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Revise BTEC National Creative Digital Media Production Revision Guide (REVISE BTEC Nationals in Creative Digital Media Production)

by Nigel Saunders

Our revision resources are the smart choice for those revising for the externally assessed units in Creative Digital Media Production BTEC Nationals from 2017. This book will help you to: • Revise all the essential content and key skills for each unit • Organise your revision with the one-topic-per-page format • Speed up your revision with helpful hints on how to tackle questions and tasks • Track your revision progress with at-a-glance check boxes • Check your understanding with annotated example responses • Practise with revision questions, with answers

Zip Drive and Disk (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib

This page shows images of a Zip disk and a Zip drive. They are separated by a thin vertical line. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. On the left is a top view of a Zip disk and to the right is a drive viewed from the top. Zip disk: This top view of a disk shows a cover at the top of the image. It slides to the left to give access to the magnetic disk inside the casing. There is a label at the bottom for listing the contents of the disk. Zip drive: On the right of the page is an image of the drive seen from the top. At the top of the image is the casing of the drive. Down the page is a clear window with part of a disk visible through it. At the bottom of the page is the remaining portion of the disk with an arrow to the left of it to show the disk being inserted. To the right of the disk are two indicator lights and an eject button. On the right hand edge of the image, at the top and bottom, are two rubber feet to stand the drive on.

Zip Drive and Disk (UEB contracted)

by Rnib

This page shows images of a Zip disk and a Zip drive. They are separated by a thin vertical line. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. On the left is a top view of a Zip disk and to the right is a drive viewed from the top. Zip disk: This top view of a disk shows a cover at the top of the image. It slides to the left to give access to the magnetic disk inside the casing. There is a label at the bottom for listing the contents of the disk. Zip drive: On the right of the page is an image of the drive seen from the top. At the top of the image is the casing of the drive. Down the page is a clear window with part of a disk visible through it. At the bottom of the page is the remaining portion of the disk with an arrow to the left of it to show the disk being inserted. To the right of the disk are two indicator lights and an eject button. On the right hand edge of the image, at the top and bottom, are two rubber feet to stand the drive on.

Zip Drive and Disk (large print)

by Rnib

This page shows images of a Zip disk and a Zip drive. They are separated by a thin vertical line. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. On the left is a top view of a Zip disk and to the right is a drive viewed from the top. Zip disk: This top view of a disk shows a cover at the top of the image. It slides to the left to give access to the magnetic disk inside the casing. There is a label at the bottom for listing the contents of the disk. Zip drive: On the right of the page is an image of the drive seen from the top. At the top of the image is the casing of the drive. Down the page is a clear window with part of a disk visible through it. At the bottom of the page is the remaining portion of the disk with an arrow to the left of it to show the disk being inserted. To the right of the disk are two indicator lights and an eject button. On the right hand edge of the image, at the top and bottom, are two rubber feet to stand the drive on.

Wide Area Network (tactile)

by Rnib

This diagram shows a wide area network. In the centre of the diagram there are 5 nodes connected together. The is a computer connected to a node on the left, and a computer connected to a node on the right.

Virtual Memory (tactile)

by Rnib

This diagram shows an example of virtual memory. The parts that are labelled are: page; offset; pages table; +; memory.

Typeface Size and Categories (UEB contracted)

by Rnib

This page shows printed characters (letters) in three different type sizes, and two of the main classes of typeface: serif and san-serif (without serifs). There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. In the top portion of the page there are three groups of characters increasing in size from 24 point on the left to 72 point on the right. At the bottom left of the page is a capital A with serifs, and on the right another A with no serifs.

Typeface Size and Categories (large print)

by Rnib

This page shows printed characters (letters) in three different type sizes, and two of the main classes of typeface: serif and san-serif (without serifs). There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. In the top portion of the page there are three groups of characters increasing in size from 24 point on the left to 72 point on the right. At the bottom left of the page is a capital A with serifs, and on the right another A with no serifs.

Typeface Size and Categories (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib

This page shows printed characters (letters) in three different type sizes, and two of the main classes of typeface: serif and san-serif (without serifs). There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. In the top portion of the page there are three groups of characters increasing in size from 24 point on the left to 72 point on the right. At the bottom left of the page is a capital A with serifs, and on the right another A with no serifs.

Type Styles (UEB contracted)

by Rnib

This page shows printed characters (letters) in two typefaces, Times New Roman and San-serif. Both are presented in regular, italic, bold and bold italic type styles, all in upper and lower case. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. Across the top half of the page is Times New Roman in 72 point size. Across the bottom half of the page is San- serif in 72 point size.

Type Styles (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib

This page shows printed characters (letters) in two typefaces, Times New Roman and San-serif. Both are presented in regular, italic, bold and bold italic type styles, all in upper and lower case. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. Across the top half of the page is Times New Roman in 72 point size. Across the bottom half of the page is San-serif in 72 point size.

Type Styles (large print)

by Rnib

This page shows printed characters (letters) in two typefaces, Times New Roman and San-serif. Both are presented in regular, italic, bold and bold italic type styles, all in upper and lower case. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. Across the top half of the page is Times New Roman in 72 point size. Across the bottom half of the page is San- serif in 72 point size.

Transmission Medium (tactile)

by Rnib

This diagram shows a high speed medium. 4 routers are linked in an elipse. The line connecting them is labelled as a high-speed backbone. A hub is joined onto the bottom router and has 3 pcs coming from it. The links from pc to hub are labelled ethernet.

Theme Park Project - Schematic and Flowchart (tactile)

by Rnib

This diagram shows a schematic and flowchart for a theme park project. Page 1 shows the schematic and page 2 shows the flowchart.

Token Ring (tactile)

by Rnib

This diagram shows a token ring network. The arrows between computers represent network connections and direction.

Text Alignment (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib

This page shows four examples of text alignment: left aligned, centred, right aligned and fully justified. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. Left aligned text is shown in the top left quarter of the page; centred in the top right; right aligned at the bottom left and justified at the bottom right. Each example is labelled and has a short description.

Text Alignment (UEB contracted)

by Rnib

This page shows four examples of text alignment: left aligned, centred, right aligned and fully justified. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. Left aligned text is shown in the top left quarter of the page; centred in the top right; right aligned at the bottom left and justified at the bottom right. Each example is labelled and has a short description.

Text Alignment (large print)

by Rnib

This page shows four examples of text alignment: left aligned, centred, right aligned and fully justified. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. Left aligned text is shown in the top left quarter of the page; centred in the top right; right aligned at the bottom left and justified at the bottom right. Each example is labelled and has a short description.

System Diagrams - Example (tactile)

by Rnib

This diagram shows a flow chart for a system diagram example.

System Design Symbols (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib

This page shows a selection of symbols used in flow charts for the design of computer systems and networks. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. The symbols are arranged in three vertical columns separated by dashed vertical lines. Each symbol has a label showing its function. The column on the left of the page contains storage symbols; the central column shows other symbols, and the right hand column manual processes.

System Design Symbols (UEB contracted)

by Rnib

This page shows a selection of symbols used in flow charts for the design of computer systems and networks. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. The symbols are arranged in three vertical columns separated by dashed vertical lines. Each symbol has a label showing its function. The column on the left of the page contains storage symbols; the central column shows other symbols, and the right hand column manual processes.

System Design Symbols (large print)

by Rnib

This page shows a selection of symbols used in flow charts for the design of computer systems and networks. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. The symbols are arranged in three vertical columns separated by dashed vertical lines. Each symbol has a label showing its function. The column on the left of the page contains storage symbols; the central column shows other symbols, and the right hand column manual processes.

Syntax Diagram (tactile)

by Rnib

This diagram shows two syntax diagrams over two pages.

Star Network (tactile)

by Rnib

" This diagram shows a star network. There are 5 computers which are labelled. Between the centre computer and outer computers there are arrows which represent their connections.

Star Computer Network (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib

This is a diagram showing computers connected together in a star network configuration. The central computer and each workstation are represented by rectangles. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. The central computer is in the middle of the page shown in a striped texture. It is connected by lines to the workstations in each corner of the page, with arrows showing data being sent to and from the central server.

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