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Online-Marketing für die erfolgreiche Arztpraxis: Website, SEO, Social Media, Werberecht (Erfolgskonzepte Praxis- & Krankenhaus-Management)

by Alexandra Köhler Mirko Gründer

Dieses Buch verschafft Ihnen als niedergelassene Ärztin bzw. Arzt einen Überblick über die Welt des Online-Marketings und gibt Ihnen konkrete Anleitungen und Tipps für die Umsetzung in Ihrer Arztpraxis. Was muss ich bei der Praxis-Website beachten? Wie kann ich mein Ranking in Suchmaschinen erhöhen? Welche besonderen Rechtsvorschriften für Ärzte beim Marketing sind zu beachten? Antworten auf diese Fragen und viele weitere praxisnahe Tipps zum idealen Online-Marketing finden Sie in diesem Buch. Aus dem Inhalt: Grundlagen des Marketings und der Pressearbeit, Die Praxis-Website: Aufbau, Gestaltung, Inhalte und Usability, SEO: Wie funktionieren Suchmaschinen? Die wichtigsten Maßnahmen, Empfehlungsmarketing und Umgang mit Bewertungsportalen, Vorstellung von reichweitenstarken Social-Media-Plattformen, Rechtsvorschriften und juristische Fallstricke im Online-Marketing. IT-Sicherheit in der Praxis: Virenschutz, Back-ups, Zugriffsrechte & Co.

Decarbonize Urban Heating System: China Building Energy and Emission Yearbook 2023

by Building Energy Research Center of THU

This is an open access book.The double-carbon target has been one of the main motivations and goals for China's social and economic development. The building sector is one of the most important sectors to achieve energy saving and emission reduction. This publication thoroughly examines China's building energy use and carbon emissions with a focus on four categories, including their characteristics and the technologies needed to achieve zero carbon emissions.This year, the key issue is developing carbon-neutrality pathways for China's urban heating system. This report comprehensively discusses the current status and future forecast of heat demand in buildings and non-process industries, introduces the challenges facing the urban energy supply system in achieving carbon neutrality, and elucidates the low-carbon heating model based mainly on low-grade and low-carbon waste heat. Extensive survey and monitoring data and case studies are presented throughout the book. The discussion of technologies and policies has been the subject of extensive research and evidence for over a decade. The information, data, and policy recommendations are of relevance to a national and global audience working in the fields of energy, climate change, engineering, and building science.

Personalmanagement in der Arzt- und Zahnarztpraxis von A bis Z: Erfolgserprobte Tools zum Nachschlagen und Anwenden

by Stephan Kock Kirsten Kock

In der Ausbildung werden (Zahn-)Medizinerinnen und (Zahn-)Mediziner spärlich mit dem Thema Personalführung bzw. -management konfrontiert. Dieses Wissen fehlt in der täglichen Praxis und im härter werdenden Wettbewerb um die besten Köpfe. Personalmanagement ist heute mehr denn je ein erfolgsrelevanter Faktor für Arzt- und Zahnarztpraxen. In zahlreichen Beratungen und Begleitungen von Praxen wurde deutlich, dass es hieran in vielen Fällen fehlt und wie bedeutsam sich eine Veränderung auswirkt. Die Beratenen verweisen ein ums andere Mal darauf, dass es kein einfach zu nutzendes Nachschlagewerk bzw. Handbuch für ihre spezielle Situation gibt, das kurz und knapp aufklärt und Vorgehensweisen beschreibt, die sich als erfolgreich erwiesen haben. Dieser Erfolg zeigte sich sowohl in verschiedensten Gesprächs- bzw. Führungssituationen als auch bei Verträgen oder anderen Notwendigkeiten. Das Buch dient als Nachschlagewerk für Praxisinhaber¬innen und -inhaber sowie deren Führungskräfte. Es beschreibt - von A bis Z - leicht nachvollziehbar die wichtigsten bzw. am häufigsten gesuchten Begriffe rund um die Personalführung in der Arzt-und Zahnarztpraxis. Es offeriert neben den Suchbegriffen erfolgserprobte Ablaufbeschreibungen, Checklisten und Mustervorlagen.Das Buch bringt Personalmanagementwissen auf den Punkt. Einfach. Effektiv. Erfolgreich. So sparen die Verantwortlichen Zeit. Es informiert, stärkt Führungskräfte und unterstützt die Bindung von Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern.Das Buch beschreibt 144 Fachbegriffe auf jeweils einer Seite. Bis zu 50 Graphiken, Mustervorlagen und Ablaufpläne ergänzen das Nachschlagwerk. So entstehen ca. 194 Seiten, die durch ein Interview mit einer Praxisinhaberin und ein Nachwort auf bis zu 220 Seiten aufgerundet werden.Checklisten und Mustervorlagen stehen zum Download auf SpringerLink bereit.

An Interdependent Approach to Happiness and Well-Being

by Yukiko Uchida Jeremy Rappleye

This open access book examines an interdependent approach to happiness and well-being, one that contrasts starkly with dominant approaches that have originated from Western culture(s). It highlights the diversity of potential pathways towards happiness and well-being globally, and answers calls - voiced in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals - for more socially and environmentally sustainable models.Leading global organizations including the OECD, UNICEF, and UNESCO are now proposing human happiness and well-being as a more sustainable alternative to a myopic focus on GDP growth. Yet, the definition of well-being offered by these organizations derives largely from the philosophies, social sciences, and institutional patterns of Europe and the United States. Across seven chapters this book carefully probes the inadequacy of these approaches to well-being globally and reveals the distorting effect this has on how we imagine our world, organize institutions, and plan our collective future(s). It shares a wealth of evidence and examples from across East Asia - a region where interdependence remains foregrounded - and concludes by provocatively arguing that interdependence may provide a more sustainable approach to happiness and well-being in the 21st century. A timely and accessible book, it offers fresh insights for scholars and policymakers working in the areas of psychology, health, sociology, education, international development, public policy, and philosophy.This is an open access book.

System of Human Activity Systems: A Novel Way to Visualize Invisible Risks (Translational Systems Sciences #37)

by Takafumi Nakamura

This book has unique features that set it apart from conventional books on the prevention of system failures in that it provides a method that views human activities from a meta-methodological perspective based upon an inter-disciplinary understanding of human activities. With these characteristics, the book also proposes a common methodological basis to apply to various problems surrounding society today such as an aging social infrastructure; the safety of food, medicine, and public transportation; and the creation of sustainable electricity and cybersecurity. Furthermore, since the failure of human activities is expressed in a three-dimensional space and the topological metrics are implemented, the failure trajectories can be quantitatively monitored in time series to take effective preventive measures. Considering the implementation of the topological metrics, the causes of each failure are classified into two dimensions of the degree of coupling between system elements and the interaction between the target system and the external environment. Owing to the nature of the introduction of topological metrics, all individual and diverse systems can share general topological metrics. Consequently, understanding various failures over cross-industries is possible with the use of common meta-systemic language and mutual learning between different industries, and the solution of social problems can be effectively achieved. A system of system failures (SOSF) proposed and confirmed the effectiveness of this meta-methodology for information and communication technologies (ICT) systems and the SOSF is extended to human activity systems (SOHAS: system of human activity systems) as a whole. Therefore, the SOHAS becomes an academic foundation for theoretical research on meta-methodology, and it has an impact on practitioners to prevent system failures by accumulating knowledge of failures and learning from other industries.

Herausforderungen im Management von Familienunternehmen: Werte – Wachstum – Controlling – Krisenbewältigung

by Christine Duller Martin R. W. Hiebl Michael Kuttner Stefan Mayr Christine Mitter

Eigentümer*innen und Manager*innen von Familienunternehmen sind aktuell mit vielfältigen Herausforderungen konfrontiert und stellen sich u.a. folgende Fragen: Wie können Familienunternehmen nachhaltiger gestaltet werden? Wie können sie sicher an die nächste Generation übergeben werden? Wie können Familienunternehmen professionalisiert werden? Wie können sie langfristig in Krisen bestehen?Diese und viele weitere aktuelle Herausforderungen im Management von Familienunternehmen werden in diesem Fachbuch jeweils in einem eigenen Beitrag in der Tiefe und wissenschaftlich fundiert behandelt. Die Autor*innen gehen dabei auch auf die besondere Relevanz aktueller Trends und globaler Krisen ein.

Can Marketing Save the Planet?: 101 Practical Ways to Use Sustainable Marketing as a Force for Good

by Michelle Carvill Gemma Butler

An exploration of some of the most high profile environmental and sustainability challenges facing businesses and consumers, and 101 of the most practical solutions from the world of marketing.In our fast-moving and consumer-driven world – in which more than 10 million people are Marketers – social and environmental issues are increasingly being moved to the top of boardroom agendas. Each and every company, and therefore every marketer, has a responsibility to learn about the changing landscape in which they operate, and to adapt their skills, creativity and influence accordingly.From the authors of Sustainable Marketing, awarded Highly Commended at the Business Book Awards 2022, Can Marketing Save the Planet? is the ultimate guidebook for this journey, taking a deep dive into some of the most high profile subjects and solutions that every marketer needs to know about. It details the main priorities that companies should consider, and provides a 101-topic directory of the practical and realistic ways in which marketers can drive positive impact, showing that, even in the age of consumerism, marketing CAN be a force for good.

Can Marketing Save the Planet?: 101 Practical Ways to Use Sustainable Marketing as a Force for Good

by Michelle Carvill Gemma Butler

An exploration of some of the most high profile environmental and sustainability challenges facing businesses and consumers, and 101 of the most practical solutions from the world of marketing.In our fast-moving and consumer-driven world – in which more than 10 million people are Marketers – social and environmental issues are increasingly being moved to the top of boardroom agendas. Each and every company, and therefore every marketer, has a responsibility to learn about the changing landscape in which they operate, and to adapt their skills, creativity and influence accordingly.From the authors of Sustainable Marketing, awarded Highly Commended at the Business Book Awards 2022, Can Marketing Save the Planet? is the ultimate guidebook for this journey, taking a deep dive into some of the most high profile subjects and solutions that every marketer needs to know about. It details the main priorities that companies should consider, and provides a 101-topic directory of the practical and realistic ways in which marketers can drive positive impact, showing that, even in the age of consumerism, marketing CAN be a force for good.

How to Be an Architect Developer

by Amanda Baillieu Gus Zogolovitch

How many times have you spotted an empty site and dreamt about developing it? And how many times have you given up because of the difficulty of persuading the landowner to sell you the land? Many architects have built their own house, but few have made the leap to become a fully-fledged architect developer. As trained problem solvers, architects are in a strong position to release value from sites and spot opportunities. They’re able to work up creative solutions, which a non-architect developer might. Featuring illustrated case studies and practical guidance, this is the first book aimed at the architect developer that covers every stage of the development process, from finding land through to raising capital, understanding risk and marketing and selling.

Millionaire Habits: How to Achieve Financial Independence, Retire Early, and Make a Difference by Focusing on Yourself First

by Steve Adcock

Transform your financial present and future so you can give back to the people you care about the most In Millionaire Habits: How to Achieve Financial Independence, Retire Early, and Make a Difference by Focusing on Yourself First, popular personal finance educator Steve Adcock delivers a fun, insightful, and hands-on discussion of how to build financial security, retire early, and give back to the community. You’ll learn to focus on yourself and your family first, creating personal wealth for the purpose of giving back to others. In the book, the author explains that “saving money” isn’t a goal in and of itself, but rather the end product of the personal wealth equation: Wealth = Income + Investments – Lifestyle. You’ll discover how to pay yourself first with concrete guidance and practical advice drawn from people who built wealth on modest incomes. You’ll also find: Strategies for maintaining your physical and financial fitness so you can maximize the value of your assets Ways to turn your existing wealth into even more valuable investments that generate continued, passive income Methods to help you retire early and enjoy your financial independence at a young agePerfect for young professionals, working families, self-employed people, and anyone else seeking to increase their net worth and get more out of life, Millionaire Habits is the intuitive and engaging personal finance roadmap we’ve all been waiting for.

Millionaire Habits: How to Achieve Financial Independence, Retire Early, and Make a Difference by Focusing on Yourself First

by Steve Adcock

Transform your financial present and future so you can give back to the people you care about the most In Millionaire Habits: How to Achieve Financial Independence, Retire Early, and Make a Difference by Focusing on Yourself First, popular personal finance educator Steve Adcock delivers a fun, insightful, and hands-on discussion of how to build financial security, retire early, and give back to the community. You’ll learn to focus on yourself and your family first, creating personal wealth for the purpose of giving back to others. In the book, the author explains that “saving money” isn’t a goal in and of itself, but rather the end product of the personal wealth equation: Wealth = Income + Investments – Lifestyle. You’ll discover how to pay yourself first with concrete guidance and practical advice drawn from people who built wealth on modest incomes. You’ll also find: Strategies for maintaining your physical and financial fitness so you can maximize the value of your assets Ways to turn your existing wealth into even more valuable investments that generate continued, passive income Methods to help you retire early and enjoy your financial independence at a young agePerfect for young professionals, working families, self-employed people, and anyone else seeking to increase their net worth and get more out of life, Millionaire Habits is the intuitive and engaging personal finance roadmap we’ve all been waiting for.

Transgender Inclusion: All the Things You Want to Ask Your Transgender Coworker but Shouldn't

by A. C. Fowlkes

Discover the realities for transgender people in the workplace and beyond as they move through any of the three recognized kinds of transition—and how to be an ally. In Transgender Inclusion: All The Things You Want To Ask Your Transgender Coworker But Shouldn’t, clinical psychologist and trans inclusion specialist Dr. A.C. Fowlkes delivers an essential and remarkably honest discussion of the realities of the workplace for transgender people. In the book, you’ll explore the experiences that trans people have in the workplace as they move through none, one, or more of the three recognized kinds of transition—medical, social, and legal. You’ll learn answers to your questions about your transgender colleagues, so you can be respectful of your coworker’s feelings and work together comfortably. You’ll also find: Discussions of how and why transgender people often feel excluded from the workplace and by their colleagues Explorations of the unfortunately common reality of harassment and maltreatment of transgender workers How and why information about transgender experiences in the workplace is helpful to everyone Approximately 1.3 million adults in the United States identify as transgender. If you don’t already have a transgender friend, neighbor, or co-worker, you might very well have one in the future. A practical, compassionate, and evidence-based discussion of the transgender experience, Transgender Inclusion is a must-read guide for managers, executives, professionals, and allies who want to learn more and do more about trans issues in the workplace.

Transgender Inclusion: All the Things You Want to Ask Your Transgender Coworker but Shouldn't

by A. C. Fowlkes

Discover the realities for transgender people in the workplace and beyond as they move through any of the three recognized kinds of transition—and how to be an ally. In Transgender Inclusion: All The Things You Want To Ask Your Transgender Coworker But Shouldn’t, clinical psychologist and trans inclusion specialist Dr. A.C. Fowlkes delivers an essential and remarkably honest discussion of the realities of the workplace for transgender people. In the book, you’ll explore the experiences that trans people have in the workplace as they move through none, one, or more of the three recognized kinds of transition—medical, social, and legal. You’ll learn answers to your questions about your transgender colleagues, so you can be respectful of your coworker’s feelings and work together comfortably. You’ll also find: Discussions of how and why transgender people often feel excluded from the workplace and by their colleagues Explorations of the unfortunately common reality of harassment and maltreatment of transgender workers How and why information about transgender experiences in the workplace is helpful to everyone Approximately 1.3 million adults in the United States identify as transgender. If you don’t already have a transgender friend, neighbor, or co-worker, you might very well have one in the future. A practical, compassionate, and evidence-based discussion of the transgender experience, Transgender Inclusion is a must-read guide for managers, executives, professionals, and allies who want to learn more and do more about trans issues in the workplace.

How to Be an Architect Developer

by Amanda Baillieu Gus Zogolovitch

How many times have you spotted an empty site and dreamt about developing it? And how many times have you given up because of the difficulty of persuading the landowner to sell you the land? Many architects have built their own house, but few have made the leap to become a fully-fledged architect developer. As trained problem solvers, architects are in a strong position to release value from sites and spot opportunities. They’re able to work up creative solutions, which a non-architect developer might. Featuring illustrated case studies and practical guidance, this is the first book aimed at the architect developer that covers every stage of the development process, from finding land through to raising capital, understanding risk and marketing and selling.

Responsible Management and Sustainable Consumption: Creating a Consumer and Enterprise Social Responsibility Index (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies)

by Piotr Wachowiak Anna Dąbrowska Monika Zajkowska Celina Sołek-Borowska

While the number of publications on corporate social responsibility has skyrocketed since the last economic crisis that began in 2008, challenges still remain in the modern economy that make socially responsible business a leading topic both in the field of science and business practice. The concept of corporate social responsibility covers not only practices implemented by enterprises but also attitudes represented by consumers and other market entities. Though much has been written about corporate social responsibility and the potential benefits it offers businesses, there remains a misunderstanding of corporate social responsibility (CSR), responsible management (RM) and responsible consumption (RC). Examining the level of responsible management practices implemented by Polish enterprises and assessing consumer attitudes in the field of corporate social responsibility will serve to identify best business practices and enhance management theory. Because this research examines both sides of the market, companies and consumers, it offers a more holistic view on social responsibility, responsible management and responsible consumer behaviour. The contribution of this book is the development of the assessment tool for measuring social responsibility of every enterprise – Enterprise Social Responsibility Index (EnSRI) and Consumer Social Responsibility Index (CnSRI). This book is written to meet the needs of academics, students, company owners and managers. It also provides an integrated view of responsibility from the point of view of both enterprises and consumers.

The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths (Anthem Other Canon Economics Ser. #1)

by Mariana Mazzucato

10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION: UPDATED WITH A NEW PREFACE'Superb ... At a time when government action of any kind is ideologically suspect, and entrepreneurship is unquestioningly lionized, the book's importance cannot be understated' GuardianAccording to conventional wisdom, innovation is best left to the dynamic entrepreneurs of the private sector, and government should get out of the way. But what if all this was wrong? What if, from Silicon Valley to medical breakthroughs, the public sector has been the boldest and most valuable risk-taker of all?'A brilliant book' Martin Wolf, Financial Times'One of the most incisive economic books in years' Jeff Madrick, New York Review of Books'Mazzucato is right to argue that the state has played a central role in producing game-changing breakthroughs' Economist'Read her book. It will challenge your thinking' Forbes

Land and Estate Management

by J. S. Nix

The latest edition of this book first published in 1987 - aimed at land managers, farmers, accountants, and those in rural finance, law and taxation.

Knights Across the Atlantic: The Knights of Labor in Britain and Ireland (Studies in Labour History #7)

by Steven Parfitt

An Open Access edition of this book is available on the Liverpool University Press website and the OAPEN library.The Noble and Holy Order of the Knights of Labor, the first national movement of the American working class, began in Philadelphia in 1869. Millions of Americans, white and black, men and women, became Knights between that date and 1917. But the Knights also spread beyond the borders of the United States and even beyond North America. Knights Across the Atlantic tells for the first time the full story of the Knights of Labor in Britain and Ireland, where they operated between 1883 and the end of the century. British and Irish Knights drew on the resources of their vast Order to establish a chain of branches through England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland that numbered more than 10,000 members at its peak. They drew on the fraternal ritual, industrial tactics, organisational models, and political concerns of their American Order and interpreted them in British and Irish conditions. They faced many of the same enemies, including hostile employers and rival trade unions. Unlike their American counterparts they organised only a handful of women at most. But British and Irish Knights left a profound imprint on subsequent British labour history. They helped inspire the British “New Unionists” of the 1890s. They influenced the movement for working-class politics, independent of Liberals and Conservatives alike, that soon led to the British Labour Party. Knights Across the Atlantic brings all these themes together. It provides new insights into relationships between class and gender, and places the Knights of Labor squarely at the heart of British and Irish as well as American history at the end of the nineteenth century.

Jose Isidro N. Camacho: In Conversation (In Conversation Ser.)

by David Jonathan Bayot

The Leadership in Conversation series is a platform designed to engage readers to a conversation with exemplary minds in leadership and management across disciplines. As the world experiences sweeping socio-economic, technological, and affective change, thoughtful leaders and discerning visionaries will provide the necessary strategies to meet new challenges. A primary aim of the conversations is to enthuse and motivate the wider reading public. Learning about the life-path of these leaders will inspire readers to engage more fully and successfully in their own professions and life-goals.As the leading subject of this volume unravels his story, the biography of his ideas, and the trajectory of his life-path and profession as a financial executive, a collector, and a total leader, readers will see how personal goals act within the wider frame of international business leadership. An annotated time-line section within the book puts this personal story in a broader economic setting.

Jimmy Reid: A Clyde-built man

by W.W.J. Knox A. McKinlay

Described as "the best MP Scotland never had", Jimmy Reid was undoubtedly of the most important figures of late twentieth-century Britain. Often at the forefront of the major turning points in the history of industrial relations and politics in Britain, Jimmy’s story is an epic one; from a poverty-stricken background in Govan, Glasgow, he became a communist at a young age, leading a national strike of engineering apprentices while only twenty, before being thrown into the national limelight as the leading spokesperson for the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Work-In in 1971-2. Disillusioned with communism he left the Party for Labour and the centre-left before leaving them disenchanted with New Labour to join the Scottish National Party. This enlightening book looks at Jimmy’s political journey from Communism, to Labourism, and ultimately to Nationalism (a political life in three acts), which not only speaks of the complexities of left politics after 1945, but also illuminates our understanding of institutions and social change in post-war Britain by showing how they were understood and negotiated by one inspirational individual.

International Merchant Shipping in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: The Comparative Dimension (Research in Maritime History #37)

by Lewis R. Fischer Even Lange

This book compiles seven essays concerning changes to merchant shipping over the hundred and fifty years between 1850 and 2000, and spanning a range of countries, with particular focus on Norway, Greece, Japan, and England. The essays are linked by the theme of change: from traditional to modern shipping; in fluctuating cargo demands; from sail to steam; wood to iron; in improvements in communication technologies; in political natures and affiliations; in seafaring skillsets; in the advent of containerisation and advent of globalisation. The overall aim is to construct a solid international context for the merchant shipping industry in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries - primarily to aid a major Norwegian deep-sea merchant marine project. The book contains an introduction that sets out these aims, and seven essays by maritime historians which form part of the international contextual whole, though all can be approached individually.

Industrial Participation: Theory and Practice: A Case Study

by J. A. Banks

Published in 1963, this study of the response to opportunity in an industrial setting is a development of the interests shown in Technical Change and Industrial Relations (1956) and The Attitudes of Steelworkers to Technical Change (1960). It is produced by the Industrial Research Section of the Department of Social Science at Liverpool University.

Ideology and Experience: Anti-Semitism in France at the Time of the Dreyfus Affair (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)

by Stephen Wilson

In this analysis of racism in late nineteenth-century France, anti-Semitism is studied in its social context as an indicator and symptom of social change. The author provides a more general analysis of anti-Semitic ideology in France, and he concludes with a study of the Jewish response to this challenge.

Harold Wilson, Denmark and the making of Labour European policy (Studies in Labour History #10)

by Matthew Broad

'In 1958, Britain and Denmark both advocated closer European cooperation through the looser framework of the Free Trade Area (FTA) rather than membership of the nascent European Economic Community (EEC). By 1972, however, the situation had changed drastically. The FTA was a long-forgotten concept. Its replacement, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), seemed economically and politically inept. Now, at the third time of asking, both countries were on the verge of joining the EEC as full members. This compelling analysis compares how the European policies of the British Labour Party and the Danish Social Democrats evolved amid this environment. Based on material from 12 archives in four countries, it updates our knowledge of key moments in both parties’ interaction with the integration story, including in the formative stages of the EEC in 1958¬–60 and the negotiations for British and Danish EEC membership in 1961–63, 1967 and 1970–72. More innovatively, this book argues that amid an array of national and international constraints the reciprocal influence exerted by Labour and the SD on each other via informal party contacts was itself a crucial determinant in European policymaking. In so doing, it sheds light on the sources of Labour European thinking, the role of small states like Denmark in the integration process, and the prominence of the Anglo-Scandinavian nexus in the broader narrative of British foreign policy in this period.'

Hadassah: American Women Zionists and the Rebirth of Israel (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)

by Mira Katzburg-Yungman

National Jewish Book Awards Finalist for the Barbara Dobkin Award for Women’s Studies, 2012.In February 1912 thirty-eight American Jewish women met at Temple Emanuel in New York and founded Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America. This has become the largest Zionist organization in the Diaspora and the largest and most active Jewish women's organization ever. Its history is an inseparable part of the history of American Jewry and of the State of Israel, and the relationship between them. Hadassah is also part of the history of Jewish women in the United States and in the modern world more broadly. Its achievements are not only those of Zionism but, crucially, of women, and throughout this study Mira Katzburg-Yungman pays particular attention to the life stories of the individual women who played a role in them. Based on historical documentation collected in the United States and Israel and on broad research, the book covers many aspects of the history of Hadassah and analyses significant aspects of the fascinating story of the organization. A wide-ranging introductory section describes the contexts and challenges of Hadassah's history from its founding to the birth of the State of Israel. Subsequent sections explore in turn the organization's ideology and its activity on the American scene after Israeli statehood; its political and ideological role in the World Zionist Organization; and its involvement in the new State of Israel in the twin fields of activity: in medicine and health care and in its work with children and young people. The final part of the book deals with topics that enrich our understanding of Hadassah in additional dimensions, such as gender issues, comparisons of Hadassah with other Zionist organizations, and the importance of people of the Yishuv and later of Israelis in Hadassah's activities. The study concludes with an Epilogue that considers developments up to 2005, assessing whether the conclusions reached with regard to Hadassah as an organization remain valid. It considers developments within Hadassah in the 1980s and 1990s, years in which the organization was affected by the significant changes within the wider American Jewish community, specifically the enormous increase in intermarriage with non-Jews and the impact of the so-called 'second wave' of feminism. This extensive, diverse, and balanced study offers a picture of Hadassah in both arenas of its activity: in the land that is now the State of Israel, and in the United States. In doing so it makes a contribution not only to Zionist history but also to the history of American Jewish women and of Jewish women more widely.

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