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Erfolgreiches Beschwerdemanagement: Wege zu Prozessverbesserungen und Kundenzufriedenheit

by Oliver Ratajczak

Eine Kundenbeschwerde als zunächst einmal unangenehmes Ereignis kann Ausgangspunkt für beachtliche Qualitätsschübe innerhalb eines Unternehmens sein. Damit sowohl die Kunden als auch die Dienstleister als Adressaten fühlbar und schnell von den Verbesserungen profitieren können, müssen die Verantwortlichen sinnvolle und effektive Arbeitsabläufe im Beschwerdemanagement etablieren. In diesem Buch beschreiben anerkannte Praktiker nützliche, leicht umsetzbare Konzepte. Die Autoren verraten außerdem, wie man den Teil der Unzufriedenheit entdeckt, den die Kunden gar nicht erst ausdrücklich formulieren. Auch hier liegen große Potenziale für zukünftige Erträge. Dieses Buch haben vornehmlich Experten aus dem Bereich Finanzdienstleistungen geschrieben. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sind aber problemlos auf andere Branchen übertragbar.

Erfolgreiches Innovationsmanagement: Erfolgsfaktoren - Grundmuster - Fallbeispiele

by Thomas Stern Helmut Jaberg

Die Autoren präsentieren in diesem Buch alle Stellgrößen, die für die Gestaltung und den Ablauf erfolgreicher Innovationsprozesse notwendig sind. Anhand von Fallbeispielen zeigen sie typische Probleme der Unternehmenspraxis auf und bieten Lösungsvorschläge im Rahmen eines systematischen Innovationsmanagements an. Für die vierte Auflage wurde das Werk überarbeitet, die Praxisbeispiele wurden aktualisiert und neue, ausführliche Fallstudien aufgenommen.

Erfolgreiches IT-Management in der Praxis: Ein CIO-Leitfaden

by Mario Crameri Uwe Heck

Dieses Buch liefert angehenden und erfahrenen IT-Managern sowie Master-Studenten der Wirtschaft/(Wirtschafts-) Informatik umfassendes und aktuelles Praxis-Know-how zur Bearbeitung der Dringlichkeitsthemen eines CIO. Auf dessen Agenda stehen derzeit Punkte wie die optimale Ausrichtung der IT an das Business, die objektive Darstellung des Geschäftsnutzens aus dem Einsatz von IT oder der effektive Umgang mit der Komplexität. Diese und weitere Themen werden anhand von Praxisbeiträgen beleuchtet.

Erfolgreiches Management (Herausforderungen an das Management #0)

by Ralph Berndt

In dem Sammelband stellen namhafte Wissenschaftler und Praktiker aus Europa sowie den USA die Schlüsselfaktoren vor, die für das erfolgreiche Management von Unternehmen wesentlich sind. In insgesamt 16 Beiträgen präsentieren die Autoren verschiedene Konzepte, die u. a. für die Bereiche strategisches Management, Marketing, Finanzierung und Personalmanagement entwickelt wurden.

Erfolgreiches Suchmaschinen-Marketing: Wie Sie bei Google, Yahoo, MSN & Co. ganz nach oben kommen

by Horst Greifeneder

. Horst Greifeneder, ein erfahrener Experte für Internet-Marketing, vermittelt in einer praktischen Anleitung, wie Suchmaschinen erfolgreich als Marketinginstrument genutzt werden können, wie sich die eigene Online-Präsenz für Suchmaschinen optimieren lässt und wie bezahlte Textanzeigen in Suchmaschinen zum effizienten Werbemittel werden. Die 2. Auflage wurde umfassend aktualisiert und um ein Kapitel zum Thema „Monitoring & Controlling“ ergänzt.

Erfolgsfaktor HR Brand: Den Personalbereich und Seine Listungen als Marke Managen

by Marco Esser Bernhard Schelenz

Beim Thema HR Brand geht es um das Markendesign und die Vermarktung von HR-Produkten und -Dienstleistungen sowie die der HR-Funktion. HR baut eine marke unter dem Dach der Corporate Brand auf - als eigenen Business Brand. Diesen positioniert und kommuniziert HR dann nach innen und außen. Für HR ist das HR Brand Management eine strategische Aufgabe des Personalressorts: Im Sinne eines Portfolio-Managements werden die einzelnen HR-Dienstleistungen und -Produkte - als Submarken - "orchestriert", priorisiert und entlang der Wertschöpfungskette und den Unternehmenszielen gemanagt. Personalmanagement braucht eine klare Identität und ein attraktives Profil, um eigene Konzepte, Maßnahmen, Produkte und Erfolge wirkungsvoll und wirtschaftlich zu kommunizieren. Die Lösung liegt in einem systematischen HR Brand Management. Auf dieser Basis kann ein erfolgreicher Dialog mit Führungskräften, Mitarbeitern und potenziellen Bewerbern geführt werden, der die Reputation und das Image von HR stärkt. Die Marke "Personal" zahlt dabei stets auf das Konto der Unternehmensmarke ein, wie das "Employer Branding" auch. HR Brand muss künftig als neue Disziplin geführt werden, denn die Marketingorientierung von HR und seiner Produkte und Dienstleistungen sichert der Personalarbeit von Unternehmen intern - und extern - Bekanntheit, Vertrauen und Image. Hierin liegt der wesentliche Wertbeitrag von HR Brand. Marco Esser, Bereichsleiter "HR Business Management" bei der Commerzbank, und Bernhard Schelenz, Geschäftsführer der "Personalkommunikation Schelenz", führen klar strukturiert, gut lesbar und mit hohem Praxisbezug in dieses aktuelle Thema ein: - Sie zeigen, wie man einen HR Brand aufbaut, managt und kommuniziert. - Sie präsentieren eine umfassende Fallstudie zur Implementierung eines "HR Brand" in der Commerzbank AG. "Erfolgsfaktor HR Brand" ist mit vielen praktischen Beispielen untermauert und richtet sich an Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Größe, vom Familienunternehmen bis zum Großunternehmen, an Personalmanager, Marketing- und Markenexperten, an Berater, Führungskräfte und selbstständige Unternehmer sowie Geschäftsführer und Kommunikationsverantwortliche.

Erfolgsfaktor Logistik: Klassische Fehler erkennen und vermeiden

by Stephan Seeck

Dieses Buch zeigt konkret, plakativ und unterhaltsam zahlreiche Unzulänglichkeiten, die in vielen Logistikunternehmen den Alltag bestimmen. Es wird anschaulich beschrieben, mit welchen zum Teil einfachen, Mitteln Prozesse optimiert, Leistungen gesteigert und Kosten reduziert werden können.

Erfolgsfaktor Potenzialanalyse: Aktuelles Praxiswissen zu Methoden und Umsetzung in der modernen Personalentwicklung

by Uta Rohrschneider Sarah Friedrichs Michael Lorenz

Um Leistungsträger zu identifizieren und zu entwickeln, vermitteln die Autoren aus über zwanzigjähriger Praxis in der Beratung und Begleitung von Unternehmen zur Potenzial- und Kompetenzermittlung eine Vielzahl von Herangehensweisen und Instrumenten. Der Leser erhält die entscheidenden Kompetenzen, um sowohl klassische als auch innovative Verfahren effizient im eigenen Unternehmen zu etablieren.

Erfolgsfaktoren einer E-Commerce-Website: Empirische Identifikation vertrauensfördernder Signale im Internet-Einzelhandel (Betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte lose gekoppelter Systeme und Electronic Business)

by Dennis Ahrholdt

Dennis Ahrholdt untersucht mit dem Partial-Least-Squares-Verfahren, wie sich die Vertrauensausbildung – als zentrale Antezedenz der Kaufabsicht – positiv im E-Commerce beeinflussen lässt. Die Ergebnisse können als Entscheidungsgrundlage für Investitionen zur Steigerung der Conversion-Rate dienen.

Erklärungsnotstand Altersvorsorge: Warum selbst Experten versagen - eine Diagnose mit Therapievorschlägen

by Markus Rieksmeier

Markus Rieksmeier zeigt, wie Berater und Vermittler mit klarer Sprache und zielgruppengerechter Didaktik für ein breites Verständnis und damit für Akzeptanz von Riester- und Rürup-Rente sorgen können.

Ernest Dichter and Motivation Research: New Perspectives on the Making of Post-war Consumer Culture

by S. Schwarzkopf R. Gries

The work of motivation and consumer researcher Ernest Dichter was a milestone in the psychological creation of the modern consumer. This collection contextualizes Ernest Dichter within twentieth-century consumer culture and it charts the rise of psychological approaches to consumption in post-war Europe and North America.

ERP: The Dynamics of Supply Chain and Process Management

by Avraham Shtub Reuven Karni

ERP: The Dynamics of Supply Chain and Process Management is a complete updating and expansion of Avraham Shtub’s award-winning 1999 text Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): The Dynamics of Operations Management. New chapters, written together with his co-author Reuven Karni, cover enterprise process modeling; design of business processes; a complete revision of the original chapter on the integrated order-fulfillment process using ERP; business process management; business process improvement; and a new appendix on simulating process life cycles: using serious games as teaching aids.MERPTM is designed to facilitate the teaching of integrated operations of a business organization with a focus on corporate performance management. It reflects a fully live environment and allows students to participate in a virtual organization made real and dynamic as minute-by-minute business events and conditions unfold.This book is ideal for use in academic and executive programs aimed at teaching students how integrated systems work. It is suitable as a textbook for the basic MBA Operations Management course or as a text for courses on ERP systems and the development of business processes. In an industrial engineering program it could serve to give students their first, and perhaps only, introduction to business issues like market demand and supplier relationships."I used Avy Shtub’s award-winning 1999 book on ERP and the accompanying Operations Trainer software in several leading MBA programs in the United States and Europe. Most of the courses were delivered in traditional classroom settings but some of them were offered fully online. The current revision and second edition of the book, co-written with Reuven Karni, adds new materials with an emphasis on services and business processes, provides excellent, detailed examples, and revises old ones of the previous edition. The book is nicely complemented and enhanced by theaddition of a unique, dynamic, online simulation package MERP™ that represents a major upgrade to the old, PC-based Operations Trainer. In my reading, the book’s first main theme, Integrated Production and Order Management (IPOM), is a different, and perhaps more valid, take on the many issues associated with Supply Chain Management. The authors touch on all facets and issues of Operations and Supply Chain Management and provide a theory-based and sound, practice-proven approach to the problems present in any organization. The second main theme covers the design and improvement of enterprise and business processes, touching on facets and issues relating to process-based enterprise management. I would highly recommend the book and the accompanying software to any instructor teaching Operations/Supply Chain Management, Business Process Management or Industrial Engineering."-- Gyula Vastag (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary)

Ertragsteuern: Einkommensteuer, Körperschaftsteuer, Gewerbesteuer

by Andreas Dinkelbach

Dieses Lehrbuch ermöglicht es, sich in kurzer Zeit einen fundierten Einblick in die Besteuerung des Einkommens von natürlichen Personen, Personengesellschaften und Kapitalgesellschaften zu verschaffen. Die wesentlichen Prinzipien der Besteuerung werden anschaulich erläutert und mit zahlreichen Abbildungen illustriert. Das Buch befindet sich mit der 4. Auflage auf dem Rechtsstand 2010 und berücksichtigt Rechtsänderungen bis zum EU-Vorgaben-Umsetzungsgesetz.

Escape From Debt: Make a Plan, Take Action, Get Happy and Love Your Life

by Tim Williamson

These days, having some level of personal debt is the norm: everyone you know has a credit card, a mortgage, a personal loan. And no matter your income level, the habits and behaviours associated with accumulating debt are universal; once you're in it, you become trapped in a never-ending cycle of working, paying bills, working some more, paying more bills. You feel like you are working for the bank (paying THEM interest on your debt), when really the bank should be working for you (paying YOU interest on your savings). And because everyone's in this situation, we consider it normal! What people don't talk about is that not only can debt have a negative impact on your finances, it can also compromise your personal wellbeing. This book shows you how to alter your mindset so you can live a happier, healthier and less stressful life. By becoming aware of where your money is going you'll manage to cure yourself of the debt affliction and remain free of its grasp. Life coach Tim Williamson, a former bank employee and debt collector, shares his insider knowledge on how the finance industries prey on people's behaviours in order to reap the most money from personal loans and credit card debts. In just three hours you will learn the simplest way to shrug off the shackles of debt, and how to transform your attitudes and behaviours towards credit so that you never get caught out again.

Escape From Debt: Make a Plan, Take Action, Get Happy and Love Your Life

by Tim Williamson

These days, having some level of personal debt is the norm: everyone you know has a credit card, a mortgage, a personal loan. And no matter your income level, the habits and behaviours associated with accumulating debt are universal; once you're in it, you become trapped in a never-ending cycle of working, paying bills, working some more, paying more bills. You feel like you are working for the bank (paying THEM interest on your debt), when really the bank should be working for you (paying YOU interest on your savings). And because everyone's in this situation, we consider it normal! What people don't talk about is that not only can debt have a negative impact on your finances, it can also compromise your personal wellbeing. This book shows you how to alter your mindset so you can live a happier, healthier and less stressful life. By becoming aware of where your money is going you'll manage to cure yourself of the debt affliction and remain free of its grasp. Life coach Tim Williamson, a former bank employee and debt collector, shares his insider knowledge on how the finance industries prey on people's behaviours in order to reap the most money from personal loans and credit card debts. In just three hours you will learn the simplest way to shrug off the shackles of debt, and how to transform your attitudes and behaviours towards credit so that you never get caught out again.

Essays in Biography

by J. Keynes

This authoritative Royal Economic Society edition of Essays in Biography contains some of Keyne's finest writing. It has been reissued with a new introduction by Donald Winch that appraises Keynes's achievement as biographer, character analyst, and intellectual historian.

Essays in Persuasion

by J. Keynes

This reissue of the authoritative Royal Economic Society edition of Essays in Persuasion features a new introduction by Donald Moggridge, which discusses the significance of this definitive work. The essays in this volume show Keynes' attempts to influence the course of events by public persuasion over the period of 1919-40.

Essays In Persuasion (PDF)

by John Maynard Keynes

This reissue of the authoritative Royal Economic Society edition of Essays in Persuasion features a new introduction by Donald Moggridge, which discusses the significance of this definitive work. The essays in this volume show Keynes' attempts to influence the course of events by public persuasion over the period of 1919-40.

Essays on Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Integration & Common Research Projects

by Gerald Gaus, Christi Favor, Julian Lamont

This volume brings together distinguished philosophers with interdisciplinary expertise to show how the resources of philosophy can be employed in the tasks of evaluating economics and fostering policy debates. Contributors offer analyses of basic ideas in economics, such as the notion of efficiency, "economic man", incentives, self-interest, and utility maximization. They discuss key concepts in political theory such as desert, compensation, autonomy, equality, consent or fairness. The book then offers examples of how philosophical resources can be applied to specific, timely debates, such as discrimination, affirmative action, and ethical considerations in Social Security. These applications demonstrate how philosophy, politics, and economics can be fruitfully combined, while the more theoretical chapters clarify fundamental relationships across these related disciplines. Ultimately, the text guides students and scholars in expanding their perspectives as they approach the necessarily complex research questions of today and tomorrow.

Essays on Port Economics (Contributions to Economics)

by Pablo Coto-Millán Miguel Angel Pesquera Juan Castanedo

The aim of this book is to offer a comprehensive overview of the economics of ports for scientists, students and professionals. The text is divided into five self-contained parts: the first chapter defines the demand for port services using an econometric approach. The second part analyzes the provision of port services using the production, cost, investment and profit functions of various ports. The third part combines the two previous parts in order to propound a general equilibrium approach. The fourth part looks at regulation, efficiency and the existence of ports as natural monopolies. Finally, the fifth part uses Cost Benefit Analysis for an economic evaluation of the feasibility of building new ports or enlarging existing ones.

The Essence of Strategic Giving: A Practical Guide for Donors and Fundraisers

by Peter Frumkin

In the face of global financial problems and stressed government budgets, the ability of private philanthropy to step in and help solve public problems—and support vital private institutions as well—has perhaps never been more important. But how can donors be sure their contributions will be effective? And how can fundraisers make their case for support in a way that is compelling and productive? With The Essence of Strategic Giving, Peter Frumkin distills the lessons of his comprehensive, award-winning study, Strategic Giving, into a concise, practical guide for everyone involved in private philanthropy, from donors to managers of nonprofits to fund-raisers. He defines five critical challenges that all donors must address if their philanthropy is to amount to more than indiscriminate charity, including being aware of the time frame that guides a gift, specifying the intended impact being pursued, and recognizing how a donation fits with a donor’s own identity and style. Acknowledging and understanding these fundamental, strategic aspects of giving, Frumkin argues, will help ensure philanthropy that more effectively achieves its aims—and at the same time builds a lasting relationship between donors and the institutions they support. As the next generation of donors wrestle with the challenge of effectively distributing what Andrew Carnegie called “surplus wealth,” Frumkin’s road map will be an indispensible resource for years to come.

Essential Guide to Operations Management: Concepts and Case Notes

by David Bamford Paul Forrester

This book is a novel treatment of Operations Management. It takes a fresh insight to this increasingly important topic, exploring fundamental principles equally applicable to service and manufacturing situations. The book adapts a strategic stance by providing a framework for effective decision making and is aimed at practising managers who need to design working processes, manage change and make decisions within a strategic framework. The framework and supporting case vignettes allow the practitioner to grasp essential concepts quickly in a range of different operational contexts. "Bamford and Forrester have done an excellent job in creating a concise, salient, and appealing approach - they have captured the essential elements of designing processes, products and work organizations; exploring approaches to operations planning and control; managing change through effective project management and technology transfer; and then managing quality and improvement strategies".—Professor Rob Handfield, Professor of Supply Chain Management, North Carolina State University, USA "This is an excellent concise text that introduces students to all of the key areas - it's an invaluable aid for students in understanding all of the major aspects of operations and their importance to the success of businesses".—Professor Steve Brown, Professor of Management, University of Exeter Business School, University of Exeter, UK "For today's or tomorrow's business leaders this text has well structured invaluable content ready for immediate adoption. Follow the guide, put it into practice, and the rewards will follow".—Mr Vernon Barker, Managing Director, First TransPennine Express, First Group Plc, UK "This book combines technical theory 'book smarts' with real life experience 'street smarts' in a flowing read".—Mr Stephen Oliver, Vice President Marketing & Sales, Vicor Corporation, Boston, USA

Essential Guide to Operations Management: Concepts and Case Notes

by David Bamford Paul Forrester

This book is a novel treatment of Operations Management. It takes a fresh insight to this increasingly important topic, exploring fundamental principles equally applicable to service and manufacturing situations. The book adapts a strategic stance by providing a framework for effective decision making and is aimed at practising managers who need to design working processes, manage change and make decisions within a strategic framework. The framework and supporting case vignettes allow the practitioner to grasp essential concepts quickly in a range of different operational contexts. "Bamford and Forrester have done an excellent job in creating a concise, salient, and appealing approach - they have captured the essential elements of designing processes, products and work organizations; exploring approaches to operations planning and control; managing change through effective project management and technology transfer; and then managing quality and improvement strategies".—Professor Rob Handfield, Professor of Supply Chain Management, North Carolina State University, USA "This is an excellent concise text that introduces students to all of the key areas - it's an invaluable aid for students in understanding all of the major aspects of operations and their importance to the success of businesses".—Professor Steve Brown, Professor of Management, University of Exeter Business School, University of Exeter, UK "For today's or tomorrow's business leaders this text has well structured invaluable content ready for immediate adoption. Follow the guide, put it into practice, and the rewards will follow".—Mr Vernon Barker, Managing Director, First TransPennine Express, First Group Plc, UK "This book combines technical theory 'book smarts' with real life experience 'street smarts' in a flowing read".—Mr Stephen Oliver, Vice President Marketing & Sales, Vicor Corporation, Boston, USA

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