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Showing 87,726 through 87,750 of 100,000 results

Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: Theory and Applications (Springer Series in Optical Sciences #182)

by Sergio Musazzi Umberto Perini

This book deals with the Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) a widely used atomic emission spectroscopy technique for elemental analysis of materials. It is based on the use of a high-power, short pulse laser excitation. The book is divided into two main sections: the first one concerning theoretical aspects of the technique, the second one describing the state of the art in applications of the technique in different scientific/technological areas. Numerous examples of state of the art applications provide the readers an almost complete scenario of the LIBS technique. The LIBS theoretical aspects are reviewed. The book helps the readers who are less familiar with the technique to understand the basic principles. Numerous examples of state of the art applications give an almost complete scenario of the LIBS technique potentiality. These examples of applications may have a strong impact on future industrial utilization. The authors made important contributions to the development of this field.

Ethics and Technology Assessment: A Participatory Approach (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics #13)

by Matthew Cotton

Whether it is nuclear power, geo-engineering or genetically modified foods, the development of new technologies can be fraught with complex ethical challenges and political controversy which defy simple resolution. In the past two decades there has been a shift towards processes of Participatory Technology Assessment designed to build channels of two-way communication between technical specialists and non-expert citizens, and to incorporate multiple stakeholder perspectives in the governance of contentious technology programmes. This participatory turn has spurred a need for new tools and techniques to encourage group deliberation and capture public values, moral and choices. This book specifically examines the ethical dimensions of controversial technologies, and discusses how these can be evaluated in a philosophically robust manner when the ones doing the deliberating are not ethicists, legal or technical experts. Grounded in philosophical pragmatism and drawing upon empirical work in partnership with citizen-stakeholders, this book presents a model called “Reflective Ethical Mapping” - a new meta-ethical framework and toolbox of techniques to facilitate citizen engagement with technology ethics.

Smart Grids – Fundamentals and Technologies in Electricity Networks

by Bernd M. Buchholz Zbigniew Styczynski

Efficient transmission and distribution of electricity is a fundamental requirement for sustainable development and prosperity. The world is facing great challenges regarding the reliable grid integration of renewable energy sources in the 21st century. The electric power systems of the future require fundamental innovations and enhancements to meet these challenges. The European Union’s “Smart Grid” vision provides a first overview of the appropriate deep-paradigm changes in the transmission, distribution and supply of electricity.The book brings together common themes beginning with Smart Grids and the characteristics of new power plants based on renewable energy and /or highly efficient generation principles. It covers the advanced technologies applied today in the transmission and distribution networks and innovative solutions for maintaining today’s high power quality under the challenging conditions of large-scale shares of volatile renewable energy sources in the annual energy balance. Besides considering the new primary and secondary technology solutions and control facilities for the transmission and distribution networks, prospective market conditions allowing network operators and the network users to gain benefits are also discussed. The growing role of information and communication technologies is investigated. The importance of new standards is underlined and the current international efforts in developing a consistent set of standards are described in detail. The presentation of international experiences to apply novel Smart Grid solutions to the practice of network operation concludes this book.The authors of the book worked for many years to develop Smart Grid solutions within national and international projects and to introduce them in the practice of network operations.

Organische Chemie: Eine Einführung für Lehramts- und Nebenfachstudenten (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Adalbert Wollrab

Dieses Buch umfaßt die Pflichtlektüre vor allem für Studenten des Lehramtes, aber auch für Studenten der Biologie, der Ernährungswissenschaften, Medizin, Pharmazie und Agrarwissenschaften, also für alle, die Grundkenntnisse der organischen Chemie für ihr Wissenschaftsfach brauchen. Sie finden den Stoff aufbereitet, den sie für Klausuren, Zwischenprüfungen und zum Staatsexamen lernen müssen. Unterrichtsrelevante Themen werden breiter behandelt. Physiologische, pharmazeutische, medizinische, biochemische und umweltrelevante Aspekte werden ebenfalls eingebracht. In den letzten Kapiteln werden auch biochemische Zusammenhänge erörtert. Der Lernstoff ist nach Stoffklassen geordnet, die Reaktionen werden eingehend erläutert und der Text verständlich und in kleinen Lernschritten dargeboten. Die vierte Auflage wurde an vielen Stellen aktualisiert, und wichtige (Namens-)Reaktionen wurden ergänzt.

In-situ Materials Characterization: Across Spatial and Temporal Scales (Springer Series in Materials Science #193)

by Alexander Ziegler Heinz Graafsma Xiao Feng Zhang Joost W. M. Frenken

The behavior of nanoscale materials can change rapidly with time either because the environment changes rapidly or because the influence of the environment propagates quickly across the intrinsically small dimensions of nanoscale materials. Extremely fast time resolution studies using X-rays, electrons and neutrons are of very high interest to many researchers and is a fast-evolving and interesting field for the study of dynamic processes. Therefore, in situ structural characterization and measurements of structure-property relationships covering several decades of length and time scales (from atoms to millimeters and femtoseconds to hours) with high spatial and temporal resolutions are crucially important to understand the synthesis and behavior of multidimensional materials. The techniques described in this book will permit access to the real-time dynamics of materials, surface processes and chemical and biological reactions at various time scales. This book provides an interdisciplinary reference for research using in situ techniques to capture the real-time structural and property responses of materials to surrounding fields using electron, optical and x-ray microscopies (e.g. scanning, transmission and low-energy electron microscopy and scanning probe microscopy) or in the scattering realm with x-ray, neutron and electron diffraction.

Stone in Architecture: Properties, Durability

by Siegfried Siegesmund Rolf Snethlage

The weathering of historical buildings and, indeed, of monuments and sculptures of natural stone is a problem that has been encountered for hundreds of years. However a dramatic increase in deterioration in the structure of our built heritage has been observed during the past century. To understand the complex interaction that the stone in a building suffers with its near environment (the building) and the macro environment (the local climate and atmospheric conditions) requires an interdisciplinary approach and the application of many disciplines. Climate change over the next 100 years is likely to have a range of direct and indirect impacts on many natural and physical environments, including the built environment.The protection of our architectural heritage has both cultural and historical importance, as well as substantial economic and ecological value. Large sums of money are being spent world-wide on measures for the preservation of monuments and historical buildings. The past few decades has seen an unprecedented level of research activity in this area, the result of which is often difficult to access and are summarized in the new edition of STONE IN ARCHITECTURE.The 4th edition of Stone in Architecture: Properties, Durability, is a sophisticated and thorough exploration of stone – its properties, performance and conservation – in monumental contexts. The current editors, Siegfried Siegesmund and Rolf Snethlage, note the pioneering work of Erhard Winkler who wrote the first edition in 1973 when so little information could be found in the literature on the subject. This new edition, also published by Springer, nearly doubles the size of Winkler’s 1994 effort. If you are familiar with the field and need to know little more than this statement, you can put aside this review and go buy the book.George Wheeler, Department of Scientific Research, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Disposable Bioreactors II (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology #138)

by Dieter Eibl Regine Eibl

Dynamic Single-Use Bioreactors Used in Modern Liter- and m3- Scale Biotechnological Processes: Engineering Characteristics and Scaling Up, by Christian Löffelholz, Stephan C. Kaiser, Matthias Kraume, Regine Eibl , Dieter Eibl. Orbitally Shaken Single-Use Bioreactors, by Wolf Klöckner, Sylvia Diederichs, Jochen Büchs.Therapeutic Human Cells: Manufacture for Cell Therapy/Regenerative Medicine by Christian van den Bos, Robert Keefe, Carmen Schirmaier, Michael McCaman.Fast Single-Use VLP Vaccine Productions Based on Insect Cells and the Baculovirus Expression Vector System: Influenza as Case Study by Regine Eibl, Nina Steiger, Sabine Wellnitz, Tiago Vicente, Corinne John, Dieter Eibl.Microbial High Cell Density Fermentations in a Stirred Single-Use Bioreactor by Thomas Dreher, Bart Walcarius, Ute Husemann, Franziska Klingenberg, Christian Zahnow, Thorsten Adams, Davy de Wilde, Peter Casteels, Gerhard Greller.Quorus Bioreactor: A New Perfusion-Based Technology for Microbial Cultivation by Sheena J. Fraser, Christian Endres.Cultivation of Marine Microorganisms in Single-Use Systems by Friederike Hillig, Maciej Pilarek, Stefan Junne, Peter Neubauer.Flexible Biomanufacturing Processes that Address the Needs of the Future by Bernhard Diel, Christian Manzke, Thorsten Peuker.An Approach to Quality and Security of Supply for Single-Use Bioreactors by Magali Barbaroux, Susanne Gerighausen, Heiko Hackel.A Risk Analysis for Production Processes with Disposable Bioreactors by Tobias Merseburger, Ina Pahl, Daniel Müller, Markus Tanner.

Ecological Emergy Accounting for a Limited System: General Principles And A Case Study Of Macao (Springer Environmental Science and Engineering)

by Kampeng Lei Shaoqi Zhou Zhishi Wang

This book builds on the analyses of Eugene and Howard Odum and introduces the concept of systems ecology. Ecological emergy accounting represents a breakthrough because it allows researchers to integrate man-made capital and natural capital so that human and natural concerns can be addressed using a consistent system of units. This book develops an emergy accounting model that is suitable for describing urban systems, thereby providing a comprehensive picture of those systems. To make the theory concrete, the authors use China’s Macao Special Administrative Region as a case study, and compare the results for Macao with those of other urban ecosystems around the world in the fields of ecological economy, tourism, waste treatment, gambling industry, land reclamation and resource consumption etc.Dr. Kampeng Lei is an advisory senior technician at the Environmental Protection Bureau, Government of Macao, China; Shaoqi Zhou is a professor at the College of Environment and Energy, the South China University of Technology, and the Guizhou Academy of Sciences, China; Zhishi Wang is a professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology, the University of Macau, China.

Modern Mechanical Engineering: Research, Development and Education (Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology)

by J. Paulo Davim

This book covers modern subjects of mechanical engineering such as nanomechanics and nanotechnology, mechatronics and robotics, computational mechanics, biomechanics, alternative energies, sustainability as well as all aspects related with mechanical engineering education. The chapters help enhance the understanding of both the fundamentals of mechanical engineering and its application to the solution of problems in modern industry.This book is suitable for students, both in final undergraduate mechanical engineering courses or at the graduate level. It also serves as a useful reference for academics, mechanical engineering researchers, mechanical, materials and manufacturing engineers, professionals in related with mechanical engineering.

Simultaneous Statistical Inference: With Applications in the Life Sciences

by Thorsten Dickhaus

This monograph will provide an in-depth mathematical treatment of modern multiple test procedures controlling the false discovery rate (FDR) and related error measures, particularly addressing applications to fields such as genetics, proteomics, neuroscience and general biology. The book will also include a detailed description how to implement these methods in practice. Moreover new developments focusing on non-standard assumptions are also included, especially multiple tests for discrete data. The book primarily addresses researchers and practitioners but will also be beneficial for graduate students.

Elektrische Bahnen: Grundlagen, Triebfahrzeuge, Stromversorgung (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Žarko Filipović

Diese kurz gefasste, systematische und in sich geschlossene Gesamtdarstellung der Technik elektrischer Triebfahrzeuge befasst sich bereits in ihrer 5. Auflage mit Fahrmotoren und deren Steuerung. Die elektrische Ausrüstung von Lokomotiven und Triebwagen, das Betriebsverhalten und die Mechanik sowie der Sonderfall der Zahnradbahnen sind Schwerpunkte des Buches. Es befasst sich mit allgemeinen Aspekten, Grundlagen der Zugförderung und der Traktionsberechnung. Aber auch angrenzende Fachgebiete, wie Thermoelektrische Antriebe, Transrapid und Energieversorgung werden berücksichtigt. Die neuesten Entwicklungstendenzen und Perspektiven werden aufgezeigt.

Handbook of Polymer Nanocomposites. Processing, Performance and Application: Volume B: Carbon Nanotube Based Polymer Composites

by Kamal K. Kar Jitendra K. Pandey Sravendra Rana

Volume B forms one volume of a Handbook about Polymer Nanocomposites. Volume B deals with Carbon nanotube based polymer composites. The preparation, architecture, characterisation, properties and application of polymer nanocomposites are discussed within some 25 chapters. Each chapter has been authored by experts in the respective field.

Handbook of Polymer Nanocomposites. Processing, Performance and Application: Volume C: Polymer Nanocomposites of Cellulose Nanoparticles

by Jitendra K. Pandey Hitoshi Takagi Antonio Norio Nakagaito Hyun-Joong Kim

Volume C forms one volume of a Handbook about Polymer Nanocomposites. Volume C deals with Polymer nano-composites of cellulose nano-particles. The preparation, architecture, characterisation, properties and application of polymer nanocomposites are discussed within some 27 chapters. Each chapter has been authored by experts in the respective field.

Rock and Pop Venues: Acoustic and Architectural Design

by Niels Werner Adelman-Larsen

Popular music plays a substantial role in most people’s life. The demand and financial revenue of Rock and Pop concerts is large and still increasing with the decreased revenue on recorded music. Based on the first ever scientific investigations on recommendable acoustics for amplified music conducted by the author, this book sets forward precise guidelines for acoustical engineers to optimize the acoustics in existing or future halls for amplified music. Gives precise guidelines on how to design the acoustics in venues that present amplified musicDebates essential construction details, including placement of sound system and use of possible building materials, in the architectural design of new venues or the renovation of old ones Portrays 75 well-known European Rock & Pop venues, their architecture and acoustic properties. 20 venues were rated for their acoustics by music professionals leading to an easy-to-use assessment methodology ”Acoustics are important within pop and rock venues to ensure a great experience for audiences and performers. This book fills an important gap of knowledge on the acoustics of venues. It will be of value to sound engineers as well as building owners and operators and building design professionals”.Rob Harris, Arup Acoustics”With this book, many future amplified music concerts will sound better, for the joy of audiences and musicians alike. This enormous work demonstrates a rare degree of passion and insight, from the hand of the key researcher in the field”.Dr. Per V. Brüel

Knowledge Sharing Through Technology: 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Teaching and Learning, ICT 2013, Hong Kong,China, July 10-11, 2013 (Communications in Computer and Information Science #407)

by Jeanne Lam Kam Cheong Li Simon K. S. Cheung Fu Lee Wang

This book constitutes the thoroughly revised selected papers of the 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Teaching and Learning, ICT 2013, held in Hong Kong, China, in July 2013. The 21 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from various submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections such as management and application of open education resources, application of ICT in support of knowledge sharing, application of mobile devices and social media to knowledge sharing, knowledge sharing for teaching and learning.

The Evolution of Global Internet Governance: Principles and Policies in the Making

by Roxana Radu Jean-Marie Chenou Rolf H. Weber

The volume explores the consequences of recent events in global Internet policy and possible ways forward following the 2012 World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT-12). It offers expert views on transformations in governance, the future of multistakeholderism and the salience of cybersecurity. Based on the varied backgrounds of the contributors, the book provides an interdisciplinary perspective drawing on international relations, international law and communication studies. It addresses not only researchers interested in the evolution of new forms of transnational networked governance, but also practitioners who wish to get a scholarly reflection on current regulatory developments. It notably provides firsthand accounts on the role of the WCIT-12 in the future of Internet governance.

Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Uwe Meyer-Baese

Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are revolutionizing digital signal processing. The efficient implementation of front-end digital signal processing algorithms is the main goal of this book. It starts with an overview of today's FPGA technology, devices and tools for designing state-of-the-art DSP systems. A case study in the first chapter is the basis for more than 40 design examples throughout. The following chapters deal with computer arithmetic concepts, theory and the implementation of FIR and IIR filters, multirate digital signal processing systems, DFT and FFT algorithms, advanced algorithms with high future potential, and adaptive filters. Each chapter contains exercises. The VERILOG source code and a glossary are given in the appendices. This new edition incorporatesOver 10 new system level case studies designed in VHDL and VerilogA new chapter on image and video processingAn Altera Quartus update and new Model Sim simulationsXilinx Atlys board and ISIM simulation supportSigned fixed point and floating point IEEE library examplesAn overview on parallel all-pass IIR filter designICA and PCA system level designsSpeech and audio coding for MP3 and ADPCM

Flux Pinning in Superconductors (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences #178)

by Teruo Matsushita

The book covers the flux pinning mechanisms and properties and the electromagnetic phenomena caused by the flux pinning common for metallic, high-Tc and MgB2 superconductors. The condensation energy interaction known for normal precipitates or grain boundaries and the kinetic energy interaction proposed for artificial Nb pins in Nb-Ti, etc. are introduced for the pinning mechanism. Summation theories to derive the critical current density are discussed in detail. Irreversible magnetization and AC loss caused by the flux pinning are also discussed. The loss originally stems from the ohmic dissipation of normal electrons in the normal core driven by the electric field induced by the flux motion.The readers will learn why the resultant loss is of hysteresis type in spite of such mechanism. The influence of the flux pinning on the vortex phase diagram in high Tc superconductors is discussed and the dependencies of the irreversibility field are also described on other quantities such as anisotropy of superconductor, specimen size and electric field strength. Recent developments of critical current properties in various high-Tc superconductors and MgB2 are introduced.Other topics are: singularity in the case of transport current in a parallel magnetic field such as deviation from the Josephson relation, reversible flux motion inside pinning potentials which causes deviation from the critical state model prediction, the concept of the minimization of energy dissipation in the flux pinning phenomena which gives the basis for the critical state model, etc. Significant reduction in the AC loss in AC wires with very fine filaments originates from the reversible flux motion which is dominant in the two-dimensional pinning. The concept of minimum energy dissipation explains also the behavior of flux bundle size which determines the irreversibility line under the flux creep.The new edition has been thoroughly updated, with new sections on the progress in enhancing the critical current density in high temperature superconductors by introduction of artificial pinning centers, the effect of packing density on the critical current density and irreversibility field in MgB2 and derivation of the force-balance equation from the minimization of the free energy including the pinning energy.

Transactions on Computational Science XXI: Special Issue on Innovations in Nature-Inspired Computing and Applications (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #8160)

by Marina L. Gavrilova C. J. Kenneth Tan Ajith Abraham

This, the 21st issue of the Transactions on Computational Science journal, edited by Ajith Abraham, is devoted to the topic of nature-inspired computing and applications. The 15 full papers included in the volume focus on the topics of neurocomputing, evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence, artificial immune systems, membrane computing, computing with words, artificial life and hybrid approaches.

Critical Infrastructure Protection VII: 7th IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference, ICCIP 2013, Washington, DC, USA, March 18-20, 2013, Revised Selected Papers (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #417)

by Jonathan Butts Sujeet Shenoi

The information infrastructure - comprising computers, embedded devices, networks and software systems - is vital to day-to-day operations in every sector: information and telecommunications, banking and finance, energy, chemicals and hazardous materials, agriculture, food, water, public health, emergency services, transportation, postal and shipping, government and defense. Global business and industry, governments, indeed society itself, cannot function effectively if major components of the critical information infrastructure are degraded, disabled or destroyed. Critical Infrastructure Protection VII describes original research results and innovative applications in the interdisciplinary field of critical infrastructure protection. Also, it highlights the importance of weaving science, technology and policy in crafting sophisticated, yet practical, solutions that will help secure information, computer and network assets in the various critical infrastructure sectors. Areas of coverage include: themes and issues; control systems security; infrastructure security; infrastructure modeling and simulation; and risk assessment. This book is the seventh volume in the annual series produced by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 11.10 on Critical Infrastructure Protection, an international community of scientists, engineers, practitioners and policy makers dedicated to advancing research, development and implementation efforts focused on infrastructure protection. The book contains a selection of fifteen edited papers from the Seventh Annual IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection, held at George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA in the spring of 2013. Critical Infrastructure Protection VII is an important resource for researchers, faculty members and graduate students, as well as for policy makers, practitioners and other individuals with interests in homeland security. Jonathan Butts is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, USA. Sujeet Shenoi is the F.P. Walter Professor of Computer Science and a Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.

High-Voltage Test and Measuring Techniques

by Wolfgang Hauschild Eberhard Lemke

It is the intent of this book to combine high-voltage (HV) engineering with HV testing technique and HV measuring technique. Based on long-term experience gained by the authors as lecturer and researcher as well as member in international organizations, such as IEC and CIGRE, the book will reflect the state of the art as well as the future trends in testing and diagnostics of HV equipment to ensure a reliable generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy. The book is intended not only for experts but also for students in electrical engineering and high-voltage engineering.

Independent Variables for Optical Surfacing Systems: Synthesis, Characterization and Application

by Haobo Cheng

Independent Variables for Optical Surfacing Systems discusses the characterization and application of independent variables of optical surfacing systems and introduces the basic principles of surfacing technologies and common surfacing systems. All the pivotal variables influencing surface quality are analyzed; evaluation methods for surface quality, the removal capability of tool influence functions, and a series of novel optical surfacing systems are introduced. The book also particularly focuses on the multi-path mode and dwell time used for deterministic surfacing. Researchers and graduate students working in optical engineering will benefit from this book; optical engineers in the industry will also find it a valuable reference work. Haobo Cheng is a professor at Beijing Institute of Technology.

Applications and Markets for Cooperating Objects (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)

by Stamatis Karnouskos Pedro José Marrón Giancarlo Fortino Luca Mottola José Ramiro Martínez-de Dios

This book provides an overview and an insight in cooperative objects and defines the classification of topics into the different areas. A significant number of researchers and industrial partners were contacted in order to prepare the roadmap. The book presents of the main results provided by the corresponding European project "CONET".

Elektrische Kontakte, Werkstoffe und Anwendungen: Grundlagen, Technologien, Prüfverfahren

by Karl-Heinz Schröder Josef Weiser

Das umfangreiche Standardwerk ermöglicht es, sich in das Spezialgebiet einzuarbeiten und zeigt Wege, mit denen eine optimale Ausführung des Kontaktsystems in Schaltgeräten erreicht und eine sichere und zuverlässige Kontaktgabe gewährleistet werden.Neue Herausforderungen und Weiterentwicklungen, die sich bezüglich des Schaltverhaltens elektrischer Kontakte – z.B. beim Einsatz in der Photovoltaik und in Windkraftanlagen – ergeben, sind Schwerpunkte dieser 3. Auflage.Die steigenden Anforderungen an die Kontaktstellen in Schaltgeräten und elektromechanischen Bauelementen, der sparsame Einsatz von Edelmetallen sowie Umweltaspekte bestimmen nachhaltig die Entwicklung von Werkstoffen und Beschichtungen im Bereich elektrischer Kontakte.

Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being: Serious Games, Alternative Realities, and Play Therapy (Studies in Computational Intelligence #536)

by Anthony Lewis Brooks Sheryl Brahnam Lakhmi C. Jain

This book is the first single volume that brings together the topics of serious games, alternative realities, and play therapy. The focus is on the use of digital media for the therapeutic benefit and well-being of a wide range of people−spanning those with special needs to the elderly to entire urban neighborhoods. This book brings together these topics to demonstrate the increasing trans/inter/multi-disciplinary initiatives apparent today in science, medicine, and academic research−interdisciplinary initiative that are already profoundly impacting society.

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