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The United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts: An In-Depth Guide and Sourcebook

by Amelia H. Boss & Wolfgang Kilian

The use of electronic commerce in international trade is growing by leaps and bounds. No one can dispute the need for a system of rules to guide countries as well as private commercial parties through the many new developments and issues that arise. The United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts (ECC), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2005 and currently undergoing the ratification process, provides such a system. This book is a guide and resource on the Convention: its evolution, interpretation, and relationship to domestic laws throughout the world.The book represents the outcome of a conference held at the Leibniz University of Hannover in September 2007. It consists of an introduction to the drafting of the Convention, expert commentary on each article, and perspectives in the context of domestic and substantive law. A distinguished panel of authorities representatives of governments, international organizations, transnational companies, and universities, as well as practising attorneys, all of whom have been active domestically and internationally in confronting the legal issues of electronic commerce discuss such aspects of the ECC as the following: timing of dispatch and receipt of electronic communications; transactions related to the financial sector; altering the scope of the Convention by contract; 'opting in' and 'opting out'; 'choice of law' versus 'party autonomy'; use of foreign case law to interpret the Convention; legal information requirements; writing and signature requirements; error in electronic communications; and problems of identity and data integrity.Several authors provide in-depth analysis of the interaction between ECC provisions and other relevant legal regimes (including the United States, ASEAN, the EU, Sri Lanka, India, and China), as well as the interrelations between the ECC and ICC rules, rules under the CISG, and the trade usages of the lex mercatoria.The various contributors highlight issues arising from each ECC provision, and provide well-informed insight into how remaining problems are likely to be resolved as the Convention enters into force. Stakeholders from all concerned sectors of the legal community businesspersons and their counsel, IGO and government officials, and academics will benefit greatly from the detailed information, analysis, and guidance offered here.

The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea: An Appraisal of the "Rotterdam Rules"

by Meltem Deniz Güner-Özbek

The international carriage of goods by sea has been regulated by international conventions. These include the “International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading” (“Hague Rules”); the “Protocol to Amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading” (“Visby Rules”); and the “UN Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea." They were adopted in 1924, 1968 and 1978 respectively and the transport industry's commercial needs have since substantially changed. Furthermore the advent of subsequent regimes has resulted in the uniformity in the carriage of goods by sea once provided by the Hague Rules being lost. In order to update and modernize existing regimes the “UN Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea” (“Rotterdam Rules”) was adopted on December 11, 2008 by the UN General Assembly and opened for signature on September 23, 2009. Since then drafters of the Rotterdam Rules, academics and practitioners have been publicizing, discussing, and evaluating the Rules. This book is an effort to further explore those same goals.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Global Institutions)

by Ian Taylor Karen Smith

Ian Taylor and Karen Smith present a much-needed and full examination of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), covering its history and current activities. All the key areas are covered by accessibly written chapters, including: an overview of UNCTAD: what it is, why it was formed and why it is important how the organization operates today: what it does and how it does it key criticisms made against the organization: is it relevant in today’s world? emerging issues within the organization and its future direction. In the current era of globalization and what appears to be the dominance of neo-liberal economic thought, UNCTAD has sought to make itself germane to ongoing international debates. The implications of this for the organization’s key remit, namely making the world a fairer place, are something that this book unpacks.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Global Institutions)

by Ian Taylor Karen Smith

Ian Taylor and Karen Smith present a much-needed and full examination of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), covering its history and current activities. All the key areas are covered by accessibly written chapters, including: an overview of UNCTAD: what it is, why it was formed and why it is important how the organization operates today: what it does and how it does it key criticisms made against the organization: is it relevant in today’s world? emerging issues within the organization and its future direction. In the current era of globalization and what appears to be the dominance of neo-liberal economic thought, UNCTAD has sought to make itself germane to ongoing international debates. The implications of this for the organization’s key remit, namely making the world a fairer place, are something that this book unpacks.

United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations: Corporate Conduct and the Public Interest (Global Institutions)

by Khalil Hamdani Lorraine Ruffing

The United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations (UNCTC) was established in 1975 and abolished in 1992. It was an early effort by the UN to address the overlapping issues of national sovereignty, corporate responsibility and global governance. These issues have since multiplied and deepened with globalization. This book recounts the UNCTC experience and its lessons for international organizations. This book is not only an insider perspective by two former staff but also a collective memoir of the UNCTC as an international organization that attempted with varying success to defuse the clash between corporates and states that erupted in the turbulent 1970s. This personal account of the UNCTC is a mixture of history, analysis, reflections, and critical commentaries, told in different voices that penetrate the bland persona of international civil service. In this retelling, the authors seek to address misconceptions amongst the more general literature and to seek to provide accounts of both its positive and negative features. The UNCTC experience recounted in this book holds valuable lessons for international organization and will be of interest to student, scholars and practitioners alike.

United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations: Corporate Conduct and the Public Interest (Global Institutions)

by Khalil Hamdani Lorraine Ruffing

The United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations (UNCTC) was established in 1975 and abolished in 1992. It was an early effort by the UN to address the overlapping issues of national sovereignty, corporate responsibility and global governance. These issues have since multiplied and deepened with globalization. This book recounts the UNCTC experience and its lessons for international organizations. This book is not only an insider perspective by two former staff but also a collective memoir of the UNCTC as an international organization that attempted with varying success to defuse the clash between corporates and states that erupted in the turbulent 1970s. This personal account of the UNCTC is a mixture of history, analysis, reflections, and critical commentaries, told in different voices that penetrate the bland persona of international civil service. In this retelling, the authors seek to address misconceptions amongst the more general literature and to seek to provide accounts of both its positive and negative features. The UNCTC experience recounted in this book holds valuable lessons for international organization and will be of interest to student, scholars and practitioners alike.

The United Nations as a Knowledge System (Global Institutions)

by Nanette Svenson

This book seeks to explore how the UN has generated, warehoused, disseminated, structured, packaged, expanded, transferred and leveraged its vast resources of accumulated information and experience throughout the decades and, particularly, since the start of the 21st century with the introduction of more connective information and communications technology. It examines the overarching objectives that have guided such activity and divides UN knowledge management into three distinct, but often overlapping and intertwining, categories: knowledge for social and organizational learning; knowledge for norm setting; and knowledge for creation of products and services. Svenson brings together these multiple aspects of UN knowledge management to present a holistic view of how the organization utilizes its global intelligence to educate, advocate and serve member countries’ development. Instead of looking at the UN as an international bureaucracy or as a peacekeeping, policymaking, humanitarian or development entity, this work studies the UN as a generator and purveyor of information, learning and experience in all of these areas. This book will be key reading for all students and scholars of international organizations.

The United Nations as a Knowledge System (Global Institutions)

by Nanette Svenson

This book seeks to explore how the UN has generated, warehoused, disseminated, structured, packaged, expanded, transferred and leveraged its vast resources of accumulated information and experience throughout the decades and, particularly, since the start of the 21st century with the introduction of more connective information and communications technology. It examines the overarching objectives that have guided such activity and divides UN knowledge management into three distinct, but often overlapping and intertwining, categories: knowledge for social and organizational learning; knowledge for norm setting; and knowledge for creation of products and services. Svenson brings together these multiple aspects of UN knowledge management to present a holistic view of how the organization utilizes its global intelligence to educate, advocate and serve member countries’ development. Instead of looking at the UN as an international bureaucracy or as a peacekeeping, policymaking, humanitarian or development entity, this work studies the UN as a generator and purveyor of information, learning and experience in all of these areas. This book will be key reading for all students and scholars of international organizations.

The United Nations and the Regions: Third World Report on Regional Integration (United Nations University Series on Regionalism #3)

by Philippe Lombaerde, Francis Baert and Tânia Felício

This unique book investigates the implications of the rising importance of supra-national regional organizations for global governance in general, and for the United Nations, in particular. It touches upon issues such as regional representation at the UN, high-level dialogues with regional organisations, as well as the coordination of UN member states’ voting behaviour in the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council. The book further explores the regional dimension and coordination of UN operations in areas such as peace and security, human rights, and sustainable development. The contributions to the book are both in-depth chapters and shorter viewpoints, written by a combination of academics, policy-makers at regional organizations, and experts from international think tanks. The book is essential reading for anyone interested in the future of global governance.

The United Nations and Sustainable Development Goals

by Sheriff Folarin Esther Akinlabi Aderemi Atayero

The book is a collection of analyses on country-specific and universal efforts, programmes and projects from Africa and beyond, aimed at realising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Specifically, the chapters focus on the achievements and challenges that can potentially aid countries of the world and the United Nations in achieving the 17 SDGs. The chapters focus more on the challenges, prospects and concrete steps taken in the Global South towards the attainment of these goals.

The United Kingdom & the Six

by NA NA

United Kingdom Monetary Policy: The Challenge for the 1990's

by Paul Temperton

A study of key issues facing UK monetary policy-makers in the 1990s, this text focuses in particular on progress towards European economic and monetary union and the consequences of its implementation for the UK.

Unite the Tribes: Leadership Skills for Technology Managers

by Christopher Duncan

Every day, customers see the results of companies where fiefdoms have formed and silos create divisional or departmental strife: poor sales and profits, and lackluster products. It’s not hard to see that such companies are headed for an early grave. Regardless of the manner in which company fractures manifest themselves, tech leaders must find a way to rid their workplaces of the divisions that threaten to undermine their company’s productivity, profits, and survival. That’s why, in Unite the Tribes: Leadership Skills for Technology Managers, Christopher Duncan, bestselling author of The Career Programmer, provides corporate leaders with a ten-point plan for joining their company’s divided ranks together in a way that helps employees achieve their goals while also accomplishing those of the company. Using the metaphors of the company as empire and the groups that form within companies as tribes, Duncan explains that the formation of tribes within an empire is unavoidable. After all, regardless of the situation in which they find themselves, human beings are social creatures who align themselves with those whose goals and motivations match their own. That’s why the accountants hang together in the break room, while developers talk shop and geek culture in a watering hole down the street. Yet the job of leaders is to build a cohesive, powerful, and enduring empire by bringing all groups together in service to a shared, inspiring mission. And that goes double for tech companies, where breakthroughs create new landscapes on a daily basis. In Unite the Tribes, you will learn: How to build alliances and a spirit of unity across all levels of the company to achieve higher employee morale, greater profits, and increased productivity. How to come up with strategies that win market share as well as the hearts and minds of your employees. How to manage conflict. Why self-interest rules the day and how knowing another’s wants and needs helps you achieve goals of your own. Unite the Tribes will show you, the visionary leader, how to establish an empire by convincing your tribes of a simple but crucial truth: Alone, you are weak and vulnerable. United, you are invincible.

UNITE History Volume 6 (1992-2010): The Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU): Unity for a New Era

by Adrian Weir

This is the final book in a series of volumes on the history of the Transport & General Workers’ Union (T&G). After the neo-liberal assault on the unions and working people more generally carried through by Margaret Thatcher and John Major in the 1980s and 1990s, the unions, including the T&G, were faced with making some tough decisions about their future. The T&G initially turned to restructuring and engaged US management consultants to make recommendations about how the union should be moulded to fit the fast approaching new millennium. In other parts of the world at this time, particularly in the US and Australia, forward thinking unions were realising that the way out of the crisis was to switch from what was called the servicing model, where the union did things for its members, to an organising model, where the union did things with its members, and early in the millennium, the political and industrial logic of forming a large general workers’ union became more and more apparent. This fascinating volume looks at this history of the T&G, and considers how a three way union merger eventually became a reality with the merger of the T&G and Amicus to form Unite.

UNITE History Volume 6 (1992-2010): The Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU): Unity for a New Era

by Adrian Weir

This is the final book in a series of volumes on the history of the Transport & General Workers’ Union (T&G). After the neo-liberal assault on the unions and working people more generally carried through by Margaret Thatcher and John Major in the 1980s and 1990s, the unions, including the T&G, were faced with making some tough decisions about their future. The T&G initially turned to restructuring and engaged US management consultants to make recommendations about how the union should be moulded to fit the fast approaching new millennium. In other parts of the world at this time, particularly in the US and Australia, forward thinking unions were realising that the way out of the crisis was to switch from what was called the servicing model, where the union did things for its members, to an organising model, where the union did things with its members, and early in the millennium, the political and industrial logic of forming a large general workers’ union became more and more apparent. This fascinating volume looks at this history of the T&G, and considers how a three way union merger eventually became a reality with the merger of the T&G and Amicus to form Unite.

UNITE History Volume 4 (1960-1974): The Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU): 'The Great Tradition of Independent Working Class Power'

by John Foster

The fourteen years between 1960 and-1974 saw the trade union and labour movement transformed. In 1959 Labour had been beaten at the polls for the third successive time – with political commentators claiming that class politics in Britain were dead. By 1974 a mobilised trade union movement had forced a Conservative government from office, compelled the abandonment of its anti-trade union legislation, released imprisoned dockers from Pentonville prison and twice provided the miners with the solidarity required for victory. The climax in 1974 was Labour victory in the 1974 general election with a programme calling for an irreversible shift of wealth and power in favour of working people. This volume of the TGWU’s centenary history documents the role of Britain’s biggest union in this transformation. Two remarkable general secretaries, Frank Cousins and Jack Jones, provided leadership. However, it was the TGWU’s members who achieved it: the women and men in the factories, transport depots and docks, who forged the new class unity. The book records their voices. It brings together their struggles from Clydeside, Dublin and Belfast to Longbridge, Dagenham and Heathrow – and it does so with a wealth of new material revealing the tactics of government and employers and the complexity of the struggles for sex equality and against racial discrimination that helped cement the new class unity.

UNITE History Volume 1 (1880-1931): The Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU): Representing a mass trade union movement

by Mary Davis John Foster

This is volume 1 of six accessible volumes covering UNITE’s history from 1880-2010. The history of the TGWU is the core of this collection, with a significant emphasis on the union’s regions, as well as several key themes, such as equality, internationalism, the wider labour movement, and its attitude to the conflict between capital and labour. This first volume (1880-1931) covers the formation of the TGWU. It was rooted in an era in which, starting in the 1880’s, a mass trade union movement was formed. The drive to amalgamate the unions was spearheaded by Ernest Bevin and resulted in the creation of the TGWU, 1920-22 - a period which witnessed an intensification of pre and post WW1 militancy. Such militancy continued, albeit unevenly until 1926 and was met with resistance from employers and the State culminating in the mighty confrontation of the General Strike. Politically the union had a close relationship with the Labour Party and its two minority Governments (1923-4 and 1929-31). The defeat of 1926 marked a watershed in British labour history in which, again, the TGWU played a key role. Trade union militancy was succeeded by an attempt at negotiated accommodation with the employers, known as ‘Mondism’. Bevin was central to this development.

Unit Root Tests in Time Series Volume 2: Extensions and Developments (Palgrave Texts in Econometrics)

by K. Patterson

Testing for a Unit Root is now an essential part of time series analysis but the literature on the topic is so large that knowing where to start is difficult even for the specialist. This book provides a way into the techniques of unit root testing, explaining the pitfalls and nonstandard cases, using practical examples and simulation analysis.

Unit Root Tests in Time Series Volume 1: Key Concepts and Problems (Palgrave Texts in Econometrics)

by K. Patterson

Testing for a unit root is now an essential part of time series analysis. This volume provides a critical overview and assessment of tests for a unit root in time series, developing the concepts necessary to understand the key theoretical and practical models in unit root testing.

Unit Pricing: Empirical Investigations of its Influences at the Product and Retailer Levels

by Lena Himbert

With a series of experiments, Lena Himbert highlights the influence of the unit price’s unit of measure on the consumer’s price-level perception and quality perception. Furthermore, this thesis shows that the unit price availability and prominence influences the consumer’s store price image. When shopping for pre-packaged products, consumers are offered a variety of product and price information at the point of purchase. The unit price represents price information given to the consumer for which the factor package size is removed and thereby lowers the information load for consumers in the shopping situation. However, retailers have considerable leeway concerning the unit price format. Aspects that can be varied are for example the unit of measure (e.g., price per kg vs price per 100 g) or font size. There is little to no previous research that gives advice to retailers how they should indicate the unit price on the price label.

Unit and Ubiquitous Internet of Things

by Huansheng Ning

Although the Internet of Things (IoT) will play a key role in the development of next generation information, network, and communication technologies, many are still unclear about what makes IoT different from similar concepts.Answering fundamental questions about IoT architectures and models, Unit and Ubiquitous Internet of Things introduces essen

Unit and Ubiquitous Internet of Things

by Huansheng Ning

Although the Internet of Things (IoT) will play a key role in the development of next generation information, network, and communication technologies, many are still unclear about what makes IoT different from similar concepts.Answering fundamental questions about IoT architectures and models, Unit and Ubiquitous Internet of Things introduces essen

Unique Solutions for Strategic Games: Equilibrium Selection Based on Resistance Avoidance (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #328)

by Werner Güth Brigitte Kalkofen

This book develops a general solution concept for strategic games which resolves strategic uncertainty completely. The concept is described by a mathematically formulated solution procedure and illustrated by applying it to many interesting examples. A long nontechnical introduction tries to survey and to discuss the more technical parts of the book. The book and especially the introduction provide firm and consistent guidance for scholars of game theory. There are many open problems which could inspire further research efforts.

Unique Radio Innovation for the 21st Century: Building Scalable and Global RFID Networks

by Damith C. Ranasinghe, Quan Z. Sheng and Sherali Zeadally

Are you an engineer or a researcher developing RFID systems? Are you a manager considering deploying RFID-based applications? If so, this book is for you. Covering modern RFID systems, the challenges to RFID implementation are addressed using specific industrial research examples and common integration issues. The primary focus is on answering questions surrounding building scalable global Internet-based RFID networks. Key topics include RFID data management, RFID data processing and integration, Real-Time Locating Systems (RTLS) and sensors. The book considers the challenges of and solutions to building and exploiting global networks to guarantee one of the most important business drivers for modern RFID technology: traceability. The authors have drawn together RFID applications from the retail supply chain, asset and product lifecycle management, anti-counterfeiting and cold chain management to explore how global traceability networks can be created using RFID and sensor technologies. They present insights from world’s leading research laboratories.

Unionsbürgerschaft und Patientenfreizügigkeit Citoyenneté Européenne et Libre Circulation des Patients EU Citizenship and Free Movement of Patients

by Sylvie Hennion Otto Kaufmann

Die grenzüberschreitende Mobilität der Patienten wirft zahlreiche Rechts- und Wirtschaftsfragen auf. Es geht um die Vereinbarkeit der finanziellen Auswirkungen der von den Mitgliedstaaten getroffenen Maßnahmen zur Kosteneindämmung mit dem Recht des Unionsbürgers auf Freizügigkeit. Es geht auch um den Zugang zu Leistungen. Die Koordinierungs-Verordnungen und die Richtlinie 2011/24/EU über die Patientenrechte in der grenzüberschreitenden Gesundheitsversorgung, aber auch länderübergreifende Vereinbarungen sind dafür Grundlage. Rechtsnormen zum Datenschutz und zum Berufsgeheimnis, die bei grenzüberschreitender Mobilität auch den Leistungserbringern und Versicherern obliegen, sind ebenfalls zu berücksichtigen.Cross-border patient mobility raises numerous legal and economic issues. The financial impact of cost-containment measures taken by the Member States must be compatible with the right of EU citizens to free movement. Access to benefits and services must also be guaranteed. The coordination regulations and Directive 2011/24/EU on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare, as well as transnational agreements, serve as the basis for these considerations. Furthermore, the legal norms regarding data protection and professional confidentiality must be taken into account, since in the context of cross-border mobility they also apply to service providers and insurers.La mobilité transfrontalière des patients dans l’Union européenne soulève de nombreuses interrogations économiques et juridiques. Il s’agit de concilier les conséquences financières des mesures prises par les Etats membres pour contenir les coûts des soins de santé avec le droit du citoyen européen de librement circuler dans l’Union européenne et d’accéder à ces prestations et services. Les règlements de coordination des systèmes de sécurité sociale, la directive 2011/24/UE relative à l’application des droits des patients en matière de soins de santé transfrontaliers ainsi que des accords transfrontaliers constituent des réponses à ces enjeux. Mais ces normes suscitent de nombreuses interrogations de mise en œuvre, de conciliation avec les droits des patients tant dans la protection des données personnelles dans le cadre de la télémédecine que dans le respect du secret professionnel.

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