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Showing 6,026 through 6,050 of 75,835 results

Conspiracy & Populism: The Politics of Misinformation

by Eirikur Bergmann

Europeans are being replaced by foreign invaders, aided by cultural Marxists who are plotting an Islamist subversion of the continent. The Bilderberg group – and/or the Illuminati – are instating a totalitarian New World Order. Angela Merkel is the secret daughter of Adolf Hitler, Barack Obama was illegitimate, and George W. Bush was in on the 9/11 attacks. Also, the Holocaust is a hoax, members of Pussy Riot are agents of the West, and the European Union is resurrecting the Roman Empire, this time as a communist super-state. These are some of the tales that are told by populist political actors across Europe, were raised during the Brexit debate in the UK, and have been promoted by presidents of both the US and Russia. Rapid rise of populist political parties around Europe and across the Atlantic in the early new millennium coincided with the simultaneous increased spread of conspiracy theories. This book entangles the two tropes and maps how right-wing populists apply conspiracy theories to advance their politics and support for their parties.

Neo-Nationalism: The Rise of Nativist Populism

by Eirikur Bergmann

This book maps three waves of nativist populism in the post-war era, emerging into contemporary Neo-Nationalism. The first wave rose in the wake of the Oil Crisis in 1972. The second was ignited by the Collapse of Communism in 1989, spiking with the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The third began to emerge after the Financial Crisis of 2008, soaring with the Refugee Crisis of 2015. Whether the Coronavirus Crisis of 2020 will lead to the rise of a fourth wave remains to be seen. The book traces a move away from liberal democracy and towards renewed authoritative tendencies on both sides of the Atlantic. It follows the mainstreaming of formerly discredited and marginalized politics, gradually becoming a new normal. By identifying common qualities of Neo-Nationalism, the book frames a threefold claim of nativist populists in protecting the people: discursively creating an external threat, pointing to domestic traitors, and positioning themselves as the true defenders of the nation.

Scheitern - Organisations- und wirtschaftssoziologische Analysen

by Jens Bergmann Matthias Hahn Antonia Langhof Gabriele Wagner

Reserviert man den Begriff des Scheiterns lediglich für die nicht gelingende Herstellung oder Aufrechterhaltung sozialer Ordnung, dann vergibt die Soziologie ihr Potenzial an differenzierter Analysefähigkeit. An diesem Schwachpunkt der soziologischen Analyse möchte der vorliegende Sammelband ansetzen und konzentriert sich daher auf Formen, Funktionen und Folgen des Scheiterns sowie auf ihre Bearbeitung. In den Beiträgen werden dabei ganz unterschiedliche Phänomene des Scheiterns in den Blick genommen und analysiert. Dabei fällt in der Zusammenschau vor allem eines auf: ‚Das Soziale‘ scheint extrem flexibel und widerstandsfähig. Bemerkenswerterweise – und das ist die Quintessenz der Beiträge – scheitert das Scheitern offensichtlich immer wieder an der Widerständigkeit des Sozialen. Die differenzierte Auseinandersetzung mit Phänomenen und Facetten des Scheiterns ermöglicht es, die Widerständigkeit des Sozialen in ihrer Doppelgestalt ernst zu nehmen: sie verwandelt Erfolgsprojekte en masse in scheiternde Konstellationen und gleichzeitig bringt sie das Scheitern zum Scheitern.

Kommunikative Konstruktion von Moral: Band 2: Von der Moral zu den Moralen

by Jörg Bergmann Thomas Luckmann

Im gleichen Maß, in dem sich in den Massenmedien die populistischen Diskussionen über Wandel oder Verfall der Moral in der Moderne mehren, häufen sich in der Philosophie und Wissenschaft - angeheizt noch einmal durch die Debatte um den Kommunitarismus - die theoretischen Spekulationen. Dagegen sind empirisch begründete, auf Theoriebildung ausgerichtete Untersuchungen über die gegenwärtige Verfassung der Moral und ihre soziale Konstruktion und Reproduktion selten, wenngleich sie allenthalben als Desiderat empfunden werden. Das Buch füllt diese Leerstelle. Es geht aus der Untersuchungsarbeit eines mehrjährigen, von der DFG geförderten Forschungsprojekts "Formen der kommunikativen Konstruktion von Moral" hervor. Unter der Leitung von Professor Dr. Jörg Bergmann (Institut für Soziologie, Universität Gießen) und Professor Dr. Thomas Luckmann (Institut für Soziologie, Universität Konstanz) fand sich eine interdisziplinäre ForscherInnengruppe zusammen, die auch zusammen verantwortlich für den Text zeichnet. Die beteiligten AutorInnen sind die SoziologInnen Ruth Ayaß, Gabriele B. Christmann, Michaela Goll, Hubert Knoblauch, Kirsten Nazarkiewicz, die LinguistInnen Susanne Günthner und Helga Kotthoff sowie die Politikwissenschaftlerin Verena Blöcher.

Theology in Built Environments: Exploring Religion, Architecture and Design

by Sigurd Bergmann

Built space is both a physical entity as well as a socially and historically constructed place. It constantly interacts with human beings, affecting their behavior, thinking, and feeling. Doing religious work in a particular environment implies acknowledging the surroundings to be integral to theology itself. The contributors to this volume view buildings, scriptures, conversations, prayers, preaching, artifacts, music and drama, and built and natural surroundings as contributors to a contextual theology.The view of the environment in which religion is practiced as integrated with theology represents not just a new theme but also a necessity if one is to understand religion's own depth. Reflections about space and place and how they reflect and affect religious experience provide a challenge and an urgent necessity for theology. This is particularly important if religious practitioners are to become aware of how theology is given expression in the existential spatiality of life. Can space set theology free? This is a challenging question, one that the editor hopes can be answered, at least in part, in this volume.The diversity of theoretical concepts in aesthetics, cultural theory, and architecture are not regarded as a problem to be solved by constructing one overarching dominant theory. Instead, this diversity is viewed in terms of its positive potential to inspire discourse about theology and aesthetics. In this discourse, theology does not need to become fully dependent on one or another theory, but should always clearly present its criteria for choosing this or that theoretical framework. This volume shows clearly how different modes of design in sacred spaces capture a sense of the religious.

Theology in Built Environments: Exploring Religion, Architecture and Design

by Sigurd Bergmann

Built space is both a physical entity as well as a socially and historically constructed place. It constantly interacts with human beings, affecting their behavior, thinking, and feeling. Doing religious work in a particular environment implies acknowledging the surroundings to be integral to theology itself. The contributors to this volume view buildings, scriptures, conversations, prayers, preaching, artifacts, music and drama, and built and natural surroundings as contributors to a contextual theology.The view of the environment in which religion is practiced as integrated with theology represents not just a new theme but also a necessity if one is to understand religion's own depth. Reflections about space and place and how they reflect and affect religious experience provide a challenge and an urgent necessity for theology. This is particularly important if religious practitioners are to become aware of how theology is given expression in the existential spatiality of life. Can space set theology free? This is a challenging question, one that the editor hopes can be answered, at least in part, in this volume.The diversity of theoretical concepts in aesthetics, cultural theory, and architecture are not regarded as a problem to be solved by constructing one overarching dominant theory. Instead, this diversity is viewed in terms of its positive potential to inspire discourse about theology and aesthetics. In this discourse, theology does not need to become fully dependent on one or another theory, but should always clearly present its criteria for choosing this or that theoretical framework. This volume shows clearly how different modes of design in sacred spaces capture a sense of the religious.

Ausweichrouten der Reproduktion: Biomedizinische Mobilität und die Praxis der Eizellspende

by Sven Bergmann

​Immer mehr Paare und Singles mit Kinderwunsch fahren für eine reproduktionsmedizinische Behandlung ins Ausland; dieses Phänomen wird oft als „Reproduktionstourismus“ bezeichnet. Doch im Mittelpunkt der ethnografischen Studie von Sven Bergmann stehen keine Urlaubsaktivitäten, sondern Ausweichpraktiken wie das Umgehen des Verbots der Eizellspende in Deutschland. Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung sind zwei Infertilitätskliniken in Spanien und Tschechien. Mittels welcher Praktiken wird in diesen Kliniken Verwandtschaft hergestellt? Welche Rolle spielen Anonymität, Ähnlichkeit und Imagination, wenn Keimzellen (Sperma und Eizellen) oder Embryonen von unbekannten Dritten gespendet werden? Fragen wie diesen geht der Autor auf der Basis von teilnehmender Beobachtung und Interviews nach.

Confronting Global Gender Justice: Women’s Lives, Human Rights

by Debra Bergoffen

Confronting Global Gender Justice contains a unique, interdisciplinary collection of essays that address some of the most complex and demanding challenges facing theorists, activists, analysts, and educators engaged in the tasks of defining and researching women’s rights as human rights and fighting to make these rights realities in women’s lives. With thematic sections on Complicating Discourses of Victimhood, Interrogating Practices of Representation, Mobilizing Strategies of Engagement, and Crossing Legal Landscapes, this volume offers both specific case studies and more general theoretical interventions. Contributors examine and assess current understandings of gender justice, and offer new paradigms and strategies for dealing with the complexities of gender and human rights as they arise across local and international contexts. In addition, it offers a particularly timely assessment of the effectiveness and limits of international rights instruments, governmental and nongovernmental organization activities, grassroots and customary practices, and narrative and photographic representations. This book is a valuable resource for both undergraduate and graduate students in fields such as Gender or Women’s Studies, Human Rights, Cultural Studies, Anthropology, and Sociology, as well as researchers and professionals working in related areas.

Confronting Global Gender Justice: Women’s Lives, Human Rights

by Debra Bergoffen Paula Ruth Gilbert Tamara Harvey Connie L. McNeely

Confronting Global Gender Justice contains a unique, interdisciplinary collection of essays that address some of the most complex and demanding challenges facing theorists, activists, analysts, and educators engaged in the tasks of defining and researching women’s rights as human rights and fighting to make these rights realities in women’s lives. With thematic sections on Complicating Discourses of Victimhood, Interrogating Practices of Representation, Mobilizing Strategies of Engagement, and Crossing Legal Landscapes, this volume offers both specific case studies and more general theoretical interventions. Contributors examine and assess current understandings of gender justice, and offer new paradigms and strategies for dealing with the complexities of gender and human rights as they arise across local and international contexts. In addition, it offers a particularly timely assessment of the effectiveness and limits of international rights instruments, governmental and nongovernmental organization activities, grassroots and customary practices, and narrative and photographic representations. This book is a valuable resource for both undergraduate and graduate students in fields such as Gender or Women’s Studies, Human Rights, Cultural Studies, Anthropology, and Sociology, as well as researchers and professionals working in related areas.

On Heaven and Earth - Pope Francis on Faith, Family and the Church in the 21st Century

by Jorge Mario Bergoglio

On Heaven and Earth is an open and expansive dialogue between Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Abraham Skorka, a Rabbi and biophysicist, in which they share their thoughts on religion, reason, and the challenges the world faces in the 21st Century. For years Cardinal Bergoglio (then Archbishop of Buenos Aires) and Rabbi Skorka were tenacious promoters of interreligious dialogues on faith and reason. They both sought to build bridges between Catholicism, Judaism and the world at large. On Heaven and Earth brings together a series of these dialogues where both men talk about various theological and world issues including God, fundamentalism, atheism, abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, same sex marriage and globalization. From these personal and accessible dialogues comes a first-hand view of the man who is now Pope to 1.2 billion Catholics around the world.

Schwarze Weiblich*keiten: Intersektionale Perspektiven auf Bildungs- und Subjektivierungsprozesse (Gender Studies)

by Denise Bergold-Caldwell

Wie Women* of Color und Schwarze Frauen* mit intersektionalen Differenz- und Diskriminierungserfahrungen umgehen, sie transformieren und neue (Bildungs-)Wege gehen, ist bisher kaum untersucht worden. Dennoch ist genau diese Frage essenziell, um sozialer Ungleichheit sowie Diskriminierung entgegenzutreten - und letztlich gesellschaftliche Veränderungen anzustoßen. Denise Bergold-Caldwell legt ihren Fokus auf diese Erfahrungen und macht mit poststrukturalistischen, rassismustheoretischen, postkolonialen und Schwarzen feministischen Theoriebeständen vielfache Perspektiven und Dimensionen in Subjektivierungs- und Bildungsprozessen sichtbar.

International Korean Adoption: A Fifty-Year History of Policy and Practice

by Kathleen Ja Sook Bergquist M. Elizabeth Vonk Dong Soo Kim Marvin D. Feit

Discover the roots of international transracial adoptionInternational Korean Adoption: A Fifty-Year History of Policy and Practice explores the long history of international transracial adoption. Scholars present the expert multidisciplinary perspectives and up-to-date research on this most significant and longstanding form of international child welfare practice. Viewpoints and research are discussed from the academic disciplines of psychology, ethnic studies, sociology, social work, and anthropology. The chapters examine sociohistorical background, the forming of new families, reflections on Korean adoption, birth country perspectives, global perspectives, implications for practice, and archival, historical, and current resources on Korean adoption.International Korean Adoption: A Fifty-Year History of Policy and Practice provides fresh insight into the origins, development, and institutionalization of Korean adoption. Through original research and personal accounts, this revealing text explores how Korean adoptees and their families fit into their family roles—and offers clear perspectives on adoption as child welfare practice. Global implications and politics, as well as the very personal experiences are examined in detail. This source is a one-of-a-kind look into the full spectrum of information pertaining to Korean adoption.Topics in International Korean Adoption: A Fifty-Year History of Policy and Practice include: adoption from the Korean perspective historical origins of Korean adoption in the United States adjustments of young adult adoptees marketing to choosy adopters ethnic identity perspectives on the importance of race and culture in parenting birth mothers’ perspectives sociological approach to race and identity representations of adoptees in Korean popular culture adoption in Australia and the Netherlands much, much moreInternational Korean Adoption: A Fifty-Year History of Policy and Practice is illuminating reading for adoptees, adoptive parents, practitioners, educators, students, and any child welfare professional.

Marginal Models: For Dependent, Clustered, and Longitudinal Categorical Data (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences)

by Wicher Bergsma Marcel A. Croon Jacques A. Hagenaars

Marginal Models for Dependent, Clustered, and Longitudinal Categorical Data provides a comprehensive overview of the basic principles of marginal modeling and offers a wide range of possible applications. Marginal models are often the best choice for answering important research questions when dependent observations are involved, as the many real world examples in this book show. In the social, behavioral, educational, economic, and biomedical sciences, data are often collected in ways that introduce dependencies in the observations to be compared. For example, the same respondents are interviewed at several occasions, several members of networks or groups are interviewed within the same survey, or, within families, both children and parents are investigated. Statistical methods that take the dependencies in the data into account must then be used, e.g., when observations at time one and time two are compared in longitudinal studies. At present, researchers almost automatically turn to multi-level models or to GEE estimation to deal with these dependencies. Despite the enormous potential and applicability of these recent developments, they require restrictive assumptions on the nature of the dependencies in the data. The marginal models of this book provide another way of dealing with these dependencies, without the need for such assumptions, and can be used to answer research questions directly at the intended marginal level. The maximum likelihood method, with its attractive statistical properties, is used for fitting the models. This book has mainly been written with applied researchers in mind. It includes many real world examples, explains the types of research questions for which marginal modeling is useful, and provides a detailed description of how to apply marginal models for a great diversity of research questions. All these examples are presented on the book's website (, along with user friendly programs.

Calling Bullshit: The Art of Scepticism in a Data-Driven World

by Carl T. Bergstrom Jevin D. West

An indispensable handbook to the art of scepticism from two brilliantly contrarian scientists. We think we know bullshit when we hear it, but do we?Politicians are unconstrained by facts. Science is conducted by press release. Start-up culture elevates hype to high art. The world is awash in bullshit, and we're drowning in it. Based on a popular course at the University of Washington, this book gives us the tools to see through the obfuscations, deliberate and careless, that dominate every realm of our lives. In this lively, provocative guide, biologist Carl Bergstrom and information scientist Jevin West show that calling out nonsense is crucial to a properly functioning social group, whether it be a circle of friends, a community of researchers, or the citizens of a nation. Through six rules of thumb, they help us to recognize when numbers are being manipulated, to cut through the crap wherever we encounter it - even within ourselves - and learn how to give the real facts to a crystal-loving friend or climate change denier uncle.

Creating Value for All Through IT: IFIP WG 8.6 International Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, TDIT 2014, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2-4, 2014, Proceedings (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #429)

by Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn Peter Axel Nielsen

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the IFIP WG 8.6 International Working Conference "Creating Value for All Through IT" on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, TDIT 2014, held in Aalborg, Denmark, in June 2014. The 18 revised full papers presented together with 5 research-in-progress papers, 2 experience reports and a panel were carefully reviewed and selected from 37 submissions. The full papers are organized in the following topical sections: creating value; creating value through software development; and creating value through applications.

Social Work and Social Welfare: An Invitation

by Marla Berg-Weger

Social Work and Social Welfare: An Invitation is a best-selling text and website for introduction to social work courses. It provides students with the knowledge, skills, and values that are essential for working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, and public policy in a variety of practice settings. The new edition calls students to become engaged in some of society’s most challenging issues through diverse case studies and an emphasis on global issues. Students will read accounts of real-world social work, such as in Chapter 8 where thirteen social workers share their experiences in twelve different practice settings, including health and mental health, criminal justice, school, public health, and rural settings. Social workers describe working with children and families, immigrants and refugees, military veterans and families, older adults, persons with addictions, and persons with disabilities. This edition also includes new profiles of social workers and one older adult that depict individual journeys, contemporary practice areas, and challenges.? The fourth edition of Social Work and Social Welfare is in full color, with more visuals and photos throughout. As with previous editions, this book is an up-to-date profile of the world in which today’s social workers practice, with current demographic, statistical, legislative, policy, and research information; and sensitive discussions of contemporary ethical issues. The text includes exercises from six interactive cases, including the new case, Brickville. Visit for the detailed cases and companion materials that teach students about social work through practice.

Social Work and Social Welfare: An Invitation

by Marla Berg-Weger

Social Work and Social Welfare: An Invitation is a best-selling text and website for introduction to social work courses. It provides students with the knowledge, skills, and values that are essential for working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, and public policy in a variety of practice settings. The new edition calls students to become engaged in some of society’s most challenging issues through diverse case studies and an emphasis on global issues. Students will read accounts of real-world social work, such as in Chapter 8 where thirteen social workers share their experiences in twelve different practice settings, including health and mental health, criminal justice, school, public health, and rural settings. Social workers describe working with children and families, immigrants and refugees, military veterans and families, older adults, persons with addictions, and persons with disabilities. This edition also includes new profiles of social workers and one older adult that depict individual journeys, contemporary practice areas, and challenges.? The fourth edition of Social Work and Social Welfare is in full color, with more visuals and photos throughout. As with previous editions, this book is an up-to-date profile of the world in which today’s social workers practice, with current demographic, statistical, legislative, policy, and research information; and sensitive discussions of contemporary ethical issues. The text includes exercises from six interactive cases, including the new case, Brickville. Visit for the detailed cases and companion materials that teach students about social work through practice.

Social Work and Social Welfare: An Invitation

by Marla Berg-Weger

Social Work and Social Welfare: An Invitation is a best-selling text and website for introduction to social work courses. It provides students with the knowledge, skills, and values that are essential for working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, and public policy in a variety of practice settings. The fifth edition of Social Work and Social Welfare is in full color, with more visuals and photos throughout. As with previous editions, this book is an up-to-date profile of the world in which today’s social workers practice, with current demographic, statistical, legislative, policy, and research information; and sensitive discussions of contemporary ethical issues. The text includes exercises from six interactive cases.Visit for the detailed cases and companion materials that teach students about social work through practice. In this book and companion custom website you will find: ■■ An emphasis on a strengths-based perspective and attention to diversity, social environment, theory and theoretical frameworks, levels of social work practice, and an array of fields of practice. ■■ The histories of social welfare and the social work profession presented as the intertwined phenomena that they are. ■■ A profile of the contemporary landscape of the society in which social workers practice. ■■ Social work practice within the framework of planned change, encompassing: engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation and termination. ■■ The opportunity to hear from social work practitioners working in fourteen diverse and challenging practice settings. ■■ Six unique, in-depth, interactive, easy-to-access cases that students can easily reach from any computer, provide a “learning by doing” format unavailable with any other text(s). Students will have an advantage unlike any other they will experience in their social work training. ■■ A wealth of instructor-only resources provide: full-text readings that link to the concepts presented in each of the chapters; a complete bank of objective and essay-type test items, all linked to current CSWE EPAS standards; PowerPoint presentations to help students master key concepts; annotated links to a treasure trove of social work assets on the internet; and a forum inviting all instructors using texts in the series to communicate with each other, and share ideas to improve teaching and learning.

Social Work and Social Welfare: An Invitation

by Marla Berg-Weger

Social Work and Social Welfare: An Invitation is a best-selling text and website for introduction to social work courses. It provides students with the knowledge, skills, and values that are essential for working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, and public policy in a variety of practice settings. The fifth edition of Social Work and Social Welfare is in full color, with more visuals and photos throughout. As with previous editions, this book is an up-to-date profile of the world in which today’s social workers practice, with current demographic, statistical, legislative, policy, and research information; and sensitive discussions of contemporary ethical issues. The text includes exercises from six interactive cases.Visit for the detailed cases and companion materials that teach students about social work through practice. In this book and companion custom website you will find: ■■ An emphasis on a strengths-based perspective and attention to diversity, social environment, theory and theoretical frameworks, levels of social work practice, and an array of fields of practice. ■■ The histories of social welfare and the social work profession presented as the intertwined phenomena that they are. ■■ A profile of the contemporary landscape of the society in which social workers practice. ■■ Social work practice within the framework of planned change, encompassing: engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation and termination. ■■ The opportunity to hear from social work practitioners working in fourteen diverse and challenging practice settings. ■■ Six unique, in-depth, interactive, easy-to-access cases that students can easily reach from any computer, provide a “learning by doing” format unavailable with any other text(s). Students will have an advantage unlike any other they will experience in their social work training. ■■ A wealth of instructor-only resources provide: full-text readings that link to the concepts presented in each of the chapters; a complete bank of objective and essay-type test items, all linked to current CSWE EPAS standards; PowerPoint presentations to help students master key concepts; annotated links to a treasure trove of social work assets on the internet; and a forum inviting all instructors using texts in the series to communicate with each other, and share ideas to improve teaching and learning.

The Practice of Generalist Social Work

by Marla Berg-Weger Deborah Adams

The fifth edition of The Practice of Generalist Social Work expands its foundational and integrative coverage of social work values, ethics, competencies, and behaviors as they relate and function within diverse practice settings. Through a strengths-based perspective, students are given a comprehensive overview of the major skills and considerations for practice with individuals, families, groups, communities, and organizations, encompassing planned change, encompassing engagement, assessment, intervention, evaluation, termination, and follow-up. In response to the challenges and realities of professional practice, chapters in this new edition open with a case which is integrated to provide connections between the book’s content and real-life practice settings. Each chapter builds on the knowledge gained from previous chapters and provides expanded resources that contain up-to-date guidance for the beginning practitioner. These include: • Consistent and in-depth use of key theoretical perspectives and case examples to demonstrate essential knowledge, values, and skills for generalist social work practice. • Grand Challenges from the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, which illustrate the connection between social work and the most significant contemporary challenges in our society. • A clear focus on generalist social work practice, informed by the authors’ decades of real-world practice experience, at all levels of engagement and intervention. This edition also offers revised and expanded student and instructor resources available at, including new conceptually-based companion readings, access to six unique and interactive case simulations, quick guides for improved fieldwork, and annotated weblinks for further reading, listening, and viewing. Combining comprehensive and current resources in traditional and online formats, the new edition of The Practice of Generalist Social Work facilitates a dynamic, experiential introduction to social work.

The Practice of Generalist Social Work: Chapters 8-13

by Marla Berg-Weger Deborah Adams

The fifth edition of The Practice of Generalist Social Work expands its foundational and integrative coverage of social work values, ethics, competencies, and behaviors as they relate and function within diverse practice settings. Through a strengths-based perspective, students are given a comprehensive overview of the major skills and considerations for practice with individuals, families, groups, communities, and organizations, encompassing planned change, encompassing engagement, assessment, intervention, evaluation, termination, and follow-up. In response to the challenges and realities of professional practice, chapters in this new edition open with a case which is integrated to provide connections between the book’s content and real-life practice settings. Each chapter builds on the knowledge gained from previous chapters and provides expanded resources that contain up-to-date guidance for the beginning practitioner. These include: • Consistent and in-depth use of key theoretical perspectives and case examples to demonstrate essential knowledge, values, and skills for generalist social work practice. • Grand Challenges from the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, which illustrate the connection between social work and the most significant contemporary challenges in our society. • A clear focus on generalist social work practice, informed by the authors’ decades of real-world practice experience, at all levels of engagement and intervention. This edition also offers revised and expanded student and instructor resources available at, including new conceptually-based companion readings, access to six unique and interactive case simulations, quick guides for improved fieldwork, and annotated weblinks for further reading, listening, and viewing. Combining comprehensive and current resources in traditional and online formats, the new edition of The Practice of Generalist Social Work facilitates a dynamic, experiential introduction to social work.

Chapters 1-7: The Practice of Generalist Social Work

by Marla Berg-Weger Julie Birkenmaier

The fourth edition of?The Practice of Generalist Social Work?continues to teach students to apply micro, macro, and mezzo social work skills. This new edition strengthens the connection between the three levels of practice and is fully updated to the 2015 EPAS. This edition also contains more illustrations of theory and more context for deciding which type of intervention is a good fit. Most chapters now open with a case study and continually refer back to the case to provide additional connections between theory and real-life practice. Each chapter also incorporates a link to a Grand Challenge of Social Work from the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, which shows the connection between social work and the most significant societal challenges of today. The Quick Guides within the text offer students guidance for their field experience and practice after graduation. The text also comes with a rich companion website that includes support materials and six unique cases that encourage students to learn by doing. Go to? to explore the cases and additional resources.

Chapters 1-7: The Practice of Generalist Social Work (New Directions In Social Work Ser.)

by Marla Berg-Weger Julie Birkenmaier

The fourth edition of?The Practice of Generalist Social Work?continues to teach students to apply micro, macro, and mezzo social work skills. This new edition strengthens the connection between the three levels of practice and is fully updated to the 2015 EPAS. This edition also contains more illustrations of theory and more context for deciding which type of intervention is a good fit. Most chapters now open with a case study and continually refer back to the case to provide additional connections between theory and real-life practice. Each chapter also incorporates a link to a Grand Challenge of Social Work from the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, which shows the connection between social work and the most significant societal challenges of today. The Quick Guides within the text offer students guidance for their field experience and practice after graduation. The text also comes with a rich companion website that includes support materials and six unique cases that encourage students to learn by doing. Go to? to explore the cases and additional resources.

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