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Wege zum Dienstleistungsstaat: Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien im Vergleich

by Thomas Bahle

Die Studie untersucht die Entwicklung sozialer Dienste in Großbritannien, Frankreich und Deutschland von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, ob sich der Sozialstaat nach einer Periode der Expansion heute aus der Daseinsvorsorge zurückzieht. Der Vergleich zeigt jedoch, dass der Staat in allen drei Ländern eine aktivere Rolle übernimmt, obwohl sich die Dienstleistungssysteme stark voneinander unterscheiden. Darüber hinaus nimmt das Angebot sozialer Dienste zu. Dies widerspricht populären Vorstellungen einer unaufhaltsamen Privatisierung und Dezentralisierung des Sozialstaats und einer Entwicklung zum Wohlfahrtspluralismus als Alternative zu staatlicher Daseinsvorsorge.

The last safety net: A handbook of minimum income protection in Europe

by Thomas Bahle Vanessa Hubl

Minimum income protection provides the last social safety net for people in need. The book provides a systematic comparative and longitudinal analysis of minimum income protection systems in 17 EU countries based on a newly developed dataset. Country-specific chapters providing institutional overviews are combined with comparative quantitative indicators on issues such as benefit levels, expenditures and beneficiaries. The book will be of major interest to researchers, scholars and experts in income protection, poverty and the welfare state.

Crossborder Care: Lessons from Central Europe

by Miloslav Bahna Martina Sekulová

This book analyses the circular migration of care workers in Central Europe using the example of Slovak carers in 24-hour care provision for the elderly in Austria. Challenging analyses that focus primarily on care drain and care regimes, Bahna and Sekulová supplement quantitative methodology with qualitative fieldwork to demonstrate the importance of the sending country’s economic context. The authors discuss the dynamics of economic differences between Austria and its post-communist neighbors as preconditions of the crossborder care provision, bridging analyses of policy and legal frameworks with approaches from labor migration study. Even as they scrutinize the relevance of care drain-based analyses, Bahna and Sekulová bring to the fore the interplay of economic differences, social policies, gender and migration regimes with geographic proximity to study long-term impacts of care work, including an analysis of employment after care work.

Geschichte und Gegenwart der Erziehungsphilosophie (Ethik und Bildung)

by Matthias Ernst Bähr Dennis Sölch

Der Band geht den zahlreichen Verbindungslinien von Erziehung und Philosophie in Geschichte und Gegenwart nach. Neben exemplarischen Auseinandersetzungen mit einzelnen Denkern von Seneca über Locke und Rousseau bis hin zu Jaspers und Foucault stehen grundlegende Aspekte möglicher Überschneidungen und Kontinuitäten zwischen Erziehungsphilosophie, philosophischer Pädagogik, Anthropologie und anderen Teil- oder Fachdisziplinen im Mittelpunkt der Beiträge. Ergänzt wird der Band durch tentative Ausblicke auf die Zukunft der Erziehungsphilosophie unter den sich verändernden Vorzeichen globaler Herausforderungen.

Die moderne Großstadt: Soziologische Überlegungen zum Städtebau

by Hans Paul Bahrdt

In diesem Anfang der 60er Jahre zuerst erschienenen Buch wird eine soziologische Theorie der Stadt entwickelt, die die gegenwärtige Renaissance der Diskussion um eine neue Urbanität und Öffentlichkeit bereichert. Das Buch ist ein Klassiker der deutschen Stadtsoziologie. Aus der Kritik an der konservativen Großstadtkritik entwickelt H.P. Bahrdt in Anlehnung an Max Webers Definition der Stadt die Grundzüge seiner Theorie über die Polarisierung von Öffentlichkeit und Privatheit als Grundlage für einen soziologischen Begriff von Stadt in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. Darauf aufbauend entwickelt er eine Kritik der industriellen Großstadt der 60er Jahre bis hin zu Vorstellungen über eine Urbanisierung der Großstadt. Seine geistreichen theoretischen Ausführungen haben nicht nur die sozialwissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit städtisch geprägtem Leben wesentlich beeinflusst, sondern haben auch großen Einfluss auf den Städtebau und die Städteplaner in den letzten Jahrzehnten gehabt. Der Herausgeber ordnet in seiner Einführung das Buch in die neuere Diskussion um Urbanität ein und gibt einen Überblick über die deutsche stadtsoziologische Literatur der letzten 50 Jahre.

Ironies of Solidarity: Insurance and Financialization of Kinship in South Africa (Politics and Development in Contemporary Africa)

by Erik Bähre

Set in one of the world's most unequal and violent places, this ethnographic study reveals how insurance companies discovered a vast market of predominantly poor African clients. After apartheid ended in 1994, South Africa became a 'testing ground' for new insurance products, new marketing techniques and pioneering administrative models with a potentially global market.Drawing on Rorty's notion of irony for understanding how the contradictions inherent to solidarity affect inequality and conflict as well as drawing on a vast array of case studies, Ironies of Solidarity examines how both Africans enjoy the freedoms that they have gained in financial terms and how the onset of democracy effected the risks faced in everyday life. Bähre examines the ways in which policies are sold and claims are handled, offering a detailed analysis of South Africa's insurance sector.

Ironies of Solidarity: Insurance and Financialization of Kinship in South Africa (Politics and Development in Contemporary Africa)

by Erik Bähre

Set in one of the world's most unequal and violent places, this ethnographic study reveals how insurance companies discovered a vast market of predominantly poor African clients. After apartheid ended in 1994, South Africa became a 'testing ground' for new insurance products, new marketing techniques and pioneering administrative models with a potentially global market.Drawing on Rorty's notion of irony for understanding how the contradictions inherent to solidarity affect inequality and conflict as well as drawing on a vast array of case studies, Ironies of Solidarity examines how both Africans enjoy the freedoms that they have gained in financial terms and how the onset of democracy effected the risks faced in everyday life. Bähre examines the ways in which policies are sold and claims are handled, offering a detailed analysis of South Africa's insurance sector.

Violence and Gender in the Globalized World: The Intimate and the Extimate (Global Connections Ser.)

by Sanja Bahun-Radunović V. G. Julie Rajan

Violence and Gender in the Globalized World expands the present discourse on gender and violence, discovering new ways to address the complexities encountered in academic research on the topic. Through the introduction of a variety of uncommonly discussed geopolitical sites and dynamics, the book redefines the critical picture of gender violence in the age of globalization, adopting diverse methodological approaches and various disciplinary praxes in its investigation of the question of violence against women across the globe. With an international team of contributors comprising both scholars and activists, this volume bridges the gap between academic and activist perspectives on gender violence. As such, it will be of interest to anyone conducting research in the areas of gender and sexuality, human rights, cultural studies, political science, history, postcolonialism and colonialism, sociology, anthropology, philosophy and religion.

Violence and Gender in the Globalized World: The Intimate and the Extimate

by Sanja Bahun-Radunovic

Violence and Gender in the Globalized World expands the present discourse on gender and violence, discovering new ways to address the complexities encountered in academic research on the topic. Through the introduction of a variety of uncommonly discussed geopolitical sites and dynamics, the book redefines the critical picture of gender violence in the age of globalization, adopting diverse methodological approaches and various disciplinary praxes in its investigation of the question of violence against women across the globe. With an international team of contributors comprising both scholars and activists, this volume bridges the gap between academic and activist perspectives on gender violence. As such, it will be of interest to anyone conducting research in the areas of gender and sexuality, human rights, cultural studies, political science, history, postcolonialism and colonialism, sociology, anthropology, philosophy and religion.

Multi-agent and Complex Systems (Studies in Computational Intelligence #670)

by Quan Bai Fenghui Ren Katsuhide Fujita Minjie Zhang Takayuki Ito

This book provides a description of advanced multi-agent and artificial intelligence technologies for the modeling and simulation of complex systems, as well as an overview of the latest scientific efforts in this field. A complex system features a large number of interacting components, whose aggregate activities are nonlinear and self-organized. A multi-agent system is a group or society of agents which interact with others cooperatively and/or competitively in order to reach their individual or common goals. Multi-agent systems are suitable for modeling and simulation of complex systems, which is difficult to accomplish using traditional computational approaches.

Smart Modeling and Simulation for Complex Systems: Practice and Theory (Studies in Computational Intelligence #564)

by Quan Bai Fenghui Ren Minjie Zhang Takayuki Ito Xijin Tang

This book aims to provide a description of these new Artificial Intelligence technologies and approaches to the modeling and simulation of complex systems, as well as an overview of the latest scientific efforts in this field such as the platforms and/or the software tools for smart modeling and simulating complex systems. These tasks are difficult to accomplish using traditional computational approaches due to the complex relationships of components and distributed features of resources, as well as the dynamic work environments. In order to effectively model the complex systems, intelligent technologies such as multi-agent systems and smart grids are employed to model and simulate the complex systems in the areas of ecosystem, social and economic organization, web-based grid service, transportation systems, power systems and evacuation systems.

Fashion in 21st Century China: Design, Education, and Business (Springer Series in Fashion Business)

by Yuli Bai Yingchun Zang

This book explores the dynamic landscape of fashion in China since the beginning of the 21st century through an integrated perspective. The book considers key questions related to the changes in China’s fashion dynamics driven largely by the shifts in the mindset of Chinese consumers due to the current sociocultural contexts. To provide an understanding of these important shifts, this three-part monograph pays close attention to the new generation of Chinese fashion designers and consumers. The book explores in detail related topics such as, how today’s Chinese consumers relate to foreign brands, the meaning of apparel brands as identity symbols or cultural signs to contemporary young consumers, the attractiveness of Western fashion designers and brands in the eyes of current Chinese consumers as compared to past consumers, and how brands could adapt to the online-centered consumption behavior. The book serves as an insightful update on the Chinese fashion landscape for researchers, practitioners and passionate followers of its evolution.

Unterwegs in die Stadt der Zukunft: Urbane Gärten als Orte der Transformation (Neue Ökologie #11)

by Andrea Baier Christa Müller Karin Werner

Urbane Gemeinschaftsgärten sind aus der Stadt nicht mehr wegzudenken. Aus vereinzelten Pionierprojekten entstand im Laufe der vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnte ein Netzwerk von rund 1000 Initiativen. Als erdverbundene Orte haben sie das Potenzial, Stadt wie Gesellschaft grundlegend zu verändern. Doch was ist das Besondere an urbanen Gärten und warum sind sie unverzichtbar? Gemeinsam mit Autor*innen aus Wissenschaft, Forschung und Aktivismus beleuchten wir die unterschiedlichen Dimensionen der neuen urbanen Gartenbewegung - und loten ihre Rolle bei der Mitgestaltung einer menschen- und naturgerechten Stadt der Zukunft aus.

Beratung in der Schulsozialarbeit: Clear-Box-Forschung zu wirkungsvollen Praxiselementen (Beiträge zur Sozialen Arbeit an Schulen #6)

by Florian Baier

In diesem Buch werden vertiefte Analysen von Daten aus einem Forschungsprojekt zu wirkungsvollen Elementen in der Beratungspraxis der Schulsozialarbeit vorgestellt. Für das Forschungsprojekt wurde ein Clear-Box-Design entwickelt, über das angestrebt wurde, die Komplexität von Beratungen durch verschiedene Formen der Datenerhebung (Videographie, Interviews, Auto-Konfrontation, Beobachtungen, quantitative Befragungen) möglichst umfangreich zu erfassen.

Beratung in der Schulsozialarbeit: Clear-Box-Forschung zu wirkungsvollen Praxiselementen (Beiträge zur Sozialen Arbeit an Schulen #6)

by Florian Baier

In diesem Buch werden vertiefte Analysen von Daten aus einem Forschungsprojekt zu wirkungsvollen Elementen in der Beratungspraxis der Schulsozialarbeit vorgestellt. Für das Forschungsprojekt wurde ein Clear-Box-Design entwickelt, über das angestrebt wurde, die Komplexität von Beratungen durch verschiedene Formen der Datenerhebung (Videographie, Interviews, Auto-Konfrontation, Beobachtungen, quantitative Befragungen) möglichst umfangreich zu erfassen.

Sprachaneignung bei Geflüchteten: Individuelle und institutionelle Einflussfaktoren sowie die Wirkung von integrationspolitischen Maßnahmen

by Andreea Baier-Klenkert

Geflüchtete verfügen im Vergleich zu anderen Migrationsgruppen über andere Erfahrungen und individuelle Voraussetzungen zur Sprachaneignung, weshalb eine Vielzahl neuer und zielgruppenspezifisch ausgerichteter Angebote von staatlicher Seite zur Sprachförderung geschaffen wurden. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage nach dem Einfluss von jenen individuellen und institutionellen Faktoren und dem kausalen Effekt zur Wirkung von integrationspolitischen Maßnahmen und Maßnahmenketten auf die Sprachaneignung von Geflüchteten. Das theoretische Fundament der Arbeit bilden der Rational-Choice-Ansatz, der akteurzentrierte Institutionalismus sowie theoriebasierte Evaluationsansätze, die verknüpft und konzeptionell erweitert werden, um der Spezifität des Untersuchungsgegenstandes gerecht zu werden. Die Analysen belegen, dass individuelle Einflussfaktoren die Sprachaneignung von Geflüchteten zwar maßgeblich beeinflussen, aber auch institutionelle Faktoren bedeutende Faktoren darstellen. Weiterhin zeigt sich, dass integrationspolitische Maßnahmen und Maßnahmenketten zur Sprachaneignung bei Geflüchteten kausal wirken.

Hidden Lessons: Growing Up on the Frontline of Teaching

by Mehreen Baig

'Beautifully written, Hidden Lessons is both a heart-rending account of the challenges in our education system, and a heart-warming celebration of teachers and students who have triumphed through adversity. The pride Mehreen has for her community and the lives she has touched is palpable.' - DAVID LAMMY~~~~~~~~~~~~You're in at 7am, there until 7pm and marking into the late hours. You've got one student who's a full time carer, another who's pregnant, and a third who's just joined a gang. You haven't got enough textbooks to go around, and one of the parents just called you an 'extremist'. You've just gone through a devastating heartbreak and you have to teach Romeo and Juliet to 30 hormonal 14 year olds.Welcome to life as a teacher.This is a world that all of us know, but most of us have completely forgotten. It's a world where you're working 50 hour weeks, but you're still just a part-time teacher because the rest of the time you're a security guard, a nurse, a counsellor, or a friend. It's also a world where you spend all day with some of the most interesting people you know. And even when the lesson plan has been abandoned, you're still learning.Mehreen started teaching at 21, and by the time she left 10 years later she'd learnt a bit about teenagers and a lot about life. This is her story.

The Routledge Handbook of Field Work Education in Social Work

by Rajendra Baikady Sajid S. M. Varoshini Nadesan M. Rezaul Islam

This Handbook provides an authoritative account of international fieldwork education in social work. It presents an overview of advances in research in social work field education through in-depth analyses and global case studies. Key features: * Discusses critical issues in teaching social work and curriculum development; health care social work; stimulated learning; field education policies; needs, challenges, and solutions in fieldwork education; reflexivity training; creativity and partnership; resilience enhancement; integrated and holistic education for social workers; student experience; practice education; and ethical responsibility of social work field instructors. * Covers social work field education across geographical regions (Asia and the Pacific; North and South America; Australia and Oceania; Europe) and major themes and trends from several countries (U.S.A.; Canada; Australia; China; Hong Kong; Sweden; Aotearoa New Zealand; England; Ukraine; Spain; Estonia; Italy; Ireland; Slovenia; Poland; Romania; Greece; Norway; Turkey; and the Czech Republic). * Brings together international comparative perspectives on fieldwork education in social work from leading experts and social work educators. This Handbook will be an essential resource for scholars and researchers of social work, development studies, social anthropology, sociology, and education. It will also be useful to educators and practitioners of social work in global institutions of higher studies as well as civil society organisations.

The Routledge Handbook of Social Work Field Education in the Global South

by Rajendra Baikady Sajid S. M. Varoshini Nadesan M. Rezaul Islam

This handbook provides an authoritative account of social work field education in the global south. It presents an overview of various aspects of theory and practice modules in the social work curriculum and advances in research in social work field education in the developing world through in-depth analyses and global case studies. Key features: • Discusses critical issues and new directions in the theory and practice of social work field education, challenges in field work education, decolonising field work training, developing competent social work graduates, aligning fieldwork with cultural practices in indigenous communities, the idea of clinical social work, and a comparative analysis of social work field supervision. • Integrates theory and practice of social work field education for students and teachers from diverse geographical and cultural contexts across the global south, including countries from South Asia and Asia, Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean, covering India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, China, Georgia, Philippine, Turkey, Papua New Guinea, Eswatini, Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Botswana, Chile, and Barbados. • Brings together international comparative perspectives on field work education in social work from leading experts, social work educators, and social work professionals. This handbook will be an essential resource for scholars and researchers of social work, development studies, social anthropology, sociology, education, South Asian studies, and Global South studies. It will also be useful to educators and practitioners of social work in global institutions of higher studies as well as civil society organisations.

Building Sustainable Communities: Civil Society Response in South Asia

by Rajendra Baikady Md. Nurul Momen Cheng Sheng Li M. Basavaraj

The book aims to explore South Asian third sector – the nonprofit organizations as provider of social services. The book defines social welfare and describe its relationship to social service programmes and individual well-being; understands the social policy development from the problem identification to policy implementation; describes the range of organization of social service agencies that are responsible for providing social welfare programmes; explores the various roles that professional and non- professional helpers provide in the delivery of social welfare and their influence in promoting change in policy development; and understands the umbrella concept of Child welfare, welfare of people with disability and elderly welfare in welfare policy.

Terrified: How Anti-Muslim Fringe Organizations Became Mainstream

by Christopher A. Bail

In July 2010, Terry Jones, the pastor of a small fundamentalist church in Florida, announced plans to burn two hundred Qur'ans on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks. Though he ended up canceling the stunt in the face of widespread public backlash, his threat sparked violent protests across the Muslim world that left at least twenty people dead. In Terrified, Christopher Bail demonstrates how the beliefs of fanatics like Jones are inspired by a rapidly expanding network of anti-Muslim organizations that exert profound influence on American understanding of Islam.Bail traces how the anti-Muslim narrative of the political fringe has captivated large segments of the American media, government, and general public, validating the views of extremists who argue that the United States is at war with Islam and marginalizing mainstream Muslim-Americans who are uniquely positioned to discredit such claims. Drawing on cultural sociology, social network theory, and social psychology, he shows how anti-Muslim organizations gained visibility in the public sphere, commandeered a sense of legitimacy, and redefined the contours of contemporary debate, shifting it ever outward toward the fringe. Bail illustrates his pioneering theoretical argument through a big-data analysis of more than one hundred organizations struggling to shape public discourse about Islam, tracing their impact on hundreds of thousands of newspaper articles, television transcripts, legislative debates, and social media messages produced since the September 11 attacks. The book also features in-depth interviews with the leaders of these organizations, providing a rare look at how anti-Muslim organizations entered the American mainstream.

Terrified: How Anti-Muslim Fringe Organizations Became Mainstream

by Christopher A. Bail

In July 2010, Terry Jones, the pastor of a small fundamentalist church in Florida, announced plans to burn two hundred Qur'ans on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks. Though he ended up canceling the stunt in the face of widespread public backlash, his threat sparked violent protests across the Muslim world that left at least twenty people dead. In Terrified, Christopher Bail demonstrates how the beliefs of fanatics like Jones are inspired by a rapidly expanding network of anti-Muslim organizations that exert profound influence on American understanding of Islam.Bail traces how the anti-Muslim narrative of the political fringe has captivated large segments of the American media, government, and general public, validating the views of extremists who argue that the United States is at war with Islam and marginalizing mainstream Muslim-Americans who are uniquely positioned to discredit such claims. Drawing on cultural sociology, social network theory, and social psychology, he shows how anti-Muslim organizations gained visibility in the public sphere, commandeered a sense of legitimacy, and redefined the contours of contemporary debate, shifting it ever outward toward the fringe. Bail illustrates his pioneering theoretical argument through a big-data analysis of more than one hundred organizations struggling to shape public discourse about Islam, tracing their impact on hundreds of thousands of newspaper articles, television transcripts, legislative debates, and social media messages produced since the September 11 attacks. The book also features in-depth interviews with the leaders of these organizations, providing a rare look at how anti-Muslim organizations entered the American mainstream.

Statistical Programming in SAS

by A. John Bailer

Statistical Programming in SAS Second Edition provides a foundation for programming to implement statistical solutions using SAS, a system that has been used to solve data analytic problems for more than 40 years. The author includes motivating examples to inspire readers to generate programming solutions. Upper-level undergraduates, beginning graduate students, and professionals involved in generating programming solutions for data-analytic problems will benefit from this book. The ideal background for a reader is some background in regression modeling and introductory experience with computer programming. The coverage of statistical programming in the second edition includes Getting data into the SAS system, engineering new features, and formatting variables Writing readable and well-documented code Structuring, implementing, and debugging programs that are well documented Creating solutions to novel problems Combining data sources, extracting parts of data sets, and reshaping data sets as needed for other analyses Generating general solutions using macros Customizing output Producing insight-inspiring data visualizations Parsing, processing, and analyzing text Programming solutions using matrices and connecting to R Processing text Programming with matrices Connecting SAS with R Covering topics that are part of both base and certification exams.

Statistical Programming in SAS

by A. John Bailer

Statistical Programming in SAS Second Edition provides a foundation for programming to implement statistical solutions using SAS, a system that has been used to solve data analytic problems for more than 40 years. The author includes motivating examples to inspire readers to generate programming solutions. Upper-level undergraduates, beginning graduate students, and professionals involved in generating programming solutions for data-analytic problems will benefit from this book. The ideal background for a reader is some background in regression modeling and introductory experience with computer programming. The coverage of statistical programming in the second edition includes Getting data into the SAS system, engineering new features, and formatting variables Writing readable and well-documented code Structuring, implementing, and debugging programs that are well documented Creating solutions to novel problems Combining data sources, extracting parts of data sets, and reshaping data sets as needed for other analyses Generating general solutions using macros Customizing output Producing insight-inspiring data visualizations Parsing, processing, and analyzing text Programming solutions using matrices and connecting to R Processing text Programming with matrices Connecting SAS with R Covering topics that are part of both base and certification exams.

A Quick Guide to Behaviour Management

by Andy Bailey Dr. Bob Bates Derek Lever

Even the best and most experienced teachers can struggle with classroom control and it is likely your experiences will vary day-to-day. Bestselling author of Learning Theories Simplified Bob Bates, together with former head teachers Andy Bailey and Derek Lever, offers one-stop support for all teachers in A Quick Guide to Behaviour Management. Whether you are working with children, young people or adults it will help you: · understand why challenging behaviour occurs · learn how to be a great teacher in the face of challenging behaviour · recognise a range of personalities you may encounter in the classroom and the strategies for dealing with them Blending learning theories with real-life case studies, it fosters a deeper understanding of what causes challenging behaviour and equips you with all you need to know to handle it!

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