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Showing 7,926 through 7,950 of 75,932 results

Coaching jenseits von Tools und Techniken: Philosophie und Psychologie des Coaching aus systemischer Sicht

by Uwe Böning

Ob Psychologie, Philosophie, Soziologie oder Kunst - all diese Disziplinen und weitere können fundamentales Rüstzeug fürs Coaching bieten. Sie liefern Denkweisen und Ideen, die einen qualitativen und herausfordernden theoretischen Rahmen und kreative Impulse für die Praxis darstellen. Uwe Böning, Coaching-Pionier und -Vordenker, stellt in diesem Buch zentrale Themen aus den genannten Disziplinen zusammen und vermittelt damit ein tieferes Verständnis und einen ganzheitlichen Blick für unterschiedliche Varianten und Qualitätsstufen in der Praxis: Worauf kommt es im Coaching im Kern an? Was macht es nachhaltig erfolgreich? Und was macht den Unterschied zwischen Handwerk und Kunst im Coaching? Es geht um Ideen und Verständnis, Hintergründe und Haltungen - statt um Tools und Techniken. Ein Buch für Coaches und Coaching-Ausbilder, Berater, Führungskräfte und Personalmanager.

Führungsleben: Inside Leadership - Top-Manager im persönlichen Interview

by Uwe Böning Brigitte Fritschle Stefan Oefner-Py

Dieses Buch macht die psychologische Wirklichkeit des Führungsalltags in Unternehmen ungeschminkt sichtbar, indem es Top-Manager und Führungskräfte unterschiedlicher Bereiche sehr persönlich – manchmal anonym – zu Wort kommen lässt: Managerinnen und Manager aus den Branchen Energie, Industrie, Banking, Politik, Beratung, Architektur, Universität und Schule, Küche, Kunst und Kirche berichten in ausführlichen Interviews sehr authentisch, manchmal etwas „ungeschliffen“, aber immer sehr ehrlich aus ihrem „Führungsleben“, von den ersten Erlebnissen mit dem Phänomen Führung über schwierige (Grenz-)Erfahrungen und Misserfolge bis hin zu Erfolgserlebnissen und ihren ganz persönlichen Lernerfahrungen. Herausgekommen ist ein Kaleidoskop an realen Führungsgegebenheiten, die den Leserinnen und Lesern realistische Impulse geben und mit denen sich alle, die sich mit Führung befassen, auseinandersetzen müssen, ob gewollt oder nicht. Ein Buch für alle, die geduldig etwas tiefer hinter die Kulissen der Führungsetagen blicken möchten – jenseits der üblichen Werbebotschaften, Führungsratgeber und Erfolgsrezepte.

Ergebnisse der Coaching-Forschung: Aktuelle Studien – ausgewertet für die Coaching-Praxis

by Uwe Böning Claudia Kegel

Coaching befindet sich auf dem Weg von einer „neuen Disziplin“ zu einer anerkannten Profession. Letzteres bringt mit sich, dass Coaching auch zu einem Forschungsgebiet geworden ist. – Uwe Böning, einer der Coaching-Pioniere in Deutschland, stellt in diesem Buch erstmals aktuelle Forschungserkenntnisse zu verschiedenen Handlungsfeldern des Coaching zusammen – kompakt und mit Blick auf den Anwender in der Praxis: Welche Maßnahmen im Coaching können heute als „evidenzbasiert“ bezeichnet und angewendet werden? – Nach Einleitung und Vorüberlegungen werden verschiedene, in der Praxis bereits vorhandene Coaching-Anwendungsfelder systematisch in eine Ordnung gebracht (Business-Coaching, Life-Coaching, Coaching im Non-Profit-Bereich, Sport-Coaching), und für jedes dieser „Milieus“ relevante Forschungsarbeiten der letzten Jahre zusammenfassend vorgestellt. Die recherchierten empirischen Forschungsstudien werden dabei anhand von drei Kriterien voneinander abgegrenzt: Milieu, Teilnehmer/Zielgruppe und Thema des Coachings.Es ist damit ein Nachschlagewerk für Praktiker, Wissenschaftler, Dozenten wie auch Entwickler von Coaching-Ausbildungen. Dieses Buch stellt Ihr Coaching-Wissen auf ein solides Fundament und leistet einen Beitrag zur Professionalisierung des Coachings insgesamt.

Coaching in der zweiten Romantik: Zwischen individuellem Glücksversprechen und gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung (essentials)

by Uwe Böning Frank Strikker

Dramatische Veränderungen verlangen eine neue Perspektive auf Coaching. Politische Veränderungen, Klimakrise, Digitalisierung und Corona verändern Coaching vehement. Die Autoren analysieren das Wechselspiel zwischen den gesellschaftlichen Lebens-und Wertentwicklungen, dem Selbstverständnis des Individuums und Coaching. Sie schildern den kritischen Einfluss der Positiven Psychologie auf Coaching und die disruptiven Veränderungen des Coachingmarktes durch die neuen Coaching-Plattformen. Ihre Position: Coaching muss sich offensiv diesen Herausforderungen stellen.

Nature and Culture in Intimate Partner Violence: Sex, Love and Equality

by Silvia Bonino

This innovative book aims to further our understanding of violence in intimate relationships between men and women by combining research from psychology, cultural studies, and biology. The author examines why western culture often justifies and encourages primitive forms of relationships based on domination and submission and considers not only the cultural influences, but also the biological aspects, in their interaction. The book clarifies the biological roots of aggression and affection in intimate relationships in humans, showing that considering the biological roots of male dominance on women does not imply any justification. Bonino makes the case that awareness about the biological roots of violence, and about the cultural messages supporting them, is necessary for developing different messages and educational practices promoting human capacity of personal affective relationship, where partners empathically recognize themselves as equal human beings. Relationships are examined in relation to a domination/submission framework, with the author emphasizing the role individuals can play in promoting non-aggressive relationships. By examining aggressive behaviour in relation to cultural, social psychological, and biological ideas, the author seeks to clarify the cause of violence in relation to gendered roles. This is fascinating reading for anyone interested in violence in relationships and suitable for students and academics in psychology and the social sciences.

Nature and Culture in Intimate Partner Violence: Sex, Love and Equality

by Silvia Bonino

This innovative book aims to further our understanding of violence in intimate relationships between men and women by combining research from psychology, cultural studies, and biology. The author examines why western culture often justifies and encourages primitive forms of relationships based on domination and submission and considers not only the cultural influences, but also the biological aspects, in their interaction. The book clarifies the biological roots of aggression and affection in intimate relationships in humans, showing that considering the biological roots of male dominance on women does not imply any justification. Bonino makes the case that awareness about the biological roots of violence, and about the cultural messages supporting them, is necessary for developing different messages and educational practices promoting human capacity of personal affective relationship, where partners empathically recognize themselves as equal human beings. Relationships are examined in relation to a domination/submission framework, with the author emphasizing the role individuals can play in promoting non-aggressive relationships. By examining aggressive behaviour in relation to cultural, social psychological, and biological ideas, the author seeks to clarify the cause of violence in relation to gendered roles. This is fascinating reading for anyone interested in violence in relationships and suitable for students and academics in psychology and the social sciences.

Migrant Narratives: Storytelling as Agency, Belonging and Community (ISSN)

by Brigitte Bönisch-Brednich Anastasia Christou Silke Meyer Marie Johanna Karner Jakob Escher, Jakob Escher

With a focus on migrant narratives, or the storytelling about migration, this volume considers the ways in which migration is and has been shaped by individual and collective experiences of agency, belonging and community.Driven by an agenda of deep listening, each chapter presents a narrative directly derived from qualitative research, an outline of the methodological framing as well as narrative analysis. Through close attention to the narrative, its performative aspects and its ruptures and silences, authors identify patterns and material in the fabric of such telling and retelling of stories that open up new perspectives on the migrant experience. This book develops a methodology of "dwelling with stories" that allows for sustained and slow interrogation of the migrant experience and the accompanying decisions that shape narratives around mobility across borders. Its structure is innovative by emphasising the migrant voice and reflecting on the scholars’ positionality, while also offering new theoretical contributions that will advance the field of narrative analysis.The book will appeal to academics, students and practitioners in a wide range of subject areas within the humanities and social sciences, including anthropology, sociology, human geography, migration/refugee/diaspora studies and oral history.Chapter 5, 6, 7 and 8 of this book are freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license.

EBOOK: Positive Psychology: Theory, Research and Applications (UK Higher Education Psychology Psychology)

by Ilona Boniwell Aneta D. Tunariu

The second edition of Positive Psychology features ground-breaking evidence and thinking on the topics of happiness, flow, optimism, motivation and more. Discover how to increase happiness levels, what obstacles to flourishing affect our day-to-day lives and how to apply positive psychology to diverse professional disciplines. The authors map the key positive psychology interventions available and discuss their merits with an emphasis on practice and evaluation. Ilona Boniwell and Aneta Tunariu skilfully combine a breadth of information about positive psychology with reflective questions, critical commentary and up-to-date research. Written in a witty, engaging and contemporary manner, this new edition includes: • Chapter summaries to help you check your understanding and speed up your revision• Experiments boxes to highlight research methodologies and contextualize the latest psychological findings• Personal development exercises to enhance your skills in wellbeing • Review questions to test your knowledge• Suggested resources to make your study time more efficient• Time out boxes to highlight key concepts and thinkers • Think about it boxes to develop your critical thinking skills• Measurement tools to introduce you to current thinking and debates • Mock essay questions to help you practise for your exam• Further reflection topics to delve deeper• Links to media materials within as well as beyond the typical academic literature• End of chapter quizzes to help you check your understandingPositive Psychology is essential reading for students taking modules in positive psychology and wellbeing; will be of interest to students of applied, coaching and sports psychology; and can help develop practising psychologists, coaches, counsellors and researchers interested in this burgeoning field of mental wellbeing and human happiness."A highly recommended resource for teaching and studying positive psychology. Up-to-date, incorporating both the history and the latest developments in this field. Very clearly laid out, with key topics and concepts explained well along with practical learning activities for the use in classroom and/or for students’ individual learning."Vanessa King, MAPP (UPenn), Board Member Action for Happiness

Social Exclusion and the Way Out: An individual and community response to human social dysfunction

by Adrian Bonner

Social Exclusion and the Way Out focuses on the key issues which promote an understanding of the development of integrative models of care and resettlement. Consideration is given to the role of statutory and non-statutory agencies in facilitating the development of the individual to become included in the community. Practical insights into the management and development of opportunities for individuals draws on best practice from examples of vulnerable groups.

Addictive Behaviour: Perspectives on the Nature of Addiction

by Adrian Bonner James Waterhouse

In this health-conscious age there is increasing concern about tobacco smoking and inappropriate consumption levels of alcohol. Alcoholism poses an important occupational health problem which can affect an individual's personal welfare and limit his or her efficiency at work. There is concern about the increasing availability of drugs in society, the link between drug-taking and the spread of HIV in society, and the ways in which substance misuse generates more violence within society. Both excessive alcohol consumption and drug-taking may dispose an individual to antisocial actions and lead to criminal activities. By examining the underlying biological and psychological nature of these behaviours the book is intended to inform its readers of current advances in a number of relevant disciplines and to demonstrate some of the problems in collecting and interpreting information from particular groups. 2

Power and Parenting (Edinburgh Studies in Culture and Society)

by K. Bonner

The power to act is two-sided in that it refers to the parent's ability to initiate (having children or responding to their actions) and to the ability to suffer consequences (irreversibility and unpredictability). The book argues that the best way of responding to these essential limits is for the parent to develop the interrelation between wisdom, ethicality and self-mastery, that is, practical wisdom.

Police Abuse in Contemporary Democracies

by Michelle D. Bonner Guillermina Seri Mary Rose Kubal Michael Kempa

This volume offers a much-needed analysis of police abuse and its implications for our understanding of democracy. Sometimes referred to as police violence or police repression, police abuse occurs in all democracies. It is not an exception or a stage of democratization. It is, this volume argues, a structural and conceptual dimension of extant democracies. The book draws our attention to how including the study of policing into our analyses strengthens our understanding of democracy, including the persistence of hybrid democracy and the decline of democracy. To this end, the book examines three key dimensions of democracy: citizenship, accountability, and socioeconomic (in)equality. Drawing from political theory, comparative politics, and political economy, the book explores cases from France, the US, India, Argentina, Chile, South Africa, Brazil, and Canada, and reveals how integrating police abuse can contribute to a more robust study of democracy and government in general.

Police Abuse in Contemporary Democracies

by Michelle D. Bonner Guillermina Seri Mary Rose Kubal Michael Kempa

This volume offers a much-needed analysis of police abuse and its implications for our understanding of democracy. Sometimes referred to as police violence or police repression, police abuse occurs in all democracies. It is not an exception or a stage of democratization. It is, this volume argues, a structural and conceptual dimension of extant democracies. The book draws our attention to how including the study of policing into our analyses strengthens our understanding of democracy, including the persistence of hybrid democracy and the decline of democracy. To this end, the book examines three key dimensions of democracy: citizenship, accountability, and socioeconomic (in)equality. Drawing from political theory, comparative politics, and political economy, the book explores cases from France, the US, India, Argentina, Chile, South Africa, Brazil, and Canada, and reveals how integrating police abuse can contribute to a more robust study of democracy and government in general.

Independent Television in Britain: Volume 6 New Developments in Independent Television 1981-92: Channel 4, TV-am, Cable and Satellite

by P. Bonner L. Aston

Success out of near disaster, finances taken to the edge of bankruptcy, resignations - this volume tells the dramatic stories of the major new commercial television developments in Britain between 1981-92. This is an authoritative account, from the people involved and from official documents, of the launches and first ten years of Channel 4 and TV-am, the expansion of cable television and early difficulties of satellite broadcasting.

Independent Television in Britain: ITV and IBA 1981-92: The Old Relationship Changes

by P. Bonner L. Aston

A stimulating treatment of an area of public life which is a subject of continuing debate and controversy. This volume covers the years in which ITV faced more challenges than at any time in its history and its regulator, the IBA, was subject to political pressures so extreme that they brought about its abolition and rebirth as the Independent Television Commission. The book gives detailed accounts, based on documents not previously available and interviews with over sixty senior figures in the industry, of the changes and controversies of the period. Highlights include: the conflict with government over the programme Death on the Rock , the battle with the BBC for possession of the rights to Dallas , the financial crisis at ITN, the impact of the Peacock Committee Report and the 1990 White Paper on Broadcasting, as well as detailed accounts of the broadcasters' and the regulator's battle with the government over the Broadcasting Bill and the subsequent 'auction' of ITV licences.

Love and Loneliness at Work: An Inspirational Guide for Consultants, Leaders and Other Professionals

by Birgitte Bonnerup Annemette Hasselager

Love and loneliness, in both their presence and absence, are key aspects of our lives – including our working lives. Love and Loneliness at Work offers an accessible and practical starting point for understanding the connections between emotions, individual working life and organizations, focusing on love and loneliness. The book begins with an engaging chapter-length case study that illuminates the themes discussed. Taking a psychodynamic perpective, Bonnerup and Hasselager examine love and how it influences our feelings about tasks, organizations and participation, as well as uniquely exploring pairs in working life. The book explores loneliness as an inner state of mind, as an aspect of the professional role and as a group dynamic experience, and assesses the psychological burden of feeling lonely in an organization. Bonnerup and Hasselager also provide an overview of key theoretical concepts, including the unconscious, anxiety, libido, projective processes, and the concepts of inner and outer self, providing the tools required to examine, understand and work with the emotional strength and vulnerability of an organization. This book provides unique insights into how understanding these feelings can help leaders, decision makers and employees contribute to healthier and happier workplaces. It will be an essential guide for coaches in practice and in training, as well as leaders and managers, human resources (HR) and learning and development (L&D) professionals and consultants within organizations seeking to expand their understanding of organizational dynamics. With its strong theoretical base, it will also be of interest to academics and students of coaching, coaching psychology, psychodynamic consulting, organizational psychology, leadership and management and organizational change, and to anyone seeking an insight into the emotional dynamics of working life.

Love and Loneliness at Work: An Inspirational Guide for Consultants, Leaders and Other Professionals

by Birgitte Bonnerup Annemette Hasselager

Love and loneliness, in both their presence and absence, are key aspects of our lives – including our working lives. Love and Loneliness at Work offers an accessible and practical starting point for understanding the connections between emotions, individual working life and organizations, focusing on love and loneliness. The book begins with an engaging chapter-length case study that illuminates the themes discussed. Taking a psychodynamic perpective, Bonnerup and Hasselager examine love and how it influences our feelings about tasks, organizations and participation, as well as uniquely exploring pairs in working life. The book explores loneliness as an inner state of mind, as an aspect of the professional role and as a group dynamic experience, and assesses the psychological burden of feeling lonely in an organization. Bonnerup and Hasselager also provide an overview of key theoretical concepts, including the unconscious, anxiety, libido, projective processes, and the concepts of inner and outer self, providing the tools required to examine, understand and work with the emotional strength and vulnerability of an organization. This book provides unique insights into how understanding these feelings can help leaders, decision makers and employees contribute to healthier and happier workplaces. It will be an essential guide for coaches in practice and in training, as well as leaders and managers, human resources (HR) and learning and development (L&D) professionals and consultants within organizations seeking to expand their understanding of organizational dynamics. With its strong theoretical base, it will also be of interest to academics and students of coaching, coaching psychology, psychodynamic consulting, organizational psychology, leadership and management and organizational change, and to anyone seeking an insight into the emotional dynamics of working life.

Anti-Racism (Critical Studies In Racism And Migration Ser.)

by Alastair Bonnett

This introductory text provides students for the first time with an historical and international analysis of the development of anti-racism. Drawing on sources from around the world, the author explains the roots and describes the practice of anti-racism in Western and non-Western societies from Britain and the United States to Malaysia and Peru. Topics covered include:* the historical roots of anti-racism* race issues within organisations* the practice of anti-racism* the politics of backlash.This lively, concise book will be an indispensable resource for all students interested in issues of race, ethnicity and in contemporary society more generally.


by Alastair Bonnett

This introductory text provides students for the first time with an historical and international analysis of the development of anti-racism. Drawing on sources from around the world, the author explains the roots and describes the practice of anti-racism in Western and non-Western societies from Britain and the United States to Malaysia and Peru. Topics covered include:* the historical roots of anti-racism* race issues within organisations* the practice of anti-racism* the politics of backlash.This lively, concise book will be an indispensable resource for all students interested in issues of race, ethnicity and in contemporary society more generally.

The Geography of Nostalgia: Global and Local Perspectives on Modernity and Loss (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Alastair Bonnett

We are familiar with the importance of 'progress' and 'change'. But what about loss? Across the world, from Beijing to Birmingham, people are talking about loss: about the loss that occurs when populations try to make new lives in new lands as well as the loss of traditions, languages and landscapes. The Geography of Nostalgia is the first study of loss as a global and local phenomenon, something that occurs on many different scales and which connects many different people. The Geography of Nostalgia explores nostalgia as a child of modernity but also as a force that exceeds and challenges modernity. The book begins at a global level, addressing the place of nostalgia within both global capitalism and anti-capitalism. In Chapter Two it turns to the contested role of nostalgia in debates about environmentalism and social constructionism. Chapter Three addresses ideas of Asia and India as nostalgic forms. The book then turns to more particular and local landscapes: the last three chapters explore the yearnings of migrants for distant homelands, and the old cities and ancient forests that are threatened by modernity but which modern people see as sites of authenticity and escape. The Geography of Nostalgia is a reader friendly text that will appeal to a variety of markets. In the university sector it is a student friendly, interdisciplinary text that will be welcomed across a broad range of courses, including cultural geography, post-colonial studies, landscape and planning, sociology and history.

The Geography of Nostalgia: Global and Local Perspectives on Modernity and Loss (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Alastair Bonnett

We are familiar with the importance of 'progress' and 'change'. But what about loss? Across the world, from Beijing to Birmingham, people are talking about loss: about the loss that occurs when populations try to make new lives in new lands as well as the loss of traditions, languages and landscapes. The Geography of Nostalgia is the first study of loss as a global and local phenomenon, something that occurs on many different scales and which connects many different people. The Geography of Nostalgia explores nostalgia as a child of modernity but also as a force that exceeds and challenges modernity. The book begins at a global level, addressing the place of nostalgia within both global capitalism and anti-capitalism. In Chapter Two it turns to the contested role of nostalgia in debates about environmentalism and social constructionism. Chapter Three addresses ideas of Asia and India as nostalgic forms. The book then turns to more particular and local landscapes: the last three chapters explore the yearnings of migrants for distant homelands, and the old cities and ancient forests that are threatened by modernity but which modern people see as sites of authenticity and escape. The Geography of Nostalgia is a reader friendly text that will appeal to a variety of markets. In the university sector it is a student friendly, interdisciplinary text that will be welcomed across a broad range of courses, including cultural geography, post-colonial studies, landscape and planning, sociology and history.

The Idea of the West: Culture, Politics and History

by Alastair Bonnett

The West is on everyone's lips: it is defended, celebrated, hated. But how and why did it emerge? And whose idea is it? This book is about representations of the West. Drawing on sources from across the world - from Russia to Japan, Iran to Britain - it argues that the West is not merely a Western idea but something that many people around the world have long been creating and stereotyping. The Idea of the West looks at how the great political and ethnic forces of the last century defined themselves in relation to the West, addresses how Soviet communism, 'Asian spirituality', 'Asian values' and radical Islamism used and deployed images of the West. Both topical and wide-ranging, it offers an accessible but provocative portrait of a fascinating subject and it charts the complex relationship between whiteness and the West.

The Development Of Pluralism In Modern Britain And France (PDF)

by Richard J. Bonney David J. B. Trim

Europe is increasingly multi-ethnic and multi-faith, as well as multi-cultural. Western democracies now comprise a plurality of fundamental opinions and inherited cultures; it is not clear how (or if!) they can be related to each other without involving either oppression or anarchy. This debate requires historical understanding and a contemporary grasp of the points at issue amongst different cultures. By virtue of their proximity and frequent historical interaction, Britain and France lend themselves to comparative study. The studies in this volume collectively demonstrate that the affairs of religious minorities in these two countries were not only of concern to themselves and their national established churches. Rather, over a long-term period, they had a sustained impact on many other issues. All chapters illustrate the problematic shift from a persecutory to a pluralistic mentality.

Politics and Society in Contemporary Spain: From Zapatero to Rajoy (Europe in Transition: The NYU European Studies Series)

by Bonnie N. Field and Alfonso Botti

This edited volume examines the political, social, and economic developments in contemporary Spain, with a particular focus on the period of the Socialist government (2008-11), the 2011 elections, and the challenges facing Spain and the new Popular Party government.

Discourse and Mental Health: Voice, Inequality and Resistance in Medical Settings (Cultural Discourse Studies Series)

by Juan Eduardo Bonnin

This book is the result of years of fieldwork at a public hospital located in an immigrant neighborhood in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It focuses on the relationships between diversity and inequality in access to mental healthcare through the discourse practices, tactics and strategies deployed by patients with widely varying cultural, linguistic and social backgrounds. As an action-research process, it helped change communicative practices at the Hospital’s outpatient mental healthcare service. The book focuses on the entire process and its outcomes, arguing in favor of a critical, situated perspective on discourse analysis, theoretically and practically oriented to social change. It also proposes a different approach to doctor-patient communication, usually conducted from an ethnocentric perspective which does not take into account cultural, social and economic diversity. It reviews many topics that are somehow classical in doctor-patient communication analysis, but from a different point of view: issues such as the sequential organization of primary care encounters, diagnostic formulations, asymmetry and accommodation, etc., are now examined from a locally grounded ethnographic perspective. This change is not only theoretical but also political, as it helps understand patient practices of resistance, identity-making and solidarity in contexts of inequality.

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