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Internationales Handbuch der Gewaltforschung

by Otto Backes Werner Bergmann Heiner Bielefeldt Klaus Boers Andreas W. Böttger Rainer Dollase Roland Eckert Manuel Eisner Georg Elwert Dieter Grimm Carol Hagemann-White Peter Imbusch Hans Mathias Kepplinger Volkhard Krech Wolfgang Kühnel Gerhard Kümmel Siegfried Lamnek Helmut Lukesch Herfried Münkler Marcus Llanque Dieter Rucht Annette Streeck-Fischer Klaus-Jürgen Tillmann Peter Waldmann Andreas Wimmer Ralf Kölbel Laura Baker Tore Björgo Alfred Blumstein Jean-Paul Brodeur Keith Burgess-Jackson Ronald Crelinsten Martin Daly Russell Dobash Rebecca Dobash Emerson Donatella Della Porta Francois Dubet Eric Dunning Ezzat A. Fattah Albrecht Funk James Garbarino Richard Gelles Ted Robert Gurr Michael Hanagan Dick Hobbs Ernest V.E. Hodges David Kowalewski David Lester Vittorio Di Martino Steven Messner Jon Pahl Fernando Reinares James F. Short Charles Tilly Roy F. Baumeister Peter Longerich Robert D. Crutchfield Rainer Strobl Peter Reichenbach Gail Weingart Jennifer Williamson Margo Wilson Noel A. Card Jenny Isaacs Brad J. Bushman

Die Forschung zur Gewalt in modernen westlichen Gesellschaften hat in den letzten Jahren zugenommen. Die Erklärungen dafür sind zahlreich: tatsächlicher Anstieg bei bestimmten Gewaltvarianten, neue Sensibilitäten, Rückkehr alter Gewaltformen, Verlagerung von Gewalt in andere gesellschaftliche Bereiche etc. Bisher fehlt jedoch ein systematischer Überblick über die tatsächlichen Entwicklungen. Das vorliegende Handbuch informiert umfassend über Gewalt als soziales Phänomen. Dabei wird fast allen Facetten dieses Themas Rechnung getragen: · Sozialstrukturelle Verhältnisse und Gewalt, · Sozialisation und Lernen von Gewalt, · Gewalterfahrungen und Gewalttätigkeit, · Gewaltopfer, · Gewalt in gesellschaftlichen Institutionen, · Gewalt durch politische Gruppen, · Gewaltdiskurse etc. In 62 Artikeln von Autorinnen und Autoren aus zehn Ländern liefert der Band ein komplexes, transdisziplinäres Bild eines Forschungsfeldes zwischen Ordnung, Zerstörung und Macht.

Gender, Health and Ageing: European Perspectives on Life Course, Health Issues and Social Challenges (Alter(n) und Gesellschaft)

by Prof. Gertrud Backes Vera Lasch Katja Reimann

The different research fields – gerontology, gender and health – have generated different views, knowledge and foci on ageing, health and gender. It is now necessary to integrate these aspects into research, policy and practice. The objective of this book is to provide an overview of gender, health and ageing. Important theoretical concepts, such as life course and "Lebenslagen" in old age, or differences in men's health, are introduced. It is increasingly important to build a European basis of knowledge, to conduct discussions on European research findings, and to develop European research frameworks. In this volume, central theoretical debates on gender impacts on life course and old-age health, and vital issues of health research in the context of gender and old age are introduced. Specific aspects, such as the impact of gender and age on cardiovascular health, elder abuse and mental health, or care between gender relations, gender roles and gender constructs, are pointed out. Special attention is given to the impact of social, political and economic change in different New EU Member States, like Hungary, Poland and Slovenia.

Constructing Gendered Bodies (Explorations in Sociology.)

by K. Backett-Milburn L. McKie

Interest in sociological study of the body, theoretically and empirically, has increased dramatically in the 1990s. This book builds on this work by bringing together exciting and stimulating research which examines the social and cultural processes involved in the construction of gendered bodies and sexual practices. Contributors explore these issues in a variety of settings ranging from the workplace and leisure industry to social arenas of moral and medical regulation.

The Beginnings of Political Economy: Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi (The European Heritage in Economics and the Social Sciences #7)

by Jügen Georg Backhaus

Ju¨ rgen G. Backhaus 1 Johann Heinrich Gottlob (von) Justi was born in 1702 in Bru¨ cken in Prussia (county of Sangerhausen), studied law and cameral sciences in Wittenberg and Jena, yet had to leave the university, entered the Prussian military service, was captured during the Austrian war of succession by the Austrians but escaped to Leipzig (Saxony) where he studied mineral sciences. In 1750 he was called to a chair ‘‘Cameral Sciences and Rhetorics’’ at the new Theresian Academy of Knights in Vienna. There, he gave two important inaugural lectures which are the focal point of this book. In 1754, Justi was appointed a mineral counsellor in Gottingen ¨ (Hanover), and lectured at the Saxonian University on both state sciences and natural sciences. In 1762, Frederic II (the Great) of Prussia appointed him Prussian captain (highest supervisory position) of mines and general supervisor of fiscal-mineral activities. In 1768 he was accused of embezzlement, and before he could prove his innocence, he died in 1771 as a prisoner in the (decaying) fortress of Ku¨ strin. Due to his death, the case was never decided. But Frederic had obviously made his own decision. When he appointed Justi, the appointee pointed out that he was suffering from weak eye sight and could not readily check the bookkeeping. Frederic replied: You may have weak eyes but you have a bright mind. I shall put two eyes by your side.

Political Economy, Linguistics and Culture: Crossing Bridges (The European Heritage in Economics and the Social Sciences #5)

by Jürgen Backhaus

Social sciences and economics have undergone enormous progress. While certain topics have been fully researched, others have remained largely under-researched or ignored. It is this discrepancy which prompted the research paradigm of "Crossing Bridges". For this volume, ten authors have joined forces to address the problem of under-researched topics, focusing in particular on gaps in interdisciplinary research between economics and other social sciences.

Corporate Citizenship in Deutschland: Gesellschaftliches Engagement von Unternehmen. Bilanz und Perspektiven (Bürgergesellschaft und Demokratie)

by Holger Backhaus-Maul Christiane Biedermann Stefan Nährlich Judith Polterauer

Die Wirtschaft und ihre Unternehmen prägen moderne Gesellschaften. Die aktuelle Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise hat diese Entwicklung nochmals verstärkt. Damit rückt die grundlegende Frage in den Mittelpunkt des öffentlichen Interesses, welche gesellschaftliche Rolle Unternehmen als Corporate Citizen zukünftig übernehmen können, wollen und sollen. Was zeichnet das gesellschaftliche Engagement von Unternehmen als Corporate Citizen aus? Wohin kann diese Entwicklung führen? Mit diesen Fragen erschließt der Band innovative Sichtweisen und zeigt viel versprechende Perspektiven für die in Deutschland lebhaft geführte - und zugleich auch globale - Debatte über die neue gesellschaftliche Rolle von Unternehmen auf. Über 50 Autorinnen und Autoren aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Medien und Gesellschaftspolitik leisten in der aktualisierten und erweiterten zweiten Auflage eine umfassende Bilanz. Erstmals werden sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Debatten, fachliche Expertisen, unternehmerische Überlegungen sowie gesellschaftspolitische Analysen zusammengeführt. Der Band lädt so zu einer differenzierten Auseinandersetzung mit dem zukunftsträchtigen Thema Corporate Citizenship ein.

Corporate Citizenship in Deutschland: Bilanz und Perspektiven (Bürgergesellschaft und Demokratie)

by Holger Backhaus-Maul Christiane Biedermann Stefan Nährlich Judith Polterauer

Mit dem Rückgang staatlichen Handelns und der in das Alltagsleben von Bürgern wirkenden wirtschaftlichen Globalisierung rückt auch das bürgerschaftliche Engagement von Unternehmen in Deutschland in das öffentliche Interesse. Damit wird die grundsätzliche Frage nach der Rolle von Unternehmen in der heutigen Gesellschaft virulent, die unter dem international gebräuchlichen Begriff „Corporate Citizenship“ diskutiert wird. Was zeichnet Corporate Citizenship aus? Wohin kann die Entwicklung führen? Mit diesen Fragen erschließt der Band neue Sichtweisen und zeigt wichtige Perspektiven für die in Deutschland geführte Debatte über Unternehmen in der Gesellschaft auf. Über 40 Autoren aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Medien und Gesellschaftspolitik leisten eine umfassende Zwischenbilanz. Erstmals werden sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Debatten, fachliche Expertisen sowie gesellschaftspolitische Analysen zusammengeführt. Der Band lädt so zu einer differenzierten Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema ein.

Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Unternehmen in Deutschland: Ein Kompendium zur Erschließung eines sich entwickelnden Themenfeldes

by Holger Backhaus-Maul Martin Kunze Stefan Nährlich

Begriffe wie Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Citizenship und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung verweisen auf eine veränderte gesellschaftliche Rolle von Unternehmen und gehen mit tiefgreifenden gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen und einer wechselseitigen Durchdringung von Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft einher.Das Lehrbuch erschließt das Thema in drei sich ergänzenden Dimensionen:• gesellschafts- und ordnungspolitische Rahmenbedingungen,• Instrumente und Handlungsfelder sowie• sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschungsperspektiven.

Engagement in der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege: Empirische Befunde aus der Terra incognita eines Spitzenverbandes

by Holger Backhaus-Maul Karsten Speck Miriam Hörnlein Maud Krohn

​In dieser empirischen Studie wird erstmals umfassend mit qualitativen und quantitativen Methoden das Engagement in der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege anhand eines exemplarisch ausgewählten Spitzenverbandes und seiner Landesverbände in Berlin, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Thüringen untersucht.Im Mittelpunkt stehen Umfang und Ausprägungen, Vorstellungen und Deutungen sowie Steuerung und Förderung von Engagement.

Bioeconomy and Global Inequalities: Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production

by Maria Backhouse Rosa Lehmann Kristina Lorenzen Malte Lühmann Janina Puder Fabricio Rodríguez Anne Tittor

This open access book focuses on the meanings, agendas, as well as the local and global implications of bioeconomy and bioenergy policies in and across South America, Asia and Europe. It explores how a transition away from a fossil and towards a bio-based economic order alters, reinforces and challenges socio-ecological inequalities. The volume presents a historically informed and empirically rich discussion of bioeconomy developments with a particular focus on bio-based energy. A series of conceptual discussions and case studies with a multidisciplinary background in the social sciences illuminate how the deployment of biomass sources from the agricultural and forestry sectors affect societal changes concerning knowledge production, land and labour relations, political participation and international trade. How can a global perspective on socio-ecological inequalities contribute to a complex and critical understanding of bioeconomy? Who participates in the negotiation of specific bioeconomy policies and who does not? Who determines the agenda? To what extent does the bioeconomy affect existing socio-ecological inequalities in rural areas? What are the implications of the bioeconomy for existing relations of extraction and inequalities across regions? The volume is an invitation to reflect upon these questions and more, at a time when the need for an ecological and socially just transition away from a carbon intensive economy is becoming increasingly pressing.

EBOOK: Social Work, Poverty and Social Exclusion (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Health & Social Welfare)

by Dave Backwith

What do we mean by the terms "poverty" and "social exclusion" in 21st century Britain?What impact do continuing austerity measures have on low-income families? How can social workers support and empower service users to escape poverty?An understanding of social division, social exclusion, and poverty is fundamental to the ethos of social work. This book relates poverty and social exclusion to social work practice, offering a fresh approach to the challenges social workers face in helping clients out of poverty.The book begins by examining the challenges posed by growing poverty set against cuts in services and tightening eligibility criteria. The book argues that the impact social exclusion and poverty has on service user's lives requires social workers to gain a greater awareness of both concepts and their relationship to social work practice. Chapters consider topical issues such as the role poverty plays in child protection issues, and the dilemmas social workers face in working with asylum seekers. A theme of the book is inequalities in health: that most service users suffer more illness, disability and premature death, because they are poor and excluded. Focused on what social workers can do in their practice to address social exclusion, the book supports students in developing relationship-based and community-oriented approaches that can actively alleviate poverty.Key features of the book include: Numerous quotations and vignettes give insights into social workers' and service users' real experiences. "What Do You Think?" exercises encourage students to actively engage with the issues and think critically about their understanding of poverty. Reflective questions are included to spark lively debate around ethics, beliefs and values.This book is essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate social work students at all levels. It will also be a key resource for sociology and social policy students seeking an understanding of poverty."Dave Backwith's new book should be required reading for every social work student, as well as by managers, policy makers and experienced practitioners. Carefully researched and reasoned, it challenges social work to overcome the danger of treating poverty as the inevitable backdrop to practice and to actively address the intimate, daily, damaging impact of poverty in most service users' lives. Throughout, using frequent telling case studies, Backwith confronts the complexities of practice and asks big questions about the political and policy context of social work." Paul Bywaters, Professor of Social Work, Coventry University"Dave Backwith provides social work with a strong values-based argument for politically engaged practice to address poverty and social exclusion. He advocates for 'making space' to address poverty and social exclusion, with an approach that eschews individual and pathological responses, instead emphasising a community-based and collective /mutual aid orientation. The book is informed by ecological and health inequalities perspectives and with chapters on children and families, older people and mental health, should be essential reading for all social workers." Kate Karban, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, University of Bradford, Co-convenor, Social Work and Health Inequalities Network, 2010-2014 "This book provides a comprehensive review of theory, research and policy on poverty and social exclusion. It identifies the forces which have narrowed social work's responses to poor people, and how practice could become more generous and imaginative." Bill Jordan, Professor of Social Work, Plymouth University, UK"Dave Backwith has successfully argued that social workers need to practice with a full appreciation of the impact of poverty and social exclusion on the people who need their assistance. This is, as he argues, essential for all areas of social work. His book therefore represents essential reading for all connected to the delivery of social work, students, practitioners and managers alike." Mark Lymbery, University of Nottingham, UK

Contemporary Russia (PDF)

by Edwin Bacon

The third edition of Contemporary Russia is fully revised to provide a comprehensive introduction to the society, politics and culture of one of the most important countries in global affairs today. The author details Russia's historical background as well as the nation's current concerns and distinctive features in this accessible analysis.

Alternative Salvations: Engaging the Sacred and the Secular

by Hannah Bacon Wendy Dossett Dr Steve Knowles

By considering transformative ideas and experiences which are explicitly articulated or implicitly structured in languages of religion and spirituality, Alternative Salvations probes concepts including 'religious', 'secular', 'spiritual', 'post-Christian', and 'post-secular', providing a series of studies which question the functionality of these broad categories. Part one draws on contemporary salvation narratives showing how current cultural forms, social practices and secular discourses are influenced by, or are interpreted through, the lens of religious and theological accounts of salvation. Examples include twelve step recovery programs, drug culture, and public policy surrounding HIV-AIDs in Kenya. Although outside traditional religious contexts, the contributors show ways in which they are not free from religious symbolism. Part two explores alternative accounts of salvation rooted in religious traditions. Established orthodoxies are confronted by contemporary critical questions, for example about gender, the status of animals, and the political dimensions of salvation. By contributing new perspectives and unique case studies, Alternative Salvations provides a deliberate challenge to easy binaries which often underpin contemporary and traditional discourses of salvation.

Alternative Salvations: Engaging the Sacred and the Secular

by Hannah Bacon Wendy Dossett Steve Knowles

By considering transformative ideas and experiences which are explicitly articulated or implicitly structured in languages of religion and spirituality, Alternative Salvations probes concepts including 'religious', 'secular', 'spiritual', 'post-Christian', and 'post-secular', providing a series of studies which question the functionality of these broad categories. Part one draws on contemporary salvation narratives showing how current cultural forms, social practices and secular discourses are influenced by, or are interpreted through, the lens of religious and theological accounts of salvation. Examples include twelve step recovery programs, drug culture, and public policy surrounding HIV-AIDs in Kenya. Although outside traditional religious contexts, the contributors show ways in which they are not free from religious symbolism. Part two explores alternative accounts of salvation rooted in religious traditions. Established orthodoxies are confronted by contemporary critical questions, for example about gender, the status of animals, and the political dimensions of salvation. By contributing new perspectives and unique case studies, Alternative Salvations provides a deliberate challenge to easy binaries which often underpin contemporary and traditional discourses of salvation.

Life Lines: Community, Family, And Assimilation Among Asian Indian Immigrants

by Jean Bacon

Asian Indians figure prominently among the educated, middle class subset of contemporary immigrants. They move quickly into residences, jobs, and lifestyles that provide little opportunity with fellow migrants, yet they continue to see themselves as a distinctive community within contemporary American society. In Life Lines Bacon chronicles the creation of a community--Indian-born parents and their children living in the Chicago metropolitan area--bound by neither geographic proximity, nor institutional ties, and explores the processes through which ethnic identity is transmitted to the next generation. Bacon's study centers upon the engrossing portraits of five immigrant families, each one a complex tapestry woven from the distinctive voices of its family members. Both extensive field work among community organizations and analyses of ethnic media help Bacon expose the complicated interplay between the private social interactions of family life and the stylized rhetoric of "Indianness" that permeates public life. This inventive analysis suggests that the process of assimilation which these families undergo parallels the assimilation process experienced by anyone who conceives of him or herself as a member of a distinctive community in search of a place in American society.

Twins in Society: Parents, Bodies, Space and Talk (Studies in Childhood and Youth)

by K. Bacon

This book explores what it means to be a twin and to what extent twins can shape or 'escape' their identities as twins. It investigates how social expectations about twins shape twins' lives and how twins utilize their bodies, space and talk to actively display and perform their own identities.

Contagion and the Vampire: The Vampiric Body as Locus of Disease and Global Epidemics in 21st Century

by Simon Bacon

This book examines how the vampire has always been connected to ideas of infection, pollution and disease—even more so in the 21st century where it expresses the horrors of unseen and unstoppable disease and the foreboding and anxiety that accompany viral outbreaks and wider epidemics. Here the vampire gives physical form to the contagion and associated anxieties around the perceived causes and spread of disease, where it can take on many forms from animal to pestilential particulate matter, creeping shadows and even malignant weather systems. If blood is life, it is the body of the vampire that is death. This timely study looks at how and why the vampire continues to fulfil this function and posits that the true patient zero in the 21st century is no longer the dangerous, ancient, outsider from the East but is the undying monster that is Western culture itself.

The Routledge International Handbook of Transnational Studies (Routledge International Handbooks)

by Xóchitl Bada

The Routledge International Handbook of Transnational Studies offers a comprehensive overview of the dynamic evolution and the most recent debates in this interdisciplinary field. The collection assembles scholarship from the social sciences and the humanities that share a critical perspective extending beyond the nation-state. The contributions investigate sustained connections, events, and activities across state borders and acknowledge prevailing global power asymmetries. The handbook examines the dynamics of transnational processes across seven main themes: epistemological and methodological principles; transnational migrant practices and family remittances; mobilities and (self-)identities; social protection; organizations and social movements; culture, religion, and the arts; and architecture and urban planning. The contributors engage with theoretical developments and analyze empirical cases involving a wide array of critical contemporary topics such as expatriate voting, first- and second-generation return migration, state-sponsored cross-border marriages, access to health care, transnational social work, global religious aesthetics, transnational art corridors, literary translation, remittance-financed architecture, and transnational processes of real estate development and gentrification, among others. They display a series of cross-cutting approaches including postcolonial theory, racism, and gender, and a focus on agency, state policies and macro-structures, and transnational inequalities. This book features multidisciplinary scholars in transnational studies from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, Poland, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This handbook will be of interest to scholars interested in global and transnational perspectives across a wide range of disciplines. It will serve as a key resource for academics, students, and other interested audiences seeking to familiarize themselves with the study of contemporary issues that cross state borders.

The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Latin America (Oxford Handbooks)

by Xochitl Bada Liliana Rivera-Sanchez

The sociology of Latin America, established in the region over the past eighty years, is a thriving field whose major contributions include dependence theory, world-systems theory, and historical debates on economic development, among others. The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Latin America provides research essays that introduce the readers to the discipline's key areas and current trends, specifically with regard to contemporary sociology in Latin America, as well as a collection of innovative empirical studies deploying a variety of qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The essays in the Handbook are arranged in eight research subfields in which scholars are currently making significant theoretical and methodological contributions: Sociology of the State, Social Inequalities, Sociology of Religion, Collective Action and Social Movements, Sociology of Migration, Sociology of Gender, Medical Sociology, and Sociology of Violence and Insecurity. Due to the deterioration of social and economic conditions, as well as recent disruptions to an already tense political environment, these have become some of the most productive and important fields in Latin American sociology. This roiling sociopolitical atmosphere also generates new and innovative expressions of protest and survival, which are being explored by sociologists across different continents today. The essays included in this collection offer a map to and a thematic articulation of central sociological debates that make it a critical resource for those scholars and students eager to understand contemporary sociology in Latin America.

Levi-Strauss: Structuralism and Sociological Theory (Routledge Library Editions: Social Theory)

by C.R. Badcock

What is the significance of Structuralism for social science? How original is Lévi-Strauss' contribution to social theory? Is he Marxist? Though Structuralism, and its leading representative Lévi-Strauss, are central to sociology, anthropology and psychology, the complexity of his work and the obscurity of his commentators have often proved a barrier to understanding. Now for the first time, Dr Badcock provides a jargon-free assessment of Lévi-Strauss' place in the tradition of French sociological thought – particularly to predecessors such as Comte, Durkheim and Mauss – discusses his relationship to Marx, Sartre, Freud and Talcott Parsons and provides a concise, non-technical account of his complex ideas on kinship, totenism and myth.

Levi-Strauss: Structuralism and Sociological Theory (Routledge Library Editions: Social Theory)

by C.R. Badcock

What is the significance of Structuralism for social science? How original is Lévi-Strauss' contribution to social theory? Is he Marxist? Though Structuralism, and its leading representative Lévi-Strauss, are central to sociology, anthropology and psychology, the complexity of his work and the obscurity of his commentators have often proved a barrier to understanding. Now for the first time, Dr Badcock provides a jargon-free assessment of Lévi-Strauss' place in the tradition of French sociological thought – particularly to predecessors such as Comte, Durkheim and Mauss – discusses his relationship to Marx, Sartre, Freud and Talcott Parsons and provides a concise, non-technical account of his complex ideas on kinship, totenism and myth.

A Clinical Introduction to Psychosis: Foundations for Clinical Psychologists and Neuropsychologists

by Johanna C. Badcock Georgie Paulik

This practical guide outlines the latest advances in understanding and treating psychotic symptoms and disorders, articulating step-by-step the clinical skills and knowledge required to effectively treat this patient population. A Clinical Introduction to Psychosis takes an evidence-based approach that encourages a wider perspective on clinical practice, with chapters covering stigma and bias, cultural factors, the importance of social functioning, physical health, sleep, and more. A broad array of treatment modalities are discussed, including cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive remediation, psychosocial interventions, trauma-informed therapies, and recovery-oriented practice. The book also provides a concise overview of the latest advances regarding cognitive profiles in people with psychotic disorders, the developmental progression of cognitive abilities, and the clinical relevance of cognitive dysfunction. The book additionally familiarizes readers with issues and controversies surrounding diagnostic classification, transdiagnostic expression, and dimensional assessment of symptoms in psychosis.Provides treatment and assessment methods for psychotic symptoms and disordersLooks at how psychosis develops and the impact of stigma on clinicians and clientsStudies the links between trauma, PTSD, and psychosis, as well as sleep and psychosisCovers digital technologies for treating and assessing psychosisOutlines strategies for treating visual and auditory hallucinationsExamines how to incorporate consumer and clinician perspectives in clinical practice

Behavioural Economics and Finance

by Michelle Baddeley

Behavioural economics and behavioural finance are rapidly expanding fields that are continually growing in prominence. While orthodox economic models are built upon restrictive and simplifying assumptions about rational choice and efficient markets, behavioural economics offers a robust alternative using insights and evidence that rest more easily with our understanding of how real people think, choose and decide. This insightful textbook introduces the key concepts from this rich, interdisciplinary approach to real-world decision-making. This new edition of Behavioural Economics and Finance is a thorough extension of the first edition, including updates to the key chapters on prospect theory; heuristics and bias; time and planning; sociality and identity; bad habits; personality, moods and emotions; behavioural macroeconomics; and well-being and happiness. It also includes a number of new chapters dedicated to the themes of incentives and motivations, behavioural public policy and emotional trading. Using pedagogical features such as chapter summaries and revision questions to enhance reader engagement, this text successfully blends economic theories with cutting-edge multidisciplinary insights. This second edition will be indispensable to anyone interested in how behavioural economics and finance can inform our understanding of consumers’ and businesses’ decisions and choices. It will appeal especially to undergraduate and graduate students but also to academic researchers, public policy-makers and anyone interested in deepening their understanding of how economics, psychology and sociology interact in driving our everyday decision-making.

Behavioural Economics and Finance (Routledge Advanced Texts In Economics And Finance Ser.)

by Michelle Baddeley

Behavioural economics and behavioural finance are rapidly expanding fields that are continually growing in prominence. While orthodox economic models are built upon restrictive and simplifying assumptions about rational choice and efficient markets, behavioural economics offers a robust alternative using insights and evidence that rest more easily with our understanding of how real people think, choose and decide. This insightful textbook introduces the key concepts from this rich, interdisciplinary approach to real-world decision-making. This new edition of Behavioural Economics and Finance is a thorough extension of the first edition, including updates to the key chapters on prospect theory; heuristics and bias; time and planning; sociality and identity; bad habits; personality, moods and emotions; behavioural macroeconomics; and well-being and happiness. It also includes a number of new chapters dedicated to the themes of incentives and motivations, behavioural public policy and emotional trading. Using pedagogical features such as chapter summaries and revision questions to enhance reader engagement, this text successfully blends economic theories with cutting-edge multidisciplinary insights. This second edition will be indispensable to anyone interested in how behavioural economics and finance can inform our understanding of consumers’ and businesses’ decisions and choices. It will appeal especially to undergraduate and graduate students but also to academic researchers, public policy-makers and anyone interested in deepening their understanding of how economics, psychology and sociology interact in driving our everyday decision-making.

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