When one defines "order" as a sorting of priorities, it becomes beautifully clear as to what Foucault is doing here. With virtuoso showmanship, he weaves an intensely complex history of thought. He dips into literature, art, economics and even biology in The Order of Things, possibly one of the most significant, yet most overlooked, works of the twentieth century. Eclipsed by his later work on power and discourse, nonetheless it was The Order of Things that established Foucault's reputation as an intellectual giant. Pirouetting around the outer edge of language, Foucault unsettles the surface of literary writing. In describing the limitations of our usual taxonomies, he opens the door onto a whole new system of thought, one ripe with what he calls "exotic charm". Intellectual pyrotechnics from the master of critical thinking, this book is crucial reading for those who wish to gain insight into that odd beast called Postmodernism, and a must for any fan of Foucault.

Organisation und gesellschaftliche Differenzierung (Organisation und Gesellschaft)

by Veronika Tacke

Obwohl bereits Marx und Weber die Bedeutung von Organisationen in der modernen Gesellschaft hervorgehoben hatten, ist die Frage, wie das Verhältnis von Organisation und Gesellschaft beschreibbar ist, in der Soziologie über lange Zeit unbearbeitet geblieben. Die Beiträge des Bandes gehen dem Zusammenhang von gesellschaftlicher Differenzierungsform und Organisation nach. Gemeinsam ist ihnen der Versuch, die Analyse von Organisationen an die Möglichkeiten einer Theorie der modernen, funktional differenzierten Gesellschaft zurückzubinden. Dabei wird auf der einen Seite die Enthaltsamkeit der Organisationsforschung in der Frage nach der "Gesellschaftlichkeit" ihres Gegenstandes aufgegeben, auf der anderen Seite der Kurzschluss vermieden, die moderne Gesellschaft als eine "Organisationsgesellschaft" zu beschreiben.

Organisation und organisationaler Wandel: Eine theoretische Erkundung aus konstruktivistischer Sicht (Organisation und Gesellschaft)

by Johannes Rüegg-Stürm

Die erfolgreiche Bewältigung organisationaler Wandel- und Erneuerungsprozesse gehört sowohl aus praktischer wie auch aus theoretischer Sicht zu den anspruchsvollsten Managementherausforderungen. Dies hängt damit zusammen, dass moderne Organisationen nicht einfach klar fassbare, fraglos gegebene Entitäten darstellen, sondern Bereiche sozialen Zusammenwirkens verkörpern, die äusserst schwierig zu beschreiben und zu verstehen sind. Dieses Buch spürt selbstverständlichen Denkvorstellungen und Grundannahmen nach, die unserem alltäglichen, aber auch dem wissenschaftlichen Denken und Reden über Organisationen und unserem Wirken in Organisationen zugrunde liegen, und es beleuchtet Alternativen, die davon ausgehen, dass Organisationen diskursiv, d.h. in Beziehungs- und Kommunikationsprozessen, verfertigte Konstruktionen darstellen. Sowohl die Vergewisserung von Bestehendem als auch die Erfindung von Neuem wären dann als hochkomplexe kontingente Konstruktionsleistungen organisationaler Lebenswelten zu verstehen. Davon ausgehend wird vor allem der Frage nachgespürt, welche Konsequenzen ein solcher Zugang zu Organisationen für ein geschicktes Management von Wandel hat.

Organisational Prosecutions (Routledge Revivals)

by Gary Slapper

This title was first published in 2001. The central theme of this book is the activity of the multifarious agencies, local and central government departments, private companies and organizations, which act as prosecutors in the branch of the criminal justice system which deals with 95 per cent of all offences: the magistrates' court. There are over 30 prosecuting organizations (21 are featured in this text) which act regularly in over 400 courthouses in England and Wales. This activity, involving many people and a large amount of resources, accounts for approximately one fifth of all activity in the criminal courts, and yet almost no research has been conducted in this area. Based on a year's extensive study of all of the organization prosecutions brought before three magistrates' courts in different regions, the text analyzes a number of important issues, including the different approaches taken by the different organizations, their conviction rates, and the type of sentencing used for different sorts of cases.

Organisational Prosecutions (Routledge Revivals)

by Gary Slapper

This title was first published in 2001. The central theme of this book is the activity of the multifarious agencies, local and central government departments, private companies and organizations, which act as prosecutors in the branch of the criminal justice system which deals with 95 per cent of all offences: the magistrates' court. There are over 30 prosecuting organizations (21 are featured in this text) which act regularly in over 400 courthouses in England and Wales. This activity, involving many people and a large amount of resources, accounts for approximately one fifth of all activity in the criminal courts, and yet almost no research has been conducted in this area. Based on a year's extensive study of all of the organization prosecutions brought before three magistrates' courts in different regions, the text analyzes a number of important issues, including the different approaches taken by the different organizations, their conviction rates, and the type of sentencing used for different sorts of cases.

Organisationsbezogenes Qualitätsmanagement: EFQM-orientierte Analyse und Qualitätsentwicklungs-Projekte am Beispiel der Familienbildung

by Christiane Schiersmann Heinz-Ulrich Thiel Eva Pfizenmaier

In diesem Buch werden die praktischen Erfahrungen mit einem Qualitäts-management-Konzept dargestellt - einschließlich umfangreicher Arbeitsmaterialien und konkreter Anregungen zur eigenständigen Anwendung. Das in 47 Einrichtungen der Familienbildung aus mehreren Bundesländern erprobte Qualitätskonzept orientiert sich bei der organisationsumfassenden Stärken-Schwächen-Analyse am Modell der European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) und ergänzt dieses um Elemente des Projektmanagements zur Durchführung von Vorhaben zur Qualitätsverbesserung. Eine bewußt heterogen zusammengesetzte Qualitätsgruppe, in der z.B. Leitungskräfte, hauptamtlich pädagogische Mitarbeiterinnen, Verwaltungskräfte, Kursleiterinnen und Teilnehmerinnen zusammenarbeiten, gestaltet den Prozeß und gewährleistet durch ihre ressourcenorientierte und selbstorganisierte Zusammenarbeit den Erfolg der Qualitätsentwicklung. Durch Fortbildungsangebote und professionelle Beratung "vor Ort" werden die Einrichtungen unterstützt. Umfangreiche empirische Untersuchungen zur Prozeß- und Produktevaluation untermauern die Erfahrungen in diesem - in Bezug auf die Anzahl der beteiligten Einrichtungen bisher größten - Modellprojekt zur Qualitätsentwicklung im (Weiter-) Bildungsbereich in Deutschland.

Organizational Behaviour Reassessed: The Impact of Gender (PDF)

by Dr Elisabeth M Wilson

`[Challenges] mainstream accounts of organizational behaviour and management which treat gender as an optional extra. This book demonstrates that gender can be an essential organizational principle' - Equal Opportunities Review `Most books on Organizational Behaviour are still gender-free zones. This book however treats gender as it needs to be treated, as a fundamental organizing principle of organization' - Professor Paul Iles, of Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University Challenging mainstream accounts of organizational behaviour and management, which treat gender as an optional extra, this book demonstrates how it can be an essential organizing principle. Each chapter covers one or more of the principal mainstream topics of organisational behaviour before deconstructing and critiquing these and suggesting other ways of understanding these issues.

Organizational Improvisation

by Miguel Pina Cunha Ken Kamoche

The relatively new field of organizational improvisation is concerned with the pressures on organizations to react continually to today's ever-changing environment. Organizational improvisation has important implications for such subjects as product innovation, teamworking and organizational renewal, and this new book brings together some of the best and most thought-provoking papers published in recent years. This area is now emerging as one of the most important in organizational science, and this book provides a comprehensive collection suitable for students, researchers and practitioners alike.

Organizational Improvisation

by Miguel Pina Cunha Ken Kamoche

The relatively new field of organizational improvisation is concerned with the pressures on organizations to react continually to today's ever-changing environment. Organizational improvisation has important implications for such subjects as product innovation, teamworking and organizational renewal, and this new book brings together some of the best and most thought-provoking papers published in recent years. This area is now emerging as one of the most important in organizational science, and this book provides a comprehensive collection suitable for students, researchers and practitioners alike.

Organizational Research Methods

by Paul Brewerton Lynne Millward

`This text provides a timely and comprehensive introduction to major research methods in the Organizational sciences. It will be a boon to all students conducting their projects in this area, and may well become a standard reference for staff teaching research methods to undergraduate and postgraduate students of business studies or organizational behaviour' - Professor Neil Anderson, Goldsmiths College, University of London 'This reasonably priced text would provide an invaluable starting point for those considering undertaking research in organisational settings' - Paula Roberts, Nurse Researcher This book provides the reader with clear pointers for how to conduct organizational research appropriately, through planning and making informed and systematic research decisions, to understanding the ethical implications of applied organizational research, to implementing, reporting and presenting the findings to the highest possible standards. It provides an overview of a wide variety of research strategies, methods of data collection (both qualitative and quantitative) and analysis in a volume accessible to both an undergraduate, postgraduate and practitioner readership alike. Organizational Research Methods also represents a useful aid to the report writing task, indicating ways in which the project material can be most effectively organised for academic and feedback purposes, and by drawing upon real-life organizational contexts and examples to help the reader understand the core issues. Finally, the book offers a clear, manageable procedure for preparing a presentation to an academic or an organizational audience. Providing practical guidance on all elements of the research process, this book will be essential reading to all undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as researchers, in psychology, organizational studies and management disciplines.

Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy: Volume II (Astrophysics and Space Science Library #266)

by AndréHeck W. B. Burton

Seated in a sun-lit corner of his 17th century Dutch house, his hand touching a celestial globe, Johannes Vermeer's "Astronomer" seems to pon­ der about the mysteries of the universe. We might make the trip to Paris and ask him, in the Louvre, what precisely is on his mind. Unfortunately, there will be no answer. But we do know what his mind was not on. It was not on the approaching deadlines for the proposals he would have to write for getting funds and telescope-time, not on the meeting of the observing programs committee, not on his refereeing duty for the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, nor on his university's tightening budget for science. In the Kapteyn Institute at Groningen I stand face to face with the im­ pressive portrait of J.C. Kapteyn, painted in the year 1918. Seated at his desk he is doing his calculations with pen, pencil and tables, perhaps check­ ing the work of his skilled staff of human computers. Early in his career he had completed his magnum opus, the Cape Photographic Durchmusterung in collaboration with his close friend David Gill at Capetown, South Africa.

Outcome-Based Evaluation

by Robert L. Schalock

Outcome-based evaluation continues to play a central role in the larger field of policy analysis and speaks to the needs and interests of administrators, students, policymakers, funders, consumers, and educators. In a thoroughgoing revision of the first edition of this classic text and reference, published by Plenum in 1995, the author broadens the coverage from his previous emphasis on developmental disabilities to include other areas of human and social service delivery such as education, health, mental health, aging, substance abuse, and corrections.

Overseers of the Poor: Surveillance, Resistance, and the Limits of Privacy (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

by John Gilliom

In Overseers of the Poor, John Gilliom confronts the everyday politics of surveillance by exploring the worlds and words of those who know it best-the watched. Arguing that the current public conversation about surveillance and privacy rights is rife with political and conceptual failings, Gilliom goes beyond the critics and analysts to add fresh voices, insights, and perspectives. This powerful book lets us in on the conversations of low-income mothers from Appalachian Ohio as they talk about the welfare bureaucracy and its remarkably advanced surveillance system. In their struggle to care for their families, these women are monitored and assessed through a vast network of supercomputers, caseworkers, fraud control agents, and even grocers and neighbors. In-depth interviews show that these women focus less on the right to privacy than on a critique of surveillance that lays bare the personal and political conflicts with which they live. And, while they have little interest in conventional forms of politics, we see widespread patterns of everyday resistance as they subvert the surveillance regime when they feel it prevents them from being good parents. Ultimately, Overseers of the Poor demonstrates the need to reconceive not just our understanding of the surveillance-privacy debate but also the broader realms of language, participation, and the politics of rights. We all know that our lives are being watched more than ever before. As we struggle to understand and confront this new order, Gilliom argues, we need to spend less time talking about privacy rights, legislatures, and courts of law and more time talking about power, domination, and the ongoing struggles of everyday people.

Panik und Puritanismus: Über die Herstellung traditionalen und religiösen Sinns (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie #5)

by Katharina Liebsch

Das Buch beschreibt aktuelle Erscheinungen eines Denkens, das Ordnungs- und Reinheitsvorschriften religiös abzusichern und durch eine Beschwörung von potenziellen und faktischen Gefahren des gesellschaftlichen Pluralismus zu begründen sucht. Dabei wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie traditionale und religiöse Bedeutungsgehalte transportiert, erhalten und neu belebt werden und wie sie zur Stabilisierung sozialer Ordnungsvorstellungen verwendet werden.

The Paradox of Control in Organizations

by Philip Streatfield

Business leaders are expected to be 'in control' of the situation in which their businesses find themselves. But how can organizational leaders and managers control matters entirely out of their hands; such as the next action a competitor takes, or the next law a government may pass? In this book, Philip Streatfield reflects on his own experience as a manager to explore the question: who, or what is 'in control' in an organization? Adopting the perspective of complex responsive processes developed in the first two volumes of this series, the author takes self-organization and emergence as central themes in thinking about life in organizations. He focuses on the tension between spontaneously forming patterns of conversation and intentional actions arguing that the order of organizations emerges through a combination of collective interaction and individual intentions. The argument is developed by considering the day-to-day experiences of life in a large pharmaceutical organization, SmithKline Beecham. In today's organization, managers find that they have to live with the paradox of being 'in control' and 'not in control' simultaneously. It is this capacity to live with paradox, and to continue to participate creatively in spite of 'not being in control', that constitutes effective management.

The Paradox of Control in Organizations

by Philip Streatfield

Business leaders are expected to be 'in control' of the situation in which their businesses find themselves. But how can organizational leaders and managers control matters entirely out of their hands; such as the next action a competitor takes, or the next law a government may pass? In this book, Philip Streatfield reflects on his own experience as a manager to explore the question: who, or what is 'in control' in an organization? Adopting the perspective of complex responsive processes developed in the first two volumes of this series, the author takes self-organization and emergence as central themes in thinking about life in organizations. He focuses on the tension between spontaneously forming patterns of conversation and intentional actions arguing that the order of organizations emerges through a combination of collective interaction and individual intentions. The argument is developed by considering the day-to-day experiences of life in a large pharmaceutical organization, SmithKline Beecham. In today's organization, managers find that they have to live with the paradox of being 'in control' and 'not in control' simultaneously. It is this capacity to live with paradox, and to continue to participate creatively in spite of 'not being in control', that constitutes effective management.

Parliamentary Democracy: Is There a Perfect Model?

by Nicholas Hopkinson

This title was first published in 2001. With the collapse of Communism in Central and Eastern Europe, the legitimacy of one-party, and often one-person rule in other parts of the world has been fundamentally challenged. It appears that for the first time parliamentary democracy has become the universally accepted model to adopt or to be perfected. Newer democracies have started to build the institutions and capacity necessary to sustain democracy, while established democracies continue to refine their democracy, sometimes introducing full-scale reforms. This book examines whether elements of the perfect democracy can be identified and how democratic structures and practices can be improved.

Parliamentary Democracy: Is There a Perfect Model?

by Nicholas Hopkinson

This title was first published in 2001. With the collapse of Communism in Central and Eastern Europe, the legitimacy of one-party, and often one-person rule in other parts of the world has been fundamentally challenged. It appears that for the first time parliamentary democracy has become the universally accepted model to adopt or to be perfected. Newer democracies have started to build the institutions and capacity necessary to sustain democracy, while established democracies continue to refine their democracy, sometimes introducing full-scale reforms. This book examines whether elements of the perfect democracy can be identified and how democratic structures and practices can be improved.

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