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The Two Faces of Fear: Violence and Inequality in the Mexican Metropolis (Global and Comparative Ethnography)

by Ana Villarreal

Over the past two decades, increased criminal and state violence has profoundly transformed everyday life in Mexico. In The Two Faces of Fear, Ana Villarreal draws on two years of qualitative fieldwork conducted during a major turf war in Monterrey, Mexico to trace the far-reaching impact of fear and violence on social ties, daily practices, and everyday spaces. Villarreal brings two seemingly contradictory faces of fear into focus--its ability to both isolate and concentrate people and resources, deepening inequality. While all residents of one of Mexico's largest metropolises confronted new threats, the most privileged leveraged vastly unequal resources to spatially concentrate and defend one municipality more fiercely than the rest. Within this defended city, business, nightlife, and public space thrived at the expense of the greater metropolis. The book puts forth a new approach to the study of emotion and provides tangible evidence of how quickly fear worsens inequality beyond Mexico and the "war on drugs."

The Two Faces of Fear: Violence and Inequality in the Mexican Metropolis (Global and Comparative Ethnography)

by Ana Villarreal

Over the past two decades, increased criminal and state violence has profoundly transformed everyday life in Mexico. In The Two Faces of Fear, Ana Villarreal draws on two years of qualitative fieldwork conducted during a major turf war in Monterrey, Mexico to trace the far-reaching impact of fear and violence on social ties, daily practices, and everyday spaces. Villarreal brings two seemingly contradictory faces of fear into focus--its ability to both isolate and concentrate people and resources, deepening inequality. While all residents of one of Mexico's largest metropolises confronted new threats, the most privileged leveraged vastly unequal resources to spatially concentrate and defend one municipality more fiercely than the rest. Within this defended city, business, nightlife, and public space thrived at the expense of the greater metropolis. The book puts forth a new approach to the study of emotion and provides tangible evidence of how quickly fear worsens inequality beyond Mexico and the "war on drugs."

Carbon Societies: The Social Logic of Fossil Fuels

by Peter Wagner

The climate crisis is humanmade. Its main cause is the burning of fossil fuels. To combat climate change, we have to understand how we arrived at where we are. This book explores the reasons why human societies have embarked on the trajectory of ever-increasing use of fossil fuels.Population growth, desire for freedom from want and profit-seeking all played major roles in shaping human history, but there has been no inevitable drive towards heating up the atmosphere in the pursuit of social objectives. To sustain a growing population, more natural resources are required, but their use does not need to generate climate change. No logic of modernity links freedom with a kind of material abundance that requires the burning of fossil fuels. No logic of capital necessarily ties the search for profit to the extraction of fossil resources.Examining the critical junctures in human history when resource regimes changed, this book identifies the social problems that were meant to be solved by burning fossil fuels and the power hierarchies that shaped the decisions to use them. Wagner argues that the key choices that led to the climate emergency were made relatively recently, during the second half of the 20th century: they are close enough in time for us to undo the prevailing social logic of fossil fuels. By redefining the key problems that humankind is facing and reshaping the existing mechanisms of power, we can take the decisive action needed to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and avert the worst consequences of climate change.

The Politics of Relations: How Self-Government, Infrastructures, and Care Transform the State in Serbia (EASA Series #49)

by André Thiemann

Rethinking the contributions of the Manchester School of Social Anthropology for political ethnography, the Politics of Relations elaborates its relational approach to the state along four interlaced axes of research – embeddedness, boundary work, modalities and strategic selectivity – that enable thick comparisons across spatio-temporal scales of power. In Serbia local experiences of self-government, infrastructure and care motivate its citizens to “become the state” while cursing it heartily. While both officials and citizens strive for a state that enables a “normal life,” they navigate the increasingly illiberal politics enacted by national parties and which are tolerated by trans-national donors.

The Politics of Relations: How Self-Government, Infrastructures, and Care Transform the State in Serbia (EASA Series #49)

by André Thiemann

Rethinking the contributions of the Manchester School of Social Anthropology for political ethnography, the Politics of Relations elaborates its relational approach to the state along four interlaced axes of research – embeddedness, boundary work, modalities and strategic selectivity – that enable thick comparisons across spatio-temporal scales of power. In Serbia local experiences of self-government, infrastructure and care motivate its citizens to “become the state” while cursing it heartily. While both officials and citizens strive for a state that enables a “normal life,” they navigate the increasingly illiberal politics enacted by national parties and which are tolerated by trans-national donors.

Culture Figures: A Rhetorical Reading of Anthropology (Studies in Rhetoric and Culture #10)

by Michał Mokrzan

Ethnographic research, anthropological theory, and the understanding of the objects of inquiry, are co-created through figuration (using tropes and rhetorical figures) and techniques of persuasion. Delving into descriptive ethnography and theoretical texts spanning across classical monographs and recent texts in cultural anthropology, Culture Figures places rhetoric and rhetoricity as central to the discipline’s self-understanding. It focuses on how understandings of ‘culture’ and social life are shaped and conveyed in cultural anthropology through textual rhetoric. The book demonstrates how processes of using tropes and modes of persuasion underlie the creation of meanings or misunderstandings in society.

Culture Figures: A Rhetorical Reading of Anthropology (Studies in Rhetoric and Culture #10)

by Michał Mokrzan

Ethnographic research, anthropological theory, and the understanding of the objects of inquiry, are co-created through figuration (using tropes and rhetorical figures) and techniques of persuasion. Delving into descriptive ethnography and theoretical texts spanning across classical monographs and recent texts in cultural anthropology, Culture Figures places rhetoric and rhetoricity as central to the discipline’s self-understanding. It focuses on how understandings of ‘culture’ and social life are shaped and conveyed in cultural anthropology through textual rhetoric. The book demonstrates how processes of using tropes and modes of persuasion underlie the creation of meanings or misunderstandings in society.

The Anthropocene and its Future: The Challenges of Accelerating Social and Ecological Change

by Karl Bruckmeier

This book analyses the complex social and ecological processes of the Great Acceleration, the Great Transformation, and sustainable development that shape the future of the global society in the twenty-first century. The first process takes place for a longer time, the second over the past thirty years, with attempts to build a sustainable economy and society in the global policy of sustainable development. The processes and their interaction will be discussed with knowledge from inter- and transdisciplinary transformation research, social and political ecology, and theories of modern society. The guiding theoretical concepts for the social-ecological transformation will be clarified: the concepts of acceleration, transformation, and sustainable development, and the societal and ecological processes they include. To obtain a more detailed picture of the changes in the global social-ecological system, different parts of the global transformation, the digital transformation, the transformation of food systems, and the transformation of modes of living in the social lifeworld are described to show the complex changes in the epoch of the Anthropocene more concretely. The global change processes in society and nature are caused by human forces but are difficult to control through policy and governance. With the interdisciplinary integration of concepts and knowledge, it becomes possible to provide a more detailed picture, of the difficulties to achieve a sustainable future society.

One Hundred Years of Argonauts: Malinowski, Ethnography and Economic Anthropology (Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy #13)

by Deborah James Chris Hann

Malinowski’s Argonauts of the Western Pacific was a major contribution to anthropological theory and method, while simultaneously establishing the sub-field of economic anthropology. Even a century after its publication, Malinowski’s pioneering work remains critical for anthropology in a postcolonial age. This volume uses ethnographic studies from around the world to contextualize the work politically and intellectually, examining its gestation and influence from multiple perspectives. It critically explores the meaning of “economy” for Malinowski from his formation in the Austro-Hungarian Empire to his path-breaking fieldwork in Melanesia and ensuing career in London.

One Hundred Years of Argonauts: Malinowski, Ethnography and Economic Anthropology (Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy #13)

by Deborah James Chris Hann

Malinowski’s Argonauts of the Western Pacific was a major contribution to anthropological theory and method, while simultaneously establishing the sub-field of economic anthropology. Even a century after its publication, Malinowski’s pioneering work remains critical for anthropology in a postcolonial age. This volume uses ethnographic studies from around the world to contextualize the work politically and intellectually, examining its gestation and influence from multiple perspectives. It critically explores the meaning of “economy” for Malinowski from his formation in the Austro-Hungarian Empire to his path-breaking fieldwork in Melanesia and ensuing career in London.

The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880 (New Perspectives on Central and Eastern European Studies #5)

by Borbala Zsuzsanna Török

The formation of modern European states during the long 19th century was a complicated process, challenged by the integration of widely different territories and populations. The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880 builds on recent research to investigate the history of statistics as an overlooked part of the sciences of the state in Habsburg legal education as well as within the broader public sphere. By exploring the practices and social spaces of statistics, author Borbála Zsuzsanna Török uncovers its central role in imagining the composite Habsburg Monarchy as a modern and unified administrative space.

Positive Psychologie - Erfolgsgarant oder Schönmalerei?

by Michael Tomoff

Positive Psychologie - Erfolgsgarant oder Schönmalerei? Entdecken Sie die Doppelkante der Positiven Psychologie: Ein Schlüssel zu mehr persönlichem und beruflichem Erfolg oder doch nur eine rosarote Brille? Diplom-Psychologe Michael Tomoff entführt Sie in eine Welt, die sowohl die glänzenden als auch die schattigen Seiten dieser bewegenden Wissenschaft beleuchtet. Das vorliegende Buch ist weit mehr als ein Glücksratgeber. Es ist eine fundierte, kritische und dennoch humorvolle Untersuchung der Positiven Psychologie, die sich sowohl an Lehrer, Eltern, Führungskräfte, Mitarbeiter, Coaches und auch Trainer richtet – egal ob Laien oder Experten. Mit einem klaren Blick auf die wissenschaftliche Basis und die praktische Anwendung beleuchtet der Autor die Mythen und Missverständnisse rund um die Wissenschaft des Wohlbefindens: Macht Geld glücklich? Sind Eltern zufriedener als Kinderlose? Welche Rolle spielen Schuld und Scham bei der Kindererziehung? Wie kann die Positive Psychologie die Schule oder das Unternehmen von morgen unterstützen und formen? Und sollte sie das überhaupt? Durch die elegante, mundgerechte Zusammenfassung aktueller Forschungen, die Vorstellung leicht umsetzbarer Übungen, Tools und Interventionen sowie die Erörterung der Relevanz der Positiven Psychologie in verschiedenen Kulturen und Lebensbereichen bietet dieses Buch einen umfassenden Überblick und praktische Anleitungen. Erfahren Sie, wie die Positive Psychologie in Schulen, Unternehmen und im persönlichen Leben konkret Anwendung finden kann, und welche Vorteile sie bietet. Michael Tomoff ist nicht nur ein erfahrener Psychologe, sondern auch ein leidenschaftlicher Botschafter für das Potenzial der Positiven Psychologie, das Wohlstand und Wohlbefinden zu fördern und dabei realistisch und kritisch zu bleiben. Mit seiner Ausbildung an der University of California in Berkeley und seiner breiten Erfahrung als Trainer, Berater und systemischer Coach bringt ereine einzigartige Perspektive und eine Fülle von praktischen Einsichten in dieses fesselnde Werk ein. In seinem Blog „Was Wäre Wenn“ gibt er wichtige Impulse zu einer Vielzahl von Themen wie Dankbarkeit, Komplimenten, dem Nein-Sagen, Grenzensetzen oder auch stärkenfokussierter Führung.

Ernesto Laclau: Pädagogische Lektüren

by Ralf Mayer Steffen Wittig Julia Sperschneider

Der Band diskutiert ausgewählte Positionen der Theoriebildung Ernesto Laclaus, die in den letzten Jahren im Kontext demokratietheoretischer Debatten zwar in politik-, kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Feldern rezipiert wurde, deren Aufnahme in erziehungswissenschaftlichen Debatten aber eher als ‚handverlesen‘ bezeichnet werden könnte. Die Rezeption beschränkt sich häufig auf spezifische Einsätze rund um die gemeinsam mit Chantal Mouffe in Hegemonie und radikale Demokratie entwickelte und an Antonio Gramsci ansetzende Hegemonietheorie. Dass Laclaus Perspektiven jedoch eine Vielzahl produktiver Anschlüsse und Irritationen für unterschiedliche pädagogische Frage- und Problemstellungen beinhalten, verdeutlichen die hier versammelten Beiträge rund um transdisziplinäre Spannungsverhältnisse von Politik, Bildung und Pädagogik, von Artikulation und Repräsentation, von Ontologie und Identität oder im Kontext aktueller Sichtweisen auf Inklusion, Solidarität, Migration, pädagogische Beziehungen und Professionalität.

The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880 (New Perspectives on Central and Eastern European Studies #5)

by Borbala Zsuzsanna Török

The formation of modern European states during the long 19th century was a complicated process, challenged by the integration of widely different territories and populations. The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880 builds on recent research to investigate the history of statistics as an overlooked part of the sciences of the state in Habsburg legal education as well as within the broader public sphere. By exploring the practices and social spaces of statistics, author Borbála Zsuzsanna Török uncovers its central role in imagining the composite Habsburg Monarchy as a modern and unified administrative space.

One Hundred Years of Argonauts: Malinowski, Ethnography and Economic Anthropology (Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy #13)

by Chris Hann and Deborah James

Malinowski’s Argonauts of the Western Pacific was a major contribution to anthropological theory and method, while simultaneously establishing the sub-field of economic anthropology. Even a century after its publication, Malinowski’s pioneering work remains critical for anthropology in a postcolonial age. This volume uses ethnographic studies from around the world to contextualize the work politically and intellectually, examining its gestation and influence from multiple perspectives. It critically explores the meaning of “economy” for Malinowski from his formation in the Austro-Hungarian Empire to his path-breaking fieldwork in Melanesia and ensuing career in London.

Culture Figures: A Rhetorical Reading of Anthropology (Studies in Rhetoric and Culture #10)

by Michał Mokrzan

Ethnographic research, anthropological theory, and the understanding of the objects of inquiry, are co-created through figuration (using tropes and rhetorical figures) and techniques of persuasion. Delving into descriptive ethnography and theoretical texts spanning across classical monographs and recent texts in cultural anthropology, Culture Figures places rhetoric and rhetoricity as central to the discipline’s self-understanding. It focuses on how understandings of ‘culture’ and social life are shaped and conveyed in cultural anthropology through textual rhetoric. The book demonstrates how processes of using tropes and modes of persuasion underlie the creation of meanings or misunderstandings in society.

The Politics of Relations: How Self-Government, Infrastructures, and Care Transform the State in Serbia (EASA Series #49)

by André Thiemann

Rethinking the contributions of the Manchester School of Social Anthropology for political ethnography, the Politics of Relations elaborates its relational approach to the state along four interlaced axes of research – embeddedness, boundary work, modalities and strategic selectivity – that enable thick comparisons across spatio-temporal scales of power. In Serbia local experiences of self-government, infrastructure and care motivate its citizens to “become the state” while cursing it heartily. While both officials and citizens strive for a state that enables a “normal life,” they navigate the increasingly illiberal politics enacted by national parties and which are tolerated by trans-national donors.

A Human-Centered Perspective of Intelligent Personalized Environments and Systems (Human–Computer Interaction Series)

by Marko Tkalčič Panagiotis Germanakos Bruce Ferwerda Mark Graus

This book investigates the potential of combining the more quantitative - data-driven techniques with the more qualitative - theory-driven approaches towards the design of user-centred intelligent systems. It seeks to explore the potential of incorporating factors grounded in psychological theory into adaptive/intelligent routines, mechanisms, technologies and innovations. It highlights models, methods and tools that are emerging from their convergence along with challenges and lessons learned. Special emphasis is placed on promoting original insights and paradigms with respect to latest technologies, current research trends, and innovation directions, e.g., incorporating variables derived from psychological theory and individual differences in adaptive intelligent systems so as to increase explainability, fairness, and transparency, and decrease bias during interactions while the control remains with the user.

Asian Lives in Anthropological Perspective: Essays on Morality, Achievement and Modernity (WYSE Series in Social Anthropology #16)

by Susan Bayly

Contemporary Asian societies bear the imprint of the experience and afterlives of colonialism, revolutionary socialism and religious and secular nationalism in dramatically contrasting ways. Asian Lives in Anthropological Perspective draws together essays that demonstrate the role of these far-reaching transformations in the shaping of two Asian settings in particular – India and Vietnam. It traces historical and contemporary realities through a variety of compelling topics including the lived experience of India’s caste system and the ethical challenges faced by Vietnamese working women.

Leadership and Collaboration in Workplace Discourse: From Field to Application (Communicating in Professions and Organizations)

by Małgorzata Chałupnik

This book presents a comprehensive examination of how leadership and collaboration are discursively performed in professional communication, using real-world data from a UK public sector IT team. Taking an auto-ethnographic approach to workplace talk, the author examines the language involved in the performance of different team-based professional roles, examining how professional identity and relationships are indexed through casual face-to-face talk in an office environment. This investigation of how a group of people come together in an effort to achieve shared workplace goals relates to key debates in the area of professional communication, putting forward new theoretical and methodological frameworks for understanding and analysing how person-orientated aspects of professional communication shape discourses of work. This book appeals to a wide and interdisciplinary audience, including advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students, academics and researchers specialising in applied linguistics broadly, and professional communication in particular, as well as consultants and practitioners working across a wide range of professional sectors.

HCI in Games: 6th International Conference, HCI-Games 2024, Held as Part of the 26th HCI International Conference, HCII 2024, Washington, DC, USA, June 29–July 4, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14730)

by Xiaowen Fang

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on HCI in Games, held as part of the 26th International Conference, HCI International 2024, which took place in Washington DC, USA, during June 29 - July 4, 2024. The total of 1271 papers and 309 posters included in the HCII 2024 proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 5108 submissions. The two volume set of HCI-Games 2024 proceedings were organized in the following topical sections: Volume 14730: Part I: Game Design and Gamification; Part II: Game-based Learning; Part III: Games and Artificial Intelligence Volume 14731: Part I: Advancing Education Through Serious Games; Part II: Player Experience and Engagement

Gestaltungsprinzipien für den Erwerb von TPACK in der Lehrkräftebildung: Eine empirisch-explorative Längsschnittbefragung von Lehramtsstudierenden

by Danny Dignaß

Die voranschreitende Digitalisierung unserer Lebenswelt stellt die traditionelle Lehrkräfteausbildung in Deutschland vor die Herausforderung, sich den Veränderungen anzupassen und den steigenden Anforderungen im Umgang mit digitalen Medien gerecht zu werden. Dieses Buch konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung und Förderung von digitalisierungsbezogenen Kompetenzen und Einstellungen sowie der unterrichtlichen Nutzungshäufigkeit digitaler Medien bei Lehramtsstudierenden. Am konkreten Beispiel der Technischen Universität Dortmund werden dabei Zusammenhänge zwischen spezifischen Gestaltungsprinzipien digitalisierungsbezogener Lehr-Lernangebote für angehende Lehrkräfte und dem TPACK-Konzept erforscht. Die Untersuchung basiert auf einer umfassenden Auswertung quantitativer und qualitativer Daten aus den Sommersemestern 2021 und 2023. Im Zentrum dieser Arbeit steht die Bereitstellung einer evidenzbasierten Orientierung für die Vorbereitung von Lehramtsstudierenden auf einen effektiven Einsatz digitaler Medien in schulischen Lehr-Lernprozessen in der Digitalität.

The World of the Japanese Mind: Conformity and Seken (SpringerBriefs in Sociology)

by Noriatsu Matsui

This book investigates the source from which the pressure to conform arises in Japanese society. Even though the contemporary Japanese word for “society” (Shakai) has a history of 140 years, it does not include the concept of respecting the individual but refers mainly to social frameworks and institutional aspects. At the same time, the traditional Japanese terms for “society”, primarily Seken, that have been in use for 1,400 years have embraced human relationships of the members of the group.The hypothesis of this book is that there is no “society” as such in Japanese people’s minds. By proposing a new model (the Hand-Carved Tripod Model) of conformity in Japan, the book shows the structure of the pressure to conform. The tripod is composed of ambiguous words, the sense of belonging, and the “air”, or understanding, that represents the unwritten rules and regulations of Seken.Conformity in Japanese people’s minds takesdifferent forms, from small residential groups to corporations at work, and to nationwide associations, but always dictates that people follow everyone else in the organization.This book examines the sense of being blocked in Japan that has prevailed over 30 years, during the period of the so-called Three Lost Decades in Japan. Examining phenomena such as low worker engagement, karoshi (death by overwork), high middle-age male suicide rates, bullying in school and at work, sex discrimination, hereditary membership in the Diet, and failure to provide adequate protection for whistle-blowers, this book reveals a common structure in Japanese minds: lack of respect for individuality, and the traditional and narrow sense of the world, i.e., Seken.This book will be beneficial to scholars and graduate students as well as to businesspeople who are interested in understanding the behavior and minds of Japanese people from the psychological,cultural, and historical viewpoints. It provides an integrated view of Japan’s Seken as the platform that generates their conformity.

Leadership Matters in Catholic Education: Part 1: Foundations and Case Studies for the United Kingdom (Catholic Education Globally: Challenges and Opportunities #2)

by Quentin Wodon Sean Whittle

This edited collection is the first part of a two-volume set., which focuses on leadership in Catholic education settings in the United Kingdom. It includes an overview of the importance of different types of leadership, including ‘servant-leadership’, in understanding and framing Catholic school practice, a critical survey of why leadership matters to ensuring the success of Catholic education, and a discussion of what counts as the defining characteristics of leadership in Catholic education and how this relates to the aims or philosophy of Catholic education. The chapters in this book draw from the insights and experiences of serving Catholic school leaders as well as from academics and researchers in Catholic education studies. The final two chapters provide a comparative analysis for the United Kingdom in a global perspective using data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) . Together, the chapters argue that there is an urgent need to find, nurture, and sustain outstanding leaders for Catholic schools and colleges.

Kritische Pädagogik und Bildungsforschung: Anschlüsse an Paulo Freire (Kritische Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft)

by Rita Braches-Chyrek Joachim Schroeder Wassilios Baros Solvejg Jobst

Der Band greift theoretische und methodische Ansätze Paulo Freires auf, dessen Kampf für Gerechtigkeit und Solidarität beispielhaft für eine radikale Kritik am bestehenden, postkolonialen neoliberalen System ist. In der Auseinandersetzung mit Freires Position der kritischen Erziehungswissenschaft eröffnen sich neue, die bisherigen Grenzen überschreitende Möglichkeiten.

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