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Showing 21,826 through 21,850 of 21,929 results

Arctic Communications: Proceedings of the Eighth Meeting of the AGARD Ionospheric Research Committee, Athens, Greece, July 1963

by B. Landmark

Arctic Communications is a compilation of the proceedings of the Eighth Meeting of the Ionospheric Research Committee of NATO's Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development, held in Athens, Greece in July 1963. The meeting provided a forum for discussing advances in communications equipment used to conduct research in the Arctic and covered a wide range of topics such as the physical properties of the Arctic ionosphere; Arctic high-frequency communications; soundings and field strength measurements; and observations in the Arctic during nuclear tests. This book is comprised of 25 chapters and begins with a discussion on experimental studies of high latitude absorption phenomena, including auroral absorption, polar cap absorption, and sudden commencement absorption. Direct measurements of D-region electron densities during the absorption periods are also presented. Subsequent chapters focus on the ionospheric absorption of cosmic noise observed at geomagnetically conjugate points; ionospheric ionization produced by solar flares; military communication facilities in the Canadian Arctic; and radio noise problems in Arctic regions. Phase instabilities on a very-low-frequency transmission path passing through the auroral zone are also considered. This monograph will be of particular value to scientists and researchers with interest in the Arctic.

How Newspapers Work: The Commonwealth and International Library: Liberal Studies Division

by W. Roy Nash

How Newspapers Work is a detailed account of how newspapers work, with emphasis on the mechanics of news gathering and tasks of the reporter, sub-editor, news specialists, and editor. A typical day in the life of a morning newspaper is described, and the role of the press in society is examined. This book is comprised of seven chapters and begins with an introduction to the history of newspapers, with particular reference to some ""popular"" national daily newspapers in Britain such as the Daily Express, Daily Mail, Daily Herald, Daily Mirror, and Daily Sketch. The next chapter focuses on the role of reporters in gathering news, their education and training, and qualities of a good reporter. Subsequent chapters look at the main tasks of sub-editors, news specialists such as columnists, and editors. The penultimate chapter describes a typical day in the life of a morning newspaper, while the last chapter considers the social and political aspects of the press. This monograph will be of interest to journalists and those considering a career in the newspaper industry.

Funktechnik: Grundlagen der Sende-, Empfangs- und Funkortungstechnik

by Robert Richard Kühn

Das vorliegende Buch wurde für die Ausbildung des Funkpersonals und der Funk­ techniker in der kommerziellen Technik und in anderen Fachgebieten außerhalb der Unterhaltungstechnik geschrieben. Besonderer Wert wurde auf die Erarbeitung der Grundlagen gelegt, auf die heute weniger denn je verzichtet werden kann. Es wird jedoch vorausgesetzt, daß der Leser mit den einfachen Grundgesetzen der Elektrotechnik bereits vertraut ist. Unter weitgehendem Verzicht auf mathematische Hilfsmittel werden alle z. Z. in der Funktechnik angewendeten Prinzipien erläutert, sofern deren Kennmis für die Praxis nützlich erschien. Unter anderem wird gezeigt, daß sich die Vielfalt der physikalischen Vorgänge auf verhälmismäßig wenig grundsätzliche Erscheinungen zurückführen läßt, die überall in der Elektrotechnik zu finden sind. Neben der Vermittlung der Grundlagen werden viele praktische Hinweise fur das Arbeiten mit Funkanlagen gegeben. Diese Teile des Buches werden auch von dem bereits in der Praxis stehenden Funk­ personal mit Gewinn gelesen werden, zumal die neuesten Erkenntnisse und Er­ fahrungen ausgewertet wurden. In einer weiteren Veröffentlichung sollen gerätekundliehe Themen behandelt werden.

Routledge Revivals: How They Work and How to Work Them (Routledge Revivals)

by Edgar Anstey

First published in 1963, Edgar Anstey’s work gives a detailed account on the inner workings of the committee. Within a committee, different interests nearly always need to be represented when a decision must be taken, and contributions are required from people of different outlook or expert knowledge. A committee is often the only means of achieving a workable solution to a problem. This book attempts to analyse the functioning of different kinds of committee groups and to bring out the factors which make for efficiency and inefficiency. Types of committee and their purpose are discussed, as well as how to lead a discussion to bring out a genuine group view, the roles of chairman and secretary, how individuals influence committee decisions, good and bad tactics, and how to deal with difficult members.

Routledge Revivals: How They Work and How to Work Them (Routledge Revivals)

by Edgar Anstey

First published in 1963, Edgar Anstey’s work gives a detailed account on the inner workings of the committee. Within a committee, different interests nearly always need to be represented when a decision must be taken, and contributions are required from people of different outlook or expert knowledge. A committee is often the only means of achieving a workable solution to a problem. This book attempts to analyse the functioning of different kinds of committee groups and to bring out the factors which make for efficiency and inefficiency. Types of committee and their purpose are discussed, as well as how to lead a discussion to bring out a genuine group view, the roles of chairman and secretary, how individuals influence committee decisions, good and bad tactics, and how to deal with difficult members.

Projektierung und Rationalisierung von Kohlenbergwerken

by Alois Riman

In einer Zeit ständig steigenden Energie- und Rohstoffbedarfes hat die Kohle trotz der Erschließung anderer Quellen ihre Bedeutung als Energieträger und Grundstoff für die Industrie behalten. Mehr denn je ist es aber angesichts der Konkurrenz notwendig, die rationellsten Methoden in der Gewinnung der Kohle anzuwenden, bestehende Bergbaue zu rationalisieren und zu mechanisieren und durch Konzentration optimale Bedingungen für höchste Arbeitsproduktivität und niedrigste Kosten zu schaffen. Ob es sich um die Projektierung neuer Gruben oder Horizonte handelt oder viel häufiger um die Rationalisierung bestehender Betriebe: der Erfolg des Unternehmens in allen seinen technischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Auswirkungen während der ganzen Betriebszeit hängt von der Vollkommenheit des zugrunde liegenden Projektes und damit von den Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten des projektierenden Technikers ab. Er wird neben der gründlichen Erfahrung in allen bergmännischen Arbeiten, besonders der Gewinnung, auch Kenntnisse der Rationalisierungs­ methoden und darüber hinaus Verständnis für die wirtschaftlichen Zusammenhänge im großen besitzen müssen. Beides, Methoden und wirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge, habe ich in dem vorliegenden Buch darzustellen versucht. Ich stütze mich dabei auf die Ergebnisse einer durch Jahrzehnte fortgeführten wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der technischen und wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen der Projektierung und Rationalisierung und auf deren Auswertung in der Praxis des Ostrau­ Karwiner Reviers. Gewiß sind gerade im Bergbau lokale und nationale Gegebenheiten stark differenziert. Ich habe mich bemüht, die allgemein gültigen Richtlinien zu geben, die nach den speziellen Erfordernissen der einzelnen Projekte ohne Schwierigkeiten variiert werden können. Die deutsche Ausgabe dieses Buches erscheint auf Anregung d~mtscher Bergingenieure, besonders des Herrn Bergdirektors Bergrat h. c. Dipl.­

The Quick And Easy Way To Effective Speaking

by Dale Carnegie

Good public speakers are made, not born - or so thinks Dale Carnegie, the pioneer of personal business skills. Yet business, social and personal satisfaction depend heavily upon a person's ability to communicate clearly. Public speaking is an important skill which anyone can acquire and develop. It is also the very best method of overcoming self-consciousness and building confidence, courage and enthusiasm. This classic, well established title has been called 'the most brilliant book of its kind'. It takes you step by step through:-Acquiring basic public speaking skills-Building confidence -Speaking effectively the quick and easy way -Earning the right to talk -Vitalising your talk -Sharing the talk with the audience as well as organisation and presentation skills

The Word: On the Translation of the Bible

by Dr John Barton

From the Sunday Times bestselling author of A History of the Bible, this is the story of how the Bible has been translated, and why it mattersThe Bible is held to be both universal and specific, the source of fundamental truths inscribed in words that are exact and sacred. For much of the history of Judaism and almost the entirety of Christianity, however, believers have overwhelmingly understood scripture not in the languages in which it was first written but rather in their own - in translation.This book examines how saints, scholars and interpreters from ancient times down to the present have produced versions of the Bible in the language of their day while remaining true to the original. It explains the challenges they negotiated, from minute textual ambiguities up to the sweep of style and stark differences in form and thought between the earliest writings and the latest, and it exposes the bearing these have on some of the most profound questions of faith: the nature of God, the existence of the soul and possibility of its salvation.Reading dozens of renderings alongside their ancient Hebrew and Greek antecedents, John Barton traces the migration of biblical words and ideas across linguistic borders, illuminating original meanings as well as the ways they were recast. 'Translators have been among the principal agents in mediating the Bible's message,' he writes, 'even in shaping what that message is.' At the separation of Christianity from Judaism and Protestantism from Catholicism, Barton demonstrates, vernacular versions did not only spring from fault lines in religious thinking but also inspired and moulded them. The product of a lifetime's study of scripture, The Word itself reveals the central book of our culture anew - as it was written and as we know it.

Horace Walpole (The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts #9)

by Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis

An illuminating biographical study of the eighteenth-century English man of letters and patron of the artsHorace Walpole (1717–1797) was a collector, printer, novelist, arbiter of taste, and renowned writer of letters. In this book, eminent scholar Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis provides an unprecedented look at the life and work of one of England’s greatest men of letters. Lewis sheds light on Walpole’s relationships with his family and friends, his politics, his writings and printmaking activities, and his correspondence. Featuring portraits of Walpole, his relatives, and friends; images of Walpole's sketches and manuscripts; pages from books printed at Walpole’s Strawberry Hill Press; and views and plans of Strawberry Hill, the house, its rooms and furnishings, and its grounds, and accompanied by Lewis’s extensive annotations, this book provides an invaluable history of an extraordinary man.

In Memoriam

by Tönjes Lange

Navigation (Handbuch für die Schiffsführung #1)

by K. Terheyden

The Story of a Life: Volumes 1–3

by Konstantin Paustovsky

Discover one of Twentieth-Century Russia's most lauded lost classics, now in a remarakble new translation.'Outstanding... A sparkling, supremely precious literary achievement' Telegraph'One of the great Russian autobiographies, as fresh now as the day it was written - and the day it was lived' Julian BarnesIn 1943, Konstantin Paustovsky, the Soviet Union's most revered author, started out on his masterwork - The Story of a Life; a grand, novelistic memoir of a life lived on the fast-unfurling frontiers of Russian history. Eventually published over six volumes, it would cement Paustovsky's reputation as the voice of Russia around the world, and see him nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Newly translated by Guggenheim fellow Douglas Smith, Vintage Classics are proud to reintroduce the first three books of Paustovsky's epic for a whole new generation. Taking its reader from Paustovsky's Ukrainian youth, struggling with a family on the verge of collapse and the first flourishes of creative ambition, to his experiences working as a paramedic on Russia's frontlines and then as a journalist covering the country's violent spiral into revolution, The Story of a Life offers a portrait of an artistic journey like no other.As richly dramatic as the great Russian novels of the 19th and 20th centuries, but all the more powerful for its first-hand testament to one of history's most chaotic eras, The Story of Life is a uniquely dazzling achievement of modern literature.

Navigation (Handbuch für die Schiffsführung #1)

by Ludwig Schnegelsberg

Die letzte Verantwortung für die gesamte Navigation des Schiffes trägt grundsätzlich der Kapitän. Er kann diese im allgemeinen weder an einen seiner Offiziere noch an den Lotsen abgeben. Die Anwesenheit eines orts­ und fahrwasserkundigen Lotsen befreit den Kapitän und die Offiziere nicht von der Pflicht, die N avigierung des Lotsen nachzuprüfen. 1. Betonnung und Befeuerung. Allgemeines. Die Betonnung und Befeuerung der Küstengewässer und Reviere wird in den meisten Staaten nach den im Jahre 1936 in Genf international vereinbarten Richtlinien durchgeführt. Jedoch können Küstengestaltung, Eigenart der Reviere, Klima, Überlieferung usw. die Art und Form der Seezeichen und die Befeuerung stark beeinflussen. Deshalb muß man sich vor dem Einlaufen in das betreffende Gewässer der Seekarte, dem Lfv und dem Shb hierüber genau unterrichten. in Die "Grundsätze für die Bezeichnung der deutschen Küstengewässer" sind am 1. 3. 1954 in Kraft getreten (BGBl., Teil II, Nr. 2/1954). Betonnung der deutschen Gewässer. Es werden verwendet: 1. feste Seezeichen: Leuchttürme, Baken, Dalben (Pfahlgruppen), Stangen und Pricken, 2. schwimmende Seezeichen: Feuerschiffe, Tonnen (Baken-, Leucht-, Glocken-, Heul-, Spieren-, Spitz-, Stumpf-, Kugel- und Faß-Tonnen). Klotzbojen können an die Stelle von Spieren-, Spitz-und Stumpftonnen treten; sie haben die angenäherte Form dieser Seezeichen. Zur Unterscheidung gleichartiger Seezeichen oder zu ihrer besonderen Kennzeichnung dienen Toppzeichen, Aufschriften und Abbildungen. Man achte stets auf die Form des Seezeichens und nicht nur auf die Farbe. Diese kann durch Verwaschung, Vereisung oder Verschmutzung gelegent­ lich nicht erkennbar sein. Man unterscheidet zwei Bezeichnungssysteme, eines für Fahrwasser und eines für Untiefen außerhalb bezeichneter Fahrwasser.

Think and Grow Rich (Arcturus Classics for Financial Freedom)

by Napoleon Hill

Do you have the mindset for financial success? How would you like to learn to succeed in all aspects of your life?Think and Grow Rich is one of the most influential and acclaimed books on success ever published. More than just positive thinking, Napoleon Hill's philosophy is a tried and tested technique that can propel you to success. In 13 clear, simple steps, Hill explains his "law of success" which is the cornerstone for harnessing your potential and growing your wealth. Central to this program is the idea that desire, faith, and persistence can propel you to great heights if you can suppress negative thoughts and focus on your long-term goals.This classic edition contains the original and unabridged text as well as an author preface. See for yourself why this perennial bestseller remains so popular eighty years after it was first published.

Latin American Documentary Narratives: The Intersections of Storytelling and Journalism in Contemporary Literature

by Liliana Chávez Díaz

What defines the boundary between fact and fabrication, fiction and nonfiction, literature and journalism? Latin American Documentary Narratives unpacks the precarious testimonial relationship between author and subject, where the literary journalist, rather than the subject being interviewed, can become the hero of a narrative in its recording and retelling.Latin American Documentary Narratives covers a variety of nonfiction genres from the 1950s to the 2000s that address topics such as social protests, dictatorships, natural disasters, crime and migration in Latin America. This book analyzes – and includes an appendix of interviews with – authors who have not previously been critically read together, from the early and emblematic works of Gabriel García Márquez and Elena Poniatowska to more recent authors, like Leila Guerriero and Juan Villoro, who are currently reshaping media and audiences in Latin America. In a world overwhelmed by data production and marked by violent acts against those considered 'others', Liliana Chávez Díaz argues that storytelling plays an essential role in communication among individuals, classes and cultures.

On a Darkling Plain (Routledge Revivals)

by Harvey Curtis Webster

Originally published in 1947 and presenting the famed poet-novelist against the background of contemporary thought and society, Harvey Curtis Webster shows that Hardy's later works give consistent evidence of hope; that pervasive pessimism was by no means the keynote of Hardy's thought. On a Darkling Plain traces the evolution of Hardy's thought, from faith, through disillusionment, to a cautious belief in the ultimate progress of man.

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