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Spatial Justice in the City

In the context of increasing division and segregation in cities across the world, along with pressing concerns around austerity, environmental degradation, homelessness, violence, and refugees, this book pursues a multidisciplinary approach to spatial justice in the city. Spatial justice has been central to urban theorists in various ways. Intimately connected to social justice, it is a term implicated in relations of power which concern the spatial distribution of resources, rights and materials. Arguably there can be no notion of social justice that is not spatial. Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos has argued that spatial justice is the struggle of various bodies – human, natural, non-organic, technological – to occupy a certain space at a certain time. As such, urban planning and policy interventions are always, to some extent at least, about spatial justice. And, as cities become ever more unequal, it is crucial that urbanists address questions of spatial justice in the city. To this end, this book considers these questions from a range of disciplinary perspectives. Crossing law, sociology, history, cultural studies, and geography, the book’s overarching concern with how to think spatial justice in the city brings a fresh perspective to issues that have concerned urbanists for several decades. The inclusion of empirical work in London brings the political, social, and cultural aspects of spatial justice to life. The book will be of interest to academics and students in the field of urban studies, sociology, geography, planning, space law, and cultural studies.

Spiel und Bürgerlichkeit: Passagen des Spiels I (Edition Angewandte)

Spiele verändern sich. Sie sind der Wunsch- und Zerrspiegel jeder Gesellschaft, die sie spielt. In der Kultur der Bürgerlichkeit geraten viele Spiele in eine „Zone wachsamer Aufmerksamkeit" (D. Kühme) und sind einem vielgestaltigen kulturellen Transformationsprozess unterworfen: Spiele werden missliebig oder verboten, sie werden lehrreich und schön, ihre Obszönität wird domestiziert oder ihr Betrieb verstaatlicht."Spiel und Bürgerlichkeit" ist den Veränderungen in der Grammatik und Semantik der Spiele gewidmet. Die Beiträge reichen von Cardanos Theorie des Glücksspiels in der frühen Neuzeit, den Karten-, Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele im Bürgertum, dem Aufstieg und dem Verschwinden der Lotterien, über die Betrachtung der Geschlechterrollen im Spiel und der Funktion von Spielervereinigungen bis zur Analyse der Topografie und Architektur der Kasinos am Mississippi zu Zeiten Mark Twains.Ergänzt wird das Werk durch eine ausführliche Bild- und Lesestrecke, die Einschau ins Archiv der bürgerlichen Spiele nimmt und seltene Bilder und Textauszüge aus Spielebüchern und -traktaten der Zeit präsentiert.

Sport in the African World

Sport has been a component of African cultural life for several hundred years. In today’s globalized world, Africans and Africa have become a vital part of the international sporting landscape. This is the first book to attempt to survey the historical, contemporary and geographical breadth of that landscape, drawing on multidisciplinary scholarship from around the world. To gain an understanding of sport in Africa and its contributions to the global sports world, one must first consider the ways in which sport itself is a terrain of conflict and represents another symbolic territory to conquer. Addressing key themes such as colonialism, globalization, migration, apartheid, politics and international relations, sports media and broadcasting, ethnobranding, sports tourism and the African diaspora in Europe and the United States, this collection of original scholarship offers a significant contribution to this burgeoning field of research. Sport in the African World is fascinating reading for all students and scholars with an interest in sport studies, sport history, African history or African culture.

Sport, Performance and Sustainability (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

This book examines the logic of ‘faster, higher, and stronger’ and the technoscientific revolution that has driven tremendous growth in the sports economy and in sport performance over the last 100 years. It asks whether this logic needs revisiting in the light of the climate crisis and sport’s environmental responsibilities. Drawing on multi-disciplinary work in sport history, sport pedagogy, sport philosophy, sport science, and environmental history, the book considers not only how sportification may have contributed to the growing environmental impact of sport but also whether it might be used as a tool of positive social change. It reflects on the ways that sport sets performance limits for other ethical reasons, such as doping controls, and asks whether sport could or should set limits for environmental reasons too. Sport, Performance and Sustainability touches on key themes in sport studies, including digitisation, activism, social media, empowerment, youth sport, and physical education. This is fascinating reading for anybody with an interest in sport, the environment, development, sociology, or culture. Daniel Svensson is an Associate Senior Lecturer in Sport Management at the Department of Sport Sciences, Malmö University, Sweden. He has written several book chapters and articles about the relationship between sport, science, technology, and the environment. Erik Backman is an Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer in Pedagogy and Sport Sciences at the Department of Sport Sciences, School of Health and Welfare, Dalarna University, Sweden, and Associate Professor at the Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education, Faculty of Education and International Studies, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. His main research interest is in outdoor education, physical education, and sport pedagogy. Susanna Hedenborg is a Full Professor in Sport Sciences at Malmö University, Sweden, and the President of the Swedish Research Council for Sport Science. Hedenborg has a background in social and economic history and her sport research has focused on gender issues, children and youth sport, and equestrian sports. Sverker Sörlin is a Professor of Environmental History in the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, and a co-founder of the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory. His research is on the role of knowledge in environmentally informed modern societies and in research and innovation policies. Current research interests include the history of environmental climate governance.

Stadterneuerung in Klein- und Mittelstädten (Jahrbuch Stadterneuerung)

Die etwa 2.000 Klein- und Mittelstädte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil unseres Siedlungsnetzes. In ihnen lebt etwa die Hälfte der Einwohner des Landes. Zentrale Herausforderungen der Stadterneuerung in ihnen, wie der Struk¬turwandel in Handel und Gewerbe, der Verfall überkommener historischer Substanz, die Zunahme von Leerständen und Problemimmobilien und die allgemein sinkende Vitalität, werden häufig nicht aktiv genug bearbeitet. Vielerorts gibt es zwar sehr aktive Bürger*innen, die sich in Vereinen und informellen zivilgesellschaftlichen Netzwerken organisieren und intensiv in die Stadtentwicklung einbezogen werden wollen, doch Perspektivlosigkeit, Überalterung und Nachwuchsmangel und der Mangel an Ressourcen begrenzen oft ihre Möglichkeiten deutlich. Obwohl in den einzelnen Kommunen ein großer Wissens- und Erfahrungsschatz über neue Verfahren und Instrumente der Stadterneuerung vorhanden ist, sind gute Beispiele aus Klein- und Mittelstädten häufig wenig bekannt und wurden bisher nur in Ansätzen wissenschaftlich untersucht. Hier setzt der vorliegende Band mit seinem inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt auf der Situation der Stadterneuerung in Klein- und Mittel¬städten an. Neben eher grundsätzlichen Beiträgen widmet er sich auch Erfahrungen aus der Praxis in ganz unterschiedlichen Förderkontexten.

Stadterneuerung und Spekulation: Jahrbuch Stadterneuerung 2022/23 (Jahrbuch Stadterneuerung)

Was richten öffentliche Eingriffe gegen das Geschäft mit Boden und Immobilien aus? Diese Frage ist der Anlass für eine Bestandsaufnahme aus der Perspektive der Stadterneuerung – deren Umgang mit privaten Verwertungsinteressen, baulich-räumlicher Aufwertung und sozialer Verdrängung. Es wird ein Bogen gespannt von den Folgen globaler Finanzkrisen und den Raumpotenzialen in Städten über kommunale Strategien im Umgang mit Wohnungsfragen und den Handlungsstrategien wohnungswirtschaftlicher Akteure bis hin zu Regulierungsansätzen in Stadterneuerungsprozessen. Die Sammlung spannender Beiträge aus verschiedenen Disziplinen verknüpft in der Zusammenschau die Wohnungs- und Bodenfrage mit der Programmatik der Stadterneuerung.

State and Ideology in the Middle East and Pakistan

The rise of Arab nationalism and of militant Islam - most dramatically posed in the 1979 revolution in Iran - has made the role of ideology a central issue in modern Middle East politics. This book provides a broad-ranging comparative analysis of religious-political ideologies and casts new light on the conditions that produce them and enable them to prosper. It underlines both their independent force and their relationship to classes, state formation, social movements and the national and international economy.

States of Imitation: Mimetic Governmentality and Colonial Rule (Studies in Social Analysis #11)

Late Western colonialism often relied on the practice of imitating indigenous forms of rule in order to maintain power; conversely, indigenous polities could imitate Western sociopolitical forms to their own benefit. Drawing on historical ethnographic studies of colonialism in Asia and Africa, States of Imitation examines how the colonial state attempted to administer, control, and integrate its indigenous subjects through mimetic governmentality, as well the ways indigenous states adopted these imitative practices to establish reciprocal ties with, or to resist the presence of, the colonial state.

State–Society Relations around the World through the Lens of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Rapid Test (The COVID-19 Pandemic Series)

The collection examines state–society relations during the COVID-19 pandemic, from governance at the outset of the pandemic to vaccine rollouts, via a series of case studies from around the world. With a focus on the Global South, the book includes chapters on the experiences of – Angola, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Jamaica and Indonesia as well as contributions from the Global North – on Sweden, Canada, Czech Republic and New Zealand. The collection demonstrates that the effects of the pandemic can only be properly revealed by looking at the regional and local contexts in which states and societies experienced it. Contributors examine themes such as the nature of contemporary democracy, state capacity, the legitimacy of state institutions, and trust in government, questions of social solidarity, and forms and impacts of inequality. Focusing on national (or sub-national) cases, each chapter analyses the underlying forces and structures revealed when the authority of the state is brought to bear on the agency of citizens under emergency conditions. In doing so, contributors embed analysis of pandemic governance in the historical context of each country or region, highlighting how political choices, histories of the state’s treatment of citizens and the orientations of a region’s elites shaped the actions taken by the state. The book will be of interest to those looking to understand how the pandemic was interpreted, accepted, or contested at the local (national or sub-national) level and to those interested in state–society relations more generally. It will appeal to scholars and students interested in questions of pandemic government from a social scientific point of view and especially to those interested in perspectives from the Global South.

Statistische Datenanalyse im Journalismus: Fallstudien und wissenschaftliche Anforderungen zum Einsatz fortgeschrittener statistischer Methoden

Dieses Buch zeigt anhand von journalistischen Fallbeispielen, warum und wie fortgeschrittene statistische Analysemethoden eingesetzt werden können, um aussagekräftige journalistische Informationen aus Daten zu extrahieren. Gleichzeitig setzt das Buch einen Anforderungsrahmen für die datenjournalistische Arbeit bezüglich Datenkompetenz und -visualisierung, dem Einsatz von Algorithmen sowie daten-ethischen Anforderungen und der Überprüfung externer Studien. Ziel ist es, die Qualität und Aussagekraft datenjournalistischer Arbeiten zu verbessern, welche, neben der angemessenen Erfassung und Aufbereitung von Daten, wesentlich von einer adäquaten Datenanalyse abhängen. Aber wie statistisch arbeiten Datenjournalist:innen heute eigentlich? Und wie statistisch können oder sollten sie arbeiten, um den Ansprüchen ihrer Leserschaft in Sachen Verständlichkeit gerecht zu werden, auch mit Blick auf deren unterschiedliches mathematisch-statisches Vorwissen? Das Buch zielt darauf ab, diese Fragen zu beantworten, indem es weiterführende statistische Methoden anhand von Fallstudien untersucht. Es verdeutlicht, warum diese Methoden auch im journalistischen Kontext oftmals problemangemessener sind und tiefer gehende Erkenntnisse liefern als vereinfachte Analysen und Basismethoden. Die Fallstudien decken dabei die wichtigsten statistischen Methoden ab: Verteilungen und Tests, Klassifikation, Regression, Zeitreihenanalyse, Clusteranalyse, Analyse von sequentiellen Daten ohne direkten Zeitbezug, Verwendung von Vorwissen und geplante Studien.

Still the Age of Populism?: Re-examining Theories and Concepts

Still the Age of Populism? investigates current conceptions of populism and its relevance across the globe. Using contextualized case studies, cross-national comparisons, and theoretical interventions, this volume addresses key conceptual debates in comparative politics and political sociology.This essential volume brings together scholars from different traditions in political sociology, political science and cultural studies, and comparativists and area experts working on Latin America, Western and Eastern Europe, and the US. Chapters in the book employ innovative theoretical approaches to study aspects of populism in global comparative perspective whilst regional case studies, including Brazil, Venezuela, Germany, and the US, are utilised to explore populism in geographically specific contexts. In doing so, the volume addresses the key issues for those seeking to understand contemporary populism. What are the advantages and limits of the category of populism to understand contemporary debates on democratization and processes of democratic erosion? Under what structural, institutional, and cultural conditions does populism emerge? Is populism the nemesis of democracy, its shadow, or a path to move beyond “liberal democracy” towards “real democracy”? What lessons does the history of past populist moment hold for our understanding of contemporary populist governance? Under what conditions have populists in office led to political polarization and democratic erosion? What comes after populism, and how do societies deal with its legacies?Still the Age of Populism? will be of interest to a broad audience of students and scholars of political sociology and comparative politics.

Stirring It: Challenges for Feminism (Routledge Revivals)

First published in 1994 Stirring It debates the challenges which confront feminism and Women's Studies in the 1990s. In the face of current worldwide political and social upheavals, Stirring It poses questions about women, their bodies, their identities, and positions which need to be addressed by contemporary feminists. The chapters therefore challenge the orthodoxies and theories which are exploded by contemporary feminist practice. They raise new issues for feminist debate. The volume is divided into four sections: ‘Feminist Politics in Action’ investigates the inter-relationship between politics and action with reference to issues such as the women's movement in Britain and women's position in and in relation to Ireland; ‘Disrupting Sexual Identities’ provides critiques of heterosexuality, monogamy, and conceptualization of the female body; ‘Imaging and Imagining’ explores the politics of women's cultural production and ‘Women's Studies and Feminist Practice’ analyzes the often fraught connections between theory and practice. This is a must read for scholars and researchers of Women's Studies, Sociology, and Gender Studies.

Stories Changing Lives: Narratives and Paths toward Social Change (Explorations in Narrative Psychology)

Personal narrative and its significance for social change is a prominent topic in the psychological and wider social sciences. Yet while the importance of narrative for social change is commonly assumed by narrative researchers, no single text addresses it exclusively and from a variety of scholarly perspectives. Stories Changing Lives explores the strong and qualified significance of personal stories and how they catalyze and contribute to social change. The first of the book's three sections examines the embeddedness of personal narratives within larger narratives, and how these narratives shift towards justice. The second section considers how narrative language supports and generates social change. Finally, the concluding section addresses the ways in which re-narrations of the past taking place in the present, and narrations of the future using the present and past, impact social change. Stories Changing Lives sets out the theory and methodology underpinning a range of narrative projects that are committed to progressive change, delineating the strengths and limitations of that research. Chapters focus on projects in Africa, South and North America, and Europe, and bring to the fore the multiplicity of stories, narrative multimodalities, and the importance of intersectionality; they also highlight the interdisciplinarity, historical reach, and transnationalism of narrative research. This volume will further develop our understanding of generating narratives and pursuing social change as two intertwined processes that exemplify the personally and socially transformative characteristics of politics.

Strategic Thinking, Design and the Theory of Change: A Framework for Designing Impactful and Transformational Social Interventions

This book offers insights into how the Theory of Change framework can be effectively employed in a wide range of social interventions. Presenting its potential to support strategy and strategic thinking, this book offers an entry point to understanding how Theory of Change can be applied beyond the typical domain of aid projects.Written by leading scholars and practitioners in the field, the book applies a range of case studies to explore how Theory of Change can be implemented in projects and programmes on different scales. Bringing together cases from different geographic, social, economic and cultural contexts, it demonstrates how Theory of Change can be adapted and help projects to replicate, and showcases the different ways in which practitioners can utilize it.Strategic Thinking, Design and the Theory of Change will be essential reading for both professionals already working with Theory of Change and academics interested in strategy, organization studies, innovation management, design research and project management. Graduate and undergraduate students will also find the book’s practical approach and intensive use of case studies of value.

Strategies, Dispositions and Resources of Social Resilience: A Dialogue between Medieval Studies and Sociology

The concept of resilience, which originally emerged in psychology, has spread to numerous disciplines and was further developed particularly in social ecology. Resilience experiences an ongoing growing reception in the humanities and historical and social sciences as well, including heterogenic approaches on how to conceptually frame resilience. Common to these approaches is, that resilience becomes topical in the context of analysing phenomena and processes of the ‘resistibility’ of certain (socio-historical) units or actors which are perceived as being faced with various constellations of disruptive change. In this context, resilience is not only taken to mean the opposite of vulnerability, but at the same time, resilience and vulnerability are understood as complementary concepts. From this perspective, vulnerability is a necessary condition of resilience and vice versa. Against this background, the present volume provides a preliminary appraisal of socio-scientific and historical resilience research by assembling contributions of authors originating from different disciplines. Thus, it fosters an interdisciplinary discussion on the theoretical and analytical potentials as well as the empirical applicability of the concept of resilience. ContentsStrategies, Dispositions and Resources – Theoretical contributions • Medieval case studies • Reflections and General CommentsThe EditorsDr. Martin Endreß is Professor for General Sociology at the University of Trier.Dr. Lukas Clemens is Professor for Medieval History at the University of Trier.Dr. Benjamin Rampp is research assistant for General Sociology at the University of Trier.

Stress, Wellness, and Performance Optimization: Promoting Sustainable Performance in the Workplace

This volume examines the intertwined concepts of stress, performance, and wellness and offers insight and strategies for providing support to individuals and organizations for effective performance optimization. The book considers new constructs in the area of organizational stress and provides a comprehensive review of wellness as well as performance aspects, offering unique perspectives and empirical findings. The book first discusses organizational constraints and summarizes the many factors within workplaces that negate effective job performance (disruptions, lack of supplies, equipment, or training, etc.). It discusses well-being interventions, giving practical examples that combine theory and practice. The moderating effect of situation-specific support is considered as is the role of family and spirituality in creating resilience in leadership and organizations in different cultural contexts. New technology, such as wearable devices and computer-based software applications, are considered, highlighting their potential to provide employers with guidance as to how they can enable their employees to self-manage their wellness and productivity. Other topics include anxiety habit loops —how they are formed, their debilitating impact, and various strategies that can break these dysfunctional habit loops and replace them with more functional and constructive habits, better leading to reduced anxiety, stronger mental well-being and resilience; measuring work-life balance and life satisfaction; the effects of perceived organizational justice and generational cohort on burnout and self-efficacy and the association between burnout and self-efficacy; and more.

Strong Brands, Strong Relationships

From the editor team of the ground-breaking Consumer-Brand Relationships: Theory and Practice comes this new volume. Strong Brands, Strong Relationships is a collection of innovative research and management insights that build upon the foundations of the first book, but takes the study of brand relationships outside of traditional realms by applying new theoretical frameworks and considering new contexts. The result is an expanded and better-informed account of people’s relationships with brands and a demonstration of the important and timely implications of this evolving sub-discipline. A range of different brand relationship environments are explored in the collection, including: online digital spaces, consumer collectives, global brands, luxury brands, branding in terrorist organizations, and the brand relationships of men and transient consumers. This book attends to relationship endings as well as their beginnings, providing a full life-cycle perspective. While the first volume focused on positive relationship benefits, this collection explores dysfunctional dynamics, adversarial and politically-charged relationships, and those that are harmful to well-being. Evocative constructs are leveraged, including secrets, betrayals, anthropomorphism, lying, infidelity, retaliation, and bereavement. The curated collection provides both a deeper theoretical understanding of brand relationship phenomena and ideas for practical application from experiments and execution in commercial practice. Strong Brands, Strong Relationships will be the perfect read for marketing faculty and graduate students interested in branding dynamics, as well as managers responsible for stewarding brands.

Strukturanalyse der Gegenwart (René König Schriften. Ausgabe letzter Hand #12)

Strukturfragen und Funktionsprobleme der modernen Gesellschaft sind für René König ein Leitthema, das in den unterschiedlichsten Zusammenhängen immer wieder auftaucht, wenn er sich konkreten inhaltlichen Problemfeldern der Gesellschaft in einer soziologischen Gegenwartsanalyse zuwendet Dabei hat König keine systematische Strukturanalyse der Gesellschaft betrieben, auch hat er die Gesellschaft nicht einer abstrakten strukturell-funktionalen Betrachtung unterzogen. In systematischen Beiträgen oder gelegentlich auch beiläufigen Aufsätzen zu den Themen Massengesellschaft und Zeitbewusstsein, Konsum und Ernährung, Alter, Jugend und Geschlecht, entfaltet sich vor allem im Zusammenhang von Industrialisierung und Technikentwicklung sowie unter dem übergeordneten Fokus des sozialen Wandels eine prägnante, konsistente und kontinuierliche Analyse gesellschaftlicher Strukturzusammenhänge, mit denen König "soziologische Orientierung" in der Gegenwartsgesellschaft vermitteln wollte. Zusätzlich enthält der Band Königs Beiträge zur Sozialpsychologie und Psychoanalyse.

Studying Digital Media Audiences: Perspectives from Australasia (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture)

Although many digital platforms continue to appropriate and reconfigure familiar forms of media experience, this is an environment which no longer consistently constructs an identifiable 'mass' audience in the terms understood by twentieth century audience researchers. The notion of 'audiencing' takes on different characteristics within a digital environment where platforms encourage users to upload, share and respond to content, while the platforms themselves monetise the digital traces of this activity. This environment demands new ways of thinking about audience and user engagement with media technologies, and raises significant questions on methods of conceiving and researching audience-users. This volume addresses ongoing debates in the field of audience research by exploring relevant conceptual and methodological issues concerning the systematic study of digital audiences. Drawing from work conducted by researchers based in Australia and New Zealand, the book uses theoretical frameworks and case study material which are of direct relevance to audience researchers globally.

Studying Education: An introduction to the study and exploration of education

An introduction to the study and exploration of education. This book gives readers a strong introduction to what education is, the challenges it faces and how to study education at university and beyond. It also explores how educationalists research, engage with debate and explore particular themes and how this impacts on their practice. This book: Covers key themes, foundation knowledge and essential theory from across the education sector Supports students in knowing what to study and understand – and how to study and develop their understanding Helps readers to see the &‘bigger picture&’ of education Includes support for academic writing, critical exploration of themes, evaluating evidence and engaging with debates

Sub-Saharan Africa

Substance Abuse and Dependence: An Introduction for the Caring Professions

This is a multi-author guide to the medical, pharmacological, social and legal aspects of drug abuse and addiction. It offers practical information for all working in these areas, from volunteer counsellors to consultant psychiatrists.

Subverting Consumerism: Reuse in an Accelerated World (Antinomies)

There is now a widespread interest in reuse in many domains, from opera houses built over old warehouses, to vintage clothes and everyday goods incorporating repurposed materials or parts. Despite its ubiquity, this extensive creative work is typically seen in narrowly environmental terms, as a means of reducing carbon, resource use or waste. However, as this volume shows, reuse also has aesthetic and cultural dimensions and a rich social currency, invoked to consciously subvert the accelerated consumer culture responsible for our unfolding environmental crisis. In three parts, the essays in this book consider reuse in terms of values, aesthetics and meaning, its application in contemporary urban and spatial settings, and the revival of social practices involving a more conscious recourse to reuse and repair. These are bookended by the editors' essays: the first, on the significant relationship between reuse and technological and social acceleration evident in the surrounding consumer society; and the last, on the multiple forms of reuse deployed in a contemporary alternative building practice, and their contributions to presenting alternative ways of living in the world. Challenging dominant understandings of ‘waste’ and ‘consumption’, Subverting Consumerism shows how reuse has become a means for many to creatively engage with the past, and to discover a continuity and sense of place eroded by the accelerative regimes of contemporary consumerism. Becoming a means of resistance, and offering a range of aesthetic, social and economic possibilities, reuse can be found to subvert and challenge the obsessive quest for the new found in contemporary consumerism.

Sufism in Punjab: Mystics, Literature and Shrines

This anthology is a collective endeavor of scholars from India and Pakistan devoted to Sufi mystics, literature and shrines with a detailed introduction. The essays explore the methods adopted by the Punjab Sufis to popularize the mystic ideology and praxis in the medieval socio-cultural milieu. These writings also delve into the different genres of Sufi literature, both in the elite and vernacular languages, intending to appreciate the nuances of Punjab Sufism. Apart from the architectural features of the Sufi shrines, the anthology attempts to illumine the organic linkages between these institutions and the Punjabis and, thus, underscore the Sufi non-communitarian devotion as a primary ingredient of the Punjabi cultural fusion. This title is co-published with Aakar Books. Print editions not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Bhutan)

Suppe, Beratung, Politik: Anforderungen an eine moderne Wohnungsnotfallhilfe

Die Herausgeber Stefan Gillich und Rolf Keicher greifen Fragen nach Bedingungen und Kooperationspartnern für eine gelingende Wohnungsnotfallhilfe auf. Die Beiträge reichen von Aspekten der Existenzsicherung und privater Wohltätigkeit (Suppe) über Unterstützung von spezifischen AdressatInnen (Beratung) und strukturellen Rahmenbedingungen sowie soziale Rechte und die Durchsetzung dieser Rechte (Politik). Beispiele für eine gelingende Zusammenarbeit sowie aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse werden ergänzend vorgestellt.

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