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Fundamentals of Leisure Business Success: A Manager's Guide to Achieving Success in the Leisure and Recreation Industry

by William Winston

Easy to read and conducive to discussion, Fundamentals of Leisure Business Success: A Manager‘s Guide to Achieving Success in the Leisure and Recreation Industry takes a practical, upbeat look at the worlds largest industry--leisure and recreation--and gives you practical tips and surefire strategies for making your own profit or nonprofit leisure

How Consumers Pick a Hotel: Strategic Segmentation and Target Marketing

by William Winston Dennis J Cahill

Venture through the pages of How Consumers Pick a Hotel to learn the steps of selecting a target and using consumer behavior applications to segment the market to reach your target. Much as a consumer goes through the process of selecting a satisfying hotel, you can choose to use the information provided to make your hospitality career relaxing and satisfying. When you finish this fantastic reading journey, you’ll be prepared to offer services that meet the public’s demands, and you’ll possess the prerequisite knowledge and skills for developing your own strategic approach to a target market. As the many methods of segmentation are discussed in detail, you will also learn effective strategies for communicating with multiple segments. Ideal as a supplementary text for marketing and hospitality marketing courses, How Consumers Pick a Hotel provides a concise overview of consumer behavior and intertwines marketing theory with sound ways in which to implement the theory. This will both orient you and give you a solid base for understanding the principles in question. You will quickly grasp the various methods of segmentation, and the book’s “real-life” segmentation schemes will teach you how to apply them in day-to-day business.As the many methods of segmentation are discussed in detail, you will learn effective strategies for communicating with multiple segments. In the end, you will have acquired the prerequisite knowledge and skills for developing your own strategic approach to a target market. How Consumers Pick a Hotel is suitable both as a reference guide for practicing marketing managers and hospitality professionals who specialize in marketing and as a companion text for graduates and undergraduates who need to know the ABCs of target marketing. You’ll turn to it again and again for guidance and practical, easy suggestions!

How Consumers Pick a Hotel: Strategic Segmentation and Target Marketing

by William Winston Dennis J Cahill

Venture through the pages of How Consumers Pick a Hotel to learn the steps of selecting a target and using consumer behavior applications to segment the market to reach your target. Much as a consumer goes through the process of selecting a satisfying hotel, you can choose to use the information provided to make your hospitality career relaxing and satisfying. When you finish this fantastic reading journey, you’ll be prepared to offer services that meet the public’s demands, and you’ll possess the prerequisite knowledge and skills for developing your own strategic approach to a target market. As the many methods of segmentation are discussed in detail, you will also learn effective strategies for communicating with multiple segments. Ideal as a supplementary text for marketing and hospitality marketing courses, How Consumers Pick a Hotel provides a concise overview of consumer behavior and intertwines marketing theory with sound ways in which to implement the theory. This will both orient you and give you a solid base for understanding the principles in question. You will quickly grasp the various methods of segmentation, and the book’s “real-life” segmentation schemes will teach you how to apply them in day-to-day business.As the many methods of segmentation are discussed in detail, you will learn effective strategies for communicating with multiple segments. In the end, you will have acquired the prerequisite knowledge and skills for developing your own strategic approach to a target market. How Consumers Pick a Hotel is suitable both as a reference guide for practicing marketing managers and hospitality professionals who specialize in marketing and as a companion text for graduates and undergraduates who need to know the ABCs of target marketing. You’ll turn to it again and again for guidance and practical, easy suggestions!

The Holocaust Sites of Europe: An Historical Guide

by Martin Winstone

The Holocaust - the murder of approximately six million Jews by Nazi Germany and its collaborators in World War Two - is the gravest crime in recorded history, committed on a human and geographical scale which is almost unimaginable. To try to bridge this gap and better understand the true significance of the Holocaust, as well as its scale and magnitude, millions of people each year now travel to the former camps, ghettos and other settings for the atrocities. The Holocaust Sites of Europe offers the first comprehensive guide to these sites, including much practical information as well as the historical context. It will be an indispensable guide for anyone seeking to add another layer to their understanding of the Holocaust by visiting these important sites for themselves. This guide includes a survey of all the major Holocaust sites in Europe, from Belgium and Belarus to Serbia and Ukraine.It includes not only the notorious concentration and death camps, such as Auschwitz and Ravensbruck, but also less well known examples, such as Sered' in Slovakia, together with detailed descriptions of massacre sites, as well as the ghettos, 'Euthanasia' centres and Roma and Sinti sites which witnessed similar crimes.Throughout the book there is also extensive reference to the many museums and memorials which commemorate the Holocaust. The Holocaust Sites of Europe is a thoughtful and fitting guide to some of the most traumatic sites in Europe and will be an invaluable companion for those who wish to honour the victims and to understand more about their fate. As the experience of the Holocaust recedes from living memory and the number of survivors (and perpetrators) diminishes with every passing year, these locations assume a greater importance as the principal physical reminders of what happened. Alongside the testimonies of survivors and the works of historians, the experience of, for example, exploring the vast ruins of Birkenau, or being shocked by the small area needed to kill nearly one million people at Treblinka, can bring another dimension to one's understanding.The Holocaust Sites of Europe is a thoughtful and fitting guide to some of the most traumatic sites in Europe and will be an invaluable companion for everyone who wants to honour the victims and to understand more about their fate.

The Holocaust Sites of Europe: An Historical Guide

by Martin Winstone

The Holocaust - the murder of approximately six million Jews by Nazi Germany and its collaborators in World War Two - is the gravest crime in recorded history, committed on a human and geographical scale which is almost unimaginable. To try to bridge this gap and better understand the true significance of the Holocaust, as well as its scale and magnitude, millions of people each year now travel to the former camps, ghettos and other settings for the atrocities. The Holocaust Sites of Europe offers the first comprehensive guide to these sites, including much practical information as well as the historical context. It will be an indispensable guide for anyone seeking to add another layer to their understanding of the Holocaust by visiting these important sites for themselves. Thousands of locations across Europe were associated with the tragedy but, with a few well known exceptions, most languished in obscurity after the war, their names known only to survivors, perpetrators and a small number of historians. For over four decades the Iron Curtain served as a practical and psychological barrier to travel to the majority of the most significant sites. But now millions of people from all over the world are choosing to travel to Holocaust sites, whether for educational or familial reasons or simply out of respect for the dead. This guide includes a survey of all the major Holocaust sites in Europe, from Belgium and Belarus to Serbia and Ukraine. It includes not only the notorious concentration and death camps, such as Auschwitz and Ravensbrück, but also less well known examples, such as Sered' in Slovakia, together with detailed descriptions of massacre sites, ghettos, 'Euthanasia' centres and Roma and Sinti sites which witnessed similar crimes. Throughout the book there is also extensive reference to the many museums and memorials which commemorate the Holocaust.As the experience of the Holocaust recedes from living memory and the number of survivors (and perpetrators) diminishes with every passing year, these locations assume a greater importance as the principal physical reminders of what happened. Alongside the testimonies of survivors and the works of historians, the experience of, for example, exploring the vast ruins of Birkenau, or being shocked by the small area needed to kill nearly one million people at Treblinka, can bring another dimension to one's understanding. The Holocaust Sites of Europe is a thoughtful and fitting guide to some of the most traumatic sites in Europe and will be an invaluable companion for everyone who wants to honour the victims and to understand more about their fate.

Boundless: Tracing Land and Dream in a New Northwest Passage

by Kathleen Winter

In 2010, bestselling author Kathleen Winter took a journey across the legendary Northwest Passage. From Greenland to Baffin Island and all along this arctic passage, Winter witnesses the new mathematics of the melting North – where polar bears mate with grizzlies, creating a new hybrid species; where the earth is on the cusp of yielding so much buried treasure that five nations stand poised to claim sovereignty of the land; and where the local Inuit population struggles to navigate the tension between taking their part in the new global economy and defending their traditional way of life. In breathtaking prose charged with vivid descriptions of the land and its people, Kathleen Winter’s Boundless is a haunting and powerful story: a homage to the ever-evolving and magnetic power of the North.

Asia on Tour: Exploring the rise of Asian tourism

by Tim Winter Peggy Teo T. C. Chang

With the vast majority of academic theory on tourism based onWestern tourists, Asia on Tour illustrates why the rapid growth of travel for leisure and recreation in Asia demands a reappraisal of how tourism is analyzed and understood. Examining domestic and intra-regional tourism, the book reveals how improvements in infrastructures, ever increa

Asia on Tour: Exploring the rise of Asian tourism

by Tim Winter Peggy Teo T. C. Chang

With the vast majority of academic theory on tourism based onWestern tourists, Asia on Tour illustrates why the rapid growth of travel for leisure and recreation in Asia demands a reappraisal of how tourism is analyzed and understood. Examining domestic and intra-regional tourism, the book reveals how improvements in infrastructures, ever increa

The Two-Headed Whale: Life And Loss In The Deepest Oceans

by Sandy Winterbottom

In 2016, Sandy Winterbottom embarked on an epic six-week tall-ship voyage from Uruguay to Antarctica. At the mid-way stop in South Georgia, her pristine image of the Antarctic was shattered when she discovered the dark legacy of twentieth century industrial-scale whaling. Enraged by what she found, she was quick to blame the men who undertook this wholescale slaughter, but then she stumbled upon the grave of an eighteen-year-old whaler from Edinburgh who she could not allow to bear the brunt of blame. There are two sides to every story. The Two-Headed Whale vividly brings to life the spectacular scenery and wildlife of the vast Southern Oceans, set alongside the true-life story of Anthony Ford, the boy in the grave, as he sailed the same seas and toiled in an industry where profits outranked human life. In this compelling account, Sandy challenges our preconceptions of the Antarctic, weaving in themes of colonialism, capitalism and its link to both environmental and human exploitation. Drawing together threads of nature and travel writing with an unflinching narrative of life onboard a whaling factory ship and the legacy it left behind, The Two-Headed Whale leaves us questioning our troubled relationship with the extraordinary abundance of this planet.

Karriere im Tourismus und in der Eventwirtschaft: Wege zum Traumberuf

by Vanessa Wirtz Bernd Schabbing Birgit Crusius

Dieses Buch gibt Ihnen einen praxisnahen Einblick in Karrieren der Tourismus- und Eventwirtschaft Spannend, vielfältig und erlebnisreich – die Tourismus- und Eventwirtschaft ist eine besonders dynamische Branche. Das macht sich auch durch ihr jährliches Wachstum bemerkbar. Da ist es keine Überraschung, dass viele Menschen in diesem Berufszweig ihr persönliches Glück finden wollen. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen einen umfassenden Einblick in verschiedene Karrieren in der Tourismus- und Eventwirtschaft. Im Fokus stehen 19 individuelle Erfahrungsberichte von Absolventen der International School of Management (ISM), mit denen Sie erfolgreiche Karrierewege nachverfolgen können. So bekommen Sie einen Branchenüberblick zum Tourismus- und Eventmarkt. Außerdem geben Ihnen Karriereberater der ISM Expertentipps für einen erfolgreichen Karriereeinstieg in der Tourismus- und Eventwirtschaft.Theoretisches Wissen und BrancheneinblickeZunächst erfahren Sie in diesem Buch mehr über die theoretischen Grundlagen von Karrieren in der Tourismus- und Eventwirtschaft. Die Herausgeber liefern Ihnen einen Branchenüberblick mit Daten und Fakten und erläutern die zunehmende Bedeutung von Events. Anschließend bekommen Sie in Interviewform Einblick in verschiedene Berufszweige und die Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Berufslaufbahn:Karrieren im LuftverkehrsmanagementKarrieren in der HotellerieKarrieren im EventmanagementKarrieren bei Reiseveranstaltern und ReisemittlernKarrieren im ReiseverkehrNeue MedienDie wichtigsten Learnings und der richtige KarrierewegNützliche Entscheidungshilfen bei der Berufswahl Zwei Fachbeiträge erläutern, welche Persönlichkeitsmerkmale eine erfolgreiche Karriere in der Tourismusbranche positiv beeinflussen. Zudem können Sie sich in diesem Buch über die aktuelle Anforderungen und Erwartungen an Studierende informieren und leichter den für Sie besten Karriereweg einschlagen. Abgerundet wird dieser Karriere-Ratgeber durch die Vorstellung des Studiengangs „Tourism & Event Management“. Mit dieser umfassenden Darstellung von aktuellen Themen und zukünftigen Trends zu Ausbildung und Studium in der Tourismusbranche richtet sich dieser Sammelband in erster Linie an Auszubildende, Studieninteressierte und Studierende, aber auch an Praktiker in der Tourismus- und Eventbranche.

Events, Places and Societies

by Nicholas Wise John Harris

Events can be synonymous with a particular place, helping shape and promote a location. Given the rise of the global events industry, this book uncovers how events impact upon places and societies, looking at a range of different events and geographical scales. Geographers are concerned with how notions of space and place impact people, communities and identity, and events have played a central role in how places are perceived, consumed and even contested. This book will discuss international event cases to frame knowledge around the increased demands, pressures and complexities that globalisation, transnationalism, regeneration and competitiveness has put on events, places and societies. Integrating discussions of theory and practice, this book will explore the range of conceptual perspectives linked to how geographers and sociologists understand events and the role events play in contemporary times. This involves recognizing histories and planning strategies, the purpose of bidding for an event or the local meanings that have emerged and changed in the place. This helps us analyse how events have the potential to redefine place identities. This international edited collection will appeal to academics across disciplines such as geography, planning and sociology, as well as students on events management and events studies courses.

Events, Places and Societies

by Nicholas Wise John Harris

Events can be synonymous with a particular place, helping shape and promote a location. Given the rise of the global events industry, this book uncovers how events impact upon places and societies, looking at a range of different events and geographical scales. Geographers are concerned with how notions of space and place impact people, communities and identity, and events have played a central role in how places are perceived, consumed and even contested. This book will discuss international event cases to frame knowledge around the increased demands, pressures and complexities that globalisation, transnationalism, regeneration and competitiveness has put on events, places and societies. Integrating discussions of theory and practice, this book will explore the range of conceptual perspectives linked to how geographers and sociologists understand events and the role events play in contemporary times. This involves recognizing histories and planning strategies, the purpose of bidding for an event or the local meanings that have emerged and changed in the place. This helps us analyse how events have the potential to redefine place identities. This international edited collection will appeal to academics across disciplines such as geography, planning and sociology, as well as students on events management and events studies courses.

Sport, Events, Tourism and Regeneration (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility)

by Nicholas Wise John Harris

Investments in sport, events and tourism in cities and wider regions are part of nascent regeneration strategies linked to transitioning economic bases and place images. While it is important to consider physical regeneration, there is a range of subsequent benefits and opportunities brought about through regeneration that considers social impacts, communities and how investments and developments influence how people interact in transformed spaces. This book brings together a collection focusing on the diverse range of approaches and perspectives of regeneration. Twelve chapters outline and bring together critical perspectives of regeneration from scholars in different parts of the world. This collection critically assesses some of the key factors impacting upon regeneration initiatives in relation to sport, events and tourism. By doing so, this book assesses if new opportunities have arisen from developments, increasing the demands and needs of locals and tourists, or if transformations result in exclusion - thus challenging who regeneration is for. This book will be valuable reading for students and academics interested in tourism studies, events planning, sport and leisure studies or development studies, as well as the wider social sciences.

Tourism, Cultural Heritage and Urban Regeneration: Changing Spaces in Historical Places (The Urban Book Series)

by Nicholas Wise Takamitsu Jimura

Urban regeneration is often regarded as the process of renewal or redevelopment of spaces and places. There is a need to look at tourism and urban regeneration with a particular focus on cultural heritage. Cultural heritage consists of tangible heritage (such as historic buildings) and intangible heritage (such as events). The wider need and impact for such work is that places plan for change to keep up with the shifts in demand in the global economy in order for places to maintain a competitive advantage. Moreover, places need to keep up with the pace of global change or they risk stagnation and decline as increased competition is resulting in increased opportunities and choice for consumers.Each chapter in this book explores a specific form of cultural heritage that is driving change in urban spaces. Intended for a wide readership, the book will appeal to students of urban studies, human geography, heritage studies and international tourism management, as well as experts conducting research in and across these areas.

Emerging Trends in Smart Societies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

by Worakamol Wisetsri Philip Clingan Rocky J. Dwyer Dilrabo Bakhronova

Emerging Trends in Smart Societies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives” captures the essence of the groundbreaking initiative heralded by the inaugural International Conference on Humanities for Smart Societies 2023 (HMSS 23). This milestone event convenes a global cohort of scholars, policymakers, and thinkers, transcending geographical confines via a pioneering virtual platform.The book crystallizes the convergence of diverse disciplines – from humanities to management – fostering an exchange of innovative ideas vital for sustainable, digitally transformed societies. By orchestrating cross-disciplinary dialogues, this anthology unveils novel solutions and holistic approaches to contemporary challenges.

Sustainable Aviation: A Management Perspective (Management for Professionals)

by Andreas Wittmer Judith L. Walls

This book analyses from a management perspective how the aviation industry can achieve a sustainability transformation in order to reach the Paris climate targets for 2050 and provides various strategic and operational recommendations in this regard. It examines various elements of the aviation system exhaustively, including technologies, consumers, airlines, airports and policies, from both short- and long-term standpoints. Specific questions and contradictions, as well as concrete options for taking action, are presented. It also includes numerous practical case studies, which will help practitioners transfer the concepts into their everyday work. The book is aimed at a broad, professional audience consisting of managers, politicians and regulators, but also at advanced students engaged in academic and professional education.

Digital Nomads: In Search of Freedom, Community, and Meaningful Work in the New Economy

by Rachael A. Woldoff Robert C. Litchfield

A small but growing group of today's knowledge workers actively seek a lifestyle of freedom, using technology to perform their jobs, traveling far and wide, and moving as often as they like. These digital nomads have left their local coffee shops behind and now proudly post their "office of the day" photos from exotic locales, but what do their lives really look like? In Digital Nomads, Rachael Woldoff and Robert Litchfield take readers into an expatriate digital nomad community in Bali, Indonesia to better understand this growing demographic of typically Millennial workers. Through dozens of interviews and several stints living in a digital nomad hub, Woldoff and Litchfield present new answers to classic questions about community, creativity, and work. They further show why digital nomads leave their conventional lives behind, arguing that creative class and Millennial workers, though successful, often feel that their "world class cities" and desirable jobs are anything but paradise. They first follow their transitions into freelancing, entrepreneurship, and remote work, then explain how digital nomads create a fluid but intimate community abroad in the company of like-minded others. Ultimately, Woldoff and Litchfield provide insight into digital nomads' efforts to live and work in ways that balance freedom, community, and creative fulfillment in the digital age. A sympathetic yet critical take on this emerging group of workers, Digital Nomads provides a revealing take on the changing nature of work and the problems of the new economy.

Digital Nomads: In Search of Freedom, Community, and Meaningful Work in the New Economy

by Rachael A. Woldoff Robert C. Litchfield

A small but growing group of today's knowledge workers actively seek a lifestyle of freedom, using technology to perform their jobs, traveling far and wide, and moving as often as they like. These digital nomads have left their local coffee shops behind and now proudly post their "office of the day" photos from exotic locales, but what do their lives really look like? In Digital Nomads, Rachael Woldoff and Robert Litchfield take readers into an expatriate digital nomad community in Bali, Indonesia to better understand this growing demographic of typically Millennial workers. Through dozens of interviews and several stints living in a digital nomad hub, Woldoff and Litchfield present new answers to classic questions about community, creativity, and work. They further show why digital nomads leave their conventional lives behind, arguing that creative class and Millennial workers, though successful, often feel that their "world class cities" and desirable jobs are anything but paradise. They first follow their transitions into freelancing, entrepreneurship, and remote work, then explain how digital nomads create a fluid but intimate community abroad in the company of like-minded others. Ultimately, Woldoff and Litchfield provide insight into digital nomads' efforts to live and work in ways that balance freedom, community, and creative fulfillment in the digital age. A sympathetic yet critical take on this emerging group of workers, Digital Nomads provides a revealing take on the changing nature of work and the problems of the new economy.

Five Nights: The glamorous, twisty psychological thriller that will grip you from start to finish in 2024

by Rachel Wolf

'Glamorous and atmospheric with a cast of brilliantly untrustworthy characters' CATHERINE COOPER'Totally gripping... Succession on the high seas' HARRIET TYCEA powerful family. A luxury cruise. A killer on board…You're invited to join the infamous Scarmardo family on a five night voyage aboard their glamorous new ship. It's a chance to see your best friend, Belle, newly married to Mattia Scarmardo. You haven't seen her in years.FIVEOn the first night, you'll be wrapped up in the glamour of the ship.FOUROn the second night, you'll wonder who is sending you threatening notes.THREEOn the third night, someone will die.TWOOn the fourth night, you'll discover that someone knows the truth of what you did.ONEOn the last night, you'll be left for dead.WILL YOU MAKE IT BACK TO SHORE ALIVE?'Deadly glamour on the high seas and lashings of schadenfreude in this addictive, claustrophobic thriller.' ERIN KELLY'Glamour, tension and twists galore! A thrilling read that will whisk you away into treacherous waters!' LESLEY KARA'Agatha Christie meets Succession!... Just like the passengers, you'll be all adrift, not knowing who to believe. A compulsive drama.' JO FURNISS'A superbly crafted mystery... beautifully charts a course between classic whodunnit and white-knuckle thriller.' DOMINIC NOLAN'The perfect mix of Glass Onion meets Death on the Nile.' SARAH GOODWIN'Five Nights by Rachel Wolf is wild! Gulped down the gripping twists & turns of this murderous Succession at sea thriller like fine champagne. Loved it – get it on pre order for next year's holiday read.' ANGELA CLARKE

Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark

by Mary Wollstonecraft

"The art of travelling is only a branch of the art of thinking," Mary Wollstonecraft wrote in one of her many reviews of works of travel writing. A Short Residenceis her own travel memoir. In a series of letters addressed to an unnamed lover, the work narrates Wollstonecraft's journey through Scandinavia in 1795, on much of which she was accompanied by her infant daughter. Passionate and personal, A Short Residenceis at once a moving epistolary travel narrative, a politically-motivated ethnographic tract, a work of scenic tourism, and a sentimental journey. It is both as much a work of political thought as Wollstonecraft's better known treatises, and a brilliant, innovative, and influential work in the genre. This Broadview edition provides a helpful introduction and extensive appendices that contextualize this remarkable text in relation to key political and aesthetic debates. It also includes a significant selection from Wollstonecraft's travel reviews.

A Short Residence in Sweden & Memoirs of the Author of 'The Rights of Woman' (The\regency Library)

by Mary Wollstonecraft William Godwin Richard Holmes

In these two closely linked works - a travel book and a biography of its author - we witness a moving encounter between two of the most daring and original minds of the late eighteenth century: A Short Residence in Sweden is the record of Wollstonecraft's last journey in search of happiness, into the remote and beautiful backwoods of Scandinavia. The quest for a lost treasure ship, the pain of a wrecked love affair, memories of the French Revolution, and the longing for some Golden Age, all shape this vivid narrative, which Richard Holmes argues is one of the neglected masterpieces of early English Romanticism.Memoirs is Godwin's own account of Wollstonecraft's life, written with passionate intensity a few weeks after her tragic death. Casting aside literary convention, Godwin creates an intimate portrait of his wife, startling in its candour and psychological truth. Received with outrage by friends and critics alike, and virtually suppressed for a century, it can now be recognized as one of the landmarks in the development of modern biography.

British Rail

by Christian Wolmar

The authoritative and fascinating history of the rise and fall of the state-owned British Rail'Wolmar's book is impeccably organized and makes a fast, enjoyable read' THE TIMES Literary Supplement________You think you know British Rail. But you don't know the whole story.From its creation after the Second World War, through its fifty-year lifetime, British Rail was an innovative powerhouse that transformed our transport system. Uniting disparate lines into a highly competent organisation - heralding 'The Age of the Train' - and, for a time, providing one of the fastest regular rail services in the world.Born into post-war austerity, traumatised, impoverished and exploited by a hostile press, the state-owned railway was dismissed as a dinosaur unable to evolve, and swept away by a government hellbent on selling it off.Now, award-winning writer Christian Wolmar provides a new perspective on national loss in a time of privatisation.British Rail is ripe for a new history._______Praise for Christian WolmarThe greatest expert on British trains' Guardian'Our most eminent transport journalist' Spectator'If the world's railways have a laureate, it is surely Christian Wolmar' Boston Globe 'Christian Wolmar is in love with the railways. He writes constantly and passionately about them. He is their wisest, most detailed historian and a constant prophet of their rebirth . . . if you love the hum of the wheels and of history, then Christian Wolmar is your man' Observer

To the Edge of the World: The Story of the Trans-Siberian Railway

by Christian Wolmar

Christian Wolmar expertly tells the story of the Trans-Siberian railway from its conception and construction under Tsar Alexander III, to the northern extension ordered by Brezhnev and its current success as a vital artery. He also explores the crucial role the line played in both the Russian Civil War -Trotsky famously used an armoured carriage as his command post - and the Second World War, during which the railway saved the country from certain defeat. Like the author's previous railway histories, it focuses on the personalities, as well as the political and economic events, that lay behind one of the most extraordinary engineering triumphs of the nineteenth century.

Nature-Based Tourism in Mallorca’s Natural Areas: The Benefits of Tourism for Natural Areas (BestMasters)

by Luisa Wolter

Luisa Wolter examines the travel motivations and interests of natural park visitors to Mallorca with a special focus on sustainable tourism development. The data for the study were collected from tourists in the two natural parks s’ Albufera and Llevant in the North of Mallorca. Based on the results of the analysis, natural area managers can develop new products and marketing strategies that address their very own visitors, contribute to the sustainable development of their region, and influence the visitors’ views and behaviors by raising environmental awareness.

Gastro Obscura: A Food Adventurer's Guide (Atlas Obscura)

by Cecily Wong Dylan Thuras Atlas Obscura

Wonder is around every corner, and on every plate. The curious minds behind Atlas Obscura now turn to the hidden curiosities of food, which becomes a gateway to fascinating stories about human history, science, art, and tradition—like the first book, all organized by country, lavishly illustrated, and full of surprises.

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