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Often I Am Happy: A Novel

by Jens Christian Grøndahl

When Ellinor addresses her best friend Anna, she does not expect a reply. Anna has been dead for forty years, killed in the same skiing accident that claimed Henning: Ellinor’s first husband and Anna’s lover.Ellinor instead tells her that Georg has died – Georg who was once Anna’s, but whom Ellinor came to love in her place, and whom she came to care for, along with Anna’s two infant sons. Yet with Georg’s death Ellinor finds herself able to cut the ties of her assumed life with surprising ease.Returning to the area of Copenhagen where she grew up, away from the adopted comfort of the home she shared with Georg, Ellinor finds herself addressing her own history: her marriage to Henning, their seemingly charmed friendship with the newly-wed Anna and Georg, right back to her own mother's story – a story of heartbreaking pride.Because there are some secrets – both our own and of others – that we can only share with the dead. Secrets that nonetheless shape who we are and who we love. Often I Am Happy by Jens Christian Grøndahl is a profoundly moving work of fiction.

Northerners: A History, From The Ice Age To The Present Day

by Brian Groom

A Waterstones ‘Book You Need to Read in 2022’ The definitive history of the North of England as told through the lives of its inhabitants.

Dog Days Out: 365 things to do with your dog in the UK and Ireland

by Lottie Gross

A dog-owner's bible for a wealth of fun, welcoming and quirky adventures in the UK and Ireland.A staggering one third of British households now own a dog as a pet, meaning dog-friendly days out and weekend trips are becoming ever more popular. Finding reliable and comprehensive information on dog-friendly activities, though, is getting harder thanks to the deluge of online content, much of which doesn't offer in-depth information on the kinds of things dog owners need to know. Dog Days Out solves that problem, offering 365 ideas for things to do around the UK with your four-legged friend, such as long rambles in the countryside, brilliant beaches to play fetch on, and exciting attractions and quirky accommodation options. From the rugged countryside of Ireland and Northern Ireland to the beaches of Cornwall, Kent and the Scottish Highlands, plus castles, country houses and cracking walks to be had in between, this book will provide an abundance of ideas for an hour, half a day or a whole day out to suit all weathers. Gorgeous maps and beautiful photography make this both an aspirational and endlessly useful read. The long list of brilliant activities is accompanied by essential practical information for dog owners, such as local bylaws, rules for dogs, wildlife to be aware of, safety tips, solo travel with dogs, activities with reactive dogs, and accessible dog days out.

Dog Days Out: 365 things to do with your dog in the UK and Ireland

by Lottie Gross

A dog-owner's bible for a wealth of fun, welcoming and quirky adventures in the UK and Ireland.A staggering one third of British households now own a dog as a pet, meaning dog-friendly days out and weekend trips are becoming ever more popular. Finding reliable and comprehensive information on dog-friendly activities, though, is getting harder thanks to the deluge of online content, much of which doesn't offer in-depth information on the kinds of things dog owners need to know. Dog Days Out solves that problem, offering 365 ideas for things to do around the UK with your four-legged friend, such as long rambles in the countryside, brilliant beaches to play fetch on, and exciting attractions and quirky accommodation options. From the rugged countryside of Ireland and Northern Ireland to the beaches of Cornwall, Kent and the Scottish Highlands, plus castles, country houses and cracking walks to be had in between, this book will provide an abundance of ideas for an hour, half a day or a whole day out to suit all weathers. Gorgeous maps and beautiful photography make this both an aspirational and endlessly useful read. The long list of brilliant activities is accompanied by essential practical information for dog owners, such as local bylaws, rules for dogs, wildlife to be aware of, safety tips, solo travel with dogs, activities with reactive dogs, and accessible dog days out.

The Turk Who Loved Apples: And Other Tales of Losing My Way Around the World

by Matt Gross

While writing his celebrated Frugal Traveler column for the New York Times, Matt Gross began to feel hemmed in by its focus on what he thought of as "traveling on the cheap at all costs.” When his editor offered him the opportunity to do something less structured, the Getting Lost series was born, and Gross began a more immersive form of travel that allowed him to "lose his way all over the globe”—from developing-world megalopolises to venerable European capitals, from American sprawl to Asian archipelagos. And that's what the never-before-published material in The Turk Who Loved Apples is all about: breaking free of the constraints of modern travel and letting the place itself guide you. It's a variety of travel you'll love to experience vicariously through Matt Gross—and maybe even be inspired to try for yourself.

An Armenian Sketchbook

by Vasily Grossman

Few writers had to confront so many of the last century's mass tragedies as Vasily Grossman. He is likely to be remembered, above all, for the terrifying clarity with which he writes about the Shoah, the Battle of Stalingrad and the Terror Famine in the Ukraine. An Armenian Sketchbook, however, shows us a very different Grossman; it is notable for its warmth, its sense of fun and for the benign humility that is always to be found in his writing. After the 'arrest' - as Grossman always put it - of Life and Fate, Grossman took on the task of editing a literal Russian translation of a lengthy Armenian novel. The novel was of little interest to him, but he was glad of an excuse to travel to Armenia. This is his account of the two months he spent there. It is by far the most personal and intimate of Grossman's works, with an air of absolute spontaneity, as though Grossman is simply chatting to the reader about his impressions of Armenia - its mountains, its ancient churches and its people.

Oyster Isles: A Journey Through Britain and Ireland's Oysters

by Bobby Groves

'Bobby's oyster travelogue is an ambitious, one-of-a-kind piece that shines a spotlight on the extraordinary and the everyday of the industry. It's the stuff that oyster bucket lists are made of' Julie Qiu, In A Half Shell blog'A masterpiece' Sandy Ingber, Executive Chef of the Grand Central Oyster Bar, New York'An amazing tome . . . The stories behind each oyster and location are informative, in depth, but, most importantly, fun' Michel Roux JrThe oyster. Ostrea edulis. 'Edible bones'. The Great British oyster is deeply embedded in our geographical, historical and socio-cultural landscape. Five-thousand-year-old oyster shells have been discovered in the northern reaches of Scotland, and oyster shells are littered along the extinct riverbeds deep beneath the London of today. A highly prized delicacy of the Romans, the oyster has always been a class leveller: an everyman food of the poor during the Victorian age to a food of decadence during the twentieth century. It is a superfood; a biological water meter; an ecological superpower. The oyster card, 'the world is your oyster' - it has even crept into our language.Bobby Groves, Head of Oysters at the Chiltern Firehouse, takes us on a wonderful journey of the British oyster, a five-thousand-mile motorcycle odyssey of Britain's spectacular coastlines. He vividly brings to life this strange and marvellous creature, shining a light on its rich and vibrant history, its cultural impact and ecological importance as well as those oyster folk who work so hard to protect them.Part travelogue, part social history, Oyster Isles is a celebration of the much-loved yet much-misunderstood British oyster.

Gastronomie managen: Umsatzchancen nutzen, Kostenfallen meiden

by Axel Gruner Burkhard von Freyberg Moritz Euchner

Der Einstieg in die Gastronomie aber auch das Betreiben einer Bar, eines Cafés oder eines etablierten Restaurants ist nicht so einfach, wie oft vermutet wird. Mit »ein Bier zapfen und ein Schnitzel braten« ist es leider nicht getan. Unternehmensgründer sollten vor dem Einstieg mehrere Jahre Berufspraxis gesammelt und so viel Kapital auf der Seite haben, dass sie mindestens zwei Jahre ohne Betriebseinnahmen auskommen können. Aber auch wenn dies der Fall ist, dürfen sich die Existenzgründer keine größeren unternehmerischen Fehler leisten, denn die Statistik besagt, dass mehr als die Hälfte der Neu-Gastronomen nach weniger als zwei Jahren schließen müssen. Zurück bleiben dann meist nur hohe Schulden und die Erfahrung des Scheiterns.Dieses Buch zeigt auf, wie unnötige Kosten vermieden sowie Umsatzchancen genutzt werden können. Zudem dienen wertvolle Praxistipps erfolgreicher Gastronomen der Veranschaulichung. Diese Impulse sollen in besonderem Maße auch angehende Gastgeber dabei unterstützen, entsprechende Handlungsempfehlungen im Betrieb umzusetzen. Durch die Orientierung am Produktlebenszyklus einer Unternehmung werden sie von den Anfängen über die Revitalisierung bis zur potenziellen Schließung eines Betriebes begleitet. Dies soll je nach individueller Phase des Betriebes aufzeigen, welche Optimierungsmaßnahmen jeweils ergriffen werden können.

ErfolgReich in der Privathotellerie: Impulse für Profilierung und Profit

by Axel Gruner Burkhard von Freyberg Marina Lang

Wie gelingt es, sich am hart umkämpften Hotelmarkt mit seinem Privathotel von der Masse abzuheben, ihm ein einzigartiges unverwechselbares „Gesicht“ zu geben? Die erfahrenen Profis aus Hotellerie und Lehre, Burkhard von Freyberg, Axel Gruner und Marina Lang, haben einen unverzichtbaren Ratgeber geschaffen, der wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse genauso berücksichtigt wie die langjährige praktische Erfahrung etablierter, sehr erfolgreicher Privathoteliers. Die Autoren geben umfassend und praxisnah aufbereitet Antworten auf die Fragen: Wie ist es möglich, sich zu profilieren, um sich gegen das Angebot international agierender Hotelkonzerne durchzusetzen? Was kann ein Privathotelier von der Kettenhotellerie lernen oder sogar besser machen? Welche Eigenschaften sollte ein erfolgreicher Privathotelier besitzen? Dazu ist es ihnen gelungen, 16 außergewöhnliche Hotelunternehmungen herauszufiltern und die Verantwortlichen für ein Interview zu gewinnen. Die spannenden und zugleich inspirierenden Einblicke in deren Arbeit machen Lust, sich direkt an die Umsetzung der aufgezeigten Möglichkeiten zu machen, um im eigenen Unternehmen den Grundstein für langfristigen und stabilen Erfolg zu legen.

Bear Grylls: Facing Up - Facing the Frozen Ocean

by Bear Grylls

Bear Grylls is one of the world's most famous survivors. Bear Grylls: Two All-Action Adventures combines two of his greatest adventures told in Facing Up and Facing the Frozen Ocean.At the age of twenty-three, Bear Grylls became one of the youngest Britons to reach the summit of Mount Everest. At extreme altitude youth holds no advantage over experience, nevertheless, only two years after breaking his back in a freefall parachuting accident, he overcame severe weather conditions, fatigue and dehydration to stand on top of the world's highest mountain. Facing Up is the story of his adventure, his courage and humour, his friendship and faith. Facing the Frozen Ocean tells of a carefully calculated attempt to complete the first unassisted crossing of the frozen north Atlantic in an open rigid inflatable boat. But this expedition became a terrifying battle against extreme elements and icebergs as large as cathedrals. Starting from the remote north Canadian coastline, Bear Grylls and his crew crossed the infamous Labrador Sea, pushed on through ice-strewn waters to Greenland and then found themselves isolated in a perfect storm 400 miles from Iceland. This is a compelling, vivid and inspirational tale.

Do Your Best: How to be a Scout

by Bear Grylls

What more could you ask for, than a book stuffed like an overfilled rucksack with tips and tricks from one of the world's most celebrated adventurers from pitching a tent, leading a team, how to keep fit, tie knots, memorise facts, identify trees, stars and birds, as well as learning real survival skills like putting up a tent in the wild and stashing your breakfast in ground to keep it hot for the next morning?This is the book for anyone who is a Scout, was a Scout, or wants to be a Scout.Do Your Best is the handbook for every Scout, young and old. It's a warm-hearted book in which you'll learn all the skills the scouts use to do their best in everything they do and set themselves up to face life head-on and make a real difference in the world.Not since Scouting for Boys, the seminal 1908 book by Robert Baden-Powell that sparked the global movement, has there been a single handbook for every Scout. Whoever you are it will help you step up, speak up, skill up and dream big.Grab life with both hands, never give up and give life you your best shot with Do Your Best: How To Be a Scout. Stunningly typograhically designed and richly illustrated, this will be the perfect Christmas gift for the adventurer in your life -- young or old.Chapters include: 'How to Survive'; 'How to give first aid'; 'How to protect our planet'; 'How to be organised'; 'How to be an adventurer'; 'How to be a camp cook'; 'How to live freely'; 'How to predict the weather'; 'How to be a team player'. And that's just for starters!

Facing the Frozen Ocean: One Man's Dream to Lead a Team Across the Treacherous North Atlantic

by Bear Grylls

'An epic story of hardship, friendship and faith.' Daily Telegraph Shortlisted for the William Hill Sports Book of the Year Award, this is the compelling account of the most recent adventure of the bestselling author of Facing Up. It started out as a carefully calculated attempt to complete the first unassisted crossing of the frozen north Atlantic in an open rigid inflatable boat, but it became a terrifying battle against storm-force winds, crashing waves and icebergs as large as cathedrals. Starting from the remote north Canadian coastline, Bear Grylls and his crew crossed the infamous Labrador Sea, pushed on through ice-strewn waters to Greenland and then found themselves isolated in a perfect storm 400 miles from Iceland. Compelling, vivid and inspirational, Facing the Frozen Ocean will appeal to all Bear Grylls' many readers and win him many more.

Management Science Applications in Tourism and Hospitality

by Zheng Gu

Find out how accurate forecasting and analysis can prevent costly mistakes! Management Science Applications in Tourism and Hospitality examines innovative tools for evaluating performance and productivity in tourism offices, hotels, and restaurants. This collection of recent studies focuses on two important topics of management science: forecasting and a relatively new analytical methodology called data envelopment analysis (DEA). This book will show you how tourism forecasting accuracy can be enhanced and how DEA can be used to benchmark productivity and improve advertisement efficiency. Management Science Applications in Tourism and Hospitality provides you with a useful blend of analysis from both theory and real-data perspectives. This book uses case studies, application techniques, and expert advice to review various productivity measurement methods and compare them to DEA, revealing DEA&’s strengths, weaknesses, and its potential in the operating environment. With Management Science Applications in Tourism and Hospitality, you&’ll be able to: utilize destination benchmarking perform multiunit restaurant productivity assessments using DEA conduct hotel labor productivity assessments using DEA measure and benchmark productivity in the hotel sector using DEA model tourism demand use an improved extrapolative hotel room occupancy rate forecasting technique forecast short-term planning and management for a casino buffet restaurant apply city perception analysis (CPA) for destination positioning decisions This book is generously enhanced with tables and figures to substantiate the research. Management Science Applications in Tourism and Hospitality is valuable for hospitality and tourism educators and graduate students learning and doing research in operation analysis. Savvy executives and professionals who want to improve efficiency in their industry will also benefit from the techniques illustrated in this timely guide.

Management Science Applications in Tourism and Hospitality

by Zheng Gu

Find out how accurate forecasting and analysis can prevent costly mistakes! Management Science Applications in Tourism and Hospitality examines innovative tools for evaluating performance and productivity in tourism offices, hotels, and restaurants. This collection of recent studies focuses on two important topics of management science: forecasting and a relatively new analytical methodology called data envelopment analysis (DEA). This book will show you how tourism forecasting accuracy can be enhanced and how DEA can be used to benchmark productivity and improve advertisement efficiency. Management Science Applications in Tourism and Hospitality provides you with a useful blend of analysis from both theory and real-data perspectives. This book uses case studies, application techniques, and expert advice to review various productivity measurement methods and compare them to DEA, revealing DEA&’s strengths, weaknesses, and its potential in the operating environment. With Management Science Applications in Tourism and Hospitality, you&’ll be able to: utilize destination benchmarking perform multiunit restaurant productivity assessments using DEA conduct hotel labor productivity assessments using DEA measure and benchmark productivity in the hotel sector using DEA model tourism demand use an improved extrapolative hotel room occupancy rate forecasting technique forecast short-term planning and management for a casino buffet restaurant apply city perception analysis (CPA) for destination positioning decisions This book is generously enhanced with tables and figures to substantiate the research. Management Science Applications in Tourism and Hospitality is valuable for hospitality and tourism educators and graduate students learning and doing research in operation analysis. Savvy executives and professionals who want to improve efficiency in their industry will also benefit from the techniques illustrated in this timely guide.

Gay and Lesbian Tourism

by Jeff Guaracino

This unique introductory resource provides a broad foundation of knowledge on the gay and lesbian market segment. Topics and themes are illustrated by interviewing the top professionals in gay travel and gay media who share their experience, tips for success and future predictions. Packed with best case examples and practices of existing gay tourism initiatives and campaigns, this engaging text provides analysis and context that addresses some of the burning questions in this area, including the potential negative consumer and stakeholder reaction, and strategies to educate the local hospitality community.

Gay and Lesbian Tourism

by Jeff Guaracino

This unique introductory resource provides a broad foundation of knowledge on the gay and lesbian market segment. Topics and themes are illustrated by interviewing the top professionals in gay travel and gay media who share their experience, tips for success and future predictions. Packed with best case examples and practices of existing gay tourism initiatives and campaigns, this engaging text provides analysis and context that addresses some of the burning questions in this area, including the potential negative consumer and stakeholder reaction, and strategies to educate the local hospitality community.

Lost London

by Richard Guard

Lost London is the story of the city as told through the buildings, parks and palaces that are no longer with us. Places like the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, the leading venue for public entertainment in the city for over 200 years, or the Palace of Whitehall whose 1500 rooms made it the largest royal residence in Europe until it was destroyed by fire at the end of the 17th century. From bull rings to ice fairs, plague pits to molly houses, this is a fascinating journey through London's forgotten past, unearthing the extraordinary stories that lie beneath familiar streets as well as shining a light in the city's darkest corners.

New York In The Snow

by Vivienne Gucwa

The iconic city of New York is a bustling, heady metropolis that, thanks to the power of media, everyone in the world knows intimately, even if they've never been. But every once in a while it changes completely. At first a few flakes will fall, then more, and more. Hardened New Yorkers rush for warmth and, while they're absent, an amazing, glistening almost deserted winter wonderland momentarily appears.It is these moments that phenomenally popular photo-blogger Vivienne Gucwa lives for. She has been documenting them for more than a decade, rushing out to capture the city in snow. Of all the photos that have made her the celebrated, award-winning success that she is, it is these that are most loved, both online and in print, so we offer them here in a sumptous volume to be enjoyed by anyone who loves New York, whether from afar, as an occasional visitor, or if you've never left the Big Apple.

New York Through the Lens

by Vivienne Gucwa

Street photographers will never tire of New York as a subject. It is the perfect setting for the genre, the world's most evocative cityscape, against which candid, memorable moments play themselves out every day. Nearly a decade ago, Vivienne Gucwa began walking the streets of the city with the only camera she could afford a sub-$100 point-and-shoot and started taking pictures. Choosing a direction and going as far as her feet would take her, she noticed lines, forms and structures that had previously gone unnoticed but which resonated, embodying a sense of home. Having limited equipment forced her to learn about light, composition and colour, and her burgeoning talent won her blog millions of readers and wide recognition in the photographic community. New York Through the Lens showcases the stunning results of her ongoing quest. Filled with spectacular photographs and illuminated by Vivienne's own insightful commentary, NY Through the Lens acts as a beautiful travel guide to the city; it will be a must-read for her many fans and for any lover of street photography.

The Islander: A Biography of Halldor Laxness

by Halldor Gudmundsson

"An enthralling, heartening study of a man of unflagging interest in life" Independent"A thoroughly researched biography" New York Review of Books"Provides readers of English with a perfect introduction to the life and works of an outstanding writer, one whom everyone should read" Irish Times"I am thoroughly convinced by Gudmundsson's portrayal of Laxness" J. M COETZEEA strong and memorable portrayal of a man who fought heroically to write for the world, but in one of its rarest languages. Halldór Laxness won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1955. During his life, which spanned nearly the entire century, he not only wrote sixty books, but also became an active participant in Europe's idealistic debates and struggles.In the 1930s, Laxness became attracted to Soviet communism. He travelled widely in the Soviet Bloc and, despite witnessing some atrocities, remained a defender of communism until the 1960s. But his political leanings never dominated his work. Laxness continually sought to divulge the world of beauty that lurks beneath the everyday, ensuring his artistry remained a sanctuary of humanism and reflection.In this biography, Guðmundsson has been granted access to unique material by Laxness' family. As a result, the interrelationships between Laxness' personal life, his politics and his career are meticulously examined. What emerges is a grand description of a fascinating personality in which the manifold conflicts of the 20th century are mirrored."Laxness is a writer of the first degree, a writer I dreamed of coming close to" BORIS PASTERNAK, 1960"When in a bad mood I have picked one of your books. And there the pure and deep sound has welcomed me, strong and charming from the first page" KAREN BLIXEN in an open letter to Laxness in 1952Translated from Icelandic by Philip Roughton

The Motorcycle Diaries (Penguin Modern Classics)

by Ernesto Che Guevara

'A Latin American James Dean or Jack Kerouac' Washington Post'It's true; Marxists just wanna have fun... a revolutionary bestseller' GuardianAt the age of twenty-three, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado set out from their native Argentina to explore their continent, with only a single 1939 Norton motorcycle to carry them, nicknamed La Poderosa ('the powerful one'). They travelled not to visit the usual tourist attractions, but to meet ordinary people and understand Latin American life. In amidst the tales of youthful adventures - of women, wine, thrilling escapes and the power of friendship - the young Che also learns first-hand about poverty, philosophy and philosophy and forms himself into the man who would become the world's most famous and admired revolutionary and freedom fighter. 'For every comic escapade of the carefree roustabout there is an equally eye-opening moment in the development of the future revolutionary leader. By the end of the journey, a politicized Guevara has emerged to predict his own legendary future' Time

Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect

by Will Guidara

Essential lessons in hospitality for every business, from the former co-owner of legendary restaurant Eleven Madison Park.Will Guidara was twenty-six when he took the helm of Eleven Madison Park, a struggling New York City two-star brasserie that had never quite lived up to its majestic room. Eleven years later, EMP was named the best restaurant in the world.How did Guidara pull off this unprecedented transformation? Radical reinvention, a true partnership between the kitchen and the dining room—and memorable, over-the-top, bespoke hospitality. Guidara’s team surprised a family who had never seen snow with a magical sledding trip to Central Park after their dinner; they filled a private dining room with sand, complete with mai-tais and beach chairs, to console a couple with a cancelled vacation. And his hospitality extended beyond those dining at the restaurant to his own team, who learned to deliver praise and criticism with intention; why the answer to some of the most pernicious business dilemmas is to give more—not less; and the magic that can happen when a busser starts thinking like an owner.Today, every business can choose to be a hospitality business—and we can all transform ordinary transactions into extraordinary experiences. Featuring sparkling stories of his journey through restaurants, with the industry’s most famous players like Daniel Boulud and Danny Meyer, Guidara urges us all to find the magic in what we do—for ourselves, the people we work with, and the people we serve.

Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers

by Chris Guilding

For non-accountant hospitality managers, accounting and financial management is often perceived as an inaccessible part of the business. Yet having a grasp of accounting basics is a key part of management. Using an 'easy to read' style, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the most relevant accounting information for hospitality managers. It demonstrates how to organise and analyse accounting data to help make informed decisions with confidence. With its highly practical approach, this new Edition: Quickly develops the reader's ability to adeptly use and interpret accounting information to further organisational decision making and control Demonstrates how an appropriate analysis of financial reports can drive your business strategy forward from a well-informed base Develops mastery of key accounting concepts through financial decision making cases that take a hospitality manager's perspective on business issues Presents accounting problems in the context of a range of countries and currencies Includes a new chapter that addresses a range of financial management topics that include share market workings, agency issues, dividend policy as well as operating and financial leverage Includes a further new chapter that provides a financial perspective on revenue management Includes accounting problems at the end of each chapter to be used to test knowledge and apply understanding to real life situations Offers extensive web support for instructors and students that includes powerpoint slides, solutions to end of chapter problems, test bank and additional exercises. The book is written in an accessible and engaging style and structured logically with useful features throughout to aid students’ learning and understanding. It is a key resource for all future hospitality managers.

Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers

by Chris Guilding

For non-accountant hospitality managers, accounting and financial management is often perceived as an inaccessible part of the business. Yet having a grasp of accounting basics is a key part of management. Using an 'easy to read' style, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the most relevant accounting information for hospitality managers. It demonstrates how to organise and analyse accounting data to help make informed decisions with confidence. With its highly practical approach, this new Edition: Quickly develops the reader's ability to adeptly use and interpret accounting information to further organisational decision making and control Demonstrates how an appropriate analysis of financial reports can drive your business strategy forward from a well-informed base Develops mastery of key accounting concepts through financial decision making cases that take a hospitality manager's perspective on business issues Presents accounting problems in the context of a range of countries and currencies Includes a new chapter that addresses a range of financial management topics that include share market workings, agency issues, dividend policy as well as operating and financial leverage Includes a further new chapter that provides a financial perspective on revenue management Includes accounting problems at the end of each chapter to be used to test knowledge and apply understanding to real life situations Offers extensive web support for instructors and students that includes powerpoint slides, solutions to end of chapter problems, test bank and additional exercises. The book is written in an accessible and engaging style and structured logically with useful features throughout to aid students’ learning and understanding. It is a key resource for all future hospitality managers.

The Little Book of Paris Style: The fashion story of the iconic city (Little Books Of City Style Ser.)

by Aloïs Guinut

The epicentre of classic chic and the home of haute couture, Paris is the capital of elegance.From the iconic luxury of Chanel, Dior and Saint Laurent to the e?ortless sophistication of the typical Parisienne, the city's look is replicated the world over.Little Book of Paris Style is the beautifully illustrated guide to the enduring looks, designers and icons that embody the city of light.

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