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The Book of Golf Disasters & Bizarre Records

by Chris Plumridge

Introduced by the legendary broadcaster Terry Wogan, this new EBook is a re-release of Chris Plumridge’s best-selling bedside book describing all the things that can go wrong on the golf course and the crazy records that came about as a consequence.

The Cricketer Book of Cricket Eccentrics and Eccentric Behaviour

by Christopher Martin-Jenkins

Long out of print, the late Christopher Martin-Jenkins’ humorous book The Cricketer Book of Eccentric Behaviour and Cricket Eccentric Eccentrics is at last available as an ebook. A noted cricket commentator, Editor of The Cricketer from 1980 and President of the Cricket Society from 1998 to 2008, Christopher had an encyclopaedic knowledge of cricket including a wealth of anecdotes and amusing stories which are regaled with humour in this book which was a popular best-seller when first published in the 1980s.

Family and Economy in Modern Society: (pdf)

by P. Close R. Collins

I Chose To Climb

by Sir Chris Bonington

The early climbing years of Britain's greatest living mountaineer, from his schooldays to his ascent of the Eiger in 1962.I CHOSE TO CLIMB, first published in 1966, was Chris Bonington's first book. He was recognised then, as now, as one of the outstanding members of a brilliant generation of mountaineers, which included such personalities as Hamish MacInnes, Don Whillans and Ian Clough. Here he describes his climbing beginnings as a teenager as well as successful ascents all over the world: the first ascent of the Central Pillar of Freney, the first British ascent of the North Face of the Eiger in 1962, Annapurna II in 1960 and in an unhappy expedition in 1961, Nuptse, the third peak of Everest. The first volume of Chris Bonington's autobiography is written with a warmth and enthusiasm that he has made his own. It tells of his climbing tastes and practice, and of family, friends and partnerships cemented over many years.

Supercharged Infield

by Matt Christopher

Penny Farrell, captain and third baseman of the Hawks softball team, tries to uncover the reason for the strange behavior of two teammates who have also suddenly turned into super athletes.

All In: The Autobiography of Billie Jean King

by Billie Jean King

An inspiring and intimate self-portrait of the champion of equality that encompasses her brilliant tennis career, unwavering activism, and an ongoing commitment to fairness and social justice.'A constant role model in my life, Billie Jean King is a leading example of integrity in the face of adversity. The book's powerfully honest and unapologetic candor is a reflection of King's brilliant mark on the world and the glass ceilings she shattered' Serena WilliamsIn this spirited account, Billie Jean King details her life's journey to find her true self. She recounts her groundbreaking tennis career -- six years as the top-ranked woman in the world, twenty Wimbledon championships, thirty-nine grand-slam titles, and her watershed defeat of Bobby Riggs in the famous "Battle of the Sexes." She poignantly recalls the cultural backdrop of those years and the profound impact on her worldview from the women's movement, the assassinations and anti-war protests of the 1960s, the civil rights movement, and, eventually, the LGBTQ+ rights movement.She describes the myriad challenges she's hurdled -- entrenched sexism, an eating disorder, near financial ruin after being outed -- on her path to publicly and unequivocally acknowledging her sexual identity at the age of fifty-one. And she talks about how her life today remains one of indefatigable service. She offers insights and advice on leadership, business, activism, sports, politics, marriage equality, parenting, sexuality, and love. She shows how living honestly and openly has had a transformative effect on her relationships and happiness.Hers is the story of a pathbreaking feminist, a world-class athlete, and an indomitable spirit whose impact has transcended even her spectacular achievements in sports.__________________________'Compelling... a brave and moving book, a must-read for tennis fans and a vivid slice of social history' Melanie Reid, The Times'A terrific read' Constance Craig Smith, Daily Mail'A vivid and detailed account of her rise to sporting greatness and her struggles to attain equal treatment for women in a shockingly discriminatory sport... All In describes a life comprising one epic struggle after another, both on and off court' Fiona Sturges, Guardian'[She] writes candidly about a career that led the way for women's sports as we know them . . . thoughtful, soul-searching' Tim Adams, Observer'This is a fascinating, energising, inspirational book from a woman who continues to set the standard for making a positive difference in the world' Clare Balding

The Book of Snooker Disasters & Bizarre Records

by Steve Davis

Snooker is a game of precision. Under the gaze of television cameras and with thousands of pounds at stake the professionals might claim to perform under demanding conditions. A spot of chalk on the cue ball may be the difference between the victorious spotlight and the obscurity of defeat. Life can be very different at the other end of the scale where keen amateurs learn their game in more adventurous circumstances, where 'home' table advantage is considerable and to play more than once with the same cue is coincidence. The Book of Snooker Disasters and Bizarre Records documents with indecent relish disastrous interruptions to professional play that vary from exploding light bulbs and leaking roofs, to the unwelcome sounds of spectators excessively filled with food or drink. Slanting tables, dead cushions, tight pockets, oval balls and corkscrew cues combine with split trousers and burst braces to make snooker a game that must always be 'played with considerable inventive skill and no less a sense of humour. The book is introduced by six times World Champion Steve Davis, OBE, who remembers some of the flukes and disasters that have punctuated his own career.

The Character of Cricket

by Tim Heald

During one long summer during the mid-1980's, Tim Heald toured England, absorbing the flavour of at least one cricket ground in every first-class county, and a good many more besides. He wanted to discover the true character of the English game, among those who ate, slept and dreamt cricket in all corners of the country. The results are charming, heart-warmingly funny, and often surprising. In conversation with the kind of people who give the game its backbone -a gateman at Leicester, the groundsman at Swansea, a programme-seller at Bristol, a quintessential cricket-mad parson at Chelmsford -the author evokes some colourful ghosts, from the ubiquitous W.G. Grace (once punched in the face in Northampton) to Prebendary Wickham of Martock, and hears some strange stories -the Derbyshire captain absconding with the cash (and ending up as a tailor for the King of Spain); the Nottinghamshire team fielding in lounge suits; the match in which the schoolboy Douglas Jardine was reduced to tears by Gubby Allen's gamesmanship. The Character of Cricket is both a celebration of the national game and an evocation of a particular way of life -happily one still pursued in the England of today. "Cricket books should meet one or more of these necessary requirements, being either literate and amusing to read, or meticulously researched, or original in concept. Tim Heald's The Character of Cricket triumphantly meets all three." Benny Green, Sunday Times"First-rate stuff, in the great and ... timeless tradition of English cricket writing." Punch

Clouds from Both Sides: The story of the first British woman to climb an 8,000-metre peak

by Julie Tullis

‘If I could choose a place to die, it would be in the mountains.’Clouds from Both Sides is the autobiography of Julie Tullis, the first British woman to climb an 8,000-metre peak – Broad Peak – and the first to reach the summit of K2, the world’s second-highest mountain.A truly remarkable woman, Julie describes her early days in a London disrupted by World War II; her family life, climbing, teaching and living by the sandstone outcrops of High Rocks and Harrison’s Rocks in Tunbridge Wells, Kent; and her experience as a high-level mountaineer and filmmaker. Tullis demonstrates her determination and self-discipline through training to black-belt standard in both judo and aikido, and never allows financial concerns to keep her away from the high mountains – a place where she felt at peace. Filled with vivid accounts of frostbite, avalanches, snow blindness and exhilaration alongside her climbing partner Kurt Diemberger, Clouds from Both Sides takes us to Yosemite, Nanga Parbat, Everest and K2.First published in 1986 before her death, and with an additional chapter written by Peter Gillman documenting Tullis’s final, fated expedition to K2, this story is as relevant and awe inspiring today as it ever was. Tullis’s achievements are timeless and her attitudes and opinions far ahead of their time. Clouds from Both Sides is a tribute to the memory of an inspirational woman determined to strive for her dreams, an extraordinary account of her adventures and an exhilarating testament to her courage.

Der Unfallmann

by G. Mehrtens M. Reichenbach J. Seusing

Einfluß von Leistungssport auf das endokrine System der Frau

by Kurt G. Wurster

Mit einem Geleitwort von Jeschke, D.

End Zone: Un Pequeño Diamante De Invención Cómica (Picador Collection)

by Don DeLillo

Ostensibly, Don DeLillo's blackly comic second novel, End Zone, is about Gary Harkness, a football player and student at Logos College, west Texas. During a season of unprecedented success, Gary becomes increasingly fixated on the threat of nuclear war. Both frightened and fascinated by the prospect, he listens to his team-mates discussing match tactics in much the same terms as generals might contemplate global conflict. But as the terminologies of football and nuclear war - the language of end zones - become interchanged, the polysemous nature of words emerges, and DeLillo forces us to see beyond the sterile reality of substitution. This clever and playful novel is a timeless and topical study of human beings' obsession with conflict and confrontation.

Ergometry in Hypertensive Patients: Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment

by Ingomar W. Franz

Within the field of general medicine, the last two decades have seen the curative procedures increasingly supplemented by func­ tions that can be summed up under the heading of "preventive health care." There is a close link between this development and the changing morbidity pattern. In highly developed countries the morbidity rate attributable to infectious diseases has been much reduced, while the various types of arteriosclerosis, some tumorous conditions, and so-called functional syndromes have attained massive incidence rates. Systematic epidemiologic studies have yielded the concept of risk factors, i. e., certain exogenous and endogenous factors whose elimination, ideally, would make it possible to avoid the manifestation of an illness or to ensure it did not become mani­ fest until later in life or in a milder form. The socioeconomic and sociomedical significance of these aspects is considerable, as can be seen from all the statistics on the reasons for incapacity and early retirement and on the relative contributions of different ill­ nesses to total mortality. Effective avoidance of illnesses by primary prophylaxis (elimi­ nation of the causes of disease) or early detection of the symp­ toms of disease (secondary prophylaxis) leading to early treat­ ment would be a particularly significant step forward, since in the case of most of the conditions mentioned above only pallia­ tive forms of treatment are available, and none that have any cu­ rative effect.

Football and the Decline of Britain

by J. Walvin

In the wake of the Bradford and Brussels football disasters in 1985, football in England was subjected to detailed scrutiny and criticism. Critics - of all sorts and persuasions - saw in those terrible events, especially the Brussels riot, evidence of the broader problems afflicting British (not merely English) life. Football, which had once represented so much of what was once considered good - fair- play, team play and sportsmanship - was now discussed as a major national problem. To most critics, at home and abroad, football came to represent a nation in decline, characterised by organised violence, drunkenness, political extremism and a host of related social problems. It was widely assumed that football - but especially those English fans who travelled abroad - was the epitome of what had gone wrong with life in urban Britain. It is understandable that those disasters would lead to heated and emotional argument. But many of the explanations of the events culminating in the disasters appear less convincing when scrutinised more closely. This book tries to examine not only the alleged roots of those violent incidents, but also to locate the problems afflicting the national game within the context of the broad social and economic changes which have transformed British life in the past generation. The book is as much an analysis of recent British social history as it is about the game of football.

Funktionelle Anatomie: Grundlagen sportlicher Leistung und Bewegung

by H.-J. Appell C. Stang-Voss

"Was man nicht weiß, das eben brauchte man, und was man weiß, kann man nicht brauchen. " Dieses Wort aus Goethes "Faust" spiegelt ange­ sichts des heterogenen Schrifttums zu den anatomischen Grundlagen des Sports wohl treffend die Lage wider, in der sich Lehrende und Ler­ nende in diesem Bereich befinden. Die hauptsächlich für Mediziner ver­ faßten Lehrbücher der Anatomie behandeln das Fach überwiegend nach deskriptiven und topographischen Gesichtspunkten, andere "Sportanatomien" scheinen gelegentlich im Bestreben nach Praxisnähe allzu populärwissenschaftlich verlaßt. Dies war Anlaß genug, den außerordentlich umfangreichen Stoff der Anatomie des Bewegungs­ apparates, des Nervensystems (soweit für die Motorik wichtig) und der Organsysteme unter funktionellen Gesichtspunkten für den Sport dar­ zustellen. Die gewählte Vorgehensweise beschränkt sich nicht nur auf das "Wie", sondern versucht - wo möglich und nötig -, auch das "Warum" zu erläutern. Notwendigerweise mußten Kompromisse zwi­ schen Vollständigkeit und Übersichtlichkeit gemacht werden. So wur­ den die histologischen Grundlagen nur für die Gewebe des aktiven und passiven Bewegungsapparates ausführlicher behandelt und in den ande­ ren Kapiteln, sofern zum Verständnis der Funktion erforderlich, nur kurz umrissen. Die Darstellung des Zentralnervensystems orientierte sich eng an der Motorik, wobei die Abhandlung anatomischer Einzel­ heiten hinter den physiologischen Funktionszusammenhängen zurück­ stehen mußte. Auch das Kapitel über die Organsysteme konnte nur jene berücksichtigen, die für weiterführende Studien zur Anpassung des Organismus an Leistung innerhalb der Sportmedizin von Bedeutung sind. Die Beantwortung der Fragen nach biochemischen und komplexen physiologischen Prozessen muß den Lehrbüchern jener Disziplinen vor­ behalten bleiben.

Hedley Verity: Portrait of a Cricketer

by Alan Hill

The name of Hedley Verity, the master bowler of unyielding menace, is one to be cherished more than 50 years after his death. Allan Hill tells the story of a magnificent sporting obsession in this reissue of the first full-length biography of a revered cricketer. Verity headed the English first-class bowling averages in his first season with Yorkshire and twice took ten wickets in an innings in consecutive seasons. Overall, his mesmeric left-hand spin yielded 1,956 wickets, including 144 for England, in less than ten years.The book, winner of the Cricket Society's Jubilee Literary award in 1986, contains a foreword by Sir Donald Bradman (whom Verity twice dismissed at Lord's in June 1934 to mastermind England's only victory over Australia at cricket's 'headquarters' in a century). It also includes a revealing memoir of Verity's boyhood and an Australian tour journal (1932-33) kept by the Yorkshireman for his relatives and friends.The story ends with a graphic account of Verity's ultimate heroism during the Second World War and is followed by a full statistical analysis of his career.

Hochdruck und Sport

Die arterielle Hypertonie ist einer der haufigsten Risikofaktoren fUr die in unserer Gesellschaft dominierenden kardiovaskularen Erkrankungen und Todesfalle. 1m Zusammenhang mit der Betreuung von Hypertonie-Patienten wird immer wieder die Frage gestellt, in welcher Weise und in welchem MaBe sich der Patient mit arte­ rieller Hypertonie korperlich betatigen darf und sollte. Insbesondere beziehen sich in diesem Zusammenhang die Fragen immer wieder auf das Problem "Hochdruck und Sport". Das AusmaB des Blutdruckanstiegs bei korperlicher Leistung ist nun davon ab­ hangig, ob es sich urn eine dynamische (Laufen) oder aber urn eine isometrische (Kraftsport) Belastung handelt; bei der letzteren Belastungsart erfolgt namlich ein deutlich starkerer Blutdruckanstieg als bei dynamischem Bewegungssport. Der Hy­ pertonie-Patient reagiert nun auf jedwede korperliche Belastung mit einem starke­ ren Blutdruckanstieg als der Normotoniker, was grundsatzlich eine gesteigerte Be­ lastung und damit ein erhohtes Risiko fUr Herz und GefaBsystem bedeutet. Daher sollten Hypertonie-Patienten zweckmaBigerweise nur dynamischen Be­ wegungssport durchfUhren, der dariiberhinaus im Einzelfall den Bluthochdruck selbst gunstig beeinflussen kann. Andererseits sollte nicht davon ausgegangen wer­ den, daB z. B. Ausdauertraining ein Ersatz fUr eine notwendige antihypertensive Pharmakotherapie darstellt. Bei der medikamentosen Hochdrucktherapie sind si­ cherlich diejenigen Pharmaka in der Mono-und Kombinationstherapie besonders geeignet, die den Blutdruck nicht nur unter Ruhebedingungen sondern auch gerade bei Belastung senken bzw. normalisieren. Dabei stellt sich jedoch zwangslaufig die Frage, wie die korperliche Leistungsfahigkeit durch Antihypertensiva beeinfluBt wird.

The Iowa Baseball Confederacy

by W. P. Kinsella

From the author of Shoeless Joe, the book that inspired the movie Field of Dreams.


by Desmond Bagley

Action thriller by the classic adventure writer set in Africa.

Krankengymnastische Behandlungen in der Traumatologie

by Margrit List

Seit seinem Erscheinen im Jahre 1978 hat der Leitfaden für die krankengymnastische Behandlung in der Traumatologie breite Beachtung gefunden, so daß eine Neuauflage erforder­ lich wurde. Die Bedeutung und der Einsatz einer krankengymnastischen Begleit- und Nachbehandlung hat in den vergangenen Jahren immer mehr zugenommen und man kann sich eine erfolg­ reiche Behandlung von Verletzungen ohne die Mitarbeit des Krankengymnasten heute kaum mehr vorstellen. Parallel zu den Fortschritten in der Unfallchirurgie haben sich auch die krankengymnastischen Behandlungsmethoden wei­ terentwickelt und zum Teil verändert. Die Krankengymnastik in der Traumatologie ist heute zu einem wichtigen Arbeitsge­ biet innerhalb der Krankengymnastik geworden. Dieser Tat­ sache muß nicht zuletzt bei der Ausbildung in unseren Kran­ kengymnastikschulen, aber auch im Rahmen der Weiter- und Fortbildung aller Krankengymnasten Rechnung getragen werden. Das neu überarbeitete und dem derzeitigen Stand der Kennt­ nisse und Erfahrungen angepaßte Buch wird sicher dazu bei­ tragen den Stellenwert der Krankengymnastik in der Trauma­ tologie neuerlich zu betonen. Nicht nur den in Klinik und Praxis tätigen Krankengymna­ sten und den Schülern der KG-Schulen sondern auch den Ärzten und all denen, die sich mit der Behandlung von Ver­ letzten befassen, darf,ja muß die Neuauflage des Büchleins nachdrücklich ans Herz gelegt werden. S. Weller, Tübingen V I nhaltsverzeich nis I. Einführung .....

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