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They Ask, You Answer: A Revolutionary Approach to Inbound Sales, Content Marketing, and Today's Digital Consumer, Revised & Updated

by Marcus Sheridan

The revolutionary guide that challenged businesses around the world to stop selling to their buyers and start answering their questions to get results; revised and updated to address new technology, trends, the continuous evolution of the digital consumer, and much more In today’s digital age, the traditional sales funnel—marketing at the top, sales in the middle, customer service at the bottom—is no longer effective. To be successful, businesses must obsess over the questions, concerns, and problems their buyers have, and address them as honestly and as thoroughly as possible. Every day, buyers turn to search engines to ask billions of questions. Having the answers they need can attract thousands of potential buyers to your company—but only if your content strategy puts your answers at the top of those search results. It’s a simple and powerful equation that produces growth and success: They Ask, You Answer. Using these principles, author Marcus Sheridan led his struggling pool company from the bleak depths of the housing crash of 2008 to become one of the largest pool installers in the United States. Discover how his proven strategy can work for your business and master the principles of inbound and content marketing that have empowered thousands of companies to achieve exceptional growth. They Ask, You Answer is a straightforward guide filled with practical tactics and insights for transforming your marketing strategy. This new edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect the evolution of content marketing and the increasing demands of today’s internet-savvy buyers. New chapters explore the impact of technology, conversational marketing, the essential elements every business website should possess, the rise of video, and new stories from companies that have achieved remarkable results with They Ask, You Answer. Upon reading this book, you will know: How to build trust with buyers through content and video. How to turn your web presence into a magnet for qualified buyers. What works and what doesn’t through new case studies, featuring real-world results from companies that have embraced these principles. Why you need to think of your business as a media company, instead of relying on more traditional (and ineffective) ways of advertising and marketing. How to achieve buy-in at your company and truly embrace a culture of content and video. How to transform your current customer base into loyal brand advocates for your company. They Ask, You Answer is a must-have resource for companies that want a fresh approach to marketing and sales that is proven to generate more traffic, leads, and sales.

They Are Not Machines: Korean Women Workers and their Fight for Democratic Trade Unionism in the 1970s

by Chun Soonok

The multi-faceted tensions created in developing countries between a burgeoning popular desire for democracy and the harsh imperatives of modernisation and industrialisation are nowhere more evident than in the so-called 'Asian tiger' nations. Of all those nascent economies, South Korea in the 1960s and 1970s stands pre-eminent for the magnitude and speed of its development and the extraordinarily oppressive and inhumane conditions that its labour force, mainly women and young girls, were compelled to endure. The author of this book was one of those young girls who suffered in the warren of sweat-shop garment factories in the slums of central Seoul. With little or no support from male co-workers, and despite their political naivety and the traditionally subordinate status of Korean females, the women textile and garment workers confronted the ruling authority at all levels. The author's mother was one of their leaders, and her eldest brother sacrificed his life for their cause. Despite appalling state-directed violence, betrayal by erstwhile colleagues, the chicanery and mendacity of employers' cooperatives and countless other setbacks, these uneducated and overworked women finally succeeded in forming the first fully democratic trade union in the history of Korea. Based on compelling personal accounts this is the first published account of the women's struggle, and it throws much light on the process of modernisation and industrialisation in Korea and beyond.

They Are Not Machines: Korean Women Workers and their Fight for Democratic Trade Unionism in the 1970s

by Chun Soonok

The multi-faceted tensions created in developing countries between a burgeoning popular desire for democracy and the harsh imperatives of modernisation and industrialisation are nowhere more evident than in the so-called 'Asian tiger' nations. Of all those nascent economies, South Korea in the 1960s and 1970s stands pre-eminent for the magnitude and speed of its development and the extraordinarily oppressive and inhumane conditions that its labour force, mainly women and young girls, were compelled to endure. The author of this book was one of those young girls who suffered in the warren of sweat-shop garment factories in the slums of central Seoul. With little or no support from male co-workers, and despite their political naivety and the traditionally subordinate status of Korean females, the women textile and garment workers confronted the ruling authority at all levels. The author's mother was one of their leaders, and her eldest brother sacrificed his life for their cause. Despite appalling state-directed violence, betrayal by erstwhile colleagues, the chicanery and mendacity of employers' cooperatives and countless other setbacks, these uneducated and overworked women finally succeeded in forming the first fully democratic trade union in the history of Korea. Based on compelling personal accounts this is the first published account of the women's struggle, and it throws much light on the process of modernisation and industrialisation in Korea and beyond.

Thermomechanische Betrachtung der Dampfturbinenvorwärmung: Wärmeübertragung und thermisch induzierte Spannungen einer 19-stufigen Turbine (BestMasters)

by Lukas Pehle

Lukas Pehle beschäftigt sich mit der transienten thermischen und strukturmechanischen Analyse einer 19-stufigen Mitteldruck-Dampfturbine. Dafür errechnet und bewertet er Zeitdauern und auftretende Spannungen, um ein breites Spektrum an Vorwärm-Szenarien beschreiben zu können. Das dabei verwendete und weiterentwickelte Festkörpermodell wird an experimentellen Daten kalibriert, um im Anschluss eine Parameterstudie durchführen zu können. Mithilfe des untersuchten Konzepts des Vorwärmens von Dampfturbinen können thermisch induzierte Spannungen beim Kraftwerksstart verringert werden. Dieses Buch leistet aufgrund der dadurch flexibleren Kraftwerke einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Versorgungssicherheit nach der Energiewende, also für den Übergang von fossilen Energieträgern und der Kernenergie zu einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung mittels erneuerbarer Energien.

Thermodynamik und Umweltökonomie (Umwelt und Ökonomie #17)

by Fritz Söllner

Thermodynamik: Eine Einführung in die Grundlagen und ihre technischen Anwendungen

by Hans D. Baehr

Dieses Lehrbuch der Thermodynamik hat sich in vielen Auflagen und Sprachen bewährt; es liegt jetzt in einer grundlegenden und erweiterten Fassung vor. Die Stoffauswahl dieser gründlichen und verständlichen Einführung orientiert sich an den Lehrinhalten einführender Vorlesungen der Thermodynamik und Energietechnik. Neben den Energiebilanzen des ersten Hauptsatzes wird der zweite Hauptsatz besonders ausführlich dargestellt unter Einschluß des Exergiebegriffs, der für die Bewertung von Energieumwandlung wichtig ist. Erstmals werden auch die thermodynamischen Aspekte aller wesentlichen Teile der Energietechnik umfassend behandelt: Stationäre Fließprozesse, Verbrennungsprozesse und Verbrennungskraftanlagen, thermische Kraftwerke, Heizsysteme und Kälteanlagen. Dabei wurden Abschnitte über Wärmeübertrager, die Gasturbine als Flugzeugantrieb, Verbrennungsmotoren, Kernkraftwerke, kombinierte Gas-Dampf-Kraftwerke, die Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung, Wärmepumpen und die Wärmetransformation neu aufgenommen. Diese moderne und umfassende Darstellung der technischen Thermodynamik eignet sich als Lehrbuch für Studierende an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen und gleichermaßen als Nachschlagewerk für den in der Praxis tätigen Ingenieur. Nachdem die Vorauflage grundlegend überarbeitet und erweitert worden war, sind in dieser Auflage im wesentlichen Druckfehler beseitigt und kleinere Verbesserungen vorgenommen worden.

Thermodynamics of Heat Engines

by Bernard Desmet

Optimizing the process of converting heat into mechanical power is a major challenge when it comes to meeting targets for protecting primary energy resources and minimizing our environmental impact. For many years to come, the use of thermal engines will continue to be necessary for transportation on land, by sea and by air, as well as for many industrial applications. Against this background, Thermodynamics of Heat Engines aims to present a comprehensive overview of the thermodynamic concepts, including combustion, that are necessary for understanding the phenomena governing the energy efficiency of internal and external combustion engines as well as that of gas turbines and jet propulsion engines. Existing and developing industrial applications, based on combined heat and power (CHP) or the use of staged cycles, are presented, with particular attention paid to the recovery of low temperature waste heat. This book, which is mainly intended for university and engineering students but is also useful for engineers and technicians working in the fields concerned, provides a basis for reflection on the optimization of energy systems.

Thermodynamics of Heat Engines

by Bernard Desmet

Optimizing the process of converting heat into mechanical power is a major challenge when it comes to meeting targets for protecting primary energy resources and minimizing our environmental impact. For many years to come, the use of thermal engines will continue to be necessary for transportation on land, by sea and by air, as well as for many industrial applications. Against this background, Thermodynamics of Heat Engines aims to present a comprehensive overview of the thermodynamic concepts, including combustion, that are necessary for understanding the phenomena governing the energy efficiency of internal and external combustion engines as well as that of gas turbines and jet propulsion engines. Existing and developing industrial applications, based on combined heat and power (CHP) or the use of staged cycles, are presented, with particular attention paid to the recovery of low temperature waste heat. This book, which is mainly intended for university and engineering students but is also useful for engineers and technicians working in the fields concerned, provides a basis for reflection on the optimization of energy systems.

Thermodynamics for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (Green Energy and Technology)

by Wojciech Stanek

This book examines ways of assessing the rational management of nonrenewable resources. Integrating numerous methods, it systematically exposes the strengths of exergy analysis in resources management.Divided into two parts, the first section provides the theoretical background to assessment methods, while the second section provides practical application examples. The topics covered in detail include the theory of exergy cost and thermo-ecological cost, cumulative calculus and life cycle evaluation.This book serves as a valuable resource for researchers looking to investigate a range of advanced thermodynamic assessments of the influence of production processes on the depletion of nonrenewable resources.

Thermische Solarenergienutzung an Gebäuden

by Armin Marko Peter Braun

Aktive und passive Solarenergienutzung, technische und architektonische Möglichkeiten, etablierte Technologien und zukünftige Entwicklungen behandelt dieses Profi-Buch, das sich vor allem an Ingenieure und Architekten wendet. 20 Experten beschreiben ihr Spezialgebiet, diskutieren Potentiale und Kosten der Systeme sowie eventuell auftretende Probleme, und geben dem Planer und Anwender wertvolle Praxishinweise sowie einen Ausblick auf kommende Anwendungen heutiger Innovationen. Im "passiven" Teil werden u.a. die Solararchitektur, Fenster und Verglasungen, Wärmeschutz und transparente Wärmedämmung sowie die Nutzung von Tageslicht in Räumen behandelt. Der "aktive" Teil befaßt sich mit Kollektoren sowie technologischen, planerischen und betriebstechnischen Aspekten solarthermischer Anlagen verschiedener Größenordnungen.

Thermal Power Plant Performance Analysis (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering)

by Gilberto Francisco Martha Francisco Martha de Souza

The analysis of the reliability and availability of power plants is frequently based on simple indexes that do not take into account the criticality of some failures used for availability analysis. This criticality should be evaluated based on concepts of reliability which consider the effect of a component failure on the performance of the entire plant. System reliability analysis tools provide a root-cause analysis leading to the improvement of the plant maintenance plan. Taking in view that the power plant performance can be evaluated not only based on thermodynamic related indexes, such as heat-rate, Thermal Power Plant Performance Analysis focuses on the presentation of reliability-based tools used to define performance of complex systems and introduces the basic concepts of reliability, maintainability and risk analysis aiming at their application as tools for power plant performance improvement, including:· selection of critical equipment and components,· definition of maintenance plans, mainly for auxiliary systems, and · execution of decision analysis based on risk concepts.The comprehensive presentation of each analysis allows future application of the methodology making Thermal Power Plant Performance Analysis a key resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students in mechanical and nuclear engineering.

Thermal Energy Storage for Sustainable Energy Consumption: Fundamentals, Case Studies and Design (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry #234)

by Halime Ö. Paksoy

Çukurova University, Turkey in collaboration with Ljubljana University, Slovenia and the International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on Energy Conservation Through Energy Storage (IEA ECES IA) organized a NATO Advanced Study Institute on Thermal Energy Storage for Sustainable Energy Consumption – Fundamentals, Case Studies and Design (NATO ASI TESSEC), in Cesme, Izmir, Turkey in June, 2005. This book contains manuscripts based on the lectures included in the scientific programme of the NATO ASI TESSEC.

Thermal Energy Storage for Medium and High Temperatures: Concepts and Applications

by Wolf-Dieter Steinmann

This book provides a descriptive classification of the various concepts, giving characteristic performance data and design fundamentals. Systems based on sensible heat storage, latent heat storage and thermo-chemical processes are presented, including the state of maturity and innovative solutions. Essential for the effective integration of thermal storage systems is the optimal adaption to the specific requirements of an application. This is shown in the second part, where storage solutions for conventional and solar thermal power plants are described. Further examples show the integration into batch processes, mobile applications or options to support the utilization of waste heat. Systems using thermal energy storage for facility scale storage of electricity are also described.Storage systems for medium and high temperatures are an emerging option to improve the energy efficiency of power plants and industrial facilities. Reflecting the wide area of applications in the temperature range from 100 °C to 1200 °C, a large number of storage concepts has been developed.

Thermal Energy Harvesting for Application at MEMS Scale (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)

by Steven Percy Chris Knight Scott McGarry Alex Post Tim Moore Kate Cavanagh

This book discusses the history of thermal heat generators and focuses on the potential for these processes using micro-electrical mechanical systems (MEMS) technology for this application. The main focus is on the capture of waste thermal energy for example from industrial processes, transport systems or the human body to generate useable electrical power. A wide range of technologies is discussed, including external combustion heat cycles at MEMS ( Brayton, Stirling and Rankine), Thermoacoustic, Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs), Multiferroics, Thermionics, Pyroelectric, Seebeck, Alkali Metal Thermal, Hydride Heat Engine, Johnson Thermo Electrochemical Converters, and the Johnson Electric Heat Pipe.

There's No Crying in Business: How Women Can Succeed in Male-Dominated Industries

by R. Rivera

Based on interviews with women academics, engineers, politicians, mathematicians, neurologists and others in male dominated organizations as well as the author's own experiences, this book will offer insights and advice to women who aspire to top positions in companies and industries where men traditionally have held those positions.

There's More to Life than Making a Living: Mastering Six Key Essentials on the Way to a Life of Significance

by Jack C. McDowell

A significant life has positive meaning and value beyond individual success. It means contributing to the lives of others and showing compassion. In this book, Jack McDowell shares the six keys to a life of significance: Find your calling, learn from your experiences, acquire habits that build character, discover the joy of generosity, build relationships for life, and don't retire. Each chapter contains specific actions that will help readers master the six essentials. These steps are the harvest of Jack's own experiences and they are, he says, "the gifts of a providential God to this seeker after a life with deeper and more lasting meaning." Giving is man's God-ordained purpose. This book will provide encouragement and resources for the journey to a more significant life. It is a personal invitation to discover that there is far more to life than just making a living.

There's a Customer Born Every Minute: P.T. Barnum's Amazing 10 "Rings of Power" for Creating Fame, Fortune, and a Business Empire Today -- Guaranteed!

by Joe Vitale

Praise for THERE'S A CUSTOMER BORN EVERY MINUTE "Joe Vitale has created an entertaining, educational, and motivational manual-with the help of P.T. Barnum-that belongs in every hotel room alongside the Bible. Then, guests might read his inspirational book first, and give thanks to God for this worthy discovery." —Alan Abel, media hoaxer, author, consultantand lecturer on "Using Your Wits to Win" "If you're going to excel in business, learning about a showman like Barnum and applying some of the lessons he taught can give you valuable insights. Joe Vitale has captured ten of these lessons (he calls them 'rings of power') and shows how you can apply them in a way that will open your eyes and stretch your imagination. There's a lot of money-making and fun wisdom here." —Joseph Sugarman, Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation "Finally someone does it!!! Joe Vitale reveals the REAL P.T. Barnum! Vitale highlights the outrageously astute marketing of Barnum. Barnum's driving belief certainly was that there IS a customer 'born' every minute. You will glean a number of useful 'new' marketing ideas that you can instantly use in your business. And you will learn about one of the savviest marketers of a time gone by. Fun, exciting, insightful, and packed with ideas! Genius!" —Kevin Hogan, author of The Science of Influence and The Psychology of Persuasion "I love this book. If you'd like to know the real story about one of the most fascinating characters in American history, told by a master storyteller (and the person who probably knows more about him than anyone else), read this book. Barnum is not the guy portrayed by the legend attached to his name. He is much, much more, and Vitale tells his story with the can't-put-it-down passion and excitement he's become so well known for." —Bill Harris, President, Centerpointe Research Institute

There's a Customer Born Every Minute: P.T. Barnum's Amazing 10 "Rings of Power" for Creating Fame, Fortune, and a Business Empire Today -- Guaranteed!

by Joe Vitale

Praise for THERE'S A CUSTOMER BORN EVERY MINUTE "Joe Vitale has created an entertaining, educational, and motivational manual-with the help of P.T. Barnum-that belongs in every hotel room alongside the Bible. Then, guests might read his inspirational book first, and give thanks to God for this worthy discovery." —Alan Abel, media hoaxer, author, consultantand lecturer on "Using Your Wits to Win" "If you're going to excel in business, learning about a showman like Barnum and applying some of the lessons he taught can give you valuable insights. Joe Vitale has captured ten of these lessons (he calls them 'rings of power') and shows how you can apply them in a way that will open your eyes and stretch your imagination. There's a lot of money-making and fun wisdom here." —Joseph Sugarman, Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation "Finally someone does it!!! Joe Vitale reveals the REAL P.T. Barnum! Vitale highlights the outrageously astute marketing of Barnum. Barnum's driving belief certainly was that there IS a customer 'born' every minute. You will glean a number of useful 'new' marketing ideas that you can instantly use in your business. And you will learn about one of the savviest marketers of a time gone by. Fun, exciting, insightful, and packed with ideas! Genius!" —Kevin Hogan, author of The Science of Influence and The Psychology of Persuasion "I love this book. If you'd like to know the real story about one of the most fascinating characters in American history, told by a master storyteller (and the person who probably knows more about him than anyone else), read this book. Barnum is not the guy portrayed by the legend attached to his name. He is much, much more, and Vitale tells his story with the can't-put-it-down passion and excitement he's become so well known for." —Bill Harris, President, Centerpointe Research Institute

There Are No Overachievers: Seizing Your Windows of Opportunity to Do More than You Thought Possible

by Brian Biro

In an inspiring new book, management consultant and world-renowned speaking guru Brian Biro describes how each and every one of us can seize and act upon the Windows of Opportunity that we encounter to transform our lives.In There Are No Overachievers, Brian Biro distils a lifetime of motivational lessons on how to be more energized and passionate in work and life by seizing what he calls the WOO – our windows of opportunity. A WOO is a precious, unrepeatable moment that can influence, redirect and even reshape our lives when we choose to seize it. And as we begin to recognize these exceptional opportunities, we see how they can…· enhance our ability to relate to others · increase our personal energy · foster greater teamwork to deliver breakthrough results · improve our partnerships, personally and professionallyNarrated in short, targeted chapters and interweaving personal stories and anecdotes from his life as a top business speaker, national swimming coach and former corporate vice president, Biro offers a wealth of practical insights and action steps we can apply to our lives - and the secret to creating a dynamic, flourishing and fulfilling career.

Therapy Talk: Conversation Analysis in Practice

by P. Fitzgerald

Therapy Talk aims to help those who apply 'the talking cure' become better at their jobs by enabling them to understand how their verbal responses may channel the conversation partner into a particular direction, promoting conversation analysis as a useful tool to study and enhance the therapeutic alliance between client and practitioner.

The Therapist's Starter Guide: Setting Up and Building Your Practice, Working with Clients, and Managing Professional Growth

by Mark Lanci Anne Spreng

Understand all the aspects of beginning and sustaining a therapeutic practice with The Therapist's Starter Guide: Setting Up and Building Your Practice, Working with Clients, and Managing Professional Growth, a practical, hands-on guide to professional fulfillment and business success. If you’re a new practitioner or seek to grow your practice, this book will provide you with the skills you need to succeed, thrive and grow professionally and personally. Equip yourself with the knowledge you need to transition to a new job or to begin your own practice.

Therapist's Guide to Self-Care

by Lillie Weiss

Psychotherapy is an increasingly stressful profession. Yet therapists spend most of their time helping clients deal with their stress, not caring for their own. This book is designed as a tool for the experienced counselor, junior therapist, and graduate student, as the issues confronted and discussed herein are relevant to anyone in the field, regardless of experience or expertise. Dr. Weiss has written a book in an easy, conversational tone, filled with concrete examples and blending research findings, clinical experience and theoretical approaches into practical suggestions and sound advice. The book is divided into three parts, discussing therapist concerns and questions that are continually raised, and providing practical tools based on clinical experience and research findings. It will be useful to all mental health professionals who have felt the strain of their practice.

Therapist's Guide to Self-Care

by Lillie Weiss

Psychotherapy is an increasingly stressful profession. Yet therapists spend most of their time helping clients deal with their stress, not caring for their own. This book is designed as a tool for the experienced counselor, junior therapist, and graduate student, as the issues confronted and discussed herein are relevant to anyone in the field, regardless of experience or expertise. Dr. Weiss has written a book in an easy, conversational tone, filled with concrete examples and blending research findings, clinical experience and theoretical approaches into practical suggestions and sound advice. The book is divided into three parts, discussing therapist concerns and questions that are continually raised, and providing practical tools based on clinical experience and research findings. It will be useful to all mental health professionals who have felt the strain of their practice.

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