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Showing 74,601 through 74,625 of 75,858 results

Architecture and the Nazi Cultural Landscape: Blood, Soil, Building

by David H. Haney

This book traces cultural landscape as the manifestation of the state and national community under the Nazi regime, and how the Nazi era produced what could be referred to as a totalitarian cultural landscape.For the Nazi regime, cultural landscape was indeed a heritage resource, but it was much more than that: cultural landscape was the nation. The project of Nazi racial purification and cultural renewal demanded the physical reshaping and reconceptualization of the existing environment to create the so-called "new Nazi cultural landscape." One of the most important components of this was a set of monumental sites thought to embody blood and soil beliefs through the harmonious synthesis of architecture and landscape. This special group of "landscape-bound" architectural complexes was interconnected by the new autobahn highway system, itself thought to be a monumental work embedded in nature. Behind this intentionally aestheticized view of the nation as cultural landscape lay the all-pervasive system of deception and violence that characterized the emerging totalitarian state.This is the first historical study to consider the importance of these monumental sites together with the autobahn as evidence of key Nazi cultural and geographic strategies during the pre-war years. This book concludes by examining racial and nationalistic themes underlying cultural landscape concepts today, against this historic background.

Social Media Theory and Communications Practice

by Whitney Lehmann

Fusing the academic with the applied, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to social media for future communications professionals.While most social media texts approach the subject through either a theoretical, scholarly lens or a professional, practical lens, this text offers a much-needed linkage of theory to the practical tactics employed by social media communicators. Concise and conversational chapters break down the basics of both social media theory and practice and are complemented by sidebars written by scholars and industry professionals, chapter summaries and end-of-chapter exercises.This book is ideal for introductory social media courses in communication, public relations and mass communication departments, as well as courses in digital media and public relations.Online resources include social media writing templates, sample posts and content calendar templates. Please visit

Dark Sides of Organizational Life: Hostility, Rivalry, Gossip, Envy and other Difficult Behaviors (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by H Cenk Sözen H Nejat Basım

Exploring the darkest side of organizations may have a potential to change our previous assumptions about business life. Scholars both in management and organizational research fields have shown interest in the "bright" side of behavioral life and have looked for the ways to create a positive organizational climate and assumed a positive relation between happiness of employees and productivity. These main assumptions of the Human Relations School have dominated the scientific inquiry on organizational behavior. However, "the dark side of organizational life" may have more explanatory power than "the bright side". Hostility, jealousy, envy, rivalry, gossip, problematic personalities, dislike, revenge, and social exclusion are the realities of business life. A manager may devote most of their time to cope with conflicts, deviant behaviors, ambitious individuals, gossips, and dysfunctional rivalry among employees. It is evident that negative events and interactions among employees cost more time and energy for a manager than the positive side of organizational life. This edited collection specifically focuses on these issues and will be of interest to researchers, academics, and advanced students in the fields of management, organizational studies and behavior, sociology, social psychology, and human resource management.

Motherhood, Childhood, and Parenting in an Age of Education: An Invited Invasion

by Maryellen Schaub

Motherhood, as a celebrated yet underappreciated role, is often thought of as a natural process, something instinctive that we refine by watching our own mothers and others in our community. We rarely think of motherhood as something that is time and culturally specific, yet, like culture itself, it is socially constructed, and both motherhood and childhood evolve over time. With the rise in educational attainment of mothers in the American population, the expectations associated with childhood increasingly include not just education but cognitive development and extracurricular activities as the partnership between parents and education intensifies in the joint project of human development of children. Motherhood, Childhood, and Parenting in an Age of Education offers a new way to conceptualize the high demands of contemporary parenthood. It traces the emerging narrative about the "good mother," changes in the underlying assumptions of what constitutes the "good mother," and the implications for the "good childhood" as education grows in institutional strength. This book demonstrates that education is driving the formation of the parent and child roles in the dominant contemporary culture of the US although alternate models exist. Education itself has expanded over time to become our largest social intervention, defining behaviors and beliefs such as parental involvement in schooling, the unengaged parent, and the deficient student.

Engaging Children and Young People in Planning: A Handbook for Transformative Practice (ISSN)

by Teresa Strachan

Engaging Children and Young People in Planning places planners’ skills for engagement with children and young people centre stage by discussing several projects delivered or supported by planning students to young people in the Northeast of England. Urban or town and country planning is a largely unfamiliar concept to children and young people. Moreover, in England, the environment in which young people live, play and go to school is shaped by a local planning process which lacks their input. This book explores the nature of the gap between that planning process and the voice of the younger members of the community, as well as the barriers that impede this engagement. It highlights why an engagement process is beneficial for those young people, for the wider community and for the planning process itself. At a time when our relationship with and impact on, the environment is being re-examined, this book challenges the planning professional to identify, develop and reflect upon the engagement skills that will help to transform planning into a more inclusive practice. It will be of use to scholars and practitioners in urban planning, community planning, engagement and children’s rights, whilst supporting their academic and professional development pathways.

Leading Lean by Living Lean: Changing How You Lead, Not Who You Are

by Philip Holt

In Leading Lean by Living Lean, Philip Holt details and explains what is probably the most important part of becoming a Lean Leader -- living and practicing what you preach. To do this you must believe in what you’re doing, understand what it means and what you need to do, and do it every day. The author, through his engineering background, has fully embraced the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model of Deming / Shewhart but has adapted David Bovis’ Believe-Think-Feel-Act (BTFA) model to understand why logic and facts are very often not the principal players in the game of change. In this book, Holt author describes how you can take both the PDCA and BTFA models into account and has sectioned the book into three prime parts: 1. Head -- How you learn and understand the Lean principles and their application. 2. Hands -- How you practice Lean Leadership daily. 3. Heart -- How you internalize and believe in Lean Leadership. Through this book, you, the Lean practitioner, whether aspiring or experienced, will have everything that you need to “lead it,” “do it,” and “live it.” The nature of this book is more “why to” than “how to” – the author knows that he cannot tell you how to lead, do, or live Lean; he can only explain why it is so important and share his knowledge, experiences, failures, and successes. This book isn’t so much a self-help book as a self-reflection book and it can point you in the proper direction, but… the book won’t change you; only you can change you! Essentially, with this book, the author wants those who think of Lean as a toolkit, who believe that Lean can be project managed, or who argue about Lean versus Six Sigma and misunderstand the fundamental depth of impact that true Lean Leadership has on an organization to be disabused of any or all of those notions. This book is aimed at those leaders who seek to experience the full transformative effects of Lean in their organizations and want to practice it at the principle level of deployment. Holt's aim is to help business leaders enhance who they are by changing what they do and the way that they do it

Successful Supervisory Leadership: Exerting Positive Influence While Leading People (Successful Supervisory Leadership)

by William J. Rothwell Behnam Bakhshandeh Aileen G. Zaballero

Why Study Supervision?This book presents two compelling reasons to study supervision and supervisory leadership: Influential Position: Supervisors exert considerable influence on organizational settings. Supervisors have been schooled, developed, and trained for their responsibilities. They can function more effectively than if they learn through informal, sometimes haphazard means. It thus pays to learn about supervision because supervisors can influence how efficiently and effectively their organization functions. Career Path: Many career paths lead to supervision. Supervisors are everywhere. Supervisors are teachers, doctors, accountants, lawyers, plumbers, and electricians. If you aspire to advance within your occupation, you may find that one career path leads to supervision. Preparing for supervisory responsibilities can prepare you for advancement. You may thus have a personal stake – your own future – in learning about what supervisors do and how they do it. In addition, this book: Provides strategies for building solid relationships with team members. Uses positivity as a foundational practice to lead and encourage other employees. Provides guidelines on how to hold employees accountable and set high expectations. Presents strategies to engage, coach, and develop employees by creating a positive environment to influence attitudes and behaviors. Offers various approaches for managing time and increasing productivity.

A Modern Credit Rating Agency: The Story of Moody’s (Routledge Studies in Corporate Governance)

by Daniel Cash

This book aims to present a picture of one of the world’s leading credit rating agencies. Credited as being the first credit rating agency, Moody’s stands as the epitome of the rating sector and all that it effects. However, outside of internal and non-public histories compiled within the rating agency itself, the story of Moody’s has never been told, until now. However, this is not a historical book. Rather, this book paints a picture of Moody’s on a wider canvas that introduces the concept of rating to you, taking into account the origins of the sector, the competitive battles that formed the modern-day oligopoly, and the characters that have each taken their turn on sculpting the industry that, today, is critical to the modern economy.The book is a story of personable people who provided the market with what it needed, but it is more than that. It is a story of conflict, impact, strategy, and most of all the relationship between big business and modern society. Standing as the gatekeeper to the capital markets that form the core of modern society, Moody’s represents the very best of what the marketplace can produce, but also the very worst. This story takes in economic crises in the antebellum US, the Panics of the early 1900s, the Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression and, of course, the Global Financial Crisis. It does this because, at the heart of each one was a member of the rating industry or the reporting industry that preceded it. Associated with almost any financial scandal you may care to remember the credit rating agencies, in their often-uncomfortable role as gatekeepers, have their fingerprints on most financial scandals and calamities. This book tells the story of the industry’s founding member.

Applying Entrepreneurship to the Arts: How Artists, Creatives, and Performers Can Use Startup Principles to Build Careers and Generate Income

by Paula Landry

This book puts successful startup tools in the hands of creators: performers, artists, entertainers, creatives, and media makers seeking to launch like a business and generate more income.Readers will learn essential entrepreneurial principles taught to founders in the startup community. Creatives who read this book will learn: How to launch their creative startups Ways to run and market their venture efficiently Effective methods to test new services, products, and experiences To incorporate their entire skill set in an authentic way That they can do all of this now, without business classes or special training With actionable information, real-world case studies as examples, and specific steps to build business acumen from an artistic perspective, this book puts entrepreneurial tools into the frameworks and mindsets of those working in creative fields.Paula Landry, MBA, is a creator, writer/filmmaker, and musician who has been teaching and coaching creatives for a decade, through undergraduate and graduate programs in New York City, as well as at various non-profits.

The Expert Guide to Retail Pricing: An Analytics-Based Approach to Maximise Margins

by Kiran Gange

Going under the hood of retail strategy, this book provides in-depth coverage of how retailers can leverage the latest in data analytics and technology to improve profitability and customer value through pricing. Retail pricing is not about dollars, pounds or euros, but the value a customer associates with a product, which can and does change over time. To maximize revenues and profits, pricing must be dynamic, strategic, and in today’s hyper-connected and -competitive world, scientific. Using technology to gather customer insights and create data-driven pricing approaches can also enhance the customer experience, improve vendor management, help monitor competitors, and ensure market efficiency – including the much-needed reduction of waste in the food sector. This book uses case studies from around the globe to illustrate the evolution of retailing and offers takeaways with each chapter to enable retailers to manage the future of pricing. Retail and pricing managers, retail sector consultants, and students of sales and marketing will welcome this book’s innovative solutions to one of bricks-and-mortar retailing’s most critical challenges.

Determining Leadership Potential: Powerful Insights to Winning at the Talent Game

by Kimberly Janson Melody Rawlings

We are in the midst of a leadership crisis that is derailing business success, and it’s time to get rigorous about talent. This book will show you how, with an effective and consistent framework, to help galvanize decision-makers around leadership potential.Time and time again, organizations place too many leaders in roles they are not a good fit for. The financial, strategic, and human costs of poor leadership are staggering and unnecessary. But organizations that effectively identify high-potential talent are likely to financially outperform those that do not do this work by a factor of 4.2 to 1, not to mention all the other positive impacts. Backed by the authors’ research, including a study with 50+ global CEOs, the insights and strategies packed into this book will help you eliminate the shocking variation that exists in how people think about determining leadership potential – and empower decision-makers to be game-changers to optimize their organizations.For too long, leadership potential has been treated as an imprecise art and inconsistently applied. CEOs, board members, senior managers, and HR professionals will welcome the thought-provoking insights and practical tools this book gives to build a pipeline of strong leaders.

Engaging the Workforce: The Grand Management Challenge of the 21st Century

by Nicos Rossides

Grounded in 25 years of research and practical experience, this book shows how to create engaging work environments and practices that harness employees’ energy and talents toward achieving organizational goals, while enhancing workers’ motivation and well-being.Creating and sustaining high functioning work environments lies at the core of management practice, and employee engagement is a key element in shaping these workplaces – and a significant challenge for business leaders. Academic researchers and practitioners have tackled the topic, but a chasm exists between these perspectives: academics tend to emphasize theory over problem-solving, while practitioners tend to rely on formulaic approaches and experience, rather than empirically tested theoretical frameworks. Thought leader, accomplished CEO, and organizational development consultant Nicos Rossides bridges this gap, exploring the complexity and fragmented nature of the academic literature and offering insight into practitioner approaches used by research and consulting organizations. He also presents his own conceptual framework that he has built over the years and is meant to be customized to specific organizational contexts.This insightful book will be of great interest to CEOs, board members and line managers across industries, as well as HR/OD practitioners and students, especially those who wish to learn how to apply time-tested intervention strategies to the workforce engagement challenge.

Cutting the Cost of Confusion: Eliminate the High Price of Failure to Communicate

by Richard Layton

Confusion is more than just another daily inconvenience, though its impacts are often hidden in metrics such as market share, productivity, and ROI. This book shows how to identify and eliminate the Cost of Confusion in workplaces, marketplaces, and communities.Cutting that cost demands the ability to distill, integrate, and synthesize ever more complex information from a broad range of perspectives and disciplines. Any gaps in understanding can and do negatively impact performance. Based on Richard Layton’s 20 years of experience helping organizations to be heard and understood, this book offers a powerful universal lens to view the costly impacts of confusion, and provides a framework to identify and manage the risk of failure to communicate with a range of stakeholders and audiences – and save millions of dollars in the process. Decision-makers, practitioners, and students in marketing and advertising, organizational development, knowledge management, information technology, project management, and other fields will appreciate this unique set of insights and tools they can employ to great effect within their companies, organizations, and public institutions.

Workplace Monitoring and Technology (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by Jacek Woźniak

Workplace Monitoring and Technology aims to showcase results of research and explanatory theories that influence employees' acceptance of the fact that work is monitored using ICT-based monitoring tools. Work monitoring, understood as obtaining, storing and reporting the results of collected observations, has always been a managerial task. Traditionally it was carried out by supervisors who, while overseeing the work of employees, would draw conclusions from their observations and implement corrective actions. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to monitor the working employee and their performance has changed the methods of monitoring, and the popularization of remote work has increased interest in searching for new monitoring systems using the full potential of new ICT solutions. The new developments in ICT have caused smart monitoring systems and new solutions to evolve in electronic work monitoring based on the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, which enables nearly cost-free monitoring. However, scientific knowledge about them is limited, and above all, so is managerial knowledge about the reception of these tools by employees, while their misuse can cause considerable damage. Presenting a broad overview of the current state of different areas of scientific knowledge regarding smart and electronic monitoring systems of work performance, this book will be of relevance for academics within the fields of human resource management and performance management, and for similar groups of researchers in psychology and sociology.

Code Dependent: Living in the Shadow of AI

by Madhumita Murgia

SHORTLISTED FOR THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION 2024What does it mean to be human in a world that is rapidly changing with the development of artificial intelligence?'Highly readable and deeply important' – The Guardian'Exposes the hidden consequences of our existing AI technologies' – The TimesThrough the voices of ordinary people in places far removed from Silicon Valley, Code Dependent explores the impact of a set of powerful, flawed, and often exploitative technologies on individuals, communities, and our wider society. Madhumita Murgia, AI Editor at the FT, exposes how AI can strip away our collective and individual sense of agency – and shatter our illusion of free will.AI is already changing what it means to be human, in ways large and small. In this compelling work, Murgia reveals what could happen if we fail to reclaim our humanity.'The intimate investigation of AI that we’ve been waiting for, and it arrives not a moment too soon.' – Shoshana Zuboff, author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism'A nuanced, thoughtful and very accessible picture of a world deeply affected by AI' – Martha Lane Fox

Design Capital: The Hidden Value of Design in Infrastructure

by Sherry McKay AnnaLisa Meyboom

Well-designed infrastructure brings social value that far exceeds its initial construction expenditure, but competition for scarce government funds and a general public perception of infrastructure as mere efficiency, has often left design ill-considered. This book provides designers with the tools needed to argue for the value of design: the ‘design capital’ as the authors term it. In naming and defining design capital, design can once again become part of the discussion and realization of every infrastructure project.Design Capital offers strategies and tools for justifying public spending on design considerations in infrastructure projects. Design has the ability to make infrastructure resonate with cultural or social value, as seen in the case studies, which bestows infrastructure with the potential to accrue design capital. Support for this proposition is drawn from various methodologies of economic valuation and Bourdieu’s theory of cultural capital, explanation of design methodology and education and a series of historical and contemporary case studies. The book also addresses some of the more controversial outcomes associated with contemporary infrastructure: gentrification, globalization and consumer tourism.With this book, designers can make a stronger case for the value of design in public infrastructure.

Long Lives Are for the Rich: Aging, the Life Course, and Social Justice (ISSN)

by Jan Baars

Long Lives Are for the Rich is the title of a silent ominous program that affects the lives of millions of people. In all developed countries disadvantaged and, especially, poor people die much earlier than the most advantaged. During these shorter lives they suffer ten to twenty years longer from disabilities or chronic disease. This does not happen accidentally: health inequalities – including those between healthy and unhealthy life styles – are mainly caused by social inequalities that are reproduced over the life course. This crucial function of the life course has become painfully visible during its neoliberal reorganization since the early 1980s. Studies about aging over the life course, from birth to death, show the inhumane consequences as people get older. In spite of the enormous wealth that has been piled up in the US for a dwindling percentage of the population, there has been growing public indifference about the needs of those in jobs with low pay and high stress, but also about citizens from a broad middle class who can hardly afford high quality education or healthcare. However, this ominous program affects all: recent mortality rates show that all Americans, including the rich, are unhealthier and dying earlier than citizens of other developed countries. Moreover, the underlying social inequalities are tearing the population apart with nasty consequences for all citizens, including the rich. Although the public awareness of the consequences has been growing, neoliberal policies remain tempting for the economic and political elites of the developed world because of the enormous wealth that is flowing to the top. All this poses urgent questions of social justice. Unfortunately, the predominant studies of social justice along the life course help to reproduce these inequalities by neglecting them. This book analyzes the main dynamics of social inequality over the life course and proposes a theory of social justice that sketches a way forward for a country that is willing to invest in its greatest resource: the creative potential of its population.

Migrant Homelessness and the Crimmigration Control System (ISSN)

by Regina Serpa

Migrant Homelessness and the Crimmigration Control System offers new insights into the drivers of homelessness following migration by unpacking the housing consequences of ‘crimmigration’ control systems in the US and the UK. The book advances ‘housing sacrifice’ as a concept to understand journeys in and out of homelessness and the coping strategies migrants employ. Undergirded by persuasive empirical research, it offers a compelling case for a ‘social citizenship’ right to housing guaranteed across social, political and civil realms of society. The book is structured around the 30 life stories of people who have migrated to the capital cities of Boston and Edinburgh from Central America and Eastern Europe. The narratives are complemented by interviews with a range of stakeholders (including frontline caseworkers, activists and policymakers). Guided by the tenets of critical realist theory, this book offers a biographical inquiry into the intersections of race, class and gender and provides insight into the everyday precarity homeless migrants face, by listening to them directly. It will be of interest to students, scholars, and policymakers across a range of fields including housing, immigration, criminology, sociology, and human geography.

Culture and Sustainable Development in the City: Urban Spaces of Possibilities (Routledge Research in Planning and Urban Design)

by Sacha Kagan

This book exposes the potential to advance a cultural approach to sustainable urban development. It explores urban "spaces of possibilities" and links them to the seized or missed opportunities for innovative forms of transversal partnerships throughout the city and of culturally sensitive urban policies.The call for sustainability brings with it challenges for which, in view of the urgency of social transformation, institutional innovations are necessary. Sustainable urban development will only succeed through creative impulses, experiments, trying out innovative ideas, and making alternatives visible, in particular through locally rooted urban initiatives, artistic actions, and social movements. Discussing many concrete examples from several years of empirical research in the cities of Hanover and Hamburg (Germany), Baltimore and Chicago (USA), Bangalore (India), St. Petersburg (Russia), Singapore, and Vancouver (Canada), the book connects urban spaces and their actors; looks at their guiding principles, strategies, and concrete practices; and identifies new levers, networks, and alliances. Readers will find in this book not only inspiring examples of culture in everyday life in the city but also explanations about the qualities that make local cultural initiatives especially full of potentials, and how they may translate into city-wide changes, engaging with the whole City as Space of Possibilities.The book will interest researchers and advanced students in the interdisciplinary fields of urban studies, sustainability science/sustainability research, cultural sciences, urban sociology, and sociology of the arts/cultural sociology; and those interested in the transdisciplinary collaborations between the arts, academia, and civil society.

The Energy of Success: Power Up Your Productivity, Transform Your Habits, and Maximize Workplace Motivation

by Rebecca Ahmed

Increase your positive energy at work—and help your team do the same In The Energy of Success, award-winning energy expert Rebecca Ahmed reveals precisely how to shift your physical, emotional, and mental potential through proven, easy-to-use strategies you can start using today. When you learn to shift your own and your team's energy (even if you are not in charge!), you will immediately increase their joy and enthusiasm, transform your workplace, and infuse positivity into your workplace…for everyone. In the book, you'll find five energetic success principles and practical steps you can take immediately to improve your life and the positive influence you can have on the people around you. You'll also discover: Key takeaways to empower others and prepare and control your own personal energy levels at work Critical insights into how you can shift your employees' focus from dwelling on challenges to innovating and communicating solutions Ways to control your responses and reactions to external factors at work, at home, and everywhere else Perfect for employees of all levels, The Energy of Success is a must-read resource for professionals everywhere who hope to change and improve their energy to unlock new levels of success and happiness.

The Energy of Success: Power Up Your Productivity, Transform Your Habits, and Maximize Workplace Motivation

by Rebecca Ahmed

Increase your positive energy at work—and help your team do the same In The Energy of Success, award-winning energy expert Rebecca Ahmed reveals precisely how to shift your physical, emotional, and mental potential through proven, easy-to-use strategies you can start using today. When you learn to shift your own and your team's energy (even if you are not in charge!), you will immediately increase their joy and enthusiasm, transform your workplace, and infuse positivity into your workplace…for everyone. In the book, you'll find five energetic success principles and practical steps you can take immediately to improve your life and the positive influence you can have on the people around you. You'll also discover: Key takeaways to empower others and prepare and control your own personal energy levels at work Critical insights into how you can shift your employees' focus from dwelling on challenges to innovating and communicating solutions Ways to control your responses and reactions to external factors at work, at home, and everywhere else Perfect for employees of all levels, The Energy of Success is a must-read resource for professionals everywhere who hope to change and improve their energy to unlock new levels of success and happiness.

Assessment Framework for People-Centred Solutions to Carbon Neutrality: A Comprehensive List of Case Studies and Social Innovation Indicators at Urban Level (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Sabrina Bresciani Francesca Rizzo Francesco Mureddu

This open access book presents a catalogue of over one thousand indicators which can be used by cities' public administrators to monitor and evaluate social innovation action plans to support people-centred, collaborative or co-designed solutions to lower carbon emissions. Indicators are clustered according to a framework of social innovation solutions for climate neutrality at city level, developed by merging top-down academic knowledge with bottom-up pragmatic case studies. There is currently limited guidance on how to embed social innovations in their cities’ action plans with the aim of reaching climate neutrality, and on how to assess the progress and impacts of such people-centred projects in cities. The book addresses this gap and is thus relevant for scholars in the field of policy-making and design, as well as cities’ transition teams, policymakers and consultants. Based on the work developed within the EU-funded project NetZeroCities, intervention logics are provided for each of the ten categories of action, with related indicators clustered by category and evaluation criteria (effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, replicability, and scalability). Guidelines to implement the framework support city administrators in defining steps they need to follow to apply the indicators to their local case, making social innovation a crucial lever for accelerating systemic transformation.

Gender and Firearms: My Body, My Choice, My Gun (Routledge Research in Gender and Society)

by Peter Squires

Private gun ownership for self-defense remains a major personal and public issue in the United States, driven by concerns about crime, vulnerability and a range of ‘ideological’ factors, including race and gender. As media attention centres upon the extent to which women are taking up firearms, with the gun lobby and firearms manufacturers celebrating the ‘new armed woman’, and guns being promoted as ‘Rape Prevention Kits’, this book explores the changing gendered aspects of gun ownership.Can ownership of firearms by women be considered, as some have claimed, the embodiment of what might be termed ‘pioneer feminism’, as women resist male violence in a dangerous world, or are different stories told by the prominence of women in firearms control campaigns, or the fact that women remain frequent victims of male gun ownership? Analysing representations of the ‘armed woman’ in firearm and gun lobby marketing and advertising campaigns, together with television and popular music forms, Gender and Firearms: My Body, My Choice, My Gun examines the directions taken in the public debate on weaponisation in the United States, considering the role of women in the politics of gun safety and gun control. The book draws on statistical evidence in order to shed light on trends in gun ownership, whilst engaging with feminist scholarship on the relationship between gender, violence, risk and vulnerabilities, thus opening up critical new debates surrounding identity, performance, gender and risk in contemporary societies.As such the book will be of likely interest to sociologists and scholars of sociology, criminology, and cultural and media studies with interests in gender, embodiment, risk, crime and violence.

Gender and Firearms: My Body, My Choice, My Gun (Routledge Research in Gender and Society)

by Peter Squires

Private gun ownership for self-defense remains a major personal and public issue in the United States, driven by concerns about crime, vulnerability and a range of ‘ideological’ factors, including race and gender. As media attention centres upon the extent to which women are taking up firearms, with the gun lobby and firearms manufacturers celebrating the ‘new armed woman’, and guns being promoted as ‘Rape Prevention Kits’, this book explores the changing gendered aspects of gun ownership.Can ownership of firearms by women be considered, as some have claimed, the embodiment of what might be termed ‘pioneer feminism’, as women resist male violence in a dangerous world, or are different stories told by the prominence of women in firearms control campaigns, or the fact that women remain frequent victims of male gun ownership? Analysing representations of the ‘armed woman’ in firearm and gun lobby marketing and advertising campaigns, together with television and popular music forms, Gender and Firearms: My Body, My Choice, My Gun examines the directions taken in the public debate on weaponisation in the United States, considering the role of women in the politics of gun safety and gun control. The book draws on statistical evidence in order to shed light on trends in gun ownership, whilst engaging with feminist scholarship on the relationship between gender, violence, risk and vulnerabilities, thus opening up critical new debates surrounding identity, performance, gender and risk in contemporary societies.As such the book will be of likely interest to sociologists and scholars of sociology, criminology, and cultural and media studies with interests in gender, embodiment, risk, crime and violence.

Critical Perspectives on Esports (ICSSPE Perspectives)

by Annette R. Hofmann Pascal Mamudou Camara

This book offers new, multidisciplinary perspectives on esports, one of the most rapidly growing sectors in the sports and leisure industries.Drawing on sociology, philosophy, education, business, economics, and sports science, this book considers the rise of esports, its impact on sports and society more widely, and the direction of travel for esports in the future. Featuring cutting-edge work from researchers in Europe, North America, and Asia, this book explores definitions of “esport” and “virtual sport,” and the philosophical basis by which we understand movement and embodiment in the context of digital gaming. It considers the health and well-being needs of esports athletes, across physical, mental, and social dimensions, as well as how nutrition and training relate to performance and injury prevention. This book also considers the economics of the esports industry and how the concept of sportification can be used to describe esports’ development, as well as the challenges and debates surrounding gender and representation in esports. A final section of this book looks at esports in education, in schools and universities, and considers the future of esports for a generation of digital natives.This book makes a useful contribution to the growing body of knowledge on esports and should be a thought-provoking read for anybody with an interest in sports studies, gaming, or the impact of technology on wider society.

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