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Showing 82,826 through 82,850 of 83,248 results

Nervenblockaden: Indikationen und Technik

by F.L. Jenkner

Nonlinear and Dynamic Programming: An Introduction

by S. Dano

This book is intended to provide an introductory text of Nonlinear and Dynamic Programming for students of managerial economics and operations research. The author also hopes that engineers, business executives, managers, and others responsible for planning of industrial operations may find it useful as a guide to the problems and methods treated, with a view to practical applications. The book may be considered as a sequel to the author's Linear Programming in Industry (1960, 4th revised and enlarged edition 1974), but it can be used independently by readers familiar with the elements of linear programming models and techniques. The two volumes con­ stitute an introduction to the methods of mathematical programming and their application to industrial optimization problems. The author feels that the vast and ever-increasing literature on mathematical programming has not rendered an introductory exposition super­ fluous. The general student often tends to feel somewhat lost if he goes straight to the special literature; he will be better equipped for tackling real problems and using computer systems if he has acquired some previous training in constructing small-scale programming models and applying standard algorithms for solving them by hand. The book is intended to provide this kind of training, keeping the mathematics at the necessary minimum. The text contains numerous exercises. The reader should work out these problems for himself and check with the answers given at the end of the book. The text is based on lectures given at the University of Copenhagen.

Programmierte Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung

by Dieter Stempell

Smoothings of Piecewise Linear Manifolds. (AM-80), Volume 80

by Morris W. Hirsch Barry Mazur

The intention of the authors is to examine the relationship between piecewise linear structure and differential structure: a relationship, they assert, that can be understood as a homotopy obstruction theory, and, hence, can be studied by using the traditional techniques of algebraic topology. Thus the book attacks the problem of existence and classification (up to isotopy) of differential structures compatible with a given combinatorial structure on a manifold. The problem is completely "solved" in the sense that it is reduced to standard problems of algebraic topology. The first part of the book is purely geometrical; it proves that every smoothing of the product of a manifold M and an interval is derived from an essentially unique smoothing of M. In the second part this result is used to translate the classification of smoothings into the problem of putting a linear structure on the tangent microbundle of M. This in turn is converted to the homotopy problem of classifying maps from M into a certain space PL/O. The set of equivalence classes of smoothings on M is given a natural abelian group structure.

Algorithmen und rekursive Funktionen (Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik)

by Anatolij I. Malʹcev

Noch in den 30er Jahren unseres Jahrhunderts erweckten die mathematische Logik und die damals entstehende Algorithmentheorie den Anschein besonders abstrakter und von praktischen Anwendungen besonders weit entfernter mathe­ matischer Disziplinen. Heute hat sich die Situation radikal verändert. Es ist jetzt allgemein anerkannt, daß die beiden genannten Disziplinen eine theoretische Grundlage für Aufbau und Anwendungen schnell arbeitender Rechen-und Steu­ erungssysteme schaffen. Das relative Gewicht der mathematischen Logik und der Algorithmentheorie wuchs auch in der Mathematik selbst stark an. Darüber hinaus dringen gegenwärtig in beträchtlichem Maße durch die Algorithmentheorie und die mathematische Logik mathematische Methoden in die Biologie, die Lin­ guistik, die Wirtschaftswissenschaften und sogar Philosophie der Naturwissen­ schaften ein. All dies hat dazu geführt, daß die mathematische Logik und die Algorithmentheorie angefangen haben, in die Lehrpläne unserer Universitäten und pädagogischen Hochschulen als für das Studium der Mathematikstudenten aller Fachrichtungen obligatorische Disziplin einzudringen. Das vorliegende Buch ist aus der Bearbeitung von Nachschriften von Vorlesun­ gen über mathematische Logik, Algorithmentheorie und deren Anwendungen ent­ standen, die der Verfasser in den Jahren 1956-1959 an der pädagogischen Hoch­ schule von lvanovsk und seit dem Jahr 1960 an der Universität Novosibirsk gehalten hat. In ihm wird nur die allgemeine Theorie der Algorithmen und der rekursiven Funktionen entwickelt. Ganz außerhalb des Rahmens des Buches blieben die Komplexe Auto· matentheorie, Anwendungen der Algorithmentheorie auf formale Theorien und Theorie der Unlösbarkeitsgrade. Eine irgendwie ausführliche Darstellung dieser Disziplinen zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt bedarf besonderer Einzeldar­ stellungen.

Annual Review in Automatic Programming: International Tracts in Computer Science and Technology and Their Application, Volume 7

by Mark I. Halpern William C. Mcgee Louis Bolliet

Computer Science and Technology and their Application is an eight-chapter book that first presents a tutorial on database organization. Subsequent chapters describe the general concepts of Simula 67 programming language; incremental compilation and conversational interpretation; dynamic syntax; the ALGOL 68. Other chapters discuss the general purpose conversational system for graphical programming and automatic theorem proving based on resolution. A survey of extensible programming language is also shown.

Entwurf komplexer Schaltwerke

by S. Wendt

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Showing 82,826 through 82,850 of 83,248 results