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Showing 8,176 through 8,200 of 75,835 results

Value-Creating Education: Teachers’ Perceptions and Practice (Routledge Series on Life and Values Education)

by Emiliano Bosio Maria Guajardo

Offering a pivotal reference point and a wide range of global perspectives of teaching experiences on value-creating education (VCE), this book is a timely spotlight on contemporary issues of globalisation that many educational institutions around the world may encounter. It contributes to the originality of constructing new knowledge in the field of VCE, a forward-looking framework, and an ethical and educational imperative that can be understood in different ways, from diverse theoretical orientations. The chapters written by experienced international educators explore the following questions: How do educators understand the role of VCE? What pedagogical approaches to VCE do educators employ in their classes? How do educators support the values and knowledge of VCE in all curricular areas? What do educators see as the key essential values and knowledge that students should develop through VCE? It offers valuable insights and applied pedagogical practices for postgraduate students, researchers, educational policy makers, curriculum developers, and decision-makers in higher education institutions and non-governmental organizations (e.g., UNESCO, OXFAM).

What Would You Do?: Juggling Bioethics and Ethnography

by Charles L. Bosk

In hospital rooms across the country, doctors, nurses, patients, and their families grapple with questions of life and death. Recently, they have been joined at the bedside by a new group of professional experts, bioethicists, whose presence raises a host of urgent questions. How has bioethics evolved into a legitimate specialty? When is such expertise necessary? How do bioethicists make their decisions? And whose interests do they serve? Renowned sociologist Charles L. Bosk has been observing medical care for thirty-five years. In What Would You Do? he brings his extensive experience to bear on these questions while reflecting on the ethical dilemmas that his own ethnographic research among surgeons and genetic counselors has provoked. Bosk considers whether the consent given to ethnographers by their subjects can ever be fully voluntary and informed. He questions whether promises of confidentiality and anonymity can or should be made. And he wonders if social scientists overestimate the benefits of their work while downplaying the risks. Vital for practitioners of both the newly prominent field of bioethics and the long-established craft of ethnography, What Would You Do? will also engross anyone concerned with how our society addresses difficult health care issues.

Rethinking Third Places: Informal Public Spaces and Community Building

by Caryl Bosman Joanne Dolley

The demise of community as a social construct is re-examined in this book using the lens of Ray Oldenburg’s concept of third place to view contemporary issues of alienation, loss, safety, mobility and sense of place. Third places are the spaces where we interact with people and society outside of home and work, and are vital in creating a sense of place and community. As an essential component of urban life, there is a need to understand the importance of third places and how they can be incorporated into urban design to offer places of interaction, promoting togetherness in an urbanised world of mobility and rapid change. Presenting the latest research on the evolution of third place thinking, this book explores new conceptual approaches and new ideas about what constitutes a third place: public transport, online places, music archives, sidewalks and community gardens. Rethinking the concept of third places from virtual and geographical perspectives, this book will prove an insightful read for researchers and planners in the fields of sociology and urban planning as well as urban, social and cultural geography.

Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methods: A Contextual Approach

by Pauline Boss William J. Doherty Ralph LaRossa Walter R. Schumm Suzanne K. Steinmetz

Origins We call this book on theoretical orientations and methodological strategies in family studies a sourcebook because it details the social and personal roots (i.e., sources) from which these orientations and strategies flow. Thus, an appropriate way to preface this book is to talk first of its roots, its beginnings. In the mid 1980s there emerged in some quarters the sense that it was time for family studies to take stock of itself. A goal was thus set to write a book that, like Janus, would face both backward and forward a book that would give readers both a perspec tive on the past and a map for the future. There were precedents for such a project: The Handbook of Marriage and the Family edited by Harold Christensen and published in 1964; the two Contemporary Theories about theFamily volumes edited by Wesley Burr, Reuben Hill, F. Ivan Nye, and Ira Reiss, published in 1979; and the Handbook of Marriage and the Family edited by Marvin Sussman and Suzanne Steinmetz, then in production.

Standardisierung in der gymnasialen Oberstufe

by Dorit Bosse Franz Eberle Barbara Schneider-Taylor

​Vergleichsarbeiten, Einheitliche Prüfungsanforderungen, Zentralabitur und Maturitätsreform - Standardisierung spielt in unserem Bildungssystem eine zunehmend größere Rolle. Nachdem die Bildungsstandards für die mittleren Abschlüsse eingeführt wurden, richtet sich die wissenschaftliche Diskussion nun auf die Bildungsstandards für die gymnasiale Oberstufe. Von besonderem Interesse ist dabei die Frage der Auswirkung von Vereinheitlichungen auf die Qualität von Unterricht und Abitur und Matura. Fraglich ist bisher, ob Standardisierung zur Senkung oder Anhebung des Niveaus des höchsten Schulabschlusses führt. Im Zuge der Angleichungstendenzen wird beklagt, dass es Oberstufenschülerinnen und -schülern durch die beschränkten Wahlmöglichkeit zunehmend erschwert wird, ihre Bildungswege individuell zu gestalten. Diskutiert wird außerdem, ob für innovative Schulkonzepte im Bereich der Sekundarstufe II wie Profiloberstufen durch Standardisierung noch genügend Gestaltungsraum bleibt. Letztlich gilt es zu klären, inwieweit sich durch eine verstärkte Vergleichbarkeit von Bildungsabschlüssen die Bildungsgerechtigkeit erhöhen oder verringern wird.​

Die Gesellschaft verändern: Zur Strategieentwicklung in Basisgruppen der deutschen Umweltbewegung (Sozialtheorie)

by Jana Bosse

Soziale Bewegungen versuchen auf unterschiedlichen Wegen, gesellschaftlichen Wandel herbeizuführen. Jana Bosse erfasst anhand der empirischen Untersuchung von vier Basisgruppen der Umweltbewegung den komplexen Prozess der Strategieentwicklung und zeigt: Anders als gedacht, sind Strategien nicht primär durch politische Möglichkeitsfenster oder vorhandene Ressourcen bestimmt. Vielmehr sind sie durch die Theories of Change, also die Vorstellungen der Aktiven, sowie die Machtstruktur und Aufgabenverteilung in der Gruppe geprägt.

Interactive Storytelling: 13th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2020, Bournemouth, UK, November 3–6, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12497)

by Anne-Gwenn Bosser David E. Millard Charlie Hargood

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2020, held in Bournemouth, UK, in November 2020. The 15 full papers and 8 short papers presented together with 5 posters, were carefully reviewed and selected from 70 submissions. The conference offers topics in game narrative and interactive storytelling, including the theoretical, technological, and applied design practices, narrative systems, storytelling technology, and humanities-inspired theoretical inquiry, empirical research and artistic expression.

Geld, Generation und Ungleichheit: Finanzielle Solidarität zwischen Erwachsenen und ihren Eltern

by Tamara Bosshardt

Das vorliegende Open-Access-Buch analysiert finanzielle Transfers zwischen Erwachsenen und ihren Eltern, die zur Reproduktion von Ungleichheiten auf der Makroebene beitragen. Soziale Ungleichheiten in der Kindergeneration lassen sich zu einem grossen Teil auf soziale Ungleichheiten in der Elterngeneration zurückführen. Genauer geht die Autorin den Fragen nach, wer mehr bzw. weniger Geld-, Sachgeschenke oder Zahlungen leistet und erhält, welche Faktoren Unterschiede im Transferverhalten erklären und wie sich finanzielle Transfers zwischen Generationen auf Ungleichheitsstrukturen in der Kindergeneration auswirken. Die theoretische Perspektive kombiniert Ansätze aus der Ungleichheits- und Familiensoziologie mit Theorien zur Erklärung von solidarischem Handeln und kumulativen Prozessen. Ob und in welchem Umfang sich Erwachsene und ihre Eltern gegenseitig unterstützen können, hängt stark von ihren jeweiligen ökonomischen Ressourcen ab. Auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene bedeutet lebenslange familiale Solidarität daher häufig lebenslange Ungleichheit von Unterstützungsstrukturen. Finanzielle Transfers zwischen Familiengenerationen reduzieren damit zwar Ungleichheiten innerhalb von Familien, tragen insgesamt aber zu einer Verschärfung der Ungleichheiten zwischen Familien bei.

Feeding Cities: Improving local food access, security, and resilience (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment)

by Christopher Bosso

There is enormous current interest in urban food systems, with a wide array of policies and initiatives intended to increase food security, decrease ecological impacts and improve public health. This volume is a cross-disciplinary and applied approach to urban food system sustainability, health, and equity. The contributions are from researchers working on social, economic, political and ethical issues associated with food systems. The book's focus is on the analysis of and lessons obtained from specific experiences relevant to local food systems, such as tapping urban farmers markets to address issues of food access and public health, and use of zoning to restrict the density of fast food restaurants with the aim of reducing obesity rates. Other topics considered include building a local food business to address the twin problems of economic and nutritional distress, developing ways to reduce food waste and improve food access in poor urban neighborhoods, and asking whether the many, and diverse, hopes for urban agriculture are justified. The chapters show that it is critical to conduct research on existing efforts to determine what works and to develop best practices in pursuit of sustainable and socially just urban food systems. The main examples discussed are from the United States, but the issues are applicable internationally.

Feeding Cities: Improving local food access, security, and resilience (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment)

by Christopher Bosso

There is enormous current interest in urban food systems, with a wide array of policies and initiatives intended to increase food security, decrease ecological impacts and improve public health. This volume is a cross-disciplinary and applied approach to urban food system sustainability, health, and equity. The contributions are from researchers working on social, economic, political and ethical issues associated with food systems. The book's focus is on the analysis of and lessons obtained from specific experiences relevant to local food systems, such as tapping urban farmers markets to address issues of food access and public health, and use of zoning to restrict the density of fast food restaurants with the aim of reducing obesity rates. Other topics considered include building a local food business to address the twin problems of economic and nutritional distress, developing ways to reduce food waste and improve food access in poor urban neighborhoods, and asking whether the many, and diverse, hopes for urban agriculture are justified. The chapters show that it is critical to conduct research on existing efforts to determine what works and to develop best practices in pursuit of sustainable and socially just urban food systems. The main examples discussed are from the United States, but the issues are applicable internationally.

A Comparison of Probabilistic Unfolding Theories for Paired Comparisons Data (Recent Research in Psychology)

by Patrick Bossuyt

Some data-analytic methods excel by their sheer elegance. Their basic principles seem to have a particular attraction, based on a intricate combination of simplicity, deliberation, and power. They usually balance on the verge of two disciplines, data-analysis and foundational measurement, or statistics and psychology. To me, unfolding has always been one of them. The theory and the original methodology were created by Clyde Coombs (1912-1988) to describe and analyze preferential choice data. The fundamental assumptions are truly psy­ chological; Unfolding is based on the notion of a single peaked preference function over a psychological similarity space, or, in an alternative but equivalent expression, on the assumption of implicit comparisons with an ideal alternative. Unfolding has proved to be a very constructive data-analytic principle, and a source of inspiration for many theories on choice behavior. Yet the number of applications has not lived up to the acclaim the theory has received among mathematical psychologists. One of the reasons is that it requires far more consistency in human choice behavior than can be expected. Several authors have tried to attenuate these requirements by turning the deterministic unfolding theory into a probabilistic one. Since Coombs first put forth a probabilistic version of his theory, a number of competing proposals have been presented in the literature over the past thirty years. This monograph contains a summary and a comparison of unfolding theories for paired comparisons data, and an evaluation strategy designed to assess the validity of these theories in empirical choice tasks.

Bakhtinian Perspectives on Language and Culture: Meaning in Language, Art and New Media

by F. Bostad C. Brandist L. Evensen H. Faber

In this multi-disciplinary volume, comprising the work of several established scholars from different countries, central concepts associated with the work of the Bakhtin Circle are interrogated in relation to intellectual history, language theory and an understanding of new media. The book will prove an important resource for those interested in the ideas of the Bakhtin Circle, but also for those attempting to develop a coherent theoretical approach to language in use and problems of meaning production in new media.

Justice, Education, and the World of Today: Philosophical Investigations (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education)

by Inga Bostad Marianna Papastephanou Torill Strand

This edited book challenges the limits of current educational philosophical discourse and argues for a restored normativisation of education through a powerful notion of justice.Moving beyond conventional paradigms of how justice and education relate, the book rethinks the promotion of justice in, for, and through education in its current state. Chapters combine international and diverse philosophical perspectives with a focus on contemporary issues, such as climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, racism, and migrant crises. Divided into three distinct parts, the book explores the ontological and socio-political grounds underlying our notions of education and justice, and offers self-reflective meta-critique on education philosophers’ tendency of promoting and upholding orthodox visions and missions. Ultimately, the book offers contemporary and innovative philosophical reflections on the link between justice and education, and enriches the discourse through a multi-perspectival and sensitive exploration of the topic. It will be of great interest to scholars, researchers, and postgraduate students in the fields of philosophy of education, education policy and politics, education studies, and social justice.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. Funded by University of Oslo.

Women Workers & The Trade Unions

by Sarah Boston

In this highly-praised history of women’s battles in the workplace, Sarah Boston explores how women workers have often had to challenge their male co-workers and union organisers, as well as managers. Sarah Boston recounts the story of women workers from the early nineteenth century to the present day: the struggles and strikes, successes and failures in their strenuous efforts to organise and win recognition from employers and male trade unionists. Women Workers and the Trade Unions – now republished with the addition of two new chapters covering the period from 1987 to 2010 – is the only comprehensive account of this neglected overlap of women’s history and labour history. Sarah Boston argues that male trade unionists’ exclusionary treatment of women workers contradicted not only the socialist aims of most trade unions but also the very logic of trade unionism itself. The account is essential reading for anyone concerned with the history of industrial relations, but also with the history of feminism and of women in the workplace. Includes a new preface by TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady.

Leading Issues in Black Political Economy

by Thomas D. Boston

Leading Issues in Black Political Economy brings together the foremost experts on issues ranging from employment, training, and education of African Americans. It also emphasizes macro-economic concerns of business development with special emphasis on long-term trends of black-owned businesses. The work emphasizes welfare considerations in an anti-welfare epoch, and the role of affirmative action now that it is under attack. Attention is given to the role of race in the continuing disparity of income distribution in American society. The highlights of Leading Issues include "An Employment and Business Strategy for the Next Century: A Comment," by Thomas D. Boston; "Long Term Trends and Prospects for Black-owned Business," by Andrew F. Brimmer; "Is the U.S. Small Business Administration a Racist Institution?" by Timothy Bates; "Worker Re-Training and Labor Market Outcomes: A New Focus for Labor Research," by James B. Stewart; "Race, Cognitive Skills, Psychological Capital, and Wages," by Arthur H. Goldsmith, William Darity, Jr., and Jonathan R. Veum; and "Reparations and Public Policy," by Richard F. America. The overall findings suggest that empirical wage equation specifications do matter. The role of psychological capital is critical in the marketplace. Race is indeed an important determinant of wages-especially when the influence of both cognitive skills and psychological capital are included in the wage equation. This volume will be of crucial interest to economists, political scientists, sociologists, and policy analysts studying African-American life. Thomas D. Boston is editor of the Review of Black Political Economy and professor of economics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is the co-editor, with Catherine L. Ross, of The Inner City: Urban Poverty and Economic Development in the Next Century, also available from Transaction.

Leading Issues in Black Political Economy

by Thomas D. Boston

Leading Issues in Black Political Economy brings together the foremost experts on issues ranging from employment, training, and education of African Americans. It also emphasizes macro-economic concerns of business development with special emphasis on long-term trends of black-owned businesses. The work emphasizes welfare considerations in an anti-welfare epoch, and the role of affirmative action now that it is under attack. Attention is given to the role of race in the continuing disparity of income distribution in American society. The highlights of Leading Issues include "An Employment and Business Strategy for the Next Century: A Comment," by Thomas D. Boston; "Long Term Trends and Prospects for Black-owned Business," by Andrew F. Brimmer; "Is the U.S. Small Business Administration a Racist Institution?" by Timothy Bates; "Worker Re-Training and Labor Market Outcomes: A New Focus for Labor Research," by James B. Stewart; "Race, Cognitive Skills, Psychological Capital, and Wages," by Arthur H. Goldsmith, William Darity, Jr., and Jonathan R. Veum; and "Reparations and Public Policy," by Richard F. America. The overall findings suggest that empirical wage equation specifications do matter. The role of psychological capital is critical in the marketplace. Race is indeed an important determinant of wages-especially when the influence of both cognitive skills and psychological capital are included in the wage equation. This volume will be of crucial interest to economists, political scientists, sociologists, and policy analysts studying African-American life. Thomas D. Boston is editor of the Review of Black Political Economy and professor of economics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is the co-editor, with Catherine L. Ross, of The Inner City: Urban Poverty and Economic Development in the Next Century, also available from Transaction.

Race, Class and Conservatism

by Thomas D Boston

First Published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Race, Class and Conservatism

by Thomas D Boston

First Published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Eco-Standards, Product Labelling and Green Consumerism (Consumption and Public Life)

by M. Boström M. Klintman

As conscientious consumers, we become overwhelmed with alarms about food contamination, climate change, chemical pollution and other environmental and health-related risks. This book explores green and politically engaged consumersim, asking the question: does green labelling offer ways toward a greener and more democratic society?

Environment and Society: Concepts and Challenges (Palgrave Studies in Environmental Sociology and Policy)

by Magnus Boström Debra J. Davidson

This book offers a critical analysis of core concepts that have influenced contemporary conversations about environment-society relations in academic, political, and civil circles. Considering these conceptualizations are currently shaping responses to environmental crises in fundamental ways, critical reflections on concepts such as the Anthropocene, metabolism, risk, resilience, environmental governance, environmental justice and others, are well-warranted. Contributors to this volume, working across a multitude of areas within environmental social science, scrutinize underlying worldviews and assumptions, asking a common set of key questions: What are the different concepts able to explain? How do they take into account society-environment relations? What social, cultural, or geo-political biases and blinders are inherent? What actions or practices do the concepts inspire? The transdisciplinary engagement and reflexivity regarding concepts of environment-society relations represented in these chapters is needed in all spheres of society—in academia, policy and practice—not the least to confront current tendencies of anti-reflexivity and denialism.

Environment and Society: Concepts and Challenges (Palgrave Studies in Environmental Sociology and Policy)

by Magnus Boström Debra J. Davidson

This book offers a critical analysis of core concepts that have influenced contemporary conversations about environment-society relations in academic, political, and civil circles. Considering these conceptualizations are currently shaping responses to environmental crises in fundamental ways, critical reflections on concepts such as the Anthropocene, metabolism, risk, resilience, environmental governance, environmental justice and others, are well-warranted. Contributors to this volume, working across a multitude of areas within environmental social science, scrutinize underlying worldviews and assumptions, asking a common set of key questions: What are the different concepts able to explain? How do they take into account society-environment relations? What social, cultural, or geo-political biases and blinders are inherent? What actions or practices do the concepts inspire? The transdisciplinary engagement and reflexivity regarding concepts of environment-society relations represented in these chapters is needed in all spheres of society—in academia, policy and practice—not the least to confront current tendencies of anti-reflexivity and denialism.

The Real War on Obesity: Contesting Knowledge and Meaning in a Public Health Crisis (Palgrave Studies in Science, Knowledge and Policy)

by John Boswell

This book sheds new light on the political battle to define and construct obesity as a policy issue. Through a rich analysis of the debates in Australia and the UK, it develops a nuanced analysis of the competing narratives that actors rely on to make sense of and argue about this issue, and documents how and to what effect they draw on scientific evidence to support their accounts. The real 'war on obesity', it demonstrates, has always been over the meaning and nature of this public health crisis. This insightful work will interest scholars of interpretive policy studies, critical public health and science and technology studies.

The Palgrave Handbook of Blue Heritage

by Rosabelle Boswell David O’Kane Jeremy Hills

This handbook is unique in its consideration of social and cultural contributions to sustainable oceans management. It is also unique in its deconstruction of the hegemonic value attached to the oceans and in its analysis of discourses regarding what national governments in the Global South should prioritise in their oceans management strategy. Offering a historical perspective from the start, the handbook reflects on the confluence of (western) scientific discourse and colonialism, and the impact of this on indigenous conceptions of the oceans and on social identity. With regard to the latter, the authors are mindful of the nationalisation of island territories worldwide and the impact of this process on regional collaboration, cultural exchange and the valuation of the oceans. Focusing on global examples, the handbook offers a nuanced, region relevant, contemporary conceptualisation of blue heritage, discussing what will be required to achieve an inclusive oceans economy by 2063, the end goal date of the African Union’s Agenda 2063. The analysis will be useful to established academics in the field of ocean studies, policymakers and practitioners engaged in research on the ocean economy, as well as graduate scholars in the ocean sciences.

Making the Middle-class City: The Politics of Gentrifying Amsterdam (The Contemporary City)

by Willem Boterman Wouter van Gent

​This book seeks to understand the urban transformation of Amsterdam over a 40-year period. In addition to charting social and economic changes associated with gentrification, it analyses the electoral dynamics and middle-class politics that have underpinned Amsterdam’s change to a middle-class city.

Power and Ideology in South African Translation: A Social Systems Perspective (Translation History)

by Maricel Botha

This book provides a social interpretation of written South African translation history from the seventeenth century to the present, considering how trends involving various languages have reflected ideologies and unequal power relations and focusing attention on translation’s often hidden social operation. Translation is investigated in relation to colonial mercantilism, scientific knowledge of extraction, Christian missionary conversion, Islamic education, various nationalisms, apartheid oppression and the anti-apartheid struggle, neoliberalism, exclusion and post-apartheid social transformation by employing Niklas Luhmann’s social systems theory. This book will be an essential resource for scholars, graduate students, and general readers who are interested in or work on the history and practice of translation and its cultural agents in the South African context.

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Showing 8,176 through 8,200 of 75,835 results