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Social Dialogue and Democracy in the Workplace: Trade Union and Employer Perspectives from Turkey

by Erdem Cam

This book focuses on the experience of social dialogue in Turkey, which is a European Union candidate country. It argues that social dialogue constitutes one of the fundamental pillars of European social model and therefore should be analysed not only at the supranational level but also at the national, sectoral and workplace levels. The book critically examines social dialogue processes and mechanisms in Turkey at various levels, with focus on the workplace because it is shaped by socio-cultural elements which contain many variables. The book also identifies the shortcomings and structural impediments of social dialogue, and provides an empirically grounded theoretical explanation of social dialogue in Turkey. In the process, the book explains and clarifies key concepts to help readers grasp important points relevant to social dialogue, and contains interviews with social partners to take into consideration their views and recommendations on social dialogue. These in-depth interviews also provide a rare insight into the dynamics of social dialogue on the ground. By looking at social dialogue at various levels, the book offers a balanced view of its strengths and weaknesses in Turkey. This book is a valuable tool for students, academics and researchers interested in understanding the complex dynamics of social dialogue and workplace relations in Turkey.

The Sociotechnical Constitution of Resilience: A New Perspective on Governing Risk and Disaster

by Sulfikar Amir

This book considers the concept of resilience in a global society where coping with the consequence and long term impact of crisis and disaster challenges the capacity of communities to bounce back in the event of severe disruption. Catastrophic events such as the 9.11 terrorist attack, the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and the volcano eruption in Central Java entailed massive devastation on physical infrastructures, and caused significant social and economic damage. This book considers how the modern sociotechnological system facilitating human activity defines how societies survive and whether a crisis will be short-lived or prolonged. Drawing on the concept of sociotechnical resilience, this book closely examines a range of events North America, Asia, Australia, and Europe. By presenting the successes and failures of sociotechnical resilience, it offers important insights and practical lessons to build better and comprehensive understandings of resilience in a real-world setting, significantly contributing to the study of disaster resilience.

The Sociotechnical Constitution of Resilience: A New Perspective on Governing Risk and Disaster

by Sulfikar Amir

This book considers the concept of resilience in a global society where coping with the consequence and long term impact of crisis and disaster challenges the capacity of communities to bounce back in the event of severe disruption. Catastrophic events such as the 9.11 terrorist attack, the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and the volcano eruption in Central Java entailed massive devastation on physical infrastructures, and caused significant social and economic damage. This book considers how the modern sociotechnological system facilitating human activity defines how societies survive and whether a crisis will be short-lived or prolonged. Drawing on the concept of sociotechnical resilience, this book closely examines a range of events North America, Asia, Australia, and Europe. By presenting the successes and failures of sociotechnical resilience, it offers important insights and practical lessons to build better and comprehensive understandings of resilience in a real-world setting, significantly contributing to the study of disaster resilience.

Dynamic Learning Spaces in Education

by Veena Kapur Sudipta Ghose

This volume discusses the need for a major paradigm shift in educational practice in the current digital and globalized world. It establishes a bridge between theory and praxis and revisits the objectives of learning and its modalities within the context of a rapidly evolving global world order. This volume includes perspectives from different countries on creating a dynamic and adaptive education system that encourages creativity, leadership, flexibility, and working in virtual as well as inclusive environments. The four sections include chapters that discuss creating meaningful learning environments, preparing teachers for new age classrooms, the digital learning space, fostering change in classrooms, and importantly also includes cases and experiments from schools. The authors are teacher educators, teachers and researchers, and each chapter, while being deeply rooted in theory, is juxtaposed with informed practice, making the suggestions easy to implement in different settings. This is an important resource for researchers and practitioners associated with education systems in creating engaging, meaningful and future-ready education practices.

Urban Chinese Daughters: Navigating New Roles, Status and Filial Obligation in a Transitioning Culture (St Antony's Series)

by Patricia O'Neill

The lives of urban Chinese daughters have changed. Education and employment have propelled them from dependency to self-sufficiency, resulting in new attitudes and lifestyles. However, traditional filial obligation has remained. This book asks why it continues and how it is currently discharged, focusing on the emotion work daughters do to sustain the parent relationship, deal with conflict and maintain their self-esteem.Based on interviews with women living in Hong Kong, Singapore and mainland China, the book further explores whether the structural or relational motivations underpinning support and care may be less important than the standards daughters impose on themselves; why care may be discontinued or not undertaken in the first place; why care provided to parents may be different from in-laws, and the importance of domestic helpers to the modern caregiving paradigm.To undertake this exploration, a typology of support and care was created, allowing for the first time to distinguish between what daughters do for healthy parents and in-laws versus parents who require temporary or full time care, specifically addressing how providing support and care affects the daughters’ well-being.

Urban Chinese Daughters: Navigating New Roles, Status and Filial Obligation in a Transitioning Culture (St Antony's Series)

by Patricia O'Neill

The lives of urban Chinese daughters have changed. Education and employment have propelled them from dependency to self-sufficiency, resulting in new attitudes and lifestyles. However, traditional filial obligation has remained. This book asks why it continues and how it is currently discharged, focusing on the emotion work daughters do to sustain the parent relationship, deal with conflict and maintain their self-esteem.Based on interviews with women living in Hong Kong, Singapore and mainland China, the book further explores whether the structural or relational motivations underpinning support and care may be less important than the standards daughters impose on themselves; why care may be discontinued or not undertaken in the first place; why care provided to parents may be different from in-laws, and the importance of domestic helpers to the modern caregiving paradigm.To undertake this exploration, a typology of support and care was created, allowing for the first time to distinguish between what daughters do for healthy parents and in-laws versus parents who require temporary or full time care, specifically addressing how providing support and care affects the daughters’ well-being.

Inequality in Public School Admission in Urban China: Discourses, Practices and New Solutions (Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects #43)

by Jing Liu

This book explores and interprets discourses and practices in school admissions to public lower secondary education in urban China by utilizing a discourse analysis approach and a case study method. It identifies continuities and changes in discourses shaped by diverse forces in public lower secondary school admissions in the context of China’s social transformation from a profit-driven society to a more equitable society, and elucidates the power relationships among stakeholders in public school admissions by analysing their interplay in the process. More importantly, it exposes how current socio-economic, institutional and educational systems are shaping the engagement of stakeholders in the public school admissions process. It also presents some on-going projects intended to yield new policies and practices for more equitable public secondary education in China in the development stage of the post-2015.

Disaster Risk Reduction: Community Resilience and Responses

by Bupinder Zutshi Akbaruddin Ahmad Ananda Babu Srungarapati

This book discusses the interconnected, complex and emerging risks in today’s societies and deliberates on the various aspects of disaster risk reduction strategies especially through community resilience and responses. It consists of selected papers presented at the World Congress on Disaster Management, which focused on community resilience and responses towards disaster risk reduction based on South Asian experiences, and closely examines the coordinated research activities involving all stakeholders, especially the communities at risk. Further, it narrates the experiences of disaster risk-reduction in different communities that have policy implications for mitigation of future disaster risks in the societies affected by these types of disasters. Written from the social science perspective to disasters rather than an engineering approach, the book helps development and governance institutions to prioritize disasters as a problem of development rather than being parallel to it.

Discretionary Police Powers to Punish: A Case Study of Victoria’s Banning Notice Provisions (SpringerBriefs in Criminology)

by Clare Farmer

This book uses an Australian case study to shine a much-needed spotlight on discretionary police powers to punish, and their implications for justice and human rights. It offers a revealing analysis of the problematic rationales that secured the legislative passage of banning notice provisions through the State Parliament of Victoria, Australia in 2007, which occurred amidst similar developments in other jurisdictions across the world: in the UK, New Labour’s “tough on crime” initiative in the 1990s, responses to the post 9/11 terror threat, and more recent lockout laws in Sydney, Australia. The Victorian case study offers a range of datasets including Hansard parliamentary debates, Victoria Police data, media coverage and interviews with magistrates. This material provides critical insights into the broader consequences of discretionary police powers, including their effect upon the separation of powers, individual rights, and the steady and largely unchecked proliferation of discretionary police powers across most Australian jurisdictions. On the tenth anniversary of these first Victorian on-the-spot banning powers, this Brief provides a sound basis for subsequent criminological explorations of the effectiveness of banning in tackling issues of disorder, deterrence and punishment, and of the broader challenge of balancing individual rights and community protection.

Small Business, Big Society

by Rupert Hodder

This book considers how small businesses stir up changes in social relationships and what these changes mean for wider society. From this emerges a challenging and provocative discussion on the problems facing both the developing and developed worlds. Development, it argues, is written into social relationships and growth follows attempts to avoid the market’s degenerative effects. What this discussion means for development practice, and for thought in the social sciences more generally, is also considered. If there is a watchword for development practice, then it is acceptance – acceptance of more social, less prescriptive, and far more experimental modes of working. As for the implications of these ideas for social science, these may be described well enough as an economy of ontology.

Rethinking the Curriculum: The Epistle To The Romans As A Pedagogic Text

by Orlando Nang Ho

This book is an inter-disciplinary endeavour. Encompassing education and basic research, it discusses the modular-curriculum embodied in The Epistle from educational, historical, sociolinguistic, anthropological, phenomenological, and non-sectarian perspectives. It shows the cross-boundary philosophical reasoning and pedagogic dimensions of St. Paul as a great teacher and thinker from the Jewish-and-Christian faith. In doing so, this book refocuses academia’s attention on the inevitable antimonic nature inherent in humans’ efforts to create systemic knowledge. Knowledge about the inner aesthetic and volitional-interpretative self – the immanent psychic “I” – and other philosophical aspects of the realm of the transcendental should be rescued from the deepening trends of secularity. Being strong, powerful, productive, and performative should not be taken as the indisputable and exclusive aim of education. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) do not constitute a sufficient basis for building a better humanity. Education via public curriculums ought to serve both the belly and the mind. Deliberative curricular recalibrations, with rationales for grace, are thus needed for a better future for humanity....This book is relevant for anyone with a core fascination about truths, values, epistemologies, life, spirituality, and holistic human development. It can also be used as a textbook or a reference in a number of fields including counselling, psychology, translation, cultural studies, and theology.

Collaborative Value Co-creation in the Platform Economy (Translational Systems Sciences #11)

by Anssi Smedlund Arto Lindblom Lasse Mitronen

This book offers a service science perspective on platform orchestration and on collaborative consumption, providing an overview of research topics related to service dominant logic in multi-sided markets. The chapters give an international and multi-disciplinary overview of the current topics of digital service platforms from many angles. This overview helps in filling the gap between service science and recent research of the platform economy and paves the way for future service platform research. Open standards and distributed databases such as blockchain configurations increase the connectivity of business ecosystems as devices and systems exchange data with each other instead of through intermediaries. This exchange opens up opportunities for new value constellations, makes services globally scalable, and connects local service systems as integrated systems of systems. The book brings together established academics from a number of disciplines. This collaboration makes it possible to provide novel constructs and empirical results that help the reader to understand how value is co-created and orchestrated in the era of digital service platforms. In addition to theory building, practical implications for wider managerial and policy use are highlighted. The topics in this book are related to service platform technologies; organizational capabilities; and strategies and management in the contexts of retail, healthcare, and the public sector. A wide selection of case studies is used to demonstrate the implications of platforms for different service and economic contexts. Combining both theory and practice, this book is highly recommended for readers interested in the service and marketing point of view on the platform economy and for practitioners strategizing for scalable service platforms.Chapters 4 and 10 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Group Model Building: Using Systems Dynamics to Achieve Enduring Agreement (SpringerBriefs in Operations Research)

by Rodney Scott

This book describes the cognitive and interpersonal effects of group model building, and presents empirical research on what group model building achieves and how. Further, it proposes an integrated causal mechanism for the effects on participants. There have been multiple previous attempts at explaining the effects of group model building on participants, and this book integrates these various theories for the first time.The causal mechanisms described here suggest a variety of design elements that should be included in group model building practice. For example, practitioners typically try to reduce complexity for clients, to make the process feel more accessible. In contrast, the findings presented here suggest that the very act of muddling through complexity increases participants’ affective commitment to the group and the decisions made.The book also describes implications for theory and practice. System dynamics has traditionally been interested in using technical modeling processes to make policy recommendations. Group model building demonstrates that these same techniques also have implications for group decision making as a method for negotiating agreement. The book argues for the value of group model building as a mediating or negotiating tool, rather than merely a positivist tool for technical problems.

Chinese Consumers: Exploring the World's Largest Demographic

by Ashok Sethi

This book offers a comprehensive analysis of Chinese consumers from multiple perspectives, from the megatrends to their values and psychological changes. The book examines in detail the digital and mobile transformation of the consumers, the way their lifestyle, social interactions and shopping habits have changed, and the opportunities they offer to marketers. The analysis and insights are based on the author’s first-hand observations of the metamorphosis of the consumers and consumption in China over the last fifteen years.

Reclaiming Cities as Spaces of Middle Class Parenthood (The Contemporary City)

by Johanna Lilius

For nearly a century families have been out-migrating to suburbs and peri-urban areas. In this book, Johanna Lilius conceptualizes the relatively recent phenomenon of families choosing to live in the inner city. Drawing on a range of qualitative data, the book offers a holistic approach to simultaneously understanding changes within parenting practices and changes connected to city development. The book explains not only why families choose to stay in the inner city and how they use the city in their everyday lives, but also how families change the landscape of contemporary cities, and how the family is, and has been, perceived in urban planning and policy-making. The Nordic perspective provided by Lilius makes this book an important contribution in helping understand inner city change outside the Anglo-American context, and will appeal to an international audience.

Transnational Tourism Experiences at Gallipoli

by Jim McKay

This book offers a fresh account of the Anzac myth and the bittersweet emotional experience of Gallipoli tourists. Challenging the straightforward view of the Anzac obsession as a kind of nationalistic military Halloween, it shows how transnational developments in tourism and commemoration have created the conditions for a complex, dissonant emotional experience of sadness, humility, anger, pride and empathy among Anzac tourists. Drawing on the in-depth testimonies of travellers from Australia and New Zealand, McKay shines a new and more complex light on the history and cultural politics of the Anzac myth. As well as making a ground breaking, empirically-based intervention into the culture wars, this book offers new insights into the global memory boom and transnational developments in backpacker tourism, sports tourism and “dark” or “dissonant” tourism.

The Sociology of Chinese Capitalism in Southeast Asia: Challenges and Prospects

by Yos Santasombat

Set within the context of ASEAN integration, this book considers how Capitalism from China interacts with the ASEAN Economic Community, considering the issue from a variety of sociological, cultural and economic perspectives. It examines some of the creative strategies – de-sinicization, re-sinicization and re-balancing – employed by local Chinese communities and ASEAN countries to cope with the pressures of Chinese capitalism. The book addresses the phenomenon of Chinese ethnic economic migration, particularly the social capital of being Chinese in South East Asia, as well as community building, the interplay between domestic politics and globalization, and the rise of Chinese tourism related entrepreneurship.

Positive Schooling and Child Development: International Perspectives

by Sibnath Deb

This volume discusses the importance of positive schooling in producing responsible and potentially productive adults. Students are generally more motivated to do well and to realize their full potential in schools that have a positive schooling climate, where they feel safe, included and supported. Nevertheless, the reality in today's schools is very different. This volume discusses the major challenges faced by children and adolescents in schools, including problems with curricula, safety issues, lack of inclusive policies, non-availability of teachers, ineffective teaching, insensitivity towards students’ issues, improper evaluation methods, harmful disciplinary measures, and so on. Experts in child psychology and education discuss these issues at length in this volume and offer viable solutions for policymakers, school administrators, teachers and parents to make suitable changes and create a positive atmosphere in educational institutions. This volume further discusses the role of various stakeholders---school principals, teachers, counsellors and psychologists---in addressing these challenges. In addition, it raises other, emerging issues which have not been covered in previous volumes on this topic and offers evidence-based suggestions to address them. The intended readership of the volume is researchers and students of psychology, education, sociology, social work and public health, and school teachers, administrators and teacher-trainers.

Paths to Parenthood: Emotions on the Journey through Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Early Parenting

by Renata Kokanović Paula A. Michaels Kate Johnston-Ataata

This interdisciplinary book explores the affective dimensions of becoming a parent, traversing the life-cycle journey of pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenting. Bringing together researchers from sociology, history, feminist studies, cultural studies, general medicine, and psychiatry, Paths to Parenthood analyses rich narratives that represent a diverse cross-section of parents, including migrants, same-sex couples, and single parents.

Paths to Parenthood: Emotions on the Journey through Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Early Parenting

by Renata Kokanović Paula A. Michaels Kate Johnston-Ataata

This interdisciplinary book explores the affective dimensions of becoming a parent, traversing the life-cycle journey of pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenting. Bringing together researchers from sociology, history, feminist studies, cultural studies, general medicine, and psychiatry, Paths to Parenthood analyses rich narratives that represent a diverse cross-section of parents, including migrants, same-sex couples, and single parents.

Knowledge, Politics and Policymaking in Indonesia

by Arnaldo Pellini Budiati Prasetiamartati Kharisma Priyo Nugroho Elisabeth Jackson Fred Carden

This edited volume examines key questions about evidence-informed policymaking in Indonesia. It draws on insights and evidence acquired through the implementation of the Knowledge Sector Initiative, a donor-funded programme that aims to increase the demand for and use of evidence in policymaking in Indonesia. Featuring contributions from academics, policy researchers, policymakers and development practitioners, the volume will deepen readers’ understanding of how knowledge and politics shape the policymaking process in Indonesia. As such, it will be of interest to Indonesian and international researchers, academics, students, practitioners and policymakers concerned with various aspects of evidence-informed policymaking research and processes. In particular, regional and international development practitioners and development partners interested in learning from Indonesia’s efforts to improve how evidence is used to address key development challenges will find this volume valuable.

The Asian Tsunami and Post-Disaster Aid

by Sunita Reddy

Through the lens of the Asian tsunami, this book problematizes concepts that are normally taken for granted in disaster discourse, including relief, recovery, reconstruction and rehabilitation. The unprecedented flow of humanitarian aid after the Asian tsunami, though well-intentioned, showed adverse effects and unintended consequences in the lives of people in the communities across nations. Aid led not only to widespread relief and recovery but also to an exacerbation of old forms of inequities and the creation of new ones arising from the prioritization, distribution and management of aid. This, in turn, led to the incongruity between the needs and expectations of the affected and the agendas of aid agencies and their various intermediaries. This book examines the long-term consequences of post-disaster aid by posing the following questions: What has the aid been expended on? Where has the aid primarily been expended, and how? And what were the unintended consequences of post-disaster aid for the communities? This topical volume is of interest to social scientists, human rights and law researchers and environmental scientists interested in disaster studies.

Rethinking Cultural-Historical Theory: A Dialectical Perspective to Vygotsky (Perspectives in Cultural-Historical Research #4)

by Manolis Dafermos

This book is an exploration of science in the making. It offers readers the opportunity to critically reflect on the process of development of Vygotsky's research program from the perspective of dialectics, focusing on the dramatic process of building and rebuilding cultural historical theory. Vygotsky's creative and dramatic journey is no less important than the concrete results of his research. An epistemological and historical investigation of the formulation of cultural historical theory sheds light on the process of knowledge production and reveals hidden dimensions of creativity in science.

Refugees, Citizenship and Belonging in South Asia: Contested Terrains

by Nasreen Chowdhory

This book examines forced migration of two refugees groups in South Asia. The author discusses the claims of “belonging” of refugees, and asserts that in practice “belonging” can extend beyond the state-centric understanding of membership in South Asian states. She addresses two sets of interrelated questions: what factors determine whether refugees are relocated to their home countries in South Asia, and why do some repatriated groups re-integrate more successfully than others in “post-peace” South Asian states? This book answers these questions through a study of refugees from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh who sought asylum in India and were later relocated to their countries of origin. Since postcolonial societies have a typical kind of state-formation, in South Asia’s case this has profoundly shaped questions of belonging and membership. The debate tends to focus on citizenship, making it a benchmark to demarcate inclusion and exclusion in South Asian states. In addition to qualitative analysis, this book includes narratives of Sri Lankan and Chakma refugees in post-conflict and post-peace Sri Lanka and Bangladesh respectively, and critiques the impact of macro policies from the bottom up.

Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Science, Technology and Social Sciences: Social Sciences (RCSTSS #2016)

by Mohd Yusri Mohamad Noor Badli Esham Ahmad Mohd Rozaidi Ismail Hasnizawati Hashim Mohd Amli Abdullah Baharum

This book features papers addressing a broad range of topics including psychology, religious studies, natural heritage, accounting, business, communication, education and sustainable development. It serves as a platform for disseminating research findings by academicians of local, regional and global prominence, and acts as a catalyst to inspire positive innovations in the development of the region. It is also a significant point of reference for academicians and students. This collection of selected social sciences papers is based on the theme “Soaring Towards Research Excellence”, presented at the Regional Conference of Sciences, Technology and Social Sciences (RCSTSS 2016), organised bi-annually by Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pahang, Malaysia.

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