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QoS for Fixed and Mobile Ultra-Broadband (Wiley - IEEE)

by Toni Janevski

Provides extensive coverage of standardized QoS technologies for fixed and mobile ultra-broadband networks and services—bringing together technical, regulation, and business aspects The Quality of Service (QoS) has been mandatory for traditional telecommunication services such as telephony (voice) and television (TV) since the first half of the past century, however, with the convergence of telecommunication networks and services onto Internet technologies, the QoS provision remains a big challenge for all ICT services, not only for traditional ones. This book covers the standardized QoS technologies for fixed and mobile ultra-broadband networks and services, including the business aspects and QoS regulation framework, which all will have high impact on the ICTs in the current and the following decade. QoS for Fixed and Mobile Ultra-Broadband starts by introducing readers to the telecommunications field and the technology, and the many aspects of both QoS and QoE (Quality of Experience). The next chapter devotes itself to Internet QoS, starting with an overview of numerous technology protocols and finishing with business and regulatory aspects. The next three chapters look at QoS in NGN and Future Networks, QoS for fixed ultra-broadband, and QoS for mobile ultra-broadband. The book also provides readers with in-depth accounts of services in fixed and mobile ultra-broadband; broadband QoS parameters, KPIs, and measurements; network neutrality; and the QoS regulatory framework. Comprehensively covers every aspect of QoS technology for fixed and mobile ultra-broadband networks and services, including the technology, the many regulations, and their applications in business Explains how the QoS is transiting from the traditional telecom world to an all-IP world Presents all the fundamentals of QoS regulation, as well as SLA regulation QoS for Fixed and Mobile Ultra-Broadband is an excellent resource for managers, engineers, and employees from regulators, ICT government organizations, telecommunication companies (operators, service providers), ICT companies, and industry. It is also a good book for students and professors from academia who are interested in understanding, implementation, and regulation of QoS for fixed and mobile ultra-broadband.

QoS Over Heterogeneous Networks

by Mario Marchese

The importance of quality of service (QoS) has risen with the recent evolution of telecommunication networks, which are characterised by a great heterogeneity. While many applications require a specific level of assurance from the network; communication networks are characterized by different service providers, transmission means and implementer solutions such as asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4), IPv6 and MPLS. Providing comprehensive coverage of QoS issues within heterogeneous network environments, “QoS Over Heterogeneous Networks” looks to find solutions to questions such as does QoS fit within heterogeneous networks and what is the impact on performance if information traverses different network portions that implement specific QoS schemes. Includes: A series of algorithms and protocols to help solve potential QoS problems. State of the art case studies and operative examples to illustrate points made. Information on QoS mapping in terms of service-level specification (SLS) and an in-depth discussion of related issues Chapters end-to-end (E2E) QoS, QoS architecture, QoS over heterogeneous networks and QoS internetworking and mapping. An ideal book for graduate students, researchers and lecturers. System designers, developers and engineers will also find “QoS Over Heterogeneous Networks” a valuable reference.

QRD-RLS Adaptive Filtering (Lecture Notes In Mathematics #Vol. 771)

by Jose Apolinario JR

I feel very honoured to have been asked to write a brief foreword for this book on QRD-RLS Adaptive Filtering–asubjectwhichhas been close to my heart for many years. The book is well written and very timely – I look forward personally to seeing it in print. The editor is to be congratulated on assembling such a highly esteemed team of contributing authors able to span the broad range of topics and concepts which underpin this subject. In many respects, and for reasons well expounded by the authors, the LMS al- rithm has reigned supreme since its inception, as the algorithm of choice for prac- cal applications of adaptive ltering. However, as a result of the relentless advances in electronic technology, the demand for stable and ef cient RLS algorithms is growing rapidly – not just because the higher computational load is no longer such a serious barrier, but also because the technological pull has grown much stronger in the modern commercial world of 3G mobile communications, cognitive radio, high speed imagery, and so on.

Quad Rotorcraft Control: Vision-Based Hovering and Navigation (Advances in Industrial Control)

by Luis Rodolfo García Carrillo Alejandro Enrique Dzul López Rogelio Lozano Claude Pégard

Quad Rotorcraft Control develops original control methods for the navigation and hovering flight of an autonomous mini-quad-rotor robotic helicopter. These methods use an imaging system and a combination of inertial and altitude sensors to localize and guide the movement of the unmanned aerial vehicle relative to its immediate environment. The history, classification and applications of UAVs are introduced, followed by a description of modelling techniques for quad-rotors and the experimental platform itself. A control strategy for the improvement of attitude stabilization in quad-rotors is then proposed and tested in real-time experiments. The strategy, based on the use low-cost components and with experimentally-established robustness, avoids drift in the UAV’s angular position by the addition of an internal control loop to each electronic speed controller ensuring that, during hovering flight, all four motors turn at almost the same speed. The quad-rotor’s Euler angles being very close to the origin, other sensors like GPS or image-sensing equipment can be incorporated to perform autonomous positioning or trajectory-tracking tasks. Two vision-based strategies, each designed to deal with a specific kind of mission, are introduced and separately tested. The first stabilizes the quad-rotor over a landing pad on the ground; it extracts the 3-dimensional position using homography estimation and derives translational velocity by optical flow calculation. The second combines colour-extraction and line-detection algorithms to control the quad-rotor’s 3-dimensional position and achieves forward velocity regulation during a road-following task. In order to estimate the translational-dynamical characteristics of the quad-rotor (relative position and translational velocity) as they evolve within a building or other unstructured, GPS-deprived environment, imaging, inertial and altitude sensors are combined in a state observer. The text give the reader a current view of the problems encountered in UAV control, specifically those relating to quad-rotor flying machines and it will interest researchers and graduate students working in that field. The vision-based control strategies presented help the reader to a better understanding of how an imaging system can be used to obtain the information required for performance of the hovering and navigation tasks ubiquitous in rotored UAV operation.

A Quadratic Constraint Approach to Model Predictive Control of Interconnected Systems (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #148)

by Anthony Tri Tran C. Quang Ha

This book focuses on the stabilization and model predictive control of interconnected systems with mixed connection configurations. It introduces the concept of dissipation-based quadratic constraint for developing attractivity assurance methods for interconnected systems. In order to develop these methods, distributed and decentralized architectures are employed, whereby the communication between subsystems is fully connected, partially connected, or completely disconnected. Given that the control inputs are entirely or partially decoupled between subsystems and no additional constraints are imposed on the interactive variables beyond the coupling constraint itself, the proposed approaches can be used with various types of systems and applications. Further, the book describes how the effects of coupling delays and data losses in device networks are resolved. From a practical perspective, the innovations presented are of benefit in applications in a broad range of fields, including the process and manufacturing industries, networked robotics, and network-centric systems such as chemical process systems, power systems, telecommunication networks, transportation networks, and, no less importantly, supply chain automation.

Quadratic Programming with Computer Programs (Advances in Applied Mathematics)

by Michael J. Best

Quadratic programming is a mathematical technique that allows for the optimization of a quadratic function in several variables. QP is a subset of Operations Research and is the next higher lever of sophistication than Linear Programming. It is a key mathematical tool in Portfolio Optimization and structural plasticity. This is useful in Civil Engineering as well as Statistics.

Quadratic Programming with Computer Programs (Advances in Applied Mathematics)

by Michael J. Best

Quadratic programming is a mathematical technique that allows for the optimization of a quadratic function in several variables. QP is a subset of Operations Research and is the next higher lever of sophistication than Linear Programming. It is a key mathematical tool in Portfolio Optimization and structural plasticity. This is useful in Civil Engineering as well as Statistics.

Quadrature Frequency Generation for Wideband Wireless Applications (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)

by Mohammad Elbadry Ramesh Harjani

This book describes design techniques for wideband quadrature LO generation for software defined radio transceivers, with frequencies spanning 4GHz to around 80GHz. The authors discuss several techniques that can be used to reduce the cost and/or power consumption of one of the key component of the RF front-end, the quadrature local oscillator. The discussion includes simple and useful insights into quadrature VCOs, along with numerous examples of practical techniques.

Quadrature RC−Oscillators: The Van Der Pol Approach (Analog Circuits And Signal Processing Series)

by Igor M. Filanovsky João Carlos Casaleiro Luís Augusto Oliveira

This book presents a tutorial review of van der Pol model, a universal oscillator model for the analysis of modern RC−oscillators in weak and strong nonlinear regimes. A detailed analysis of the injection locking in van der Pol oscillators is also presented. The relation between the van der Pol parameters and several circuit implementations in CMOS nanotechnology is given, showing that this theory is very useful in the optimization of oscillator key parameters, such as: frequency, amplitude and phase relationship. The authors discuss three different examples: active coupling RC−oscillators, capacitive coupling RC−oscillators, and two-integrator oscillator working in the sinusoidal regime. · Provides a detailed tutorial on the van der Pol oscillator model, which can be the basis for the analysis of modern RC−oscillators in weak and strong nonlinear regimes; · Demonstrations the relationship between the van der Pol parameters and several circuit implementations in CMOS nanotechnology, showing that this theory is a powerful tool in the optimization of key oscillator parameters; · Provides three circuit prototypes implemented in modern CMOS nanotechnology in the GHz range, with applications in low area, low power, low cost, wireless sensor network (WSN) applications (e.g. IoT, BLE).

Quadrupedal Locomotion: An Introduction to the Control of Four-legged Robots

by Pablo González de Santos Elena Garcia Joaquin Estremera

Walking machines have advantages over traditional vehicles, and have already accomplished tasks that wheeled or tracked robots cannot handle. Nevertheless, their use in industry and services is currently limited in scope. This book brings together methods and techniques that have been developed to deal with obstacles to wider acceptance of legged robots. Part I provides an historical overview. Part II concentrates on control techniques, as applied to Four-legged robots.

Quale energia per il futuro?: Tutela ambientale e risorse (I blu)

by Aldo Bonasera

Quale sarà il futuro energetico della Terra? La soluzione ai problemi energetici dell'uomo potrebbe davvero arrivare dallo spazio? L’umanità è di fronte a una svolta: non più di 100 anni ci separano dall’esaurimento delle riserve di combustibili fossili. Rimangono dunque pochi decenni per costruire un’alternativa valida, e che vedrà probabilmente un notevole contributo delle fonti rinnovabili, rivelatesi già concorrenziali con il petrolio e che in Paesi come l’Austria coprono il 60% del fabbisogno di elettricità. Resta più incerto il contributo che potrà arrivare dall’energia nucleare, combattuta da molti per le ben note questioni legate alla sicurezza e allo stoccaggio delle scorie. Il libro si pone l'obiettivo di affrontare in modo rigoroso questo argomento di forte attualità.

Qualifizierung an Industrierobotern: Ziele, Inhalte und Methoden (IPA-IAO - Forschung und Praxis #113)

by Volker Korndörfer

Qualifikation wird beim Einsatz computerisierter Betriebsmittel zwar zunehmend als betrieblicher und sozialer Schlüsselfaktor erkannt; die erforderlichen Konsequenzen wurden in der betrieblichen Praxis und in der wissenschaftlichen Pädagogik bisher aber nur sehr bedingt gezogen. In dem vorliegenden Band werden auf vier Bearbeitungsebenen - Bestimmung der Ziele und Inhalte, Aufbau von Kurs, Lehreinheit und Lernschritten - Vorgehensweisen, Hilfsmittel und praktische Empfehlungen zur Konzeption und Durchführung von derartigen Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen entwickelt. Diese werden für das Lichtbogenschweißen mit Industrierobotern exemplarisch angewendet. Praktische Basis ist ein erfolgreiches Forschungs- und Praxisprojekt zu diesem Thema. Theoretische Basis ist die psychologische Theorie der Handlungsregulation in Verbindung mit Konzepten der Didaktik und der Kognitionspsychologie. Der Band richtet sich an Praktiker, die mit der Konzeption und Durchführung von Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen an programmierbaren Betriebsmitteln befaßt sind, sowie an Forscher, die Theorie und Methodik der Qualifizierung weiterentwickeln wollen.

Qualität im E-Learning aus Lernersicht: Grundlagen, Empirie und Modellkonzeption subjektiver Qualität

by Ulf-Daniel Ehlers

In der Qualitätsentwicklung im E-Learning ist mittlerweile unstrittig, dass dem Lernenden, seinen Präferenzen und Anforderungen eine herausragende Stellung eingeräumt werden muss. Mit der vorliegenden Studie wird erstmals ein empirisches Modell individueller Lernerpräferenzen vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen detailliert auf, welche Faktoren für Lernende beim E-Learning Relevanz besitzen.

Qualität und Testbarkeit hochintegrierter Schaltungen: Qualitätssicherung durch regelbasierte Systeme (Informatik-Fachberichte #215)

by Mehrdad Bidjan-Irani

Dieses Buch beschreibt ein hochkomplexes und neuartiges System zur Überprüfung prüftechnischer Entwurfsregeln bei digitalen Schaltungen und Systemen. Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen Ansätzen ist diese Analyse im vorliegenden Fall regelbasiert und erlaubt damit die Verarbeitung unterschiedlicher Regelsätze. Weitere Besonderheiten sind der hierarchische Ansatz und die Anwendbarkeit über die Gatterebene hinaus auch auf der Registertransfer-Ebene. Das System wird abgerundet durch eine Regelaufbereitungskomponente in Form eines speziellen Expertensystems, die es erlaubt, zu berücksichtigende DFT (Design For Testability)-Regeln benutzerfreundlich einzugeben. Das konzipierte System ist von konsequenter Modularität und bietet in jeder Richtung (Schaltungsbeschreibung, Abstraktionsebene, Bibliothekselemente, Regelsätze) weitestgehende Flexibilität. Zur Ausgestaltung des Systems wurden geeignete Methoden aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Informatik zu diesem neuartigen Ansatz kombiniert; beteiligt sind die Gebiete Compilerbau, Algorithmen, Software-Engineering, besonders aber Hardware-Test, Logische Programmierung und Expertensysteme.

Qualität von PPS-Systemen: Ein Verfahren zur Analyse des Informationsgehaltes (fir+iaw Forschung für die Praxis #41)

by Friedrich v. Loeffelholz

Die wirkungsvolle Nutzung von PPS-Systemen bereitet den Anwendern oft erhebliche Probleme. Die Komplexität übersteigt bei vielen Systemen das Maß des sinnvoll Bearbeitbaren bei weitem. Die Nutzer von PPS-Systemen fühlen sich trotz der vielen Funktionen nicht hinreichend unterstützt. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird ein Verfahren zur Ermittlung des mittleren Informationsgehalts von PPS-Systemen beschrieben. In einem Praxisbeispiel wird nachgewiesen, daß der Informationsgehalt von mächtigen PPS-Systemen geringer sein kann, als derjenige von kleinen, gut an die betrieblichen Verhältnisse angepaßten Systemen.

Qualitative Analysis and Control of Complex Neural Networks with Delays (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #34)

by Zhanshan Wang Zhenwei Liu Chengde Zheng

This book focuses on the stability of the dynamical neural system, synchronization of the coupling neural system and their applications in automation control and electrical engineering. The redefined concept of stability, synchronization and consensus are adopted to provide a better explanation of the complex neural network. Researchers in the fields of dynamical systems, computer science, electrical engineering and mathematics will benefit from the discussions on complex systems. The book will also help readers to better understand the theory behind the control technique and its design.

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Nonlinear Systems: Theory and Applications (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #111)

by Michael Z. Zgurovsky Pavlo O. Kasyanov

Here, the authors present modern methods of analysis for nonlinear systems which may occur in fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, or economics. They concentrate on the following topics, specific for such systems:(a) constructive existence results and regularity theorems for all weak solutions; (b) convergence results for solutions and their approximations; (c) uniform global behavior of solutions in time; and(d) pointwise behavior of solutions for autonomous problems with possible gaps by the phase variables. The general methodology for the investigation of dissipative dynamical systems with several applications including nonlinear parabolic equations of divergent form, nonlinear stochastic equations of parabolic type, unilateral problems, nonlinear PDEs on Riemannian manifolds with or without boundary, contact problems as well as particular examples is established. As such, the book is addressed to a wide circle of mathematical, mechanical and engineering readers.

Qualitative and Quantitative Models in Socio-Economic Systems and Social Work (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #208)

by José Luis Sarasola Sánchez-Serrano Fabrizio Maturo Šárka Hošková-Mayerová

The main purpose of this book is not only to present recent studies and advances in the field of social science research, but also to stimulate discussion on related practical issues concerning statistics, mathematics, and economics. Accordingly, a broad range of tools and techniques that can be used to solve problems on these topics are presented in detail in this book, which offers an ideal reference work for all researchers interested in effective quantitative and qualitative tools. The content is divided into three major sections. The first, which is titled “Social work”, collects papers on problems related to the social sciences, e.g. social cohesion, health, and digital technologies. Papers in the second part, “Education and teaching issues,” address qualitative aspects, education, learning, violence, diversity, disability, and ageing, while the book’s final part, “Recent trends in qualitative and quantitative models for socio-economic systems and social work”, features contributions on both qualitative and quantitative issues. The book is based on a scientific collaboration, in the social sciences, mathematics, statistics, and economics, among experts from the “Pablo de Olavide” University of Seville (Spain), the “University of Defence” of Brno (Czech Republic), the “G. D’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy) and “Alexandru Ioan Cuza University” of Iaşi (Romania). The contributions, which have been selected using a peer-review process, examine a wide variety of topics related to the social sciences in general, while also highlighting new and intriguing empirical research conducted in various countries. Given its scope, the book will appeal, in equal measure, to sociologists, mathematicians, statisticians and philosophers, and more generally to scholars and specialists in related fields.

A Qualitative Approach to Inverse Scattering Theory (Applied Mathematical Sciences #188)

by Fioralba Cakoni David Colton

Inverse scattering theory is an important area of applied mathematics due to its central role in such areas as medical imaging , nondestructive testing and geophysical exploration. Until recently all existing algorithms for solving inverse scattering problems were based on using either a weak scattering assumption or on the use of nonlinear optimization techniques. The limitations of these methods have led in recent years to an alternative approach to the inverse scattering problem which avoids the incorrect model assumptions inherent in the use of weak scattering approximations as well as the strong a priori information needed in order to implement nonlinear optimization techniques. These new methods come under the general title of qualitative methods in inverse scattering theory and seek to determine an approximation to the shape of the scattering object as well as estimates on its material properties without making any weak scattering assumption and using essentially no a priori information on the nature of the scattering object. This book is designed to be an introduction to this new approach in inverse scattering theory focusing on the use of sampling methods and transmission eigenvalues. In order to aid the reader coming from a discipline outside of mathematics we have included background material on functional analysis, Sobolev spaces, the theory of ill posed problems and certain topics in in the theory of entire functions of a complex variable. This book is an updated and expanded version of an earlier book by the authors published by Springer titled Qualitative Methods in Inverse Scattering Theory Review of Qualitative Methods in Inverse Scattering Theory All in all, the authors do exceptionally well in combining such a wide variety of mathematical material and in presenting it in a well-organized and easy-to-follow fashion. This text certainly complements the growing body of work in inverse scattering and should well suit both new researchers to the field as well as those who could benefit from such a nice codified collection of profitable results combined in one bound volume. SIAM Review, 2006

Qualitative Methods in Inverse Scattering Theory: An Introduction (Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics)

by Fioralba Cakoni David Colton

Inverse scattering theory has been a particularly active and successful field in applied mathematics and engineering for the past twenty years. The increasing demands of imaging and target identification require new powerful and flexible techniques besides the existing weak scattering approximation or nonlinear optimization methods. One class of such methods comes under the general description of qualitative methods in inverse scattering theory. This textbook is an easily-accessible "class-tested" introduction to the field. It is accessible also to readers who are not professional mathematicians, thus making these new mathematical ideas in inverse scattering theory available to the wider scientific and engineering community.

Qualitative Modeling of Offshore Outsourcing Risks in Supply Chain Management and Logistics

by Rajiv Kumar Sharma

What are the biggest challenges facing those managing supply chains? Qualitative Modeling of Offshore Outsourcing Risks in Supply Chain Management and Logistics is intended to benefit the stakeholders in client organizations by raising their understanding and awareness about the most dominant risks. This will equip supply chain managers to give more emphasis to mitigating these risks. It further showcases the development and validation of a conceptual framework that depicts the relationship among key offshore outsourcing risks. The text explores modelling various risks which disrupt the automotive supply chain and cybersecurity breaches in digital supply chains.This book: Covers structural modelling of key offshore outsourcing risks for understanding their driving and dependence power. Presents a conceptual framework and hierarchical structural model for perfect order fulfilment in both upstream and downstream supply chains. Explores the challenges in handling operational risks associated with poor delivery performance or service quality. Models dimensions which affect vendor selection in offshore outsourcing environment. Investigates cultural influences on the management of geographically distributed operations in offshore outsourcing. Addresses the workforce-related offshore outsourcing risk such as loss of key professionals. Discusses the risk associated with selection of location, viz. distribution centres/warehouses in supply chain and logistics. Models dimensions related to cybersecurity breaches in digital supply chains because of IT offshoring. It is aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students, and academic researchers in the fields of manufacturing engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, supply chain management and production engineering.

Qualitative Modeling of Offshore Outsourcing Risks in Supply Chain Management and Logistics

by Rajiv Kumar Sharma

What are the biggest challenges facing those managing supply chains? Qualitative Modeling of Offshore Outsourcing Risks in Supply Chain Management and Logistics is intended to benefit the stakeholders in client organizations by raising their understanding and awareness about the most dominant risks. This will equip supply chain managers to give more emphasis to mitigating these risks. It further showcases the development and validation of a conceptual framework that depicts the relationship among key offshore outsourcing risks. The text explores modelling various risks which disrupt the automotive supply chain and cybersecurity breaches in digital supply chains.This book: Covers structural modelling of key offshore outsourcing risks for understanding their driving and dependence power. Presents a conceptual framework and hierarchical structural model for perfect order fulfilment in both upstream and downstream supply chains. Explores the challenges in handling operational risks associated with poor delivery performance or service quality. Models dimensions which affect vendor selection in offshore outsourcing environment. Investigates cultural influences on the management of geographically distributed operations in offshore outsourcing. Addresses the workforce-related offshore outsourcing risk such as loss of key professionals. Discusses the risk associated with selection of location, viz. distribution centres/warehouses in supply chain and logistics. Models dimensions related to cybersecurity breaches in digital supply chains because of IT offshoring. It is aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students, and academic researchers in the fields of manufacturing engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, supply chain management and production engineering.

Qualitative Motion Understanding (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science #184)

by Wilhelm Burger Bir Bhanu

Mobile robots operating in real-world, outdoor scenarios depend on dynamic scene understanding for detecting and avoiding obstacles, recognizing landmarks, acquiring models, and for detecting and tracking moving objects. Motion understanding has been an active research effort for more than a decade, searching for solutions to some of these problems; however, it still remains one of the more difficult and challenging areas of computer vision research. Qualitative Motion Understanding describes a qualitative approach to dynamic scene and motion analysis, called DRIVE (Dynamic Reasoning from Integrated Visual Evidence). The DRIVE system addresses the problems of (a) estimating the robot's egomotion, (b) reconstructing the observed 3-D scene structure; and (c) evaluating the motion of individual objects from a sequence of monocular images. The approach is based on the FOE (focus of expansion) concept, but it takes a somewhat unconventional route. The DRIVE system uses a qualitative scene model and a fuzzy focus of expansion to estimate robot motion from visual cues, to detect and track moving objects, and to construct and maintain a global dynamic reference model.

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