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Showing 151 through 175 of 21,950 results

Parameterextraktion bei Halbleiterbauelementen: Simulation mit PSPICE

by Peter Baumann

Ergänzend zu Vorlesung, zu Rechenübungen und insbesondere zum Laborpraktikum im Lehrfach Elektronik werden Analyseverfahren zur Extraktion von SPICE-Modellparametern ausgewählter Halbleiterbauelemente vorgestellt. Für Bauelemente aus der DEMO-Version des Programms ORCAD-PSPICE wird aufgezeigt, wie man deren statische und dynamische elektrische Modellparameter mit PSPICE-Analysen wieder zurück gewinnen kann. Diese Parameterermittlung wird ausgeführt für Schaltdiode, Kapazitätsdiode, npn-Bipolartransistor, N-Kanal-Sperrschicht-Feldeffekttransistor, CMOS-Array-Transistoren, Operationsverstärker und Optokoppler. In einem neuen Abschnitt werden Streuparameter-Analysen zum bipolaren HF-Transistor vorgenommen. Behandelt wird ferner die Ermittlung der Modellparameter von Sensoren zur Erfassung von Temperatur, Licht, Feuchte, Kraft, Schall, Gaskonzentration und pH-Wert. Das abschließende neue Kapitel widmet sich der Parameterextraktion von multikristallinen, monokristallinen und Dünnschicht-Silizium-Solarzellen.

Elektrotechnik und Elektronik in Maschinenbau und Mechatronik: Für Studierende und für die Praxis

by Julian Endres

Anlagen und Maschinen werden immer komplexer, auch weil in ihnen immer mehr Elektronik verbaut ist. Die Grundlagen und die Anwendungen der Elektrotechnik, der Elektronik und der Kommunikationstechnik spielen daher für den Maschinenbau eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Dieser Entwicklung trägt das Buch Rechnung. Es stellt die Grundlagen dieser Fachgebiete sowie der Halbleiter- und Leistungselektronik ausführlich dar. Zudem behandelt es elektrische Maschinen und Anlagen, Energieversorgung und die Datenkommunikation mit Feldbussen. Jeder Abschnitt ist in gleicher Weise gegliedert: Eine strukturierte Übersicht zeigt die Zusammenhänge auf, Beispiele verdeutlichen die Rechnungen und die Gedankengänge, Diagramme und Fotos veranschaulichen die Anwendungen. Zusammen mit den Übungsaufgaben und Lösungen ergibt sich ein didaktischer Aufbau, der es Lesern erleichtert, sich in die Elektrotechnik und die Elektronik einzuarbeiten.Für die 4. Auflage wurden die Inhalte aktualisiert und ergänzt. Unter anderem wurde eine Einführung in elektrische Fahrzeugantriebe eingefügt und das Kapitel zur Energieversorgung um Abschnitte zur Energieübertragung in Stromnetzen erweitert. Das Werk eignet sich als Lehrbuch für Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften, insbesondere des Maschinenbaus, richtet sich aber auch an angehende Wirtschaftsingenieure und Mechatroniker. Für Ingenieure im Beruf ist der Band ein umfassendes und fundiertes Nachschlagewerk – auch wenn es um neue Herausforderungen in den Bereichen Industrie 4.0 und elektrische Antriebstechnogien geht.

Rethinking Cyber Warfare: The International Relations of Digital Disruption

by R. David Edelman

Fifteen years into the era of ?cyber warfare,? are we any closer to understanding the role a major cyberattack would play in international relations - or to preventing one? Uniquely spanning disciplines and enriched by the insights of a leading practitioner, Rethinking Cyber Warfare provides a fresh understanding of the role that digital disruption plays in contemporary international security. Focusing on the critical phenomenon of major cyberattacks against wired societies, the book reconsiders central tenets that shaped global powers' policies and explains what forces in the international system might durably restrain their use. Arming the reader with the key technological and historical context to make sense of cyberattacks, it explores how deterrence, international law, and normative taboos operate today to shape whether and how states think about causing this kind of disruption - and how soon those forces might combine to rethink those decisions entirely. The result is a comprehensive look at one of the most pressing issues in international security that also illuminates a new pathway for managing one of its greatest sources of instability.

Rethinking Cyber Warfare: The International Relations of Digital Disruption

by R. David Edelman

Fifteen years into the era of ?cyber warfare,? are we any closer to understanding the role a major cyberattack would play in international relations - or to preventing one? Uniquely spanning disciplines and enriched by the insights of a leading practitioner, Rethinking Cyber Warfare provides a fresh understanding of the role that digital disruption plays in contemporary international security. Focusing on the critical phenomenon of major cyberattacks against wired societies, the book reconsiders central tenets that shaped global powers' policies and explains what forces in the international system might durably restrain their use. Arming the reader with the key technological and historical context to make sense of cyberattacks, it explores how deterrence, international law, and normative taboos operate today to shape whether and how states think about causing this kind of disruption - and how soon those forces might combine to rethink those decisions entirely. The result is a comprehensive look at one of the most pressing issues in international security that also illuminates a new pathway for managing one of its greatest sources of instability.

Forks in the Digital Road: Key Decisions in the History of the Internet

by Scott J. Shackelford Scott O. Bradner

Fifty years ago, a UCLA computer science professor and his student sent the first electronic message over a network called ARPANET, a predecessor to the Internet. The intended message, the word "login", was truncated in a computer crash to "lo." Digital infrastructure has made significant advances since then, but key decision points in the history of the Internet continue to reverberate today and have done much to shape not only cyberspace, but the twenty-first century. In Forks in the Digital Road, Scott J. Shackelford and Scott O. Bradner revisit the key decision points in the history of cybersecurity and Internet governance, revealing the alternative paths or "forks" that existed at the time and addressing the question of "what if?". What if encryption was built into the Internet's architecture from the beginning? What if Section 230, which shields Internet platforms from civil liability, had taken a different form? What if Cerf and Kahn had structured TCP/IP in another way? What if Tim Berners-Lee had taken the advice of counsel and patented the World Wide Web? And what if the US government had not gotten directly involved with Internet governance in 1998, or elected not to help launch a new era of cyber conflict in 2006? Shackelford and Bradner answer these questions, and many more. They explain how things might have been different if other paths had been followed and offer practical ideas to help build a new vision of cyberspace that is as secure, private, efficient, and fun as possible. At a time when the future of cyberspace has never been more in doubt--with the potential for a new Digital Cold War, or even a "splinternet" having the potential to fracture cyberspace into a series of national-level intranets in the wake of the war in Ukraine--the time is ripe to take both a look back, and ahead.

Forks in the Digital Road: Key Decisions in the History of the Internet

by Scott J. Shackelford Scott O. Bradner

Fifty years ago, a UCLA computer science professor and his student sent the first electronic message over a network called ARPANET, a predecessor to the Internet. The intended message, the word "login", was truncated in a computer crash to "lo." Digital infrastructure has made significant advances since then, but key decision points in the history of the Internet continue to reverberate today and have done much to shape not only cyberspace, but the twenty-first century. In Forks in the Digital Road, Scott J. Shackelford and Scott O. Bradner revisit the key decision points in the history of cybersecurity and Internet governance, revealing the alternative paths or "forks" that existed at the time and addressing the question of "what if?". What if encryption was built into the Internet's architecture from the beginning? What if Section 230, which shields Internet platforms from civil liability, had taken a different form? What if Cerf and Kahn had structured TCP/IP in another way? What if Tim Berners-Lee had taken the advice of counsel and patented the World Wide Web? And what if the US government had not gotten directly involved with Internet governance in 1998, or elected not to help launch a new era of cyber conflict in 2006? Shackelford and Bradner answer these questions, and many more. They explain how things might have been different if other paths had been followed and offer practical ideas to help build a new vision of cyberspace that is as secure, private, efficient, and fun as possible. At a time when the future of cyberspace has never been more in doubt--with the potential for a new Digital Cold War, or even a "splinternet" having the potential to fracture cyberspace into a series of national-level intranets in the wake of the war in Ukraine--the time is ripe to take both a look back, and ahead.

The Routledge International Handbook of Positioning Theory (Routledge International Handbooks)

by Luk Van Langenhove Cynthia H. Brock Mary B. McVee Bo Allesøe Christensen

This handbook is the first of its kind to explore Positioning Theory. Taking inspiration from the groundwork set by Rom Harré and collaborators such as Bronwyn Davies, Fathali Moghaddam, Luk Van Langenhove, and others the book explores the emergence, historical context, and disciplinary applications of Positioning Theory and its basic precepts as a social psychological theory.This volume encompasses over 20 chapters across four sections, assimilating cross-disciplinary insights that try to understand the theoretical underpinnings, methodological applications, and contemporary relevance of Positioning Theory. Part 1 explores the movement of scholarly figures and their numerous works on the subject. It discusses the foundational origins and the historical contexts of the existing theories on positioning and new directions for scholarship. Part 2 examines the methodological and narrative investigations used for data analysis in positioning research, navigating through the epistemological orientations and theoretical landscapes of Positioning Theory. Part 3 explores numerous applications across disciplines to consider the reach and influence of positioning within and across multiple disciplines. Lastly, the authors contemplate the future directions for Positioning Theory.Featuring researchers from leading research institutions from across the globe, the book is important reading for scholars interested in positioning and Positioning Theory. We recommend this handbook for graduate-level courses in social psychology, communication, discourse studies and related disciplines.

The Routledge International Handbook of Positioning Theory (Routledge International Handbooks)

This handbook is the first of its kind to explore Positioning Theory. Taking inspiration from the groundwork set by Rom Harré and collaborators such as Bronwyn Davies, Fathali Moghaddam, Luk Van Langenhove, and others the book explores the emergence, historical context, and disciplinary applications of Positioning Theory and its basic precepts as a social psychological theory.This volume encompasses over 20 chapters across four sections, assimilating cross-disciplinary insights that try to understand the theoretical underpinnings, methodological applications, and contemporary relevance of Positioning Theory. Part 1 explores the movement of scholarly figures and their numerous works on the subject. It discusses the foundational origins and the historical contexts of the existing theories on positioning and new directions for scholarship. Part 2 examines the methodological and narrative investigations used for data analysis in positioning research, navigating through the epistemological orientations and theoretical landscapes of Positioning Theory. Part 3 explores numerous applications across disciplines to consider the reach and influence of positioning within and across multiple disciplines. Lastly, the authors contemplate the future directions for Positioning Theory.Featuring researchers from leading research institutions from across the globe, the book is important reading for scholars interested in positioning and Positioning Theory. We recommend this handbook for graduate-level courses in social psychology, communication, discourse studies and related disciplines.

Repression in the Digital Age: Surveillance, Censorship, and the Dynamics of State Violence (Disruptive Technology and International Security)

by Anita R. Gohdes

Global adoption of the Internet has exploded, yet we are only beginning to understand the Internet's profound political consequences. Authoritarian states are digitally catching up with their democratic counterparts, and both are showing a growing interest in the use of cyber controls--online censorship and surveillance technologies--that allow governments to exercise control over the Internet. Under what conditions does a digitally connected society actually help states target their enemies? Why do repressive governments sometimes shut down the Internet when faced with uprisings? And how have cyber controls become a dependable tool in the weapons arsenal that states use in civil conflict? In Repression in the Digital Age, Anita R. Gohdes addresses these questions, and provides an original and in-depth look into the relationship between digital technologies and state violence. Drawing on large-scale analyses of fine-grained data on the Syrian conflict, qualitative case evidence from Iran, and the first global comparative analysis on Internet outages and state repression, Gohdes makes the case that digital infrastructure supports security forces in their use of violent state repression. More specifically, she argues that mass access to the Internet presents governments who fear for their political survival with a set of response options. When faced with a political threat, they can either temporarily restrict or block online public access or they can expand mass access to online information and monitor it to their own advantage. Surveillance allows security forces to target opponents of the state more selectively, while extreme forms of censorship or shutdowns of the Internet occur in conjunction with larger and more indiscriminate repression. As digital communication has become a bedrock of modern opposition and protest movements, Repression in the Digital Age breaks new ground in examining state repression in the information age.

Repression in the Digital Age: Surveillance, Censorship, and the Dynamics of State Violence (Disruptive Technology and International Security)

by Anita R. Gohdes

Global adoption of the Internet has exploded, yet we are only beginning to understand the Internet's profound political consequences. Authoritarian states are digitally catching up with their democratic counterparts, and both are showing a growing interest in the use of cyber controls--online censorship and surveillance technologies--that allow governments to exercise control over the Internet. Under what conditions does a digitally connected society actually help states target their enemies? Why do repressive governments sometimes shut down the Internet when faced with uprisings? And how have cyber controls become a dependable tool in the weapons arsenal that states use in civil conflict? In Repression in the Digital Age, Anita R. Gohdes addresses these questions, and provides an original and in-depth look into the relationship between digital technologies and state violence. Drawing on large-scale analyses of fine-grained data on the Syrian conflict, qualitative case evidence from Iran, and the first global comparative analysis on Internet outages and state repression, Gohdes makes the case that digital infrastructure supports security forces in their use of violent state repression. More specifically, she argues that mass access to the Internet presents governments who fear for their political survival with a set of response options. When faced with a political threat, they can either temporarily restrict or block online public access or they can expand mass access to online information and monitor it to their own advantage. Surveillance allows security forces to target opponents of the state more selectively, while extreme forms of censorship or shutdowns of the Internet occur in conjunction with larger and more indiscriminate repression. As digital communication has become a bedrock of modern opposition and protest movements, Repression in the Digital Age breaks new ground in examining state repression in the information age.

Public Affairs in Practice: A Practical Guide to Lobbying (PR In Practice)

by Stuart Thomson Steve John

Public Affairs in Practice explains how public affairs (PA) is now much more than just political lobbying. Modern PA includes working with other policy-making bodies, such as regulators, commercial organizations and other interested parties.This is the first book to examine the methods PA professionals use to make an impact. It takes each area of the industry in turn and looks at the tools involved in delivering a PA programme. It also highlights the potential benefits of public affairs, such as protecting an organization from perceived threats of new regulation; identifying new market opportunities; and raising the profile of an organization. Case studies and tips from industry professionals make this a practical "how to" guide for practitioners at all levels and students.Importantly, the authors consider not only established markets the US, UK and Western Europe but also the opportunities presented to companies from these countries by the EU accession states and China, where there are currently very few PA professionals.Finally, there is a discussion of future trends and developments in PA.

All the News That’s Fit to Click: How Metrics Are Transforming the Work of Journalists

by Caitlin Petre

From the New York Times to Gawker, a behind-the-scenes look at how performance analytics are transforming journalism today—and how they might remake other professions tomorrowJournalists today are inundated with data about which stories attract the most clicks, likes, comments, and shares. These metrics influence what stories are written, how news is promoted, and even which journalists get hired and fired. Do metrics make journalists more accountable to the public? Or are these data tools the contemporary equivalent of a stopwatch wielded by a factory boss, worsening newsroom working conditions and journalism quality? In All the News That's Fit to Click, Caitlin Petre takes readers behind the scenes at the New York Times, Gawker, and the prominent news analytics company Chartbeat to explore how performance metrics are transforming the work of journalism.Petre describes how digital metrics are a powerful but insidious new form of managerial surveillance and discipline. Real-time analytics tools are designed to win the trust and loyalty of wary journalists by mimicking key features of addictive games, including immersive displays, instant feedback, and constantly updated “scores” and rankings. Many journalists get hooked on metrics—and pressure themselves to work ever harder to boost their numbers.Yet this is not a simple story of managerial domination. Contrary to the typical perception of metrics as inevitably disempowering, Petre shows how some journalists leverage metrics to their advantage, using them to advocate for their professional worth and autonomy.An eye-opening account of data-driven journalism, All the News That's Fit to Click is also an important preview of how the metrics revolution may transform other professions.

Dynamical Behaviors of Fractional-Order Complex Dynamical Networks

by Jin-Liang Wang

This book benefits researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the field of fractional-order complex dynamical networks. Recently, the dynamical behaviors (e.g., passivity, finite-time passivity, synchronization, and finite-time synchronization, etc.) for fractional-order complex networks (FOCNs) have attracted considerable research attention in a wide range of fields, and a variety of valuable results have been reported. In particular, passivity has been extensively used to address the synchronization of FOCNs.

Now We're Talking

by Sarah Rozenthuler

This book gives you the practical tools to overcome the obstacles stopping you from having a difficult conversation. Move from avoidance or breakdown to breakthrough.

Transcending Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Work: A Self-Critical Engagement (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by Hugo Gaggiotti Marguerite L Weber

The book reflects on ways of transcending Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) by establishing a dialogue between the professional experience of the authors and experts from academia and practitioners from financial services and executive search. The book emphasises the link and impact between what is taught and what is learned about EDI and how this reflects on later choices in career and workplace status. The book offers a critical and global perspective, emphasizing the multilocality and intersectionality dimension of diversity and unpicks key insights from different conceptualizations, like class, gender and postcolonialism and their relationship with the current paradigm of diversity and how people identify and communicate. With an extensive collection of testimonies and invitations for reflection, the book doesn’t limit the analysis to the influences of historical power relations in the workplace, but investigates at what stage multicultural power structures start developing a compulsory inclination to create “differences” and how this can influence hiring decision making and management in the workplace. In the book, academics and practitioners provide illumination and insights gleaned from their own personal experiences and perspectives. Whilst the research targeted financial services and executive search, the book's findings will appeal globally to individuals of all age groups regardless of educational status, seniority or in which industry they are employed, particularly those who are aware of how each one expresses similarity and differences sometimes in not obvious ways.

Transcending Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Work: A Self-Critical Engagement (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by Hugo Gaggiotti Marguerite L Weber

The book reflects on ways of transcending Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) by establishing a dialogue between the professional experience of the authors and experts from academia and practitioners from financial services and executive search. The book emphasises the link and impact between what is taught and what is learned about EDI and how this reflects on later choices in career and workplace status. The book offers a critical and global perspective, emphasizing the multilocality and intersectionality dimension of diversity and unpicks key insights from different conceptualizations, like class, gender and postcolonialism and their relationship with the current paradigm of diversity and how people identify and communicate. With an extensive collection of testimonies and invitations for reflection, the book doesn’t limit the analysis to the influences of historical power relations in the workplace, but investigates at what stage multicultural power structures start developing a compulsory inclination to create “differences” and how this can influence hiring decision making and management in the workplace. In the book, academics and practitioners provide illumination and insights gleaned from their own personal experiences and perspectives. Whilst the research targeted financial services and executive search, the book's findings will appeal globally to individuals of all age groups regardless of educational status, seniority or in which industry they are employed, particularly those who are aware of how each one expresses similarity and differences sometimes in not obvious ways.

The Class and Gender Politics of Chinese Online Discourse: Ambivalence, Sociopolitical Tensions and Co-option (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture)

by Yanning Huang

This book offers an in- depth study of the quasi- political, self-deprecating, and parodic buzzwords and memes prevalent in Chinese online discourse.Combining discourse analysis with in- depth audience research among the young internet users who deploy these buzzwords in on- and offline contexts, the book explores the historical and social implications of online wordplay for sustaining or challenging the contemporary social order in China. Yanning Huang adopts a combination of media and communications, social anthropology, and socio- linguistic perspectives to shed light on various forms of agency enacted by different social groups in their embracing, negotiation of, or disengagement from online buzzwords, before addressing how the discourses of online wordplay have been co-opted by corporations and party-media.Offering a rigorous and panoramic analysis of the politics and logics of online wordplay in contemporary China, and providing a critical and nuanced analytical framework for studying digital culture and participation in China and elsewhere, this book will be an important resource for scholars and students of media and communication studies, Internet and digital media studies, discourse analysis, Asian studies, and social anthropology.

The Class and Gender Politics of Chinese Online Discourse: Ambivalence, Sociopolitical Tensions and Co-option (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture)

by Yanning Huang

This book offers an in- depth study of the quasi- political, self-deprecating, and parodic buzzwords and memes prevalent in Chinese online discourse.Combining discourse analysis with in- depth audience research among the young internet users who deploy these buzzwords in on- and offline contexts, the book explores the historical and social implications of online wordplay for sustaining or challenging the contemporary social order in China. Yanning Huang adopts a combination of media and communications, social anthropology, and socio- linguistic perspectives to shed light on various forms of agency enacted by different social groups in their embracing, negotiation of, or disengagement from online buzzwords, before addressing how the discourses of online wordplay have been co-opted by corporations and party-media.Offering a rigorous and panoramic analysis of the politics and logics of online wordplay in contemporary China, and providing a critical and nuanced analytical framework for studying digital culture and participation in China and elsewhere, this book will be an important resource for scholars and students of media and communication studies, Internet and digital media studies, discourse analysis, Asian studies, and social anthropology.

Restriction and Creation: Factors That Affect Translation (ISSN)

by Deng Di

This book presents an overall picture of the constraints faced at different stages of the translation process, providing a more scientific approach to descriptive translation studies.The study investigates translation constraints at three different levels. The micro-system includes the original work, the translator, and the translation itself. The meso-system includes various factors that represent power, such as individuals, groups, and institutions. The book also examines the macro-system, which includes factors related to culture, society, and even the global context. Drawing on the principles of literary hermeneutics, this book advances the study of translation constraints from description to interpretation through systematic analysis. Incorporating the latest scholarship from both national and international sources, the book discusses translation studies when it explores translation constraints and analyses translation constraints when it discusses translation studies.The book will be of interest to scholars and students of translation theory and practice and Chinese studies. It will also be of value to translation professionals.

Restriction and Creation: Factors That Affect Translation (ISSN)

by Deng Di

This book presents an overall picture of the constraints faced at different stages of the translation process, providing a more scientific approach to descriptive translation studies.The study investigates translation constraints at three different levels. The micro-system includes the original work, the translator, and the translation itself. The meso-system includes various factors that represent power, such as individuals, groups, and institutions. The book also examines the macro-system, which includes factors related to culture, society, and even the global context. Drawing on the principles of literary hermeneutics, this book advances the study of translation constraints from description to interpretation through systematic analysis. Incorporating the latest scholarship from both national and international sources, the book discusses translation studies when it explores translation constraints and analyses translation constraints when it discusses translation studies.The book will be of interest to scholars and students of translation theory and practice and Chinese studies. It will also be of value to translation professionals.

Korea’s Platform Empire: An Emerging Power in the Global Platform Sphere (Routledge Research in Digital Media and Culture in Asia)

by Dal Yong Jin Seongcheol Kim

Korea’s Platform Empire explores the evolution of digital platforms in South Korea’s media sphere, and their global political, economic, cultural, and technological influence.With a focus on Korea in the context of the global platform revolution, the book takes a methodical look at the broader social implications and the impact on cultural production. The authors explore various facets of the media and cultural industries—looking beyond social media to news broadcasting and the music industry—and look at the policy and regulations behind this shifting technological advancement.This book will appeal to students and scholars working on media industries, digital media, platform studies, information and technology studies, Korean and East Asian media studies, and the creative and cultural industries.

Korea’s Platform Empire: An Emerging Power in the Global Platform Sphere (Routledge Research in Digital Media and Culture in Asia)

by Dal Yong Jin Seongcheol Kim

Korea’s Platform Empire explores the evolution of digital platforms in South Korea’s media sphere, and their global political, economic, cultural, and technological influence.With a focus on Korea in the context of the global platform revolution, the book takes a methodical look at the broader social implications and the impact on cultural production. The authors explore various facets of the media and cultural industries—looking beyond social media to news broadcasting and the music industry—and look at the policy and regulations behind this shifting technological advancement.This book will appeal to students and scholars working on media industries, digital media, platform studies, information and technology studies, Korean and East Asian media studies, and the creative and cultural industries.

A History of Disinformation in the U.S.

by Joseph R. Hayden

This volume recounts notable episodes of distortion throughout American media history. It examines several of the lurid hoaxes and conspiracy theories that have inspired press coverage, as well as some of the political lies promoted by partisan gladiators, whether of the eighteenth century or today.The book moves beyond the sensational stories to show the enduring and systemic nature of media manipulation that occurs on far more consequential issues. It exposes persistent and deeply destructive falsehoods that have been told about women, people of color, immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community, unions, commercial products, highlighting how longstanding “bipartisan” myths have effectively marginalized certain groups of Americans. Alongside these cases, the author carefully dissects the changing nature of institutions, technologies, and practices of journalism in America. Attention is given to the evolution of newspapers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the role of broadcasting in the twentieth, and the impact of the internet and social media at the dawn of the twenty-first.This book will appeal to readers interested in American history, journalism, communication studies, political science and sociology.

A History of Disinformation in the U.S.

by Joseph R. Hayden

This volume recounts notable episodes of distortion throughout American media history. It examines several of the lurid hoaxes and conspiracy theories that have inspired press coverage, as well as some of the political lies promoted by partisan gladiators, whether of the eighteenth century or today.The book moves beyond the sensational stories to show the enduring and systemic nature of media manipulation that occurs on far more consequential issues. It exposes persistent and deeply destructive falsehoods that have been told about women, people of color, immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community, unions, commercial products, highlighting how longstanding “bipartisan” myths have effectively marginalized certain groups of Americans. Alongside these cases, the author carefully dissects the changing nature of institutions, technologies, and practices of journalism in America. Attention is given to the evolution of newspapers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the role of broadcasting in the twentieth, and the impact of the internet and social media at the dawn of the twenty-first.This book will appeal to readers interested in American history, journalism, communication studies, political science and sociology.

The Darker Side of Social Media: Consumer Psychology and Mental Health

The Darker Side of Social Media: Consumer Psychology and Mental Health takes a research-based, scientific approach to examining problematic issues and outcomes that are related to social media use by consumers. Now in its second edition, it relies on psychological theories to help explain or predict problematic online behavior within the social media landscape through the lens of mental health.With an aim to provide solutions, the authors spotlight the key issues affecting consumer well-being and mental health due to the omnipresence and overuse of social media. The book dissects the unintended consequences of too much social media use, specifying key problems like disconnection anxiety, eating disorders, online fraud, cyberbullying, the dark web, addiction, depression, self-discrepancies, and serious privacy concerns (especially impacting children or young people). The book provides grapples with mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, self-harm, and eating disorders that can be intensified by, or correlated with, too much social media use. The authors meticulously review the various facets of the darker side of online presence and propose actionable solutions for each of the problems stated, providing scholars with a conceptual model with propositions for continued research.This international exploration of social media is a must-read for students of marketing, advertising, and public relations, as well as scholars/managers of business, marketing, psychology, communication, management, and sociology. It will also be of interest to social media users, those navigating new media platforms parents, policymakers, and practitioners.

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