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Kontinuität und Brüche in Hispanoamerika (Otto von Freising-Vorlesungen der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)

by Nikolaus Böttcher

Im vorliegenden Band wird der Versuch unternommen, wichtige historische Konstanten der Iberischen Geschichte im Übergang vom Spätmittelalter zur Frühen Neuzeit herauszustellen und bis zum Niedergang Spaniens als Großmacht weiterzuverfolgen. Seit dem 15. Jahrhundert begannen vor allem Portugiesen und Kastilier den Atlantikraum zu erweitern. In der Tradition der Reconquista wurden Territorien militärisch eingenommen, neu besiedelt, ihre Siedler mit Privilegien ausgestattet und Handelskontakte aufgebaut. Es entstanden neue Städte und Märkte, die von der Krone mit Hilfe von staatlichen Institutionen und Monopolvergaben kontrolliert werden sollten. Es entstanden aber auch neue Strategien und spezifische Formen des Zusammenlebens. Mit der Entdeckung eines Mundus Novus wurden Konzepte des Spätmittelalters nach Amerika exportiert und erfuhren dabei mitunter drastische Veränderungen.

Organisationstheorie in pädagogischen Feldern: Analyse und Gestaltung (Organisation und Pädagogik #2)

by Wolfgang Böttcher Ewald Terhart

Im Kontext von Organisationstheorie und Bildungsmanagement bieten die AutorInnen dieses Bandes eine wissenschaftlich fundierte Reflexionsgrundlage für geplanten Organisationswandel.

The Professional Woman's Guide to Giving Feedback

by Katie Botten

It can be difficult for women to get ahead at work, particularly in male-dominated environments. However, there are ways to get an edge at work and great feedback is one of them. It may seem like a small element of business life, but knowing how to use feedback effectively can not only allay everyday stresses and anxieties, but it can drive business performance to excellent results. This book will demonstrate exactly how women can use feedback in this way, explaining with clarity and practicality exactly how to make the most out of feedback, and to bring confidence and results at work.

Consumer Culture and Personal Finance: Money Goes to Market (Consumption and Public Life)

by J. Botterill

This book explores the personal savings and credit discourses surrounding post-war British consumer culture. This cultural history highlights the contradictory meanings of home ownership, domesticity, women's consumerism, and banking deregulation that underwrote unprecedented financial crisis and consumer indebtedness.

The Dynamics of Advertising

by Jackie Botterill Iain MacRury Barry Richards

The authors suggest that advertisments, while important in our daily emotional self-management, are far more closely linked to the pragmatics of everyday life than their symbolic richness might suggest. Recent trends in advertisment content point to an important shift in our relationship to goods that reflects an increasing preoccupation with risk management.

The Dynamics of Advertising

by Jackie Botterill Iain MacRury Barry Richards

The authors suggest that advertisments, while important in our daily emotional self-management, are far more closely linked to the pragmatics of everyday life than their symbolic richness might suggest. Recent trends in advertisment content point to an important shift in our relationship to goods that reflects an increasing preoccupation with risk management.

A Sense of Inequality (PDF): Transforming Capitalism

by Wendy Bottero

We have a detailed picture of how inequality impacts people's lives, but a much weaker sense of how people perceive, interpret and understand issues of inequality. What shapes people's everyday understandings of inequality? How are understandings of inequality located in everyday concerns, moral values and principles of justice? This book considers what provokes everyday 'views' or framings of inequality. It examines how different approaches can help us understand this process, drawing on a range of literatures, including social attitudes and perceptions research, class identities and neoliberalism, theories of the psychosocial, affect and the abject, social constructionism, social movements research, and pragmatism. The book examines how troubling social situations come to be regarded as inequalities, explores how they come to be understood as 'class', 'gender', 'racial' or other kinds of inequality, and considers how such inequalities come to be seen as susceptible to intervention and change.

Stratification: Social Division and Inequality

by Wendy Bottero

Offering a fresh and exciting new perspective on differentiation and inequality, this absorbing book investigates how our most personal choices (of sexual partners, friends, consumption items and lifestyle) are influenced by hierarchy and social difference. Exploring the topics of assortative mating; social capital; friendship networks and cultural identity; the book examines how hierarchy affects our tastes and leisure time activities, and who we choose (and hang on to) as our friends and partners. This book: * introduces debates on stratification by exploring its effect on everyday social relations * relates class inequalities to broader processes of social division and cultural differentiation, exploring the associational and cultural aspects of hierarchy * explores how groups draw on social, economic and cultural resources, using cultural 'cues', to admit some and exclude others from their social circle * explores new theoretical approaches to stratification: drawing on cultural theories of class, social interaction approaches, and research on differential association The book has a novel and fresh new way of looking at a well-established area in sociology - social stratification. Offering a fresh and exciting new perspective on differentiation and inequality, this absorbing book investigates how our most personal choices (of sexual partners, friends, consumption items and lifestyle) are influenced by hierarchy and social difference. Exploring the topics of assortative mating; social capital; friendship networks and cultural identity; the book examines how hierarchy affects our tastes and leisure time activities, and who we choose (and hang on to) as our friends and partners. This book: * introduces debates on stratification by exploring its effect on everyday social relations * relates class inequalities to broader processes of social division and cultural differentiation, exploring the associational and cultural aspects of hierarchy * explores how groups draw on social, economic and cultural resources, using cultural 'cues', to admit some and exclude others from their social circle * explores new theoretical approaches to stratification: drawing on cultural theories of class, social interaction approaches, and research on differential association The book has a novel and fresh new way of looking at a well-established area in sociology - social stratification.

Stratification: Social Division and Inequality (PDF)

by Wendy Bottero

Offering a fresh and exciting new perspective on differentiation and inequality, this absorbing book investigates how our most personal choices (of sexual partners, friends, consumption items and lifestyle) are influenced by hierarchy and social difference. Exploring the topics of assortative mating; social capital; friendship networks and cultural identity; the book examines how hierarchy affects our tastes and leisure time activities, and who we choose (and hang on to) as our friends and partners. This book: * introduces debates on stratification by exploring its effect on everyday social relations * relates class inequalities to broader processes of social division and cultural differentiation, exploring the associational and cultural aspects of hierarchy * explores how groups draw on social, economic and cultural resources, using cultural 'cues', to admit some and exclude others from their social circle * explores new theoretical approaches to stratification: drawing on cultural theories of class, social interaction approaches, and research on differential association The book has a novel and fresh new way of looking at a well-established area in sociology - social stratification. Offering a fresh and exciting new perspective on differentiation and inequality, this absorbing book investigates how our most personal choices (of sexual partners, friends, consumption items and lifestyle) are influenced by hierarchy and social difference. Exploring the topics of assortative mating; social capital; friendship networks and cultural identity; the book examines how hierarchy affects our tastes and leisure time activities, and who we choose (and hang on to) as our friends and partners. This book: * introduces debates on stratification by exploring its effect on everyday social relations * relates class inequalities to broader processes of social division and cultural differentiation, exploring the associational and cultural aspects of hierarchy * explores how groups draw on social, economic and cultural resources, using cultural 'cues', to admit some and exclude others from their social circle * explores new theoretical approaches to stratification: drawing on cultural theories of class, social interaction approaches, and research on differential association The book has a novel and fresh new way of looking at a well-established area in sociology - social stratification.

Stratification: Social Division and Inequality

by Wendy Bottero

Offering a fresh and exciting new perspective on differentiation and inequality, this absorbing book investigates how our most personal choices (of sexual partners, friends, consumption items and lifestyle) are influenced by hierarchy and social difference. Exploring the topics of assortative mating; social capital; friendship networks and cultural identity; the book examines how hierarchy affects our tastes and leisure time activities, and who we choose (and hang on to) as our friends and partners. This book: * introduces debates on stratification by exploring its effect on everyday social relations* relates class inequalities to broader processes of social division and cultural differentiation, exploring the associational and cultural aspects of hierarchy* explores how groups draw on social, economic and cultural resources, using cultural 'cues', to admit some and exclude others from their social circle* explores new theoretical approaches to stratification: drawing on cultural theories of class, social interaction approaches, and research on differential association The book has a novel and fresh new way of looking at a well-established area in sociology - social stratification.

Stratification: Social Division and Inequality

by Wendy Bottero

Offering a fresh and exciting new perspective on differentiation and inequality, this absorbing book investigates how our most personal choices (of sexual partners, friends, consumption items and lifestyle) are influenced by hierarchy and social difference. Exploring the topics of assortative mating; social capital; friendship networks and cultural identity; the book examines how hierarchy affects our tastes and leisure time activities, and who we choose (and hang on to) as our friends and partners. This book: * introduces debates on stratification by exploring its effect on everyday social relations* relates class inequalities to broader processes of social division and cultural differentiation, exploring the associational and cultural aspects of hierarchy* explores how groups draw on social, economic and cultural resources, using cultural 'cues', to admit some and exclude others from their social circle* explores new theoretical approaches to stratification: drawing on cultural theories of class, social interaction approaches, and research on differential association The book has a novel and fresh new way of looking at a well-established area in sociology - social stratification.

Opfer rechtsextremer Gewalt (Analysen zu gesellschaftlicher Integration und Desintegration)

by Andreas Böttger Olaf Lobermeier Katarzyna Plachta

In diesem Band werden die Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie vorgestellt, die rechtsextreme Gewalttaten aus der subjektiven Sicht der Opfer untersucht. Gegenstand der Analysen sind das Erleben der Tat selbst durch die Betroffenen sowie kurz- oder langfristige Folgen für ihren weiteren Lebensweg. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf Prozesse einer individuellen und sozialen Restabilisierung nach der Tat gelegt sowie auf gesellschaftliche Bedingungen, die diese Prozesse unterstützen, aber auch behindern können.

Men and States: Rethinking the Domestic Analogy in a Global Age

by C. Bottici

Can we rule states through the same means that have been used to rule individuals? Men and States tackles this issue by analyzing the presuppositions of the domestic analogy and provides the tools to assess its validity in different contexts and theories.

Bataille (Transitions)

by Fred Botting Scott Wilson

One of the most profound thinkers of the twentieth century, Georges Bataille has only recently come to prominence in the Anglophone academy, partly through the influence of post-structuralism. Once seen as no more than a philosopher of eroticism and a writer of avant-garde pornography, Bataille is emerging as an absolutely central figure to discussions of culture, economy, subjectivity and difference.Batailleis the first volume of its kind to offer lucid, diverse and relevant examples of the ways of reading literary and cultural texts in the light of Bataille's work. The essays explore the significance of Bataillean notions like heterology, general economy, transgression and eroticism, through detailed readings of Shakespearean, Elizabethan and Jacobean literature; in analyses of Gothic and postmodern fiction; and in critiques of popular culture, rock music and Hollywood movies. In order to make Bataillean notions more comprehensible to contemporary readers, his concepts are situated in relation to the ideas of renowned critical and cultural theorists like Baudrillard, Deleuze, Derrida, Kristeva, Lacan, as well as Hegel, Freud, Nietzsche and Marx. Here the influence of Bataille is outlined in intellectual and historical terms and the significance of his work can be seen for both contemporary and futural modes of cultural analysis.

Doing Junior Uni: Evidente und heimliche Ordnung einer Kinderuniversität (Kindheit als Risiko und Chance)

by Miriam Böttner

Organisiertes Lernen findet in unserer Gesellschaft in spezifischen Ordnungsarrangements statt, die weit mehr regeln als nur den Erwerb bestimmter intellektueller Fähigkeiten. Miriam Böttner gibt mittels Feinanalysen von Videodaten einen Einblick in das Interaktionsgeschehen in der ‚Junior Uni‘ und die hier zu beobachtenden Ordnungsprozesse. Über verschiedene Formen der Datenaufbereitung macht die Autorin sichtbar, dass es an einer Kinderuniversität nahezu allen an der Interaktion beteiligten Akteuren schwer fällt, den Anspruch, Lernen in ein neues Arrangement zu verlagern, einzulösen. Sie ziehen sich häufig auf ein Lehr-Lernarrangement zurück, bei dem sich schul- und altersspezifische Körper-Raum-Konstellationen sowie Rede- und Schweigegebote verstetigen.

Ethnicity, Class and Gender in Australia (Studies In Society (sydney, N.s.w.) #Vol. 24)

by Gill Bottomley Marie M. de Lepervanche

Ethnicity, Class and Gender in Australia is a major study of the impact of immigration on Australian society, and of the fragmentation that has developed along ethnic, class and gender lines. Rather than thumbnail sketches of ethnic groups or celebrations of multiculturalism, it offers detailed critiques of policy and practice, backed up by evidence from the experiences and research of the authors.This book confronts issues crucial to all Australians: the increasing fragmentation of the workforce; the class, gender and origin-based inequalities present in an 'egalitarian' country; and the ideologies, from racism to multiculturalism, designed to mask these inequalities.The authors also point to evidence of growing resistance to the status quo, and strategies for working towards a more genuine equality - to more positive education programmes, to political action at the workplace and beyond. The aim is to broaden readers' understanding of Australian society by including those who are so often omitted from analysis of that society.

Ethnicity, Class and Gender in Australia

by Gillian Bottomley Marie De Lepervanche

Ethnicity, Class and Gender in Australia is a major study of the impact of immigration on Australian society, and of the fragmentation that has developed along ethnic, class and gender lines. Rather than thumbnail sketches of ethnic groups or celebrations of multiculturalism, it offers detailed critiques of policy and practice, backed up by evidence from the experiences and research of the authors.This book confronts issues crucial to all Australians: the increasing fragmentation of the workforce; the class, gender and origin-based inequalities present in an 'egalitarian' country; and the ideologies, from racism to multiculturalism, designed to mask these inequalities.The authors also point to evidence of growing resistance to the status quo, and strategies for working towards a more genuine equality - to more positive education programmes, to political action at the workplace and beyond. The aim is to broaden readers' understanding of Australian society by including those who are so often omitted from analysis of that society.

Intersexions: Gender/class/culture/ethnicity

by Gillian Bottomley Marie De Lepervanche Jeannie Martin

Do writings about ethnicity, class and gender form a 'holy trinity' or challenge previous unidimensional analyses?Intersexions accepts the triple perspective but goes further. One aim is to understand the processes by which relations of power are maintained, reproduced and resisted. Intersexions also examines modes of representation: within social theory, feminism, development theory and discussions of capitalism and postcolonialism, as well as dominant ideological notions of caste, domesticity and 'success'.The writers' approaches are all critical but concerned also with providing alternatives. Comparative and specific analyses are combined, attention is paid to the written and spoken material of the people 'represented' and their own positions as commentators examined. Topics range from discussions of family ideology and paid and domestic work, to analyses of writings by Aboriginals, Vanuatuans and second generation Greek Australians and critiques of the cultural construction of gender and ethnicity in Bangladesh, India and Indonesia.Themes recur and overlap. Unitary categories are questioned and the processes by which relations described as 'class', 'ethnic', 'cultural' and 'gender' intersect and interact are demonstrated.

The Frankfurt School and its Critics (Key Sociologists)

by The late Bottomore

The Institute of Social Research, from which the Frankfurt School developed, was founded in the early years of the Weimar Republic. It survived the Nazi era in exile, to become an important centre of social theory in the postwar era. Early members of the school, such as Adorno, Horkheimer and Marcuse, developed a form of Marxist theory known as Critical Theory, which became influential in the study of class, politics, culture and ideology. The work of more recent members, and in particular Habermas, has received wide attention throughout Europe and North America. Tom Bottomore's study takes a new and controversial look at the contributions of the Frankfurt School to modern sociology, examining several issues not previously discussed elsewhere. He discusses the neglect of history and political economy by the critical theorists, and considers the relationship of the later Frankfurt School to the radical movements of the 1960s and the present time. His critical analysis makes the school's writers accessible, through an assessment of their work and an exploration of the relationship of Critical Theory to other forms of sociological thought, especially positivism and structuralism.

The Frankfurt School and its Critics (Key Sociologists)

by The late Bottomore

The Institute of Social Research, from which the Frankfurt School developed, was founded in the early years of the Weimar Republic. It survived the Nazi era in exile, to become an important centre of social theory in the postwar era. Early members of the school, such as Adorno, Horkheimer and Marcuse, developed a form of Marxist theory known as Critical Theory, which became influential in the study of class, politics, culture and ideology. The work of more recent members, and in particular Habermas, has received wide attention throughout Europe and North America. Tom Bottomore's study takes a new and controversial look at the contributions of the Frankfurt School to modern sociology, examining several issues not previously discussed elsewhere. He discusses the neglect of history and political economy by the critical theorists, and considers the relationship of the later Frankfurt School to the radical movements of the 1960s and the present time. His critical analysis makes the school's writers accessible, through an assessment of their work and an exploration of the relationship of Critical Theory to other forms of sociological thought, especially positivism and structuralism.

Elites and Society

by Tom Bottomore

In this substantially revised and enlarged second edition of a classic text that has been used throughout the world in numerous translations, Tom Bottomore reconsiders élite theory in the light of more recent studies. He examines the role and significance of élites in relation to classes and class structure in both advanced industrial and developing countries, and expounds the criticism of élites and élitism that have been formulated by democratic and socialist thinkers and movements. In a new concluding chapter, Professor Bottomore considers the prospect, as humanity approaches the millenium, for a renewed advance towards more egalitarian forms of society, in which all citizens would be able to participate more fully and effectively in the shaping of their social world. Tom Bottomore taught at the London School of Economics 1952-64, was Head of the Department of Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver 1965-67, and Professor of Sociology at the University of Sussex 1968-85 where he is now Professor Emeritus. He is the author of numerous books, most recently: Theories of Modern Capitalism, Allen and Unwin (1985); Classes in Modern Society, Routledge (2nd edition, 1991) and Between Marginalism and Marxism: The Economic Sociology of J A Schumpter, Harvester Wheatsheaf (1992).

Elites and Society

by Tom Bottomore

In this substantially revised and enlarged second edition of a classic text that has been used throughout the world in numerous translations, Tom Bottomore reconsiders élite theory in the light of more recent studies. He examines the role and significance of élites in relation to classes and class structure in both advanced industrial and developing countries, and expounds the criticism of élites and élitism that have been formulated by democratic and socialist thinkers and movements. In a new concluding chapter, Professor Bottomore considers the prospect, as humanity approaches the millenium, for a renewed advance towards more egalitarian forms of society, in which all citizens would be able to participate more fully and effectively in the shaping of their social world. Tom Bottomore taught at the London School of Economics 1952-64, was Head of the Department of Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver 1965-67, and Professor of Sociology at the University of Sussex 1968-85 where he is now Professor Emeritus. He is the author of numerous books, most recently: Theories of Modern Capitalism, Allen and Unwin (1985); Classes in Modern Society, Routledge (2nd edition, 1991) and Between Marginalism and Marxism: The Economic Sociology of J A Schumpter, Harvester Wheatsheaf (1992).

Marxist Sociology (Studies in Sociology)

by Tom Bottomore

The Inclusion of Other Women: Breaking the Silence through Dialogic Learning (Lifelong Learning Book Series #4)

by Lena de Botton Lídia Puigvert Montse Sánchez-Aroca

Why we are the “other women” This book recognizes a reality, our reality, that of the “other women”. Why are we the “other women”? Because we are women who, given the fact that we have not had the chance to obtain an academic education, were silenced and have remained outside of the spaces for public debate about women. This exclusion is worse if we are immigrants or belong to an ethnic minority. Those of us who are housewives, domestic workers or factory workers, because we do not have academic degrees, do not have spaces in which our voices can be heard, where we can say what we want. At times women whose voices are heard, because they have been able to go to university or have been leaders in the feminist movement, speak for all of the other women who have not been able to get a formal education, without asking us what it is we really want or think. Through our participation in educational and cultural centers and associations, many of us have formed associations and women’s groups. In this way, we are creating spaces where we can discuss issues that we are concerned about: solidarity among women, demands for better widows’ pensions, exploitation of domestic workers, etc. And we are organizing ourselves to get our voices, demands and opinions about these issues out there into the public debate.

Religious Rules, State Law, and Normative Pluralism - A Comparative Overview (Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law #18)

by Rossella Bottoni Rinaldo Cristofori Silvio Ferrari

This book is devoted to the study of the interplay between religious rules and State law. It explores how State recognition of religious rules can affect the degree of legal diversity that is available to citizens and why such recognition sometime results in more individual and collective freedom and sometime in a threat to equality of citizens before the law. The first part of the book contains a few contributions that place this discussion within the wider debate on legal pluralism. While State law and religious rules are two normative systems among many others, the specific characteristics of the latter are at the heart of tensions that emerge with increasing frequency in many countries. The second part is devoted to the analysis of about twenty national cases that provide an overview of the different tools and strategies that are employed to manage the relationship between State law and religious rules all over the world.

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