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The History of Gay People in Alcoholics Anonymous: From the Beginning

by Audrey Borden

The History of Gay People in Alcoholics Anonymous documents and honors the ways thousands of LGBT people have carried Alcoholics Anonymous' message. This illuminating chronicle includes interviews and documents that detail the compelling history, recovery, and wisdom of gay people in AA. The book examines the challenges AA faced as the fellowship endeavored to become a more inclusive and cohesive community. The first-person accounts narrate the important work of influential gay and straight AA members that led key events in AA’s history. The author includes material on the steps and traditions of AA, and on becoming an ally to LGBT people on the road to recovery.Topics in The History of Gay People in Alcoholics Anonymous include: the gay origins of AA’s Third Tradition a comparison of treatments for alcoholism and homosexuality compelling portraits of sober gay life in the 1950s and 1960s the debate in AA over meetings for gay alcoholics interviews with members and co-founders of the first gay AA meetings the history of the first gay AA/Al-Anon conference interviews with pioneering gay addiction professionals the history of AA pamphlet “AA and the Gay/Lesbian Alcoholic” Alcoholics Together, and why a parallel AA organization for gay alcoholics formed in southern California strategies AA’s gay members developed to make their meetings simultaneously safe and public—and why some of them are still necessary today much more The History of Gay People in Alcoholics Anonymous is an enlightening book for members of the LGBT and heterosexual recovering community, alcoholism and addiction professionals, as well as physicians, counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, clergy, historians, sociologists, educators, students, and anyone interested in learning more about AA or this aspect of the community’s history.

The History of Gay People in Alcoholics Anonymous: From the Beginning

by Audrey Borden

The History of Gay People in Alcoholics Anonymous documents and honors the ways thousands of LGBT people have carried Alcoholics Anonymous' message. This illuminating chronicle includes interviews and documents that detail the compelling history, recovery, and wisdom of gay people in AA. The book examines the challenges AA faced as the fellowship endeavored to become a more inclusive and cohesive community. The first-person accounts narrate the important work of influential gay and straight AA members that led key events in AA’s history. The author includes material on the steps and traditions of AA, and on becoming an ally to LGBT people on the road to recovery.Topics in The History of Gay People in Alcoholics Anonymous include: the gay origins of AA’s Third Tradition a comparison of treatments for alcoholism and homosexuality compelling portraits of sober gay life in the 1950s and 1960s the debate in AA over meetings for gay alcoholics interviews with members and co-founders of the first gay AA meetings the history of the first gay AA/Al-Anon conference interviews with pioneering gay addiction professionals the history of AA pamphlet “AA and the Gay/Lesbian Alcoholic” Alcoholics Together, and why a parallel AA organization for gay alcoholics formed in southern California strategies AA’s gay members developed to make their meetings simultaneously safe and public—and why some of them are still necessary today much more The History of Gay People in Alcoholics Anonymous is an enlightening book for members of the LGBT and heterosexual recovering community, alcoholism and addiction professionals, as well as physicians, counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, clergy, historians, sociologists, educators, students, and anyone interested in learning more about AA or this aspect of the community’s history.

Social Psychology

by Kenneth S. Bordens Irwin A. Horowitz

This second edition presents the core fundamentals of the subject in 11 manageable chapters while maintaining the book's scientific integrity. The research methods students need to understand, interpret, and analyze social psychological research are emphasized throughout. The streamlined approach provides an economical textbook for students and a flexible format that allows instructors to cover the entire book in a single semester. A book specific Web site contains a free online study guide and a variety of teaching tools. An Instructor's Manual/Test Bank and a Computerized Test Bank are also available.

Social Psychology

by Kenneth S. Bordens Irwin A. Horowitz

This second edition presents the core fundamentals of the subject in 11 manageable chapters while maintaining the book's scientific integrity. The research methods students need to understand, interpret, and analyze social psychological research are emphasized throughout. The streamlined approach provides an economical textbook for students and a flexible format that allows instructors to cover the entire book in a single semester. A book specific Web site contains a free online study guide and a variety of teaching tools. An Instructor's Manual/Test Bank and a Computerized Test Bank are also available.

Social Psychology

by Kenneth S. Bordens Irwin A. Horowitz

This second edition presents the core fundamentals of the subject in 11 manageable chapters while maintaining the book's scientific integrity. The research methods students need to understand, interpret, and analyze social psychological research are emphasized throughout. The streamlined approach provides an economical textbook for students and a flexible format that allows instructors to cover the entire book in a single semester. A book specific Web site contains a free online study guide and a variety of teaching tools. An Instructor's Manual/Test Bank and a Computerized Test Bank are also available.

The End of Equality

by Carlo Bordoni

The economic crisis has brought social differences to the fore, reinventing the old question of inequality as democracy’s missed opportunity. Many have attempted to find a rational explanation of the problem, tracing it back to poor economic policy and reckless liberalisation of finance, or the crisis of banks and governments, as well as the collapse of family relationships. At the same time, globalisation has reduced the differences between some nations, bringing emerging countries to the level of the more advanced, but has dangerously increased internal inequalities. In this book, the author examines the question of inequality and the social problems it is creating in societies across the world, arguing that with the crisis of modernity, the ideal of equality appears to be over. As more and more of the world’s resources are concentrated in ever fewer hands, the promise of mass society as a means to grant equality and cancel the differences of classes appears to be giving way to a rising individualism. This book asks whether the apparent end of mass society will coincide with the end of equality and a re-evaluation of the worth of the individual. Are we heading towards a liquid world in which being equal is now considered less a virtue than a weakness?

The End of Equality

by Carlo Bordoni

The economic crisis has brought social differences to the fore, reinventing the old question of inequality as democracy’s missed opportunity. Many have attempted to find a rational explanation of the problem, tracing it back to poor economic policy and reckless liberalisation of finance, or the crisis of banks and governments, as well as the collapse of family relationships. At the same time, globalisation has reduced the differences between some nations, bringing emerging countries to the level of the more advanced, but has dangerously increased internal inequalities. In this book, the author examines the question of inequality and the social problems it is creating in societies across the world, arguing that with the crisis of modernity, the ideal of equality appears to be over. As more and more of the world’s resources are concentrated in ever fewer hands, the promise of mass society as a means to grant equality and cancel the differences of classes appears to be giving way to a rising individualism. This book asks whether the apparent end of mass society will coincide with the end of equality and a re-evaluation of the worth of the individual. Are we heading towards a liquid world in which being equal is now considered less a virtue than a weakness?

Ethical Violence

by Carlo Bordoni

Human civilization is founded on ethical principles, norms of behaviour that have accumulated over time. Perhaps the oldest of ethical principles is the rejection of violence, which includes the respect for life and for the physical and psychological integrity of others. But, in some circumstances, violence itself can be regarded as ethical – for example, when it is used by states claiming to act in self-defence. In these circumstances, the need to defend oneself against an enemy can transform war from an unacceptable act into a necessary, socially shared and morally sanctioned choice. And it is when violence becomes ethical that we must begin to fear for our future. In the wake of the pandemic, we are witnessing the growing prevalence of aggression and emotionality in social and political life. We find ourselves living in an increasingly impatient and insecure society, which is sceptical of scientific thought and which takes refuge in the irrational. The decline of rationality and the growing prevalence of violence are increasingly common features of a society that has lost touch with the great Enlightenment narrative. We need, argues Bordoni, to rediscover the rationality we have lost and recuperate the positive side of technology.

Ethical Violence

by Carlo Bordoni

Human civilization is founded on ethical principles, norms of behaviour that have accumulated over time. Perhaps the oldest of ethical principles is the rejection of violence, which includes the respect for life and for the physical and psychological integrity of others. But, in some circumstances, violence itself can be regarded as ethical – for example, when it is used by states claiming to act in self-defence. In these circumstances, the need to defend oneself against an enemy can transform war from an unacceptable act into a necessary, socially shared and morally sanctioned choice. And it is when violence becomes ethical that we must begin to fear for our future. In the wake of the pandemic, we are witnessing the growing prevalence of aggression and emotionality in social and political life. We find ourselves living in an increasingly impatient and insecure society, which is sceptical of scientific thought and which takes refuge in the irrational. The decline of rationality and the growing prevalence of violence are increasingly common features of a society that has lost touch with the great Enlightenment narrative. We need, argues Bordoni, to rediscover the rationality we have lost and recuperate the positive side of technology.

Hubris and Progress: A Future Born of Presumption (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)

by Carlo Bordoni

This book explores the ancient question of why man seeks to go beyond his limits. A presumptuous tendency known by the ancient Greeks as hubris and believed to be punished by the gods, it developed from a need for our survival to a habit, as humanity has subdued animals, dominated nature, increased knowledge and sought even to overcome death. It also lies behind the crisis of our time, as the values of democracy, freedom, equality and progress have been weakened – sacrificed to excess, as we live in an eternal present, dominated by greed and indifference regarding the future. Addressing this crisis of our interregnum period, in which faith has been lost in the former certainties of modernity, such as science, progress and the idea of a better world, the author considers whether redemption for humanity might lie in our hubristic tendencies, as these give us scope to deviate from the existing path and find new ways forward.

Hubris and Progress: A Future Born of Presumption (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)

by Carlo Bordoni

This book explores the ancient question of why man seeks to go beyond his limits. A presumptuous tendency known by the ancient Greeks as hubris and believed to be punished by the gods, it developed from a need for our survival to a habit, as humanity has subdued animals, dominated nature, increased knowledge and sought even to overcome death. It also lies behind the crisis of our time, as the values of democracy, freedom, equality and progress have been weakened – sacrificed to excess, as we live in an eternal present, dominated by greed and indifference regarding the future. Addressing this crisis of our interregnum period, in which faith has been lost in the former certainties of modernity, such as science, progress and the idea of a better world, the author considers whether redemption for humanity might lie in our hubristic tendencies, as these give us scope to deviate from the existing path and find new ways forward.

Post Society

by Carlo Bordoni

Our societies are in transition, spurred on by a pandemic that has disrupted many aspects of the social world we once took for granted. We&’ve left behind the &“solid modernity&” of the 20th century and even the &“liquid modernity&” so brilliantly analysed by Zygmunt Bauman, but what kind of society is now taking shape around us? In this highly original reflection on the current state of our world, Carlo Bordoni argues that we are on the threshold of &“post-society,&” a condition in which social distancing becomes the norm, real social relations are diminishing in favour of those mediated by technology, existential loneliness is becoming widespread and we find ourselves voluntarily submitting to new forms of surveillance and control in the hope of increasing our security. Emotions are assuming an increasingly central role in social life, not only because of the growing prevalence of social media which provide platforms for the public expression of emotion, but also because emotions have been freed from the &“repression of emotionality&” that had characterized modern society. While many of these developments are rooted in broader social transformations, they have been deepened and accelerated by the pandemic, which is propelling us headlong into a brave new world where social relations are sustained without physical contact but with intense communication. This is the new post-social condition: more humanity, less sociality.

Post Society

by Carlo Bordoni

Our societies are in transition, spurred on by a pandemic that has disrupted many aspects of the social world we once took for granted. We&’ve left behind the &“solid modernity&” of the 20th century and even the &“liquid modernity&” so brilliantly analysed by Zygmunt Bauman, but what kind of society is now taking shape around us? In this highly original reflection on the current state of our world, Carlo Bordoni argues that we are on the threshold of &“post-society,&” a condition in which social distancing becomes the norm, real social relations are diminishing in favour of those mediated by technology, existential loneliness is becoming widespread and we find ourselves voluntarily submitting to new forms of surveillance and control in the hope of increasing our security. Emotions are assuming an increasingly central role in social life, not only because of the growing prevalence of social media which provide platforms for the public expression of emotion, but also because emotions have been freed from the &“repression of emotionality&” that had characterized modern society. While many of these developments are rooted in broader social transformations, they have been deepened and accelerated by the pandemic, which is propelling us headlong into a brave new world where social relations are sustained without physical contact but with intense communication. This is the new post-social condition: more humanity, less sociality.

State of Fear in a Liquid World

by Carlo Bordoni

This book examines the insecurity that besets our lives in the contemporary world, whether as a result of natural disasters, human negligence or, more recently, threats to security in the form of terrorist activity, which itself gives rise to new fears: fear of travel, agoraphobia, distrust of others and existential anxieties. Revealing the connection between the two components of our insecurity, as reflecting on and conditioning human existence, and producing social problems, the author brings this to bear on the notion of security that modernity had sought to guarantee to its citizens – a notion that has slowly crumbled with the crisis of modernity and with the emergence of the "liquid" world. Now insecurity is endemic and has so firmly become part of us as to be accepted as an unpleasant aspect of normality that we must live with. However, the necessity of living in a risk society in which security has emerged as important does nothing to dispel the fear that accompanies us at all times. An engagement with the thought of Bauman that explores fear as an accompaniment to the end of modernity and its assurances, State of Fear in a Liquid World offers developments of the thesis of liquid modernity and will appeal to scholars and students of sociology, social theory and politics with interests in individualisation, social change and (in)security.

State of Fear in a Liquid World

by Carlo Bordoni

This book examines the insecurity that besets our lives in the contemporary world, whether as a result of natural disasters, human negligence or, more recently, threats to security in the form of terrorist activity, which itself gives rise to new fears: fear of travel, agoraphobia, distrust of others and existential anxieties. Revealing the connection between the two components of our insecurity, as reflecting on and conditioning human existence, and producing social problems, the author brings this to bear on the notion of security that modernity had sought to guarantee to its citizens – a notion that has slowly crumbled with the crisis of modernity and with the emergence of the "liquid" world. Now insecurity is endemic and has so firmly become part of us as to be accepted as an unpleasant aspect of normality that we must live with. However, the necessity of living in a risk society in which security has emerged as important does nothing to dispel the fear that accompanies us at all times. An engagement with the thought of Bauman that explores fear as an accompaniment to the end of modernity and its assurances, State of Fear in a Liquid World offers developments of the thesis of liquid modernity and will appeal to scholars and students of sociology, social theory and politics with interests in individualisation, social change and (in)security.

Meanwhile, in Russia...: Russian Internet Memes and Viral Video (Russian Shorts)

by Eliot Borenstein

The Russian internet is a hotbed for memes and viral videos: the political, satirical and simply absurd compete for attention in Russia while the West turns to it for an endless reserve of humorous content. But how did this powerful cyber community grow out of the repressive media environment of the Soviet Union? What does this viral content reveal about the country, its politics and its culture? And why are the memes and videos of today's Russia so popular, spreading so rapidly across the globe? Award-winning author Eliot Borenstein explores the explosive online movement and unpicks, for the first time, the role of mimetic content and digital activism in modern Russian history up to the present day.

Meanwhile, in Russia...: Russian Internet Memes and Viral Video (Russian Shorts)

by Eliot Borenstein

The Russian internet is a hotbed for memes and viral videos: the political, satirical and simply absurd compete for attention in Russia while the West turns to it for an endless reserve of humorous content. But how did this powerful cyber community grow out of the repressive media environment of the Soviet Union? What does this viral content reveal about the country, its politics and its culture? And why are the memes and videos of today's Russia so popular, spreading so rapidly across the globe? Award-winning author Eliot Borenstein explores the explosive online movement and unpicks, for the first time, the role of mimetic content and digital activism in modern Russian history up to the present day.

Death in the Early Twenty-first Century: Authority, Innovation, and Mortuary Rites

by Sébastien Penmellen Boret Susan Orpett Long Sergei Kan

Focusing on tradition, technology, and authority, this volume challenges classical understandings that mortuary rites are inherently conservative. The contributors examine innovative and enduring ideas and practices of death, which reflect and constitute changing patterns of social relationships, memorialisation, and the afterlife. This cross-cultural study examines the lived experiences of men and women from societies across the globe with diverse religious heritages and secular value systems. The book demonstrates that mortuary practices are not fixed forms, but rather dynamic processes negotiated by the dying, the bereaved, funeral experts, and public institutions. In addition to offering a new theoretical perspective on the anthropology of death, this work provides a rich resource for readers interested in human responses to mortality: the one certainty of human existence.

Death in the Early Twenty-first Century: Authority, Innovation, and Mortuary Rites

by Sébastien Penmellen Boret Susan Orpett Long Sergei Kan

Focusing on tradition, technology, and authority, this volume challenges classical understandings that mortuary rites are inherently conservative. The contributors examine innovative and enduring ideas and practices of death, which reflect and constitute changing patterns of social relationships, memorialisation, and the afterlife. This cross-cultural study examines the lived experiences of men and women from societies across the globe with diverse religious heritages and secular value systems. The book demonstrates that mortuary practices are not fixed forms, but rather dynamic processes negotiated by the dying, the bereaved, funeral experts, and public institutions. In addition to offering a new theoretical perspective on the anthropology of death, this work provides a rich resource for readers interested in human responses to mortality: the one certainty of human existence.

Lorenzo Milani's Culture of Peace: Essays on Religion, Education, and Democratic Life (Postcolonial Studies in Education)

by C. Borg M. Grech

Researchers, activists, and educators draw inspiration from the radical thought of Lorenzo Milani to invite readers to explore the intricacies, logistics, ethics and pedagogy of conflict and peace as played out in a number of domains, including religion, education, gender, sexuality, democracy, art, sociology and philosophy.

Modern Multidimensional Scaling: Theory and Applications (Springer Series in Statistics)

by I. Borg P. J. Groenen

The first edition was released in 1996 and has sold close to 2200 copies. Provides an up-to-date comprehensive treatment of MDS, a statistical technique used to analyze the structure of similarity or dissimilarity data in multidimensional space. The authors have added three chapters and exercise sets. The text is being moved from SSS to SSPP. The book is suitable for courses in statistics for the social or managerial sciences as well as for advanced courses on MDS. All the mathematics required for more advanced topics is developed systematically in the text.

Applied Multidimensional Scaling (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)

by Ingwer Borg Patrick JF Groenen Patrick Mair

This book introduces MDS as a psychological model and as a data analysis technique for the applied researcher. It also discusses, in detail, how to use two MDS programs, Proxscal (a module of SPSS) and Smacof (an R-package). The book is unique in its orientation on the applied researcher, whose primary interest is in using MDS as a tool to build substantive theories. This is done by emphasizing practical issues (such as evaluating model fit), by presenting ways to enforce theoretical expectations on the MDS solution, and by discussing typical mistakes that MDS users tend to make. The primary audience of this book are psychologists, social scientists, and market researchers. No particular background knowledge is required, beyond a basic knowledge of statistics.

Applied Multidimensional Scaling and Unfolding (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)

by Ingwer Borg Patrick J.F. Groenen Patrick Mair

This book introduces multidimensional scaling (MDS) and unfolding as data analysis techniques for applied researchers. MDS is used for the analysis of proximity data on a set of objects, representing the data as distances between points in a geometric space (usually of two dimensions). Unfolding is a related method that maps preference data (typically evaluative ratings of different persons on a set of objects) as distances between two sets of points (representing the persons and the objects, resp.).This second edition has been completely revised to reflect new developments and the coverage of unfolding has also been substantially expanded. Intended for applied researchers whose main interests are in using these methods as tools for building substantive theories, it discusses numerous applications (classical and recent), highlights practical issues (such as evaluating model fit), presents ways to enforce theoretical expectations for the scaling solutions, and addresses the typical mistakes that MDS/unfolding users tend to make. Further, it shows how MDS and unfolding can be used in practical research work, primarily by using the smacof package in the R environment but also Proxscal in SPSS. It is a valuable resource for psychologists, social scientists, and market researchers, with a basic understanding of multivariate statistics (such as multiple regression and factor analysis).

The Inner Game of Selling . . . Yourself: Mind-Bending Ways to Achieve Results in Business

by James Borg

The Inner Game of Selling...Yourself: Mind-Bending Ways to Achieve Results in Business offers tips on the art of successful selling not only for professional salespeople but also for anyone in business who wants to effectively get their viewpoint or message accepted. It argues that salesmanship requires no special skills but just draws upon a few basic personal qualities by "putting yourself into selling".Comprised of 12 chapters, this book begins with an overview of salesmanship as an art, focusing on selling as essentially about appealing to human nature. The reader is then introduced to three important techniques of persuasion that enable anyone to strike a chord in the mind of the other(s) and so an idea is accepted: empathy, sincerity, and perspicacity. The importance of questioning and listening in getting inside the mind of someone, as well as holding the audience's attention, is also emphasized. Subsequent chapters explain the importance of a good memory for a person in business who wants to sell himself/herself; the use of the telephone to communicate with potential clients; types of clients; four stereotypical salespeople; the process of negotiation; and the power of words in selling. The final chapter describes the fortunes of a sales manager, first to show how not to do it and then to demonstrate the art of successful selling.This monograph is intended for those in business who wish to know how to sell themselves and how to be able to read people.

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