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The Wiley 5G REF: Security

by Rahim Tafazolli Chin-Liang Wang Periklis Chatzimisios Madhusanka Liyanage

From the Section Editor’s Foreword by Dr. Madhusanka Liyanage, University College Dublin, Ireland. The Wiley 5G Ref: Security offers a stellar collection of articles selected from the online-only Work, The Wiley 5G Reference. It aims to provide a solid educational foundation for researchers and practitioners in the field of 5G Security and Privacy to expand their knowledge base by including the latest developments in these disciplines. The book introduces the security landscape of 5G, and significant security and privacy risks associated with the 5G networks. Then, the security solutions for different segments of the 5G network, i.e., radio network, edge network, access network, and core network, are discussed. Since 5G is developed based on network softwarization, security threats associated with key network softwarization technologies such as SDN, NFV, NS, and MEC are also presented in detail. Then, the security issues related to the new 5G and IoT services are delivered. Finally, a detailed discussion on the privacy of 5G networks is presented by considering Datafied Society. Written by leading experts in security and privacy for the telecommunication network, this book is intended to provide additional learning opportunities for a wide range of readers, from graduate-level students to seasoned engineering professionals. We are confident that this book and the entire collection of selected articles will continue Wiley’s tradition of excellence in technical publishing and provide a lasting and positive contribution to the teaching and practice of security and privacy of 5G and beyond networks.

The Wiley 5G REF: Security

by Rahim Tafazolli Chin-Liang Wang Periklis Chatzimisios Madhusanka Liyanage

From the Section Editor’s Foreword by Dr. Madhusanka Liyanage, University College Dublin, Ireland. The Wiley 5G Ref: Security offers a stellar collection of articles selected from the online-only Work, The Wiley 5G Reference. It aims to provide a solid educational foundation for researchers and practitioners in the field of 5G Security and Privacy to expand their knowledge base by including the latest developments in these disciplines. The book introduces the security landscape of 5G, and significant security and privacy risks associated with the 5G networks. Then, the security solutions for different segments of the 5G network, i.e., radio network, edge network, access network, and core network, are discussed. Since 5G is developed based on network softwarization, security threats associated with key network softwarization technologies such as SDN, NFV, NS, and MEC are also presented in detail. Then, the security issues related to the new 5G and IoT services are delivered. Finally, a detailed discussion on the privacy of 5G networks is presented by considering Datafied Society. Written by leading experts in security and privacy for the telecommunication network, this book is intended to provide additional learning opportunities for a wide range of readers, from graduate-level students to seasoned engineering professionals. We are confident that this book and the entire collection of selected articles will continue Wiley’s tradition of excellence in technical publishing and provide a lasting and positive contribution to the teaching and practice of security and privacy of 5G and beyond networks.

WildFly Performance Tuning

by Arnold Johansson Anders Welen

Packed with practical examples, this book looks at a different aspect of performance tuning in each chapter and shows you how to apply them to their existing Java applications. Anyone with an interest in learning more and improving the performance of Java-based technology in general, all the way to WildFly in particular, will find this book useful.

WildFly Cookbook

by Luigi Fugaro

This book is intended for middleware system administrators and Java developers, actually good Java developers, who care about architecture design and implementation. Whether you are new to WildFly, come from a previous version, such as JBoss AS 5, 6, and 7, or are an expert in it, you will be able to master both the basic and advanced features of WildFly. By the way, most of the core components of WildFly are totally new, such as its administration tool, that is, the CLI; its operational modes, which are, the standalone and domain modes; and its web server provided by Undertow, you can benefit from this book even if you have no experience in JBoss and WildFly at all.

WildFly Configuration, Deployment, and Administration - Second Edition

by Christopher Ritchie

This book is aimed at Java developers, system administrators, application testers using WildFly, and anyone who performs a DevOps role. Whether you are completely new to WildFly or just require an understanding of WildFly's new features, this book is for you.

WildFly: New Features

by Filippe Costa Spolti

This book is an easy-to-follow guide full of hands-on examples of administration tasks and valuable information about security. Each topic is explained and placed in context, and for the more inquisitive readers, there are more in-depth details of the concepts used. If you are an application server administrator or a Java developer with some experience with previous versions of JBoss AS and you want to familiarize yourself with WildFly, then this book is ideal for you.

Wilde’s WWW: Technical Foundations of the World Wide Web

by Erik Wilde

This book provides readers with comprehensive details on how the WWW works, complete with definitions and standards. It discusses the latest versions of the transfer protocol (HTTP 1.1), the description language (HTML 4.0), the foundations of the description language (SGML and XML), style sheets (CSS1), web servers, and security (SSL and CGI). Issues of importance for the future development of the WWW are discussed, including virtual reality (VRML), portable network graphics (PNG), and MathML.

Wildcat Currency: How the Virtual Money Revolution Is Transforming the Economy

by Edward Castronova

Private currencies have always existed, from notes printed by individual banks to the S&H Green Stamps that consumers once redeemed for household items. Today’s economy has seen an explosion of new forms of monetary exchange not created by the federal government. Credit card companies offer points that can be traded in for a variety of goods and services, from airline miles to online store credit. Online game creators have devised new mediums of electronic exchange that turn virtual money into real money. Meanwhile, real money is increasingly going digital, where it competes with private currencies like Bitcoin. The virtual and the real economic worlds are intermingling more than ever before, raising the possibility that this new money might eventually replace the government-run system of dollars, euros, and yen. Edward Castronova is the leading researcher in this field, a founder of scholarly online game studies and an expert on the economies of virtual worlds. In this dynamic and essential work, he explores the current phenomenon of virtual currencies and what it will mean legally, politically, and economically in the future. In doing so, he provides a fascinating, often surprising discourse on the meaning of money itself—what it is, what we think it is, and how we relate to it on an emotional level.

Wild Ride: Inside Uber's Quest for World Domination

by Adam Lashinsky

A no-holds-barred look at Uber, the multi-billion dollar disruptor that has revolutionised the transportation industry around the worldUber is one of the most fascinating and controversial businesses in the world, both beloved for its elegant ride-hailing concept and heady growth, and condemned for CEO Travis Kalanick's ruthless pursuit of success at all cost. In Wild Ride, Adam Lashinsky, veteran Fortune writer and author of Inside Apple, traces the story of Uber's meteoric rise: from its murky origins to its plans for expansion into radically different industries. The company has already poached entire departments from top research universities in a push to build the first self-driving car and possibly replace the very drivers it's worked so hard to recruit. With access to current and former employees, as well as CEO Travis Kalanick, this book will be the first to unlock Uber's vault. It's a story that start-up founders, business executives, tech-savvy readers, and drivers and riders will find riveting.

Wild Duck: Empirische Philosophie der Mensch-Computer-Vernetzung

by Gunter Dueck

Wussten Sie, dass Menschen am besten arbeiten, wenn sie Sinn und Herausforderung in ihrer Tätigkeit sehen? Jeder weiß das, aber unsere Erziehungs- und Managementsysteme bauen darauf, dass Lernen, Arbeit und Fortkommen Mühsal sind. Der Autor wagt die Prognose, dass die Computer der Zukunft erzwingen werden, dass Arbeit Spaß macht. Das Buch, provozierend und atemberaubend querdenkend geschrieben, hält stilistisch eine Balance zwischen Ironie, Scharfrichterernst, Satire und philosophischer Ruhe. Die 4. Auflage wurde um ein Nachwort des Autors ergänzt.

Wild Duck: Empirische Philosophie der Mensch-Computer-Vernetzung

by Gunter Dueck

Ein Buch mit echtem Wow!-Effekt. Provozierend, atemberaubend querdenkend über wichtige Themen, die uns zum Teil nicht einmal in den Sinn kommen. Spannend geschrieben, teils sanft, mal bitterböse, immer witzig-brillant: Vorsicht, langsam lesen und genießen - nichts verpassen! Es hält eine merkwürdige Balance zwischen Ironie, Scharfrichterernst, Slapstickeinlage, Satire und philosophischer Ruhe. Wir schwanken: "Das stimmt genau." - "Ist das wirklich ernst gemeint?" - "Das darf man so nicht sagen!" Wußten Sie schon, daß Menschen am besten und erfolgreichsten arbeiten, wenn sie Sinn und Herausforderung in ihrer Tätigkeit sehen, wenn sie in ihr Erfüllung und Freude finden? Jeder von uns weiß das, aber unsere Erziehungs- und Managementsysteme sind erst zufrieden, wenn Lernen und Lehren, Arbeit und Fortkommen Mühsal sind. Der Autor wagt die provozierende Prognose: Die kontrollierenden Computer der Zukunft werden erzwingen, daß Arbeit Spaß macht.

Wild Duck: Empirische Philosophie der Mensch-Computer-Vernetzung

by Gunter Dueck

Ein Buch mit echtem Wow!-Effekt. Provozierend, atemberaubend querdenkend über wichtige Themen, die uns zum Teil nicht einmal in den Sinn kommen. Spannend geschrieben, teils sanft, mal bitterböse, immer witzig-brillant: Vorsicht, langsam lesen und genießen - nichts verpassen! Es hält eine merkwürdige Balance zwischen Ironie, Scharfrichterernst, Slapstickeinlage, Satire und philosophischer Ruhe. Wir schwanken: "Das stimmt genau." - "Ist das wirklich ernst gemeint?" - "Das darf man so nicht sagen!" Wußten Sie schon, daß Menschen am besten und erfolgreichsten arbeiten, wenn sie Sinn und Herausforderung in ihrer Tätigkeit sehen, wenn sie in ihr Erfüllung und Freude finden? Jeder von uns weiß das, aber unsere Erziehungs- und Managementsysteme sind erst zufrieden, wenn Lernen und Lehren, Arbeit und Fortkommen Mühsal sind. Der Autor wagt die provozierende Prognose: Die kontrollierenden Computer der Zukunft werden erzwingen, daß Arbeit Spaß macht.

Wild Duck: Empirische Philosophie der Mensch-Computer-Vernetzung

by Gunter Dueck

Ein Buch mit echtem Wow!-Effekt. Provozierend, atemberaubend querdenkend über wichtige Themen, die uns zum Teil nicht einmal in den Sinn kommen. Spannend geschrieben, teils sanft, mal bitterböse, immer witzig-brillant: Vorsicht, langsam lesen und genießen - nichts verpassen! Es hält eine merkwürdige Balance zwischen Ironie, Scharfrichterernst, Slapstickeinlage, Satire und philosophischer Ruhe. Wir schwanken: "Das stimmt genau." - "Ist das wirklich ernst gemeint?" - "Das darf man so nicht sagen!" Wußten Sie schon, daß Menschen am besten und erfolgreichsten arbeiten, wenn sie Sinn und Herausforderung in ihrer Tätigkeit sehen, wenn sie in ihr Erfüllung und Freude finden? Jeder von uns weiß das, aber unsere Erziehungs- und Managementsysteme sind erst zufrieden, wenn Lernen und Lehren, Arbeit und Fortkommen Mühsal sind. Der Autor wagt die provozierende Prognose: Die kontrollierenden Computer der Zukunft werden erzwingen, daß Arbeit Spaß macht.

WikiTools: Kooperation im Web (

by Anja Ebersbach Markus Glaser Richard Heigl

Ein Buch über Wikis! Das braucht der Mensch. Denn mit der Wiki-Technologie können viele Menschen frei- stimmt gemeinsam arbeiten – sie können sogar ganz große Werke im intellektuellen Bereich errichten. Sehen Sie: Wir bewundern heute noch unsere gewaltigen Kirchenbauten, die jeweils über Jahrhunderte entstanden, immense Arbeitskraft v- schlangen und oft den kulturellen Stempel aller ihrer Entstehun- epochen trugen. Jemand muss damit nur beginnen, Stein auf Stein setzen und die Menschen in der Umgebung in Sehnsucht versetzen, ein wenig mitzuhelfen. Wo solche begeisterten Mitmenschen helfen und Material stiften, kann Großes entstehen. Wo sie fernbleiben? Da bleibt eine kleine Ruine zurück oder es braucht den eisernen Willen des Pharaos, eine Armee von Antreibern, den Schweiß eines Volkes und einen Berg von Gold. Auch so entsteht Großes – die Pyramiden: ein klares Konzept, kein Gemisch der Stile, purer Wille. Das sind zwei ganz verschiedene Wege. Der eine: Menschen bauen aus Sehnsucht liebevoll gemeinsam etwas für alle. Der an- re: Ein Wille managt vielfältige Ressourcen zu einem geplanten Ziel. Wikis sind Werkzeuge, mit denen viele Menschen mit einem Mi- mum an Organisation, Planung, Geld und Zeitvorgaben über verte- te Computer hinweg oder über das Internet etwas gemeinsam er- beiten und miteinander kommunizieren können. Wikis sind die Technologie für den ersten Weg der Freiwilligen mit einer geme- samen Idee. Dieses Buch stellt Ihnen Wikis vor und vermittelt Ihnen genug Rüstzeug, um Ihr eigenes Wiki zu erstellen, Ihre eigene Arbeitspla- form.

Wikis For Dummies

by Dan Woods Peter Thoeny

Corporations have finally realized the value of collaboration tools for knowledge sharing and Wiki is the open source technology for creating collaborative Web sites, as either a public site on the Internet or on a private intranet site Shows readers how to set up Wikis in a corporate setting or on a personal site so that users can retrieve information, post information, and edit the content Covers everything from choosing a Wiki engine to administration and maintenance Discusses the advantages of using Wiki in a corporate environment, which companies such as Microsoft, Boeing, Disney, and Motorola have already discovered

Wikis For Dummies

by Dan Woods Peter Thoeny

Corporations have finally realized the value of collaboration tools for knowledge sharing and Wiki is the open source technology for creating collaborative Web sites, as either a public site on the Internet or on a private intranet site Shows readers how to set up Wikis in a corporate setting or on a personal site so that users can retrieve information, post information, and edit the content Covers everything from choosing a Wiki engine to administration and maintenance Discusses the advantages of using Wiki in a corporate environment, which companies such as Microsoft, Boeing, Disney, and Motorola have already discovered

Wikipedia U: Knowledge, Authority, and Liberal Education in the Digital Age ( A Hopkins Series on Education and Technology)

by Thomas Leitch

Since its launch in 2001, Wikipedia has been a lightning rod for debates about knowledge and traditional authority. It has come under particular scrutiny from publishers of print encyclopedias and college professors, who are skeptical about whether a crowd-sourced encyclopedia—in which most entries are subject to potentially endless reviewing and editing by anonymous collaborators whose credentials cannot be established—can ever truly be accurate or authoritative. In Wikipedia U, Thomas Leitch argues that the assumptions these critics make about accuracy and authority are themselves open to debate. After all, academics are expected both to consult the latest research and to return to the earliest sources in their field, each of which has its own authority. And when teachers encourage students to master information so that they can question it independently, their ultimate goal is to create a new generation of thinkers and makers whose authority will ultimately supplant their own.Wikipedia U offers vital new lessons about the nature of authority and the opportunities and challenges of Web 2.0. Leitch regards Wikipedia as an ideal instrument for probing the central assumptions behind liberal education, making it more than merely, as one of its severest critics has charged, "the encyclopedia game, played online."

Wikipedia U: Knowledge, Authority, and Liberal Education in the Digital Age ( A Hopkins Series on Education and Technology)

by Thomas Leitch

Since its launch in 2001, Wikipedia has been a lightning rod for debates about knowledge and traditional authority. It has come under particular scrutiny from publishers of print encyclopedias and college professors, who are skeptical about whether a crowd-sourced encyclopedia�in which most entries are subject to potentially endless reviewing and editing by anonymous collaborators whose credentials cannot be established�can ever truly be accurate or authoritative. In Wikipedia U, Thomas Leitch argues that the assumptions these critics make about accuracy and authority are themselves open to debate. After all, academics are expected both to consult the latest research and to return to the earliest sources in their field, each of which has its own authority. And when teachers encourage students to master information so that they can question it independently, their ultimate goal is to create a new generation of thinkers and makers whose authority will ultimately supplant their own.Wikipedia U offers vital new lessons about the nature of authority and the opportunities and challenges of Web 2.0. Leitch regards Wikipedia as an ideal instrument for probing the central assumptions behind liberal education, making it more than merely, as one of its severest critics has charged, "the encyclopedia game, played online."

Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness

by Nathaniel Tkacz

Few virtues are as celebrated in contemporary culture as openness. Rooted in software culture and carrying more than a whiff of Silicon Valley technical utopianism, openness—of decision-making, data, and organizational structure—is seen as the cure for many problems in politics and business. But what does openness mean, and what would a political theory of openness look like? With Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness, Nathaniel Tkacz uses Wikipedia, the most prominent product of open organization, to analyze the theory and politics of openness in practice—and to break its spell. Through discussions of edit wars, article deletion policies, user access levels, and more, Tkacz enables us to see how the key concepts of openness—including collaboration, ad-hocracy, and the splitting of contested projects through “forking”—play out in reality. The resulting book is the richest critical analysis of openness to date, one that roots media theory in messy reality and thereby helps us move beyond the vaporware promises of digital utopians and take the first steps toward truly understanding what openness does, and does not, have to offer.

Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness

by Nathaniel Tkacz

Few virtues are as celebrated in contemporary culture as openness. Rooted in software culture and carrying more than a whiff of Silicon Valley technical utopianism, openness—of decision-making, data, and organizational structure—is seen as the cure for many problems in politics and business. But what does openness mean, and what would a political theory of openness look like? With Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness, Nathaniel Tkacz uses Wikipedia, the most prominent product of open organization, to analyze the theory and politics of openness in practice—and to break its spell. Through discussions of edit wars, article deletion policies, user access levels, and more, Tkacz enables us to see how the key concepts of openness—including collaboration, ad-hocracy, and the splitting of contested projects through “forking”—play out in reality. The resulting book is the richest critical analysis of openness to date, one that roots media theory in messy reality and thereby helps us move beyond the vaporware promises of digital utopians and take the first steps toward truly understanding what openness does, and does not, have to offer.

Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness

by Nathaniel Tkacz

Few virtues are as celebrated in contemporary culture as openness. Rooted in software culture and carrying more than a whiff of Silicon Valley technical utopianism, openness—of decision-making, data, and organizational structure—is seen as the cure for many problems in politics and business. But what does openness mean, and what would a political theory of openness look like? With Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness, Nathaniel Tkacz uses Wikipedia, the most prominent product of open organization, to analyze the theory and politics of openness in practice—and to break its spell. Through discussions of edit wars, article deletion policies, user access levels, and more, Tkacz enables us to see how the key concepts of openness—including collaboration, ad-hocracy, and the splitting of contested projects through “forking”—play out in reality. The resulting book is the richest critical analysis of openness to date, one that roots media theory in messy reality and thereby helps us move beyond the vaporware promises of digital utopians and take the first steps toward truly understanding what openness does, and does not, have to offer.

Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness

by Nathaniel Tkacz

Few virtues are as celebrated in contemporary culture as openness. Rooted in software culture and carrying more than a whiff of Silicon Valley technical utopianism, openness—of decision-making, data, and organizational structure—is seen as the cure for many problems in politics and business. But what does openness mean, and what would a political theory of openness look like? With Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness, Nathaniel Tkacz uses Wikipedia, the most prominent product of open organization, to analyze the theory and politics of openness in practice—and to break its spell. Through discussions of edit wars, article deletion policies, user access levels, and more, Tkacz enables us to see how the key concepts of openness—including collaboration, ad-hocracy, and the splitting of contested projects through “forking”—play out in reality. The resulting book is the richest critical analysis of openness to date, one that roots media theory in messy reality and thereby helps us move beyond the vaporware promises of digital utopians and take the first steps toward truly understanding what openness does, and does not, have to offer.

Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness

by Nathaniel Tkacz

Few virtues are as celebrated in contemporary culture as openness. Rooted in software culture and carrying more than a whiff of Silicon Valley technical utopianism, openness—of decision-making, data, and organizational structure—is seen as the cure for many problems in politics and business. But what does openness mean, and what would a political theory of openness look like? With Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness, Nathaniel Tkacz uses Wikipedia, the most prominent product of open organization, to analyze the theory and politics of openness in practice—and to break its spell. Through discussions of edit wars, article deletion policies, user access levels, and more, Tkacz enables us to see how the key concepts of openness—including collaboration, ad-hocracy, and the splitting of contested projects through “forking”—play out in reality. The resulting book is the richest critical analysis of openness to date, one that roots media theory in messy reality and thereby helps us move beyond the vaporware promises of digital utopians and take the first steps toward truly understanding what openness does, and does not, have to offer.

Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness

by Nathaniel Tkacz

Few virtues are as celebrated in contemporary culture as openness. Rooted in software culture and carrying more than a whiff of Silicon Valley technical utopianism, openness—of decision-making, data, and organizational structure—is seen as the cure for many problems in politics and business. But what does openness mean, and what would a political theory of openness look like? With Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness, Nathaniel Tkacz uses Wikipedia, the most prominent product of open organization, to analyze the theory and politics of openness in practice—and to break its spell. Through discussions of edit wars, article deletion policies, user access levels, and more, Tkacz enables us to see how the key concepts of openness—including collaboration, ad-hocracy, and the splitting of contested projects through “forking”—play out in reality. The resulting book is the richest critical analysis of openness to date, one that roots media theory in messy reality and thereby helps us move beyond the vaporware promises of digital utopians and take the first steps toward truly understanding what openness does, and does not, have to offer.

Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything

by Anthony D. Williams Don Tapscott

An International Bestseller. An Economist Book of the Year. A Financial Times Book of the Year. Shortlisted for the Financial Times Business Book of the Year. Wikinomics shows how businesses can collaborate creatively with their customers to succeed in the age of Wikipedia, YouTube and Linux: 'The Number 1 must-read... A breathtaking piece of work.' Tom Peters.The knowledge, resources and computing power of billions of people are self-organizing into a massive, new collective force. Interconnected and orchestrated via blogs, wikis, chat rooms, peer-to-peer networks, and personal broadcasting, the web is being reinvented to provide the first global platform for collaboration in history.

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