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Kontrolle von Mindestlöhnen

by Gerhard Bosch Frederic Hüttenhoff Claudia Weinkopf

Im Buch werden die Ergebnisse der ersten umfassenden empirischen Untersuchung zur Kontrolle von Mindestlöhnen in Deutschland präsentiert. Es bietet am Beispiel von drei Branchen (Bauhauptgewerbe, Fleischwirtschaft, Gastgewerbe) einen Überblick zu Herausforderungen und Problemen bei der Durchsetzung (Enforcement) und Einhaltung (Compliance) von Mindestlöhnen. Auf der Basis zahlreicher Interviews mit Expertinnen und Experten aus der Praxis (z. B. Gewerkschaften, Arbeitgeberverbände, Zoll) und einer umfassenden Auswertung der breiten internationalen Forschungsliteratur werden Ansatzpunkte und Strategien aufgezeigt, um die Einhaltung und Durchsetzung von Mindestlöhnen nachhaltig zu verbessern.

The Monitoring and Enforcement of Minimum Wages

by Gerhard Bosch Frederic Hüttenhoff Claudia Weinkopf

The book presents the results of the first comprehensive empirical study on the control of minimum wages in Germany. It offers an overview of the challenges and problems of enforcement and compliance with minimum wages, taking three sectors as examples (construction, meat industry, hospitality). On the basis of numerous interviews with experts from the field (e.g. trade unions, employers' associations, customs) and a comprehensive evaluation of the broad international research literature, it identifies starting points and strategies for sustainably improving compliance with and enforcement of minimum wages.

Desire and Human Flourishing: Perspectives from Positive Psychology, Moral Education and Virtue Ethics (Positive Education)

by Magdalena Bosch

This book discusses the concept of desire as a positive factor in human growth and flourishing. All human decision-making is preceded by some kind of desire, and we act upon desires by either rejecting or following them. It argues that our views on and expressions of desire in various facets of life and through time have differed according to how human beings are taught to desire. Therefore, the concept has tremendous potential to affect human beings positively and to enable personal growth. Though excellent research has been done on the concepts of flourishing, character education and positive psychology, no other work has linked the concept of desire to all of these topics. Featuring key references, explanations of central concepts, and significant practical applications of desire to various fields of human thought and action, the book will be of interest to students and researchers in the fields of positive psychology, positive education, moral philosophy, and virtue ethics.

Power: A Key Idea for Business and Society (Key Ideas in Business and Management)

by Reinoud Bosch

Power plays a central role in business and management. But what is power exactly, and what are key elements of this concept? Defining power as relative ability, this book discusses structures of power, individual power, the exercise of power, strategy, and collective power. While discussing these key components, ideas of important thinkers about power, from Plato to Foucault, Weber to Lukes, Machiavelli to Kahneman, Sun to Kotter, and Barnard to Clegg, are discussed and interpretively categorized into a toolbox of conceptual elements – what Blumer referred to as sensitizing concepts. This toolbox of sensitizing concepts allows the selection of those elements of the concept of power that provide the most constructive and effective practical understanding in particular situations. The core message behind the discussion is that knowledge of key components of the concept of power is empowering. It is empowering to learn about aspects of structures of power, individual power, the exercise of power, strategy, and collective power. Understanding such conceptual components empowers students, researchers, practitioners, and other readers to use their understanding in interpreting, theorizing about, and dealing with the complexities of power in their particular situations – without tying them to any preconceived general theories about power.

Power: A Key Idea for Business and Society (Key Ideas in Business and Management)

by Reinoud Bosch

Power plays a central role in business and management. But what is power exactly, and what are key elements of this concept? Defining power as relative ability, this book discusses structures of power, individual power, the exercise of power, strategy, and collective power. While discussing these key components, ideas of important thinkers about power, from Plato to Foucault, Weber to Lukes, Machiavelli to Kahneman, Sun to Kotter, and Barnard to Clegg, are discussed and interpretively categorized into a toolbox of conceptual elements – what Blumer referred to as sensitizing concepts. This toolbox of sensitizing concepts allows the selection of those elements of the concept of power that provide the most constructive and effective practical understanding in particular situations. The core message behind the discussion is that knowledge of key components of the concept of power is empowering. It is empowering to learn about aspects of structures of power, individual power, the exercise of power, strategy, and collective power. Understanding such conceptual components empowers students, researchers, practitioners, and other readers to use their understanding in interpreting, theorizing about, and dealing with the complexities of power in their particular situations – without tying them to any preconceived general theories about power.

Social Media and Everyday Life in South Africa (Routledge Contemporary South Africa)

by Tanja E Bosch

This book explores how social media is used in South Africa, through a range of case studies exploring various social networking sites and applications. This volume explores how, over the past decade, social media platforms have deeply penetrated the fabric of everyday life. The author considers South Africans’ use of wearable tech and use of online health and sports tracking systems via mobile phones within the broader context of the digital data economy. The author also focuses on the dating app Tinder, to show how people negotiate and redefine intimacy through the practice of online dating via strategic performances in pursuit of love, sex and intimacy. The book concludes with the use of Facebook and Twitter for social activism (e.g. Fees Must Fall), as well as networked community building as in the case of the #imstaying movement. This book will be of interest to social media academics and students, as well as anyone interested in social media, politics and cultural life in South Africa.

Social Media and Everyday Life in South Africa (Routledge Contemporary South Africa)

by Tanja E Bosch

This book explores how social media is used in South Africa, through a range of case studies exploring various social networking sites and applications. This volume explores how, over the past decade, social media platforms have deeply penetrated the fabric of everyday life. The author considers South Africans’ use of wearable tech and use of online health and sports tracking systems via mobile phones within the broader context of the digital data economy. The author also focuses on the dating app Tinder, to show how people negotiate and redefine intimacy through the practice of online dating via strategic performances in pursuit of love, sex and intimacy. The book concludes with the use of Facebook and Twitter for social activism (e.g. Fees Must Fall), as well as networked community building as in the case of the #imstaying movement. This book will be of interest to social media academics and students, as well as anyone interested in social media, politics and cultural life in South Africa.

Umwelt- und Ökologiebewegungen: Ein Überblick (essentials)

by Jens Boscheinen Laurens Bortfeldt

Ein junges Mädchen aus Schweden schafft, was viele über Jahrzehnte versucht haben. Greta Thunberg und die Fridays for Future-Bewegung schlagen Alarm und die Politik hört nicht nur zu, sondern ist angesichts der Kraft der sozialen Bewegung dazu gezwungen, aktiv zu handeln. Das vorliegende essential betrachtet die Umweltbewegungen in Deutschland der vergangenen 50 Jahre, gibt Einblicke in die Denkweise der Fridays for Future-Bewegung und ordnet diese ein.

Wissenschaft in der Wissensgesellschaft

by Stefan Böschen Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer

Spätestens seit Beginn der industriellen Revolution ist methodisch erzeugtes und abgesichertes Wissen eine Ressource von entscheidender gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung. Was rechtfertigt es also, die gegenwärtige gesellschaftliche Realität in besonderer Weise als die einer Wissensgesellschaft zu kennzeichnen? Mit Beiträgen u.a. von Martin Heidenreich, Nico Stehr und Christoph Lau.

Wissenschaft zwischen Folgenverantwortung und Nichtwissen: Aktuelle Perspektiven der Wissenschaftsforschung

by Stefan Böschen Peter Wehling

Das Buch möchte mit den beiden Konzepten "Soziologie des wissenschaftlichen Nichtwissens" und "Science Assessment" einen Beitrag zur Analyse der gegenwärtigen Situation der Wissensgesellschaft leisten und damit neue Perspektiven für die Wissenschaftsforschung sowie Impulse zur politischen Gestaltung des Verhältnisses von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft geben.

Die Gegenwart der Zukunft: Perspektiven zeitkritischer Wissenspolitik

by Stefan Böschen Kurt Weis

Die Zukunft wurde in modernen Gesellschaften als Horizont unbegrenzter Möglichkeiten wissenschaftlich-technischer und damit auch gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung begriffen. Dieser optimistischen Sichtweise entgegengesetzt zeigt sich heute, wie sehr gegenwärtiges Handeln diesen Horizont von Möglichkeiten gerade begrenzt. In der Folge muss Fortschritt neu bewertet, Zukunft bewusst gestaltet werden. Entsprechend verschieben sich die Muster gesellschaftlicher Zeitstrukturierung, die analytisch als Zeitlandschaften erfasst werden. Die mit diesen Verschiebungen verbundenen Konflikte provozieren Rufe nach einer Zeitpolitik. Mit Blick auf die Risikobewältigung in spätmodernen Gesellschaften werden in diesem Band Probleme und Perspektiven einer zeitkritischen Wissenspolitik diskutiert.

RabbitMQ Cookbook

by Sigismondo Boschi Gabriele Santomaggio

A practical book filled with advanced recipes as well as plenty of code and real-life examples which will make your learning curve quick and easy.If you are a software developer who wants to develop distributed applications based on messaging, then this book is for you. It's assumed that you have some experience with multithreading applications and distributed applications. You are also expected to know the basic concepts of Web and cloud applications in order to follow the recipes effectively.

Public Discourse and Health Policies: The Price of Health in Contemporary Italy

by Nicoletta Bosco

The questions addressed in the book revolve around the public nature of health as an asset and the rights associated with it, by drawing attention to sociology’s role in shedding light on current dynamics and understanding how they may change in the future. In the field of public health, significant empirical evidence points not only to the outcomes, clinical and otherwise, that extensive information can produce but also to the urgent need to rethink the far from straightforward relationship between having this information and the ability to put it to effective use in tackling the problems it relates to. The book is intended for a broad audience of university researchers and students, particularly those involved in upper-level sociology and social policy programs. It will also be of interest to healthcare and social work policy-makers and practitioners who wish to gain a more detailed grasp of the dynamics of healthcare in order to approach its processes critically and improve their outcomes.

Public Discourse and Health Policies: The Price of Health in Contemporary Italy

by Nicoletta Bosco

The questions addressed in the book revolve around the public nature of health as an asset and the rights associated with it, by drawing attention to sociology’s role in shedding light on current dynamics and understanding how they may change in the future. In the field of public health, significant empirical evidence points not only to the outcomes, clinical and otherwise, that extensive information can produce but also to the urgent need to rethink the far from straightforward relationship between having this information and the ability to put it to effective use in tackling the problems it relates to. The book is intended for a broad audience of university researchers and students, particularly those involved in upper-level sociology and social policy programs. It will also be of interest to healthcare and social work policy-makers and practitioners who wish to gain a more detailed grasp of the dynamics of healthcare in order to approach its processes critically and improve their outcomes.

Perspectives on Work, Home, and Identity From Artisans in Telangana: Conversations Around Craft

by Chandan Bose

Providing an ethnographic account of the everyday life of a household of artisans in the Telangana state of southern India, Chandan Bose engages with craft practice beyond the material (in this case, the region's characteristic murals, narrative cloth scrolls, and ritual masks and figurines). In situating the voice of the artisans themselves as the central focus of study, simultaneous and juxtaposing histories of craft practice emerge, through which artisans assemble narratives about work, home, and identity through multiple lenses. These perspectives include: the language artisans use to articulate their experience of materials, materiality, and the physical process of making; the shared and collective memory of practitioners through which they recount the genealogy of the practice; the everyday life of the household and its kinship practices, given the integration of the studio-space and the home-space; the negotiations between practitioners and the nation-state over matters of patronage; and the capacities of artisans to both conform to and affect the practices of the neo-liberal market.

Klinisch rein: Zum Verhältnis von Sauberkeit, Macht und Arbeit im Krankenhaus (Kultur und soziale Praxis)

by Käthe von Bose

Sauberkeit Macht Arbeit. Mit den Fragen, wer für wen putzt und was unter »sauber« und »schmutzig« verstanden wird, sind viele grundlegende Themen verbunden. Diese ethnografische Studie zeigt, dass es bei dem Thema Sauberkeit auch in Krankenhäusern nicht nur um hygienische Reinheit geht, sondern zugleich um Fragen gesellschaftlicher Arbeitsteilung, um soziale Grenzziehungen, Geschlechterzuschreibungen und die (widerständige) Arbeit an sozialer Ordnung. Käthe von Bose bietet einen detaillierten Einblick in die vielschichtigen Aushandlungen um Sauberkeit und Hygiene sowie die damit befassten Arbeiten von verschiedenen Krankenhausakteur_innen. So macht sie Reinigen als soziale Praxis und als Verdichtung gesellschaftlicher Machtfragen sichtbar.

Urban Development in India: Global Indians in the Remaking of Kolkata (Routledge Series on Urban South Asia)

by Pablo Shiladitya Bose

Indian diaspora has had a complex and multifaceted role in catalyzing, justifying and promoting a transformed urban landscape in India. Focussing on Kolkata/ Calcutta, this book analyses the changing landscapes over the past two decades of one of the world’s most fascinating and iconic cities. Previously better known due to its post-Independence decline into overcrowded poverty, pollution and despair, in recent years it has experience a revitalization that echoes India’s renaissance as a whole in the new millennium. This book weaves together narratives of migration and diasporas, postmodern developmentalism and neoliberal urbanism, and identity and belonging in the Global South. It examines the rise of middle-class environmental initiatives and Kolkata’s attempts to reclaim its earlier global status. It suggests that a form of global gentrification is taking place, through which people and place are being fundamentally restructured. Based on a decade’s worth of field research and investigation in multiple sites - metropolitan centers connected by long histories of empire, migration, economy, and culture - it employs a multi-methods approach and uses ethnographic, semi-structured interviews as well as archival research for much of the empirical data collected. Addressing urban change and policies, as well as spatial and discoursive transformations that are occurring in India, it will be of interest to researchers in the field of urban geography, urban and regional planning, environmental studies, diaspora studies and South Asian studies.

Urban Development in India: Global Indians in the Remaking of Kolkata (Routledge Series on Urban South Asia)

by Pablo Shiladitya Bose

Indian diaspora has had a complex and multifaceted role in catalyzing, justifying and promoting a transformed urban landscape in India. Focussing on Kolkata/ Calcutta, this book analyses the changing landscapes over the past two decades of one of the world’s most fascinating and iconic cities. Previously better known due to its post-Independence decline into overcrowded poverty, pollution and despair, in recent years it has experience a revitalization that echoes India’s renaissance as a whole in the new millennium. This book weaves together narratives of migration and diasporas, postmodern developmentalism and neoliberal urbanism, and identity and belonging in the Global South. It examines the rise of middle-class environmental initiatives and Kolkata’s attempts to reclaim its earlier global status. It suggests that a form of global gentrification is taking place, through which people and place are being fundamentally restructured. Based on a decade’s worth of field research and investigation in multiple sites - metropolitan centers connected by long histories of empire, migration, economy, and culture - it employs a multi-methods approach and uses ethnographic, semi-structured interviews as well as archival research for much of the empirical data collected. Addressing urban change and policies, as well as spatial and discoursive transformations that are occurring in India, it will be of interest to researchers in the field of urban geography, urban and regional planning, environmental studies, diaspora studies and South Asian studies.

Modern South Asia: History, Culture, Political Economy (PDF)

by Sugata Bose Ayesha Jalal

Drawing on the newest and most sophisticated historical research and scholarship in the field, Modern South Asia provides a challenging insight for those with an intellectual curiosity about the region. After sketching the pre-modern history of the subcontinent, the book concentrates on the last three centuries. Jointly authored by two leading Indian and Pakistani historians, it offers a rare depth of historical understanding of the politics, cultures, and economies that shape the lives of more than a fifth of humanity. In this comprehensive study, the authors interpret and debate the striking developments in contemporary South Asian history and historical writing, covering the entire spectrum of the region#65533;s modern history #65533; social, economic and political. The book provides new insights into the structure and ideology of the British raj, the meaning of subaltern resistance, the refashioning of social relations along the lines of caste, class, community and gender, the different strands of anti-colonial nationalism and the dynamics of decolonization. This third edition brings the debate up to the present day, taking account of recent historical research and covering the closer integration of South Asia with the global economy, the impact of developments in Afghanistan on the region as a whole, and the fresh challenges to South Asia#65533;s nation-states.

Mikropolitik: Netzwerke und Karrieren

by Horst Bosetzky

Großorganisationen sollen nicht als rationale Apparate verstanden werden, sondern als soziale Gebilde, in denen es zwar Hierarchien gibt, aber das bei Vorgesetzten wirklich verfügbare Machtpotential von einem erfolgreichen mikropolitischen Handeln abhängt. Wie kann ich meine Macht ausbauen, indem ich Koalitionen mit anderen eingehe, und wie sehr muss ich Hilfeleistungen zurückzahlen? Wie kann ich bewusst Unklarheit schaffen, um meine ganz persönlichen Ziele zu erreichen? Was fördert die organisationsinterne Anomie und was anarchische Tendenzen? Welche Dunkelfaktoren gibt es bei Beförderungen, zum Beispiel das "Wegloben"? Diese und weitere Fragen werden in der vorliegenden Textsammlung des Autors beantwortet.

Value-Creating Education: Teachers’ Perceptions and Practice (Routledge Series on Life and Values Education)

by Emiliano Bosio Maria Guajardo

Offering a pivotal reference point and a wide range of global perspectives of teaching experiences on value-creating education (VCE), this book is a timely spotlight on contemporary issues of globalisation that many educational institutions around the world may encounter. It contributes to the originality of constructing new knowledge in the field of VCE, a forward-looking framework, and an ethical and educational imperative that can be understood in different ways, from diverse theoretical orientations. The chapters written by experienced international educators explore the following questions: How do educators understand the role of VCE? What pedagogical approaches to VCE do educators employ in their classes? How do educators support the values and knowledge of VCE in all curricular areas? What do educators see as the key essential values and knowledge that students should develop through VCE? It offers valuable insights and applied pedagogical practices for postgraduate students, researchers, educational policy makers, curriculum developers, and decision-makers in higher education institutions and non-governmental organizations (e.g., UNESCO, OXFAM).

Value-Creating Education: Teachers’ Perceptions and Practice (Routledge Series on Life and Values Education)

by Emiliano Bosio Maria Guajardo

Offering a pivotal reference point and a wide range of global perspectives of teaching experiences on value-creating education (VCE), this book is a timely spotlight on contemporary issues of globalisation that many educational institutions around the world may encounter. It contributes to the originality of constructing new knowledge in the field of VCE, a forward-looking framework, and an ethical and educational imperative that can be understood in different ways, from diverse theoretical orientations. The chapters written by experienced international educators explore the following questions: How do educators understand the role of VCE? What pedagogical approaches to VCE do educators employ in their classes? How do educators support the values and knowledge of VCE in all curricular areas? What do educators see as the key essential values and knowledge that students should develop through VCE? It offers valuable insights and applied pedagogical practices for postgraduate students, researchers, educational policy makers, curriculum developers, and decision-makers in higher education institutions and non-governmental organizations (e.g., UNESCO, OXFAM).

What Would You Do?: Juggling Bioethics and Ethnography

by Charles L. Bosk

In hospital rooms across the country, doctors, nurses, patients, and their families grapple with questions of life and death. Recently, they have been joined at the bedside by a new group of professional experts, bioethicists, whose presence raises a host of urgent questions. How has bioethics evolved into a legitimate specialty? When is such expertise necessary? How do bioethicists make their decisions? And whose interests do they serve? Renowned sociologist Charles L. Bosk has been observing medical care for thirty-five years. In What Would You Do? he brings his extensive experience to bear on these questions while reflecting on the ethical dilemmas that his own ethnographic research among surgeons and genetic counselors has provoked. Bosk considers whether the consent given to ethnographers by their subjects can ever be fully voluntary and informed. He questions whether promises of confidentiality and anonymity can or should be made. And he wonders if social scientists overestimate the benefits of their work while downplaying the risks. Vital for practitioners of both the newly prominent field of bioethics and the long-established craft of ethnography, What Would You Do? will also engross anyone concerned with how our society addresses difficult health care issues.

Rethinking Third Places: Informal Public Spaces and Community Building

by Caryl Bosman Joanne Dolley

The demise of community as a social construct is re-examined in this book using the lens of Ray Oldenburg’s concept of third place to view contemporary issues of alienation, loss, safety, mobility and sense of place. Third places are the spaces where we interact with people and society outside of home and work, and are vital in creating a sense of place and community. As an essential component of urban life, there is a need to understand the importance of third places and how they can be incorporated into urban design to offer places of interaction, promoting togetherness in an urbanised world of mobility and rapid change. Presenting the latest research on the evolution of third place thinking, this book explores new conceptual approaches and new ideas about what constitutes a third place: public transport, online places, music archives, sidewalks and community gardens. Rethinking the concept of third places from virtual and geographical perspectives, this book will prove an insightful read for researchers and planners in the fields of sociology and urban planning as well as urban, social and cultural geography.

Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methods: A Contextual Approach

by Pauline Boss William J. Doherty Ralph LaRossa Walter R. Schumm Suzanne K. Steinmetz

Origins We call this book on theoretical orientations and methodological strategies in family studies a sourcebook because it details the social and personal roots (i.e., sources) from which these orientations and strategies flow. Thus, an appropriate way to preface this book is to talk first of its roots, its beginnings. In the mid 1980s there emerged in some quarters the sense that it was time for family studies to take stock of itself. A goal was thus set to write a book that, like Janus, would face both backward and forward a book that would give readers both a perspec tive on the past and a map for the future. There were precedents for such a project: The Handbook of Marriage and the Family edited by Harold Christensen and published in 1964; the two Contemporary Theories about theFamily volumes edited by Wesley Burr, Reuben Hill, F. Ivan Nye, and Ira Reiss, published in 1979; and the Handbook of Marriage and the Family edited by Marvin Sussman and Suzanne Steinmetz, then in production.

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