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Showing 54,301 through 54,325 of 54,904 results

Hamilton and the Law: Reading Today's Most Contentious Legal Issues through the Hit Musical

Since its Broadway debut, Hamilton: An American Musical has infused itself into the American experience: who shapes it, who owns it, who can rap it best. Lawyers and legal scholars, recognizing the way the musical speaks to some of our most complicated constitutional issues, have embraced Alexander Hamilton as the trendiest historical face in American civics. Hamilton and the Law offers a revealing look into the legal community's response to the musical, which continues to resonate in a country still deeply divided about the reach of the law. A star-powered cast of legal minds—from two former U.S. solicitors general to leading commentators on culture and society—contribute brief and engaging magazine-style articles to this lively book. Intellectual property scholars share their thoughts on Hamilton's inventive use of other sources, while family law scholars explore domestic violence. Critical race experts consider how Hamilton furthers our understanding of law and race, while authorities on the Second Amendment discuss the language of the Constitution's most contested passage. Legal scholars moonlighting as musicians discuss how the musical lifts history and law out of dusty archives and onto the public stage. This collection of minds, inspired by the phenomenon of the musical and the Constitutional Convention of 1787, urges us to heed Lin-Manuel Miranda and the Founding Fathers and to create something new, daring, and different.

Hamlet-Handbuch: Stoffe, Aneignungen, Deutungen

Moderne mythische Gestalt und Kernbestand des kulturellen Kanons. Kaum eine Figur beherrscht so sehr die westliche Vorstellung vom Theater wie Shakespeares Hamlet. Das Handbuch beschäftigt sich mit dem Hamlet-Stoff und seiner Deutung und vermittelt Hintergrundwissen zum Shakespeareschen Drama. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der vielgestaltigen Rezeptionsgeschichte. Sowohl die Bühnengeschichte als auch die Aneignungen der Figur in Kunst, Literatur, Musik, Film und Populärkultur werden ausführlich beleuchtet. Mit vielen Beispielen, teilweise in englischer Sprache.

Handbook of Geospatial Approaches to Sustainable Cities (Imaging Science)

This comprehensive handbook presents the current state of knowledge on geospatial technologies, techniques, and methods that are imperative for providing solutions to sustainable cities. It addresses the role of geospatial big data and AI techniques and how they are applied when analyzing the sustainability of urban development, land use, urban planning, and resource management, as well as monitoring the impact urbanization has on the environment and the ecosystem. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to sustainable cities, and with contributions from renowned experts around the world, this holistic handbook is a toolbox for geospatial, urban, and sustainability professionals, the artificial intelligence community, and those who work in related fields. Features: Explores cutting-edge geospatial and AI techniques in support of efficient, resilient, digital, and smart cities Bridges urban science and sustainability science via geospatial methods Contributes to the efforts of GEO by addressing and exemplifying pertinent societal benefit areas and engagement priorities Includes 16 case studies with a broad geographic scope that integrate societal needs with technological advances Draws expertise in geospatial technology, big data, and artificial intelligence from leading experts in the world This book is intended for researchers and scientists interested in learning techniques in GeoAI, including the technologies for collecting, analyzing, managing, processing, and visualizing geospatial datasets.

Handbook of Imagination and Culture (Frontiers in Culture and Psychology)

Imagination allows individuals and groups to think beyond the here-and-now, to envisage alternatives, to create parallel worlds, and to mentally travel through time. Imagination is both extremely personal (for example, people imagine unique futures for themselves) and deeply social, as our imagination is fed with media and other shared representations. As a result, imagination occupies a central position within the life of mind and society. Expanding the boundaries of disciplinary approaches, the Handbook of Imagination and Culture expertly illustrates this core role of imagination in the development of children, adolescents, adults, and older persons today. Bringing together leading scholars in sociocultural psychology and neighboring disciplines from around the world, this edited volume guides readers towards a much deeper understanding of the conditions of imagining, its resources, its constraints, and the consequences it has on different groups of people in different domains of society. Summarily, this Handbook places imagination at the center, and offers readers new ways to examine old questions regarding the possibility of change, development, and innovation in modern society.

Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media

Exploring the impact of the rise of digital media over the last few decades, this timely Handbook highlights the major role it plays in preserving and protecting heritage as well as its ability to promote and support sustainable tourism at heritage sites. Particularly relevant at this time due to the diffusion of smartphones and use of social media, chapters look at the experience and expectation of being ‘always on’, and how this interacts with heritage and tourism. Interdisciplinary contributions from leading scholars analyse how heritage and cultural destinations can benefit from digital media providing a range of relevant services and experiences, which can increase access to information for people participating in and visiting heritage sites. With critical overview chapters introducing and synthesizing connected topics in the Handbook, it further offers insights on how digital media can improve the experiences of visitors, connect both residents and visitors to heritage sites, remove barriers among actors in the field of heritage and tourism, and educate relevant stakeholders. Utilizing critical case studies throughout the text, this Handbook will be an invigorating read for social and cultural geography scholars as well as those focusing more specifically on digital media, heritage and tourism. Practitioners and policy makers working in heritage and tourism will find advice to integrate digital media into their actions.

Handbuch Drama: Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte

Das Genre des Dramas in der Gesamtschau. Das Handbuch präsentiert die zentralen Formen und Konzeptionen des Dramas und liefert einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der literatur- und theaterwissenschaftlichen Forschung aus komparatistischer Perspektive. Wichtige Begriffe der Dramentheorie werden ebenso erläutert wie die wesentlichen Modelle der Dramenanalyse. Indem es auch die Einflüsse auf das Theater untersucht, trägt das Werk der Sonderstellung Rechnung, die das Drama innerhalb der klassischen Gattungstheorie einnimmt.

Harold Pinter: Stages, Networks, Collaborations (Methuen Drama Engage)

This important book offers a thematic collection of critical essays, ideal for undergraduate courses on modern British theatre, on Harold Pinter's theatrical works, alongside new interviews with contemporary theatre practitioners. The life and works of Harold Pinter (1930–2008), a pivotal figure in British theatre, have been widely discussed, debated and celebrated internationally. For over five decades, Pinter's work traversed and redefined various forms and genres, constantly in dialogue with, and often impacting the work of, other writers, artists and activists. Combining a reconsideration of key Pinter scholarship with new contexts, voices and theoretical approaches, this book opens up fresh insights into the author's work, politics, collaborations and his enduring status as one of the world's foremost dramatists. Three sections re-contextualize Pinter as a cultural figure; explore and interrogate his influence on contemporary British playwriting; and offer a series of original interviews with theatre-makers engaging in the staging of Pinter's work today. Reconsiderations of Pinter's relationship to literary and theatrical movements such as Modernism and the Theatre of the Absurd; interrogations of the role of class, elitism and religious and cultural identity sit alongside chapters on Pinter's personal politics, specifically in relation to the Middle East.

Haunted Histories and Troubled Pasts: Twenty-First-Century Screen Horror and the Historical Imagination

Haunted Histories and Troubled Pasts speaks to how a transnational array of recent screen entertainments participate, through horror, in public discourses of history, the social and creative work of reshaping popular understanding of our world through the lens of the past.Contemporary film and television – and popular screen cultures more generally – are distinguished by their many and varied engagements with history, including participation in worldwide movements to reconcile past losses and injuries with present legacies. The chapters in this collection address themselves to 21st-century screen horror's participation in this widespread fascination with and concern for the historical - its recurrent reimagining of the relation between the past and present, which is part of its inheritance from the Gothic. They are concerned with the historical work of horror's spectral occupations, its visceral threats of violence and its capacity for exploring repressed social identities, as well as the ruptures and impositions of colonization and nationhood.Trauma is a key theme in this book, examined through themes of war and genocide, ghostly invasions, institutionalized abuse, apocalyptic threat and environmental destruction. These persistent, fearful reimaginings of the past can take many lurid – sometimes tritely generic – forms. Together, these chapters explore and reflect upon horror's ability to speak through them to the unspoken of history, to push the boundaries and probe the fault-lines and ideological impositions of received historical narratives – while reminding us that history and the historical imagination persist as sites of contention.

Haunted Soundtracks: Audiovisual Cultures of Memory, Landscape, and Sound (New Approaches to Sound, Music, and Media)

The turn of the millennium has heralded an outgrowth of culture that demonstrates an awareness of the ephemeral nature of history and the complexity underpinning the relationship between location and the past. This has been especially apparent in the shifting relationship between landscape, memory and sound in film, television and other media. The result is growing interest in soundtracks, as part of audiovisual culture, as well as an interest in the spectral aspects of culture more generally. This collection of essays focuses on audiovisual forms that foreground landscape, sound and memory. The scope of inquiry emphasises the ghostly qualities of a certain body of soundtracks, extending beyond merely the idea of 'scary films' or 'haunted houses.' Rather, the notion of sonic haunting is tied to ideas of trauma, anxiety or nostalgia associated with spatial and temporal dislocation in contemporary society. Touchstones for the approach are the concepts of psychogeography and hauntology, pervasive and established critical strategies that are interrogated and refined in relation to the reification of the spectral within the soundtracks under consideration here.

Health and Architecture: The History of Spaces of Healing and Care in the Pre-Modern Era

Health and Architecture offers a uniquely global overview of the healthcare facility in the pre-modern era, engaging in a cross-cultural analysis of the architectural response to medical developments and the formation of specialized hospitals as an independent building typology.Whether constructed as part of Chinese palaces in the 15th century or the religious complexes in 16th century Ottoman Istanbul, the healthcare facility throughout history is a built environment intended to promote healing and caring. The essays in this volume address how the relationships between architectural forms associated with healthcare and other buildings in the pre-modern era, such as bathhouses, almshouses, schools and places of worship, reflect changing attitudes towards healing. They explore the impact of medical advances on the design of hospitals across various times and geographies, and examine the historic construction processes and the stylistic connections between places of care and other building types, and their development in urban context. Deploying new methodological, interdisciplinary and comparative approaches to the analysis of healthcare facilities, Health and Architecture demonstrates how the spaces of healthcare themselves offer some of the most powerful and practical articulations of therapy.

Hear Me Now, Volume Two: Audition Monologues for Actors of Colour (Audition Speeches)

Hear Me Now, Volume Two is a unique collection of over 80 original audition monologues, expressly created by a range of writers including Vera Chok, Josh-Susan Enright and Bea Webster, brought together by producer Titilola Dawudu and Tamasha Theatre Company. They are ideal for actors of colour searching for speeches for auditions or training, writers, teachers, and theatre-makers who are passionate about improving diversity.The volume is introduced by BAFTA-nominated actor Ashley Madekwe, and will also feature a section on Top Tips for auditioning from Tamasha Theatre and a host of actors, including Ted Lasso's Kevin 'KG' Garry and Cherrelle Skeete of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.Following on from the successful first volume, and featuring a variety of themes, scenes and characters, Hear Me Now, Volume Two is an essential tool for actors of colour to showcase their range, and seeks to inspire, empower, and create a legacy for generations to come.

Heiner Müller-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung

Heiner Müller (1929-1995) gilt als der wichtigste deutsche Theaterautor seit Brecht. Der vorliegende Band gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über das Gesamtwerk. Über die Werkanalysen hinaus lassen die Autoren auch grundlegenden Aspekten, dem Verhältnis zur Tradition und den Stellungnahmen Müllers zum Zeitgeschehen, genügend Raum. Auf diese Weise kommt die Vielfalt von Müllers eigener Produktion ebenso zum Tragen wie die thematisch und motivisch übergreifenden Momente. Der Leser bekommt eine Vorstellung von Voraussetzungen und Wirkungen seines Schaffens und der Bedeutung von Müllers Positionen und Reflexionen zu politischen und ästhetischen Problemen. Eine detaillierte Bibliografie rundet den Band ab.

Heinrich von Kleist: Textkritische Edition der Handschrift. Sonderband des Kleist-Jahrbuchs 2020

Mit dieser Edition von Kleists Handschrift »Der zerbrochne Krug« wird eine textgenetische Darstellung vorgelegt, die Kleists zahlreiche, teilweise komplexen Textänderungen en detail rekonstruiert. Methodisches Instrumentarium für die Rekonstruktion bildet die Handschriftanalyse. Wesentliches Ergebnis der Rekonstruktion ist die chronologische Darstellung der einzelnen Versvarianten und ihrer vers­übergreifenden Bezüge. Sofern die Versfassungen sich unterscheiden, werden auch die Fassungen der ­»Phöbus«­Fragmente und des Erstdrucks mitgeteilt. Auf diesem Weg entsteht ein komplexes Bild der zahlreichen Übereinstimmungen und Abweichungen der unterschiedlichen »Krug«-Textzeugen, deren dichtes Beziehungsgeflecht hier erstmals systematisch und vollständig erfassbar ist. Abgeschlossen wird der Band mit einer Untersuchung zur Entwicklung von Kleists Handschrift, deren Methodik diese Edition erst ermöglicht hat. Die Darstellung wird unterstützt durch den Abdruck zahlreicher Faksimile-Ausschnitte. Die Edition erscheint als Sonderband des Kleist-Jahrbuchs.

Helga Philipp: Poesie der Logik (Edition Angewandte)

Helga Philipp - Pionierin der geometrischen Abstraktion in Österreich nach 1945 zwischen Logik und Poesie. Trotz der Reduktion von Form und Farbe und zweieinhalb Jahrzehnten Auseinandersetzung mit monochromen Lösungen schuf sie visuell opulente Werke. Die Künstlerin verband damit im Sinn postmoderner Ambivalenzen die Wurzeln aus Bauhaus und „Wiener Kinetismus" mit den Wahrnehmungsspielen der Op-Art und den amerikanischen Errungenschaften der Etablierung des Bildes als Objekt. Dabei stand sie in den Sechzigerjahren literarischen Lösungen der „Wiener Gruppe" nahe und spätere Anregungen aus dem Zen-Buddhismus verweisen auf ihre postkoloniale Sichtweise. Ihr theoretisches Wissen vermittelte sie an eine Schülergeneration, die wie Heimo Zobernig oder Gerwald Rockenschaub parallel zur neuen wilden Malerei die „Neue Geometrie" nach ihrem Vorbild international weiterführten.

Heritage Building Conservation: Sustainable and Digital Modelling

This book provides a holistic perspective on the sustainable conservation of heritage buildings through outlining the factors that influence the preservation, operational performance and maintainability of heritage buildings and the application of new methodologies and technologies. Using real cases from Egypt, a country which comprises a vast number of unique heritage structures, each of which is deteriorating at its own pace, this book presents a systematic, data-based approach to manage aging and deteriorating heritage assets in a cost-effective way. The authors initially provide an overview and history of conservation and maintenance work as well as the current codes and standards that regulate the preservation of these buildings. Further chapters then cover: The technology used to digitally document heritage buildings, including LIDAR, photogrammetry, Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM), and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies Introducing a Maintainability Index of Heritage Buildings (MIHB) to support the decision-making and prioritization process for the maintenance of heritage buildings The adaptive reuse of heritage buildings Modelling embodied and operational energy performance Using Chatbot and Blockchain technology to support the management and preservation of heritage buildings Ultimately, this book presents a useful tool for use in heritage management and highlights how the reusability of heritage buildings is critical to the creation and survival of sustainable communities. It will be useful reading for researchers, architects, engineers and especially those involved in the management of heritage buildings.

Heritage, Gentrification and Resistance in the Neoliberal City (Explorations in Heritage Studies #5)

What happens when versions of the past become silenced, suppressed, or privileged due to urban restructuring? In what ways are the interpretations and performances of ‘the past’ linked to urban gentrification, marginalization, displacement, and social responses? Authors explore a variety of attempts to interrupt and interrogate urban restructuring, and to imagine alternative forms of urban organization, produced by diverse coalitions of resisting groups and individuals. Armed with historical narratives, oral histories, objects, physical built environment, memorials, and intangible aspects of heritage that include traditions, local knowledge and experiences, memories, authors challenge the ‘devaluation’ of their neighborhoods in official heritage and development narratives.

Heritage, Memory and Identity in Postcolonial Board Games

Heritage, Memory and Identity in Postcolonial Board Games is a unique edited collection that explores the interplay of heritage, memory, identity and history within postcolonial board games and their surrounding paratexts. It also examines critiques of these games within the gamer communities and beyond. Drawing on a range of international contributions, examples and case studies, this book shows how colonialism-themed games work as representations of the past that are influenced by existing heritage narratives and discourses. It also considers the implications of using colonial histories in games and its impact on its audience, the games’ players. Heritage, Memory and Identity in Postcolonial Board Games will be relevant to scholars and postgraduate students in the fields of game studies, game design or development, heritage studies, postcolonial criticism, media studies, and history. It will also be beneficial to practicing game developers.

Higher Education and the Carceral State: Transforming Together

Higher Education and the Carceral State: Transforming Together explores the diversity of ways in which university faculty and students are intervening in the system of mass incarceration through the development of transformative arts and educational programs for students in correctional institutions.Demonstrating the ways that higher education can intervene in and disrupt the deeply traumatic experience of incarceration and shift the embedded social-emotional cycles that lead to recidivism, this book is both inspiration and guide for those seeking to create and sustain programs as well as to educate students about the types of programs universities bring to prisons.From arts workshops and educational courses to degree-granting programs, individuals and communities across multiple disciplines in higher education are actively breaking the cycle of shame and division in mass incarceration through direct engagement. This book explores the inspiring, innovative, and changemaking initiatives in carceral spaces - from arts workshops and educational courses to degree granting programs - through the lens of faculty, artists, scholars, students, and administrators. Readers will learn the diverse ways in which these interventions and partnerships can take shape and the life changing impacts that they have on all those involved, in particular students who are incarcerated. The book includes authors with lived experience of incarceration throughout.Section I highlights the voices of students who are currently or formerly incarcerated, while Section II addresses diverse collaborations through and across systems of corrections and education. Section III features the voices of teaching artists, while Section IV includes those that start and lead these programs, offering roadmaps for others interested in engaging in this transformative work.

Historic Sites and Landmarks That Shaped America [2 volumes]: From Acoma Pueblo to Ground Zero [2 volumes]

Exploring the significance of places that built our cultural past, this guide is a lens into historical sites spanning the entire history of the United States, from Acoma Pueblo to Ground Zero.Historic Sites and Landmarks That Shaped America: From Acoma Pueblo to Ground Zero encompasses more than 200 sites from the earliest settlements to the present, covering a wide variety of locations. It includes concise yet detailed entries on each landmark that explain its importance to the nation. With entries arranged alphabetically according to the name of the site and the state in which it resides, this work covers both obscure and famous landmarks to demonstrate how a nation can grow and change with the creation or discovery of important places.The volume explores the ways different cultures viewed, revered, or even vilified these sites. It also examines why people remember such places more than others. Accessible to both novice and expert readers, this well-researched guide will appeal to anyone from high school students to general adult readers.

Histories of Architecture Education in the United States

Histories of Architecture Education in the United States is an edited collection focused on the professional evolution, experimental and enduring pedagogical approaches, and leading institutions of American architecture education. Beginning with the emergence of architecture as a profession in Philadelphia and ending with the early work, but unfinished international effort, of making room for women and people of color in positions of leadership in the field, this collection offers an important history of architecture education relevant to audiences both within and outside of the United States. Other themes include the relationship of professional organizations to educational institutions; the legacy of late nineteenth-century design concepts; the role of architectural history; educational changes and trans-Atlantic intellectual exchanges after WWII and the Cold War; the rise of the city and urban design in the architect’s consciousness; student protests and challenges to traditional architecture education; and the controversial appearance of environmental activism. This collection, in other words, provides a relevant history of the present, with topics of concern to all architects studying and working today.

The History of British Film (Volume 6): The History of the British Film 1929 - 1939: Films of Comment and Persuasion of the 1930's

This set is one of the cornerstones of film scholarship, and one of the most important works on twentieth century British culture. Published between 1948 and 1985, the volumes document all aspects of film making in Britain from its origins in 1896 to 1939.Rachael Low pioneered the interpretation of films in their context, arguing that to understand films it was necessary to establish their context. Her seven volumes are an object lesson in meticulous research, lucid analysis and accessible style, and have become the benchmark in film history.

The History of Chinese Animation (China Perspectives)

China has been one of the first countries to develop its own aesthetic for dynamic images and to create animation films with distinctive characteristics. In recent years, however, and subject to the influence of Western and Japanese animation, the Chinese animation industry has experienced several new stages of development, prompting the question as to where animation in China is heading in the future. This book describes the history, present and future of China’s animation industry. The author divides the business’s 95-year history into six periods and analyses each of these from an historical, aesthetic, and artistic perspective. In addition, the book focuses on representative works; themes; directions; artistic styles; techniques; industrial development; government support policies; business models; the nurturing of education and talent; broadcasting systems and animation. Scholars and students who are interested in the history of Chinese animation will benefit from this book and it will appeal additionally to readers interested in Chinese film studies.

A History of Early Film V1

Volume 1 of A History of Early Film begins with the period of technical invention. The story of Edison's peepshow Kinetoscope, set up in arcades from April 1894, is told by W. K. L. Dickson. 'Lantern Projection of Moving Objects' heralds the arival of the first screenings in Britain, arranged by Auguste and Louis Lumière, Robert Paul and Birt Acres, announcing the new medium as a progressive development of optical moving-image toys, magic lantern projection and the Kinetoscope. It includes an evocative selection of advertisements for the earliest films and cinematographic apparatus of 1896-7. The last part of the volume covers 1901-6 as the medium of cinema developed.

A History of Early Film V3

Volume 3 of A History of Early Film examines critical responses to early cinema, including the impassioned thoughts of one of the first film critics, the American poet Vachel Lindsay and considers some contemporary judgements of the social aspects of moving pictures. The volume also includes the 1917 report The Cinema: Its Present Position and Future Possibilities...which provides a unique record of the attitudes towards the cinema by its British audiences exhibitors, producers, guardians of morality and those responsible for licensing.

A History Of Early Television Vol 1

In the 21st Century, broadcast television is an established part of the lives of many millions of people all over the world, bringing information and entertainment directly into our homes. The pieces in this volume date from 1879 to 1934 and consist of a selection of books, articles and news items relating to the first developmental period of television, before it became the ubiquitous medium that we know today. The selection is English language material only.

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