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Zivil - Gesellschaft - Staat: Freiwilligendienste zwischen staatlicher Steuerung und zivilgesellschaftlicher Gestaltung (Bürgergesellschaft und Demokratie #44)

by Thomas Bibisidis Jaana Eichhorn Ansgar Klein Christa Perabo Susanne Rindt

Der Band thematisiert die Bedeutung der Freiwilligendienste hinsichtlich ihrer Potenziale und Wirkungen für die Zivilgesellschaft, ihre Handlungsfelder und Rahmenbedingungen und nimmt die beteiligten Akteure in den Blick. Dabei geht es um Entwicklungslinien, Profildiskussionen und aktuelle Debatten, u.a. zu Fragen der Qualitätssicherung, zum Bildungsbegriff, der politischen Indienstnahme von Freiwilligendiensten, zur Arbeitsmarktneutralität und zum Trägerprinzip als konstitutivem Merkmal der Freiwilligendienste.

Medien von A bis Z

by Bibliothek

Neben einem einleitenden Überblicksartikel bietet das Nachschlagewerk eine fundierte, aber allgemein verständliche Darstellung der zentralen Begriffe zum Thema Medien. Dabei ist ein Zugriff sowohl über die alphabetische Ordnung der einzelnen Artikel, als auch über Themenfelder wie Journalismus, Medieninhalte, Medienwirtschaft, Medienwirkung, Medienpolitik etc. möglich. Damit ist der Band für eine breite Leserschaft konzipiert: für Studierende der einschlägigen Fachrichtungen, für Lehrer in der Allgemein- und Weiterbildung, für die politische Bildung und für alle allgemein an Medien Interessierte.

The Shaping of Ambient Intelligence and the Internet of Things: Historico-epistemic, Socio-cultural, Politico-institutional and Eco-environmental Dimensions (Atlantis Ambient and Pervasive Intelligence #10)

by Simon Elias Bibri

Recent advances in ICT have given rise to new socially disruptive technologies: AmI and the IoT, marking a major technological change which may lead to a drastic transformation of the technological ecosystem in all its complexity, as well as to a major alteration in technology use and thus daily living. Yet no work has systematically explored AmI and the IoT as advances in science and technology (S&T) and sociotechnical visions in light of their nature, underpinning, and practices along with their implications for individual and social wellbeing and for environmental health. AmI and the IoT raise new sets of questions: In what way can we conceptualize such technologies? How can we evaluate their benefits and risks? How should science–based technology and society’s politics relate? Are science-based technology and society converging in new ways? It is with such questions that this book is concerned. Positioned within the research field of Science and Technology Studies (STS), which encourages analyses whose approaches are drawn from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, this book amalgamates an investigation of AmI and the IoT technologies based on a unique approach to cross–disciplinary integration; their ethical, social, cultural, political, and environmental effects; and a philosophical analysis and evaluation of the implications of such effects. An interdisciplinary approach is indeed necessary to understand the complex issue of scientific and technological innovations that S&T are not the only driving forces of the modern, high–tech society, as well as to respond holistically, knowledgeably, reflectively, and critically to the most pressing issues and significant challenges of the modern world. This book is the first systematic study on how AmI and the IoT applications of scientific discovery link up with other developments in the spheres of the European society, including culture, politics, policy, ethics and ecological philosophy. It situates AmI and the IoT developments and innovations as modernist science–based technology enterprises in a volatile and tense relationship with an inherently contingent, heterogeneous, fractured, conflictual, plural, and reflexive postmodern social world.The issue’s topicality results in a book of interest to a wide readership in science, industry, politics, and policymaking, as well as of recommendation to anyone interested in learning the sociology, philosophy, and history of AmI and the IoT technologies, or to those who would like to better understand some of the ethical, environmental, social, cultural, and political dilemmas to what has been labeled the technologies of the 21st century.

Soziale Netzwerke, Sozialkapital und ethnische Grenzziehungen im Schulkontext

by Enis Bicer Michael Windzio Matthias Wingens

Die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge untersuchen die sozialen Beziehungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund. Zumeist werden netzwerkanalytische Methoden verwendet, mit denen unterschiedliche Formen und Grade der Integration operationalisierbar sind. Die Beiträge basieren überwiegend auf Daten des an der Universität Bremen angesiedelten DFG-Projektes „Integration durch Freundschaft? Dynamiken sozialer Assimilation von Kindern aus Migrantenfamilien in multiplexen Peernetzwerken“.

Lean Today, Rich Tomorrow: Succeeding in Today's Globalization Chaos

by Joe Bichai

This book is about an actual Lean transformation that took place in a 100-year-old North American manufacturer's factory. Lean Today, Rich Tomorrow: Succeeding in Today's Globalization Chaos tells the story of how an obsolete factory destined for closure was transformed into the most productive North American manufacturer in its field, but this shi

By any means necessary?! Analogien und Differenzen im Denken von Frantz Fanon und Malcolm X: Ein ethnopsychoanalytisch-biografischer Zugang

by Gabriele Aïsha Bichler

Frantz Fanon und Malcolm X verband vieles: nicht nur die gleiche historische Periode und dadurch kollektive Diskriminierungserfahrungen, der lebenslange Kampf gegen Diskriminierung und Unterdrückung, die Verwendung ähnlicher Parolen, sondern auch charismatisches Auftreten, mitreißende Reden sowie eine beeindruckende Unermüdlichkeit und Resolutheit im Kampf gegen Ungerechtigkeiten.Zur Bearbeitung der Forschungsfragen wurden transdisziplinäre Methoden angewandt, die hauptsächlich im ethnopsychoanalytischen Bereich liegen. Ausgehend von Biografien erfolgte eine intensive Reflexion der höchstpersönlichen Lebensumstände sowie den jeweiligen ‚Erfahrungsrucksäcken‘ zur Klärung der Frage, warum sich Frantz Fanon und Malcolm X auf ihre jeweilige Art und Weise entwickelten, welche externen Einflüsse dazu beitrugen sowie welche Bedeutung ihre Positionen bis heute haben.Zusätzlich zur Darstellung der Gemeinsamkeiten ist das Ziel dieses Bandes, die bisher zu wenig beachteten historischen und soziokulturellen Verbindungen zwischen afrikanischen, karibischen und nordamerikanischen PoC aufzuzeigen und so zu einem vertieften gegenseitigen Verständnis beizutragen. Es soll dazu angeregt werden, ein klares Statement gegen Diskriminierung sowie institutionellen und strukturellen Rassismus zu setzen, und zwar mit allen der Autorin möglichen Mitteln – by any means necessary!

Ferdinand Tönnies und die Soziologie- und Geistesgeschichte

by Cornelius Bickel Sebastian Klauke

Der Band beleuchtet das Schaffen von Ferdinand Tönnies in Bezug auf die geistes- und sozialgeschichtlichen Kontexte seiner Zeit. Tönnies erweist sich als über die Grenzen der Soziologie hinaus relevant.

Peter Berger on Modernization and Modernity: An Unvarnished Overview (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)

by Robert Bickel

With particular attention to his work on modernization and modernity as construed by a sociologist of knowledge, this book offers a sympathetic exposition and evaluation of Peter Berger’s work as one of the world’s most accomplished and influential sociologists. In the context of an examination of Berger’s ongoing work on the social construction of reality, styles of consciousness, the role of science-based technology, pluralism, and other pertinent topics, the author also considers Berger’s unique and thoughtful approach to research and theorizing. Berger’s method of ‘sociological tourism’, which departs sharply from the current emphasis in the social sciences on ever more complex and ostensibly rigorous statistical procedures, provides a refreshing move away from the increasingly esoteric and sometimes alienating methodological self-consciousness that characterizes contemporary sociology. With this distinctive approach, this book will appeal to scholars and students of sociology who share Berger’s interest. The importance of modernization and modernity on a world scale is undeniable, and a deeper understanding of their nature and consequences, will also benefit members of the intelligent laity who are not sociological specialists but are open to new ideas that are clearly explained.

Peter Berger on Modernization and Modernity: An Unvarnished Overview (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)

by Robert Bickel

With particular attention to his work on modernization and modernity as construed by a sociologist of knowledge, this book offers a sympathetic exposition and evaluation of Peter Berger’s work as one of the world’s most accomplished and influential sociologists. In the context of an examination of Berger’s ongoing work on the social construction of reality, styles of consciousness, the role of science-based technology, pluralism, and other pertinent topics, the author also considers Berger’s unique and thoughtful approach to research and theorizing. Berger’s method of ‘sociological tourism’, which departs sharply from the current emphasis in the social sciences on ever more complex and ostensibly rigorous statistical procedures, provides a refreshing move away from the increasingly esoteric and sometimes alienating methodological self-consciousness that characterizes contemporary sociology. With this distinctive approach, this book will appeal to scholars and students of sociology who share Berger’s interest. The importance of modernization and modernity on a world scale is undeniable, and a deeper understanding of their nature and consequences, will also benefit members of the intelligent laity who are not sociological specialists but are open to new ideas that are clearly explained.

The Secular Religion of Fandom: Pop Culture Pilgrim (PDF)

by Dr Jennifer Otter Bickerdike

Media pilgrimage has become a booming business in the 21st century. Fans of television shows, rock groups and books flock to places associated with their favorite series, artist or writer, trying to embody and perhaps understand what inspired the beloved piece of work, and, more importantly, to cobble together their own personal identity, seeking meaning in an ever-more divergent and fast-paced world. At the same time, participation in organized group activities are dropping. One of the largest down turns in the US and the UK can be seen in the steep decline of attendance at traditional religious venues. This trend dovetails with the radical uptick in on-line sites dedicated to pop culture and celebrities, as well as an array of niche-focused real-time tours allowing fans to experience the spaces, places and scenery featured in their favorite entertainment medium. The Secular Religion of Fandom: Pop Culture Pilgrim examines the function of fandom, specifically the visiting of spaces which have been recently deemed worthy of sanctification and a newly elevated status of importance. It examines how such pilgrimages are used as a means for forming and maintaining a common language of culture, creating a replacement apparatus based on more traditional frameworks of religious worship and salvation, while becoming an ever more dominant mechanism for constructing individuality and finding belonging in a commodified culture. Looking at television shows such as The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, bands like The Stone Roses and Joy Division, and authors like J.K. Rowling and the Brontë sisters, The Secular Religion of Fandom: Pop Culture Pilgrim delves into these issues by examining spaces, fan communities and rituals, providing a unique and provocative investigation into how technology, media and humanistic need for guidance are forming novel ways of expressing value, forging self and finding significance in an uncertain world.

The Secular Religion of Fandom: Pop Culture Pilgrim

by Dr Jennifer Otter Bickerdike

Media pilgrimage has become a booming business in the 21st century. Fans of television shows, rock groups and books flock to places associated with their favorite series, artist or writer, trying to embody and perhaps understand what inspired the beloved piece of work, and, more importantly, to cobble together their own personal identity, seeking meaning in an ever-more divergent and fast-paced world. At the same time, participation in organized group activities are dropping. One of the largest down turns in the US and the UK can be seen in the steep decline of attendance at traditional religious venues. This trend dovetails with the radical uptick in on-line sites dedicated to pop culture and celebrities, as well as an array of niche-focused real-time tours allowing fans to experience the spaces, places and scenery featured in their favorite entertainment medium. The Secular Religion of Fandom: Pop Culture Pilgrim examines the function of fandom, specifically the visiting of spaces which have been recently deemed worthy of sanctification and a newly elevated status of importance. It examines how such pilgrimages are used as a means for forming and maintaining a common language of culture, creating a replacement apparatus based on more traditional frameworks of religious worship and salvation, while becoming an ever more dominant mechanism for constructing individuality and finding belonging in a commodified culture. Looking at television shows such as The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, bands like The Stone Roses and Joy Division, and authors like J.K. Rowling and the Brontë sisters, The Secular Religion of Fandom: Pop Culture Pilgrim delves into these issues by examining spaces, fan communities and rituals, providing a unique and provocative investigation into how technology, media and humanistic need for guidance are forming novel ways of expressing value, forging self and finding significance in an uncertain world.

Rereading Jean-François Lyotard: Essays on His Later Works

by Heidi Bickis

What does Lyotard's thought offer contemporary theory? By focusing on key concepts and themes from his later texts, such as affect, aesthetics, Andre Malraux, St Paul, nihilism, infancy, space and writing, Rereading Jean-François Lyotard: Essays on His Later Works explores the impact and relevance of Lyotard's largely undiscussed late philosophical works for contemporary theoretical debates. In his works produced from 1990 until his death in 1998, Lyotard addresses a number of themes that both revisit and move beyond those from his earlier work. These include: art and aesthetics; affect; ethics and politics; modernity and the subject. Despite designating these texts as part of a 'late period', the chapters do not exclude a wider engagement with Lyotard's thought and often seek to engage in connections, resonances and developments across his many texts. Each chapter within this book places Lyotard as a figure with much to offer current theoretical debates, reasserts Lyotard as an important thinker for developments in social thought, and draws out the many links between his philosophical work and broader social questions. This is the first work in English to focus on Lyotard's later writings and will therefore be a key text to all scholars of his ideas.

Rereading Jean-François Lyotard: Essays on His Later Works

by Heidi Bickis

What does Lyotard's thought offer contemporary theory? By focusing on key concepts and themes from his later texts, such as affect, aesthetics, Andre Malraux, St Paul, nihilism, infancy, space and writing, Rereading Jean-François Lyotard: Essays on His Later Works explores the impact and relevance of Lyotard's largely undiscussed late philosophical works for contemporary theoretical debates. In his works produced from 1990 until his death in 1998, Lyotard addresses a number of themes that both revisit and move beyond those from his earlier work. These include: art and aesthetics; affect; ethics and politics; modernity and the subject. Despite designating these texts as part of a 'late period', the chapters do not exclude a wider engagement with Lyotard's thought and often seek to engage in connections, resonances and developments across his many texts. Each chapter within this book places Lyotard as a figure with much to offer current theoretical debates, reasserts Lyotard as an important thinker for developments in social thought, and draws out the many links between his philosophical work and broader social questions. This is the first work in English to focus on Lyotard's later writings and will therefore be a key text to all scholars of his ideas.

Neuroimaging, Software, and Communication: The Social Code of Source Code

by Edison Bicudo

This book analyses the social contexts in which programmers design neuroimaging software used in brain studies. It shows that in the same way people engage in everyday communication, programmers are involved in a series of communicative processes to realize the negotiations and discussions generated by software development. In this way, highly technical activities such as computer code writing are also underpinned by values, preferences, and power relations.At the same time, the book sheds new light on scientists’ increasing dependence on software. On the one hand, many scientific tasks can no longer be performed without the help of computational technologies. On the other hand, most scientists have only superficial computing knowledge. As a result, inequalities emerge whereby some scientists take the most strategic methodological decisions whereas other scientists can only rely on the technical help provided by user-friendly computer applications.

A Political Ecology of Common People (Critiques and Alternatives to Capitalism)

by Jacques Bidet

This book advances a counter-intuitive thesis: modern attacks on the global ecological balance are exclusively the result of processes of social domination, whether they are based on class, gender or nation. If this is the case, then it follows that ecological struggle and social struggle are one and the same thing. The approach is inspired by Marx’s theory, as revisited through Bourdieu and Foucault, Rawls and Habermas, and Ostrom and Wallerstein. Based on a new concept, that of “metastructure” which defines the relationship between the structural and the symbolic, it confronts contemporary debates on class, gender andcoloniality, as well as on the state, the nation and the World-System. Global social-ecological destruction is thus analysed on three registers: that of capital, which produces for profit; that of (supposed) competent authority, which produces to produce; and that of the nation, which produces to conquer. Consumerism follows from productivism, not the other way around. The question of need takes precedence over that of desire. This metastructural configuration poses the imperative constantly renewed to counter the blind logic of capital with a rational logic of organisation, and, at the same time, to counter the logic of the organisers through a democratic discursive logic. This latter is the recourse of common people. The Global South is on the front line of this struggle; and women’s struggle bears its own decisive ecological impulse.

A Political Ecology of Common People (Critiques and Alternatives to Capitalism)

by Jacques Bidet

This book advances a counter-intuitive thesis: modern attacks on the global ecological balance are exclusively the result of processes of social domination, whether they are based on class, gender or nation. If this is the case, then it follows that ecological struggle and social struggle are one and the same thing. The approach is inspired by Marx’s theory, as revisited through Bourdieu and Foucault, Rawls and Habermas, and Ostrom and Wallerstein. Based on a new concept, that of “metastructure” which defines the relationship between the structural and the symbolic, it confronts contemporary debates on class, gender andcoloniality, as well as on the state, the nation and the World-System. Global social-ecological destruction is thus analysed on three registers: that of capital, which produces for profit; that of (supposed) competent authority, which produces to produce; and that of the nation, which produces to conquer. Consumerism follows from productivism, not the other way around. The question of need takes precedence over that of desire. This metastructural configuration poses the imperative constantly renewed to counter the blind logic of capital with a rational logic of organisation, and, at the same time, to counter the logic of the organisers through a democratic discursive logic. This latter is the recourse of common people. The Global South is on the front line of this struggle; and women’s struggle bears its own decisive ecological impulse.

Tat-Ort Medien: Die Medien als Akteure und unterhaltsame Aktivierer (Medien • Kultur • Kommunikation)

by Oliver Bidlo Carina Jasmin Englert Jo Reichertz

Der Alltag menschlichen Zusammenlebens in modernen (nicht nur) westlichen Gesellschaften ist durch eine tiefgreifende und umfassende Mediatisierung gekennzeichnet: Medien spielen bei der kommunikativen Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit eine immer gewichtigere Rolle – vor allem dadurch, dass sie neben den Kommunikationsinhalten auch die Kommunikationsformen und das kommunikative und gesellschaftliche Handeln maßgeblich beeinflussen. Medien werden auch im Bereich der Inneren Sicherheit zunehmend eigenständige Akteure, die auf die Sicherheit ihrer Kunden achten und in deren Interesse selbst aktiv werden. Medien werden darüber hinaus auch Aktivierer, die ihre Kunden unterhaltsam dazu anhalten, sich regelkonform selbst zu führen oder aber sich in Maßen an der ‚Arbeit’ der Medien selbst zu beteiligen. Wir sind Zeitzeugen einer tief greifenden Mediatisierung der Sicherheitspolitik.

Securitainment: Medien als Akteure der Inneren Sicherheit

by Oliver Bidlo Carina Englert Jo Reichertz

Fernsehen, Zeitung und Internet berichten nicht mehr nur über die Welt, sondern sie beteiligen sich mittlerweile (die einen mehr, die anderen weniger) aktiv am gesellschaftlichen Diskurs über die richtige (Sicherheits-) Politik. Dies tun sie, indem sie bestimmte Themen auf die Agenda setzen, Entscheidungen kommentieren oder Deutungsrahmen liefern. Darüber hinaus, und das ist das Thema des Buches, werden sie aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen immer mehr zu eigenständigen Akteuren, die on air und off air explizit die Politik der Inneren Sicherheit mitgestalten. On air ‚verpacken’ sie das Thema Innere Sicherheit in unterhaltende Formate. Die Botschaft fast all dieser Formate des Reality-TV: Aktivierung und Selbstführung der Bürger.

Die US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2012: Analysen der Politik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft

by Christoph Bieber Klaus Kamps

Die Vereinigten Staaten sind für die deutsche (und europäische) Forschung in vielen Aspekten ein Referenzmodell: von ihrer Innovationsfähigkeit bis hin zur Dynamik des sozialen Wandels, der gesellschaftlichen Modernisierung, der Mediatisierung von Staat und Gesellschaft, der Formierung sozial-kommunikativer Handlungsmuster und speziell der Implementierung von „neuen“ Medien in den politischen Prozess. Neben grundlegenden Beiträgen zu aktuellen Entwicklungen des Wahlsystems und der Wahlkampffinanzierung stehen insbesondere Fragen zu Wählerverhalten und Wahlsoziologie, Kampagnenstrategien, prominenten Medienereignissen im Wahlkampf sowie die Phase der Amtseinführung und Aspekte modernen Regierens im Vordergrund.​

Personenbezogene Dienstleistungen im Kontext komplexer Wertschöpfung: Anwendungsfeld „Seltene Krankheiten“

by Daniel Bieber Manfred Geiger

Bei personenbezogenen Dienstleistungen ist das Objekt der Dienstleistung ein Subjekt. Damit stellen sich besondere Anforderungen an die Individualisierung von Dienstleistungsarbeit und den Umgang mit der sich daraus ergebenden Interaktionsdynamik. Zugleich wird es angesichts sich verändernder Rahmenbedingungen immer wichtiger, Skalen-, Synergie- und Rationalisierungseffekte zu erzielen. Wie lässt sich beides miteinander verbinden? Dazu sind in der vorliegenden Publikation grundlegende Reflexionen und prototypische Lösungsansätze zu finden. Sie basieren auf Erfahrungen, die zunächst im Anwendungsfeld „Seltene Krankheiten“ gewonnen wurden, sich aber auch auf andere Bereiche übertragen lassen.

Vom Medienkind zum Kinderstar: Einfluss- und Wirkfaktoren auf Vorstellungen und Prozesse des Erwachsenwerdens

by Gabrielle Bieber-Delfosse

Das Buch behandelt den noch weithin tabuisierten Einsatz von Kindern als Stars - Kinder, die vor allem gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Ambitionen dienen - sowohl was die Wirkung der Rezeption dieser Modelle anbelangt, wie auch im Hinblick auf die fremdbestimmte Kindheit der Protagonisten.

An Investigation of Women's and Men’s Perceptions and Meanings Associated with Food Risks

by Andrea Bieberstein

Concern about food risks is widespread. Consumers, however, are found to differ in terms of how they evaluate these risks. One of the most prominent findings in this regard is the differences between women and men. Many studies report that men are less worried about environmental and technological risks than women, which is also the case for food risks. At the same time it is criticized that these differences are often exaggerated, similarities overlooked, and systematic investigations are lacking. Andrea Bieberstein gives a comprehensive overview of theoretical approaches to risk perception and empirical work that has been conducted in the field of risk perception research. Furthermore, she provides a systematic investigation of how food risks are constructed for women and men by uncovering the meanings in terms of associations, feelings, and values that they attach to various food risks. This allows a deeper understanding of the gender differences in risk perception in terms of their relevance and meaning.

Beyond Safety Training: Embedding Safety in Professional Skills (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Corinne Bieder Claude Gilbert Benoît Journé Hervé Laroche

This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.This book investigates why, despite more and more resources devoted to safety training, expectations are not entirely met, particularly in the industrial sectors that have already achieved a high safety level. It not only reflects the most precious viewpoints of experts from different disciplines, different countries, with experiences in various industrial fields at the cutting edge of theories and practices in terms of safety, professionalization and their relationships. It also consolidates the positioning of the Foundation for an Industrial Safety Culture, highlighting what is currently considered at stake in terms of safety training, taking into account the system of constraints the different stakeholders are submitted to. It reports some success stories as well as elements which could explain the observed plateau in terms of outcome. It identifies some levers for evolution for at-risk industry and outlines a possible research agenda to go further with experimental solutions.

Reimagining Work: Strategies to Disrupt Talent, Lead Change, and Win with a Flexible Workforce

by Rob Biederman Pat Petitti Peter Maglathlin

Thrive in the new economy by leading ahead of the next evolution Reimagining Work is the business leader's guide to surviving—and thriving—in the new on-demand economy. As the business and workplace environments evolve, traditional management strategies are becoming obsolete; the skilled workforce demands flexibility and more control over their work—things that the major corporations repeatedly fail to offer. Is it any wonder that the best and brightest talent is increasingly moving toward smaller companies with alternative management structures? Companies like Uber, Lyft, Handy, and Task Rabbit? These businesses have seen major success by attracting the right people—by giving them what they want. As the shift continues, businesses will need to change the way they recruit, develop, and train talent. This book shows you how to restructure and reconfigure your current strategy toward one that will help your business not just survive, but grow stronger in this new environment by offering what top talent demands. Niche spaces like transportation and general labor may have catalyzed the movement toward on-demand, but their influence is spreading and traditional businesses must adapt or die. This book shows you how to turn the shift into an asset for your company by leading through change for the better. Reconsider your current talent sourcing strategies Update your team development and training programs Build a flexible workforce that thrives in the "on-demand" economy Develop your business to succeed amidst the changing business paradigm Growth is more than just expansion; it's also maturation, adaptation, and evolution. Our economy is on the cusp of a seismic shift, and smart businesses will implement change early before the obsolete start falling behind. Reimagining Work gives you actionable guidance for staying ahead of the curve.

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