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Showing 74,751 through 74,775 of 75,983 results

Out-of-Field Teaching and Education Policy: International Micro-Education Policy

by Anna Elizabeth Du Plessis

This book focuses on the elusive out-of-field teaching phenomenon and its direct effects on quality education globally. Based on the experiences and concerns of teachers and school leaders, it investigates the phenomenon’s impact on everyday teaching and school practices, and offers insights into the challenges that out-of-field teachers face in maintaining their role as the “knowledgeable counterpart” in their teaching and learning environments. In this frame, it also highlights the often-overlooked importance of initial teacher education and its preparation of prospective teachers for employment in complex school contexts, subjects or year levels. The book emphasises the need to develop specific policy strategies to effectively address the global implications of out-of-field teaching, and explores the potential of micro-education policies as targeted support resources for teachers in these challenging positions. Through this new policy lens, which renegotiates the discourse of education policy as a quality education improvement framework, the book offers readers a comprehensive understanding of the urgent need for policy to uphold all stakeholders involved in these unique and complex environments. Accordingly, the book is a valuable resource for academic advisors, decision-makers, policy-makers, and educational and school leaders in developing new approaches to improving school outcomes that promote the retention of teachers for a strong and stable teaching workforce.

Chinese Philosophy of Technology: Classical Readings and Contemporary Work (Philosophy of Engineering and Technology #34)

by Qian Wang

This book gathers essays that introduce the ideological advances in the philosophy of engineering and technology in contemporary China. It particularly focuses on China’s distinctive concepts and methods, revealing different views and academic debates to offer readers a comprehensive overview of this important field.The contributors present unique perspectives based on practical problems and traditional philosophy, examining such issues and concepts as axiology and theories of process, the difference between engineering activities and technology activities, and the core of the relationship between “Dao” and “Technique.”Other essays cover the ethics of technology, practical wisdom (phronesis) and practical reasoning, as well as creative concepts and methods concerning the philosophical problems in high technology, architectural technology, and technological innovation. The authors also consider more general issues in the field.This book compiles the relevant research achievements of Chinese scholars in various time periods. Some authors have revised and translated into English papers published in Chinese, while others present their research in English specifically for this study. An annotated bibliography of the major publications in the field completes this collection.

Dispute Resolution Mechanism for the Belt and Road Initiative

by Guiguo Wang Yuk-Lun Lee Mei-Fun Leung

This book examines resolution of the disputes between both sides of Belt and Road economic cooperation. To address the problems surrounding legal guarantee and dispute resolution, the International Academy of the Belt and Road has gathered almost 50 experts from over 30 Belt and Road countries and regions to utilize current advances in the dispute resolution mechanism, taking into account the legal systems, legal environment and historical and cultural characteristics of Belt and Road countries and regions. The dispute resolution mechanism presented advocates giving priority to mediation when a dispute arises—arbitration is necessary only when mediation is ineffective. In addition, arbitration should be highly transparent, show respect to both contracting parties, and be equipped with an appeal system. This hands-on book offers detailed explanations of mediation rules, arbitration rules and appeal procedures. On the one hand, this mechanism embodies the integration of the cultures, traditions, legal systems, legal values and legal thoughts of Belt and Road countries and regions. On the other hand, it highlights the importance of mediation, which not only is the idea of oriental culture carrying forward traditional Chinese culture, but also follows the trend of dispute resolution. As a result, the dispute resolution mechanism established in this book is beneficial to the development of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Regulatory Model for Digital Rights Management: Analysis of U.S., Europe and China

by Cong Xu

​This book highlights the shortcomings of the present Digital Rights Management (DRM) regulations in China. Using literature reviews and comparative analysis from theoretical and empirical perspectives, it appraises different DRM restriction regulations and practices as well as current advice on balance of interests to analyze the dilemma faced by the DRM system.This research intends to help China establish a comprehensive DRM regulatory model through comparative theoretical and empirical critiques of systems in America and Europe. A newly designed DRM regulatory model should be suitable for specific Chinese features, and should consist of government regulated, self-regulated, and even unregulated sections. The new regulation model might be an addition to existing legal structures, while self-regulations/social enforcement also would be as important as legislation based on case studies.

Quantitative Economics with R: A Data Science Approach

by Vikram Dayal

This book provides a contemporary treatment of quantitative economics, with a focus on data science. The book introduces the reader to R and RStudio, and uses expert Hadley Wickham’s tidyverse package for different parts of the data analysis workflow. After a gentle introduction to R code, the reader’s R skills are gradually honed, with the help of “your turn” exercises. At the heart of data science is data, and the book equips the reader to import and wrangle data, (including network data). Very early on, the reader will begin using the popular ggplot2 package for visualizing data, even making basic maps. The use of R in understanding functions, simulating difference equations, and carrying out matrix operations is also covered. The book uses Monte Carlo simulation to understand probability and statistical inference, and the bootstrap is introduced. Causal inference is illuminated using simulation, data graphs, and R code for applications with real economic examples, covering experiments, matching, regression discontinuity, difference-in-difference, and instrumental variables. The interplay of growth related data and models is presented, before the book introduces the reader to time series data analysis with graphs, simulation, and examples. Lastly, two computationally intensive methods—generalized additive models and random forests (an important and versatile machine learning method)—are introduced intuitively with applications. The book will be of great interest to economists—students, teachers, and researchers alike—who want to learn R. It will help economics students gain an intuitive appreciation of applied economics and enjoy engaging with the material actively, while also equipping them with key data science skills.

Digital Carnivalesque: Power Discourse and Counter Narratives in Singapore Social Media (Cultural Studies and Transdisciplinarity in Education #10)

by Hoi-Yi Katy Kan

This book challenges the framing of comedic acts as apolitical and it adopts a multimodal critical discourse approach to interrogate the performance of comedy as a form of power. It proposes using Bakhtin’s carnivalesque as the analytic tool to distil for readers key differences between humour as banal and humour as critical (and political) in today’s social media. Drawing from critical theory and cultural studies, this book takes an interdisciplinary approach in formulating a contemporary view of power that reflects social realities not only in the digital economy but also in a world that is increasingly authoritarian. With the proposition of newer theoretical lenses in this book, scholars and social scientists can then find a way to shift the conversation to uncover the evolving voices of (existing and newer) power holders in the shared digital space; and to view current social realities as a continual project in unpacking and understanding the adaptive ways of the human spirit.

Landscape Empowerment: A Participatory Design Approach to Create Restorative Environments for Assembly Line Workers in the Foxconn Factory

by Bin Jiang

​This book discusses essential strategies and approaches to creating mentally restorative environments for highly stressed and depressed workers at sweatshop factories. Drawing on the Foxconn factory in Longhua, China and an adjacent urban village as a sample site for research and design practice, the book employs a bottom-up and participatory process. The content is divided into two main parts, the first of which investigates economic, cultural, human rights, and environmental issues related to the electronic industry and urban village, providing in-depth research on various aspects, especially the working and living conditions for Foxconn workers. Based on these findings, the second part highlights potential landscape designs to address a range of issues, locations, and scales. The book’s goals are to provide a set of original methods for research and design practice in a complex social and economic context, and to raise awareness regarding the health, dignity and freedom of millions of workers.

The Divine Bureaucracy and Disenchantment of Social Life: A Study of Bureaucratic Islam in Malaysia (Contestations in Contemporary Southeast Asia)

by Maznah Mohamad

This book traces the expansion of Islamisation within a modern and plural state such as Malaysia. It elaborates on how elements of theology, sacred space, resources, and their interactivity with secular instruments such as legislative, electoral, and new social technological platforms are all instrumentally employed to consolidate a divine bureaucracy. The book makes the point that religious social movements and political parties are only few of the important agents of Islamisation in society. The other is the modern and secular state structure itself. Weber’s legal rational bureaucracy or Hegel’s ethical bureaucracy predominantly characterises a modern feature of governmentality. In this instance an Islamic bureaucracy is advantageously situated not only within an ambit of modernity and therefore legality, but divinity and therefore sacrality as well. This positioning gives religious state agents more salience than any other form of bureaucracy leading to their unquestioned authority in the current contexts of societies with Muslim majority rule. One of the requisites of this condition is the homogenisation of Islam followed by ring-fencing of its constituents. The latter can involve contestations with women, other genders, ‘secular’ Muslims, non-Muslims as well as dissenting Muslims with their differing truthful ‘Islams’.

Nature, Culture, and Food in Monsoon Asia (International Perspectives in Geography #10)

by Satoshi Yokoyama Jun Matsumoto Hitoshi Araki

The giant Asian monsoon has formed a diverse climate and natural environment. The Asian monsoon climate manifests itself in manifold ways depending not just on the latitude or altitude of an area but also on physical conditions such as topography and vegetation and even the size of its human population. Likewise, the livelihoods of people in the affected area are diverse. This book focuses on nature and agriculture, food, and climate and culture as an excellent framework for understanding the relationship between humans and the environment in complex Monsoon Asia. Through the discussions in this book, what the authors have sought to demonstrate is that the livelihoods in Monsoon Asia demonstrate unique forms in a limited environment, while the Asian monsoon climate has one of the largest movements of any natural phenomenon on a macroscopic scale. These manifest forms are diverse both on a time scale and on a spatial scale and are extremely diversified in limited regions. Such diversity is not only due just to the effects of the natural environment but also results from social and cultural forces. In this area of Monsoon Asia, traditional and religious social norms are becoming entangled with “new” economic and political norms brought in from the outside world by globalization.

Enterprises, Industry and Innovation in the People's Republic of China: Questioning Socialism from Deng to the Trade and Tech War

by Alberto Gabriele

This book analyses and critically evaluates the development of two key components of China’s economy: the network of productive enterprises, and the national innovation system, from the inception of market-oriented reforms to the present day. The approach is a partly novel one, albeit inspired to classical political economy, rooted in the structure and evolution of social relations of production and exchange and of the institutional setting in these two crucial domains. The main findings are twofold: First, the role of planning and public ownership, far from withering, has being upheld and qualitatively enhanced, especially throughout the most recent stages of industrial reforms. Second, enterprises are increasingly participating - along with universities and research centers - in a concerted and historically unparalleled effort to dramatically upgrade China’s capacity to engage in indigenous innovation. As a result, China’s National Innovation System has been growing and strengthening at a pace much faster than that of the national economy as a whole. The book also presents a speculative and provisional perspective on the validity, and meaning, of the claim that the country’s socioeconomic system is indeed a form of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It will be on interest to students and scholars researching China, politics, and development economics.

Empowering Teachers to Build a Better World: How Six Nations Support Teachers for 21st Century Education (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Fernando M. Reimers

This open access book presents a comparative study on how large-scale professional development programs for teachers are designed and implemented. Around the world, governments and educators are recognizing the need to educate students in a broad range of higher order cognitive skills and socio-emotional competencies, and providing effective opportunities for teachers to develop the expertise needed to teach these skills is a crucial aspect of effective implementation of curricula which include those goals. This study examines how large-scale efforts to empower teachers for deeper instruction have been designed, how they have been implemented, and their outcomes. To do so, it investigates six programs from England, Colombia, Mexico, India, and the United States. Though all six are intended to broaden and deepen students’ curricular aspirations, each takes this expansion of curricular goals in a different direction.The ambitious education reforms studied here explicitly focus on building teachers’ capacity to teach on a broader set of goals. Through a discerning analysis of program documents, evaluations, and interviews with senior leaders and participants in the programs, the book identifies the various theories of action used in these programs, examines how they were implemented, and discusses what they achieved. As such, it offers an indispensable resource for education leaders interested in designing and implementing professional development programs for teachers that are aligned with ambitious instructional goals.

Citizenship, Nationalism and Refugeehood of Rohingyas in Southern Asia

by Nasreen Chowdhory Biswajit Mohanty

This book provides an in-depth investigation of citizenship and nationalism in connection with the Rohingya community. It analyses the processes of production of statelessness in South Asia in general, and with regard to the Rohingyas in particular. Following the persecution of the Rohingya community in Myanmar (Burma) by the military and the Buddhist militia, a host of texts, mostly descriptive, have examined the historical, political and cultural roots of the genocidal massacre and the flight of its victims to South Asia and South-East Asian countries. The UNHCR reports describe the plight of Rohingyas during and after their journey, while other works focus on the political-economic roots of this ethnic conflict and its consequences for the Rohingyas. To date, very few theoretical insights have been provided on the Rohingya issue. This book seeks to fill that gap, and explores a dialogue between the state and its citizens and non-citizens that results in the production of statelessness. In theoretical terms, the book addresses the construction of citizens and non-citizens on the part of the state, and the process of symbolic othering, achieved through various state practices couched in terms of nationalism. Extensive case studies from India, Myanmar and Bangladesh provide the foundation for a robust theoretical argument. Given its scope, the book will be of interest to students, academics and researchers with a focus on political economy in South Asia in general and/or refugee studies in particular.

Cultural-Historical and Critical Psychology: Common Ground, Divergences and Future Pathways (Perspectives in Cultural-Historical Research #8)

by Marilyn Fleer Fernando González Rey Peter E. Jones

This book opens up a critical dialogue within and across the theoretical traditions of critical psychology and cultural-historical psychology. It explores and addresses fundamental issues and problems within both traditions, with a view to identifying new avenues for productive discussion and cooperation between these two important movements in contemporary psychology. Accordingly, the book gathers contributions from a range of internationally respected researchers from both fields who have demonstrated a willingness to look critically, and self-critically, at their theoretical allegiances and trajectories. This book provides readers with the opportunity to both appreciate and reflect on fundamental differences of perspective across the ‘cultural-historical’/’critical’ psychology divide and, thereby, to consider and debate key issues facing the discipline of psychology more generally.

Issues and Challenges of Inclusive Development: Essays in Honor of Prof. R. Radhakrishna

by R. Maria Saleth S. Galab E. Revathi

This book explores inclusive development in the Indian context, not only within each of the country’s major economic and social sectors, but also across countries in the particular context of globalization. In the emerging scenario of most expanding economies, including India, this topic remains particularly significant. The book’s sixteen chapters are divided into eight sections that address burning issues related to inclusive development – historical setting and policy context; current issues and future challenges; inclusiveness in the agricultural sector; inclusiveness in the industrial sector; inclusiveness in the health sector; inclusiveness and poverty; inclusiveness in the social context; and inclusiveness in the globalization context. The book highlights several positive developments displayed by the Indian economy in recent years, including the current growth rate of about 7 percent, which is among the highest rates around the globe. At the same time, it draws attention to the fact that while there is every reason to feel proud of these achievements, we cannot ignore the strains and brewing distress, especially in rural areas, or the concerns in environmental and social sectors, including health and education, relating to sociological divisions and disturbances, water and air pollution, and ecosystem and biodiversity losses. Important and relevant from both academic and policy perspectives, the book includes essays from some of the most eminent economists and social scientists in the South Asian region, providing vital takeaways for researchers and NGOs, as well as corporate sector and government decision-makers.

Self-Organisation Shapes Travel Behaviours and Social Exclusion in Deprived Urban Neighbourhoods of China

by Joseph Cho-yam Lau

This book investigates the influence of self-organisation processes on the commuting of the poor workers in urban China. It suggests a new approach to investigate and measure individual access, and it argues that dynamic interactions between individual action and social structure influence individual’s access to transport, which cannot be measured using other traditional accessibility approaches.The overwhelming majority of models in transport research assume that socio-economic factors and the built-environment influence the accessibility of transport for individuals. This book provides evidence that individual decision-makings and actions are also vital factors to bring out changes in accessibility. Further, the study adopts a self-organisation process and structuration theory to illustrate that a significant proportion of travel problems of migrants are rooted in the interaction between actions and social structures. Any change in migrants’ actions or social structures in the self-organisation process would result in the production of complex and spontaneous travel behaviour. The self-organisation approach presented provides a new approach for urban transport planning in the future, particularly on the investigation of the accessibility of disadvantaged social groups. By using the social theories, transport research can have an effect on commuting behaviour and to improve poor workers’ quality of life.

Building Sustainable Communities: Civil Society Response in South Asia

by Rajendra Baikady Md. Nurul Momen Cheng Sheng Li M. Basavaraj

The book aims to explore South Asian third sector – the nonprofit organizations as provider of social services. The book defines social welfare and describe its relationship to social service programmes and individual well-being; understands the social policy development from the problem identification to policy implementation; describes the range of organization of social service agencies that are responsible for providing social welfare programmes; explores the various roles that professional and non- professional helpers provide in the delivery of social welfare and their influence in promoting change in policy development; and understands the umbrella concept of Child welfare, welfare of people with disability and elderly welfare in welfare policy.

Rethinking Education Across Borders: Emerging Issues and Critical Insights on Globally Mobile Students

by Uttam Gaulee Shyam Sharma Krishna Bista

This book focuses on critical issues and perspectives concerning globally mobile students, aspects that have grown in importance thanks to major geopolitical, economic, and technological changes around the globe (i.e., in and across major origins and destinations of international students). Over the past few decades, the field of international higher education and scholarship has developed robust areas of research that guide current policy, programs, and pedagogy. However, many of the established narratives and wisdoms that dominate research agendas, scope, and foci have become somewhat ossified and are unable to reflect recent political upheavals and other changes (e.g. the Brexit, Trump era, and Belt and Road Initiative) that have disrupted a number of areas including mobility patterns and recruitment practices, understanding and supporting students, engagement of global mobile students with their local counterparts, and the political economy of international education at large. By re-assessing established issues and perspectives in light of the emerging global/local situations, the contributing authors – all experts on international education – share insights on policies and practices that can help adapt to emerging challenges and opportunities for institutions, scholars, and other stakeholders in international higher education. Including theoretical, empirical, and practitioner-based methods and perspectives provided by scholars from around the world, the book offers a unique and intriguing resource.

Managing Urbanization, Climate Change and Disasters in South Asia (Disaster Studies and Management)

by Ravindra Kumar Srivastava

This book offers essential insights into potential catastrophic events that might befall upon the emerging urban landscape in South Asia, and which are due to hazards, risks and vulnerabilities inherent in the region’s geophysical location, as well as due to climate change and unplanned urbanization. It highlights major physio-graphic, demographic, geological and geophysical indicators that are responsible for changing the pattern and trend of urbanization in South Asia – a crucial issue in view of emerging threats of climate change, and changes in the demographic profile. The book addresses the disaster management scenario in South Asia, manifestations of climate change in the region and various urban setups under climate-change-induced risks. Further, it elaborates on the challenges of urbanization-based neo-risks and vulnerabilities, which manifest in the form of slum area growth, piling and littering of waste and filth, new health risks, groundwater contamination, air pollution, highly energy-dependent lifestyles, poverty, socio-economic tensions, etc. It also critically examines the institutional mechanisms for disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation (CCA) and urban governance, and suggests appropriate changes in the governing structure to mitigate these risks. The book draws the attention of urban planners and policymakers to current shortcomings in the administrative and financial structures of local urban bodies. While outlining climate-associated risks and adaptation strategies in South Asia, it also suggests measures for integrating climate change and urban adaption with state's planning processes, and puts forward a risk alleviation platform to bring the risk managers working in different fields together, so that they make concerted efforts to achieve sustainable development. It offers valuable takeaways for researchers, urban planners, those working in industry, consultants, and policymakers.

Forensic Genetics in the Governance of Crime

by Helena Machado Rafaela Granja

This open access book uses a critical sociological perspective to explore contemporary ways of reformulating the governance of crime through genetics. Through the lens of scientific knowledge and genetic technology, Machado and Granja offer a unique perspective on current trends in crime governance. They explore the place and role of genetics in criminal justice systems, and show how classical and contemporary social theory can help address challenges posed by social processes and interactions generated by the uses, meanings, and expectations attributed to genetics in the governance of crime. Cutting-edge methods and research techniques are also integrated to address crucial aspects of this social reality. Finally, the authors examine new challenges emerging from recent paradigm shifts within forensic genetics, moving away from the construction of evidence as presented in court to the production of intelligence guiding criminal investigations.

Religion Matters: The Contemporary Relevance of Religion

by Paul Babie Rick Sarre

This book draws together leaders in science, the health sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences to investigate the role of religion, its meaning and relevance, for their area of specialization. It provides a much-needed fresh perspective on the way in which religion operates within the modern, neo-liberal world. The book approaches the topic by way of a critical engagement between religion, broadly defined, and the individual disciplines in which each of the contributors is expert. Rather than simply taking the dogmatic position that religion offers something to every possible discipline, each of the chapters in this collection addresses the question: is there something that religion can offer to the discipline in question? That is the value of the book – it takes a truly critical stance on the place of religion in contemporary society.

Resilient Cyborgs: Living and Dying with Pacemakers and Defibrillators (Health, Technology and Society)

by Nelly Oudshoorn

This book examines how pacemakers and defibrillators participate in transforming life and death in high-tech societies. In both popular and medical accounts, these internal devices are often portrayed as almost magical technologies. Once implanted in bodies, they do not require any ‘user’ agency. In this unique and timely book, Nelly Oudshoorn argues that any discourse or policy assuming a passive role for people living with these implants silences the fact that keeping cyborg bodies alive involves their active engagement. Pacemakers and defibrillators not only act as potentially life-saving technologies, but simultaneously transform the fragility of bodies by introducing new vulnerabilities. Oudshoorn offers a fascinating examination of what it takes to become a resilient cyborg, and in the process develops a valuable new sociology of creating ‘resilient’ cyborgs.

Alliances in the Anthropocene: Fire, Plants, and People

by Christine Eriksen Susan Ballard

This book explores how fire, plants and people coexist in the Anthropocene. In a time of dramatic environmental transformation, the authors examine how human impacts on the planetary system are being felt at all levels from the geological and the arboreal to the atmospheric. The book brings together the disciplines of human geography and art history to examine fire-plant-people alliances and multispecies world-making. The authors listen carefully to the narratives of bushfire survivors. They embrace the responses of contemporary artists, as practice becomes interwoven with fire as well as ruin and regrowth. Through visual, textual and felt ways of being, the chapters illuminate, illustrate, impress and imprint the imagined and actual agency of plants and people within a changing climate — from Aboriginal ecocultural burning to nuclear fire. By holding grief and enacting hope, the book shows how relationships come to be and are likely to change due to the interdependencies of fire, plants and people in the Anthropocene.

Inclusive Education in Schools and Early Childhood Settings

by Ilektra Spandagou Cathy Little David Evans Michelle L. Bonati

This book provides a highly informative yet concise overview of special education and inclusive education that serves as a valuable introduction to the field. Using a framework and relevant scenarios in inclusive educational settings to help readers develop a basic understanding of key concepts, it shares effective practices and engages readers in discussions on current research. Further, it highlights the commonalities between different levels of education and explores transitions across them. The book addresses theory, policy, practice and research issues in special education and inclusive education from an Australian perspective, focusing on current developments in Australian educational settings and classrooms. It also examines international issues and developments while highlighting the unique characteristics of the Australian educational context. As such, it appeals to post-graduate students, pre-service teachers, teachers and other professionals in the area.

Statistical Data Analysis and Entropy (Behaviormetrics: Quantitative Approaches to Human Behavior #3)

by Nobuoki Eshima

This book reconsiders statistical methods from the point of view of entropy, and introduces entropy-based approaches for data analysis. Further, it interprets basic statistical methods, such as the chi-square statistic, t-statistic, F-statistic and the maximum likelihood estimation in the context of entropy. In terms of categorical data analysis, the book discusses the entropy correlation coefficient (ECC) and the entropy coefficient of determination (ECD) for measuring association and/or predictive powers in association models, and generalized linear models (GLMs). Through association and GLM frameworks, it also describes ECC and ECD in correlation and regression analyses for continuous random variables. In multivariate statistical analysis, canonical correlation analysis, T2-statistic, and discriminant analysis are discussed in terms of entropy. Moreover, the book explores the efficiency of test procedures in statistical tests of hypotheses using entropy. Lastly, it presents an entropy-based path analysis for structural GLMs, which is applied in factor analysis and latent structure models. Entropy is an important concept for dealing with the uncertainty of systems of random variables and can be applied in statistical methodologies. This book motivates readers, especially young researchers, to address the challenge of new approaches to statistical data analysis and behavior-metric studies.

Rural Teacher Education: Connecting Land and People

by Michael Corbett Dianne Gereluk

This book examines challenges associated with the education of teachers in and for rural places. It offers a new perspective with respect to how Canadian educators are shifting the conversation toward a hopeful discourse concerning how educators can foster meaningful rural learning environments, which will contribute to building stronger rural communities and regions. A central focus of the book is emerging reconceptualization of education, place and indigeneity in Canadian education in the wake of the Truth and Reconciliation CommissionThough the challenge of addressing rural teaching and learning lies partly in the nuances and complexities of unique places, there are also common threads that affect virtually all communities in rural, regional and remote educational, cultural, economic, and social geographies. Chapters in this collection provide current research in Canadian rural education including examples and stories from the field – contributed by teachers, administrators, and superintendents – on the challenges and creative opportunities that they have discovered in their own rural context, giving hope and inspiration for what is possible. The book will appeal to all readers interested in rural education and teacher education, as well as to those concerned with educational inequality and indigenous education.

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