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The United States of America and the Crime of Aggression

by Giulia Pecorella

This book traces the position of the United States of America on aggression, beginning with the Declaration of Independence up to 2020, covering the four years of the Trump Administration. The decision of the Assembly of States Parties to the International Criminal Court to activate the Court’s jurisdiction over the crime of aggression in 2018 has added further value to a book concerning the position and practice of one of the most influential states, a global military power and permanent member of the UN Security Council. Organized along chronological lines, the work examines whether, or to what extent, the US position has evolved over time. The book explores how the definition of the crime can impact upon the US, notwithstanding its failure to ratify the Rome Statute. It also shows that the US practice and opinio iuris about the law applicable to the use of force might influence, as it has done in the past, the law itself. The work will be a valuable guide for students, academics and professionals with an interest in International Criminal Law.

The United States of America and the Crime of Aggression

by Giulia Pecorella

This book traces the position of the United States of America on aggression, beginning with the Declaration of Independence up to 2020, covering the four years of the Trump Administration. The decision of the Assembly of States Parties to the International Criminal Court to activate the Court’s jurisdiction over the crime of aggression in 2018 has added further value to a book concerning the position and practice of one of the most influential states, a global military power and permanent member of the UN Security Council. Organized along chronological lines, the work examines whether, or to what extent, the US position has evolved over time. The book explores how the definition of the crime can impact upon the US, notwithstanding its failure to ratify the Rome Statute. It also shows that the US practice and opinio iuris about the law applicable to the use of force might influence, as it has done in the past, the law itself. The work will be a valuable guide for students, academics and professionals with an interest in International Criminal Law.

The United States in the World Economy: Making Sense of Globalization

by Anthony Elson

This book assesses the impact of globalization on the US economy from the perspective of international trade, finance, and immigration, with a view to eliminating misinformation in the current public debate about the costs and benefits of globalization. The United States has played a key role in the development of economic and financial globalization since the end of World War II and has been the largest force for integration of the global economy. While the US economy as a whole has been a net beneficiary from globalization, significant costs have been incurred by certain groups and communities as a result of its effects. This book evaluates the benefits, costs, and impact on income distribution for the United States in the areas of international trade, finance, and immigration, drawing on key findings of the relevant literature. A key argument of this book is that the US economy has been a significant net beneficiary from globalization, but that the government needs to do more for those workers negatively impacted by its effects. This book ends by proposing key institutional reforms at the national and international level that would foster further gains from globalization and create a more equal distribution of its benefits.

The United States in the World Economy (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)

by Martin S. Feldstein

The United States in the World Economy offers the results of a conference organized by the National Bureau of Economics in 1987. The volume includes background papers prepared by nine academic economists, personal statements by individuals prominent in government and business, and summaries of the discussion that followed the presentations. Among the topics considered are foreign competition in Latin America and the Asian Pacific Rim, Third World debts, innovations in international financial markets, changing patterns of international investment, international capital flows, and international competition in goods, services, and agriculture. Prepared for a sophisticated but non-technical audience, these papers present complicated economic issues clearly, indicating the many ways in which the American economy influences and is influenced by economic events and conditions around the world.

United States Health Care Policymaking: Ideological, Social and Cultural Differences and Major Influences (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)

by Sunday E. Ubokudom

​Health care is a very important component of the American economy. The United States Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) put the 2008 direct health care expenditures at about $2.34 trillion, or about 16.2 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP), or an average of $7,681 spent for every man, woman, and child in the country. Health care cost increases have caused very serious problems that threaten to bankrupt the system, providers, employers, and the families that pay the costs that their health insurance plans do not cover. Additionally, cost increases have reduced access to health care services, adversely affected the quality of care, and resulted in avoidable illnesses, premature deaths, and in health disparities based on race, ethnicity, and income. Consequently, health care reform has continuously been on the public and governmental agendas. It is out of this environment that several reform plans, including the 1993 Health Security Act, and the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), were launched. This book examines the ideological, social, cultural, economic, and several other factors that dictate the various measures and approaches employed to tackle the perceived problems. The book has an index, tables, charts and figures, lists of major terms, and review questions for each chapter. This book will appeal to students in Master of Health Administration (MHA), Master of Public Health (MPH), Master of Public Administration (MPA), Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), health certificate programs, and junior and senior level undergraduate students in political science, public administration, public health, and public policy. In addition to serving as a core text for health policy and administration classes, the book will serve as a supplementary text for graduate level courses.

United States Foreign Policy and Economic Reform in Three Giants: The U.S.S.R., China and India

by John Echeverri-Gent

Three of the largest and strategically most important nations in the world -the Soviet Union, China, and India - are currently in the throes of historic change. The reforms in the giants are transforming global economic and geopolitical relations. The United States must reexamine central tenets of its foreign policy if it is to seize the opportunities presented by these changes.This pathbreaking volume in the Overseas Development Council's series analyzes economic reform in the giants and its implications for U.S. foreign policy. Each of the giants is opening up its economy to foreign trade and investment. What consequences will this have for international trade? Each giant is attempting to catch up to global technological frontiers by absorbing foreign technologies: In what areas might cooperation enhance American interests, and in what areas must the U.S. protect its competitive and strategic assets? What role can key international economic institutions play to help integrate the giants into the international economy? The contributors suggest how U.S. foreign policy should anticipate these new circumstances in ways that enhance international cooperation and security.Contents: Overview: Economic Reform in the Giants and U.S. Policy, by Richard E. Feinberg, John Echeverri-Gent, and Friedemann Miiller; Economic Reform in the USSR, by Friedemann Miiller; Economic Reform in China, by Rensselaer W. Lee III; Economic Reform in India, by John Echeverri-Gent; The Politics of Economic Reform in the Giants, by John Echeverri-Gent, and Friedemann Miiller; Economic Reforms and International Trade, by Thomas Naylor; Technology Transfer to the Giants: Opportunities and Challenges, by Richard P. Suttmeier; and The Geopolitical Consequences of Reform in the Giants, by Elena Borisovna Arefieva.

United States Foreign Policy and Economic Reform in Three Giants: The U.S.S.R., China and India

by Richard E. Feinberg

Three of the largest and strategically most important nations in the world -the Soviet Union, China, and India - are currently in the throes of historic change. The reforms in the giants are transforming global economic and geopolitical relations. The United States must reexamine central tenets of its foreign policy if it is to seize the opportunities presented by these changes.This pathbreaking volume in the Overseas Development Council's series analyzes economic reform in the giants and its implications for U.S. foreign policy. Each of the giants is opening up its economy to foreign trade and investment. What consequences will this have for international trade? Each giant is attempting to catch up to global technological frontiers by absorbing foreign technologies: In what areas might cooperation enhance American interests, and in what areas must the U.S. protect its competitive and strategic assets? What role can key international economic institutions play to help integrate the giants into the international economy? The contributors suggest how U.S. foreign policy should anticipate these new circumstances in ways that enhance international cooperation and security.Contents: Overview: Economic Reform in the Giants and U.S. Policy, by Richard E. Feinberg, John Echeverri-Gent, and Friedemann Miiller; Economic Reform in the USSR, by Friedemann Miiller; Economic Reform in China, by Rensselaer W. Lee III; Economic Reform in India, by John Echeverri-Gent; The Politics of Economic Reform in the Giants, by John Echeverri-Gent, and Friedemann Miiller; Economic Reforms and International Trade, by Thomas Naylor; Technology Transfer to the Giants: Opportunities and Challenges, by Richard P. Suttmeier; and The Geopolitical Consequences of Reform in the Giants, by Elena Borisovna Arefieva.

United States Entrepreneurs and the Companies They Built: An Index to Biographies in Collected Works (Bibliographies and Indexes in Economics and Economic History)

by Wahib Nasrallah

This pioneering work provides an index to over 1,700 biographies of prominent U.S. entrepreneurs, innovators and company executives published in over 120 biographical collected works which are identified, examined, and indexed here. These collected works cover a span of over 100 years and include men and women who shaped the history of American enterprise. In the past, collected works such as these have never been indexed but, finally, this book makes the biographies accessible to the general public. Wahib Nasrallah has created the only book available today that indexes these stories of corporate success as they are documented in collected works of biography.A large number of executive biographies are published in collected works that are rich with stories of American enterprise, male and female entrepreneurs of many ethnic backgrounds. Since these stories have never been indexed before, United States Entrepreneurs and the Companies They Built: An Index to Biographies and Collected Works is a central research tool in both academic and corporate worlds.

United States Diplomatic Codes and Ciphers, 1775-1938

by Ralph E. Weber

United States Diplomatic Codes and Ciphers, 1775-1938 is the first basic reference work on American diplomatic cryptography. Weber's research in national and private archives in the Americas and Europe has uncovered more than one hundred codes and ciphers. Beginning with the American Revolution, these secret systems masked confidential diplomatic correspondence and reports.During the period between 1775 and 1938, both codes and ciphers were employed. Ciphers were frequently used for American diplomatic and military correspondence during the American Revolution. At that time, a system was popular among American statesmen whereby a common book, such as a specific dictionary,was used by two correspondents who encoded each word in a message with three numbers. In this system, the first number indicated the page of the book, the second the line in the book, and the third the position of the plain text word on that line counting from the left. Codes provided the most common secret language basis for the entire nineteenth century.Ralph Weber describes in eight chapters the development of American cryptographic practice. The codes and ciphers published in the text and appendix will enable historians and others to read secret State Department dispatches before 1876, and explain code designs after that year.

United States Diplomatic Codes and Ciphers, 1775-1938

by Ralph E. Weber

United States Diplomatic Codes and Ciphers, 1775-1938 is the first basic reference work on American diplomatic cryptography. Weber's research in national and private archives in the Americas and Europe has uncovered more than one hundred codes and ciphers. Beginning with the American Revolution, these secret systems masked confidential diplomatic correspondence and reports.During the period between 1775 and 1938, both codes and ciphers were employed. Ciphers were frequently used for American diplomatic and military correspondence during the American Revolution. At that time, a system was popular among American statesmen whereby a common book, such as a specific dictionary,was used by two correspondents who encoded each word in a message with three numbers. In this system, the first number indicated the page of the book, the second the line in the book, and the third the position of the plain text word on that line counting from the left. Codes provided the most common secret language basis for the entire nineteenth century.Ralph Weber describes in eight chapters the development of American cryptographic practice. The codes and ciphers published in the text and appendix will enable historians and others to read secret State Department dispatches before 1876, and explain code designs after that year.

The United States, Canada and the New International Economic Order: Pergamon Policy Studies on The New International Economic Order

by Ervin Laszlo Joel Kurtzman

The United States, Canada and the New International Economic Order examines obstacles as well as opportunities associated with efforts to create a more equitable New International Economic Order (NIEO), with emphasis on the United States and Canada. The responses of diverse segments of the North American population to demands for a NIEO are analyzed, along with their perceptions concerning international economic cooperation, national economic prospects, and the problems of Third World development. This volume is comprised of five chapters and begins with a discussion on the importance of the NIEO to the U.S. economy, together with the prospective impact of some Third World objectives on the U.S. economy. Factors that influence U.S. responses to the NIEO are also considered. The following chapters explore the role of the U.S. Congress in the NIEO, paying particular attention to its support for official development assistance; the relationship between the U.S. labor movement and the NIEO; and Americans' perceptions and attitudes toward the NIEO. The final chapter deals with the response of the principal sectors of Canadian society to the NIEO. This book will be a useful resource for economists and economic policymakers.

United States Arctic Interests: The 1980s and 1990s

by William E. Westermeyer and Kurt M. Shusterich

Elliot L. Richardson The United States is finally awakening to the fact that it has a major stake in the future of the Arctic. Recognition of the national importance of the Arctic has been slow in coming despite the resource wealth that Arctic Alaska has thus far yielded. Although the United States has had strategic interests in the Arctic since World War II and active oil and gas interests there since the discovery of oil at Prudhoe Bay in 1968, its interest in the Arctic has been low in comparison with that of its Arctic neighbors, Canada and the Soviet Union. What has been described by some as an attitude of neglect toward the Arctic is now changing. The notion of change has become central in most current discussions about the future of the Arctic. It is apparent that the Arctic region is entering a period of greatly accelerated economic, social, strategic, and is political change. The driving force behind the changes taking place resource development activity, and although the present scale of this activity is not inconsequential, it is small in comparison to its projected growth in the next two decades. In short, the Arctic is about to come alive. However, knowledge of the Arctic and experience in the Arctic is comparatively limited. Moreover, competing interests and differing val­ ues exist among national groups and between countries in the Arctic, just as they do in the lower latitudes.

The United States and the European Union in the 1990s: Partners in Transition

by Kevin Featherstone Roy H. Ginsberg

This text probes USA/EU relations at a critical juncture in international relations. It argues that, as both partners engage in wholesale rethinking of common interests, the marriage of convenience of the 1950s could become perilous if appropriate responses are not made to the changing world.

The United States and the European Pillar: The Strained Alliance

by William C. Cronwell

The first major study of Atlantic political relations since World War 2 that uses a comparative perspective to analyze U.S. foreign policy and U.S.-European relations in the context of a Western Europe attempting to speak with one voice. The book examines U.S. policy toward European unity and the evolution of a West European pillar in foreign policy and defence, contrasts U.S. and European approaches toward specific global issues, and considers Atlantic relations in light of the dramatic European upheavals in 1989-90.

The United States and the Control of World Oil (Routledge Library Editions: The Economics and Politics of Oil and Gas)

by Edward H. Shaffer

This volume, originally published in 1983, analyses the extent to which American dominance in world affairs is based on the control of oil resources and the changes which will inevitably take place with the end of the oil era. The author concludes that the USA will be forced to take part in a struggle to control both the new sources of energy and the new technology which must be developed to make use of them.

The United States and the Control of World Oil (Routledge Library Editions: The Economics and Politics of Oil and Gas)

by Edward H. Shaffer

This volume, originally published in 1983, analyses the extent to which American dominance in world affairs is based on the control of oil resources and the changes which will inevitably take place with the end of the oil era. The author concludes that the USA will be forced to take part in a struggle to control both the new sources of energy and the new technology which must be developed to make use of them.

The United States and Peru: Cooperation -- At A Cost

by Cynthia McClintock Fabian Vallas

The early 1990s marked a critical turning point in the relationship between the United States and Peru. Prior to the election of Albert Fujimori in 1990, the relationship between governments had been contentious. Fujimori, however, sought to work together with the United States regarding issues such as security threats, free-market reform and narcotics control. Yet even with this new spirit of cooperation, the two governments still clashed over international standards of democracy and human rights at a time when most Latin American countries were much more democratic. This work traces the relationship between the two countries from 1990-2000, examining political and military issues, including drug trafficking, guerrillas, human rights violations and the US role in the 1995 war between Peru and Ecuador.

The United States and Peru: Cooperation -- At A Cost

by Cynthia McClintock Fabian Vallas

The early 1990s marked a critical turning point in the relationship between the United States and Peru. Prior to the election of Albert Fujimori in 1990, the relationship between governments had been contentious. Fujimori, however, sought to work together with the United States regarding issues such as security threats, free-market reform and narcotics control. Yet even with this new spirit of cooperation, the two governments still clashed over international standards of democracy and human rights at a time when most Latin American countries were much more democratic. This work traces the relationship between the two countries from 1990-2000, examining political and military issues, including drug trafficking, guerrillas, human rights violations and the US role in the 1995 war between Peru and Ecuador.

United States and European Union Auditor Independence Regulation: Implications for Regulators and Auditing Practice (Forschungsreihe Rechnungslegung und Steuern)

by Christiane Strohm

Christiane Strohm investigates the effects of the Sarbanes-Oxley-Act and the revised 8th EU-Directive on auditing. She shows that there is a difference in the communication and safeguarding effects of a regulation, depending on the precision of its wording and that safeguarding effects also depend on auditors' monetary incentives and on perceived costs of litigation.

The United States and Central America: Geopolitical Realities and Regional Fragility

by Mark B. Rosenberg Luis G. Solis

This book is a concise overview of the recent history of U.S.-Central American relations. Part of the Contemporary Inter-American Relations series edited by Jorge Dominguez and Rafael Fernandez de Castro, it focuses on the relations between the U.S. and this region since the end of the Cold War. The volume considers economic relations between the two regions, presenting pertinent information on the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). It also looks at political issues such as military cooperation, security issues, the drug trade and organized crime, democracy in the region, and migration. Finally, it concludes with an assessment of the direction US-Central American relations are taking at present, moving beyond the black-and-white challenges of Soviet domination in the region to address post-9/11 security concerns. The United States and Central America will be of interest to students and scholars of foreign policy, Latin American politics and politics and international relations in general.

The United States and Central America: Geopolitical Realities and Regional Fragility

by Mark B. Rosenberg Luis G. Solis

This book is a concise overview of the recent history of U.S.-Central American relations. Part of the Contemporary Inter-American Relations series edited by Jorge Dominguez and Rafael Fernandez de Castro, it focuses on the relations between the U.S. and this region since the end of the Cold War. The volume considers economic relations between the two regions, presenting pertinent information on the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). It also looks at political issues such as military cooperation, security issues, the drug trade and organized crime, democracy in the region, and migration. Finally, it concludes with an assessment of the direction US-Central American relations are taking at present, moving beyond the black-and-white challenges of Soviet domination in the region to address post-9/11 security concerns. The United States and Central America will be of interest to students and scholars of foreign policy, Latin American politics and politics and international relations in general.

The United Red Army on Screen: Cinema, Aesthetics And The Politics Of Memory (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies)

by Christopher Perkins

This book investigates how films made about the URA since the 1990s have engaged with, reproduced and contested cultural memories of the organisation, discussing how directors have addressed questions of narrativization, trauma, intergenerational connection, and political subjectivity as they engage in the politics of cultural memory on screen.

The United Nations Programme on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

by Matti Joutsen

This book documents the evolution of the United Nations (UN) Crime Programme and its changing priorities, from the early focus on juvenile delinquency and correctional treatment, to the present preoccupation with transnational organized crime. It analyses what factors have contributed to this evolution, and to the shift from the original work on “soft law” resolutions and international standards, to “hard law” conventions, and to the expansion of technical assistance. It also examines the changing structure and working methods of the Programme, such as the UN Crime Commission and the UN Secretariat unit responsible for the Programme, the UN Crime Congresses, and the Programme Network Institutes. Drawing on almost 50 years of experience on the “inside” of the UN Crime Programme and his hands-on knowledge of the working of governmental and intergovernmental processes, Matti Joutsen explores the transitions that have taken place in the UN Crime Programme over the seven decades of its existence, assesses the changing impact of the Programme, and suggests possible future directions in international cooperation in crime prevention and criminal justice.An accessible and compelling read, this book will appeal to students and scholars of criminology, sociology, politics, criminal justice, policy makers, and those interested in the evolution of the UN Crime Programme.

The United Nations Programme on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

by Matti Joutsen

This book documents the evolution of the United Nations (UN) Crime Programme and its changing priorities, from the early focus on juvenile delinquency and correctional treatment, to the present preoccupation with transnational organized crime. It analyses what factors have contributed to this evolution, and to the shift from the original work on “soft law” resolutions and international standards, to “hard law” conventions, and to the expansion of technical assistance. It also examines the changing structure and working methods of the Programme, such as the UN Crime Commission and the UN Secretariat unit responsible for the Programme, the UN Crime Congresses, and the Programme Network Institutes. Drawing on almost 50 years of experience on the “inside” of the UN Crime Programme and his hands-on knowledge of the working of governmental and intergovernmental processes, Matti Joutsen explores the transitions that have taken place in the UN Crime Programme over the seven decades of its existence, assesses the changing impact of the Programme, and suggests possible future directions in international cooperation in crime prevention and criminal justice.An accessible and compelling read, this book will appeal to students and scholars of criminology, sociology, politics, criminal justice, policy makers, and those interested in the evolution of the UN Crime Programme.

The United Nations in the World Political Economy: Essays in Honour of Leon Gordenker (International Political Economy Series)

by David P. Forsythe

The United Nations is in a time of major crisis in the history of the organization. The product of many leading scholars on both sides of the Atlantic, this work examines whether out of the crisis of mulitlateralism engulfing the organization in the late 1980s there could arise a renewed and strengthened global body. Pursuing the theme of the dynamics of international cooperation, thirteen authors look at three principal issue-areas: the principal UN organs, leading economic subjects, and leading social subjects. Two distinguished American scholars provide concluding commentaries. Running throughout the book is an emphasis on the economic dimension to international politics.

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