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Seamless Leadership: A passion to perform in South Africa

by Adriaan Groenewald

For most of the lifespan of the new South Africa, leadership consultant Adriaan Groenewald has interviewed and written about top political, corporate, entertainment and sports leaders. His leadership model embraces the legacy of Nelson Mandela - to unselfishly unite people around the creation of positive movement towards the impossible, while fearlessly, openly embracing and confronting all obstacles along the way. What makes a seamless leader? The book combines theory and practice in subjects such as decision making, combining success and values, igniting passion and shifting attitude, performance, multiplying leaders for real impact, motivation, courageous conversations, and leading in difficult times or sensitive situations. Short chapters are complemented by 'interview' sections which illuminate principles learned from personal leadership conversations with individuals from different sectors of society, ranging from President Jacob Zuma to Helen Zille and Sizwe Nxasana to Mike Brown.

Lab Rats: Guardian's Best Non-Fiction, 2019

by Dan Lyons

Guardian's Best Non-Fiction, 2019The Tablet's Highlights of 2019Personality tests. Team-building exercises. Forced Fun. Desktop surveillance. Open-plan offices. Acronyms. Diminishing job security. Hot desking. Pointless perks. Hackathons.If any of the above sound familiar, welcome to the modern economy. In this hilarious, but deadly serious book, bestselling author Dan Lyons looks at how the world of work has slowly morphed from one of unions and steady career progression to a dystopia made of bean bags and unpaid internships. And that's the 'good' jobs...With the same wit that made Disrupted an international bestseller, Lyons shows how the hypocrisy of Silicon Valley has now been exported globally to a job near you. Even low-grade employees are now expected to view their jobs with a cult-like fervour, despite diminishing prospects of promotion. From the gig economy to the new digital oligarchs, Lyons deliciously roasts the new work climate, while asking what can be done to recoup some sanity and dignity for the expanding class of middle-class serfs.

Winter Is Coming: Why Vladimir Putin and the Enemies of the Free World Must Be Stopped

by Garry Kasparov

The stunning story of Russia's slide back into a dictatorship - and how the West is now paying the price for allowing it to happen.The ascension of Vladimir Putin - a former lieutenant colonel of the KGB - to the presidency of Russia in 1999 was a strong signal that the country was headed away from democracy. Yet in the intervening years - as America and the world's other leading powers have continued to appease him - Putin has grown not only into a dictator but an international threat. With his vast resources and nuclear arsenal, Putin is at the centre of a worldwide assault on political liberty and the modern world order.For Garry Kasparov, none of this is news. He has been a vocal critic of Putin for over a decade, even leading the pro-democracy opposition to him in the farcical 2008 presidential election. Yet years of seeing his Cassandra-like prophecies about Putin's intentions fulfilled have left Kasparov with a darker truth: Putin's Russia, like ISIS or Al Qaeda, defines itself in opposition to the free countries of the world.As Putin has grown ever more powerful, the threat he poses has grown from local to regional and finally to global. In this urgent book, Kasparov shows that the collapse of the Soviet Union was not an endpoint - only a change of seasons, as the Cold War melted into a new spring. But now, after years of complacency and poor judgement, winter is once again upon us.Argued with the force of Kasparov's world-class intelligence, conviction and hopes for his home country, Winter Is Coming reveals Putin for what he is: an existential danger hiding in plain sight.

The Attention Merchants: The Epic Struggle to Get Inside Our Heads

by Tim Wu

Attention merchant: an industrial-scale harvester of human attention. A firm whose business model is the mass capture of attention for resale to advertisers.In nearly every moment of our waking lives, we face a barrage of advertising enticements, branding efforts, sponsored social media, commercials and other efforts to harvest our attention. Over the last century, few times or spaces have remained uncultivated by the 'attention merchants', contributing to the distracted, unfocused tenor of our times. Tim Wu argues that this is not simply the byproduct of recent inventions but the end result of more than a century's growth and expansion in the industries that feed on human attention. From the pre-Madison Avenue birth of advertising to TV's golden age to our present age of radically individualized choices, the business model of 'attention merchants' has always been the same. He describes the revolts that have risen against these relentless attempts to influence our consumption, from the remote control to FDA regulations to Apple's ad-blocking OS. But he makes clear that attention merchants grow ever-new heads, and their means of harvesting our attention have given rise to the defining industries of our time, changing our nature - cognitive, social, and otherwise - in ways unimaginable even a generation ago.

Holonomi: Business Where People and Planet Matter

by Simon Robinson

Businesses around the world are facing rapidly changing economic and social situations. Business leaders and managers must be ready to respond and adapt in new, innovative ways. The authors of this groundbreaking book argue that business people must adopt a 'holonomic' way of thinking, a dynamic and authentic understanding of the relationships within a business system, and an appreciation of the whole. Complexity and chaos are not to be feared, but rather are the foundation of successful business structures and economi. Holonomi presents a new world view where economi and ecology are in harmony. Using real-world case studies and practical exercises, the authors guide the reader in a new, holistic approach to business, towards a more sustainable future where both people and planet matter.

A Guide to Better Management: Managing Yourself

by Jon Allen

Do you ever find that you have no energy, no enthusiasm for what you have to do next? In this programme you will discover how to keep control of your own physical and mental state so that you no longer think that how you feel depends on external circumstances. Just as athletes prepare for a sporting event, you will learn how to prepare yourself for situations at work so that you perform at your best more easily.

Tales From the South Pier

by John Jessop

From the invention of the electric telegraph to the emergence of the Internet, new technology has constantly stimulated our desire for information. Nowhere is that desire more intense than in the world's financial trading community, where survival depends as never before on instant and continuous access to market prices and market- moving news. The creation of that community, by a handful of pioneering information companies, is the subject of this book. Its author spent a lifetime working for three of them, an improbably colorful career that took him from newsroom copy-boy to boardroom chief executive. From Morse to Murdoch, he explores the role of human foibles in the rise and fall of business enterprises within this hugely influential branch of electronic media, delivering along the way riotous anecdotes that include drinking, drugs, fist fights and sexual scandals. In an industry scarcely past its adolescence, multi-billion companies can flourish or founder on the whim of ego. Carefully researched, and peopled with some of the most extraordinary characters to appear outside the realms of fiction, Tales from the South Pier is part history and part autobiography. Above all, it is a riveting read.

A Practical Guide to Negotiation: Create Winning Agreements

by Gavin Presman

Think negotiation is a boardroom battlefield? Think again. We all need to negotiate in our professional and personal lives, but negotiation doesn’t have to be a fight to get what you want. In fact, you’ll create better deals and better relationships through collaboration. In Negotiation, Gavin Presman shares his ethical and mutually-beneficial approach, showing you how to prepare for and engage in every negotiation to achieve better results for yourself and others – whether you’re drawing up a contract with a new client, buying a house or, often the trickiest of all, settling family disagreements. With step-by-step guidance, illustrative examples and checklists to refer back to, this is a practical and empowering guide that will improve the negotiating skills of any reader, enhancing personal and professional relationships in the process.

The Hidden Half: How the World Conceals its Secrets

by Michael Blastland

Why does one smoker die of lung cancer but another live to 100? The answer is 'The Hidden Half' - those random, unknowable variables that mess up our attempts to comprehend the world.We humans are very clever creatures - but we're idiots about how clever we really are. In this entertaining and ingenious book, Blastland reveals how in our quest to make the world more understandable, we lose sight of how unexplainable it often is. The result - from GDP figures to medicine - is that experts know a lot less than they think. Filled with compelling stories from economics, genetics, business, and science, The Hidden Half is a warning that an explanation which works in one arena may not work in another. Entertaining and provocative, it will change how you view the world.

The Vogue Factor: From Front Desk To Editor

by Kirstie Clements

The Vogue Factor is her candid account of life at the heart of the fashion industry, from photo shoots and celebrity interviews to the ugly truth behind the glamour - infighting, back-stabbing and the dangerous pursuit of beauty.This is the behind-the-scenes story of an illustrious career in fashion, from receptionist to the editor's chair. It's a life of dazzling parties, outrageous fashion and exotic travel that most people can only dream of. But behind the glossy photos is a hidden world of chaos and pressure, where girls as young as twelve starve themselves to fit into a sample size.Kirstie Clements' eye-opening account of life in fashion's fast lane has hit headlines all over the globe. Both a celebration and a critique of this extraordinary industry, The Vogue Factor is this season's must-have.

A Guide to Better Management: Team Leader

by Jon Allen

In most work places now staff are organised into teams, making the team work effectively is an important part of the responsibilities of the team leader. In this programme we will consider strategies for developing a strong staff team, through having a common focus and through using the diverse strengths of individual members you will learn how you as team leader can make the difference and help your team to be extremely effective.

Billionaires Under Construction: The Mindset of an Entrepreneur

by Mr. Sbusiso Leope

DJ Sbu is not your ordinary entrepreneur. He was born to be great and refuses to settle for less. Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a successful entrepreneur? How they come up with their ground-breaking ideas, how they turn them into flourishing businesses, how they deal with failure, and what drives and motivates them? Billionaires Under Construction answers these questions, and more, as it charts the rise and rise of Sbusiso Leope, one Africa’s most dynamic entrepreneurs. From his childhood in Tembisa to the global stage as a world-class musician and DJ, from music mogul and co-owner of TS Records – the label behind some of South Africa’s brightest young stars – and, more recently, as the force behind the country’s first black-owned energy drink, Sbu’s story is one of courage, resilience, inspiration and a refusal to let failure stop him. In his own words, you just can’t stop his go. Billionaires Under Construction is a blueprint of Sbu’s success; an honest and direct account of the setbacks he’s encountered, including his high profile dismissal from two of South Africa’s most prominent radio stations and his equally notorious run-in with Forbes magazine. The way in which Sbu handles adversity reveals the triumph of his entrepreneurial spirit and the tenacity of a man who does, indeed, consider himself a billionaire under construction – and he won’t stop until his goal has become a reality. So, if you have aspirations to join the Billionaire Generation, there is no better starting point than reading this book.

Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil

by Tom Mueller

The best oils are made by authentic artist-craftsmen, who marry centuries-old agricultural wisdom with cutting-edge extraction technology, and now produce the finest oils in history. However, these producers are being steadily driven from the market: extra-virgin olive oil is difficult and expensive to make, yet alarmingly easy to adulterate. Skilled oil criminals are flooding the market with low-cost, faux extra-virgins, reaping rich profits and undercutting honest producers, whilst authorities in Italy, the US and elsewhere turn a blind eye.From the feisty pugliese woman of sixty struggling to keep the family business afloat to her industrialist neighbour who has allegedly grown wealthy on counterfeit oil, to Benedictine monks in Western Australia and poker-playing agriculture barons in northern California who make this ancient foodstuff in New World ways, Mueller distils the passions and life stories of oil producers, and explores the conflict, culinary vitality and cultural importance of great olive oil.

The Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Policy Issues

by John O’Hagan Carol Newman

An essential book for students of economics as well as economists and policymakers.The twelfth edition of this enduring and popular book surveys all major changes in the Irish economy in the past fifteen years, with particular emphasis on the last five years.In this new edition, the authors examine:The broad historical context to a study of the Irish economy.Ireland’s hard landing, recovery and prospects for economic growth and employment in the years ahead.The changing role of the state in policy making and the increasing importance of euro-zone governance and institutions, especially in the monetary area. Taxation in all its dimensions, including the issue of national debt.The importance of competitiveness as a major policy objective.The changing emphasis on quality-of-life indicators and distribution as objectives of policy.The role of regulation in various areas of the economy and society.Energy and the environment, in particular the issue of security of supply.Employment, unemployment and migration challenges facing Ireland.Evidence on and policy issues relating to income and wealth.The internationally traded sectors of manufacturing and services.The importance of the health and education sectors, the rationale for state intervention and measures of effectiveness.The importance of the agri-food sector in terms of production, distribution, and food safety.Through twelve editions, The Economy of Ireland holds an integral place in the literature on Ireland’s economy.

Die Letzte Meile: Definition, Prozess, Kostenrechnung und Gestaltungsfelder (essentials)

by Christian Brabänder

Dieses essential diskutiert die Grundlagen der Letzten Meile in der Logistik, ihre Probleme und betriebswirtschaftlichen Gestaltungsfelder. Die Letzte Meile ist der Prozess der Übergabe von Konsumgütern in die Hände des Endkunden. Dieser Begriff wird anhand vieler Praxisbeispiele der Distributionslogistik definiert und eine Typologisierung von Letzte-Meile-Situationen vorgenommen. Es zeigt sich, dass die Letzte Meile kostenintensiv ist. Die Schwere dieses Problems ist allerdings von konkreten Tour-Bildern, von dem angewandten Distributionsprozess und von Sendungsparametern der Touren abhängig. Daraus ergeben sich Gestaltungsfelder, die Entscheider auf der Letzten Meile bearbeiten sollten.

Organisation: Grundlagen moderner Organisationsgestaltung. Mit Fallstudien

by Georg Schreyögg Daniel Geiger

Didaktisch gekonnt aufbereitet stellen Georg Schreyögg und Daniel Geiger Konzepte und Methoden zum Verständnis der Probleme der Organisationsgestaltung und zur Entwicklung fundierter Lösungen vor. Zahlreiche aktuelle Fallbeispiele illustrieren die Ansätze und regen zur praktischen Anwendung des theoretischen Wissens an. Diskussionsfragen dienen der Vertiefung des Gelernten.Für die sechste Auflage wurde das Lehrbuch vollständig überarbeitet und um zahlreiche neue Entwicklungen in der Organisationstheorie (z.B. Practice-Perspektive, Ressource-based-view) ergänzt. Neuere Gestaltungsanforderungen an Organisationen (z.B. Ambidexterity, heterarchische Formen, minimale Strukturen) sowie neue Problemstellungen (z.B. Stress und Diversität, neue Technologien, Fluidität und hochdynamische Umwelten) wurden aufgenommen, die didaktisch bewährte Grundkonzeption jedoch erhalten.

Grundlagen des Managements: Basiswissen für Studium und Praxis

by Georg Schreyögg Jochen Koch

Die erfahrenen Lehrbuchautoren Georg Schreyögg und Jochen Koch geben eine kompakte, modular aufgebaute Einführung in die wichtigsten Inhalte des Managements. Themenauswahl und -aufbereitung sind speziell im Hinblick auf die aktuellen Anforderungen von Management- und Unternehmensführungsmodulen konzipiert. Die 13 Einzelmodule stellen eine in sich geschlossene Lehreinheit dar und bieten eine maßgeschneiderte Grundlage für einen kompletten Semesterzyklus, lassen sich aber ebenso auch einzeln einsetzen.Alle 13 Kapitel folgen einem einheitlichen didaktischen Konzept: Lernziele, Lehrtext mit integrierten Informationskästen und Marginalien, Lernkontrollfragen zum Selbststudium, Diskussionsfragen für den Unterricht und Fallstudie mit Übungsfragen zur praxisnahen Umsetzung der Lehrinhalte. Alle Leserinnen und Leser können Lösungshinweise zu den Lernkontrollfragen auf der Verlags-Homepage beim Buch herunterladen. Für Dozentinnen und Dozenten sind dort außerdem umfangreiche Zusatzmaterialien zur Unterrichtsvorbereitung und -durchführung hinterlegt.

Sharing by Design (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Jeffrey Kok Chan Ye Zhang

This book answers the question of how to design a sharing system that can promote sustained, meaningful, and socially constructive sharing practices in today’s cities. To do so, it constructs a framework for practical inquiry into the design of sharing systems. Further, the book invites readers to consider questions such as: If sharing can be designed, then how does one design a sharing system for cities? Which urban conditions make this sharing system possible? What are the considerations, variables, and methods that can inform and guide the designers of a sharing system? By considering both the environmental and societal motivations for sharing, and the reality that most examples of the Sharing Economy are neither equitable in their socio-economic outcomes nor genuine in their original social promises, this book presents balanced and thoughtful answers to the questions posed above. The book will appeal to a broad readership, from students and teachers in the various design disciplines, to professionals and scholars in architecture and urbanism, business and innovation, and other related fields of the humanities and social sciences, as well as activists and policymakers committed to achieving more sustainable and equitably distributed access to urban resources.

Great Debates in Company Law (Great Debates in Law)

by Lorraine Talbot

This textbook is an ambitious and engaging introduction to the more advanced writings on company law, primarily designed to allow students to ‘get under the skin’ of the topic and begin to build their critical thinking and analysis skills. Each chapter is structured around key questions and debates that provoke deeper thought and, ultimately, a clearer understanding. The aim of the book is therefore not to present a complete overview of theoretical issues in company law, but rather to illustrate the current debates which are currently going on among those working in shaping the area. The text features summaries of the views of notable experts on key topics and each chapter ends with a list of guided further reading.

Grundlagen der Organisation: Basiswissen für Studium und Praxis

by Georg Schreyögg

Das Lehrbuch bietet eine kurz gefasste Einführung in die Grundfragen des Themenfeldes der Organisation. Es behandelt dabei neben der formalen Seite des Organisierens auch die in den letzten Jahren immer wichtigeren informalen Prozesse, so dass ein vollständiges Bild organisatorischer Wirkfaktoren vermittelt wird. Ausgangspunkt sind jeweils praktische Probleme des Organisierens in Verbindung mit theoretischen Lösungsansätzen, wie zum Beispiel: technologische Reaktionsfähigkeit, Motivationsaufbau, Wandelbarrieren usw. Ziel ist es, den Leser zu befähigen, die Probleme des Organisierens und ihre Querverbindungen zu verstehen und sich die Grundlagen praktischer Organisationsarbeit anzueignen. Das Buch ist direkt für die Verwendung in einer Lehrveranstaltung zugeschnitten. Es ist in 13 Kapitel gegliedert und orientiert sich am typischen Verlauf eines integrierten Lehrmoduls, das Vorlesungs- und Übungselemente beinhaltet.

God and Gold: Britain, America and the Making of the Modern World

by Walter Russell Mead

Economist Books of the Year, 2007 Financial Times Books of the Year, 2007God and Gold is a brilliantly stimulating and provocative look at why, for over 300 years, the Anglo-Saxon powers have dominated the world economically and militarily.For four hundred years, Britain, America and their allies have dominated the world both militarily and economically. They have won the wars - the hot wars, the cold wars and the trade wars - time and again; and yet the battle for hearts and minds has proved far harder to win. In God and Gold, Walter Russell Mead examines why this has been the case and what the overwhelming ascendancy and concentration of power in the hands of 'les Anglo-Saxons' has meant for the direction of world history. In so doing, he sheds scintillating new light on the current political, economic and cultural climate, and suggests where we might be heading from here.

James Connolly, A Full Life: A Biography of Ireland’s Renowned Trade Unionist and Leader of the 1916 Easter Rising

by Donal Nevin

‘Hasn’t it been a full life, Lillie, and isn’t this a good end?’, were James Connolly’s last words to his wife in Dublin Castle in the early hours of 12 May 1916 just before his execution for his part in leading the Easter Rising.James Connolly, the son of Irish immigrants, was born in Edinburgh. The first fourteen years of his life were spent in Edinburgh and the next seven years in the King’s Liverpool Regiment in Ireland. In 1889, he returned to Edinburgh where he was a socialist activist and organiser for seven years. In 1896, at the age of 28, he was invited to Dublin as socialist organiser, founding the Irish Republican Socialist Party and editing The Workers’ Republic.Connolly spent seven years in America between 1903 and 1910, returning to Ireland in 1910 as organiser of the Socialist Party of Ireland. Connolly was appointed Ulster Organiser of the Irish Transport and General Workers’ Union by James Larkin, succeeding him as acting general secretary in October 1914. As Commander of the Irish Citizen Army, Connolly joined with leaders of the Irish Republican Brotherhood in the Easter Rising in 1916, becoming Commandant-General of the Dublin Division of the Army of the Republic and Vice-President of the Provisional Government of the Irish Republic.For their part in the Easter Rising, Connolly and thirteen of his fellow revolutionaries were executed in Kilmainham Gaol by the British government. Connolly, the last to be executed, was wounded in the Rising and had to be strapped to a chair to face the firing squad.This biography deals with Connolly’s activities as soldier, agitator, propagandist, orator, socialist organiser, pamphleteer, trade union leader, insurgent, and traces the evolution of his political thinking as social democrat, revolutionist, syndicalist, revolutionary socialist, insurrectionist. It is based largely on Connolly’s prolific writings in twenty-seven journals in Scotland, England, Ireland, France and America, and some 200 letters which are particularly revealing of his relationships with colleagues. James Connolly is the very best survey of Connolly’s remarkable life and times.James Connolly, A Full Life: Table of ContentsPreface by Des GeraghtyPART I Edinburgh 1868–1882PART II Ireland 1882–1889PART III Edinburgh 1889–1896: Social DemocratPART IV Dublin 1890–1903: RevolutionistPART V America 1903–1910: SyndicalistPART VI WritingsPART VII Ireland 1910–1916 The Red and the Green: Revolutionary Socialist–InsurrectionistPART VIII Revolutionary ThinkerAPPENDICES

Distribution-Free Methods for Statistical Process Monitoring and Control

by Markos V. Koutras Ioannis S. Triantafyllou

This book explores nonparametric statistical process control. It provides an up-to-date overview of nonparametric Shewhart-type univariate control charts, and reviews the recent literature on nonparametric charts, particularly multivariate schemes. Further, it discusses observations tied to the monitored population quantile, focusing on the Shewhart Sign chart. The book also addresses the issue of practically assuming the normality and the independence when a process is statistically monitored, and examines in detail change-point analysis-based distribution-free control charts designed for Phase I applications. Moreover, it introduces six distribution-free EWMA schemes for simultaneously monitoring the location and scale parameters of a univariate continuous process, and establishes two nonparametric Shewhart-type control charts based on order statistics with signaling runs-type rules. Lastly, the book proposes novel and effective method for early disease detection.

What Would Apple Do?: How You Can Learn from Apple and Make Money

by Dirk Beckmann

In 2011, Apple officially became the most valuable company of all time. iPod, iPad, iTunes, App Store... the list goes on. Apple's must-have products add up to one giant success story. So what's their secret? What makes Apple the most innovative company on the planet? The answer: Apple does exactly the opposite of what any other company would do. Unlike the competition, Apple develops devices and programs by concentrating on a small number of functions. Forget complex market analyses. Forget asking customers to help develop products. And, unlike Google and other internet giants, it wants you to pay for them. Apple combines traditional business thinking with the endless opportunities of the digital age. In this brave new world where brands and products are dragged into the opinion marketplace, What Would Apple Do? (short and sweet, just how Apple would do a book) brilliantly and concisely reveals how you can learn from Apple to develop compelling business ideas and market them successfully.

The Consolations of Economics: How We Will All Benefit from the New World Order

by Gerard Lyons

In the next twenty years the world economy will enjoy one of its strongest periods of growth. Greater innovation and technical change will increase opportunities. Life expectancy, income and educational standards will rise. The West's share in the global economic cake may get smaller, but there will be more cake than ever before.These are the predictions of Gerard Lyons, a leading international economist who spent nearly thirty years working in the City. He is now the chief economic adviser to the Mayor of London. Over the last quarter-century he has been ahead of the game in predicting the major economic trends that we now take as a given. The Consolations of Economics is a lucid and accessible expert's attempt to look objectively at the changing global economy - what is happening and what it means. He shows how we can embrace change, rather than hide from it. The results are fascinating, refreshing - and unusually cheering.

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