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Showing 7,576 through 7,600 of 100,000 results

Vagrant Figures: Law, Literature, and the Origins of the Police (The Lewis Walpole Series in Eighteenth-Century Culture and History)

by Sal Nicolazzo

How vagrancy, as legal and imaginative category, shaped the role of policing in colonialism, racial formation, and resource distribution In this innovative book demonstrating the important role of eighteenth-century literary treatments of policing and vagrancy, Nicolazzo offers a prehistory of police legitimacy in a period that predates the establishment of the modern police force. She argues that narrative, textual, and rhetorical practices shaped not only police and legal activity of the period, but also public conceptions of police power. Her extensive research delves into law and literature on both sides of the Atlantic, tracking the centrality of vagrancy in establishing police power as a form of sovereignty crucial to settler colonialism, slavery, and racial capitalism. The first book in several generations to address policing and vagrancy in the eighteenth century, and the first in the field to center race and empire in its account of literary vagrancy, Nicolazzo’s work is a significant contribution to the field of eighteenth-century literary and cultural studies.

Vade Mecum für Unternehmenskäufe

by Ulrich Blum Werner Gleißner Peter Nothnagel Michael A. Veltins

Dieses Handbuch zeigt auf, wie Unternehmenswachstum nachhaltig gelingen und gestärkt werden kann. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft, da die Region auch 25 Jahre nach der deutschen Einheit in den wesentlichen Kennzahlen 20-30% hinter den westdeutschen Werten liegt, was im Buch mit dem Fehlen von Führungszentralen (Headquarter) in Verbindung gebracht wird.Es werden Wachstumsbarrieren expliziter und impliziter Art dargestellt, um zu verdeutlichen, wie eine Headquarter-Strategie zur Bildung und zum Wachstum von Führungszentralen sowohl von den Unternehmen als auch seitens des Staates realisiert werden kann.Außerdem werden dem Leser alle Werkzeuge zum Führen eines „Unternehmenskaufbuches“ und zum Abwickeln einer Übernahme bereitgestellt. Der Inhalt- Der Unternehmenskauf- Die Bedeutung der Finanzierung eines Unternehmenskaufs- Unternehmenswert und Rating- Die Ausgestaltung des Kaufvertrags- Humankapital und menschliche InteraktionDie HerausgeberProf. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Blum ist Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Wirtschaftspolitik und Wirtschaftsforschung an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Prof. Dr. Werner Gleißner ist Vorstand der FutureValue Group AG in Leinfelden-Echterdingen und Honorarprofessor für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Risikomanagement, an der Technischen Universität Dresden.Dipl.-Ing. Peter Nothnagel leitete diverse Referate im Sächsischen Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr und ist heute Geschäftsführer der Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH.Rechtsanwalt Prof. Dr. Michael A. Veltins ist Senior Partner und Geschäftsführer der LSV Rechtsanwalts GmbH in Frankfurt am Main und lehrt an der Technischen Universität Dresden.

Vaccine Anxieties: "Global Science, Child Health and Society"

by James Fairhead Melissa Leach

This book explores how parents understand and engage with childhood vaccination in contrasting global contexts. This rapidly advancing and universal technology has sparked dramatic controversy, whether over MMR in the UK or oral polio vaccines in Nigeria. Combining a fresh anthropological perspective with detailed field research, the book examines anxieties emerging as highly globalized vaccine technologies and technocracies encounter the deeply intimate personal and social worlds of parenting and childcare, and how these are part of transforming science-society relations. It retheorizes anxieties about technologies, integrating bodily, social and wider political dimensions, and challenges common views of ignorance, risk, trust and rumour - and related dichotomies between Northern ?risk society? and Southern ?developing society? - that dominate current scientific and policy debates. In so doing, the book reflects critically on the stereotypes that at times pass for ?explanations? of public engagement with both routine vaccination and vaccine research. It suggests routes to improved dialogue between health professionals and the people they serve, and new ways to address science-society relations in a globalized world.

Vaccine Anxieties: "Global Science, Child Health and Society"

by James Fairhead Melissa Leach

This book explores how parents understand and engage with childhood vaccination in contrasting global contexts. This rapidly advancing and universal technology has sparked dramatic controversy, whether over MMR in the UK or oral polio vaccines in Nigeria. Combining a fresh anthropological perspective with detailed field research, the book examines anxieties emerging as highly globalized vaccine technologies and technocracies encounter the deeply intimate personal and social worlds of parenting and childcare, and how these are part of transforming science-society relations. It retheorizes anxieties about technologies, integrating bodily, social and wider political dimensions, and challenges common views of ignorance, risk, trust and rumour - and related dichotomies between Northern ?risk society? and Southern ?developing society? - that dominate current scientific and policy debates. In so doing, the book reflects critically on the stereotypes that at times pass for ?explanations? of public engagement with both routine vaccination and vaccine research. It suggests routes to improved dialogue between health professionals and the people they serve, and new ways to address science-society relations in a globalized world.

Vacation Queueing Models: Theory and Applications (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science #93)

by Naishuo Tian Zhe George Zhang

This book discusses systematically the many variations of vacation policy. The book discusses a variety of typical vacation model applications. The presentation style is unique compared with the books published in the same field – a "theorem and proof" format is used. Also, this is the first time G1/M/1 multi-server vacation models, both continuous and discrete, and the optimization and control issues have been presented in book form.

Vacant Possession

by Keith Shaw

Vacant possession is an element of property law that ensures a property is left in good condition when it changes hands. Every time a property is sold, or if tenants move out of rented property, vacant possession is unavoidable; a vital part of the job of any property lawyer or surveyor. Yet this is the first book to look at this area in depth. If a property professional understands vacant possession they can make sure their cases move quickly and complete at a time that suits them. If they do not, they are vulnerable to others who know it better and can use the law to frustrate proceedings for months or even years while their clients continue to pay money on rent or mortgage payments for properties they're not using. This book is essential reading for all property lawyers and surveyors. It is destined to be the definitive guide to vacant possession.

Vacant Possession

by Keith Shaw

Vacant possession is an element of property law that ensures a property is left in good condition when it changes hands. Every time a property is sold, or if tenants move out of rented property, vacant possession is unavoidable; a vital part of the job of any property lawyer or surveyor. Yet this is the first book to look at this area in depth. If a property professional understands vacant possession they can make sure their cases move quickly and complete at a time that suits them. If they do not, they are vulnerable to others who know it better and can use the law to frustrate proceedings for months or even years while their clients continue to pay money on rent or mortgage payments for properties they're not using. This book is essential reading for all property lawyers and surveyors. It is destined to be the definitive guide to vacant possession.

Vaardigheden Activiteiten vanhet dagelijks leven: Activiteiten van het dagelijks leven

by J. Oldenburger G. Afink

In dit boek zijn protocollen opgenomen met een handelingsschema, een toelichting en een toets. De ruim 60 protocollen hebben betrekking op lichamelijke hygiëne en uiterlijke verzorging, de voedingstoestand, uitscheiding, mobiliteit, slaap-/waakritme, ademhaling, temperatuur en circulatie, verzorgen van een baby of peuter. Het boek wordt afgesloten met elementaire sociale vaardigheden

The V-Model of Service Quality: An Exploration of African Customer Service Delivery Metrics (Emerald Points)

by Grafton Whyte

Grafton Whyte introduces and explores a new academic theory for customer service delivery for Africa, aimed at addressing issues of poor customer service and poor service delivery. The V-Model of Service Quality (VMSQ) offers a powerful tool for measuring service quality, augmented by a service exchange model to provide a general framework for services, describe core components and provide contexts within which the VMSQ can operate. The VMSQ provides an indication of where problems may lie in a service operation, and an additional African Management Matrix identifies some of the historical and contextual barriers that need to be overcome by African managers to achieve effective customer service delivery. This book grounds the theoretical interventions in data drawn from case studies in the Sub-Saharan African context to make the models applicable to both researchers and working managers. It looks at the complex question of customer service delivery in Africa, and embraces both concepts of customer service and service delivery.

The V-Model of Service Quality: An Exploration of African Customer Service Delivery Metrics (Emerald Points)

by Grafton Whyte

Grafton Whyte introduces and explores a new academic theory for customer service delivery for Africa, aimed at addressing issues of poor customer service and poor service delivery. The V-Model of Service Quality (VMSQ) offers a powerful tool for measuring service quality, augmented by a service exchange model to provide a general framework for services, describe core components and provide contexts within which the VMSQ can operate. The VMSQ provides an indication of where problems may lie in a service operation, and an additional African Management Matrix identifies some of the historical and contextual barriers that need to be overcome by African managers to achieve effective customer service delivery. This book grounds the theoretical interventions in data drawn from case studies in the Sub-Saharan African context to make the models applicable to both researchers and working managers. It looks at the complex question of customer service delivery in Africa, and embraces both concepts of customer service and service delivery.

V is for Vulnerable: Life Outside the Comfort Zone: An ABC for Grownups

by Seth Godin

V is for Vulnerable by Seth Godin is a full-color ABC book for grown-ups, with a powerful message about doing great work.V is for Vulnerable looks and feels like a classic picture book. But it's not for kids, it's for hardworking adults. It highlights twenty-six of Seth Godin's principles about treating your work as a form of art, with illustrations by acclaimed cartoonist Hugh MacLeod. A sample: A is for Anxiety, which is experiencing failure in advance. Tell yourself enough vivid stories about the worst possible outcome and you'll soon come to believe them. Worry is not preparation, and anxiety doesn't make you better. F is for Feedback, which can be either a crutch or a weapon. Use it to make your work smaller, safer, and more likely to please everyone (and fail in the long run). Or use it as a lever to further push you to embrace what you fear and what you're capable of. This is unlike any previous Godin book and makes a great gift, both for loyal fans and those who've never read him before.Seth Godin is the author of thirteen international bestsellers that have changed the way people think about marketing, the ways ideas spread, leadership and change including Permission Marketing, Purple Cow, All Marketers are Liars, The Dip and Tribes. He is the CEO of and a very popular lecturer. His blog,, is the most influential business blog in the world, and consistently one of the 100 most popular blogs on any subject.

V is for Vulnerable: Life Outside the Comfort Zone: An ABC for Grownups

by Seth Godin

V is for Vulnerable by Seth Godin is a full-color ABC book for grown-ups, with a powerful message about doing great work.V is for Vulnerable looks and feels like a classic picture book. But it's not for kids, it's for hardworking adults. It highlights twenty-six of Seth Godin's principles about treating your work as a form of art, with illustrations by acclaimed cartoonist Hugh MacLeod. A sample: A is for Anxiety, which is experiencing failure in advance. Tell yourself enough vivid stories about the worst possible outcome and you'll soon come to believe them. Worry is not preparation, and anxiety doesn't make you better. F is for Feedback, which can be either a crutch or a weapon. Use it to make your work smaller, safer, and more likely to please everyone (and fail in the long run). Or use it as a lever to further push you to embrace what you fear and what you're capable of. This is unlike any previous Godin book and makes a great gift, both for loyal fans and those who've never read him before.Seth Godin is the author of thirteen international bestsellers that have changed the way people think about marketing, the ways ideas spread, leadership and change including Permission Marketing, Purple Cow, All Marketers are Liars, The Dip and Tribes. He is the CEO of and a very popular lecturer. His blog,, is the most influential business blog in the world, and consistently one of the 100 most popular blogs on any subject.

V-Invex Functions and Vector Optimization (Springer Optimization and Its Applications #14)

by Shashi K. Mishra Shouyang Wang Kin Keung Lai

This volume summarizes and synthesizes an aspect of research work that has been done in the area of Generalized Convexity over the past few decades. Specifically, the book focuses on V-invex functions in vector optimization that have grown out of the work of Jeyakumar and Mond in the 1990’s. The authors integrate related research into the book and demonstrate the wide context from which the area has grown and continues to grow.

UX Writing: Designing User-Centered Content

by Jason C.K. Tham Tharon Howard Gustav Verhulsdonck

This flexible textbook provides an integrated approach to user experience (UX) writing and equips students and practitioners with the essential principles and methods to succeed in writing for UX. The fundamental goal of UX writing is to produce usable and attractive content that boosts user engagement and business growth. This book teaches writers how to create content that helps users perform desired tasks while serving business needs. It is informed by user-centered design, content strategy, artificial intelligence (AI), and digital marketing communication methodologies, along with UX-related practices. By combining writing-as-design and design-as-writing, the book offers a new perspective for technical communication education where UX design and writing are merged to achieve effective and desirable outcomes. Outlining the key principles and theories for writing user-centered content design, this core textbook is fundamental reading for students and early career practitioners in UX, technical communication, digital marketing, and other areas of professional writing.

UX Writing: Designing User-Centered Content

by Jason C.K. Tham Tharon Howard Gustav Verhulsdonck

This flexible textbook provides an integrated approach to user experience (UX) writing and equips students and practitioners with the essential principles and methods to succeed in writing for UX. The fundamental goal of UX writing is to produce usable and attractive content that boosts user engagement and business growth. This book teaches writers how to create content that helps users perform desired tasks while serving business needs. It is informed by user-centered design, content strategy, artificial intelligence (AI), and digital marketing communication methodologies, along with UX-related practices. By combining writing-as-design and design-as-writing, the book offers a new perspective for technical communication education where UX design and writing are merged to achieve effective and desirable outcomes. Outlining the key principles and theories for writing user-centered content design, this core textbook is fundamental reading for students and early career practitioners in UX, technical communication, digital marketing, and other areas of professional writing.

UX Redefined: Winning and Keeping Customers with Enhanced Usability and User Experience (Management for Professionals)

by Johannes Robier

Customers consider many crucial factors, even subconsciously, when purchasing a product or engaging a service provider, consequently building a sense of trust which is decisive towards their user experience through to customer experience. This book helps companies understand how to structurally develop, communicate, and promote reasons for customers to buy products and services, starting from the psychological basis of communicating information and moving on to methodical applications. It is based on a psychological perspective in understanding the customers’ reasons to believe in product or service offerings; promotes a way towards simplicity of business anchoring on emotion and experience; helps learn the tactics of systematic persuasion.

UX Optimization: Combining Behavioral UX and Usability Testing Data to Optimize Websites

by W. Craig Tomlin

Combine two typically separate sources of data—behavioral quantitative data and usability testing qualitative data—into a powerful single tool that helps improve your organization’s website by increasing conversion and ROI. The combination of the what is happening data of website activity, coupled with the why it's happening data of usability testing, provides a complete 360-degree view into what is causing poor performance, where your website can be optimized, and how it can be improved. There are plenty of books focusing on big data and using data analytics to improve websites, or on utilizing usability testing and UX research methods for improvement. This is the first book that combines both subjects into a methodology you can use over and over again to improve any website.UX Optimization is ideal for anyone who wants to combine the power of quantitative data with the insights provided by qualitative data to improve website results. The book uses step-by-step instructions with photos, drawings, and supporting screenshots to show you how to: define personas, conduct behavioral UX data analysis, perform UX and usability testing evaluations, and combine behavioral UX and usability data to create a powerful set of optimization recommendations that can dramatically improve any website.What You’ll Learn Understand personas: what they are and how to use them to analyze dataUse quantitative research tools and techniques for analysisKnow where to find UX behavioral data and when to use itUse qualitative research tools, techniques, and proceduresAnalyze qualitative data to find patterns of consistent task flow errorsCombine qualitative and quantitative data for a 360-degree viewMake recommendations for optimizations based on your findingsTest optimization recommendations to ensure improvements are achievedWho This Book Is For Big data analytics (quantitative) professionals who want to learn more about the qualitative side of analysis; UX researchers, usability testers, and UX designers (qualitative professionals) who want to know more about big data and behavioral UX analysis; and students of UX, UX designers, product managers, developers, and those at startups who want to understand how to use behavioral UX and usability testing data to optimize their websites and apps.

The UX Careers Handbook

by Cory Lebson

The UX Careers Handbook offers an insider’s look at how to be a successful User Experience (UX) professional from comprehensive career pathways to learning, personal branding, networking skills, building of resumes and portfolios, and actually landing a UX job. This book goes in-depth to explain what it takes to get into and succeed in a UX career, be it as a designer, information architect, strategist, user researcher, or in a variety of other UX career specialities. It presents a wealth of resources designed to help readers develop and take control of their UX career success including perspectives and advice from experts in the field. Features insights and personal stories from a range of industry-leading UX professionals to show readers how they broke into the industry, and evolved their own careers over time. Accompanied by a companion website that provides readers with featured articles and updated resources covering new and changing information to help them stay on top of this fast-paced industry. Provides worksheets and activities to help readers make decisions for their careers and build their own careers. Not only for job seekers! The UX Careers Handbook is also a must-have resource for: Employers and recruiters who want to better understand how to hire and retain UX staff. Undergraduate and graduate students who are thinking about their future careers Those in other related (or even unrelated) professions who are thinking of starting to do UX work

The UX Careers Handbook

by Cory Lebson

The UX Careers Handbook offers an insider’s look at how to be a successful User Experience (UX) professional from comprehensive career pathways to learning, personal branding, networking skills, building of resumes and portfolios, and actually landing a UX job. This book goes in-depth to explain what it takes to get into and succeed in a UX career, be it as a designer, information architect, strategist, user researcher, or in a variety of other UX career specialities. It presents a wealth of resources designed to help readers develop and take control of their UX career success including perspectives and advice from experts in the field. Features insights and personal stories from a range of industry-leading UX professionals to show readers how they broke into the industry, and evolved their own careers over time. Accompanied by a companion website that provides readers with featured articles and updated resources covering new and changing information to help them stay on top of this fast-paced industry. Provides worksheets and activities to help readers make decisions for their careers and build their own careers. Not only for job seekers! The UX Careers Handbook is also a must-have resource for: Employers and recruiters who want to better understand how to hire and retain UX staff. Undergraduate and graduate students who are thinking about their future careers Those in other related (or even unrelated) professions who are thinking of starting to do UX work

The UX Careers Handbook

by Cory Lebson

This second edition of The UX Careers Handbook offers you all the great advice of the first edition—freshly updated—plus a new chapter on critical soft skills, much more on becoming a UX leader, and a 17th user experience (UX) career pathway. The UX Careers Handbook, Second Edition, offers you an insider's advice on learning, personal branding, networking skills, building your resume and portfolio, and actually landing that UX job you want, as well as an in-depth look at what it takes to get into and succeed in a UX career. Whether your interests include design, information architecture, strategy, research, UX writing, or any of the other core UX skillsets, you'll find a wealth of resources in this book. The book also includes: Insights and personal stories from a range of industry-leading UX professionals to show you how they broke into the industry and evolved their own careers over time Activities and worksheets to help you make good decisions and build your career Along with the book, you can explore its companion website with more resources and information to help you stay on top of this fast-changing field. Not only for job seekers, The UX Careers Handbook, Second Edition, is a must-have for Employers and recruiters who want to better understand how to hire and keep UX staff Undergraduate and graduate students thinking about their future careers Professionals in other careers who are thinking about starting to do UX work Cory Lebson has been a UX consultant and user researcher for over two decades. He is Principal and Owner of a small UX research consultancy, a builder of UX community, and a past president of the User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA). Not only a practitioner of UX, Cory teaches and mentors to help professionals grow their UX skills and conducts regular talks and workshops on topics related to both UX skills and career development.

The UX Careers Handbook

by Cory Lebson

This second edition of The UX Careers Handbook offers you all the great advice of the first edition—freshly updated—plus a new chapter on critical soft skills, much more on becoming a UX leader, and a 17th user experience (UX) career pathway. The UX Careers Handbook, Second Edition, offers you an insider's advice on learning, personal branding, networking skills, building your resume and portfolio, and actually landing that UX job you want, as well as an in-depth look at what it takes to get into and succeed in a UX career. Whether your interests include design, information architecture, strategy, research, UX writing, or any of the other core UX skillsets, you'll find a wealth of resources in this book. The book also includes: Insights and personal stories from a range of industry-leading UX professionals to show you how they broke into the industry and evolved their own careers over time Activities and worksheets to help you make good decisions and build your career Along with the book, you can explore its companion website with more resources and information to help you stay on top of this fast-changing field. Not only for job seekers, The UX Careers Handbook, Second Edition, is a must-have for Employers and recruiters who want to better understand how to hire and keep UX staff Undergraduate and graduate students thinking about their future careers Professionals in other careers who are thinking about starting to do UX work Cory Lebson has been a UX consultant and user researcher for over two decades. He is Principal and Owner of a small UX research consultancy, a builder of UX community, and a past president of the User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA). Not only a practitioner of UX, Cory teaches and mentors to help professionals grow their UX skills and conducts regular talks and workshops on topics related to both UX skills and career development.

UV-GOÄ 2024 Kommentar: Mit den neuen Preisen vom 1.10.2023 (Abrechnung erfolgreich und optimal)

by Jürgen Büttner Christof Burger Alexander Eisenkolb Karl-Heinz Hoffmann Oliver Krauß Wolfgang Landendörfer

Gute Leistung muss gut bezahlt werdenAlle relevanten Informationen für die erfolgreiche Abrechnung im Praxisalltag zu UV-GOÄ, Arbeitsunfällen und Berufskrankheiten: korrekt, verlässlich, vollständig.Aus dem InhaltZuständigkeit auf einen Blick: Tabellen/Adressen der UV-Träger, BGs - nach Branchen geordnet.Alle praxisrelevanten Kommentierungen, inklusive ausgewählten Arbeitshinweisen der UV-Träger, Beschlüssen der ständigen Gebührenkommission, aktuelle Gerichtsurteile.Abrechnung mit den Honorarerhöhungen ab 1.10.2023; kommentierte Gebührenpositionen mit den aktuellen Honoraren der allgemeinen und besonderen Heilbehandlung; Angabe der Ausschlüsse. Übersichtstabellen erleichtern bei schwierigen Abrechnungsfällen die korrekte Zuordnung zu entsprechenden Gebührenordnungspositionen.Inklusive Verletzungsartenverzeichnis; „Berufskrankheiten“: Definition, Was ist zu tun? Erläuterungen zur ärztlichen Anzeige bei begründetem Verdacht einer Berufskrankheit, Liste der anerkannten Berufskrankheiten, die von den UV-Trägern vorgeschriebene Diagnostik, Checkliste zur Meldung einer Berufskrankheit, Begutachtungsempfehlungen. Gebührenverzeichnis „Einbindung von ärztlichen und psychologischen Psychotherapeuten in das Heilverfahren der UV-Träger“; Gebührenverzeichnis niedergelassener Physio- und Ergotherapeuten; Änderungen der ständigen Gebührenkommission zur Höhe der Vergütung und der Leistungsbeschreibung verschiedener Gebührenpositionen.

UV-GOÄ 2023 Kommentar: Mit den neuen Preisen vom 1.10.2022 (Abrechnung erfolgreich und optimal)

by Christof Burger Alexander Eisenkolb Jörg Heberer Karl-Heinz Hoffmann

Gute Leistung muss gut bezahlt werdenAlle relevanten Informationen für die erfolgreiche Abrechnung im Praxisalltag zu UV-GOÄ, Arbeitsunfällen und Berufskrankheiten: korrekt, verlässlich, vollständig. Mit Aktualisierungsservice: Aktuelle Änderungen und Ergänzungen als pdf aufÄ.Aus dem InhaltZuständigkeit auf einen Blick: Tabellen/Adressen der UV-Träger, BGs - nach Branchen geordnet.Mit allen praxisrelevanten Kommentierungen, inklusive ausgewählten Arbeitshinweisen der UV-Träger, Beschlüssen der ständigen Gebührenkommission, aktuelle Gerichtsurteile.Abrechnung mit den Honorarerhöhungen ab 1.10.2022; kommentierte Gebührenpositionen mit den aktuellen Honoraren der allgemeinen und besonderen Heilbehandlung; Angabe der Ausschlüsse. Übersichtstabellen erleichtern bei schwierigen Abrechnungsfällen die korrekte Zuordnung zu entsprechenden Gebührenordnungspositionen.Inklusive Verletzungsartenverzeichnis; „Berufskrankheiten“: Definition, Was ist zu tun? Erläuterungen zur ärztlichen Anzeige bei begründetem Verdacht einer Berufskrankheit, Liste der anerkannten Berufskrankheiten, die von den UV-Trägern vorgeschriebene Diagnostik, Checkliste zur Meldung einer Berufskrankheit, Begutachtungsempfehlungen. Gebührenverzeichnis „Einbindung von ärztlichen und psychologischen Psychotherapeuten in das Heilverfahren der UV-Träger“; Gebührenverzeichnis niedergelassener Physio- und Ergotherapeuten; Änderungen der ständigen Gebührenkommission zur Höhe der Vergütung und der Leistungsbeschreibung verschiedener Gebührenpositionen.

UV-GOÄ 2022 Kommentar: Mit den neuen Preisen vom 1.10.2021 (Abrechnung erfolgreich und optimal)

by Christof Burger Alexander Eisenkolb Jörg Heberer Karl-Heinz Hoffmann

Gute Leistung muss gut bezahlt werdenAlle relevanten Informationen für die erfolgreiche Abrechnung im Praxisalltag zu UV-GOÄ, Arbeitsunfällen und Berufskrankheiten: korrekt, verlässlich, vollständig. Mit Aktualisierungsservice: Aktuelle Änderungen und Ergänzungen als pdf aufÄ.Aus dem InhaltZuständigkeit auf einen Blick: Tabellen/Adressen der UV-Träger, BGs - nach Branchen geordnet.Mit allen praxisrelevanten Kommentierungen, inklusive ausgewählten Arbeitshinweisen der UV-Träger, Beschlüssen der ständigen Gebührenkommission, aktuelle Gerichtsurteile.Abrechnung mit den Honorarerhöhungen ab 1.10.2021; kommentierte Gebührenpositionen mit den aktuellen Honoraren der allgemeinen und besonderen Heilbehandlung; Angabe der Ausschlüsse. Übersichtstabellen erleichtern bei schwierigen Abrechnungsfällen die korrekte Zuordnung zu entsprechenden Gebührenordnungspositionen.Inklusive Verletzungsartenverzeichnis; „Berufskrankheiten“: Definition, Was ist zu tun? Erläuterungen zur ärztlichen Anzeige bei begründetem Verdacht einer Berufskrankheit, Liste der anerkannten Berufskrankheiten, die von den UV-Trägern vorgeschriebene Diagnostik, Checkliste zur Meldung einer Berufskrankheit, Begutachtungsempfehlungen. Gebührenverzeichnis „Einbindung von ärztlichen und psychologischen Psychotherapeuten in das Heilverfahren der UV-Träger“; Gebührenverzeichnis niedergelassener Physio- und Ergotherapeuten; Änderungen der ständigen Gebührenkommission zur Höhe der Vergütung und der Leistungsbeschreibung verschiedener Gebührenpositionen.

UV-GOÄ 2021 Kommentar: Mit den neuen Preisen vom 1.10.2020 (Abrechnung erfolgreich und optimal)

by Christof Burger Alexander Eisenkolb Jörg Heberer Karl-Heinz Hoffmann Thomas Tiling

Gute Leistung muss gut bezahlt werdenAlle relevanten Informationen für die erfolgreiche Abrechnung im Praxisalltag zu UV-GOÄ, Arbeitsunfällen und Berufskrankheiten: korrekt, verlässlich, vollständig. Mit Aktualisierungsservice: Aktuelle Änderungen und Ergänzungen als pdf aufÄ. Aus dem Inhalt· Zuständigkeit auf einen Blick: Tabellen/Adressen der UV-Träger, BGs - nach Branchen geordnet.· Mit allen praxisrelevanten Kommentierungen, inklusive ausgewählten Arbeitshinweisen der UV-Träger, Beschlüssen der ständigen Gebührenkommission, aktuelle Gerichtsurteile.· Abrechnung mit den Honorarerhöhungen ab 1.10.2020; kommentierte Gebührenpositionen mit den aktuellen Honoraren der allgemeinen und besonderen Heilbehandlung; Angabe der Ausschlüsse. Übersichtstabellen erleichtern bei schwierigen Abrechnungsfällen die korrekte Zuordnung zu entsprechenden Gebührenordnungspositionen.· Inklusive Verletzungsartenverzeichnis; „Berufskrankheiten“: Definition, Was ist zu tun? Erläuterungen zur ärztlichen Anzeige bei begründetem Verdacht einer Berufskrankheit, Liste der anerkannten Berufskrankheiten, die von den UV-Trägern vorgeschriebene Diagnostik, Checkliste zur Meldung einer Berufskrankheit, Begutachtungsempfehlungen. Gebührenverzeichnis „Einbindung von ärztlichen und psychologischen Psychotherapeuten in das Heilverfahren der UV-Träger“; Gebührenverzeichnis niedergelassener Physio- und Ergotherapeuten; Änderungen der ständigen Gebührenkommission zur Höhe der Vergütung und der Leistungsbeschreibung verschiedener Gebührenpositionen.

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