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Showing 3,251 through 3,275 of 21,950 results

Standard Basque and Its Dialects

by Koldo Zuazo

The origins of Basque dialects, a highly disputed area of research in Basque studies, are examined. The author, the foremost expert on Basque dialects, traces their emergence to medieval times, using: a) the profusion of features common to all dialects: b) the large number of innovations common to all dialects; and c) the fact that the only truly divergent dialects are the western and Souletin ones. In contrast, the three central dialects differ in far fewer and less important respects. The main contribution of Standard Basque and Its Dialects to the scholarly debate about the formation of Basque is that it identifies the nuclei from which the current dialects almost certainly emerged. The book explains the points of view that Basque speakers have upheld concerning their dialects, the formation of provincial standards starting in the eighteenth century, and the launch of Standard Basque in the second half of the twentieth century.

Standard Basque and Its Dialects

by Koldo Zuazo

The origins of Basque dialects, a highly disputed area of research in Basque studies, are examined. The author, the foremost expert on Basque dialects, traces their emergence to medieval times, using: a) the profusion of features common to all dialects: b) the large number of innovations common to all dialects; and c) the fact that the only truly divergent dialects are the western and Souletin ones. In contrast, the three central dialects differ in far fewer and less important respects. The main contribution of Standard Basque and Its Dialects to the scholarly debate about the formation of Basque is that it identifies the nuclei from which the current dialects almost certainly emerged. The book explains the points of view that Basque speakers have upheld concerning their dialects, the formation of provincial standards starting in the eighteenth century, and the launch of Standard Basque in the second half of the twentieth century.

Stand, Speak, Deliver!: How to survive and thrive in public speaking and presenting

by Vaughan Evans

Public speaking and presenting rank in the top ten of people's greatest fears. Yet being able to speak coherently and persuasively in a speech, seminar or meeting room is important when progressing our careers and living our lives to the fullest.In this book, 37 pithy, lively and witty mini-speeches tell us how to construct and deliver a speech or presentation. Each example speech follows a simple, perfect structure which will soon become imprinted in your mind. Each focuses on one facet of speaking and gives you the very essentials picked up by the author over 25 years of experience.And each speech will entertain as much as inform you.Stand, Speak, Deliver! will enable you to learn how to use your eyes, vary your voice and move your body. It will also look at how to inform, entertain, humour, persuade, motivate or inspire the audience; how to present, to colleagues or clients; how to introduce a speaker; and how to wow as best man. And you will discover the ultimate secret...!Read the book, enjoy it and you will survive as a speaker. Follow it and you will thrive!

Stand Out: How to Build Your Leadership Presence

by Carol Kinsey Goman

Leadership presence doesn't come with a title or promotion - good leaders develop presence over time. Leadership presence is how you show up and contribute to meetings, and whether or not you can project confidence and poise under pressure - do you have already have a presence?Leadership presence is that elusive "we know it when we see it" quality. You may have a leadership title or tremendous leadership potential, but that alone does not give you presence. Being perceived as a leader when interacting with customers, peers or executives is the essence of leadership presence. Your leadership presence is evaluated by others based on how you show up and contribute in meetings, how well you project confidence and keep poise under pressure and whether you can engage others in ways that are authentic, empathetic and motivational. Stand Out walks you through achieving this presence so you get that next promotion and give your career that extra boost. Stand Out explains that the goal of leadership presence is to align other people's impression of you with your best authentic self. Body language expert and executive coach Carol Kinsey Goman teaches the five essential skills needed: composure, connection, confidence, credibility and charisma. She also explains how leadership presence is different for women, how nonverbal communication builds or destroys presence and why self-promotion is essential. This book shows aspiring and experienced leaders alike how to more positively influence the impression they make on others.

Stance and Voice in Written Academic Genres

by Carmen Sancho Guinda

Stance and Voice in Written Academic Genres brings together a range of perspectives on two of the most important and contested concepts in applied linguistics: stance and voice. International experts provide an accessible, yet authoritative introduction to key issues and debates surrounding these terms.

Stakeholder Engagement Analyse: Eine Meso-Mikro-Makro-Analyse nachhaltigkeitsthemenorientierter Stakeholderkommunikation am Fallbeispiel Volkswagen AG (AutoUni – Schriftenreihe #153)

by Thomas Lang

Am Fallbeispiel der Volkswagen AG Nachhaltigkeit werden erstmalig auf der Grundlage eines sozialtheoretisch inspirierten Mehrebenen-Analysemodells die Wahrnehmungen und Zuschreibungen von Unternehmensverantwortung (Corporate Responsibility) durch 33 nichtmarktliche Stakeholder aus den drei Bezugsgruppen Wissenschaft und Forschung, Politik und Verbände sowie NGOs untersucht. Die qualitative Fallstudie beschreibt kenntnisreich und detailliert, wie der Volkswagen-Konzern mit seinen wesentlichen, nichtmarktlichen Stakeholdergruppen interagiert. Den theoretischen Bezugsrahmen der Arbeit bilden Anthony Giddens Theorie der Strukturation, Edward R. Freemans Stakeholder-Management- und Amartya Sens Capability-Ansatz.

Staging Christ's Passion in Eighteenth-Century Nahua Mexico (IMS Monograph Series)

by Louise M. Burkhart

Staging Christ’s Passion in Eighteenth-Century Nahua Mexico explores the Passion plays performed in Nahuatl (Aztec) by Indigenous Mexicans living under Spanish colonial occupation. Though sourced from European writings and devotional practices that emphasized the suffering of Christ and his mother, this Nahuatl theatrical tradition grounded the Passion story in the Indigenous corporate community. Passion plays had courted controversy in Europe since their twelfth-century origin, but in New Spain they faced Catholic authorities who questioned the spiritual and intellectual capacity of Indigenous people and, in the eighteenth century, sought to suppress these performances. Six surviving eighteenth-century scripts, variants of an original play possibly composed early in the seventeenth century, reveal how Nahuas passed along this model text while modifying it with new dialogue, characters, and stage techniques. Louise M. Burkhart explores the way Nahuas merged the Passion story with their language, cultural constructs, social norms, and religious practices while also responding to surveillance by Catholic churchmen. Analytical chapters trace significant themes through the six plays and key these to a composite play in English included in the volume. A cast with over fifty distinct roles acted out events extending from Palm Sunday to Christ’s death on the cross. One actor became a localized embodiment of Jesus through a process of investiture and mimesis that carried aspects of pre-Columbian materialized divinity into the later colonial period. The play told afar richer version of the Passion story than what later colonial Nahuas typically learned from their priests or catechists. And by assimilating Jesus to an Indigenous, or macehualli, identity, the players enacted a protest against colonial rule. The situation in eighteenth-century New Spain presents both a unique confrontation between Indigenous communities and Enlightenment era religious reformers and a new chapter in an age-old power game between popular practice and religious orthodoxy. By focusing on how Nahuas localized the universalizing narrative of Christ’s Passion, Staging Christ’s Passion in Eighteenth-Century Nahua Mexico offers an unusually in-depth view of religious life under colonial rule. Burkhart’s accompanying website also makes available transcriptions and translations of the six Nahuatl-language plays, four Spanish-language plays composed in response to the suppression of the Nahuatl practice, and related documentation, providing a valuable resource for anyone interested in consulting the original material. Comments restricted to single page plays composed in response to the suppression of the Nahuatl practice, and related documentation, providing a valuable resource for anyone interested in consulting the original material

Stages of Reckoning: Antiracist and Decolonial Actor Training (Routledge Series in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Theatre and Performance)

by Amy Mihyang Ginther

Stages of Reckoning is a crucial conversation about how racialized bodies and power intersect within actor training spaces. This book provokes embodied and intellectual discomfort for the reader to take risks with their ideologies, identities, and practices and to make new pedagogical choices for students with racialized identities. Centering the voices of actor trainers of color to acknowledge their personal experience and professional pedagogy as theory, this volume illuminates actionable ideas for text work, casting, voice, consent practices, and movement while offering decolonial approaches to current Eurocentric methods. These offerings invite the reader to create spaces where students can bring more of themselves, their communities, and their stories into their training and as fodder for performance making that will lead to a more just world. This book is for people in high/secondary schools, higher education, and private training studios who wish to teach and direct actors of color in ways that more fully honor their multiple identities.

Stages of Reckoning: Antiracist and Decolonial Actor Training (Routledge Series in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Theatre and Performance)

by Amy Mihyang Ginther

Stages of Reckoning is a crucial conversation about how racialized bodies and power intersect within actor training spaces. This book provokes embodied and intellectual discomfort for the reader to take risks with their ideologies, identities, and practices and to make new pedagogical choices for students with racialized identities. Centering the voices of actor trainers of color to acknowledge their personal experience and professional pedagogy as theory, this volume illuminates actionable ideas for text work, casting, voice, consent practices, and movement while offering decolonial approaches to current Eurocentric methods. These offerings invite the reader to create spaces where students can bring more of themselves, their communities, and their stories into their training and as fodder for performance making that will lead to a more just world. This book is for people in high/secondary schools, higher education, and private training studios who wish to teach and direct actors of color in ways that more fully honor their multiple identities.

Stack Used in Procedure Calls (tactile)

by Rnib

This diagram shows 2 examples of stacks used in procedure calls, over two pages. There is a note saying that page one should be read sideways.

Stability Analysis of Regenerative Queueing Models: Mathematical Methods and Applications

by Evsey Morozov Bart Steyaert

The stability analysis of stochastic models for telecommunication systems is an intensively studied topic. The analysis is, as a rule, a difficult problem requiring a refined mathematical technique, especially when one endeavors beyond the framework of Markovian models. The primary purpose of this book is to present, in a unified way, research into the stability analysis of a wide variety of regenerative queueing systems. It describes the theoretical foundations of this method, and then shows how it works with particular models, both classic ones as well as more recent models that have received attention. The focus lies on an in-depth and insightful mathematical explanation of the regenerative stability analysis method.The unique volume can serve as a textbook for students working in these and related scientific areas. The material is also of interest to engineers working in telecommunications field, who may be faced with the problem of stability of queueing systems.

Stabilität öffentlicher Meinung: Wie der Charakter einer Streitfrage den Einfluss der Medien begrenzt

by Dominik J. Leiner

Dieses Buch zeigt, dass die öffentliche Meinung vor allem bei solchen politischen Streitfragen ins Wanken gerät, die im Alltag der Bürger kaum eine Rolle spielen und bei denen Herz und Verstand uneins sind: etwa Militäreinsätze und finanzpolitische Entscheidungen. Anhand einer quantitativen empirischen Studie wird untersucht, inwieweit dieser Befund auf psychologischen Prozessen fußt – und inwieweit die individuelle Einstellungsstärke mit dem Auf und Ab der öffentlichen Meinung zusammenhängt. Eine einjährige Panel-Studie, die statische Auswertung historischer Umfragedaten und eine Analyse der Medienberichterstattung erlauben einen tiefen Einblick in die Dynamik der öffentlichen Meinung.

Staatliche Initiativen zur Förderung der Informationsgesellschaft: Multimedia-Pilotprojekte in Deutschland und den USA in ihrem politischen Kontext

by Andreas Breiter Bernd Beckert Martin Hagen Herbert Kubicek

Die Autoren untersuchen die Regierungsprogramme der 1990er Jahre zur Förderung der Informationsgesellschaft in Deutschland und den USA für die Anwendungsbereiche Bildung, Verwaltung und Fernsehen. Dabei identifizieren sie sowohl Unterschiede als auch Gemeinsamkeiten in den Ländern und Bereichen. Der Rückblick ermöglicht interessante Schlüsse in Hinsicht auf die Zukunftsperspektiven von multimedialen Anwendungen in der Schule, E-Government oder web-basiertem interaktivem Fernsehen.

Staat und Medien: Über die elektronische Konditionierung der Wirklichkeit

by Thomas Schuster

In Anbetracht der ständigen Ausweitung des Einflussbereichs der Massenmedien muss man sich die Frage stellen, ob das enorme Informationsangebot tatsächlich zur Herausbildung eines vielfältigen Meinungsspektrums führt oder ob die Nachrichten-Schwemme nicht vielmehr eine meinungsverflachende und betäubende Wirkung hat. Fest steht zumindest, dass die Möglichkeiten einer intendierten Wirklichkeitsverfälschung mit den modernen elektronischen Medien eine völlig neue Qualität erfahren haben.

SRAM Design for Wireless Sensor Networks: Energy Efficient and Variability Resilient Techniques (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)

by Vibhu Sharma Francky Catthoor Wim Dehaene

This book features various, ultra low energy, variability resilient SRAM circuit design techniques for wireless sensor network applications. Conventional SRAM design targets area efficiency and high performance at the increased cost of energy consumption, making it unsuitable for computation-intensive sensor node applications. This book, therefore, guides the reader through different techniques at the circuit level for reducing energy consumption and increasing the variability resilience. It includes a detailed review of the most efficient circuit design techniques and trade-offs, introduces new memory architecture techniques, sense amplifier circuits and voltage optimization methods for reducing the impact of variability for the advanced technology nodes.

The Squiggly Career: Ditch the Ladder, Discover Opportunity, Design Your Career

by Sarah Ellis Helen Tupper

'Like going one-to-one with a personal career coach, it's impossible to leave this book without having a massive personal breakthrough' Bruce Daisley, Vice President, EMEA Twitter and author of The Joy of Work.'The Squiggly Career is a brilliant guide. Read it and get the tools you need to thrive in your career now and in the future' Marie Forleo, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Everything is Figureoutable.'The Squiggly Career is about navigating work in a way that suits you, it's a timely and brilliant handbook for now' StylistCareer ladders and jobs for life are a thing of the pastToday, we're living in a world of squiggly careers, where moving frequently and fluidly between roles, industries, locations, and even careers, is becoming the new normal. Squiggly careers can feel stressful and overwhelming, but if you know how to make the most of them, they can be full of opportunity, freedom and purpose. And to make the most of our increasingly squiggly careers we need to answer some important questions: What am I good at? What do I stand for? What motivates and drives me? Where do I want to go in the future? In The Squiggly Career, you'll learn how to: - Play to your super strengths- Discover your values- Overcome your confidence gremlins - Build better support networks- Explore your future possibilities Packed with insights about the changing shape of work and inspiration from highly successful people, this book will fuel your growth and help you be happier, and ultimately more successful in your career.

Spuren des Geistigen: Die Macht des Mythos in Medien und Werbung

by Jana Magdanz

Der Mythos ist eine menschheitsgeschichtlich uralte Denkgewohnheit, die in deutlichem Kontrast zur aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Welterklärung steht. Und doch deuten wir unsere Alltagswelt auch heute oft mythisch. Das Bedürfnis nach Mythen findet vor allem in den Medien eine Oase temporärer Befriedigung. Jana Magdanz zeigt auf, wie Medien mithilfe des Mythos zum Konsum verführen und besonders die Werbung urmenschliche Sehnsüchte mit dem Verlangen nach einem beworbenen Produkt verbindet. Mythische Symbole wie Götter und Helden, Archetypen wie Gestaltwandler und Schlange sowie verborgene narrative Strukturen erzeugen unzählige Identifizierungsoptionen für die Rezipienten und öffnen zugleich den Zugang zu ihrem Unterbewusstsein für maximale Werbewirkung. Der Mythos ist zu einem wichtigen, oft unbewusst angewandten Werkzeug der Medienschaffenden und Marketingabteilungen geworden. Die Autorin schlägt einen weiten Bogen von der theoretischen Verortung des Mythos, zeichnet das facettenreiche Bild seiner aktuellen Erscheinungsformen und untersucht zahlreiche aktuelle Werbebeispiele.

SproutCore Web Application Development

by Tyler Keating

Written as a practical, step-by-step tutorial, Creating HTML5 Apps with SproutCore is full of engaging examples to help you learn in a practical context.This book is for any person looking to write software for the Web or already writing software for the Web. Whether your background is in web development or in software development, Creating HTML5 Apps with SproutCore will help you expand your skills so that you will be ready to apply the software development principles in the web development space.

Springer-Verlag: Part 1: 1842–1945 Foundation Maturation Adversity

by Heinz Sarkowski

This book describes the fortunes and activities of one of the few specialist publishing houses still in the hands of the same family that established it over years ago, and with it gives a p- trayal of those members who directed it. In doing so it covers a period of momentous historical events that directly and in- rectly shaped the firm's actions and achievements. But this volume tells not only, in word and picture, the story of Springer- Verlag but also, interwoven with it, the story of scientific p- lishing in Germany over the span of a hundred years. The text, densely packed with carefully researched facts and figures, is illuminated and supplemented by many illustrations whose captions, together with the author's notes, contain a wealth of important and interesting information. The reader is urged to read these captions as well as the notes so as to - preciate in full the events and people described. I have added a few footnotes to clarify or expand on some matters that may be unfamiliar to non-German readers. Because of the long period of time covered in these pages many of the documents and letters shown and commented upon are different in diction and style from those of today. An - tempt was made in the translation to keep the flavour of the original language and not contemporise it.

Springer Handbook of Speech Processing (Springer Handbooks)

by Jacob Benesty M. Mohan Sondhi Yiteng Arden Huang

This handbook plays a fundamental role in sustainable progress in speech research and development. With an accessible format and with accompanying DVD-Rom, it targets three categories of readers: graduate students, professors and active researchers in academia, and engineers in industry who need to understand or implement some specific algorithms for their speech-related products. It is a superb source of application-oriented, authoritative and comprehensive information about these technologies, this work combines the established knowledge derived from research in such fast evolving disciplines as Signal Processing and Communications, Acoustics, Computer Science and Linguistics.

Springer Handbook of Optical Networks (Springer Handbooks)

by Biswanath Mukherjee Ioannis Tomkos Massimo Tornatore Peter Winzer Yongli Zhao

This handbook is an authoritative, comprehensive reference on optical networks, the backbone of today’s communication and information society. The book reviews the many underlying technologies that enable the global optical communications infrastructure, but also explains current research trends targeted towards continued capacity scaling and enhanced networking flexibility in support of an unabated traffic growth fueled by ever-emerging new applications. The book is divided into four parts: Optical Subsystems for Transmission and Switching, Core Networks, Datacenter and Super-Computer Networking, and Optical Access and Wireless Networks. Each chapter is written by world-renown experts that represent academia, industry, and international government and regulatory agencies. Every chapter provides a complete picture of its field, from entry-level information to a snapshot of the respective state-of-the-art technologies to emerging research trends, providing something useful for the novice who wants to get familiar with the field to the expert who wants to get a concise view of future trends.

Sprechertraining: Texte präsentieren in Radio, Fernsehen und vor Publikum (Journalistische Praxis)

by Michael Rossié

"Sprechertraining" lautet nicht nur der Buchtitel, es handelt sich wirklich um ein allgemein verständliches Trainingsprogramm zur Präsentation von Texten in den Medien mit praktischen Beispielen und Übungen. Vom einfachen Zwei-Wort-Satz bis zu schwierigen Satzkonstruktionen wird der zukünftige Sprecher sowohl mit den Grundlagen als auch mit den vielen Problemen und Sonderfällen von hörerbezogenem Lesen vertraut gemacht. Für die​ achte Auflage wurde der Band durchgesehen, ergänzt und Beispiele wurden aktualisiert. ​

Sprechertraining: Texte präsentieren in Radio, Fernsehen und vor Publikum (Journalistische Praxis)

by Michael Rossié

"Sprechertraining" lautet nicht nur der Buchtitel, es handelt sich wirklich um ein allgemein verständliches Trainingsprogramm zur Präsentation von Texten in den Medien mit praktischen Beispielen und Übungen. Vom einfachen Zwei-Wort-Satz bis zu schwierigen Satzkonstruktionen wird der zukünftige Sprecher sowohl mit den Grundlagen als auch mit den vielen Problemen und Sonderfällen von hörerbezogenem Lesen vertraut gemacht (mit mehr als 80 Hörbeispielen auf CD).​

Spreadsheet Layout (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib

This page shows the layout of a typical simple spreadsheet. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. The uncontracted (grade 1) braille version of this diagram is a multi-page image set on two pages. The page is filled by a table with four columns and ten rows, making a total of forty cells. The top row of four cells contains column headings and the remaining cells contain data. The columns headings are, from left to right, ID, Name, Description, and Picture.

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