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Geschichte der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Entstehung und Entwicklung einer Wissenschaftsdisziplin

by Lutz J. Heinrich

Das Buch beschreibt die Entstehung der Wirtschaftsinformatik und ihre Entwicklung zur Wissenschaft. Von ihrer Vorgeschichte ausgehend spannt es den Bogen von ersten wissenschaftlichen Analysen als Antwort auf Probleme des EDV-Einsatzes bis zur Diskussion über ihre Zukunft im globalen Wissenschaftssystem. Methodisch steht Selbstzeugnisforschung im Mittelpunkt. Teil A Vorgeschichte sucht nach Spuren und verfolgt diese bis in die 1950er Jahre. In Teil B erzählen 16 Universitätsprofessoren, die zur Gründergeneration der Wirtschaftsinformatik gehören oder unmittelbare Nachfolger sind, ihre persönliche Geschichte. Nach Wissenschaftsmerkmalen geordnet werden in Teil C die Selbstzeugnisse analysiert und die Ergebnisse zu Befunden aggregiert. Teil D umfasst die nach Phasen geordnete Chronik der Wirtschaftsinformatik und die Beurteilung ihres Wissenschaftscharakters. Schließlich wird nachgefragt, ob es einen Methodenstreit in der Wirtschaftsinformatik gibt.

Get Through First FRCR: Questions for the Anatomy Module

by Grant Mair Andrew Baird Judith Anderson Gordon Findlater

Completely up to date with the latest exam changes, Get Through First FRCR: Questions for the Anatomy Module offers a valuable insight into the new anatomy exam. 170 high quality practice cases, each containing 5 question stems, are presented according to syllabus topics, accurately reflecting the content, style and level of difficul

Getriebetechnik: Grundlagen, Entwicklung und Anwendung ungleichmäßig übersetzender Getriebe

by Hanfried Kerle Burkhard Corves Mathias Hüsing

Die Getriebetechnik liefert dem Konstrukteur die Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Entwicklung und Auslegung ungleichmäßig übersetzender Getriebe. Ausgehend vom systematischen Aufbau der Getriebe werden die Grundlagen der Kinematik ebener und räumlicher Getriebe dargestellt. Die Analyse von Getrieben beginnt sowohl im kinematischen als auch im kinetostatischen Teil mit den graphischen Verfahren, die besonders anschaulich und für das Verständnis der nachfolgenden analytischen Verfahren von grundlegender Bedeutung sind. In dieser Auflage wird erneut das Geometrieprogramm „Cinderella“ verwendet und sein Nutzen bei den graphischen Verfahren aufgezeigt. Die Lösungswege dazu werden zusätzlich im HTMLl-Format im Internet zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Entwicklung von Getrieben fußt im Wesentlichen auf speziellen Verfahren der Getriebesynthese, wiederum graphisch und numerisch. Die im Anhang dieser Auflage zusammengestellten ausführlichen Praxisbeispiele sind neu aufgenommen worden. Dort wird die Entwicklung und Auslegung von Bewegungseinrichtungen mit Hilfe der im Buch vorgestellten Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Analyse und Synthese veranschaulicht. Tipps und Tricks erleichtern dem Konstrukteur das Verständnis. Die bisherigen Übungsaufgaben sind weiterhin im Internet zu finden.

Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker

by Kevin Mitnick

The thrilling memoir of the world's most wanted computer hacker. Kevin Mitnick was the most elusive computer break-in artist in history. He accessed computers and networks at the world's biggest companies -- and no matter how fast the authorities were, Mitnick was faster, sprinting through phone switches, computer systems, and cellular networks. As the FBI's net finally began to tighten, Mitnick went on the run, engaging in an increasingly sophisticated game of hide-and-seek that escalated through false identities, a host of cities, and plenty of close shaves, to an ultimate showdown with the Feds, who would stop at nothing to bring him down. Ghost in the Wires is a thrilling true story of intrigue, suspense, and unbelievable escapes -- and a portrait of a visionary who forced the authorities to rethink the way they pursued him, and forced companies to rethink the way they protect their most sensitive information. "Mitnick manages to make breaking computer code sound as action-packed as robbing a bank." -- NPR

GIS Applications in Agriculture, Volume Three: Invasive Species

by Sharon A. Clay

While many "alien" plant and animal species are purposefully introduced into new areas as ornamentals, livestock, crops, and even pets, these species can escape into other areas and threaten agricultural and native ecosystems causing economic and environmental harm, or harm to human health. Increasingly, scientists are using Geographic Information

GIS Applications in Agriculture, Volume Two: Nutrient Management for Energy Efficiency

by David E. Clay John F. Shanahan

We are entering a new era in production agronomics. Agricultural scientists the world over call for the development of techniques that simultaneously increase soil carbon storage and reduce agriculture's energy use. In response, site-specific or precision agriculture has become the focus and direction for the three motivating forces that are changi

Glasses and the Glass Transition

by Ivan S. Gutzow Oleg V. Mazurin J¿rn W. Schmelzer Snejana V. Todorova Boris B. Petroff Alexander I. Priven

Written by renowned researchers in the field, this up-to-date treatise fills the gap for a high-level work discussing current materials and processes. It covers all the steps involved, from vitrification, relaxation and viscosity, right up to the prediction of glass properties, paving the way for improved methods and applications. For solid state physicists and chemists, materials scientists, and those working in the ceramics industry. With a preface by L. David Pye and a foreword by Edgar D. Zanotto

Glasses and the Glass Transition

by Ivan S. Gutzow Oleg V. Mazurin J¿rn W. Schmelzer Snejana V. Todorova Boris B. Petroff Alexander I. Priven

Written by renowned researchers in the field, this up-to-date treatise fills the gap for a high-level work discussing current materials and processes. It covers all the steps involved, from vitrification, relaxation and viscosity, right up to the prediction of glass properties, paving the way for improved methods and applications. For solid state physicists and chemists, materials scientists, and those working in the ceramics industry. With a preface by L. David Pye and a foreword by Edgar D. Zanotto

Glassy, Amorphous and Nano-Crystalline Materials: Thermal Physics, Analysis, Structure and Properties (Hot Topics in Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry #8)

by Jaroslav Šesták, Jiří J. Mareš and Pavel Hubík

Provides a summary of non-equilibrium glassy and amorphous structures and their macro- and microscopic thermal properties. The book contains a carefully selected works of fourteen internationally recognized scientists involving the advances of the physics and chemistry of the glassy and amorphous states.

Glastechnische Fabrikationsfehler: "Pathologische" Ausnahmezustände des Werkstoffes Glas und ihre Behebung; Eine Brücke zwischen Wissenschaft, Technologie und Praxis (Klassiker der Technik)

by Hans Jebsen-Marwedel Rolf Brückner

Wissen über Störfaktoren im Prozess der Glasherstellung und -verarbeitung dient als Grundlage, um fehlerfrei ablaufende Fertigungsprozesse zu schaffen. Deshalb enthält die unveränderte Neuauflage des 1980 erschienenen Bandes (3. Auflage) Informationen, die auch bei aktuellen Problemstellungen Musterlösungen liefern können. Der Band erscheint in der Reihe „Klassiker der Technik“. Sie vereint ingenieurwissenschaftliche Werke, die wegen ihrer didaktischen Einzigartigkeit und Zeitlosigkeit zur Standardliteratur gehören.

Glazed Panel Construction with Human-Robot Cooperation (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Seungyeol Lee

These days, construction companies are beginning to be concerned about a potential labor shortage by demographic changes and an aging construction work force. Also, an improvement in construction safety could not only reduce accidents but also decrease the cost of the construction, and is therefore one of the imperative goals of the construction industry. These challenges correspond to the potential for Automation and Robotics in Construction as one of solutions. Almost half of construction work is said to be material handling and materials used for construction are heavy and bulky for humans. To date, various types of robots have been developed for glazed panel construction. Through the case studies on construction, to which the robots were applied, however, we identified difficulties to be overcome. In this study, a human-robot cooperative system is deduced as one approach to surmount these difficulties; then, considerations on interactions among the operator, robot and environment are applied to design of the system controller. The human-robot cooperative system can cope with various and construction environments through real-time interaction with a human, robot and construction environment simultaneously. The physical power of a robot system helps a human to handle heavy construction materials with a relatively scaled-down load. Also, a human can feel and respond to the force reflected from robot end effecter acting with working environment. Through the experiments and mock-up tests with a prototype robot, we observe the characteristics of the power assist and the force reflection, the merits of the human-robot cooperation system. To apply human-robot cooperative system at real construction sites, Glazed Ceiling Panel Construction Robot is developed for the first time. This robot is distinguished from other glazed panel construction robots because of the methods of lifting the panel to high installation positions and installing the fragile and bulk panel with robot force control. After applying to real construction sites, evaluation on the productivity of the developed robot was done by comparing and analyzing with the existing installation methods.

Global Change and Baltic Coastal Zones (Coastal Research Library #1)

by Gerald Schernewski, Jacobus Hofstede and Thomas Neumann

Climate change and ongoing transformation processes in economy and agriculture will have strong and multiple impacts in the Baltic region. In particular coastal zones face increasing hazards, e.g. due to sea level rise or changes in riverine nutrient loads and eutrophication. These changes also offer a wide range of new opportunities in the Baltic Region. Adaptation measures are needed but require a thorough and spatially differentiated understanding of underlying ecological, economic and social processes. Sixteen contributions by authors from eight countries give a comprehensive overview of these changes, their consequences and practical challenges with focus on coastal zones. Besides risks, the chances and opportunities of changes for the region are addressed and adaptation examples and strategies are given. The practitioners’ perspective and their demands are integrated in the various contributions.

Global Claims in Construction

by Ali Haidar

In recent years, a number of global claims have failed because they were presented without any systematic analysis, justification or proper calculation of losses. Hence, Global Claims in Construction highlights these issues as well as the importance of understanding causation, factual necessity and the courts’ attitude and approach to global claims. Global Claims in Construction addresses the principles of global claims and their calculation methodologies in detail through extensive references to literature, case law and a real world case study. It aims to be a valuable resource for professionals working in the construction industry, as well as students in construction and engineering.

Global Climate Change - The Technology Challenge (Advances in Global Change Research #38)

by Frank Princiotta

In order to avoid the potentially catastrophic impacts of global warming, the current 3% CO2 global emission growth rate must be transformed to a 1 to 3% declining rate, as soon as possible. This will require a rapid and radical transformation of the world’s energy production and end use systems. The current generation of energy technologies are not capable of achieving the level of mitigation required. Next generations of renewable, low carbon generation and end use technologies will be needed. This book quantifies the mitigation challenge. It then considers the status of key technologies needed to protect the planet from serious climate change impact. Current and emerging technologies are characterized for their mitigation potential, status of development and potential environmental impacts. Power generation, mobile sources, industrial and building sectors are evaluated in detail. The importance and unique challenges for rapidly developing countries, such as China and India are discussed. Current global research and development efforts for key technologies are discussed. It is concluded that it will be necessary to substantially upgrade and accelerate the current worldwide RDD&D effort on both emerging energy technologies and those enabling technologies needed to improve mitigation effectiveness and economics. It will also be necessary to carefully evaluate the potential environmental characteristics of next generation technologies to avoid unacceptable health and ecological impacts.Finally, given the monumental technological challenge associated with transforming the world’s energy system, geoengineering options are evaluated, since if successfully deployed, they have the potential to allow more time for the necessary energy system transformation.‘This book on Climate Change not only gives a clear picture of the problem but suggests many of the pitfalls in solving it and recommends strongly, a research program to fill the gaps in our knowledge. It is a most useful reference book for all aspects of the problem.’ William D. Ruckelshaus, Madrona Venture Group/Evergreen Venture

Global Environmental Policy: Concepts, Principles, and Practice

by Charles H. Eccleston

Environmental policy is often practiced reactively with each crisis addressed as an isolated event. Focusing on development of proactive policies, Global Environment Policy: Concepts, Principles, and Practice provides the essential scientific and socioeconomic framework for formulating pragmatic and comprehensive environmental policies. It discusse

Global Food Insecurity: Rethinking Agricultural and Rural Development Paradigm and Policy

by Mohamed Behnassi, Sidney Draggan and Sanni Yaya

Human-kind and ecological systems are currently facing one of the toughest challenges: how to feed more billions of people in the future within the perspective of climate change, energy shortages, economic crises and growing competition for the use of renewable and non renewable resources. This challenge is even more crucial given that we have not yet come close to achieving the Millennium Development Goal of halving the number of people living in extreme poverty and hunger.Scientists and relevant stakeholders are now voicing a clear message: that multiple challenges the world is facing require innovative, multifaceted, science-based, technological, economic and political approaches in theoretical thinking, decision making and action. With this background central to survival and well-being, the purpose of this volume is to formulate and promote relevant theoretical analysis and policy recommendations. The major perspective of this publication is that paradigm and policy shifts at all levels are needed urgently. This is based on the evidence that agriculture in the 21st century will be undergoing significant demands, arising largely from the need to increase the global food enterprise, while adjusting and contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation. Global Food Insecurity aims at providing structure to effect achievement of this critically needed roadmap.

Global Product Development: Proceedings of the 20th CIRP Design Conference, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Nantes, France, 19th-21st April 2010

by Alain Bernard

This book of proceedings is the synthesis of all the papers, including keynotes presented during the 20th CIRP Design conference. The book is structured with respect to several topics, in fact the main topics that serve at structuring the program. For each of them, high quality papers are provided. The main topic of the conference was Global Product Development. This includes technical, organizational, informational, theoretical, environmental, performance evaluation, knowledge management, and collaborative aspects. Special sessions were related to innovation, in particular extraction of knowledge from patents.

Globalization of Mobile and Wireless Communications: Today and in 2020 (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Ramjee Prasad, Sudhir Dixit, Richard van Nee and Tero Ojanpera

Globalization of Mobile and Wireless Communications is a collection of cutting-edge research in mobile and wireless communications with impact on developments as far forward as 2020 and beyond. The book draws upon the insights and performed research work of leading experts in the field. Topics of discussion are related but not limited to spectrum-efficient radio interface technologies, enabling technologies for reconfigurability, wireless sensor networks, cognitive networks, coherent wireless transmission, algorithmic design, middleware for novel services and applications. The material has been edited to provide a vision for the future of mobile and wireless, towards a dynamic communication system that breaks down the barriers between communications means; and evolves and integrates business models and culture to match the technological evolution. In addition, strategies on how to overcome the technological challenges for achieving that vision are also outlined.

Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing: Proceedings of the 18th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, May 2nd - 4th, 2011

by Jürgen Hesselbach Christoph Herrmann

The 18th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) 2011 continues a long tradition of scientific meetings focusing on the exchange of industrial and academic knowledge and experiences in life cycle assessment, product development, sustainable manufacturing and end-of-life-management. The theme “Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing” addresses the need for engineers to develop solutions which have the potential to address global challenges by providing products, services and processes taking into account local capabilities and constraints to achieve an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable society in a global perspective. Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing do not only involve products or services that are changed for a local market by simple substitution or the omitting of functions. Products and services need to be addressed that ensure a high standard of living everywhere. Resources required for manufacturing and use of such products are limited and not evenly distributed in the world. Locally available resources, local capabilities as well as local constraints have to be drivers for product- and process innovations with respect to the entire life cycle. The 18th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) 2011 serves as a platform for the discussion of the resulting challenges and the collaborative development of new scientific ideas.

Glucose Syrups: Technology and Applications

by Peter Hull

Glucose syrups (commonly known as corn syrups in North America) are derived from starch sources such as maize, wheat and potatoes. Offering alternative functional properties to sugar as well as economic benefits, glucose syrups are extremely versatile sweeteners, and are widely used in food manufacturing and other industries. They are a key ingredient in confectionery products, beer, soft drinks, sports drinks, jams, sauces and ice creams, as well as in pharmaceuticals and industrial fermentations. This book brings together all the relevant information on the manufacture and use of glucose syrups. Drawing on forty years’ experience in the international glucose industry, the author provides a valuable reference for all those involved in the processing and buying of these syrups, and for scientists involved in the manufacture of a full range of food (and some non-food) products in which the syrups are ingredients. The emphasis is on practical information - recipes are included where relevant in the applications chapters, and appendices offer commonly-used calculations and useful data. Food technologists can use the book to make choices about the most suitable glucose syrup to use in a particular application, and also to adapt recipes in order to replace sugar (sucrose) or other ingredients. A glossary of terms reflecting the international terminology of the industry completes the book.

Governing Soil Conservation: Thirty Years of the New Decentralization (RFF Agriculture and Fisheries Set)

by Robert J. Morgan

This study reviews and evaluates the political and administrative aspects of the nationwide soil conservation effort in the United States. Originally published in 1966

Governing Soil Conservation: Thirty Years of the New Decentralization (RFF Agriculture and Fisheries Set)

by Robert J. Morgan

This study reviews and evaluates the political and administrative aspects of the nationwide soil conservation effort in the United States. Originally published in 1966

Grain Boundaries and Crystalline Plasticity

by Louisette Priester

This book explores the fundamental role of grain boundaries in the plasticity of crystalline materials, providing a multi-scale approach to plasticity to facilitate understanding. It starts with the atomic description of a grain boundary, moves on to the elemental interaction processes between dislocations and grain boundaries, and finally shows how the microscopic phenomena influence the macroscopic behaviors and constitutive laws. Drawing on topics from physical, chemical, and mechanical disciplines, this work also explains properties of deformation at low and high temperature, creep, fatigue, and rupture.

Grain Boundaries and Crystalline Plasticity

by Louisette Priester

This book explores the fundamental role of grain boundaries in the plasticity of crystalline materials, providing a multi-scale approach to plasticity to facilitate understanding. It starts with the atomic description of a grain boundary, moves on to the elemental interaction processes between dislocations and grain boundaries, and finally shows how the microscopic phenomena influence the macroscopic behaviors and constitutive laws. Drawing on topics from physical, chemical, and mechanical disciplines, this work also explains properties of deformation at low and high temperature, creep, fatigue, and rupture.

Granular Computing and Intelligent Systems: Design with Information Granules of Higher Order and Higher Type (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #13)

by Witold Pedrycz Shyi-Ming Chen

Information granules are fundamental conceptual entities facilitating perception of complex phenomena and contributing to the enhancement of human centricity in intelligent systems. The formal frameworks of information granules and information granulation comprise fuzzy sets, interval analysis, probability, rough sets, and shadowed sets, to name only a few representatives. Among current developments of Granular Computing, interesting options concern information granules of higher order and of higher type. The higher order information granularity is concerned with an effective formation of information granules over the space being originally constructed by information granules of lower order. This construct is directly associated with the concept of hierarchy of systems composed of successive processing layers characterized by the increasing levels of abstraction. This idea of layered, hierarchical realization of models of complex systems has gained a significant level of visibility in fuzzy modeling with the well-established concept of hierarchical fuzzy models where one strives to achieve a sound tradeoff between accuracy and a level of detail captured by the model and its level of interpretability. Higher type information granules emerge when the information granules themselves cannot be fully characterized in a purely numerical fashion but instead it becomes convenient to exploit their realization in the form of other types of information granules such as type-2 fuzzy sets, interval-valued fuzzy sets, or probabilistic fuzzy sets. Higher order and higher type of information granules constitute the focus of the studies on Granular Computing presented in this study. The book elaborates on sound methodologies of Granular Computing, algorithmic pursuits and an array of diverse applications and case studies in environmental studies, option price forecasting, and power engineering.

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