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Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on New Computational Social Science (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research #844)

This is an open access book. Welcome to The 4th International Conference on New Computational Social Science which will be held on March 08-10, 2024, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. The focus of this conference are mainly five aspects: Big data acquisition and analysis, Integration of qualitative research and quantitative research, Sociological Internet experiment research, Application of ABM simulation method in Sociology Research, Research and development of new social computing tools. With the rapid development of information technology, especially sweeping progress in the Internet of things, cloud computing, social networks, social media and big data. As a data-intensive science, social computing is an emerging thing that leverages the capacity to collect and analyze data with an unprecedented breadth, depth and scale. It represents a new computing paradigm and an interdisciplinary research and application field. A broad comprehension of major topics involved in social computing is important for both scholars and practitioners. This is an international conference on vary research aspects of Computational Social Science. We will present and discuss key concepts and analyze state-of-the-art of the field. The conference not only sheds insights on social computing, but also affords conduit for future research in the field. Social computing has two distinct trends: One is on the social science issues, such as computational social science, computational sociology, social network analysis, etc; The other is on the use of computational techniques, such as social use, hedonic use and generative use. Finally some new challenges ahead are summarized, including interdisciplinary cooperation and training, big data sharing for scientific data mashups, and privacy protect.

Everyday Eating: Food, Taste and Trends in Britain since the 1950s

by Alan Warde

How have eating habits changed in recent decades? What does it mean to eat well? This fascinating book examines continuity and change in food consumption and eating patterns since the 1950s. The culinary landscape of Britain is explored through discussion of commodification, globalisation and diversification enabling an understanding of both developing trends and enduring habits. The author’s research undertaken over 40 years offers fresh insights into such practices as everyday meals, shopping, cooking and dining out and how these are shaped by demographic, social and cultural processes. The book provides a comprehensive and engaging analysis of eating in Britain today and of the many controversies about how this has changed.

Everyday Eating: Food, Taste and Trends in Britain since the 1950s

by Alan Warde

How have eating habits changed in recent decades? What does it mean to eat well? This fascinating book examines continuity and change in food consumption and eating patterns since the 1950s. The culinary landscape of Britain is explored through discussion of commodification, globalisation and diversification enabling an understanding of both developing trends and enduring habits. The author’s research undertaken over 40 years offers fresh insights into such practices as everyday meals, shopping, cooking and dining out and how these are shaped by demographic, social and cultural processes. The book provides a comprehensive and engaging analysis of eating in Britain today and of the many controversies about how this has changed.

The Shape of Belonging for Unaccompanied Young Migrants (Global Migration and Social Change)

by Özlem Ögtem-Young

Unaccompanied children and adolescents seeking protection in the UK are among the most vulnerable migrant groups, and often find themselves in a hostile policy environment after enduring traumatic journeys. This book offers an in-depth analysis of the lived experiences of belonging, and the politics and policies of migration. Focusing on unaccompanied young migrants, it investigates the conditions and nature of belonging in the face of the uncertainty, ambiguity and violence of the UK asylum system. Drawing on interviews and the Deleuzo-Guattarian concepts of assemblage, the book provides an empirical and theoretical examination of the belonging of unaccompanied young migrants seeking protection in the UK. Through compelling accounts, the author portrays the complex and paradoxical nature of belonging under precarious conditions, shedding light on the tenacity and fragility of belonging for unaccompanied young migrants.

The Shape of Belonging for Unaccompanied Young Migrants (Global Migration and Social Change)

by Özlem Ögtem-Young

Unaccompanied children and adolescents seeking protection in the UK are among the most vulnerable migrant groups, and often find themselves in a hostile policy environment after enduring traumatic journeys. This book offers an in-depth analysis of the lived experiences of belonging, and the politics and policies of migration. Focusing on unaccompanied young migrants, it investigates the conditions and nature of belonging in the face of the uncertainty, ambiguity and violence of the UK asylum system. Drawing on interviews and the Deleuzo-Guattarian concepts of assemblage, the book provides an empirical and theoretical examination of the belonging of unaccompanied young migrants seeking protection in the UK. Through compelling accounts, the author portrays the complex and paradoxical nature of belonging under precarious conditions, shedding light on the tenacity and fragility of belonging for unaccompanied young migrants.

The Great Decline: From the Era of Hope and Progress to the Age of Fear and Rage

by John Bone

It seems clear that many formerly stable societies in wealthy developed countries appear to be falling into an apparent state of ‘permacrisis' accompanied by an increasingly angry and irrational social and political culture that is undermining the peace and stability of our societies and democratic institutions, from the local to the global. Applying an original biosocial approach (the social map), and drawing on ideas and evidence from sociology, history and political economy, to psychology, neuroscience and epigenetics, John Bone argues that conditions in our turbocapitalist and increasingly estranged, media dominated societies have created a toxic environment, deeply damaging to our mental and physical health. As well as shedding new light on our current troubles, Bone also outlines why this leaves us ill prepared to deal with two of the greatest challenges confronting humanity: the rise of AI and automation and how we deal with climate change.

The Great Decline: From the Era of Hope and Progress to the Age of Fear and Rage

by John Bone

It seems clear that many formerly stable societies in wealthy developed countries appear to be falling into an apparent state of ‘permacrisis' accompanied by an increasingly angry and irrational social and political culture that is undermining the peace and stability of our societies and democratic institutions, from the local to the global. Applying an original biosocial approach (the social map), and drawing on ideas and evidence from sociology, history and political economy, to psychology, neuroscience and epigenetics, John Bone argues that conditions in our turbocapitalist and increasingly estranged, media dominated societies have created a toxic environment, deeply damaging to our mental and physical health. As well as shedding new light on our current troubles, Bone also outlines why this leaves us ill prepared to deal with two of the greatest challenges confronting humanity: the rise of AI and automation and how we deal with climate change.

Handbook of Positive School Psychology: Evidence-Based Strategies for Youth Well-Being (Advances in Mental Health and Addiction)

by Gökmen Arslan Murat Yıldırım

Students spend significantly more time in school compared to any other formal institution during their lives; therefore, mental health in schools has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. According to Seligman et al. (2009), positive psychology in school is a response to the gap between what people want for their children and what schools teach. That is, most parents want their children to be happy, healthy, and confident, but schools only focus on achievement, discipline, and academic skills. These are of course important, but so are positive mental health outcomes. To fix this gap, schools must teach achievement and accomplishment along with positive psychology-informed mental health skills. In other words, positive education aims to bring positive psychology’s goals of well-being and mental health support for everyone into the school setting.Psychological interventions have been around in schools since at least the 1930s. Therefore, it makes sense to supplement the already-existing traditional psychology in schools with positive psychology. In the field of psychology, positive psychology interventions are defined as those aimed at raising positive feelings, positive thoughts, and positive behaviour and increasing well-being. Positive Psychology Interventions in schools have been shown to improve mental health and well-being outcomes for students. Recent research has confirmed the same results, as offering emotional support early in a school year can lead to improved instructional quality later in that school year. In other words, positive school psychology interventions offer a focus on mental health in order to set the stage and give students the opportunity for academic achievement. Since the beginning of the positive psychology movement, the application of its assumptions in schools has been one of the movement’s main pillars. The objective of the book is to help counsellors, teachers, and school leaders engage in a positive psychology research-based practice in schools.

Colonial Discourse and the Suffering of Indian American Children: A Francophone Postcolonial Analysis

by Kundan Singh Krishna Maheshwari

Euro-American misrepresentations of the non-West in general, and in particular on Hinduism and ancient India, run deep and have far greater colonial connections than that have been exposed in academia. This book analyzes the psycho-social consequences that Indian American children face after they are exposed to the school textbook discourse on Hinduism and ancient India. The authors show that there is an intimate connection—an almost exact correspondence—between James Mill’s colonial-racist discourse and the current school-textbook discourse. The very parameters and coordinates on which James Mill constructed the discourse are the ones that are being used to describe Hinduism, Hindus, and ancient India in the textbooks currently. Consequently, this archaic and racist discourse, camouflaged under the cover of political correctness, produces in the Indian American children a psychological impact quite similar to what racism is known to produce: shame, inferiority, embarrassment, identity confusion, assimilation, and a phenomenon similar to racelessness where the children dissociate from the tradition and culture of their ancestors. This book argues that the current school textbook discourse on Hinduism and India needs to change so that the Indian American children do not become victims of overt and covert racism. For the change to occur, the first step is to recognize the overarching and pervasive influence of the colonial-racist discourse of James Mill on the textbooks. For the reconstruction of the discourse to take place, the first step is to engage in a thorough deconstruction, which is what the book attempts.

The Routledge Handbook of LGBTQ Identity in Organizations and Society (Routledge International Handbooks)

Sexuality, gender, gender identity, and gender expression are fluid constructs, and the ways in which identity development intersects with organizations and exists in society are complex. The book is comprised of a range of multi-disciplinary and globally inspired perspectives representing leading-edge scholarship by authors from over a dozen countries on a range of issues and contexts regarding LGBTQ identity and experience. It is intended for a wide readership: those who are in LGBTQ-related academic fields; those who want to broaden their coursework by offering supplemental readings that center the perspectives of LGBTQ identities; and those who want to acquire knowledge and education on the subject of LGBTQ identity. There are 36 chapters written by scholars in fields such as social work, law, queer studies, business, human resource management and development, entrepreneurship, criminal justice, economics, marketing, religion, architecture, sport, theater, psychology, human ecology, and adult education. The chapters can be read in sequence, and the book can also be used as a reference work for which educators, practitioners, and non-academics can identify and select particular chapters that inform areas of inquiry.

An Introduction to Universal Artificial Intelligence (Chapman & Hall/CRC Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Series)

by Marcus Hutter David Quarel Elliot Catt

An Introduction to Universal Artificial Intelligence provides the formal underpinning of what it means for an agent to act intelligently in an unknown environment. First presented in Universal Algorithmic Intelligence (Hutter, 2000), UAI offers a framework in which virtually all AI problems can be formulated, and a theory of how to solve them. UAI unifies ideas from sequential decision theory, Bayesian inference, and algorithmic information theory to construct AIXI, an optimal reinforcement learning agent that learns to act optimally in unknown environments. AIXI is the theoretical gold standard for intelligent behavior.The book covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of UAI. Bayesian updating can be done efficiently with context tree weighting, and planning can be approximated by sampling with Monte Carlo tree search. It provides algorithms for the reader to implement, and experimental results to compare against. These algorithms are used to approximate AIXI. The book ends with a philosophical discussion of Artificial General Intelligence: Can super-intelligent agents even be constructed? Is it inevitable that they will be constructed, and what are the potential consequences?This text is suitable for late undergraduate students. It provides an extensive chapter to fill in the required mathematics, probability, information, and computability theory background.

Pedagogical Encounters in the Post-Anthropocene, Volume 2: Technology, Neurology, Quantum (Palgrave Studies in Educational Futures)

by jan jagodzinski

As a follow up to Pedagogical Encounters in the Post-Anthropocene, Volume I, this book addresses three major areas in response to the post-Anthropocene: Technology, Neurology, Quantum. Each of these areas is broadly addressed in relation to the concerns that have arisen both theoretically and educationally. As in Volume I, the author terms these to be encounters as each area presents a particular problematic when addressing the phase change that the planet is undergoing where the anthropogenic labour of global humanity is contributing to climate change, endangering our very existence. Technology in education has been a significant development. There is a concerted effort to review this development placing stress on the rise of learning machines and algorithms. In the second encounter the vast literature on neurology is addressed, especially neurodiversity and the various symptoms that have emerged in the post-Anthropocene era. The last section reviews issues related to quantum theory as this is fundamental to tensions between physics and metaphysics. The volume concludes with the author’s own pedagogical proposal for the future.

The Humanistic Person-centered Company (Issues in Business Ethics #55)

by Domènec Melé

Humanism in business is not only an alternative to economism but a way to human excellence. Humanism presented here revolves around the rich notion of “human person”, keystone of modern personalist philosophy and Catholic Social Teaching. From this perspective this book is offered to everyone, believer and nonbeliever alike. The person-centered humanism considers the human-wholeness, individual and relational, with subjectivity, self-determination, openness to transcendence, and with capacity not only to possess but also to give. It also highlights the uniqueness of each person, endowed with a high constitutive dignity and in continuous process of flourishing toward human plenitude. An attitude of respect and good will is due to non-personal beings, while persons deserve to be treated with justice and even with love of benevolence. The book is prepared in dialogue with mainstream of thought in business and business ethics and focused on exploring ways to improve some conventional views. It includes some proposals such as a person-based ethics, ethics understood as intrinsic to business activity, the consideration of the company as an organized community of persons, and the purpose of the company oriented toward the common good through a double mission, internal and external. It is also suggested substituting the notion of “stakeholder” for the richer one of “relationholder.”

Einstieg in Flutter mit Dart: Layout – Interaktion – Datenbank

by Peter Bühler

Dieses Buch vermittelt kompakt und praxisorientiert die wesentlichen Grundlagen von Flutter und Dart. Die Praxismodule, aufgebaut als Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, sind durchgehend mit Screenshots und Abbildungen illustriert und bieten eine fundierte Basis auch für die weitergehende Arbeit mit Flutter. Dartcodes veranschaulichen ergänzend Wort und Bild der Anleitungen, so kann das Programm durch praktische Arbeit erlernt werden. Die im Buch verwendeten Codedateien stehen zum Download auf GitHub bereit.

An Introduction to Universal Artificial Intelligence (Chapman & Hall/CRC Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Series)

by Marcus Hutter David Quarel Elliot Catt

An Introduction to Universal Artificial Intelligence provides the formal underpinning of what it means for an agent to act intelligently in an unknown environment. First presented in Universal Algorithmic Intelligence (Hutter, 2000), UAI offers a framework in which virtually all AI problems can be formulated, and a theory of how to solve them. UAI unifies ideas from sequential decision theory, Bayesian inference, and algorithmic information theory to construct AIXI, an optimal reinforcement learning agent that learns to act optimally in unknown environments. AIXI is the theoretical gold standard for intelligent behavior.The book covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of UAI. Bayesian updating can be done efficiently with context tree weighting, and planning can be approximated by sampling with Monte Carlo tree search. It provides algorithms for the reader to implement, and experimental results to compare against. These algorithms are used to approximate AIXI. The book ends with a philosophical discussion of Artificial General Intelligence: Can super-intelligent agents even be constructed? Is it inevitable that they will be constructed, and what are the potential consequences?This text is suitable for late undergraduate students. It provides an extensive chapter to fill in the required mathematics, probability, information, and computability theory background.

The Routledge Handbook of LGBTQ Identity in Organizations and Society (Routledge International Handbooks)

by Tonette S. Rocco Julie A. Gedro

Sexuality, gender, gender identity, and gender expression are fluid constructs, and the ways in which identity development intersects with organizations and exists in society are complex. The book is comprised of a range of multi-disciplinary and globally inspired perspectives representing leading-edge scholarship by authors from over a dozen countries on a range of issues and contexts regarding LGBTQ identity and experience. It is intended for a wide readership: those who are in LGBTQ-related academic fields; those who want to broaden their coursework by offering supplemental readings that center the perspectives of LGBTQ identities; and those who want to acquire knowledge and education on the subject of LGBTQ identity. There are 36 chapters written by scholars in fields such as social work, law, queer studies, business, human resource management and development, entrepreneurship, criminal justice, economics, marketing, religion, architecture, sport, theater, psychology, human ecology, and adult education. The chapters can be read in sequence, and the book can also be used as a reference work for which educators, practitioners, and non-academics can identify and select particular chapters that inform areas of inquiry.

Political Modernity and Social Theory: Origins, Development and Alternatives

by Jose Maur¡cio Domingues

Modern liberal democracy and authoritarian collectivism have known diverse political regimes; autocratic, oligarchic or democratic, they each consist of a mixed, partly oligarchic regime in which plebeian politics are subordinated. With authoritarian collectivism’s defeat, a return to modernity has produced one more hybrid configuration.An in-depth investigation of political modernity and how it is differentiated from other forms of society, this book researches its origins and trajectory as a specific dimension of modern civilisation – articulating a renewed critical theory through an analysis of rights and law, politics, state and autonomy, social reproduction, crisis and political change.Examining these diverse aspects, Political Modernity and Social Theory proposes an encompassing and far-reaching approach spanning past and present – stressing radical plebeian democracy and maintaining a strong opening to the future and to possible alternatives to modernity.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.

Political Modernity and Social Theory: Origins, Development and Alternatives

by Jose Maur¡cio Domingues

Modern liberal democracy and authoritarian collectivism have known diverse political regimes; autocratic, oligarchic or democratic, they each consist of a mixed, partly oligarchic regime in which plebeian politics are subordinated. With authoritarian collectivism’s defeat, a return to modernity has produced one more hybrid configuration.An in-depth investigation of political modernity and how it is differentiated from other forms of society, this book researches its origins and trajectory as a specific dimension of modern civilisation – articulating a renewed critical theory through an analysis of rights and law, politics, state and autonomy, social reproduction, crisis and political change.Examining these diverse aspects, Political Modernity and Social Theory proposes an encompassing and far-reaching approach spanning past and present – stressing radical plebeian democracy and maintaining a strong opening to the future and to possible alternatives to modernity.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.

Start-up Wolf: The Shenzhen Model of High-Tech Entrepreneurship

by Olivia Yijian Liu

Transnational entrepreneurs with technological know-how have been promoted by the Chinese state and academic literature as a central force for regional development of industrial competitiveness. But what motivates them, and what do they experience and aspire to when building a start-up in China? This book answers these questions by examining how socially privileged entrepreneurial talents adopt and champion the "wolf culture" – a fast-paced, competitive, and aspirational work culture – that has become prevalent since China's mass promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation.Based on extensive field research, including participant observation and interviews in Shenzhen's high-tech industry, this book challenges the popular notion of entrepreneurship as entirely self-initiated and passion-driven. Outlining the concrete instruments of governance of the local state, the author argues that transnational talent from elite schools or elite professions is often "entrepreneured" in China. Moreover, she argues that the different standards of selection of entrepreneurial talents by state and market actors create localised precarious conditions for them. This book offers fascinating insights into the contradictions inherent in the Chinese model of entrepreneurship.Start-up Wolf will appeal to scholars and students of China studies, the anthropology of entrepreneurship, science and technology studies, and economic geography, as well as business practitioners interested in innovation and high-tech start-ups.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Bildungsforschung: Erziehungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven (Kindheit – Bildung – Erziehung. Philosophische Perspektiven)

by Johannes Drerup Werner Thole Nina Göddertz Ruprecht Mattig Uwe Uhlendorff

Der Begriff ‚Bildungsforschung‘ erweist sich als nicht minder umstritten als der Begriff der Bildung selbst. Bildungsforschung fungiert in der Diskussion häufig als eine Art Regenschirmbegriff, mit dem ein Forschungsprofil markiert wird, das es ermöglichen soll, schulische, insbesondere unterrichtsbezogene Bildungsprozesse empirisch zu erfassen und von Schüler*innen zu erwerbende Kompetenzen festzulegen und mit Hilfe quantitativer Verfahren zu evaluieren. Im Rahmen von anderen Forschungstraditionen geht man auf kritische Distanz zu diesem inhaltlich und methodisch allzu sehr eingeschränkten Verständnis von Bildungsforschung. Im Zentrum des Bandes stehen erziehungswissenschaftliche Zugänge und Beiträge zur Bildungsforschung und damit verbundene disziplinäre Perspektiven und forschungsmethodologische Fragestellungen.

Strategische Bildkommunikation: Über den Zusammenhang von psychologischen Kundenprofilen und Bildpräferenz (Schriftenreihe der Kalaidos Fachhochschule Schweiz)

by Yannik Brandenberger

In einer sich rasant verändernden Marketinglandschaft wird die Bedeutung einer authentischen Verbindung zwischen Unternehmen und Konsumenten immer dringlicher. Statt mit Inhalten zu überfluten, liegt die Herausforderung darin, durch gezielte visuelle Kommunikation eine tiefere Bindung aufzubauen. Diese Herausforderung wird besonders in der fehlenden Anpassung von Bildern an die psychologischen Profile der Zielgruppe deutlich, für die bisher kein empirisch validiertes Modell existiert. In diesem Buch wird ein tiefer Einblick in den Zusammenhang zwischen psychologischen Kundenprofilen und Bildpräferenzen durch die Untersuchung und Weiterentwicklung des EIC-Modells gewonnen. Die empirischen Ergebnisse, gewonnen aus einer Studie mit 95 Teilnehmenden, bestätigen diese Verbindung und eröffnen neue Perspektiven für die strategische Bildkommunikation. Als Resultat dieser Forschung präsentiert sich das ICS-Modell – ein Instrument, das Fotograf*innen und Marketingexpert*innen befähigt, die Bildkommunikation gezielt auf Zielgruppen auszurichten. Dieses Buch bietet nicht nur einen Einblick in die theoretischen Grundlagen, es regt auch dazu an, wie diese Erkenntnisse in der Praxis für eine wirkungsvolle visuelle Kommunikation genutzt werden können.

Forschungsmethoden Landschaftsarchitekturtheorie: Positionen und Perspektiven (Interdisziplinäre Architektur-Wissenschaft: Praxis – Theorie – Methodologie – Forschung)

by Karsten Berr Sebastian Feldhusen

​Wie werden in Forschungsarbeiten in der Landschaftsarchitekturtheorie Erkenntnisse gewonnen? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, ist es sinnvoll, die Methode der Forschung einer individuellen Forschungsarbeit anschaulich zu machen. Ziel des Buchs ist es, eine Übersicht an aktuellen Forschungsmethoden im Feld der Landschaftsarchitekturtheorie zu geben. Damit möchte das Buch einen Beitrag zur Methodendiskussion in der Landschaftsarchitekturtheorie leisten, die häufig gefordert, aber selten geführt wird. Die Aufsätze in dem Buch sind untereinander formal und inhaltlich abgestimmt: Formal haben sie einen ähnlichen Aufbau, sodass die Methoden gut miteinander verglichen werden können. Inhaltlich sind die Aufsätze insofern miteinander abgestimmt, weil jeder Aufsatz für eine bestimmte Forschungsmethode in der Landschaftsarchitekturtheorie steht.

Knowing COVID-19: The pandemic and beyond (The pandemic and beyond)

by Des Fitzgerald Fred Cooper

Knowing COVID-19 demonstrates how researchers in the humanities shone a light on some of the many hidden problems of COVID-19, in the very depths of the pandemic crisis. Drawing on eight COVID-19 research projects, the volume shows how humanities researchers, alongside colleagues in the clinical and life sciences, addressed some of the major critical unknowns about this new infectious disease – from the effects of racism to the risks of deploying shame; from how to design an effective instructional leaflet to how to communicate effectively to bus passengers. Across eight novel case studies, the book showcases how humanities research during a pandemic is not only about interpreting the crisis when it has safely passed, but how it can play a vital, collaborative and instrumental role as events are still unfolding.

Creative approaches to wellbeing: The pandemic and beyond (The pandemic and beyond)

by Karen Gray and Victoria Tischler

A compilation of case studies illustrating how arts, culture and other community assets were used by individuals and communities to cope and develop resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic, demonstrating valuable lessons that might help us develop resilience in similar future crises. Threaded through all the contributions, readers will discover a focus on the experiences and voices of those marginalised during the pandemic, because of their lived experiences of structural inequalities, or due to mental or physical ill-health or age. These are difficult and complex topics, and there are vital lessons here for policy and for practice in the arts and for provision of health and care.

Creative approaches to wellbeing: The pandemic and beyond (The pandemic and beyond)

by Victoria Tischler Karen Gray

A compilation of case studies illustrating how arts, culture and other community assets were used by individuals and communities to cope and develop resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic, demonstrating valuable lessons that might help us develop resilience in similar future crises. Threaded through all the contributions, readers will discover a focus on the experiences and voices of those marginalised during the pandemic, because of their lived experiences of structural inequalities, or due to mental or physical ill-health or age. These are difficult and complex topics, and there are vital lessons here for policy and for practice in the arts and for provision of health and care.

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